hello everybody waffle time here and welcome back to some juicy succulent delicious thorium and you know what we’re we’re just going to get right to work okay we know the drill we’ve done barium we’ve done throam and it’s about time we did mum now the reason I skip over healer right now is because I need to do a little bit more research on the class I’ve gotten mixed answers whenever I ask can we actually do damage some people say absolutely not some people say absolutely yes and you’re Immortal and some people say eh you do a little bit so I I don’t know but truly and honestly one weapon type that I constantly constantly just looked over was melee I’m going to try my best to only use thorium stuff thorium melee weapons that is so as usual we’re starting out with some God aul NPC wooden housing these idiots are going to live here until they’re defiled by every single Mech and perhaps even the Empress of light if we’re lucky enough I’ve gotten a vicious amount of melee weapon drops in every other playthrough I’ve done of thorium and all of it looked ridiculously cool I’m pretty godamn excited oh okay look it already corruption that’s great it’s fantastic I can’t wait to be violated by flying dingleberries this is going to be this is going to be great this is going to be a fun one okay well time to head back home okay well it looks like we’re going over to the right instead I don’t quite know exactly why the corruption’s so close but hey you know what we have a whole another side of our world to venture in and that’s just that’s just beautiful isn’t it isn’t that a beautiful thing if that’s a beautiful thing go ahead and comment # tag that’s such a beautiful thing all right we have one gold one gold so far it’ be really cool if the merchant showed up oh my God the merchant who okay yeah hey what’s up Edmund such a [ __ ] ripoff God I hate you Edmund I wish the worst for you and your family oh legendary Cactus sword Jesus Christ a whole extra two damage then we can make some Cactus armor so our [ __ ] and balls get pricked while we walk makes us move a little faster it appears as if we got a nice little cave over in this neck of the woods so let’s do some exploring see what we can get don’t quote me on this [ __ ] but I have a gut feeling that perhaps perhaps this playthrough will go even more swimmingly than the last couple because look it’s melee dude we could oh my God we could [ __ ] get stacked with melee we could get incredibly horrendously stacked that goes with vanilla Terraria that goes with Calamity and I’m imagining it goes with thorium as well let’s see what’s in this chesticle a radar epic all right we got another one see what we get guide to plant fiber cordage that’s uh that’s fantastic oh my God pinky little more silver never hurt anybody very nice very nice [ __ ] please dude a little bit of silvering hurts everybody please # a little silver hurts people bad in the comments cool so we’ll just have nothing that’s what’s up oh I got to build a waffle wood Workshop man cuz we are not we are not looking good [ __ ] me to tears let’s go back down let’s get our gold put it away and maybe run off to the right somewhere where is it right here huh the dart trap’s going to get it too look at it smiling all smug up there goodbye goodbye okay there’s there’s a boulder right there I’m not that stupid come on man all right see you later suckers let’s quickly fashion a waffle wood Workshop of the ages real quick just quickly quickly build one up real quick just build up a quick little house just so we have a place to put our tools and trinkets and doodads even our goads if we feel so daring oh we don’t have an anvil yet yeah we are just man we are fresh son we are funky funky fresh we might have to make more housing we are we’re going nowhere fast right now oh no you guys are right oh no it doesn’t work anymore oh jeez Jesus Christ oh what are we going to do we’re we’re screwed that’s it we’re done we’re going to have to Crystal dup like regular plebians now I saw a lot of you guys in the comments cuz it it updated Apparently after I uploaded my last video and I was using that epic gamer Ice Station machine buying technique and it was just not working out what if I buy it from him and sell it to someone else we’re risking all of our bacon here oh Jesus Christ oh no okay it’s over I’m ending the playthrough actually I’m I’m done I’m not doing this thanks a lot for watching everybody be sure to drop a like And subscribe for more content like this leave a comment to let me know your thoughts on this video crack house to a crack home let’s build some more quick shy NPC housing units real fast and then we could bounce out enough Perfect Look at that so there was no more cave in this little divot we went into so we’re going to go even further beyond plus Ultra style I guess is a [ __ ] ocean right here or something what what’s oh Jesus man is it going to turn day anytime soon this is this is unbearable this is unbearable and I I don’t like it I do not like it at all guess we’re just stuck here forever that’s [ __ ] awesome either way I’m kind of hoping we get into a a cave system and get some Hermes boots Early Access to Hermes boots gets me bricked up like planta and a tennis skirt n blow pipe you can blow my pipe it appears as if this drops down into a cave oh yes the demolitionist hello good sir fod don’t know what kind of name that is but I respect it nice Railway system come on let’s get to a mushroom biome man let’s get some let’s get some [ __ ] Life Crystals up in here too bad we’re being being harassed by worms currently oh my God I’m about to [ __ ] bus oh Jesus live on camera this is going to be waffle cam Jesus Christ unfortunately it appears as if we have jungle on this side but now that we have Hermes boots I would not mind trying to take a crack at running to the left which you know jungles on the right which means there’s definitely going to be some yum yums on the left in the snow you know what the [ __ ] it is what is all this Mana Bobble oh it’s so happy okay yeah found our pet for the playthrough let’s go just look at the speed look at the godamn versatility how hot is this let’s go get to the snow we need icy shards which means we actually have to kill stuff in the underground snow biome [ __ ] no no no I’m not mad the [ __ ] is that what is that what is that what the is this what the [ __ ] was that it was called The Innocent but he was trying to harm me so I highly doubt that now we have to go to the underground snow I believe we just have to kill stuff down down here which you know it might it might take a while ice mobs come on it’s cool there’s just a whole lot of water wherever we go which is just great then you know it impedes our movement it makes us nice and slow it’s good it’s good stuff I’m happy okay um so far found nothing beginning to get [ __ ] unbearable now we’re going to around now great sent right back to spawn unwillingly yep great awesome see if you got something for me you have oh we don’t we don’t have nearly enough money for that [ __ ] 10 gold are you kidding me God what a dick let’s make even more housing awesome we’re beginning to build a fortune around here and I love it [ __ ] blazing through this place now look at that no no no not again what are you I don’t like it I don’t like it I don’t like that thing [ __ ] freaks me out see how large this snow biome really is not [ __ ] oh you’ve got to be kidding me all right back to the hole in the ground I say well now that we got boom shurikens I I think we’re going to be in business all right not a big deal it happened it happens to the best of us okay see that wasn’t so hard that wasn’t so bad just got to make sure we kill this guy and hopefully we get ice shards yep yep icy shards okay here we go we’re going for our first weapon baby we got Hermes boots and we’re about to get our first weapon things could not be more sensual can I vein mine this stuff I wonder that was so [ __ ] satisfying the power of vein Miner here God that feels good we’re getting a lot of their icy shs which is just [ __ ] great we knocked this dumb jellyfish out of his home can I hit him from here yep perfect just perfect oh what a relief it was a little you know it was a little sticky getting here but that’s all right that’s all right not all things come easy you’re precisely just what the goddamn doctor ordered drop your sharts please stop toying with me this one’s got a little Shar and then let’s see it oh we had two that’s disgusting there’s actually another ice slime down here I want to touch come here buddy there’s two of them get ready for a visit from the Tickle Monster chump I’m so sorry I’ll never say that [ __ ] again that was [ __ ] wait a minute there’s a goddamn spider nest here there is actually something we might be able to get from this some type of yo-yo and we have to kill baby spiders for it I think we have to kill it we have to break these little clumps it’s a yo-yo that drops yes what the [ __ ] okay yes red hourglass oh this is fantastic flare gun I couldn’t be more excited I couldn’t be more in thall ladies and gents oh my God that does stupid [ __ ] damage whoa oh it’s jover certainly that Venom debuff is [ __ ] sick oh my God if we make a frostburn pouch with this are we going to do both are we going to inv Venom them and frostburn them cuz that’s going to be [ __ ] insane if we do I’m kind of more curious about this cold front Okay I’m kind of more curious about this cold front here also make an ungodly amount of platinum that way we can make a pickaxe of sorts would you [ __ ] give me a break please good Christ we also do have gravitation potions now as well as has teleportation let’s let’s use these holy [ __ ] I don’t mind that I don’t mind that one bit what the [ __ ] that was interesting what can we make with feathers let’s get a feather and try and find out come down finally a [ __ ] honest to God feather we can make the aeriel releases damaging feathers when nearby enemies which seems really [ __ ] cool but we need this so I think we need to beat the brain of cthulu if I’m not mistaken or the Eater of Worlds I thought there was another one oh yeah the harpy Talon that looks pretty cool as well I think our next best bet would probably be making a elevator that’s going to cost a lot of money unfortunately money that we can no longer cheese into the game so what do we do maybe a little bit of this a little bit of that we have 30 is there anything we can sell I think we have a lot of gems see let’s see where that takes us all right let’s see where that takes us the answer is [ __ ] nowhere we have 40 all right we have 40 we need a little bit more money we need to scr some together so let’s go run and see what we could do I mean could go to the underground desert try and get an extract acinator I see nothing so far kind of concerning that we see nothing don’t do this don’t do this and there goes a gold [ __ ] God we’re boned man why are you doing this another cave okay we need major goddamn cash money so keep your eyes peeled ladies and gents keep them peeled nice we’ve already [ __ ] been down here man oh no we got hermes’s boots early our luck is Fu toast for the rest of the playthrough unfortunately we did get this yo-yo too the yo y’s killer a what a Mudman tried to [ __ ] on me unfortunately Night of the Living [ __ ] dead out here what what is going on man this is like as bad as the dungeon well magic mirror we’re swiftly exiting the jungle for some odd reason and there’s nothing but a spider’s Nest so back we go oh and hey look at that oh wow oh this is really nice actually more hermes’s booties love to see it okay the Slime syndicate’s [ __ ] here and they’re not happy ooh let’s throw all this in here put some stuff away let’s get organized real quick let’s get organized the biggest thing is a dynamite ouch and we should be able to make the inator that is so [ __ ] awesome okay let’s make it right over here yes indeed that’s exactly exactly what we were [ __ ] looking for let’s make our money back baby that a mushroom biome down there it is God damn it let’s explore some morium get it I’m sorry oh no way what up gloomy maze no this is nice this is nice and I like this God damn we are broke as a goddamn joke right now huh okay don’t really want to go over there I’ll be totally I’ll just I’ll just level with you guys real quick that seems like a terrible [ __ ] no good horrible idea and we’re in Hell okay and it’s all over my screen well let’s see what we can do in the way of armor now okay we are definitely definitely not going to have enough for a full set unfortunately but can always just make the hard hitter then make some silver Heads Shoulders Knees and Toes thinking maybe we could maybe we could try for the grand Thunderbird see how it goes in order to make this we need a storm flare and a grand flare gun how far is a desert from our crib yeah we’re going to have to make an arena in the desert over here start making the arena okay that’s cool all right that’s perfect now all we need is a goddamn vultures to spawn and we’ll be we’ll be in business we could fight it today there is a weapon that drops from it right for us the Thunder Talent zap’s another nearby enemy on hit that’s pretty cool making the other yo-yo bag would be cool as well is there there we go Frost Bur ouch wa damaging an enemy with a yo-yo will grant you 10% damage reduction until you take damage okay and we make it at an anvil perfect frostburn pouch baby plus 2% damage I’ll take it I’ll take it we’ll see how this goes we hope to God this goes well what do you got buddy no food for us eh [ __ ] chump we just have to hope for the best at this point just just see if we have a crippling horrible skill issue or see if we’re maybe even cracked I don’t know let’s try it out great wonderful start we can inflict him with both and I think it’s doing good work on him we know his attack patterns now we can barely reach the bastard which is a problem I think it’s good we have so much defense I think that’s just just fantastic it’s a new Fresh feeling a far cry from Bard her starting armor has like four defense total is actually going really good I think it’s our debuffs doing all the hard nasty Dirt Nasty work I wish it just reached a little bit further oh my god dude your mother your grandma your sisters your female cousins I’m piping all them in front of you right now and it’s sad your hatchlings are watching you get degraded drop a like if this is so sad you guys it’s all about patience patience is a virtue look at that look at that cry about it yep go cry we did not get what we wanted the debuffs definitely doing its work man come on take it all nice idiot the grand Thunderbird is really not more than a grand dumb [ __ ] to me it it it feels Grand what a hell of a sentence that was juggle them up juggle them up juggle them up goodbye good night and we’ll see if we get it we got the diger redo oh had a shield of cthulu right now that’d be just beautiful uh-oh they’re juggling me I got cocky it’s all right we could kill his babies and steal their steal their HP dumb [ __ ] come on dude see if we get that sword it’d be really nice to have