I built an EASY IRON FARM in Minecraft Create Mod!

last episode I revealed my theme park Master plans turned a shipping container into a sight office and flooded my boats today I unflood my boat expand the construction sites and build an iron farm I’m fishing again I’ve been contemplating my options for draining the boats and getting XP but we’ll come back to that but I think I have a plan I’m going to grab my gold go to the Nether and find some pigos to trade with and get some fire resistance potions I’m then going to pile into the nearby Fortress Slaughter anything that gets in my way Panic a bit find some nether warts and uniz some blazes to get blaz rods I’ll then grab one of the Blaze Spawners using the carry-on mod and leg it that’ll come in handy later returning home a hero the local villagers celebrate my return and I get to Brewing some potions I make potions of water breathing using puffer fish and then I brew up some potions of invisibility with golden carrots I grab my TN in some redstone blocks milk a few cows and then set off to find a guardian Temple I’ll blast my way into the roof in various places to take down the Guardians with hopefully no trouble then Scout the building in search of a Spong rum stealing all I find I’ll then swim back up to the surface jump on my rope boat and sail off into the distance we now have sponges and I can drain my boats oh I need to drive them there we go and now hopefully some strategically placed sponges and one more there there we go somehow the only spot we didn’t actually drain is the uh is the washer let’s just get these dried off again but now we know we can safely move the boat and then drain it out when we put it in its new destination that’s going to solve a lot of issues now to solve the XP issue so last episode I was struggling to get the XP out of here which is actually looking quite healthy now as well I must say but it turns out there is actually quite a simple way to do it and that is to get one of these which is an experience pump upgrade and thanks to the piglin trading we can make some Eyes of Ender we do have blaze rods and we’ve got ender pearls we can make the pump upgrade just fine what we don’t have at the moment though are bottles of enchanting it looks like the best place for us to try and get some is going to be shipwreck treasure so if we can find a treasure map out there somewhere in one of these boats there’s plenty scattered about just maybe we’ll be able to get our some bottles of enchanting that way so I guess that’s going to be our next mission wreck hunting let’s [Music] go and while we enjoy this nice chilled cinematic of me struggling to find bottles of enchanting I do just want to take a moment to welcome back all those that were here for series 1 and offer a huge welcome to the new viewers too if you are new here you may not know but I do release monthly world downloads around the middle of each month in fact the latest one will be released today alongside this episode and these are available to all YouTube and patreon members of any level so you can explore the builds make schematics and experience the world as I do so if that’s something that interests you then please do sign up get access today I mean these videos wouldn’t be possible without your epic support and this is just a small thing I can do to say thanks so thanks anyway let’s get back to past bidy maybe he’ll finally find [Music] something oh we got one bottle of enchanting good [Music] stuff oh finally we’ve got another one and another globe and it may be almost lunchtime now but we can finally head home well we’re finally back with our XP bottles and I think I’ve gathered together everything else we’re going to need in order to make this so we’re going to start with an upgrade base then we need a pump upgrade followed by an advanced pump upgrade oh I’ve forgotten the diamonds and the gold maybe I don’t have everything I need after all now I can make the advanced pump upgrade and now uh what do we need we need we need these oh okay yeah we can quickly make those and that is our XP tap so if I pick up this bag swap out which one’s on my back the XP pump upgrade and yep you see that is taking the XP off of me at the moment but I think if I set this to 30 levels like that then I should always have 30 levels and whenever I spend some XP this backpack will automatically top it up keep me at 30 and that’s going to help us enchant some stuff including a new pickaxe cuz I broke my fortune one which I’m very sad about all righty then let’s see what we can get just efficiency 4 not ideal our level’s just topped up again wonderful just un breaking three also not ideal oh this has been terrible I’m going to need a grindstone let’s try that again no oh silk touch and efficiency brilliant we finally got something useful if only we could get Fortune again nope we got two silk touch ones now and now we’ve run out of levels again and we’ve used up all of our fishing levels but we’ve managed to get an efficiency 4 Unbreaking three which I guess we can mix with this one so we at least we have a decent mending pick and we managed to get a silt touch one which we can do with putting mending on sure i’ still got another one up here yep there we go so we’ll add mending onto that one and we’ll just combine those two together I guess everything else is just going to have to wait a little bit longer but at least now we know we can get the XP out of this bag so thank you to everyone in the comments who suggested that I can’t believe I completely forgot that was a thing now with all that sorted I think we can finally move this boat I need a torch and my wrench let’s do that and that and I have notic it also drops my Anvil down onto the bottom of the ocean so make sure we get that and I’m