Minecraft, But there’s PEPPA PIG Hearts…

this is Peppa Pig my favorite childhood cartoon but wait why is she getting closer to me hey yo Peppa what you doing in my crib get out of here I don’t got time for your cartoons play with me sorry Peppa but nuh-uh want W to you get fished in the face ah time to go back to wait what’s that noise and wait is that a portal no what’s happening I’m going to die I’m sorry Peppa did I just land in poop has fallen into the Peppa Pig world was that the voice in my head wait what the why am I a fox and why does the world look like it was drawn by a 5-year-old bro what where am I Peppa take me back to my home this is my little brother George yeah no duh let’s play together bro I don’t want to play please just take me home wait who stop she’s taking my heart one by one Peppa snatched all of my hearts away give them back you greedy Pig I’ll give them back if you play with me and my friends have fun wait no no no you can’t leave me here Peppa no no no I’m just a fox in a pile of poop in a cartoon Universe wait she said this is her little brother George George help me out of here right now okay I forgot George is the stupidest character in Peppa Pig there’s no way I’m going to be able to tell him to do something like that maybe we can like just go catch up to Peppa wait I’m even slower in the pooy stinky mud maybe that’s why George isn’t moving he’s stuck here too but then how are we going to get out of this road wait maybe I’ve got an item that can I could build my way out or I could use the fishing rod George I’m going to take you hostage and make your sister come back here and give me all my hearts back what wait what is that what oh what poor George cry about it fire light has upset George pig thank you narrator we got that but wait why did I get a heart does that mean Peppa’s giving her Hearts to all of her family and friends and wait I just got an item too yellow vacuum head what does this thing do maybe I can suck up the poop collect all vacuum parts to craft Pepper’s vacuum what okay what is this Mr dinosaur’s feet hold on let me try these things out yo we just did a massive dinosaur leap don’t I’m clumping around everywhere my dinosaur kick yo these things are sick um George you’re going to have to stay here in the mud um have some pork chops I promise I didn’t get it from Peppa anyway have fun bye-bye George now it’s time to take down Peppa I want my revenge give me my heart back you stupid Pink Pig this is Peppa’s house from the Peppa Pig show Peppa give me my heart back locked let me in if I can’t go in that way then maybe we can find a back entrance somehow I mean there’s there’s Windows here maybe I can like smash the windows and take Peppa down wait there’s pepper right there I’m coming for you Peppa but I can’t get in just yet maybe I need to find another heart Maybe maybe they’ll give me an item to let me in the house or even I could ask one of our family and friends wait is that Daddy Pig yo what’s good daddy pig um can you tell me how to get into your house cuz like I’m kind of cold out here and I just want to go and um Pat pepper on the head ow what was that what are these like Snot balls coming at me bro how do we even get past this um daddy pig listen I’m sorry I don’t want to violite deflects the snort ball thank you narrator I can see that all right narat why don’t you try and narrate this thing that 36 snotball deflecto okay that was embarrassing thank goodness narrator didn’t narrate that all right here we go come on and W take that Daddy Pig and another one and another one yeah take that Daddy Pig what okay you win you’re a weird dude daddy pig but we got the daddy pig H now tell me how do I get into your house no nothing well I I got his glasses I guess bro I can see just fine thank you what are you trying to say wait over there is that the play group from Peppa Pig yo all of Peppa’s friends go there surely one of them has to know how to get into the house right what was that mommy pig just fell from the sky you need to eat your veggies come here how does she want me to eat my veggies bro and why is she rolling at me oh my gosh oh my go she’s going to crush me the chunky woman no no no ow ow ow that hurt maybe we can use our daddy big glasses I don’t know wait yo this knocks her back that’s giving us time but it’s not getting rid of her we got to run owow ow ow my butt go go go go go go go no no no I’m just a humble Fox I don’t have the wrist power to deal with this mommy pig’s brain has fried she has gone the skiy she’s a menace to society surely someone in play grp can help me right oh my gosh how is she going so fast no stay back lady back wait they came back to me like a boomerang yo we can just Spam it I’mma come back like a boomerang I I I look we don’t we’ seen JoJo Sean nowadays cuz we’re scared of this giant Mummy Pig chasing me with her rolling butt wait maybe we like push her off the Edge a little bit bro I don’t want to kill her but I just want to get rid of her she’s a crazy woman get off get off yes back her off yes wait did we kill Mummy Pig oh no I’m a mder Mummy Pig has survived the fall next time eat your vegetables wait thank you narrator wait we got the mummy pig heart guys yes what do we get rolling mom roll over things look I don’t know what that does but sure we’ll just run with it now to the play center those are Peppa Pig’s friends they’re all going inside the play maybe the play people can tell