Johnny FORGETS His Friends In Minecraft!

all right everybody take your seats it’s time to start science class we’re going to be doing a cool experiment today so everybody find a partner oh Gooby do you want to be my partner yeah wait what hold on guys I need a partner there’s no one else in the class Gooby be my partner instead yeah no Gooby be my partner yeah what no Gooby be my partner though no have to be my partner d h can I be two people’s Partners no Gooby just just sit down oh but Mr grumes I don’t have a partner well Johnny don’t worry because today’s your lucky day we got a new student joining us new student yeah his name’s Ernie well where is he I don’t know he’s late on his first day Ernie Ernie where are you I’m sorry I’m sorry oh God this is so embarrassing I’m so late oh gosh not this guy sorry teacher um my mom got me off really late wait our cousin only is in the class yeah Gooby I think he just joined our school um where do I sit go ahead and sit in the middle you can be Johnny’s partner oh yeah this is going to be so much fun what are we doing teacher I need new partner I’d rather just be by myself please get him out of your class no you need a partner for this experiment we’re making potions today ooh potions that sounds awesome yeah yeah it’s going to be great all right now everybody send someone from me your team to collect some stuff from this box up here o I want to go can I do it can I do it yes Ernie you can go and collect the stuff in the chest yay I want to get off I want to get all hurry up everybody hurry up okay okay I’m going back to my seat all right Ernie what did you get so I got I got some NE W some sugar gun Powers GL give me some give me some okay you can take this stuff you can take the water bottle too start up I’m the smart one here so I’ll be making all the potions all right okay you want all the stuff then yes give me it I’m already cooking something up I don’t even know what’s happening okay whatever you say just don’t explode the experiment okay okay I’m putting nether warts in there uh put some of this in here something’s working teacher something’s working that’s very good very good hey Daisy Gooby how is your little experiment coming along it’s turning out really good so far well AR is going to be better no it’s not KY make sure you add all that good stuff I just watch I’m going to add everything Gooby yes um teacher um our potion machine is making a lot of smoke is that normal yeah yeah yeah it expects it to get a little hot when you’re putting all the ingredients in there well can you look at our experiment make sure we did it right I made a potion of fire resistance is that good yeah yeah it looks fine good job I don’t know Mr teacher it’s kind of like really really hot that’s normal okay I guess we just keep going you made an extra Smokey potion good job oh thanks Gooby I feel like it might explode what are you talking about it’s not going to explode I’ve never seen it do that before well Mr Grumple said it’s okay so we said to keep going all right I’m going to add some more ingredients in I’m going to put sugar in next or wait I’m going to put this in wait I made a splash potion of fire resistance that is so cool Johnny give me something to put in there I haven’t done nothing yet ooh I got an idea Ernie stay there okay we just go over here all right Ernie I got you an apple I stole it off the teacher’s desk you want me to do what with this now put the Apple in the post maker it’s going to make an apple potion okay all right Ernie do it do it do it okay it’s in here guys I don’t think you were supposed to be shaking what did you guys put in there oh it was just Mr Grump’s Apple it was an accident I swear well make it stop I don’t know how to go everybody back up what are you doing we’re making a science experiment Mr go I think it’s going to explode back up it’s not going to explode everybody [Music] hide oh oh gosh what happened who are you where am I oh Johnny you’re awake good awake from what I I didn’t know I was sleeping oh God my head kind of hurts a little bit Johnny you don’t remember you were in a big accident in the science room oh big accient acent wait what’s this Johnny person that you’re even talking about oh this is worse than I thought you don’t even remember your own name who are you people what are you doing staring at me look I’m your doctor and I’m here to help you I have some of your friends here that are really worried about you friends here let me bring them in Friends come on in here hi Johnny are you okay what hey why are you guys calling me by this Johnny person Johnny Johnny we were so worried and your head was exploding and you die who are you people stop talking to me it’s me Daisy and this is Gooby hello I don’t know any Daisy I don’t know any Gooby stop talking to me right now what do you mean we’re your best friends no I’m just going to face the wall uh-huh good luck talking to my butt hey I think he’s mad at us why doesn’t he remember us I don’t know this is really weird I think that explosion mess with your head guys no explosion happened what are you talking about everyone leave my room right now now doctor get these strangers out of my room Uh something’s going on with him let’s just leave him alone for a little bit oh okay bye Johnny no no he’s all friend he has to believe us believe us hey oh my God he’s a psycho get him out of my room Johnny I think you need to get some rest clearly something is wrong with your head right now what how about you don’t tell me what to do doctor uh I I’m your doctor I I have to tell you what to do fine doctor I’ll get some rest just leave