I Built a DONUT FACTORY in Minecraft Create

in today’s episode of the crate series The War of the chocolate continues today I am making chocolate donuts to compete against sigil Milkshakes that brings all the boys to the yard that’s right we’re getting Petty in today’s episode of Minecraft create hit the like button hit the Subscribe button cuz today’s episode’s about to get absolutely insane all right so you’re probably wondering why am I in front of sigil Factory his entire business his base of operations well if you guys new here I’ve been in a war with sigils I have made an entire bonka Factory full of chocolate full of craziness spectacles and sigils over there has made rudimentary chocolate milkshakes using my chocolate that I have been making since day one on this crate series and as you can tell I have still yet to fix my delivery system delivering hot cocoa to the masses and the children of the series and my children I mean zud mainly so without further Ado I’m going to be making a doughnut Factory and a doughnut shop right in front of his house because I am P to the e to the TTY y That’s when you guys come in in the comment section and say Petty as well and yeah it’s good it’s going to be great we’re going to make a giant uh infinite uh doughnut factory and we’re going to be supplying Donuts to literally everyone just to flex that we have infinite Donuts but to craft chocolate donuts we going to have to fill chocolate which we’re going to have to pump chocolate from our bonka Factory all the way over there uh or we can just take it from over here and I take one of the pipes and bring it over here uh or we could bring it all the way yeah oh there’s our there’s a bee inside of our bus it’s going all the way across we can just take one of the pipes over here bring it all the way down to us and there we got chocolate but that’s the least of our problem with this chocolate doughnut we need to make actual Donuts which means we need dough and we just need dough and we need a mix it in a heated Basin which we need lava which we have infinite lava so that’s fine so to make dough we need water and wheat flour H well water is easy to get infinitely enough that’s fine wheat flour on the other hand we need wheat grinded oh this is easy oh well then we should make a system that grinds wheat into wheat flour burn the seeds well we guess we could Mill it too that’s not as cool as crushing it so we need a SST in place underneath or inside the doughnut Factory that goes into the doughnut shop should be pretty simple what we should probably do is start making the doughnut shop first which I’m going to do by drinking a lot of coffee hey does anybody want coffee who wants coffee I just made a fresh pot of cof does anybody want coffee make the doughnut shop make an underground area for the donut shop that leads up into the doughnut shop to make the donuts we’re going to get cooking I don’t know why I’m shooting you guys with a ray gun that’s the transition let’s make a donut shop all right so the dut shop is pretty much done now I need to actually start making the donuts but before we do that let me show you guys the dut shop bonka Donuts well bonka Donuts as you can tell it’s a fully cool looking doughnut shop filled with no Donuts we literally have a seating area over here with some Pistons that kind of looks like a little area you can take a little seat maybe take a little dump it’ be good and then over here is going to be the display area where I’m going to actually put the duts probably in some sort of storage thing so you know people can come in here take some donuts maybe the bus can come through backwards and take the donuts and Etc but gosh I really need to fix that soon all right so in here I’m going to have a little area probably back here for storage and for maybe mixing I don’t know um because the whole process is going to be happening down here because I’m going to have to get a wheat farm I’m going to have to automate that Wheat Farm I’m going to have to get chocolate here I’m going to do a bunch of things and I’m not super excited for it so let’s get started but we have a whole empty area to do so and to do that we’re going to have to start making dough and to get dough we need wheat flour and to get wheat flour we’re going to need to crush well wheat and to get wheat we need well seeds so we’re going to take a bunch of seeds make a wheat farm throw a uh what is it a mechanis of some sort maybe some Contraption spit it around a billion times and destroy a bunch of crops it’s going to be a lot of fun let’s get started several days later all right so now we have infinite wheat look how cool this thing is we have a mechanical Harvester set up on a mechanical bearing with a portable storage interface that it’s going to literally put it into this one which I actually need to put into a vault system and stuff and then into a giant crushing wheel set up that’s going to go down here and uh crush it into wheat flowers which then will have to turn into actual dough um but for now it all works so look at this if I put some of uh what is this bone meal and then look at that it works and look we have over 18 wheat and a bunch of seeds and look at that it’s look we have infinite wheat we’re literally are goated like there’s nothing we this is instant like we don’t even need this much we can make donuts hand over fist at this point but now the next step is to turn this wheat into wheat flour which shouldn’t be too difficult like I said it’s just turning the wheat into crushing so we crush it and we have a chance to get wheat flour and wheat seeds which we need to then burn the wheat seeds and after we get the wheat flour we need dough which means we need water which isn’t too diff or we can bulk wash it that seems easier than getting a bunch of buckets doesn’t it maybe we bulk wash it afterwards so maybe we put it on a conveyor belt after it gets crushed we bulk wash it and then yeah maybe we do that and then after we get the dough we just need to heat it up in a you know what I was thinking maybe we get like a whole mechanical arm mixing thing but honestly at this point I don’t think that’s the idea I think we’re going to probably bulk wash it I think that’s the route I think I’m smart now hit the like button if you think I’m smart now let’s get started on this cuz big brain Biffle is cooking now all right so like I said earlier we got the wheat farm set up now we have dough being created well kind of um so all the wheat gets sent into this little portable storage interface it gets dropped down into the brass funnel all the excess seeds get sent into the lava it goes down into the crushing wheel of justice and then it gets sent into these fans right here hold on let me go ahead and pull these uh little there we go down here goes into these fans right here and these will wash it into dough the wheat flour into dough and then after the dough all we have to do to make the dut is make a mixing system with a heated Blaze with our infinite lava and then we’ll have Donuts everybody and after we have Donuts all we have to do is cover it in chocolate from our infinite chocolate over at the bonka industry oh there goes dough right there I don’t know if you saw that but now we have dough which is perfect timing to make a mechanical mixing setup and then once we have all of that stuff set up we’re going to send it upstairs using I think um drawer systems that way we can