nice and here’s the H okay nice what is this man it might be nice to deal with the little eyes of cthulu that come along I wish we had a goddamn summon for it though I hate to say it but we might might might have to farm some eyes I mean I could use my other spelunker and we can see what we find down here just kind of hope and prate now we’re dominantly down here to go for golden chests we see along the way that have a spawner in them we’re looking for golden chests any fine ass golden chests want to come out of the Woodworks and throw it back sexual style that would be amazing any golden chests I’m taking this out of my future family what the is this man why did we there’s nothing there’s nothing here for us I see a golden chest Target acquired no spawner okay well we’re screwed there’s going to be nothing is a banana split I don’t know why I got so excited about that that was degrade that was very embarrassing don’t tell anyone I got that excited I will find out I see one A bash statue all right enough enough enough enough enough I am seeing shockingly absolutely [ __ ] nothing this has been the worst waste of a splunker in the world oh here’s a lens just in this guy’s eye I just have to take it my thing is look they all wanted to spawn while I was trying to have phun at the adventure earlier where where are they now I can’t get a water candle I don’t know what you want from me how about we do that how about we go try and get Early Access to a to a water candle any fine ass eyeballs out there want to come throw their lens back on a real ass ganga would be nice I keep thinking our pink slime person is a [ __ ] eyeball and I get real excited then real disappointed oh yes yes indeed the double eyeball shenan arama and no lens what is the what is the deal right now man I have a good feeling about this nice and we got another one we just have to kill the eye of cthulu first try or I’m going to lose my [ __ ] yeah let’s still go off to the dungeon and see what we could find you ever go across landscapes Terraria with Hermes boots and you just cannot get any [ __ ] momentum whatsoever that has been just about the entirety of the Crimson for me and it is unbearable finally all right let’s see how this goes we got a one and a two and a three and a four I’ll take on the dungeon guardian right now I don’t give a [ __ ] I almost had that [ __ ] I’m not going to lie to you I almost had that I could have had it I kind of threw four content you know and we have to go make the summon which you know isn’t going to be too much of a problem what is that a hard fan letter someone got bricked up and wrote us a fan letter I’m flattered send it to the PO box now I guess we sleep until night time I’m hoping this goes well I’m kind of worried it won’t but I think it will but I’m worried it won’t if you catch my drift my only concern my only qualm so to speak is staying close enough to the bastard cuz as with all yo-yos you have very limited range I believe it is officially night time let’s shine our shoes and let’s do it oh okay come on man my Buffs ain’t got all day here we go okay working pretty solid so far I think we have a pretty decent Strat cooking right now you going to frost him or what dude okay not bad let’s get it started yo-yo maxing let’s get it baby we’re yo the yo man would not stop yo I need these debuffs to work though especially the frost bur it goes a little bit longer our speed is just [ __ ] unmatched we’re like bury godddamn Allen calm your ass down settle down that was that was really good after absolutely slapping the sack right off the eye of cthulu our work was certainly cut out for us if we were to get stacked Beyond human compr apprehension that buffed all Natty absolutely yolked sick ass melee build we had to work for it our weapons while limited to the early super ultra double hand twist gripping confines of early prehard mode hold surprising versatility for the early game the real question is do we have what it takes to reach through the screen and strangle our world’s evil boss with our own bare hands with the spirit of hu behind us it’s certainly possible but without a doubt we have a staggering amount of work to do I’m thinking we’re going to need a much better weapon for the Eater of Worlds however as much as I love this yo-yo I don’t think splitting it up into several segments is going to do us any good apparently we’re going to have some more NPCs spawn in during the day I’m thinking maybe we make that Harpy yo-yo the harpy yo-yo and the bloom sword seem certainly certainly interesting this is really nice though but this releases damaging feathers when nearby enemies that’s going to be nice for the second phase so we might as well get it and it looks like we only need one more feather you know what this entire time I was thinking of the brain of cthulu when we have to fight the Eater of Worlds so I am lightly lightly stressed right now I’m about to [ __ ] pass up I’m fine I’m thinking what we also want to do is go get pedals and make that new funky fresh sword and we might as well make some instant housing for the painter and you know my [ __ ] ex-wife the dryad dumb ex-wife dryad you have a gambling problem you have a gambling problem you’re addicted it’s called dedication all right you never heard of dedication before first of all all right you don’t know me second of all I physically scrape the screens at the slot machines because it gives me extra luck in real life okay everyone knows this ask the 80-year-olds that are that are glued to the slot machines and simultaneously get frustrated with the youth for using technology second of all those quote unquote shakes I have it’s because I’m excited okay it’s excitement you don’t know me now that we’re done having this conversation take out the rest of our savings and I’m going to put it all on red think of it we’re doubling our profit cool I I have no money isn’t that exciting it’s like real life simulator I see a beautiful beautiful pedal in this direction absolutely plow our way over there real quick so let’s make the blooming blade cool cool it’s unfortunately small as [ __ ] oh God I don’t know how this is going to go we’re going to try to fight him underground and see how it goes see if we could tank him out I’m scared though I’m being real with you I am scared I’m scared shitless so the whole deal with fighting him underground is so that he doesn’t spit a bunch of stuff on us constantly we forgot bombs as long as we fight as hu I think we’ll be okay we just have to play it smart much like huu the greatest Elden ring boss of all time we believe in huu Supremacy just throw this guy down and hope for theing Best come on come on bring it oh we’re so [ __ ] maybe we’re maybe [ __ ] okay the heads are kind of [ __ ] us up now might have to start bobbing and weaving a little bit we might be able to we might be able to do okay we play this right we might be okay just have to stay inside his body not the head the head’s [ __ ] destroying us right now I’m so scared please don’t do this swing this swing this get life regen life regen life regen we’re cooked we’re dead we’re dead in the water here we’re [ __ ] come on oh I’m in so much pain right now wait a godamn minute let’s make a nightmare Pickaxe it’s Godly fantastic let’s grab a couple of these let’s go get some molten armor I think that’s going to be huge actually ooh Early Access okay okay and now let’s gather all the hellstone we can epic gamer mowing session Stu epic gamer MO mowing session style [ __ ] so out of here okay we got a whole lot of Health Zone we’re going to need obsidian however which I believe we can buy I don’t see obsidian anywhere dude God damn it everything I love removed from the game we’re going to have to get it the hard way I reckon that’s a pretty decent amount of obsidian we make molten armor that’s going to be absolutely huge for us I don’t like those things I do not like those things one bit what a [ __ ] up creature is it like a bunny that got corrupted or or something cuz there’s corrupt bunnies so what is that exactly what is that thing what was it formerly is my question before being corrupted entirely well say maybe we make an above ground Arena great the party girls here stinking up my goddamn Village again that should be a crime to smell that [ __ ] bad huh what is happening right now how large are these bastards am I going to find an entrance anytime soon or is the bottom going to be completely bricked up this is unbearable I’m going to get boom shurikens and then do this I can’t do it the slimes are going to be the [ __ ] death me let’s just keep killing him if we get a king slime spawn we get one we could we could rough him up too we could rough his ass up and then go right for the Eater of Worlds so let’s just do this for a little while or at least until the Slime rain ends killed a lot of [ __ ] slime so far I don’t know I don’t know where big papa slime is at he probably asking his wife Queen slime why my cologne is all over her pillows oh hey there he is come on bastard come on you big bastard all right we got him we got him in the goddamn bag if you want to know what makes Queen slime tick you just call me buddy I handle that 3,000 tons of gelatinous mass like none other you can’t spell gelatinous Mass without gelatinous ass and brother I’m an ass man beyond comprehension so certified ass men stay winning send your wife my regards let’s break into that Temple cuz I keep forgetting about it see if we get the curse of the Pharaoh oh no wow we got a flying carpet that’s actually very helpful at this stage of the game time to try some Eater of Worlds let’s just get the [ __ ] out of here real quick come on come on keep him chasing us over here kind of [ __ ] ourselves a little bit right here but that’s all right um he is spitting aing lot let’s try using this and Purge some of that God this weapon is [ __ ] great yeah the spit is [ __ ] unbearable what the [ __ ] is where did it just go this is going better than before I think maybe maybe maybe okay holy [ __ ] we’re not really inflicting too much of a debuff however which I don’t like let’s try not to split him up more but let’s let’s butter him up let’s soften him little smidge just a just a cheeky little smidge will soften him up the amount of spit is [ __ ] insane this is where the flao comes in handy we can move freely yeah goodbye Seaman we’ve now split him into like 37 different pieces which is mildly [ __ ] concerning for me and that won’t be good cuz we’re on a real good beat right now I’m feeling I’m feeling very positive about this I think the mount’s helping us a lot I think we got it thank God what a stressful [ __ ] boss this was huh what’s the deal with that okay thank God man thank J okay we have two statues to put in the earned it pile now king slime garia eater of world worlds garia as well I couldn’t think of another one in time but you know what the first one works it works so I’m sort of thinking maybe we kind of go along the list this time and see if we can get some good stuff progression wise because I’d hate to skip ahead and not be able to get the full juicy experience I think we kind of did that maybe fudged it up just a little bit in the last couple playthroughs so let’s go ahead and do torch God I think that’ll just be convenient we could even build a little platform for it no [ __ ] way there goes half of our goddamn Arena no why why why why why why I really don’t know how many we’ve placed so far just don’t want to get caught with my pants down down here oh no I’m getting caught with my pants down I love when there’s 100,000 things spawning in front of me it’s beneficial they’re all coming from one side normally I have torches all over the goddamn Place dude these are going fast these are [ __ ] fast torches oh did we do it hip hip hooray that’s a boss down baby so it looks like up next we you know aside from Patchwork which I I kind of hope we can get soon because we need to kill Patchwork to kill VC count but there’s also Skeletron which is quite a bit ahead which would be nice cuz we’d be able to explore the Dungeon quite a bit there are other weapons we could get from bosses progression wise that are real nice for example check out the sparking jelly ball 61 melee damage that’s [ __ ] insane so I’m thinking for Skeletron it might be nice to have some type of boomerang and one of the best boomerangs we could get pre Skeletron is the giant glow stick so I mean we might might as well go bounce over and try queen jellyfish let’s see if we can make her spawn real quick and see how it goes so I’m kind of compensating with this Arena right now I don’t know if you could tell because our small physical size and stature rather completely average physical size and stature may have no chance against a guil prowess of said queen jellyfish which I am lightly lightly concerned about all right our 34 mascot sit the [ __ ] down hopefully we’re good to just jump in and slap that Gil rump as silly we just buffed up let’s do it let’s try it where is it where is the guil uh-oh oh my God it’s going that’s this is you know we’re doing really good damage actually why why was I worried why was I worried you know when you have sensual gamer prowess there’s not a lot you can’t do okay there’s not a lot you can’t [ __ ] do real good damage we just have to deal with these tiny was that thing called a distracting jellyfish it is called a distract that’s infuriating wa oh God it’s touching me no no get that [ __ ] thing away from me now get that away from me right now no no oh God we have to be so [ __ ] close Jesus okay okay all right this is a problem this is a problem oh dear God in heaven no no no no no no no you [ __ ] don’t you do not touch me or stroke me whoa silly with that thing what the was that God we got to deal with her quick this is bad this is it we can do this in one volley if we’re careful nice nice nice nice nice nice nice okay we got nothing we wanted that’s kind of a bummer let’s try it once more hopefully we get at least at least one melee weapon we want just gets a little sticky towards the end not bad not bad oh my God yep yep yep yep yep a dry Strokes here for 70 damage that’s not good stop it stop it stop it stop it okay getting a little bit low on health but I think we got it I think we got it oh my God please something we need please okay okay we at least got one thing we needed let’s grab potions go to the dungeon then maybe we could parade around in the dungeon a bit see what we can make see what we can find I’m hoping the yo-yo is able to do a bunch of damage because as you can clearly tell respect for yo-yo right now it did really good against queen jellyfish so I’m hoping we get the same courtesy against the flying boner no let’s see about it oh [ __ ] me oh Jesus okay we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good I’m getting hit by everything stop stop stop stop oh my God why is there a slime here that damage is pretty fat Jesus we’re going to have to be real real careful during a second phase cuz our maneuverability is [ __ ] abhorent right now am I cooked am I cooked it sucks not having rocket boost in a time like this we just haven’t