Stardew Valley – Marrying Linus

always keep your wild animals and pets contained in cages hello everyone today we’ll be giving lonus a beautiful furnished home all the food he can eat millions of dollars a loving family and then abruptly take it all away from him just for my amusement and I’m already deeply in love with lonus because he’s going to be the fastest and easiest character to fall in love with because he’s always available because he lives in a blanket fort anyways he’s currently has zero Hearts he loves most of the food items probably because he’s starving on any given day so I’m going to give him Prismatic shards hello lonus I don’t know you well enough to trust you sorry and I don’t know you well enough to like you so let’s work on that here’s a prismatic Shard this is wonderful you’ve really made my day special the only thing special here is you lonus he also has a very simple schedule he’s either right there near his tent or down by the water to the right or up in the spa area up above not sure entirely what he’s doing there and these many crystarium are going to get in my way as I head to the mountain every day so we’re going to remove them as we go and just like that a brand new highway right through my farm all right he gets his second gift today he also loves mushrooms I’ll actually just give him this oh here’s the man now here’s your purple mushroom lus this is a great gift thank you H do you want something from me your undying love for about 7 days if you didn’t already know to you can put his fire out two gifts he’s still at zero Hearts because he likes to play hard to get good morning lonus hope you’re not busy I don’t like to stay in one place for too long lonus please don’t lie to me it’s been 70 years and you haven’t moved more than 100 m from your current location it’s the first of winter already this idiot still hasn’t bothered to put his fire back on so I’m going to leave it out for him that’ll be his problem good morning lonus it can get really cold if you live in a tent which is why it’s such an interesting choice that you decide to live in a tent here’s a prismatic Shard maybe that’ll keep you warm I’m also trying very hard to remember that it’s his birthday on the third of winter few more days so I’m going to try not to sleep through it for once happy birthday my hairy little friend I don’t know you well enough to trust you sorry that’s not new dialogue and you could be a little nicer to me on your birthday a birthday gift that’s very kind of you I love it that’s a little better I’m taking time out of my busy day to come and see you and because it’s your birthday I’m even going to put your fire back on I’m just kidding no life sustaining fire for you after his very special birthday gift he’s up to four Hearts now which means we should get a new heart event unless I’ve seen it before on this file and I have no idea if I have another gift for you and you’d better start to like me this is one beautiful You’ really made my day special are you starting to like me yet sleeping on the ground is good for my back and ruining people’s lives is good for my brain okay we can still see the four heart event he got his fire going again so that’s probably good for him Ms come stand next to the fire pit it feels great I actually have a heated house so I’ll probably just go there instead or not we’ll enjoy the fire together I was hoping you’d come by sometime I come by pretty much every day to see you that’s cool cool though thanks for remembering I wanted to say sorry for mistrusting you at first most people don’t treat me well so I’ve learned to be cautious well I don’t treat most people that well so you were right on the money good instincts but you’ve been uncommonly nice to me you’re a unique person I really am and I consider you a good friend yep I’ll be the best friend you ever have for 4 weeks hey I want to show you something come inside I’d rather not that tent looks like a single going in anyway I would like to point out that this is not a mod this hard event is in the original game ah there we go see this it’s a special kind of fish bait that I make it never actually shows how he makes that exactly it’s top quality stuff I’d eat it myself that means a lot coming from a starving person that lives in a tent here I want you to have the recipe I don’t really need the recipe less I’m pretty rich and buy pretty much whatever I want learned how to craft wild bait good stuff as always from our favorite guy with a beard uh lonus you’d better get ready soon or you’re going to be late for work after today’s gift he’s all the way up to six hearts so very soon we’ll be able to see his brand new e- heart event and then his 10 heart I can’t wait hey I know you’re hungry so I brought you a painted rock all the way up to eight hearts now so we can see Linus’s heart event as soon as I get here at the appropriate time hi lonus I’m sure you understand why I’m cautious of strangers because someone in town is marrying all the villagers and ruining their lives but let’s put that that in the past okay you and I are friends now I think yeah you stay cautious you definitely should be wary of me have another gift here it is the mod eight heart event never before seen by me and probably most of you once again he has his fire going so that’s good oh Ms nice to see you don’t worry I’m just here to put your fire out clearly I’m very happy about that have you eaten dinner yet I’m making fish and there’s plenty if you want to stay um yes I would love to I guess I would I’ll try your fish really great just make sure it’s adequately cooked over that fire I’m just finishing up the meal why don’t you wait inside my tent I’d rather not I guess I have to okay we’re going to go sit in his small little tent well this is exciting oh here he is sorry for the weight but I think it will be worth it yes for your fish fresh grilled fish you grilled it did you that’s interesting how do you like it I’ve had better well I’m not exactly a festar chef but I tried not very hard to be fair though I feel like you don’t eat a lot of good food so you really wouldn’t know the difference you know Ms I and there’s a drum beat you can hear rocks hitting the tent I would say that’s me doing it but I’m inside the tent so it’s got to be someone else let’s see who’s out there oh it’s the children they should be very afraid of me Mr mumps but but where’s the scary tent man I am the scary tent man but please don’t tell Aunt Marney Mr mumps I’m not going to go near Marney for a while Vincent made me do it no no it wasn’t me kids there’s some very deep bodies of water around I suggest you leave hariry scary tent man here he is he’s going to attack us Vincent run should I say something I’m going to say nothing they should be scared to lus he’s a monster and they run off screen lus says nothing awkward silence I’m really sorry about that Ms don’t be I paid them to