Don’t Choose the Wrong CUSTOM Pokémon Door in Pixelmon! (Minecraft)

today we can’t choose the wrong Legendary Pokémon door but this time the Legends are custom and they’re super overpowered each round will have three doors to choose from each with the different legendary behind them whatever door we choose we get to catch the legend that was behind it each round the legendaries are going to get way stronger so by the end we’ll pick fully custom legendaries and even legendary Fusion Pokémon once we open all the doors we’ll build teams and battle to decide the winner so Mr syud here we are at the custom Legend doors I am very excited oh my gosh dude I can’t wait let’s do this all right sir good luck let’s do it good luck here we are at the first round of doors first things first we have a fairy and grass Pokémon on the left is flying an electric okay and on the far right is a dark and flying Pokémon interesting and we got to make sure we pick a great Pokemon on this round cuz they’re custom textured legendaries on the left we have a grass and psychic Pokémon grass and psychic that could be celby it could be iron leaves okay hold on hold on I don’t want to cook too much we’re just getting started in the middle we have dragon fighting coridon I don’t know wait how many like dragon fighting legendary Pokemon are there I can’t really think of any other than kidon and I wouldn’t mind a little bit of a kidon in the first round on the right we have just straight up electric which I think could be zeraora it could be regii okay okay definitely not too bad options in any of these three but I think the dragon fighting if it’s kidon I have to go with that but let’s think about this dark and flying Legendary Pokémon first thing that pops into my head is evelt that could definitely fit this door keep that in our mind moving on to fairy and grass though what Pokémon is that trying to think of all the fairy Legends I know like xerus diany but none of those are grass maybe I have to come back to that one let’s try the flying and electric door this is a little more simple I think this could definitely be a Zapdos yeah that sounds right are there any other flying electric Pokémon I really can’t remember right now so I’m going to say maybe Zapdos on the left EV belel on the right fairy grass I have no idea what fairy grass is going to be so we’re just not going to pick it I’m sorry I hope this isn’t a really good Pokémon we’re going to lock in the dark and flying door hoping for an evelo I’m going to lock in this middle door and hope that there’s a cidon behind it but first things first we got to see what we missed out on behind the flying and electric door we have a oh no a thunderus not a Zapdos and look how cool this Thundurus is too the black and yellow looks amazing but unfortunately we have to wave by cuz we did not pick it and as for the fairy in Grass door we missed out on a how did I not think of this a crimson Tapo boulu the red looks so good on this Pokemon and he matches the door so there you go first let’s see what we missed out on oh Calli Rex dude I forgot about CI Rex and it’s not just any c Rex it is a floral textured C Rex honestly not even that cool looking I’m just going to close that door and you can say that forever and ever on the right we missed out on waa what I did not know this thing even existed it’s like a zero Ora but it it’s on fire apparently this is magma form zero Ora that looks insane and I’m honestly really jealous and I wish I picked that now time to see what Pokémon we did lock in behind this right door dark and flying show me EV Bel and and we have an evelt A corrupted evelt as you can see from the purple that looks insane but let’s see what Pokemon we ended up locking in hopefully it is that kidon show me the money 3 2 1 Boom Baby Shadow coridon yo that is pretty sick I will gladly take that he almost looks like emo and like Punk and gothy with his with his hair do in the front there let’s go dude I will take that and we now have our very own Cor up did evelt that looks so good dude well well well Mr cyber we’re on to the next rounde and I hope you got something good dude because sure did go I got something crazy something I don’t like the sound of that I’m going to be honest but here we go I’m going to get something better on this round good luck good luck so hopefully he’s lying to us and actually didn’t get something good but we have a steel and psychic door on the left in the middle we have dragon and ghost I feel like that should be so obvious but I have no idea let’s move on on the right we have psychic and dragon oo okay psychic and dragon is a pretty decent typing the first thing I think of is lidios and lattos there’s no way to tell if it’s lattos or lattos and I feel like that’s kind of risky as for the far left door another psychic Pokemon and I really don’t know I feel like the Steel type should really give this away but it’s not coming to me I need to think more but