me alone alone don’t worry he’ll be good as new in a couple days oh my goodness is so stupid all these random people I’m inan this random room you know what I’m not going to be in here like a pet dog I’m going to escape this place ooh there’s a nice little window right here let me just perfect yes I’m out I’m free I’m free oh hello there Mr Chicken nice to meet you H I don’t even know where I’m going right now ooh food I’m going to eat these oh these taste really good oh gosh oh oh God it’s raining this is not good I need to find some cover oh God no no no no no I’m getting all wet this is really not good wait a minute what is this it looks like a house wait a second I kind of remember this house this looks familiar wait this is is my house I live here oh perfect all right I’m just going to go inside and cover myself up from this rain Yep this definitely looks familiar all right let me just go up to my room real quick wow home sweet home it’s got the yellow and everything but wait what is this why would I place down two pieces and then make it blue nope this is not mine nope don’t want it get rid of all this don’t need this poop ah there we go that’s much better hello hello who’s up here what oh who is that guy oh my God stranger danger stranger danger someone’s in my house Johnny what’s going on why you screaming like that oh my God there’s a stranger at my house what are you doing take those take that why are you screaming like an idiot hey hey hey what are you doing what are you doing put me down put me down relax relax relax I’m not even hurt you what are you doing at my house I will I will call the police on you I live here okay I am your father you are not my father I don’t know who you are get out of here I am Marty you don’t remember me Che farty shoe hey my name is Marty not farty I don’t care what your name is leave my house right now I will put you a timeout if you don’t remember me knock it off I’ll put you in timeout if you don’t leave get out all right knock it off you know what oh here oh my god get away stop running in circles oh put me down put me down putting you a timeout in your room no you stay right here hey we got a runner we got a runner get away from me oh perfect hey hey let me out no you need to remember who I am and stop playing this stupid game this is a dumb prank I don’t appreciate this you can’t trap me in my own house this is my house I don’t even know who you are some prank you’re playing on me Johnny well guess what you’re not getting this house by yourself let me out somebody please help me anybody Johnny I don’t understand what’s happening okay no one’s going to come and save you I owe this house why does everyone keep calling me this Johnny person my name is uh uh Lantern Lantern are you okay did something happened to you actually my name is Wolf Wolf some name you got there actually my name is uh Mouse Wolf Hold on your name is Lantern wolf Mouse yes that’s a dumb dumb name you know I got to go find Daisy and Gooby and see what happened to you no let me out let me out please s come back here you have fun no sir come back here I can’t believe this random bald hobo came into my house and locked me in a room I don’t even know what room this is why would I have a pink room in my house you know what let me just do some redecorating while I’m at it let’s destroy all this don’t need this poopy pink bed cuz I’m not a girl all this stuff I’ll keep though I’m going to play Nintendo switch I got nothing else better to do besides sit here and play video games hopefully this old man comes up here lets me out you’re so stupid I’m play my video games all right Johnny I got two of your best friends here okay I got Daisy and I got Gooby now guys what happened to Johnny well when we were at school today we were doing science projects and Ernie my name gobby’s cousin was there and I think he messed up the potion and it exploded in Johnny’s face and now he doesn’t remember anything who are these people let me out of here can you stop screaming okay these are your best friends they live inside the house with us those are not not my best friends I don’t know those freaks yes you do wait a minute you destroyed my room especially that one with the slobber coming out of his mouth that’s a weirdo Johnny you have to remember us okay why is this hobo no life crying in my house hey don’t be mean to Gooby it’s going to be okay Gooby okay Johnny’s going to get better never going to remember it ever again you better mop up the floor with all those tears guys this is not looking good it seems like Johnny lost all of his memory of us and we we need to help him we need to save him well how are we supposed to do that the doctors couldn’t do anything H maybe we bring him the hobby o yeah we’re Gooby get shrimp to yeah exactly but we kind of have to gain this kid’s trust cuz it seems like he’s kind of going a wall or we just kidnap him yeah we could do that but I have chocolate cake maybe he’ll like trust us cuz I have this chocolate cake I’ll give it to him and then we just grab him and run with him bring him to hobby oh yeah Johnny loves chocolate cake even if he doesn’t remember good luck at me guys exactly okay I got chocol cake oh hey um Lantern wolf Mouse I got something for you stop talking to me knock it off playing my video games you my corner hey turn around what the heck oh my God what are you going to do to me I’m going to do nothing to you I have a peace offering okay I got some chocolate cake here there we go not my house knock it off I’m trying to make peace with you look I got this cake I got that cake ooh I love chocolate cake it’s my favorite