gotten a goblin Invasion okay okay okay we’re good think we just have to play it a little bit stupid like this to to be okay not bad not bad okay terrible terrible terrible terrible horrible no good Jesus Christ this isn’t good God run no please come on yo oh quirked up white boy with the sauce seen dancing above skeleton’s grave and it feels good it feels great even oh no our damage down here is horrible oh [ __ ] oh hey look at that we could just freeze him in midair that’s great that’s fantastic thank you queen jellyfish thank you there you are off to get slammed in front of the goblin again are you I’m getting my [ __ ] ass beat down here and it’s frustrating oh nice got a key okay holy [ __ ] no why is there four five what the [ __ ] is this what is this oh my God what happened oh no what is this what is going on right now what I’ve got to get to the bottom this what is this what is this what the [ __ ] happened jump what Cobalt Shield oh want a goblin army okay sick let’s try and find out why there was a Minotaur Invasion that would be pretty cool to know all right Minotaur Invasion what happened oh my God there’s a statue who put a min oh my God okay got another key just open the first chest we see and see what we find and a gun cool a gun and some midnight oil to rub on planta we also got a shadow key so we could do some we could do we could we could dude dude dude we could do some adventuring as I was trying to say seems like our NPCs are fighting a good fight as well which is very refreshing because normally they’re absolute [ __ ] buffoons to the highest degree I’m about to die oh my God yeah yeah what are you going to do you going to play the drums on Me Harder get out of here idiot oh dude they were trying to get furry up in here that’s not good [ __ ] oh my god oh Jesus all right a little bit over halfway we’re a little bit over halfway there we’re doing a goddamn coward pyramid for the next farm this is this is [ __ ] this is horrible all right 3/4 the way through we’re doing good how’s everybody doing you guys doing okay we’re doing okay this is how we do it this is how we do it stop [ __ ] shooting me Goblin Army has been defeated oh got a bunch of healer [ __ ] got a bunch of thrower stuff we will be selling 90% of it I say we look for the Goblin tinkerer and then maybe adventure around in Hell see what we can open with the Shadow key Goblin normally I have real good luck with this guy spawning in in mushroom biomes but much like hermes’s boots either the goblin tinkerer is easy to find and you find him right away or it’s the most evasive elusive treacherous [ __ ] search you’ve ever embarked on in your entire existence and so far it appears as if it’s just that I guess we teleport back up and then go down and check again and this will be our lives until we find a goblin stinker and you can stay Goblin these nuts charging us outlandish outlandish reforging prices yet again thwarted by the crippling Waffle Time luck curse sure this idiot up here isn’t helping perhaps the goblin tinkerer doesn’t even exist maybe he’s just not real he was a figment of our imagination all along the deepest disgusting most vile crevices of our imagination let’s open this first try something good nope n my God I don’t even I don’t know anymore where where where is he come on man normally this is a quick efficient nice easy process and it is not oh I forgot about these buffoons are you kidding me wow wow wow that’s so good and awesome let’s give everything I have cthulu third phase AI let’s do it let’s [ __ ] let’s give the Empress of light it why don’t we give the moon Lord’s eyeballs that AI [ __ ] it D why not Christ I could not be more infuriated right now and it’s making it worse cuz I can’t find a goddamn Goblin stinker I’m thinking if we don’t have any more luck down here I’m thinking maybe we look for the Shimmer and maybe we have better luck at finding the Goblin tinkerer on the outskirts of our world because who knows why He’s not showing up right here right now the Goblins have been defeated they all ran a train on his wife in front of him tied him up and threw him in a cave this cave in particular so you know where is he it’s a mystery it’s a fun little murder mystery I guess except the only thing being murdered is his manhood what no no it’s not what I want all right well I guess the Shimmer is a big [ __ ] mystery too I’m sick of this my God I only have so much Goblin hunting in me left oh my God no way no way no way no way no way no way finally something to smile about in my life oh my God thank you thank you thank you yes indeed I don’t have enough money for rocket boots now we can make some juicy juicy lightning boots which we Oho desperately need so let’s make the Spectre boots bam and then we should have everything for the lightning boots as well sick so awesome we can make this but we don’t have a horseshoe yet so we got to wait on that on unfortunately I guess now we can move on to our next boss and I kind of realize we have blood so we yep we can make a bloody tier let’s do that right now oh my God he already spawned this is exactly who we were looking for patchwork we got him moisturizer bottle got to go in the gooning station got to and that’s another boss down for the count baby you love to see it who else do we have Old One’s Army we’re actually going to wait on the old On’s Army so we could do it all in hard mode so we have V count oh wow does not appear to be that today which is good oh nope here it is okay pH what a relief what an absolute relief here we go drink our Buffs and begin battle let’s get it he’s uh not in the arena okay there we go decent damage we just got to be careful I don’t think he gets hit with oh yeah he does get hit with debuffs okay we were just getting unlucky I believe okay not not not not bad uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh okay when he does that vibration shaking of the nation yeah that’s when we have to not Dash into Boulders my Dash is my worst enemy right now I feel like oh [ __ ] me he’s getting faster not looking good not looking good he hasn’t turned us into a bat yet which I’m I’m pleasantly surprised about oh no he’s turning us into a vat oh no okay well we are unfortunately stuck like this for for a while nice try Bozo all right we got it we got it we got it we’re close come on no no no he has like eight health man oh my God this is more degrading than anything I mean [ __ ] look at us thank God that’s over with it appears as if he drops the Batwing Rel releases bats at nearby enemies wow batwing first try oh my oh my God oh my God yes indeed what other bosses do we have we have corpse husband right we just have to go down into the jungle for that let’s just go rush over and do it I think we’ll be all right corpse husband corpse husband Where Art Thou oh oh oh oh oh he’s over here he’s over here I don’t need you here right now I don’t need that slime here uh-oh uhoh there he is oh there he is okay okay okay 78 damage okay uh-oh uhoh oh my God 10 [ __ ] seven damage oh [ __ ] you can’t do that you can’t do that okay I’m just going for him now I’m just going for him now [ __ ] oh my God not bad not bad not a bad dub what the [ __ ] what what happened what’s what what the oh my God what’s the point please stop I’ve been through enough the best thing we got out of that is a beautiful Trophy and boy am I happy about it oh there’s queen bee okay okay Queen B Queen B I think we can handle queen bee it’s not too bad so here’s what I’m thinking since we couldn’t find the Shimmer normally I I go right before the jungle right I just blow my way down I just blow it up and we found nothing okay now the next best bet is to go like right on the beach is but the problem is we have quite literally hell beneath here we have aquatic hell you uh you were a good man you had a gray zapinator you had a smoke bomb technique you were you were good okay I want you to know that before I do what I’m about to do it’s just business I’m terribly sorry it’s been good and I’m I’m sorry for this but it has to be done and look you know we’re we’re halfway there now we’re nearly we’re we’re almost there this might suck for the time being but it’ll be better for you it will nobody will know so now that we have that we want to talk to this guy maybe get a fruit yes we got an apple now I reckon we’re pretty well equipped so we’re going to get some Ambrosia a vital Crystal I think it’s called a Peddler’s Satchel Hannah the Druid hot diggity dog how’s it going holy [ __ ] angry salamander eye what is that while in combat your life recovery increases by one overtime up to two can that combine with the cwad hand whoa whoa yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes all the way yes [ __ ] yeah dude oh my God that’s beautiful oh Jesus Christ that’s so that’s so hot I think all right where were we making a little loading dock that’s right let’s get it all eat it on up Ambrosia check ped satchel check vital Crystal check nice what a goddamn relief now let’s check our boss list and see what’s next there is Queen Bee we can do is there a larvae perhaps yes there is right here so I’m thinking maybe we make this part our Arena then we could use it as a plant Arena later it’s good to see our gooning station is still holding up very well anytime we need to rub one out we just reach up here pump the dry lotion and dry rub it Thug it out so to speak so recently I went to VidCon with Adrien and it was a ton of fun I have some great pictures to share with you guys that I that I took with Adrien and we got recognized twice now isn’t that something I also want to snatch all the platforms I’ve accidentally been putting I have like two [ __ ] thousand in here Jesus Christ we could probably do this without Arena Buffs I’m pretty I think we could [ __ ] do it I think we’ll be fine we’ll be fine I believe I hope like our defense is stacked enough as is which is just just nice start contrast from B I’ll tell you that much we have some pretty goddamn good accessories if I do say so myself I think we can [ __ ] do it I think we can then we’ll kind of fix the ground as well if Mother Nature permits us we still have way more room up top we have way more all right for for planta for our plant themed Sugar Mama for that baddy of course we can honestly just start up battle and see how it goes if it goes horribly we just take it out on our future families we’ll be okay please stop we’re going to wait to heal just a smidge then we’re going to blow [ __ ] up and get right to work let’s just do it let’s get to oh no well this isn’t a good start at all there’s about a 100 things that spawned other than Queen be which is just [ __ ] great not a good start not a good start at all the damage is great though the damage is fantastic keep missing more dumb [ __ ] how about that where your attacks are long range my string is longer you [ __ ] buffoon oh she’s getting pissed oh she’s getting furious we’re kind of tanking it which is nice I think we got it in the bag told him put queen bee in the bag and no bees get hurt yeah you guys like that [ __ ] I can do it again if you want if not I understand all right well we got a beekeeper I don’t [ __ ] think she drops anything anything else too interesting we can take a look no no other melee stuff now we have The Illusionist which I’m going to have the worst time in the [ __ ] world finding I guess we could bum rush it down to the dungeon and of course drill this bad boy up on the earnit pile look at that we’re starting a [ __ ] collection behold my stuff as we bounce on over to the dungeon from here and see how it goes so for anyone new to the thorium mod that’s watching this we’re going after a bastard named The Illusionist which is more like The Escapist because he does not [ __ ] show up to save your life you have to find a stupid glowing mirror and talk to it and it’s hard to find and if you don’t know about me very much if you know this is a first time Waffle Time video for you I [ __ ] hate the dungeon more than I hate life itself and that is an immeasurable amount every mob we kill I imagine The Mirror Has a small chance to take its place the search as you may be able to tell is absolutely godamn abhorent Beyond any form of human comprehension in other words it’s not going [ __ ] well spirit dropple I love when my yo-yo reaches around the backs of enemies and slowly guides them towards defiling me it’s almost as if I’m dealing with two enemies the enemy itself and my godamn yo-yo you see how many spikes we’ve removed so far isn’t that [ __ ] gross God damn this dungeon is Big what the [ __ ] what is this thing is huge you see why I dread this boss okay big bone okay all right all right I get it I get it I get it I get it I get it okay all right okay all right [ __ ] ooh ooh this is [ __ ] great we need eight can I make a spirit droplet oh yes indeed indeed now I can make the Moonlight and see how that is a Godly one [ __ ] hey okay we can put our Midnight Oil in the chest as well save for PL Terra for later we can get spear tips too right it’s going to make me wildly uncomfortable just typing tip into here about molten spear tip okay let’s make the molten one wa what the hell oh dude this is going to be nice I think wao what the [ __ ] oh that’s so cool I imagine we could spam the hell out of it with this new epic gamer spear I’m hoping perhaps we could take on some bosses it does even more damage in the Batwing which is just insane we may have to just jump back in and do The Illusionist I’m not sure I don’t know I’m worried I’m worried let’s bounce back on over to the dungeon now let Daddy cook now hopefully hopefully we could find one hopefully we could find a little magic not quite a magic mirror but a magical mirror would be quite a joy to have won’t lie to you uhoh big bones down there I don’t know how I feel about this about this spear I’m not not going to lie to you I have mixed emotions about it I believe every 3 seconds we could do that projectile it doesn’t have a large amount of reach kind of concerning I think our yo-yo was doing more DPS see I don’t know I don’t know it sometimes kicks ass it sometimes doesn’t I don’t know I don’t know what to do about that I wish these had stop spawning that’d be pretty epic Illusionist Illusionist Where Art Thou Illusionist I’ve come to bargain is there perhaps a cool epic gamer entrance we missed Maybe maybe yeah I’m mining to it [ __ ] it we ball man why not maybe we’ll find a magical mirror down here I can’t seem to [ __ ] find it anywhere else it’s incredibly frustrating but hey you know what we’ll be all right it’ll be plant Hera time soon enough that’s why we’re getting antsy we miss our plant themed Sugar Mama I think the fact that it only comes out once every 3 seconds makes it a not super viable weapon choice I don’t know man I don’t know maybe we have weapons that are tied and I was expecting some type of grand leap oh my God what the [ __ ] is the deal why is there so much let’s release this idiot so he finally finally leaves us alone is there anything that makes these things spawn a little [ __ ] a faster please stop please stop please stop please stop I’m walking backwards