dragon and ghost I got to think about this again is it gutina this has to be a gutina we have electric on the left which again could be zero but there’s no way it’s z twice in a row so this must be a Reggie Ali there’s nothing else that it could possibly be there’s no other only electric legendary Pokemon in the game no I think that’s it it’s that has to be regil lucky and I I would love a regil lucky on my team to be honest in the middle of grass and fighting that’s got to be Verizion I thought that this one was iron leaves cuz it was grass and psychic but this one is probably the normal form which is Verizion cuz I I don’t know of any other grass fighting Pokémon the route is grass and dark and then on the right we have ground and Dragon Z that’s got to be a Zygarde oh my wait I’m actually so good at this are you serious yeah I can’t think of another dragon and Ghost Pokemon that seems like we hit the nail on the head I don’t know is this lidios and lattos and if that is what is steel and psychic I really don’t know but with all that being said I think we’re going to lock in the dragon and ghost door hoping it’s a gutina so I want to pass up with the zygard I don’t want two dragon types instantly and also I don’t know if I want a fighting type either because Kon is fighting and dragon so really my only good option here is the straight up electric type Pokemon I hope it’s rcky because that would be really really strong first things first let’s start on the right see if my prediction was right show me lidios or laddio and it is look at this texture oh my gosh I believe this texture is called floral laddio and yeah he does look pretty flowery with all the pink but to be honest I’m not sad at all that we missed out on laddio let’s see the steel and psychic door cuz this one has me a lot more nervous but let’s find find out now what no how did I not think of Soul goo that is so obvious and I believe this texture is called real Soul Galo cuz it no looks like a lion even more no man that would have been so cool on the team everyone wave by to soo anyway let’s check out the Zygarde that we missed out on it is an ancient form Zygarde it looks amazing and I wish I could add it to the team but I can’t because I picked something else in the middle is this a Verizion it is corrupted Verizion that thing looks so sick the corrupted texture is I think one of the most underrated textures it looks like it’s being poison and now to see the legendary we did choose show me Gua man please just show me gutina yes there it is and I believe this is Shadow gutina as well which is very fitting to be honest but anyway let’s check out what Pokemon we ended up actually getting in 3 2 1 we got a leprechaun Raichu this is a St Patrick day Raichu why are his eyes like confused I can’t believe I forgot about Raichu that’s so sad I was like honestly I was like 99% sure it was going to be a reggi lucki it it looks like a Raichu Fus with bed I think it’s safe to say that I am pretty unhappy with that one welcome to the team Shadow gutina dude that is so sick oh baby I really hope you got something good on the last round my team is looking a little stacked I’m not going to lie what I will say arpus is I got something very lucky I wasn’t expecting it but I got very lucky with my Pokémon Lucky Block no it’s a lucky your mom all right next round we’re doing the round yep next round what does he know about my mom my mom is legendary just like these Pokémon but here we go we have ghost on the left in the middle o another single type psychic and on the right is fire and dragon first thing I I’m right away I’m thinking of riam that has to be riam right and honestly if it is that makes me pretty happy riam is a great Pokemon so fingers crossed it is we’ll move on now cuz ghost in psychic are going to be very tricky to figure out cuz there’s a few pure psychic Legends there’s Deoxys there’s Mew there’s Mewtwo and honestly I’d only want Mewtwo out of those three but as for the Ghost type this one I genuinely don’t know why can’t I think of a pure Ghost Legend oh wait what if it’s the horse though what if it’s spect yeah spectry is a single typed Ghost Pokemon and it’s a legend I think that works and with that being said we’re not going to be picking this door cuz I don’t really want a Spectra I’ll be honest all right on the left we got psychic flying could be Garian Articuno that’d be crazy are we really busting out Garian Articuno that early oh it could be Lugia Lugia would be sick garan Articuno would not be as sick I don’t know what is in there though okay in the middle we have psychic ghost that’s got to be lunala right are those lunala wings I feel like I could definitely I feel like that’s got to be lunal Wings I’m definitely cheating by the way which what do you want me to do the Pokemon is popping out of its box am I supposed to just ignore that on the right we have dark and fighting uh that could be an iyu it could be a scray I think