me how to get into Peppa’s house or give me an item that does that all right children show me the what just happened where am I Su sheep is hiding somewhere in these rooms wait we got to find Suzie Sheep guys but why am I in this tiny room bro I thought the play group was massive okay so there’s two ways we can go I guess we go this way e is this poop yo I thought this was play group not poop group why are we literally inside of a sewer right now come and find me okay we need to go somewh other the way uh left right left right someone comment down below which one H I’m going to go right okay okay okay what the Ambush booby trap booby why are these guys here okay no no no we need to be careful we need to be careful there’s zombies in our play group this is not safe for kids okay I don’t even know how I’m going to get down there there’s a door over there what do I do bro maybe I could use the rolling mum I don’t even know if this will work but let’s try it go yes it killed the zombies yes wait there Suzie Sheep bro he’s hopping around wait where is she going where is she going no catch that sheep catch that sheep wait she went through this door but she took the button with her and I can’t break the blocks bro this person is scamming us okay maybe I just go through this way I guess what the Parkour in no one’s mind could you convince me that this was ever a playr grp for children okay we don’t got time though we got to catch up to Su she’s trying to be playing games with me and I ain’t here to play no games more zombies really okay bro yeah yeah roll over here wait roll we could use the roll again but it’s already got half durability I don’t know if I want to use it again guys but there’s no buttons on any of these doors I won’t be able to get out of here okay come on come on come on move over this way okay it might be a stretch guys but we got to do it I don’t want to use all my item but we’re going to die on The W St mommy yes okay now where is Susie there she is let’s get her let’s get suszie ow ow ow fire inside of a play group we got to catch up to suie maybe suie set these traps for us how does a kid even know to do this bro throw a bucket at me okay no we don’t have time for this suszie sheep I’m here to take you down I see you L lamp give me that heart you’re a cheater yeah and you’re a s loser Suzie more like losy Peppa Pig will not be happy about this bro I don’t care about Peppa I got a burn to pick with her wait true do you know how to get into Peppa’s house Susie I don’t know ask someone else oh bro she’s beating us all loser still but wait we got two new items su’s umbrella and the green vacuum pipe we are so close to being able to craft the vacuum all right now we got to find some way out of this death trap of a play group dude how do I even get out of this place maybe it’s this way uh somewhere how does this fit inside of a play group are those carrots it’s what Mommy Pig meant by eat your vegetables bro I don’t want to eat my vegetables they’re deadly giraffe is stuck in the middle of the bridge oh there he is you need to save him I don’t want to get knocked by these carrots bro they’re literally creating holes in this giraffe looking Bridge bro Gerald I’ll save you buddy and then please let me into Peppa’s house yo um so now what oh you’re you’re just going to follow me okay wait we got su’s umbrella let me try this thing Gerald stick close by me I don’t know if this will work oh my gosh here they come yo it’s defending us Gerald okay Stick by Me stick by papy Ethan and he will save you with his umbrella Mary Poppins Powers oh no we can’t go that way Gerald come around this way with me oh my gosh there’s so many carrots everywhere dude we got to be so careful hold the umbrella up come on Gerald we got this it’s going to fall right next to to us quick quick quick quick quick go go go go yes Gerald wait we got Gerald’s heart thank you for saving me yo it’s okay I got you f give me that heart and thank you oh I guess Rebecca rabbit has a crush on Gerald um hey by the way do you either of you guys know how to get into Peppa’s house I just want to have a friendly talk no maybe talk to the teacher well where’s the teacher narrator where is the teacher at nothing yo but we got two new items okay hopefully that’ll help us find the teacher thank you guys what the end of the world wait is that Madame Gazelle she’s the teacher she’s Peppa Pig’s teacher she can help us Zoe Zebra and Madame Gazelle are stuck on that tree thanks narator Miss zebra just told us that wait what is that what is that ow ow ow ow ow why is there fire coming for me wo wo wo this is not fire this is not cash money this tree is Spitting Fire and I’m not talking about spitting bars what how do we get them out of this if the tree is evil can we kit it with the glasses maybe well I guess I’m not going to be able to see anymore wait the carrot fan this could work take this stupid tree yes it works like a charm don’t worry M gazelle and Zoe Zebra your savior is here oh yeah we are cash money right now and now all we have to do is just go on ahead and climb the tree wait did I just see that right guys the fire’s coming back this is not good what call the firefighters I’m Fire Light I like fires what how do we beat this the carrot fan sucks dookies um wait body stretch Gerald wait maybe we can make oursel tall using Gerald’s thing I mean he’s a tall kind of guy let’s give it a shot I’m being stretched to