I’m walking backwards please stop it my God the amount of [ __ ] spawning here whoa please get me out oh my I did [ __ ] in the dungeon it appears as if we made ourselves a mini dungeon Farm which is which is quite exciting to say the least so you can tell in my voice how excited I am oh my God where the [ __ ] f is this thing man tell you what oh my God my incompetence was not put on display by [ __ ] big bone I am the big bone I am the one who bones back to the dungeon this is so awesome and fun and cool this is arguably arguably the hardest part of the entire game every single time I’ve played is finding one of these [ __ ] mirrors good God is there no other way to spawn them wait oh my God Only After The Illusionist has been defeated I just need to kill him once for completion all right I just I need it once just one simple time aroon so here’s our plan we make this as run back and forth b as possible then once we’ve done that we simply run back and forth we’re going to find this bastard eventually it’s going to [ __ ] happen oh Jesus Christ oh good Lord in heaven riveting gameplay absolutely riveting I’m really starting to think the illusionary mirror was perhaps dare I say the friends we made along the way I don’t think it’s real oh this thing doesn’t exist it just it is not real this is insane this is absolutely insane there’s nothing there’s actually nothing this thing is not [ __ ] real oh my God where the [ __ ] is this thing I’m going to freak out bad I feel like I’m dying inside wonder why there can’t be one measly mirror be pretty epic if there was one it would be pretty goddamn epic I would like it personally oh my God oh my God oh good Christ man oh good Lord in heaven mirror mirror on the wall tell me the location of the [ __ ] mirror on the wall if not I’ll probably pay someone such as the dryad to put on 9in stilettos and stomp on my balls then perhaps I’d croak over and fall #l I’m getting really I’m losing my [ __ ] marbles right now I can’t find this thing it’s been nearly 30 minutes of just running back and forth ladies and gentlemen Pro Gamers all around it’s the moment of truth I have no Buffs let’s just do whatever we have I think this is going to be real bad not really any room room to dodge over here is there okay that one’s not real what the [ __ ] is this oh my God no what is this what is this oh no no oh my God what the [ __ ] am I going to do about that oh Jesus Christ oh good lord no grant me immunity grant me strength what the [ __ ] man you can’t just Tel a frag that’s not cool that’s so not cool dude I got to heal I got to heal I got to heal oh oh thank Christ oh my God that was so fuing scary it is done at last I’m so glad that’s over with I’m so godamn happy that’s over with The Illusionist is gone and daddy could not be more thrilled with The Illusionist being down for the count after am measly 27 Purgatory sentences of searching for his mirror we were coming down to the wire progression was beginning to stroke us silly and it truly showed when we were battling that wizard skeleton bastard what new weapons could we make in a trying time like this to teach our enemies of physical Smith and lesson were we to keep dry dogging it against various bosses until they drop us a Tuli or or were we to handcraft a sensual brand spanking new weapon of the ages the nocturn yo-yo seemed extraordinarily promising especially with a crafting recipe resembling a prehard mode yo-yo Zenith but our single celled melee brain had other plans taking us directly to deerclops front door instead oh my God it’s flinks Heaven can I get a # flinks Heaven down in the chat please the [ __ ] happened to me let me out of this my God now we need to make a deer thing perfect there’s a little bastard at I I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t do this fight I don’t know I don’t know how to do this oh no Jesus how was this happening oh he’s pissed oh Jesus Christ I thought he could run through his legs I I can’t seem him to run through his legs to save my own life we just go up and around up and okay all right no no no no help help help guys help me help me please anyone oh we’re all right we’re all right we might have this oh my God it’s all RNG with these goddamn hands let keep running oh [ __ ] 8 54 goddamn Health what what the is oh my God why am I so ass at deerclops let’s go March our happy asses right back over oh you’ve got to be [ __ ] kidding me this is horrendous I like the idea of summoning deerclops right outside of the goblin tanker’s house and just never doing anything about it just so he’s riding that fine line between life and death permanently how hard that’s all we had to do that’s all we had to do that’s all that was left in boss that’s all the fight the sad bastard had left and yet we still couldn’t crunch it I’m not doing this no no go to hell not doing it okay who’s next okay is there a cool weapon we could get from him there’s a partisan dealing damage two times and one use of this weapon will unleash an energized explosion that sounds [ __ ] insane I really want this this would be really nice why don’t we go down to hell with one of our shadow Keys let’s just see what we can get cuz in the dungeon they had a lot of new gear a lot of new gear for us that we could we could use to get get stroked Silly by various bosses but with that being said I don’t know if there’s going to be anything in the shadow chest if anything there is some vanilla stuff we could use I prefer though to keep it all to all thorian based see if we had the infinite ice machine money hat going then I think we’d be okay cuz then we could buy luck potions and that’s always just great to have on you oh my God I really really really wanted that in my B playthrough and I could not [ __ ] find it oh that would have been so cool oh my God why why why healer great I’m almost dead another healer thing I’m I’m beginning to get a beginning to get a little little a tad bit a smidge even angry with this game I think that epic yo-yo is going to be our best bet if I’m being honest so we might just have to sit down here and grind out for a Cascade we are not getting [ __ ] down here let’s just be honest let’s be honest with ourselves we are not we’re not going to get a goddamn thing because that is the gist of The Waffle Time luck curse okay dude I I give up I’m not I’m not okay last chest I’m not not addicted I wonder though how much are luck potions oh these are seven okay maybe we’ll go down there turn the spawn rates up right and just try for the Cascade cuz there’s that there’s that yo-yo this one right here the nocturnal we need a Cascade a Valor an Amazon and a malce to do it I’m really excited about that Zenith yoyo that pretty hard mode Zenith yo-yo nice nice nice nice pretty wide open area I imagine we’re going to die down here I think any mob in hell can drop it I don’t think it’s just hell mobs we’ll certainly keep an eye out we have a luck potion on so I think we’re getting the best luck we can UNG godamn fortunately no Cascade just yet unfortunately oh my God wait a Cascade whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hold on hold on what the [ __ ] very nice I’m happy okay let’s go make our epic gamer yo-yo real quick while we can still move this thing is called the nocturnal nocturnal the nocturnal wow certainly looks cool I mean should we maybe try a boss with it I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know what we should do I’m scared I’m scared damn how nice was that that was actually pretty that was actually pretty quick I’m happy I’m pleased I’m very pleased Daddy is very pleased with that one all right so our next step is the granite energy storm and he dropped something cool it’s an energy storm partisan which I’m liking so I’m thinking we do what we did last time and make another city Buster and I’m out of money okay let’s torch it up in here real quick now we get our Granite blocks throw them right here once we have that I think we could just crank the spawn rates up and just hope for the best is this it that is it oh Jesus Christ we are so [ __ ] cooked oh Jesus what the what what what what what happened it was you wasn’t it oh you sad sack of [ __ ] I wish the worst for you oh my God I hope you lose everything there there you are okay okay all good so far we just have to use our space we have to use our space bad okay he’s getting a little sicko mode all right all right the damage is okay the damage is all right so far staying close range to him does not feel very good for me no oh I panic healed oh we are we are we’re cooked Fly Away going a little bit faster we go in circles around him I I think we’ll be okay these things are going to give us trouble we have to watch out for the little chocolate landmines he puts not good not good not good there’s a lot of these things oh did we get them oh it must do damage over time that’s so cool oh [ __ ] yeah we did not get the thing we wanted I’d much like to spawn again while my potions are okay okay okay time to jam it up again stuff it up I think circles is a way to go with this guy God Bard gave me the worst trouble in the world especially with this guy I just couldn’t I could not figure it out but I think uh you know after this is my third playthrough of thorium I think we finally figured it out here comes another one here comes the Golem hell yeah brother same thing same thing epic maybe another spawn wow that’d be sick I’m so hurt dude we can always make a gargantuan mob farm for money then just crank the spawn rates up in there that that might be the move all right let’s yo him up real quick hope we get a dub hopefully we get the weapon we desire would be real nice we do actually do really really godamn good damage against him I wondering how promising this weapon is going to be against something like the Wall of Flesh that’s dominantly what I’m concerned about that’s going to be our ultimate Challenge I feel like we got these goddamn bosses down to a te though which is which is just just Pleasant things are getting a little bit sticky around here okay man all right all right all right all right all right all right okay he’s dashing oh my God he’s dashing please come on keep it close keep it close keep it tight keep it tight tighten up yes sir sir yes sir Waffle Time ink Waffle Time ink prevails again I wasn’t even scared you guys were stand behind me Pooky Bears papa will keep you safe well this goes up on the earned it pile at least earned it # earned it however there is a cool Boomerang we could try out called the granite reflector M there’s also the monster charm bam got it and it’s Superior epic and let’s throw on the monster charm while you’re in combat your damage defense and life recovery inrees over time it’s only while you’re in combat though so we’ll see how it works maybe we could give it a try against the buried Champion but also I kind of want to make a farm to just get a whole bunch of money and try out the weapons we kind of missed out on I imagine there’s a handful right we already got this from VC count wouldn’t Catch Me Dead with a blood sausage in my inventory so I mean if we get a city Buster right so I think if we make two City Busters try and make ourselves a something we might accidentally make this thing a lot larger than it needs to be but hey it’s all right can’t mess up when you’re going above and beyond ah perfect there’s a spider biome that [ __ ] us greatly maybe we can make it closer to hell I don’t I don’t know anymore I truly don’t make it way off to the side and just make two of them right next to each other that’ll be half the work for this gargantuan monster Farm just done we might be being a little bit overzealous with this thing but hey you know what above and beyond please leave me alone oh my god oh sweet Mother of God [ __ ] leave me be before I freak out I don’t even know where this guy spawned man those City Busters made this much much easier thankfully un unfortunately we’re not going to be able to have the dart traps on whenever we’re farming granite and or marble because they will spawn in a boss that will resize us and I don’t like the sound of that very much let’s make a pyramid first so these mobs leave us the [ __ ] alone Perfect all is going fantastic spank them and smooth them with some warmed coconut oil for the ultimate slap and tickle combo leave me alone you freak all is going well all is going very very well for us and it makes me happy and I think that about does it for our farm it’s in like full effect right now which is just beautiful and that should be just about it for this Farm which is simply joyous in my opinion thank God all this for a measly dollar and we crank up the spawn rates and we’ll see how this goes here comes everything here comes the sun okay we are getting a staggering amount of stuff so far we’re going to get some goddamn money uh-oh got to watch out for those things I guess kind of concerning I can’t really AFK this thing has I cthulu Ai and it’s [ __ ] insane I would say we’re finished I would certainly say we’re finished yeah we’re good I think we are I think we’re good that is insane I say we got a lot done H let’s get more pumpkin pie real fast that should boost our defense let’s go down and try it out I want to see if this works or not that would be [ __ ] joyous and we can just try to AFK see if it works I’m also going to make a bed before I forget there we go and we bounce back down right hear me out we’re going to get mad stacks of plat and we’re going to be okay we’re going to be able to open any bag we desire we’ll be all right so we need our bed right put it right there set our spawn so if I grapple this might even be nice to have on we put this on and then we turn this up we see if we’re able to kill this stuff before it kills us if so we have ourselves an AFK station of the nation baby we just have to wait for one of those heart bastards to come out and if so brother I am afking for [ __ ] ages all right ages okay here we go I think we got it I think we got it I think we have ourselves we may just have ourselves a method okay well it’s time to AFK ladies and gents I’m going to spend the next 5 years here and we’re going to get fat stacks of bread well I’ll see you guys on the other side as you can see we’ve been cashing out incredibly however I got one of these things all right and now we can track the board there’s Tim and he seems to drop a malignant thread let’s try and lure him out shall we I was also taking a look at the buried champion and I feel like we have the means to beat him I’m so curious about his sword I feel like his sword is so sick we’re going to have to do a process similar to what we did for the granite Golem and I think it’s going to be much uglier of a fight than with granite Golem because he is a he is a tough boss so I’m hoping we kind of get the same courtesy today and I’ll keep it real with you the more we sit down here with our thumbs up our asses the less inclined I am to believe that Tim’s actually real by say we we grab some potions right and I say we grab our marble and just do the same exact process of what we did before I’m hoping it goes good so we replace all this with marble