it’s got to be uryu so for this round it’s between psychic type and fire and dragon and guys we just got a dragon type being gutina so I think we’re going to lock in the psychic type door hoping for a Mewtwo man just hoping honestly I don’t want lunala I’ve never really done that good with a lunala just because it’s four times weak to Ghost and dark it’s not that fast so if the person you’re playing against has one single ghost or dark move it’s likely that lunala is just going to die one hit on the right we have dark fighting but we already have a fighting type Pokémon so the only thing that makes sense to me is to go with this left door did we go left every single time we did are we just going to pick the left door on every single round at this rate I feel like we are but for the first three we certainly are so I’m going to lock in this left door I hope it’s Lugia if it’s a Garian Articuno I’m going to be a little bit upset but also that Pokemon still is pretty good we got to see what we missed out on first the left door is going to have a spect trer so I was right look at me I’m a Pokémon genius and and look at the texture this is a floral spect Trier that looks great dude I’m not going to lie as for the far right now the fire and dragon type is a crystal RI Ram okay so once again this is a very good Pokemon we took a gamble this round and I hope it doesn’t bite Us in the butt Ry Ram I’m so sorry I didn’t pick you let’s see what we miss out on though is this a nersey Fu yes it is whoa wait what texture even is that oh it’s the Valentine’s texture okay buddy I’m really sorry that I didn’t pick you but I will give you a kiss for Valentine’s Day enjoy that and stay in this box forever and Eternity in the middle we have a psychic ghost yep it is a lunala wa wait he looks actually really scary I did not realize he got those spooky like skeleton eyes that’s really creepy I’m going to leave you in there also for eternity and ever Moment of Truth did our gamble pay off if this is a mu or Deoxys I’m going to be so sad guys 3 2 1 Bo a let’s go it is not only a Mewtwo we have the Men in Black business suit Mewtwo he is late for a meeting we got to go guys we got to go and then on the left the Pokémon that we ended up choosing is a Lugia oh baby when I first opened the door I didn’t know what it was cuz I was expecting Lugia to be like a white Pokemon but no this is its like original Shadow form I think it’s in like Pokemon Coliseum or one of like the old Pokémon games this is that Lugia it’s an absolutely amazing iconic Pokemon and I’m very happy to add it to the squad let’s go this is easily one of the best custom textured legendaries I’m so happy we get to use it all right Mr sh we got to go through this fast let’s just say one of my Pokemon has a very important phone call uh to attend to soon I don’t know what that means but okay we’re moving on Mewtwo time now but here we go psychic type on the okay we probably won’t be picking that we just got a psychic type electric and dragon though wait that sounds sick is that a zra wait that could be Maron oh we had rest Ram in the last so I doubt Z is here too I’m going to keep that in mind and on the left we have a pure fairy wait that’s actually so good that could be a xerus straight up okay this is a big round here like I said we don’t really want to pick the psychic Pokémon we just got a pretty sweet pure psychic so no reason to double up for me this round it’s between the fairy door and the electric and dragon door this round on the left we have a dark door could be dark cry what are some other straight up dark Legendary Pokémon I don’t know but there’s ice dark that’s got to be a CH Chan poow guys I think I’m I think I’m literally too good at this and then on the right we have ground flying landeras I think I just nailed it is there really no other dark type Legends am I blank in here I I want to say that’s it I am I dumb I might be dumb I don’t know hey if you guys think of any other legendaries that I’m missing with any of the typings make sure to comment them down below because I feel like I’m doing too good also I missed out on like the Raichu and I missed a couple of others but I’m feeling pretty confident about these ones one thing to definitely keep in mind is we do not have a fairy type pokemon yet we already have a dragon dude I really think Maron is behind this door and I want to see a custom textured maridon is it worth passing up on a possible xerus honestly I think so so we’re going to lock in the middle electric and dragon door and honestly I don’t have a dark or ice type on my team so I hope that this is a chen pow because that Pokemon is super super strong and for that reason I’m going to lock in the middle door and pray that it is a chen po but what was behind that psychic door we know it’s not a Mewtwo so oh I totally forgot about this guy kosma yo and a crimson one to that looks so sick man all right I’m kind of sad about that I won’t lie