the next level I’m wide boy I got the thick cake and back gu go down wait so it makes me grow for a bit but maybe that’s long enough for me to grab them okay let’s blow out the fire real quick cuz I do not want to die to this as I’m going up there all right go go go go and then let’s just come under the tree this is roughly where Zoe was I think I’m Coming For You Zoe yo we do it yes don’t worry madelle I’ll be back yes okay we got Zoe now what we got to do put the fire out put the fire out make sure it goes out okay here we go Madame gelle I’m coming for you call me the rizzler I’m here to give you a big smoose yeah that’s right I’m not going to do that I’m pretty sure she’s an old woman yes thank you the key to Peppa Pig’s house the key to Peppa Pig’s house yes we finally got it here have all the pork chop you need trust me I didn’t sauce it from Peppa give me that Madam gazelle heart and give me that Zoe Zebra heart m m m- but now it’s time I’m coming for you Peppa we got out finally and there’s Peppa’s house but it’s so far away okay surely I’ve got an item I can use right what did we just get the gazelle Rider and the zebra Crosser yo wait the gazelle Rider I be sitting on gazelle’s head let’s go Madam gazelle sorry I haven’t showered in a little bit my butt might be stanky but also yo we are zooming this is so good for transport wait who is this old fart is that Grandpa Pig hey y grandpa pig let me in the house real quick my homie don’t come any closer Peppa Pig is busy Grandpa Pig is blocking the entrance thank you narrator I know I lost Daddy Pig’s glasses but I can see that Grandpa Pig is blocking the entrance okay well he’s kind of slow with his slow old man legs comment down below if you’re an old man if you’re not just say you’re cool oh my gosh we got to avoid this guy though Madame Gazelle use the speed okay wait maybe we can like use the fan on him blow away the old fart I thought that would work in my head but it did not work okay wait you know I’m going to terrify him get out of my way Grandpa Pig I’m the tallest man alive yeah what are you going to do now huh huh what are you going to do now ow apparently you’re just going to punch me in the crotch that was very uncomfortable a okay uh Zoe Zebra Crossing will this work you it’s the whole zebra family bro daddy pig they’re probably taking you to a retirement village or something um but we got the daddy pig H wait what did we just get we got another vacuum PT let’s go and the sailor hat yo and it even shoots bubl D but we don’t got time for that right now we got to take down the Peppa Pig I’m here Peppa let me in and give me my heart back coming around are we no I did not enjoy playing with your friends yes I got all of the hearts except the one that you have that is my original heart give them back I’m not giving you my hearts back bro they’re my hearts why would I give them to you you stole them what just happened why did the house just turned cursed uh he had a knife Peppa Pig has turned into Peppa pig.exe what sorry narrator turn into Peppa pig.exe good luck I don’t want to play with you she’s a fullon boss oh my gosh no no no we got to run away from her hide in the uh bathroom where’s the bathroom I need to pee myself quick get on the toilet okay nope this is not working run away run away oh my gosh narrator um what do I do please help me somehow okay narrator’s abandon me great uh fan no didn’t do anything uh what if we use the the glasses push her back it it literally doesn’t even work on it it pulled her towards me okay that’s not what we want uh Zoe Zebra go Zoe Zebra just ran away she just got too terrified Madame Gazelle please get me out of here get me out of here I can’t fit out the window so this must be it Peppa pig.exe was the one that stole my heart it’s not the real Peppa Pig that’s why all the friends were so scared of her cuz she must have threatened them okay dude we got to think of something maybe the Sailor cat can do something here please what H her in the face okay that’s not working at all wait the vacuum we can finally craft the vacuum yes we got the vacuum Peppa Pig I’m about to take you down oh please work if this doesn’t work I’m so done for take this wait it’s working it’s working it’s taking your health down look at her boss bar yes yes wait I just sucked her head off oh uh Peppa yeah I’m sorry I look I I this is worse for me than is for you wait it’s it’s daytime and she’s back to normal we sucked out all of her evil we did it it we’re free from the Peppa Pig Universe yes

You won’t BELIEVE this SUPER POWER Peppa Pig, Daddy, George, Mommy, SUZY and MORE Hearts in Minecraft! Trust me watch until the end!

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🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: play.eyserver.com
You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac)

💙 Huge thanks and credit to these awesome creators for inspiring today’s video: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_UilMRDHRNSZ3VyzxhW0fQ6_T5GfizFUlMGCI20vPGI/edit?usp=sharing
🎵 Music from: http://share.epidemicsound.com/wn87w

#Firelight #Minecraft


  1. Guess the song

    I can't lose when I'm with you
    How can I snooze and miss moment
    You're just to important nobody nobody like you do
    I can't lose when I'm with
    I can't just snooze and miss moment
    You're just important nobody nobody like you do,you do

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