and we should be able to rinse and repeat the same exact process no I’m hoping I’m banking on the idea that that this is an epic first time gamer Victory Royale but if not we’re going to need someone one lucky subscriber for us to take out our anger on 1 million subscriber giveaway beating one lucky subscriber to death with a rock we’re going to have to do something about this this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad this is so bad okay let’s calm it down a little bit let’s regain some health drink our Buffs I accidentally drank a luck potion I’m furious let’s just give it a try do I have my string on no I don’t perfect oh Jesus Christ this is going to be a [ __ ] bad one isn’t it he’s like just Out Of Reach all the time oh Jesus man oh no we’re going to need a different weapon this isn’t good dude what the [ __ ] is going on oh Jesus oh good Christ why that was at one [ __ ] mile hour oh my God where is the nurse when you need her oh [ __ ] me to tears not looking good not looking good at all oh my God no please please I have like one second oh my God heal please no [ __ ] [ __ ] what are we going to do we need something we need a melee weapon that’s ranged a boomerang the granite reflector how about that I don’t know why I didn’t think of that but we might we might be in business okay we’re calm I’m not mad I am calm we’re going to try again okay we’re going to try again I don’t see any other choice other than us trying again but this time with a granite reflector please [ __ ] let me into my own Arena all right and we’re waiting for a buried Champion to show up and we found one this might be maybe one of the wor worst ideas of all time it is slow as balls but we’re not going to run out of time anytime soon I don’t think this is a good idea I think we had a better shot with the yoyo I’m not even going to NGL to you oh Jesus Christ okay okay back to the yo-yo all right that was fun that was super fun thank you thank you for that or at least able to hit him somewhat consistently with this what is happening right now why oh Jesus Christ do you see how long it takes to get back to us it’s [ __ ] degrading you did not just hit a 12 on me what the [ __ ] was that about why am I so godamn slow oh my God why am I so slow oh please stay away from me we almost got him okay let’s stay locked in right here all right okay I think okay okay okay okay so this Boomerang is just not going to work out I’ll I’ll keep it real with you it is just not going to work let’s try and fight him one more time see if we don’t have to spend so much money on buying bags to get the sword God damn that was petrifying what a battle what a battle through and through spawn in for Papa what are you doing here you’re not supposed to be here where the [ __ ] is it was clear there’s a none of them exist any longer it’s quite unfortunate what the [ __ ] is this they were spawning in so easily before this is definitely a crime of sorts I just can’t figure out which one yet talk to me baby where you at right now I’m beginning to think we’re never going to get another spawn for him ever again well I guess that’s it folks I think we’re just going to have to buy the bags it’s unfortunate but hey that’s okay I tried can’t say a gamer didn’t try oh no look at that I shouldn’t have done that there’s there’s so much [ __ ] on our Battlefield right now okay I’m panicking I’m panicking I love when I just fly directly into it that’s so so awesome of me I think this fight it’s going bad and it’s entirely my fault able to soak him in a lot of damage right there holy [ __ ] hey soak him up soak him up soak him up soak him up he has 98 Health come on dude come on I’m not scared well I guess this goes on the earned it pile earned it I’m [ __ ] petrified of what the wall of flesh is capable of doing to us oh my god dude do please don’t do this dude do not do this oh my God thank God and there goes all our money that’s awesome I’m just scared of what the future holds there is the star scouter oh wow oh wow oh I like that holy [ __ ] this might be good enough for the Wall of Flesh we get this thing to Legendary oh my Lord we might be in [ __ ] business okay okay not sure we’re going to be able to use it on the on the on the old star scouter but having that said things are looking quite promising for the future in Lee of our Eternal thirst for more bosses to conquer and we War the Eater of Worlds like a sheath in a place where the sun don’t shine and simply waited for a meteor to arrive our lust for battle seeing as we do in fact fight as hu is unquenchable but we must make an ultimate attempt at banging all of the aliens wives including that of the star scou which is next on our list we needed strange alien Tech from the aliens that spawn at meteorites and we’d be able to summon that bad boy up and get directly into battle so all there was left to do at this point was lay back in bed dry beats for 4 hours straight and simply wait the days and night nights away seeing as has felt like about 10,000 years approximately laying on a ass dry beating I’ve read online that you may be able to make an artificial biome for meteorite so what I’m going to do is I’m going to get a shadow key and much like the magic guns only play through we’re going to scour the anal crevices of Hell simply for some juicy meteorite bars then we throw said bars into Shimmer plunk down the ore and do whatever in the goddamn hell we want with our shitty little meteorite biome hopefully it actually works if it even if it works I’m oh yeah we’re gooning let’s just say we’re going to be jerking our peanuts I don’t make love I jork it hard that might be my new favorite line I’ve ever said meteorite please okay Shadow chest over there another one down here okay okay sick sick sick sick okay more meteorite fantastic now we go down to the Shimmer and throw all of these in awesome that should be enough meteorite that should work people were saying 50 should work but I don’t know how true that is has it been 50 yet how about now no [ __ ] way oh my God we’re back we’re back we are so so incredibly back right now Jesus Christ we’re back and we crank up the spawn rates oh yeah oh yeah there it is give me your strange alien Tech why don’t you isn’t that [ __ ] satisfying look at that just look at that I say well wa will be back sorry I’ll stop now how about we make the summon item for this bad boy which is the star CER all right so we’ll have some good buff action I remember needing a lot more room last time when we did throam I remember needing I remember needing a very very apparent amount more room so let’s go ahead and do that let’s just be over over overly cautious right now this isn’t good why are these here look at this all in our way wonderful just about clear to try this thing okay this is look nice for us so far it’s good damage it’s real good damage it’s real good damage we’re doing solid okay he’s he’s geeking got a lock in right now it’s a lot of damage we’re taking okay we got two very nice very nice the heat seeking is so incredibly disgustingly clutch and truly and honestly you just [ __ ] love to see it you love to see the star scouter go down like he’s nothing at all oh well first of all earned it pile that’s this is just this has to go here right it looks a little smaller than I remember but hey you know that’s okay that’s okay let’s do this thing again let’s do it the damage is [ __ ] crazy very very nice look at this this yo-yo is insane it’s absolutely nuts you can’t keep up with the neutron style and truly and honestly I feel bad for the little [ __ ] I would say that but I’d be lying look at that garia see you later sucker wouldn’t want to be a star scouter [ __ ] epic gamer no hit run except at the end didn’t count though didn’t count please [ __ ] give me what I want can I buy another summon please please somebody somebody help me I can’t it’s 22 goddamn gold though let’s go ahead and do it why not it’s an easy battle for us we could totally do it here we go oh my god when all those little heat seeking bastards catch up to him it is it’s a thing of beauty I wonder if you could kill him before he gets to that point makes you think why we have so much trouble when we were barred was it perhaps because we had four defense there it is there it is what did we even get what is all this thorium devs I love you but I’m really [ __ ] with my gear right now all right gotten the summon like 30 goddamn times I don’t know it’s 100% guarantee or something not bad not bad let him [ __ ] himself right there understandable please oh my God finally 80 God damn melee damage wa 80 W oh my God okay okay let’s reforge this bad boy let’s try it out of the wall of flesh no no no no my money dude oh my God that was like 60 Gold so if this if this pierces dude we might we might be in business let makeing arena for hell there it is this might be [ __ ] huge I’m not even going to lie to you they’re homing too this ising crazy the damage is absolutely nuts I’m hoping this goes well we’re going to have to kind of time our hits which is scary but I think I think this is going to go really good let’s try and get us a voodoo doll any demon any demon any day man come on come on qu hiding from me what we can always do we just move the guide into hell so going to find a big pool of lava like right here let’s make a house maybe just put it like right here right and we’re going to connect it up with the floor so there’s no chance he escapes now let’s move the guide into here and pray to God sorry buddy we got work to tend to around here all right all right all right all right all right we’re here okay okay okay okay okay okay okay holy [ __ ] maybe maybe not so much of a cakewalk all right maybe not maybe maybe it is oh I forgot to buff now we’re back okay okay we’re playing danger danger close right now yeah we’re going to have to back up we’re able to take big hits right now and it’s it’s it’s very hot it’s turning me on stop it nice we’re an optimal distance I believe never mind we’re at half health I just healed though so we’re okay we’re going to have to put a little more distance little bit more distance little bit oh [ __ ] it’s going to be a close one okay okay he’s just Relentless just not stopping oh no okay no yes yes God damn it yes woo yes oh my God that is so good that is so good that is so incredibly insane insanely good was that a bit of a close call though [ __ ] me so let’s quickly go down to the Shimmer let’s throw this guy in until we get exactly what we need we need that Warrior emblem baby and we’re going to replace the monster [ __ ] Talisman up here I don’t think we need a necklace to like rep that kind of thing I I think it just comes naturally okay what’s next what is next there is so much there is so much we need to do right now there’s it’s an overwhelming amount of [ __ ] we got to do we got to get mimic gear we got we have got to beef up bad but I I think there’s a handful of new weapons we can obtain that are going to put us ahead of the mech like nothing the glacier huh seems interesting the Juggernaut ship’s Helm whoa okay so we have options we could do a Pirate Invasion Queen slime has Jack [ __ ] for us there is load Stone armor how do we get load stone ingots spawn after defeating the Fallen Beholder can we take them on right now you think we got it like that I I don’t know we might want to get definitely might want to get some better gear first but load Stone armor looks pretty good there doesn’t seem to be a whole lot we could go for right away all right what I’m kind of thinking we’re doing really really good damage with this as is 104 that’s [ __ ] really good maybe we could try the borean Strider so what if we just make an arena start a blizzard and just try and take it on see if we can do it oh my God it’s all corrupted please get away from me I don’t know how good we’ll do Against The borean Strider right now considering this is all corrupted it’s kind of [ __ ] us over a little bit but we could definitely do with a better set of wings I think that’s going to be huge perhaps even some pixie wings eh so you know what yeah let’s do that let’s just go let’s break a let’s break a bunch of altars right and let’s go dig okay now we run Jesus Christ that was a lot of them let’s go mining see what we can find here we go there’s Cobalt nice that should be enough for a pickaxe bam Cobalt pick check we need enough for a forge as well if we get a crystal over here we get infinite money hack it oh my God our damage is reduced back to [ __ ] Ground Zero we’re starting all over from the beginning it’s brutal oh [ __ ] let me out let me out let me out let me out nice a crystal we can dup the [ __ ] out of that I have no shame I can’t wait to do it again I shake every morning cuz I can’t wait to Crystal dup Now isn’t that a thing of beauty let’s make some goddamn orac Calcom shall we make the Anvil now let’s look for some andam man’s tights hopefully there’s an ample amount because we did break about 10 million Alters so we’re going to need a lot of Adamantite so I think we’re going to go for the full armor set and just see how treats us this [ __ ] is in scarce Supply apparently even though I broke 5,000 Alters we’re going to have to get some better Wings eventually too as much as it breaks my heart to move past these epic manly ass Wings there’s an even manlier set I have my eyes on well let’s see if that’s enough Adam Manti make the helmet of course more defense the breest assis and the leggings very nice very nice we got the full set already how are we looking now we need to kill a mimic or 20 maybe our farm would suffice for that hopefully he didn’t get corrupted what what the [ __ ] are you you doing in here let’s see let’s turn on the battlecry and see what happens I’m seeing illuminant slime spawn in that’s that’s not a good sign I think we’re about to get our ship rocked by a mimic it’s not the mimic we want unfortunately no mimics oh yeah hey look at that there’s one no way that was so [ __ ] scary we might be here a while unfortunately this is aing mess if we had a little something that went through blocks that would that’ probably be really hot oh Jesus Christ we are incredibly disgustingly cooked and we got like one thing thing we wanted which hurts we might just go for the falling Beholder I I really don’t know how it’s going to go though we’d have to be deadly with our distance what the [ __ ] man am I stun locked what happened so maybe maybe we try and take him on with this I I really don’t know how it’ll go I mean does that legally classify as us killing a mimic cuz if so the Deviant should sell us it yeah what is 45 [ __ ] gold two of those up oh wait we have an infinite money hack the real plan here is to sit here with our thumbs lodged firmly up our asses and dup about 10 million crystals it appears to me as if I’ve left the spawn rates on sell one of these ah I’m easily 20 Platinum 22 ah I’ve seen better but you know what you know what’s extra special about this is now why was a goblin tinkerer slain because now we can get anything we need and there you have it nope and there you nope and there you have it no God damn three of them here now so one