now for the fairy door honestly if this ends up not being aerus I will be so happy cuz that means we didn’t pass on one of the best legendaries ever but here we go and it is a xerus and look how cool this xerus looks too oh my gosh I can see this being like the shiny for xerus I’m not even going to lie to you let’s see if this is a dark cry on the left it is wo look at this this is a Halloween text dark cry holy smokes I have never seen that before and it is really scary its eyeball is freaking me out on the right we have a landeras a corrupted landeras we called it let’s go I wish we got points or something for guessing them right all right I’m a little sad off of that I will be honest but we can save ourselves with the maridon so 3 2 1 please yes dude we have a maridon I believe this is Shadow maridon 2 which looks insane and then in the middle hopefully we go through three for three and this is a Chen poow in the middle I’m hoping for like a really cool custom texture Chen poow let’s see what it is oh wo it’s like R it’s like Shadow but also rainbow what the heck it’s literally called a rainbow form Chen pow I’m really really happy with that imagine being attacked by this thing and you just get stabbed by a bunch of Fruity Pebbles death by Fruity Pebbles so that’s our second Shadow Pokémon but I don’t even care dude look how cool this is we’re moving on to the next round and guys don’t go anywhere I don’t know if you can see but next rounde we’ll be picking Paradox Legendary Pokémon infusion Pokémon after that so it’s going to get crazy but here we have fire and steel okay I should be able to crack that code I should fire and flying in the middle okay we have a good chance to get a fire type here on the left we have Steel Dragon ooh unfortunately for us we already have two dragon types so I’m not sure how much I’d want another and we don’t have a fire type yet so fire steel and fire flying are looking pretty nice first things first though the fire and steel Pokémon is going to be four times weak to ground moves oh and saying that actually made me think of it this is a Heatran this has to be a heat train I don’t think there’s another fire and steel Legend so we’ll keep that in our mind as for fire and flying this one really scares me cuz it can either be a Hoo which is really good or a mol Trace which is pretty bad next round we have psychic and fairy on the left we have dragon Electric in the middle and on the right we have water dragon see I told you guys I’m actually so smart my brain is too big in the beginning I said we’re going to be seeing a lot of dragon type Pokémon and uh well there’s two of them in this one round on the left psychic and fairy it’s got to be a tapoo tapoo Lele Tapo Lele is psychic fairy that’s a good typing though I actually would really like to have a fairy type on the team in the middle we have dragon electric I want to just say that’s a zeero how many other dragon electr types are there can’t be many and then on the right water dragon is that just palia do I IA and zacho here oh my gosh can I pass up on them is the thing and I think the answer is yes I think I have to pass up on them because I can’t not pick a fairy type pokemon fairy is the perfect counter to dragons and I can only assume that arpus is going to be picking a lot of dragon Pokémon so I wouldn’t be picking Pokemon that counter his Pokemon but to be honest I think I’d rather either of those Pokemon than a Heatran we’re going to lock in the middle door for this round fire and flying don’t let me down please I’m going to lock in the left door again I feel like I’ve almost cck the left over every time now the fire and steel Pokémon was a Heatran and look at this texture oh my gosh black and yellow Heatran looks amazing dang I’m kind of sad now hopefully a steel dragon won’t make me even sadder behind this door was what are you kidding in origin form Diaga dude no way I didn’t get this dude I should have taken another dragon type I just didn’t want that many dragons no we must wave by to one of the strongest Pokémon of all time but let’s see what we miss out on please don’t be a palia that is a Pia but it’s not just any Pia that is an origin form ancient Pia I really wish I didn’t pass on that in the middle we have a crystal Z I really wish we could restart please fire and flying door don’t let me down don’t let me down oh that’s sick we have a Hoo but not just that we have a rainbow hoo in the middle door yo please at least give me Tapo Lele or something better Tapo Lele I will take a Tapo Lele I actually I don’t even know what texture this is it looks really cool though dude this actually looks so good rainbow hoo I didn’t even know that existed and there we go we got ourselves a floral tapoo lelay I really wish I got my hands on An Origin Pia that looks so sick but I can’t be upset about getting my fairy type on the team moving on to the next round and this is a big one cuz this round is custom Paradox