have a little area upstairs just for our Donuts it’s going to be delicious it’s going to be amazing it’s going to be epic sauce so hit the like button hit the Subscribe button cuz we’re cooking today in today’s episode and sigil has no idea what’s going to hit them and also there’s other flavors of donuts so if you guys want to see me make sweet donuts chocolate donut I mean Apple donuts and normal Donuts I can make all the donuts in here I can make infinite amount of donuts I don’t know why I’m going so crazy but now it’s time to actually make this system so we’re going to extend the conveyor belt and start working on getting this actually set up and running up appropriately so we’re going to we’re going to do that now so let’s let’s get cooking everybody so I think what we’re going to need is a blaze Burger down here and then once we have a blaze burer down here we’re going to have to put a basin on top and then a mixer on top as well all right so let’s put a basin on top and then a mixer on top of that so when the dough comes through it’s going to go into this and then all when this is heated do I have any heating blocks all right we have some coal on us and this thing is powered which we actually have to Supply Power too oh my gosh we’ve hidden all the power into the wall so it doesn’t look so ugly so let’s power this up and I’ll show you how to make our first doughnut then we’ll automate it then we’ll send it up to the doughnut shop up ahead up above I mean I’m stupid don’t mind me as you can tell we hooked up the power the mechanical mixer is turned on and look inside here we have donuts and if I I put more dough in there it’s going to mix and hold on wait for it it takes a second it takes another second we have five yummy delicious donuts and now what we have to do with this Donuts is we have to make another belt system that turns it into chocolate donuts so this is going to be our main source of normal Donuts that are going to be automated into Donuts so all the dough that comes in from over here is going to be putting into this and we’re going to probably take it from this and go over here into chocolate donuts which is going to require us to probably put it over here like that and then get like some belts here put it over here and then we’re going to have to get a u a spout system and maybe a fluid tank and a whole bunch of we’re going to get that sorted right this second then we’re going to have chocolate doughnuts but first I have to set up an entire pipe system all the way over here but we’re going to make it underground cuz that’s I’m not doing it overground again that was a bad that was a bad idea so let’s let’s do that all right so everything should be pretty good all right so we have the wheat farm over there collecting all the wheat crushing it turning it into dough the dough is going to go through here making donuts so now we have a bunch of donuts that’s going to go here into this it’s going to go through here onto the depot spouting chocolate on top of this and then it’s going to go over here take it from the mechanical arm into here and now we’re going to have a bunch of donuts going all the way up through the little drawer system and we’re going to head on all the way up yep yep I’m going up the ladder instead of using my Jetpack all the way up here and now we have Donuts whenever we want it so we can just take a doughnut and eat the dut and as you can tell the donut shop is now open for business which means we can why is this what who did that now that means bonka Donuts is now open we have infinite Donuts which also by the way just times 2 for Hunger which is absurd that’s an absurd amount of eating capabilities that we’ll ever have but now that we have that we can legitimately Flex on sigils like no one’s business so now it’s time to grab sigil show them our new bonka donut Industries and have some fun let’s do this thing oh look at our truck we need to set this up to deliver Donuts now or maybe we can make a new truck I don’t know leave a comment down below this looks sick cil’s love this and by love I mean probably hello hello what is this what is this oh look it’s bunka Donuts why are you building on my property what do you mean this is public property here take a take a Lally HOA says that this is actually what what take a donut come on come on over what do you mean HOA look this is not your property look it’s a front like next door maybe it’s a front like a business I can’t even eat this dut it’s ter yeah cuz you’re too cuz you’re too full from being fat look at your Chunky little was look was oh come on in to Bona’s Donuts where we have infinite donuts for you would you like to pick up where you going why you just why you just going down to where the donuts are made hello can you not just come down here and look at my doughnut Factory can you go back upstairs for customers are no I’m not a customer you brought a Creeper down here I brought a Creeper down here you brought that Creeper down here there’s not a single torch to be seen there is torches and lanterns okay first of all there are torches in light there’s not a single torch second of all those are so high up they’re barely providing any light no you’re barely providing light to my life you ruined my system how could you’s way you did that you did that I okay first of all this is classic blame shifting uh no it’s not you you know all about blame shifting cuz I don’t even know that word you know what now we’re going have to use our jet packs use our jet packs oh no why don’t even use a lad come on C hold on I want to see okay so you’ve got a weed farm yeah I got a weed farm then uh comes over here and then you gets crushed yeah you got a little vertical Crushers yeah you got to wash it make it into DOA and then you go over here and then you got to mix it using your infinite lava and then coming over here and the infinite chocolate and turns it into donuts and then it goes into these storage drawers going up to all the beautiful customers in the server did you use like 57 storage drawers just to get it up there I how else would you how else would you do it like there’s no other way to get it to the two two conveyor belts and then a shoot with a fan all right so come up here come up here real quick so come up here come up here come up here no put a torch down there you monster I will put a torch later I didn’t think I need that many torches to be honest all right look and look we already have 26 Donuts that’s 26 customers that has a doughnut would you like to take a couple for home they’re really good look what they do read it look what they do what do they do what do they do times 24 wait actually that’s wait that’s that’s actually not bad yeah it’s insane come over here you can come over here and take a seat look take a little seat and now we’re having a good time eating Donuts as friends as friends who are enemies you don’t have a CH where Where Are You Going H what are you doing no no keep talking it’s okay I’m listening you have I’m listen nothing on my choc Donuts your milkshakes are a thing of the past you are a thing of the past they bring all the my gosh where’ you go I don’t know uh this is not this is not have donuts and a donut shop your milkshakes don’t have anything on me so weird you suck I win everything’s fine not really wor about me hit the like button hit the Subscribe button sigils is losing this War I will be the winner I will take over everything