yeah we just want to be friendly right guys guys we’re only here to be your friends that was really good okay all right thank you hey no okay this is not going as planned Johnny knock it off get away from me knock it off double grab him this is the only way we can bring the H yes I’m escaping we got a runner I’m going to get him get away from me get away come here oh you’re quarter now no I’m not put me down ah stranger danger guys we have to bring him to Hobby’s house help me don’t worry Johnny we’re going to fix you up and everything’s going to be okay all right this is not all right put me down you guys are going to go to jail for this all right John we’re finally at Hobby’s Hut he’s going to fix you right up put me down you stop struggling you know what I’m just going to start pooping in your [Music] face that’s so gross finally you put me down all right follow us we’re going to fix you follow you I’m just going to go this way come on just going to go this way just going to follow you you have to get fixed you have to come with us I’m just trying to follow you guys I was just going the right direction I thought no you wer Johnny something SWS your head and if you don’t let us help you you’re going to be suck like this forever there’s nothing wrong with my head you guys are just crazy people that that kidnapped me no we’re not we’re your family we’re trying to save your life okay he’s being a kid me down go this l oh okay fine up this stupid ladder don’t wor this like a magical little hobbit man that has all these cool things this person right here I don’t believe it well hey there Johnny what seems to be the problem today my name is not Johnny it’s actually a fireplace no it’s not it’s Lantern wolf Mouse that’s what he’s calling himself cuz something’s wrong with him hobby spell earth it’s Earth Bell well you got some memory problems eh I think I got a couple things I can help yeah hobby it’s it’s really really bad he can’t remember anything he can’t remember our names he barely knows where he is and he’s just freaking out let me see what I got for you oh gosh okay fine I guess I’m just going to follow this little small man yeah follow him upstairs Johnny or whatever your name is let’s see here I got things in this chest uh oh okay okay this could be good why don’t you try some of these here potions but first uh can I get a little help here just a a little bit of assistance thank you very much okay here try this what is that ow you just threw glass at me did it work no no it’s a potion here well let me just a little chill chill chill I don’t think it’s working are you fix seem very agitated you’re just making me angry okay okay that didn’t work but how about uh here eat this spider eye oh heck no this little guy is not going to tell me eat a spider eye you guys are crazy joh eat it just eat it it’s like a Gummy Bear yeah you’re a hobo you need food there you go no it’s not meant for me you idiot you eat it Johnny it’s like medicine you got to just put it in your mouth and just swallow it listen here Mister my name is not Johnny it’s uh it’s flower pot can you stop at the stupid names gosh just eat the stupid spider eye okay fine I’ll only eat this spider eye if you guys agree to let me go no all right then I’m not eating the spider eye fine fine fine fine yeah sure he better bring his memory back hobby all right here we go I’m going to take one bite oh oh God I’m poisoned oh God this is really not good oh God did you remember us now oh oh gosh no I do not remember you guys now let me leave that was a part of the deal wait wait uh that was only half here eat this poison apple as well oh my goodness I’m not eating this it will cancel out the effects and bring your memory back oh gosh here I go oh God no uh-uh uhuh it’s really bad it’s rotten I thought that would work for sure hobby you got to take this more serious this is my best friends on the line yeah hobby what are we even doing here this is a waste of time hobby I’m trying to save my son’s life and and you just keep giving him riding stuff give him like a cool potion uh give him uh something that you’ll find from like a a witch or something come on hey hey who’s the expert here I’m doing the best I can you guys I got all the best potions and remedies and I’m using them at the fullest extent of my power get more like it guys where’s Johnny where you go John here he’s running away Johnny will’ll get you yes I’m free again let’s go I need to run run run quick oh gosh all this walking is getting me super super hungry well I can’t eat dirt in grass so I’m going to have to figure something out ooh there’s a house here maybe I go inside and ask if there’s anyone home and they could feed me food oh yeah that’s a good idea hello hello is anybody here who goes de okay chill chill chill bro why do you have a sword in your hand hold on Johnny I didn’t know that was you what are you doing here for goodness sake why is everyone calling me Johnny my name is computerman that’s a stupid name that’s really stupid no it’s not a stupid name it’s uh my name is actually uh uh picture frame okay well whatever your name is I just I just wanted to say sorry um I feel really really bad about the incident at school with you know the science experiment blowing up in your face and I think that’s why you’re acting so weird wait science experiment um uh mister can you take that helmet off for second oh okay as my D helmet I know you your name is Ernie wait a second you actually remember me yes yes I remember you and I’m really angry you put that Apple inside that science experiment and you blew up in my face okay okay I’m sorry