do it it doesn’t happen often but but what sorry MPS I’d like to be alone for a while thank God I’ve got to take a nap can I go now I’ll stop by soon don’t bother well that probably didn’t do me any favors with the Friendship points but he’s still at eight hearts so time to give him some flowers now I know you can’t eat these but I think you’ll enjoy them I’ll accept this thank you so after giving him some non-edible flowers he’s all the way up to 10 hearts and technically my boyfriend which is great because I’ve always wanted something to Pet and Feed we’re going to move on into Spring tomorrow is going to be the first day of your 70 it’s been 70 years already and I’ve probably gone through 70 children along the way anyways the 10 heart event is started by getting the mail we get from lus if you have time come visit me tonight I was thinking I could cook dinner and we could talk what could you possibly be cooking fish over a fire again those the only things you have you can even sleep over if if you’d like come by around six if you’re interested I’ll be waiting well I think I know what he’s getting at considering he wants to sleepover in a single person tent with a single person caught now we just got to wait for 600 p.m. in the meantime I guess we can see what his 10 heart dialogue is hello MPS well that’s very creative you should come over for dinner sometime how about tonight does that work for you I’ll wait here until it’s ready okay it’s time for the finest campfire food available in stardy Valley pretty much the same start as last time I an approach from the wrong direction they could have at least made a tweak to that not a big deal hi lonus moms you came anything for you anything at all I figured maybe we could try this dinner thing again without any interruptions can we have something other than fish I would love to and he plays music great dinner’s just getting done why don’t we eat out here good idea that way we can see the Rocks coming I tried something a little different tonight I hope you like it it can’t be any worse than last time lus gives you a heaping helping of spaghetti I’m a little skeptical of how he cooked spaghetti over a fire I guess it can be done it tastes great I’m glad you like it I don’t cook much that isn’t fish but I’d be happy to make you anything you like I want lobster stuffed with caviar can you make that happen I’m glad you came back after what happened last time Ms well I kind of need you without you this whole video just doesn’t really work I’m not sure that most people would have wanted to try this again most people wouldn’t bother the first time blindness no one really likes you I’m not ashamed of my lifestyle but being degraded by everyone even kids is embarrassing it’s not embarrassing there are the ones that are wrong I know that but thank you MPS sometimes I need a reminder myself oh don’t worry I’ve got a solution for all your child problems I’m so fortunate to have someone like you in my life Ms I do like how he actually calls me by my name not Mr Ms or anything weird I I love you he’s so forward about it everyone else beats around the bush I love you you too my little caveman really I’m so glad shouldn’t it been obvious after all the flowers it’s been a long night hasn’t it fairly let’s go to sleep question mark oh he got me my own sleeping bag do you have like a mattress or a foam or anything though I’m sure it’s not as comfortable as your bed but obviously not I am like a billionaire that’s cool though I’ll make it work and we had a sleepover and then went backwards in time and it is 6:50 p.m. again and he’s got nothing more to say is my sleeping bag in here no okay it’s like it didn’t happen anyways now that that’s out of the way time to propose to my little friend here you go I accept 3 days blah blah blah lonus I’m going to marry you on one condition stay out of the garbage cans on our wedding day here we are on our beautiful wedding day we have two luses one is wearing something a little more formal than normal probably a piece of garbage with a piece of yellow garbage in the middle of it but that’s okay it looks a little better than normal two children at this point otherwise that would be a nightmare if you find a spider in the house please don’t kill it just let me know and I’ll take it outside and probably eat it today he’s wandered up into this room for some reason now that Winter’s over we’ve got lots of productive weather to look forward to I don’t think you’ve ever had a productive day in your lifeliners this morning he’s outside where he belongs just let me know if you need me to do anything my love I know how busy you are well since you’re asking you can spend the rest of your life alone in a tent and Mary Lewis I feel like this one should be free but but as one final gift to my feral husband have a rock H this doesn’t really do much for me it’s not supposed to it’s just something to remember me by anyways best of luck to you and whatever you want to do with the rest of your life no more lonus just stupid annoying kids to get in my way every opportunity they get anyways let’s go see what lonus thinks of his new life I wish there was an option to let him have the kids that would be so much easier through all this although I’m not sure he’s in any position to take care of children he can barely do it for himself hi lus remember me you have no reason to be here no but that’s never stopped me before well I think that about concludes lonus I almost feel bad for him but I don’t know if animals have feelings anyways seriously though that’s another one off the list I’ve got a whole bunch of new fun crazy video ideas coming up soon I’ve got them all written down somewhere so those will be coming out all sorts of different games more stard to Valley Sims everything uh new Sims vide should be out tomorrow and maybe one more today which is Saturday other than that hope you like this one thanks for watching

Probably the meanest one yet!

Mods – Siv’s Marriage Mod


  1. 3:30 The first time I saw this heart event I honestly lost my shit, had no idea what was going on. So glad such a hilariously misunderstandable sound effect is in the vanilla game.

  2. unlike most other unmarriable characters i see no real reason that linus cant be married i mean hes not married and hes not a child i guess you could make the argument hes too old but i find that kinda flimsy

  3. “You haven’t moved more than 100 meters from your current location” as if he didn’t go to floor 112 of the mines, the secret woods,Leah’s trash can and other areas

  4. it rly pisses me off tbh that all the canon marriage candidates are so young. there should be at least one older candidate of both genders just so its an option. for me i wish it was marnie and linus. harvey still looks quite young to me even though his standing in town implies an older age.

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