I Built a DONUT FACTORY in Minecraft Create

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  1. am i the only one who heard biffle say weed instead of wheat, bc this is what i heard.
    Sigils: Oh you got a weed farm
    Biff: Yeahhh i got a weed farm
    and i heard that playing minecraft and dying🤣🤣🤣

  2. Biffle, you do know that Create has actual chairs that you can make right. You're also using MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod so why did you use stairs in the seating area of your donut shop 😂

  3. How to fix your bus follow theae instructions. Make a new schedule that does the below.

    1. Biffle's place for 30 seconds (any time you want)
    2. Zuds place for 30 seconds
    3. Sigils plqce for 30 seconds
    4. Biffle's place.

    This schedule will make it a forward loop.

    Now about the donut shop. Sigils still doesnt seem to know about a thing called trim. Look with the mod Storage Drawers you want to take items from one location to another you use Trim. This just acts as a pipe essentially. It instantly transfers the items to the drawers. Dont do what sigils said to do with belts and fans. Just use trim. It is very easy.

    Also your two washing fans put the one extra one you have under the washer thats next to your funnel filter one. Belts you can wash both top and middle when using a belt. Thus making your wash times in half. People dont seem to understand this. But notice were the belt is when you place it. It isnt at the top or a block it is like 3/4 of a block. Yet you can wash and item at the second block. Thus you can wash it twice as fast with two fans on top of each other because you are washing it from two locations. You can also out fans on the other side and top and bottom but you really dont need that.

    If you ever need help ask or go watch Dejojotheawesome and Batsyvonfangies and MrBeardstone and Foxynotail. They are wll amazing with create.

  4. Instead of burning the seeds couldn't you use a composter to turn them into bone meal and then you can the bone meal to speed up the farm, or just store it for an infinite amount of bone meal. 5:35

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