of them one of them is going to drop exactly precisely what we need yes yes one of them did thank God so we want to make a St Veil right boom and we want to make a charm of myths beautiful my God the legion is here that [ __ ] infinitely piercing that’s actually insane maybe grab us one of these okay we got it first try thank God thank God we did it and now we make the sweetheart necklace and with that we can make the sweet Vengeance wow that’s going to be sick so we got that I mean we can go get wings yes yes yes yes yes we have hollow over here now let’s crank up those spawn race ladies and gents let’s do it and we’re just going to need a metric [ __ ] ton of pixie dust and I think we’ll be a okay these things seem to be having a little bit of trouble spawning kind of concerning by the way it’s worth mentioning while I was at VidCon Adrien held a [ __ ] killer event where we let it Rip Beyblade style and while I did get my ass beat horrendously absolutely horrendously by thurm it’s still worth the watch so check that out on his channel it was a stream so the stream vods up but he is working on a video so massive shout out to that check that [ __ ] out I can’t remember for the life of me if the Fallen Beholder summons minions or not there’s a [ __ ] horde of them all right that should be good now we just got to kill some wyverns okay here we are here we are here we are all right one more wyvern and we’re good if we [ __ ] survive that long we’ll see okay fat stacks of damage yes sir now all right cool we got it now let’s go ahead and make the manliest [ __ ] set of wings why isn’t it there oh it’s the fairy wings not the pixie wings oh and now we got it how do we summon the Fallen Beholder we need a void lens and we got to make the void lens and pray to [ __ ] Lord in heaven this works well I was hoping we go into this with a better weapon I was really hoping but I’m not seeing a whole lot of options that are more ranged than what we have now we need something that we could keep distance and so far what I’m seeing is a lot of stuff that you have to directly hit your enemy like be a [ __ ] inch from him hit him like five times and then it’ll work I’m worried I’m nervous and I’m worried but hopefully this goes smooth I guess I guess we just do it let’s try it oh boy there he is oh oh my God he’s fast oh what the [ __ ] did that oh he does have little minions he has little foot War shippers it’s not good we might be able to squeak it out if we’re careful but so far it does not feel like we’re careful holy [ __ ] okay all right all right all right all right we’re we might be cooked we we just got to dance around them I think so that our little range Stars piece him up we’re able to squeak more hits out oh my God that’s not good oh dear God that is not good that did so much [ __ ] damage it was insane uh-oh bringing out the platforms of Doom we’re doing doing pretty solid we’re holding steady but he’s going to start doing his crazy ass lava attacks which I I don’t I don’t recall liking very much okay here he comes if we do this we’re going to have access to a lot of cool weapons okay that’s 114 damage straight to the hatch that’s great not a good look [ __ ] run for it what is this what is this that was so stressful it wasn’t even funny okay nice okay those ones aren’t going too far it’s an endurance test at this point it’s a [ __ ] endurance test yes yes yes yes yes beautiful oh my God that was terrifying wait we can buy treasure bags see you later sucker what does he drop for us he drops the hellish hird it’d be cool if we could get what we want it’d be really awesome if we could get what we want how cool would it be if we got what we wanted are you [ __ ] serious did am I on crack what’s the deal okay yep we’re Crystal duping now let’s buy treasure bags again please dude all right let’s just try it out real quick on the destroyer and see how it goes how is that doing is that doing really good or is it like kind of mid I can’t tell I mean obviously we could have a better Arena and stuff but I can’t tell if it’s good or not I think it’s doing good I I mean look look look look we have no potions right now right no potions we’re doing a no potion run no good Arena and we already got him down that much I think it’s pretty [ __ ] good we could always try it on the borean shrider too and see how it goes God damn okay [ __ ] I don’t think that’s super bad I think it’s actually you know I think it’s pretty good get potions and try the borean Strider so it randomly spawns during a blizzard right oh my dear God is here oh no what a bad [ __ ] time for it to show up what a bad godamn time for it to show up what the hell oh my God oh my God [ __ ] okay this is bad no we’re cooked it’s it’s over I wish this ice Golem would [ __ ] leave us alone oh dear God holy [ __ ] this thing has been shooting beams at us since the dawn of time it’s not looking good oh my God why is it doing this can this bastard leave us alone kick his ass quick okay hopefully that does a number oh my God it’s going to be a godamn miracle if we make it out of this fight alive no [ __ ] way no [ __ ] way oh my God damn I cannot believe that happened I cannot believe that happened calm I doubt this is going to go well but hey we’re here to give it a try you you’ve got to be kidding me this is actually insane am I not hitting it no please leave me be it’s still alive why is there so much oh my God [ __ ] leave me alone oh oh my God there’s no there’s no [ __ ] way oh my God God damn it oh my God I’m calm what the [ __ ] is going on over there bro summon it now o that does good damage oh that does really good damage actually it’s teleporting fast as [ __ ] what are you doing here okay good damage good damage good damage we got this I think I hope I pray uh-oh did they fix this T fragon issue oh maybe not don’t don’t don’t what is this oh how [ __ ] hard was that not a chance not a CH get out of my sight everyone’s calm everyone’s fine maybe we could beef up our Arena and maybe maybe do some mechs pretty decent Arena size not too shabby we could always extend out the other way too but I feel like I’m going to be putting my my stupid NPC’s lives in Peril let’s make Prime first and see how it goes let’s do it yeah you big bastard okay this doesn’t look like the best choice we ever made before we kind of just have to get danger close and it’s unfortunate not good not good at all keep slapping him silly I mean we’re getting his appendages fairly low this might just be a really kind of a close goddamn battle okay not looking good his appendages are suffering greatly though which which makes me happy as long as he’s in pain I’m I’m feeling pretty good about myself I don’t know how this is going to go for the twins though I I really I couldn’t tell you we are armed to the teeth with good accessories however oh the NPCs are fighting with me let’s go come on buddy Bring It On bastard we almost got him I think we got this one I think we do come on do another Dash do another silly little dance do that silly dance you be doing from fortnite quit fighting it’s embarrassing your Laser’s down you’re not looking good your Cannon’s down man your saw is down come on buddy it’s not looking good for you okay your Vice is down you you kind of just feel bad at this point come on buddy almost got him I I really don’t think this weapon is going to work out for the twins I’m just I’m going to keep it a buck with you guys massive gamer dub by the way massive massive gamer dub how are we going to do the twins what are we going to do oh let’s put this in the earned it pile what are we thinking epic first time gamer dub you love to see it let’s make a mechanical eyeball let’s also grab potions then we’ll flick it tonight and get right to work okay we got to make sure not to [ __ ] enrage them both at the same time that’s not going to be a good look for us we’re doing the damage is there for sure for [ __ ] sure when he’s on the opposite end of us it’s not not good got to flip him over to this side he’s about to go into his second phase he’s about to [ __ ] blow right now I think we’re like just out of range for him which is a problem we really got to bank on him dashing that’s our only hope for this I think we almost got him how much health does he have about 5,000 and then some okay okay we’ll get him on this swoop we’ll get him on this swoop we’re good we’re good we’re back what a [ __ ] relief okay he’s about to bust all right perfect he’s about to blow okay really really really awkward angle if we just keep chucking these things out we might be all right right really really really awkward angle we got to deal with I think when we get hit though when we get hit we do we we Pace it just right we almost got him this is really [ __ ] awkward though we got to like horseshoe shape him oh [ __ ] yeah we got him oh yeah oh yeah oh my God yeah that’s what I’m talking about baby oh hell yeah brother put her there make a mechanical worm all right I’ll level with you guys not sure how good this is going to go oh there go the [ __ ] NPCs oh good God okay I think that’s s let’s keep the map open so I can see where the hell’s coming from absolute soak Fest let’s go I have to take us oh my God no please what the [ __ ] was that about this is working good for the Destroyer man this is working good okay almost got him almost got him and beautiful he is gone we need to make a pickaxe axe okay now let’s see we we need to make a soul Forge right soul forum and we need to put the titanium Forge or Adamantite up in here up in here perfect got it now that we have the soul Forge what can we do let’s yank out our hollowed bars and some of the souls real quick and just see what’s up there’s a smiting Hammer that’s somehow A Healer class where’s the melee stuff for a real one I thought there was a melee thing we could make right am I am I tripping see now we’re talking what is prime Fury that’s what we’re forgetting it’s a strange plating okay we got a whole lot of that now oo what can we make with this huh climbers ice axe that seems nice the super chilled axe deals 15% more damage flies faster and free just hit enemies that seems really cool and there’s Prime’s Fury has a chance to discharge an energy wave dealing triple damage how about we make prime Fury and the eye of the Destroyer how about that how about we do that whoa oh hey he’s alive hello nub what do you say we test this out on Queen slime it looks like the wish doctor was taking a fatal resizing from the Destroyer unfortunately so I guess we’re going to have to go over to the hollow and just summon her up and see what happens okay it’s almost worth it just just gamble on this cuz it does so much damage we are kind of getting pieced up they do a [ __ ] stupid amount of damage though when she starts flying I’m out bro oh wow come on buddy fire some beams for me oh now we’re talking okay cool the Lich is next that’s going to be interesting he has a ooh Soul render ooh I wonder if we get chlorified armor think we’ll be able to take them on I wonder then honestly I’m down to just raw dog planta take that as you will but I was talking about life Roots but you know it’s true either way so why [Music] not what the [ __ ] was that dude a flying fish are you serious this is putrid defeating the mechanical bosses and using their sensual weapons against all 400 tons of gelatinous ass Queen slime provides only made our lust for planta grow stronger hypothetically speaking we could Dom planta beat the piss out of Gollum and March our way directly into an overpowered pillar weapon setup but with that being said there’s other boss we could crunch along the way that may wind up making our lives a lot easier there’s a lot more gear to obtain more bosses to slap around simply for the sport of it and it’s just about here where the end game truly begins to pose a threat to the sanctity of our femur that should be a good enough amount of chlorop FY I mean let’s see see what we can do let’s do some choro action not really seeing any out of the ordinary melee weapons for us just make our full set and see what happens we can just rock with this and hope to god it works we have time to go build up B an arena so let’s make a separate Arena we won’t worry about altering altering the shape and form of our current arena for Skeletron we will instead go balls deep right into this one where is that fctory oh there it is cool let’s make a rather large Arena oh no a Hopping Jack the 106 oh [ __ ] hopping Jack is going to make me blow a goddamn gasket so we’re going to fight him just just the way he was meant to be fought in a goddamn graveyard a graveyard next to the beach that’s romantic for all the goth dryads out there meet me in the graveyard next to the beach let’s get romantical let’s see how this goes oh my dear God that damage come on oh God here he comes okay here’s where he starts stealing a bunch of Life Starts regening like [ __ ] crazy so we got to be careful oh Jesus Christ here he comes oh my God we got him we got him waa oh my God we got red stuff from him dude how poetic how poetic is this I’m simping for my boy let’s go ahead and throw this on up earned it okay [ __ ] yeah dude hell yeah yeah there we go now we’re talking shoots a volatile Soul blade oh this is going to be really really nice for planta I think I think we could just jump right in and try it have that let’s go fix up our Arena and just let’s just do it let’s just try it we might get our asses beat we might do fantastic take these guys out let kind of space out our Arena I think we’ll be okay might be a little sticky in some situations but that’s exactly how we want pla throughout the entirety of this battle that’s how we intend on leaving planta after the battle come on get up dude okay well we are buffed so let’s uh oh hello working good so far there’s a hornet there for some reason it’s kind of like it’s reminding me of the true Knight’s Edge right where you just have to time it just right on your swings and then it’s a lethal goddamn force to be reckoned with and now there’s spiky balls hitting me in the chin that’s great okay okay okay okay get it up get it up get it up I know she’s intimidating and fierce but it’s hot we like it come on oh this is not good oh my God that damage is insane oh my God that damage is insane we might have it in the bag dude if we if we play this careful just let her chase us we got to play hard to get come on come on baby come to Daddy come on Sugar Mama oh my God [ __ ] bring it something stirs in the Aquatic depth planta sexiness energy brightens the Earth and of course screams are echoing throughout the dungeon all right oh yes indeed we are just [ __ ] slamming through this right now and I love it I love every bit of it but now we can get this stuff called dread armor which looks really good there’s also demon blood armor which is solid as well but I think the dread armor is going to be even better I think it’s going to be fantastic so we need things called dread souls and to get those we need concentrated thorium which I have no idea what the hell that is let’s see if this this forbidden method still works or not so we’re just going to have to go kind