just going to get R of these water sources up here which are the ones that were actually powering the water wheels let’s go give this boat a new home all right I think that should just about do it for placement it fits in there nicely although I do seem to be missing my great big water wheel from the side there did I leave that stuck to the other dock no idea but let’s quickly get that replaced anyway it’s too high up there we go much better and I am going to need to build another dock down here at some point for this but that’s not a priority for now because what we want to be doing making a start over here there seem to be a lot less villagers Milling around here here there’s only a few Golems left but to be fair I did actually kill a few of the Golems for iron but the villagers seem to have migrated elsewhere although we do still have Nicole think you may be alone now though buddy oh dear anyway right there’s a couple of things we want to do over here the main one today being an iron farm I do need to have some kind of automated source of iron I keep running out and as much as I love doing some Mining and doing a cheeky mining Montage I think a small automated Farm around here somewhere would probably be a good idea to get that kick started though I think I want to build a retaining wall around here and just sort of tidy up this area a little bit to have it look a little bit more kind of well intentional I guess it’s all a bit Rough and Ready at the moment so let’s grab myself some Stone and just Mark out roughly where a Wall’s going to be on this bit then this of course will be sort of the lower dock area and so on we’re going to have a sort of commercial dock here I guess nothing major but just a small sort of delivery type area and it gives us more reason to put down a lot more shipping containers then so we can jam stuff inside them so so let’s just Chuck a whole bunch of Cobble onto here and get this all smelted up and I’m just going to Mark out roughly where I want this wo to be something like that should do nicely to get us started we’ve just got a sort of raised area at the back here and as I say that means we can turn this whole area down here into more of a sort of dock SL storage yard but what we need to do now is to build an iron farm and for that first thing we’re going to need is power so I think what I might do is actually build two shipping containers build one on the lower level here and then stack another one on top and then the one at the bottom can be our power supply and if we need more we can always sort of put some underground and Link it all up but then the one on top can actually house our iron farm and potentially a couple of other machines that are may be a little bit faster than the ones on the boat here but that means I need to decide what I want to build this shipping container out of and H sand maybe I mean potentially Granite I mean ideally I want to be using these pillar blocks here so I guess the question is colors do we want to use tell you what I do quite like the Sandstone ones the problem is we don’t really have that much Sandstone we only got a stack in a bit though I guess we’re not too far from the desert so we could just go dig some up I don’t think I want to do another red one just yet so let’s have a nap and go digging I guess all right I’m back with my Sandstone let’s make a whole bunch of sandstone pillars and I’m also going to want lots of CopyCat slabs so we’re going to need to make some more of those although I think I’ve left my zinc over here in the boxes I should probably sort these out a dang it all right so let’s start marking this one out we’re going to make them the same size as what we had up there just for consistency well it needs some texturing but we’ve got our first shipping container in now we just need to make a whole bunch of water wheels and what I’m going to do is keep this fairly simple we’ll just put water in all along this back wall here then water wheels in here like this which I think we’re going to turn into Mangrove fact if I stick them all in can I get down the front here I can wonderful so that’s going to give us our power we can just do with a rotational speed controller and some gear boxes and things now let’s just do that and that and little bit of that there we go lots of speed I don’t actually know where we need to rot that through to yet so we’ll leave this and come back to it shortly we’ve got lots of texturing to do as well but for now I want to build a second container on top I think we’re going to put it literally just directly on top here and then we can have some stairs going up to get in and that’s where we’re going to build our iron farm I guess I’m back to placing more blocks again second container is now in and looking just as Bland as the first but let’s stick in stairs we need a way to get in and we should be able to use these supports here that should connect up to those yep don’t need these bits though fact let’s move all of this over by one just like that because we’re actually going to need to have some kind of a wall in along the bottom here but that gives us access to the inside and and plenty of space to make a farm and maybe even a couple of machines too cuz we’re going to have a whole bunch of power coming up from down here and I think I actually want to change how this is working down here I’m actually going to have water wheels going the whole length of this building what I can then do is actually just pull the power out the side here if I get this around the right way stretch it up the outside of the containers just to give it a little bit more interest use some brackets to get those bits attached be honest I think we should probably attach these a little bit better to each other as well anyway just