legendaries are you ready Mr Sirus that sounds sick I’m definitely ready there’s some crazy Pokémon Behind These doors we just got to hope we choose the best one good luck sir good look all right here we go the first door is bug and dragon oh my gosh this round’s going to be so hard cuz these custom Pokemon I don’t know their types so I’m going to have to do a lot of guessing here but fire and ground is the middle door okay and the left is dark and steel on the left we have a steel and water type we’re going to come back we’re going to come back to that one in the middle dark electric oh I know what that one is because I’ve used it before in a 100 days video I believe that that should be an iron nightmare which is a future form of evelt holy guacamole the only problem is we already have dark on the team we already have electric on the team do we want a dark electric type it doesn’t make sense I don’t really know on the right we have psychic and poison I want to say that that could be past Paradox diois called Cosmic virus but I don’t know I thought that that was dark poison but maybe it is psychic poison we already have two psychic Pokemon on the team but we don’t have any poison so that’s kind of cool we don’t have any water or Steel on the team so typing wise I think the left door makes the most sense the problem is I don’t know what is behind it right away I have no idea what dark and steel could be the fact that it’s a Steel type though tells me it’s probably a future Paradox cuz a lot of those Pokémon are like electric and Steel type fire and grounda what could this be I’m trying to think of all the Paradox Pokémon on This Server I know there’s a paradox ente but I don’t know if it’s a ground type really don’t want to choose wrong here but bug and dragon this one I might actually know there’s a paradox Zygarde form on the server and I know for sure it’s a dragon type but is it a bug type I don’t know to be honest we did just get a fire type though so I don’t know if I want to choose the middle door we already have two dragon type Pokémon on our team so I think the best option is the dark and steel Paradox Legend guys I’m going to risk it I’m going to risk it for the biscuit I’m going to lock in this steal steing water type Pokémon even though I literally don’t know what it is time to find out if we made a good decision what is behind the fire and ground door no it is the Paradox ente AKA brutal burning which is so sick I’m kind of sad we didn’t pick that as for the bug and dragon door we missed out on a it is the Zygarde AKA calaminus hi such a sick name and a sick Pokemon goodbye Zygarde and I’m pretty sure I’m going to be passing up on a very good one in the middle here I knew it why did I pass up on you why did I pass up on him oh he is such a cool Pokemon why would I pass up on that thing oh my gosh I’m actually so dumb please don’t be Cosmic virus because Cosmic virus is insanely op it’s Cosmic virus that makes me excited man what did we pick the dark and steel Pokemon 3 2 1 oh let’s go we chose right we have iron Abyss this Pokémon is so sick Paradox Dark Ride ever’s behind this door better be something insane like if it’s not something crazy strong I’m going to be upset because both of these Pokemon are like actually overpowered please don’t be weird and just be something nice and cool oh I forgot about this guy iron torrent future lugan we already have like Shadow Lugia on the team we’re just stacking up the Lugia at this point look how cool this one is wow what a Pokemon to add to the team but hey it is time for the fusion round I’m Mr sere we’re here at the fusion Pokemon round we have three fusion Pokémon hopefully we choose the best one I’m nervous dude that sounds epic dude come on let’s go go luck sir good luck all right so let’s see what types we got electric and flying on the left we have dragon and psychic in the middle interesting and on the far right is psychic and electric so another psychic so there’s a little hint but I don’t even know what that is since they’re Fusion Pokemon I really don’t know what’s a psychic in electric type I mean it’s a Pokémon that can fly for sure okay we’ll come back to that as for the electric and flying typ I think I actually know this I’m pretty sure this is Ros which is a fusion between Zapdos and Raichu and I know it’s electric and flying type there could be another electric and flying Fusion but I’m just going to lock that in as for Dragon and psychic I really don’t know what Fusion there’s a ton of good dragon Pokemon that can fuse like Rayquaza wait this is a Rayquaza Fusion I’ll take it but I don’t know if it is and this door has me so intrigued dude what is that wing and here’s the thing too we know it’s a psychic and electric type we don’t have an electric Pokémon yet obviously we have a psychic type being meww but this would be our third dragon type I don’t know if we want that what if cyen gets an ice or a Fairy Type holy smokes steel and