I’m sorry at least you remember now yeah at least I do remember wait a second since you’re here do you want to play some DND D with me no I’m not playing that stupid Dungeons and Dragons game no Ernie I’m not this game this is such a fun game I can make it up to you I’ll let you win and defeat you know the big dragon at the end I’m starting to remember how weird of a person you are I’m not that weird okay relax hold on if I offer you some of this Lobster juice wait what give me that Lobster juice yeah Lobster juice is so good lobster juice wait this kind of reminds me of shrimp juice that’s something that my friend Gooby loves to drink hey yie I’m here for TT I’m ready wait a minute I know you your name is Gooby waa wait daddy you remember me yes yes Gooby I know exactly who you are now yes so cute thanks to Ernie showing me this Lobster juice I thought of you drinking shrimp juice you juice that’s terrible aie why would you drink that what do you mean you like the stupid shrimp juice this a lot better than that yeah shrimp juice is way better than Lobster juice no it’s not yes it is well guys it doesn’t matter because I remember you guys well I mean that’s your relief I mean oh oh do you still remember like everybody else do you even know who your friends are um uh I just know you and Gooby right now well um one of your best friends is my sister you can just remember oh M I don’t know Gooby I don’t really remember her though come on let’s just go outside and go talk to her somewhere okay well where is this person uh I don’t know she might be went back home let’s just go back home and see if she’s there okay Gooby I’ll uh I’ll follow you okay yeah Johnny will almost home and then we’re going to see Jayy and MDI your best friends all right Gooby wait wait Gooby stop stop stop what who is that hot girl over there picking flowers uh this is a cow no not that Gooby put the cow down oh gosh I’m kind of nervous that girl looks really really hot wait that’s a chicken Gooby I’m talking about that girl in the flowerfield wait do you mean Daisy that’s Daisy my sister wait that’s your sister yeah Daisy Daisy johny’s back you remember me wait a minute I think I know who you are as well you’re Daisy wait you actually remember me yes I remember you look you’re picking flowers Daisy loves to pick flowers you did yeah but you would say really weird before what was he saying he was like Hey look at that hot chick over there no Gooby gooby I was just talking about uh the chicken that that was over there okay let’s just uh let’s just go meet the next person but I thought you said uh no that didn’t happen Gooby all right let’s go over here wait now that you remember me we have to see remember your daddy come on wait um guys I don’t think I actually have a daddy though yes you do trust me um all right I’ll Trust you guys Marty Marty guys I don’t know why would bring him back here it’s useless he’s never going to remember me why such a stranger in our house get him out no Johnny it’s okay that’s your daddy I’m not a stranger okay I am your father all right you’re going to listen to me buddy you got to relax yo he will remember us now you just have to remind him of stuff that you like and you know like well who you are yeah this is Gooby and this is Daisy but you you’re a stranger get out hey that’s hurtful that’s really hurt you’re not my father and you’re not going to tell me what to do wait Johny see remember like how mean and yelling he is and he’s super fat and bald wait fat and bald yeah he smells really bad and he eats a lot of McDonald’s and he’s always yelling at us hm this is sounding kind of familiar keep going Gooby uh and sometimes you call him faulty Maly because he fault and uh well you just said you did wait farty Marty daddy that’s you Johnny this is the best day of my life you actually finally remember me yes we’re a family again of course I’m going to remember my daddy how can I ever forget yeah I remember how bald smelly fat ugly you are funny joke the colored is terrible on you guys I can’t believe it worked we fixed Johnny he remembers us all yay wait hold on my name is not Johnny my name is uh red couch man oh no wait no I really really don’t wait I have a really good idea this is going to make you remember who you are okay what’s the idea you just have to do an outro for a video oh oh yeah you’re right remember you go like just you looking at yourself and you just like okay so if you like the video hit the like button all right Gooby let me try it let me see if it works well if you guys enjoyed watching this video then make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe I think it worked guys I know exactly who I am again yay woohoo yeah guys my name is uh Jam toaster knife no no

Today, Johnny FORGETS his friends in Minecraft after a CRAZY ACCIDENT happens! Will Marty, Gooby or Daisy ever get Johnny to remember them again? Watch to the end to find out!

#johnny #minecraft #minecraftmod


  1. Nononono johnny is in love with daisy it swop 4 days he had a crush on johnny and now johnny has a crush on daisy because she said daisy so hot chick a yo sus as hell johny yes johnny is sus johnny has a crush on daisy before daisy had a crush on him now it's swap becky has a cross on johnny and johnny yes a crush on daisy and then before they she had a crush on him but not anymore

  2. Wait a minute did johnny just said that daisy is a hot girl huhhhhhhhhhh because when they were making a superhero movie and when they were going on a date johnny said noooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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