of deep into the dungeon let’s go to a nice open spot and hopefully it works out would be nice would be real nice um summon y yep there it is there it is come to me all right let’s do that a couple more times grind all these guys out 25 26 nice let’s TP home and see what we can do with that we need to make concentrated constipated thorium dark gripper so we need to make constipated thorium so we looking at making dread Souls dread Souls wow okay so we’re going to need to buy curs flames and Souls of Night and then we need to make this stuff which we can make all kinds of funky stuff with let’s let’s check it out let’s check it out so this armor it looks at absolutely insane let’s just focus let’s make the armor real quick all right let’s make the armor dread armor so we need the dread skull The Dread Greaves and of course the dread chest plate what’s the set bonus like your boots vibrate at an unreal frequency increasing base movement speed significantly while moving your melee damage and crit strike chance are increased wow we’re going to be doing a lot more damage with this I am fast as [ __ ] oh my God so we kind of just have Gollum next yeah we just got to find our Temple I’m not sure if we’ve come across it or not yet let’s see about it we have not come across it no way thinking about going to the edge of our jungle and just kind of bombing down seeing if it’s here Geronimo we’re not finding [ __ ] dude we are so so godamn cooked it’s over for us oh no way okay we got it h nice oh what a weird entrance wow oh my God you’ve got to be [ __ ] kidding me oh no I remember gollem dropping a melee weapon it was called like scorched to Earth something I’m very keen on trying so we might have to bully him quite a bit and we’re back Soul scorched slab melee strikes collapse scorched Earth upon nearby enemies okay we might be able to just do that we need solar Pebbles from killing these guys what the [ __ ] man is that the oh look it’s the witch doctor stop it stop it stop it no no what the [ __ ] look at that thing wow there goes all the money all gone all gone and Down the Hatch we go we’re going to speedrun we’re going to speedrun and get through all right look at this [ __ ] oh my God all right speedrun oh Jesus okay we made it dude I hate to say it I think Prime sphy might just be goat okay might be goated for this battle please don’t do this what is this what is this stop it now are you kidding me we’re calm let me throw down these guys of course beautiful Let’s uh let’s do this things that’s insane it’s actually kind of insane but we do need to heal we tried to be an idiot in face tank for a little while and it did not go well come on come on dude get it up brother get it up brother get it up get it up oh this is not a good weapon to rely on but when it hits it hits all right trust oh that’s nice that’s nice oh it heat seeks okay not bad a little bit low damage but hey it [ __ ] heat seeks that’s going to be all right that’s actually not bad that’s not bad at all keep flying around him his head’s going to pop off his shoulders any second oh my God I can’t even navigate fast enough come on dude like it’s hitting a thousands that’s insane that’s actually insane all right I need something more consistent slow and steady I can’t navigate while moving this fast it’s insane okay cool there’s an epic Golem dub youd love to see it I thought there was you know what we’re going to need an eye of the Golem which is kind of rough scorcher bastard run oh [ __ ] just took a fist to the forehead not cool can’t really have his fist active while we’re trying to dodge his lasers that’s better dude we are disgustingly fast it’s insane we need an eye of the Golem to make that Golem yo-yo I think that might help us get through the pill a little bit and do our classic little cheese run we normally do I’m wondering if we could turn one of his treasure bags into an eye of a Golem I think that’d be helpful can’t keep up with the neutron St oh yes he can no we can’t thank God we’re so tanky I don’t know what we do it feels good being able to take hits we did two runs we just weren’t allowed to get hit and now you know it yeah it feels nice it feels nice being able to maybe just eat a couple just having a Fighting Chance feels beautiful epic dub epic dub there it is earned it so we make the eye of the Golem so there’s the scouche and the essence of flame the essence of flame you also make with solar fragments check it out where’s it at essence of flame releases devastating flame blast on every swing so I mean if we’re dude if we’re able to take down the lunatic cultist we might be able to just get a scoo in one of those guys I don’t know both of them look really really good thinking maybe we get better Wings dread Wings maybe and that should be really good I think I hope it’s all right I thought it would be better but it it looks pretty good why don’t we just try it oh my God and we run okay this is a risky weapon to use we try score dir in him a little bit nope not at all not at all might have better luck with the prime Fury oh my God got to face tank him that’s not a good idea we’re getting our ass kicked oh Jesus oh that was close oh man we forgot to get life Roots didn’t we I think we could do it if we’re careful we could totally do it I think we’re good I honestly if we keep distance we I think we could kiss his mom on the lips I think we’ll be all right then TP home and grab some life Roots while we can and we got a little something something for the earned it pile we’ll Crystal dup a little while finish out our life roots and hopefully go Dirt Nasty mode I didn’t think this through I didn’t think this through I did not think this through Jesus let’s finish buying out these life fruits okay we got that now let’s throw this in the Shimmer what the [ __ ] happened here what happened here yo what the [ __ ] oh my God what happened dude the happened what are we going to do about this why is it just completely full now dude we are so screwed what the [ __ ] are we going to do okay what if I did this if I blocked it off right what the [ __ ] happened what happened okay was all of that just permanently flooded did I [ __ ] drain the ocean or something what the hell happened what did I do so wait for that to finish draining before we screw ourselves even further that’s insane that is insane please finish draining let’s go ahead and get ourselves an egis fruit it would be so good and tasty yum yum all right we’re back let’s go directly for the solar pillar I don’t care how many times we die the damage the damage is absolutely insane dude who knew this weapon would carry so godamn hard that is insane are we dead are we alive get it up get it up inconsistent but it works okay cool man whe oh my God my [ __ ] Platinum is still there oh good God good grief those are the richest strollers in the entire history of strollers strollers that have ever existed and it is infuriating me you jump have to go God I cannot wait to have this pillar done Fight Fire with Fire Buddy Fight Fire with Fire come on come High come High we’re almost like halfway there maybe scorched Earth that was a terrible idea we’re doing the gambling load out right now just praying to God we get some hits in oh my God Jesus that was close all right try and get him oh my God nope he’s here he’s here he is here okay okay we we’re not all right good God oh my God my Platinum is still [ __ ] there what am I think what am I doing I’m just going to going to leave it there I’m just going to leave it there it’s fine they earned it the scrollers need the money bad apparently their whole family needs to get medical treatment in the United States 190 damage that is actually bizarre 140 that’s great we’re doing good almost got it down I am nervous I am nervous what if these weapons aren’t all they’ve cut out to be what are we going to do then I think I’m going to make the sword first it’s just not the best in the world I thought this was going to be way sicker but only a few more and we’re taking every other pillar to Pound Town all right not bad it does do quite a stupid amount of damage and you truly and honestly you love to see it leave me alone you absolute freak he wants me so bad it’s embarrassing get away from me now now back to the sword essence of flame it does way more damage than this does way more damage than this this has to be so nice essence of flame okay this has got to be good right there’s no way it isn’t now is not the time for a party at all actually 481 damage when we’re moving that is actually deranged oh my God holy [ __ ] that ising insane that is putrid that is vile and disgusting I love it our damage is actually astounding right now words cannot quite describe what I’m feeling Jesus Christ we still take a lot of damage got to remember that holy [ __ ] oh god oh we’re in it we’re in it we’re in it face tank face tank okay look at that we got it down to like 45 already oh my God that is nuts I don’t think we’re going to do too hot against the moon Lord but hey so once we get this out of the way we try Duke fisheran we can try the Empress of light all right let’s turn our spawn rates back to normal please please stop the damage is [ __ ] deranged though oh you’re joking God damn it I was not volun told to donate blood by flow Invader I was not you got to believe me I mean we’re getting close to te time with old Moon Lord kind of petrifying in my opinion oh my God ladies and gentlemen are you seeing what I am seeing Jesus Christ my prediction I don’t think we’re going to dub this one I don’t think so here we go the damage is good the damage is really oh my God the damage is nasty if we do get it this is going to be ridiculously close now we’re cooked dollar short and a day late baby no chance got surprisingly far where’s that big ass heart buddy where’s that that Heart of Gold around there somewhere oh my God okay not good oh bad bad bad bad bad bad for us oh my God we got so lucky right there dude I’m just blind fire I don’t even know what I’m shooting at right now oh okay dude no way no [ __ ] way oh my God yes yes yes there oh my God God what that is what I’m godamn talking about holy [ __ ] I did not think we dude I did not think we were going to do that at all holy hell what the [ __ ] oh let’s go oh Jesus Christ what a weapon this is the best weapon of all time demonic essence of flame releases a devastating flame blast on every swing straight to the Moon Lord’s fat [ __ ] forehead we’re good we are so good okay dude our work is cut out for us we have we have much to do okay we have much to do we still have the primordials we still have these little turd meatball looking bastards we got to start with a Pirate Invasion and then maybe we do an eclipse or something all right Pirates are up next okay so now we need to grind out a pirates map so we’re just going to go ahead and crank up the spawn rates over here and just let them pour on in until we have one we’re having no luck with pirates Maps unfortunately but Jesus Christ can we be mad after a fabled dub such as that oh great now all these [ __ ] idiots are down here oh oh Jesus Christ so good oh my God there’s a meteorite down here this is where it landed that’s [ __ ] insane oh Jesus Christ the whales here oh uh-oh they’re here there were some very viable weapon choices from the Pirate Invasion that we could have gotten like prech but I just I honestly think we were underpowered at that point I I think we did pretty good with what we had I won’t even lie to you they are still doing in IM like immeasurable amount of damage to me it’s that’s actually insane oh here we go oh we’re going to die oh Jesus Christ the Pirates have at long last been defeated thank the lord well there’s that that’s out of the way and I say this probably dare I say goes on the earned it pile so I’m thinking maybe we could buy some treasure bags from the Moon Lord or for the moon Lord I mean wow it’s 14 Platinum really really how about we Crystal dup then cuz we’ve earned it I think that about does the trick 43 Platinum now how about we make some solar helmet check body check leggies check AO look at that we’re going to be nowhere near as fast but our defense and melee damage is going to be through the roof so now that that’s done I’m thinking we knock out the Old One’s Army I think that’ll be good to do that I was almost thinking we look for a flat flat area we’re also going to need to take a visit to baldheaded ass I still don’t know why it’s flooded it’s driving me insane I had someone trying and argue with me in my comment section today saying the black spot was still good that his ass don’t lie to yourself cool that does it for me there we go God damn this sword is good the noises while repetitive are very satisfying I feel like do it again do it again we got to watch out for the flying Jacks they’re going to hurt us oh no the boys are back in town this isn’t good okay we’re getting a little bit overwhelmed here all right though the attorney of Crystal has a crippling amount of Health we’ll be okay and we got time oh yeah I’ve got time wait for starting dark Mage is about to arrive it’s going to be the first one on our Hit List looks like the Mage has arrived and he’s going to be on this side and the mage is down for the count looks like we’re getting our first ogre this round there he is there the bastard is and he has a lot of Health Jesus Christ he has a lot they are destroying my crystal maybe we should have brought Buffs maybe that was a move oh Jesus Christ I got boogered on we’re stuck in booger Central for another second oh Jesus Christ she’s here oh my God I heard the Elden ring Boss music not looking good for her brother am I going to lose this I just got to tank Betsy right oh my God oh my God oh my God oh no dude our Crystal’s losing we’re going to lose oh Jesus Christ we’re going to lose no [ __ ] way we’re going to lose oh no dude oh my God we just lost it all what the [ __ ] man I got to do that all over again [ __ ] we got a couple things to put on the Ern P [ __ ] [ __ ] oh we can do his damage max if we manage to take down the Empress of light you know what let’s take on Duke fishan first see if we could get his cool Mount like a nice little Duke fisherman Arena we’ll kill him Make It Rain then we could use his Mount okay okay well let’s just try it let’s see what happens do a decent enough amount of damage I feel like it still it it concerns me that this is still kind of kind of scary this is with Buffs too all right got him down well this is going on the earned pile I I don’t know what else to say besides we earn that we make a rain use this bad boy against the Empress of light all right let’s give it a whirl and the world is our Arena at this point we do good damage when we actually hit her we do really solid damage not bad not bad we just got to land our hits and we’re not doing a good job at that at all it’s a shame we’re post Moon Lord still still struggling a little bit with these bastards but soon enough we’ll be able to damage Max we’re going to be hitting hard as a godamn freight train oh my NPCs are cooked fiend all right we got her thank God so this is going on the earned it pile thankfully