fairy on the left that might be the best typing in the entire game guys what what do you think the best typing is even if it doesn’t even exist I know a lot of people say like normal and ghost is a good type I think fairy and steel has to be up there with one of the greatest typings of all time in the middle we have poison normal and then on the right we have electric and psychic I think I have a couple of guesses I think on the left I think there’s a couple of Steel fairy fusions just because both are such good typings that we like to fuse really good Pokemon together and so that creates a lot of Steel fairy types in the middle poison and normal H I think that could be a god Fusion I think that could be an rcus fusion with eternatus to create arenatus which is poison normal and I can’t think of any other poison normal fusions so if that’s what it is I don’t know if I can pass up all that that would be insane and then on the right electric and psychic at this point we have over like 70 or 80 custom fusions in the game so this could be a meura which is Mewtwo Fus with zero Ora but I don’t know again there’s so many different fusions in the game now that it could be anything to be honest I really don’t want a rido so we are going to lock in the psychic and electric door hoping for the best I think I am going to lock in the middle door because I don’t have a normal or a poison type on the team so let’s lock in this middle door and hope that it is the god Fusion arenatus but let’s see what’s behind the electric and flying door show me rhos yes there it is honestly this is a really cool fusion and really good in battle but there’s definitely better fusions so I’m not too upset about that but the dragon in psychic door something tells me I made a mistake let’s see if that’s true no dude not only did we pass a Rayquaza Fusion but possibly the best and strongest Fusion of all time Ray kosma no Rayquaza and neosa Fus together of course that is so sad with that being said let’s check out what we missed out on on the right it is a marora okay I was correct with that one on the left I don’t know what the heck is this let’s see 3 2 1 oh it’s Aus a lot of people who play on the server say that zus is the strongest fusion and it’s not really even close that is a aian fuse with aerus I would have really loved to add him to the team all right come on Save Me psychic and electric door show me something yes yes yes it’s not a ray croso but guys it is very very close Lou gon lugan maridon in the middle let’s check out what Pokemon we ended up choosing in 3 2 one oh yes let’s go boys that’s what I’m talking about that is the arates that we were looking for let’s go boys what an amazing Pokemon to add to the team look how giant it is oh my gosh and now it’s time for the custom legendary battle well well well Mr syud custom Legends versus custom Legends wa yes sir rainbow chin pal bringing him out early no messing about side strike does nothing to my CH and pow no so you just swapped to this Pokemon little do you know go rainbow versus rainbow look at this man well only one rainbow will prevail you got the high roll let’s go D good thing I got iron Abyss here in the back yeah oh and the icio Crash Miss is I mean I’m a Steel type so going done like 10 I think I just got to go right back into my shadow coridon okay okay you know that you’re in trouble right you know you’re in trouble when thises out pretty scary it’s pretty scary I’m not even going to lie good thing I got the one and only l guon in the back Collision Course yeah we’re going to we going to eat that up for breakfast lunch and dinner baby I have to switch out here and what better thing to switch into than another Lugia wa wao iron torrent versus Lou gon this is crazy I also have a maridon on my team too I have to click my signature move I it’s the only wayal how is IR T faster than L gon oh baby do it to him and hit you for 400 base power let me bring out maridon here go for a nice and Powerful Electro drift there we go we’ll trade it out iron torrent goes down wa I have a funny move that could work here no don’t make me laugh Divine depletion into the mirror coat which one shots the arsenates I’m I’m waiting for the that was not funny I’m laughing pretty hard oh my god well I got to bring out my guy who hasn’t been seen yet we got the shadow Overlord himself please parah parah parah I need a parah no Pera and here comes the Kon I really hope that your last Pokemon is not that great outrage takes me out no way I’m on to my final Pokemon now my gosh outrage please I think I need to crit I think I need to outrage hit yourself hit yourself of course I hit myself bro so close kide on hits himself in confusion GG Mr syus don’t forget to subscribe

Today my friend and I open random doors and catch whatever Custom Legendary Pokémon was behind them! Don’t Choose the Wrong CUSTOM Pokémon Door in Minecraft Pixelmon!

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