okay now we have the soaring Insignia now that we have that we could fly indefinitely it makes us a lot a lot we’re just in such better shape you know let’s get the solar tablet and let’s go ahead and do I think our next one is I mean we have to finish the Old One’s Army but I think our next big one is the eclipse so we can literally sleep just until it turns nighttime I guess we could just chill out and wait till it’s over got to do some waiting anyways I was hoping a mo to come by so we could slap her silly it’s nearly legally nighttime ain’t that a thing of beauty at long last the eclipse has ended meaning it’s off our list we have the Pumpkin Moon dude the frost Moon Godly we’re going to have to beat off a morning wood hard take that as you will pretty good so far did I get the big bastard I think we got him we just ride the rest of the event out I I imagine we’ll do a similar process for the frost Moon and see how that goes I guess while we wait you know we could throw some stuff on the earned pile we got that there there it is all right now that that’s out of the way let’s move on to the frost Moon let’s get a naughty present going no all right it’s about that time all right here’s our first guy the ever cream got him got his Relic Santa nk1 you’ve got to go too chump do the thug Shaker go ahead do it see if I care all right okay we got everything we need Jesus Christ do the gyration now all right it’s over thank Christ all right so we laid out an Ever cream first gone Santa nk1 gone ice queen gone Aria see you later sucker all right we got him we got him we got him that’s good now where are we we’re at the Martian Madness event oh nice starts the Martian Invasion need that let’s do it at a regular Pace I mean this is going good so far we just we honestly take a stupid amount of damage which is very worrying oh boy here he comes all right got him got him got him tear him up tear him up tear him up I think this might be doing better DPS I don’t know it’s like dragging through them which is really nice Zeno popper how nice would that be okay it’s j okay that’s more to add to the earned it pile and I think up next we have Betsy so we’re going to have to we’re going to have to do the event all over again which is just so exciting let me double check and make sure it’s Betsy oh we have the Forgotten one first okay hopefully we get him I don’t know I remember being kind of rough any freaky ass fish coming our way oh my God okay he’s here where is he at where is he at I I don’t is he coming up okay here he goes here he goes we do Insane damage to him E look at his hand dude he’s trying to grip us and I’m not going to let it happen get behind me Pooky Bears okay we got him cool that was that was a simpler matter than I thought it was going to be let’s bounce over to the desert real quick bets he’s next on our goddamn list okay focus lock in lock in lock in Slaughter these idiots it was all these flying Jack that were messing us up last time all right potions might have been exactly what we needed cuz we we’re doing pretty good this time not a bad look not bad at all we’re kind of tanking it I think we got it though I think we yep yep yep yep yep yep yep we got it we got it woo so kind of a scary one I’m not going to lie to you and we got the Betsy bag and the Betsy Relic that’s truly all that matters thank God that’s over with you know what we got this now bam perfect see what else we got so we’re 100% on the left side we got everything got every oh we still need to do the frost Legion that’s that’s degrading yeah we wait for them to arrive get them out of the way real quick okay and then we crank these bad boys up and go stupid goodbye freaks I mean let’s check now let’s see see if we’re ready the primordials are the final final boss of this playthrough now let’s see about it let’s make some doomsayers coins okay let’s see how it goes start with one let’s just try it out I think the top guy is normally the one that comes first the damage is not all that good okay just took a fat hit that’s great normally do a normally we do a lot more damage than this which is making this fight a lot scarier I don’t know about this one I really really don’t know about this one we are doing hardly any damage especially to omnicide the life devour [ __ ] Edge Lord McGee our maneuverability is fantastic however now this guy just gets pissed and tries to tackle you which is not all that cool oh Jesus Christ he’s coming I think we’re going to be lucky if we make it out of this fight alive I’m I’m being totally so real with you guys the difference between Bard and thrower and the amount of damage we were doing with those classes and now it’s night and day and it’s petrifying to me all right we’ll go next to our healing we’ll heal up we’ll be oh no oh here he comes what the [ __ ] you can’t keep doing that that’s cheating okay now he’s going down next I don’t know if the water guy is going down right away it’s not looking super good for us okay we got him oh no almost got him almost got him almost got him okay okay okay oh wow we killed omnicide and I didn’t even realize it we’re going to have to run we’re going to have to run fast oh this is going to be bad dude this is going to be real real bad oh dear God this is not good oh no oh dude we’re dead we’re dead he does way too much damage oh my god oh my god dude what are we going to do we are so screwed right now oh no oh no oh no oh no what are we going to do there has to be a better weapon right there has to be a better weapon there’s the scoo but then we’d have to be within range of them which I don’t like at all oh no brother we might be cooked dude this might be real real bad it’s over for us I think but what if what if I don’t know I like the damage the dam oh my god dude what are we going to do Santa what do I do buddy this is our last boss man this is our last final boss Santa just [ __ ] exploded because the spirit of Christmas faded that’s cannon in real life by the way that really happens we need another doomsayers coin let’s try again okay let’s try again we might have it God this is atrocious yeah dude we got to get this we have to get this all right come on bring it I don’t know what insane debuff I have but it’s kicking my ass we’re getting closer and closer I hate to say but I I think we have the first phase down to a t like we’re we’re doing okay like it’s doable but it’s just that second phase is just so absolutely nutty I don’t know how it’s going to work okay he hasn’t done his skull attack of Doom quite yet which is nice we almost got this little bastard out of commission which means water boy is coming out Gator raade oh no did we get him I think we got him so this is our last guy we got to be extra extra careful that was not extra careful okay nice nice nice just got to be extra careful to die that [ __ ] oh no God damn his health just goes down so slow oh I can’t go down fast enough it’s not looking good for us so far Gamers it is not godamn looking good for us no I don’t know where he is he’s got to be nearby okay this might be it this might be it we almost got him no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh Jesus Christ if we’re careful we might be able to pull this off oh my God keep going keep going keep going keep going yes yes yes yes yes all the way yes that is what I’m [ __ ] talking about God damn it yes dude oh was there was there any Rhyme or Reason for that fight being so [ __ ] petrifying oh my God I would say that’s a melee weapon I mean you know what I mean let’s make that so it just it just shits on ours dude look at that just look at that I think that’s going to tear it’s going to absolutely tear I believe so let’s look at ultimate armors I think our ultimate armor is going to be tide Turner armor as for weapon s there is the terrarian last knife which looks like it’s going to be our our chosen one and there is the ocean’s judgment so let’s make it all let’s start with the terrarian last knife where is that bad boy at here it is reality breaker we’re going to need to buy more treasure bags and that’s okay I’m willing to Crystal dup at this stage of the game too I don’t care so we’re going to need to make the ocean’s judgment which is this bad boy for only three ocean Essence what a goddamn steal as for armor we’re making the tide Turner armor I think that’s going to be our ultimate set you know what we can do actually I was thinking maybe we could just grab our solar armor and just Shimmer it save us a little bit of bread I guess there we go a little bit of luminite action beautiful so now that we got the armor let’s take a look at weapons we were going to make the ocean’s judgment bam got it it’s weak ha wonderful now we can also make the terrarian last knife and I want to make that what do we need we need a we need a psycho knife are you kidding me can I maybe buy a psycho can I buy a psycho perhaps I know all the freaks in the comments are going to be like me leave me alone you bastards leave me be so let’s just make it a solar eclipse Jesus whoa dude what the [ __ ] is this Jesus Christ that’s insane oh my God that’s actually nuts you guys realize how nuts that’s it that is I hope my God psycho knifer where is he at man I can’t seem to get him easily goddamn knife around here I’ve killed 50 whole scissor stalkers where all the psychos at bro have we have we gotten the psycho Banner oh no where’s the knife oh my God there’s one right here okay we’re good we’re good we got one terrarian last knife 517 melee damage 74% crit strike chance insanely fast speed insane knockback rapidly swings a large life siphoning knife right click to unleash a massive torrent of blood at the cost of life it is a reality breaker weapon So Okay Legendary off rip that’s great let’s make another doomsayers coin and perhaps try this again shall we so I guess I mean let’s try it out I mean we could try this looks crazy the damage is nuts but we take an immense amount of damage from that I don’t know I think this I think this one might be might be the best for this battle wow get the hearts get the hearts get the hearts wa accidentally just ran right into that one that’s not good don’t do this okay we are on like two hearts is it working is he just going to run into all that and oh my god dude what’s the oh my God what’s the odds what’s the odds all right we’ll do that again we’ll try it again that’s fine everything’s fine let’s do it again how does this work I think if we’re hitting him just right we’ll be able to are you [ __ ] kidding me why am I Ash now now that I have ultimate Weaponry why am I ass what happened this is so [ __ ] frustrating let’s try and face tank with this and see what happens we just have to be hitting them just right I believe which is actually kind of crazy okay we’re taking taking massive hits now unfortunately but we heal so quick I might want to try some of this action if we right click on him oh no that was a bad idea okay we’re able to heal a little bit oh no let was try and knife him to death and we’re back at full health just about okay cool cool cool okay let’s try and knife him real fast and regain our health I think we’re going to try the MU for this and see how it works okay the damage is certainly there he’s just running face first into it which is really cool to see we’re dead we are actually dead we’re actually dead right now that is that’s insane get the heart see if we can just squeak this one out okay oh Jesus Christ I don’t know what he’s doing I don’t know what kind of behavior this is do I have a heal soon I feel like this shouldn’t be this much of a struggle okay got to heal [ __ ] me that was terrifying let’s hope this goes well oh no this is not going well oh nice nice nice nice it’s getting all of them oh that’s good this is really good when it comes to crowd control like absolutely cannot cannot be defeated as for single Target bosses I don’t know how good it will go oh my God our debuff is going to kill us but we got him oh Jesus Christ that was so insanely close it hurts me inside with us getting the Ultimate Weapon the ultimate armor and with us finally defeating the primordials we have finally beaten thorium with only melee thank you all so much for watching if you did enjoy be sure to drop a like And subscribe for more content like this as well as leave a comment down in the old comment section below to let me know your thoughts on this video if you want some video and stream updates make sure to follow the Instagram and Twitter as well as my twitch which is all LED link down in the description thank you all so so much again for coming by and I’ll be seeing all of you melee thorium freaks in the next one

Today, in our MASTER MODE Thorium experience, we go to the classic classes and see how it goes running only MELEE! We mainly want to use melee weapons that come from the Thorium mod, but we must beef ourselves up to the max, protein after every workout, bulk maxing to our very core. We have to be in arms reach of Duke Fishron to hit him, The Moon Lord has to be wrung dry with our bare hands, and even the Primordials, Thorium’s final boss, must be smashed flat with our open palms, full melee style. Can we beef up enough to get by with a Thorium Melee Max build? Can we grow the biceps necessary to get a text back from the Dryad, or to serenade Plantera with the sweet song of weights clanging? How OP can we possibly become?
Thank you all so much for watching the FULL MOVIE! If you enjoyed, drop a like and subscribe, as well as leave a comment to let me know your thoughts on this video! Also if you’d like, follow the Instagram and Twitter for future stream and video updates!

EDITED by EMMET BRAMLEY: https://twitter.com/emmetbramley

#terraria #mod #rage

AlchemistNPC Lite
Fargo’s Mutant Mod
Boss Checklist
Recipe Browser
Thorium Mod
Magic Storage
Ore Excavator
Auto Reforge

Credits for Absolute BANGER Thorium Tunes: smxfoxtrot

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  1. On the topic of skymill cheese, you can still do the cheese but you first have to place the skymill down and then break it and pick it up into your inventory. Buy a bunch of them from the architect, throw them on the ground, and pick them up. They'll stack onto the one you broke and they'll all sell for that skymill's value, which when broken retains the vanilla sell price. Think of it like you're clearing the NBT data from an item in Minecraft to make it stack again.

  2. Ah, succulent.
    Once again though I suggest a combined Calamity & Thorium playthrough, perhaps with Adrian. There's even the unofficial mod that adds post-Moon Lord bard and healer.

    One of you can be a bard music maestro, and the other can be an epic healer supremo.

  3. The top comment has such a good idea. I love watching waffle time but I never cold really get the REAL feel of his RAGE. Its such a great idea as I always wanted to feel the length and girth of king chad waffletimes veiny rage.

  4. I am LOVING the Thorium videos Papa Waffle!! Consider doing Dark Healer next, its actually really fun and there are some weapons and trinkets I think you'd get a lot out of ^-^

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