by doing this just makes the whole thing look a little bit more sturdy maybe one in the middle as well yeah that’s good I think that’s working now I just need to get this power back inside the building up the top then we can make a start on our iron farm I’ve now got power in here on the inside and we’ve got a speed controller as well so we’ll have full control over everything in here and I’ve also matched it on the other side as well mainly cuz I think it looks cooler from the outside when it’s got that big connector but now it’s time to make our iron farm and the first thing we need for that is a cobble generator but I’m going to need a whole bunch of create parts to make work one thing we’re definitely going to need is some belts so I’m just going to grab myself a little bit of kelp here and get this cooked up we’re going to need Hoppers drills and a sight and all sorts which means I’m probably actually going to need a bunch more iron you know what that [Music] means right well I’m back with a bunch of iron let’s get to making some create components helps all cooked up so that means we can get some belts get some gear boxes we’ll need a couple of DRS some encased fans we’ll grab some brass funnels and we’re going to want some compacting iron drawers which are these ones we just compacting drawers I should say we’ll get a couple of those and other than a couple of buckets of lava that should be just about all we need so iron Farms are fairly straightforward we’ll do a quick Factory diagram however just so we can see exactly what we’re working with so the first thing we’re going to be doing is mixing lava and water and then that’s going to give us Cobble we’re then going to crush that down into gravel we’re then going to wash that gravel and that is going to give us flint and most importantly it’s going to give us iron and it’s as simple as that it really is quite a straightforward farm this one and we’re only going to be making a small iron farm I just need it to trickle iron in over time I don’t need it to be massively functional at this stage we’ll deal with that later I think when we make a nice great big one somewhere right so to get this started what I’m going to do is I’m just going to stick in a belt down the bottom here I’m going to stick in a couple of encased fans there because that’s what’s actually going to be blowing down the belts we’ll use a few cat boards in here just to make sure that the water stays in now we’re going to need some encase chain drives in here like this and the fans are currently going the wrong way so let’s just do that and there we go and both those fans should affect what’s on here just to make it go a little bit quicker now the next thing we need to do is actually to generate some cobbles so if we were to do that we’ll stick another belt underneath and I’m just going to use hoppers here because these things often kind of just spit the Cobble out everywhere and that should make sure that it actually just goes exactly where it’s needed what I’m then going to do is stick a drawer there with a brass funnel going in and whoa okay we don’t want to be doing that but I do want a brass funnel coming out stick some more copycat boards up here and we’ll water to log the drills and we need to stick some lava on top there that should make stone for us excellent now what I need to do is get power to these things I guess that’ll do that then I also need to get power power down to here okay that’s working and I need two compacting drawers at the end there and ideally I probably want to be using a draw slave though the problem with that is I don’t actually have any more diamonds that’s okay I think we can solve this a slightly different way if I put one of these drawers in extend this belt out just a little bit to there put our compacting drawers on top brass funnels for those and we’ll just block off the end there like that for now but I’m going to swap that out for an and theight funnel doesn’t need to be brass that one can be and theight that one will be brass then all I need to do is put iron and Flint on there and then lock it which means I’m going to need to make myself a draw key how do I do that okay so let’s get a drawer First grab a little bit of gold there we go that’s our drawer key constructed and if we now lock that drawer it’ll only ever let iron nuggets and Flint inside it in fact I think for this to work very well we should probably do that right now we need to sort power to this belt so if we do that there we go and we need to continue that power onto the next belt get those drawers locked now if we drop a bucket of water in here we should start having all that get washed and then that should start generating us iron which will then get sorted into these two boxes here so I do need to make a quantify key so we can actually see how much stuff we’ve got in there means I need to go kill myself with squid and a check in although I could check in here okay yep we’ve already got ink we’ve already got a feather should have a book in here perfect so we need to make another drawer key and then mix that with this book to make a quantify key and this will tell us exactly how much iron and stuff we’re going to be getting wait a minute I’ve missed a step what am I doing I’ve missed a very crucial step I forgot to turn the Cobble into gravel right let’s remove that for now and remove the water get this belt cleared okay and I wonder can we feed the millstones from these two hoppers right okay that seems to be working this is good question is if I do that okay it’s not emptying the milstone yet this is good will it empty it when I turn it into gravel guess there’s an easy way to find out let’s stick a gearbox in there make that vertical gearbox going that way put a cog in there and yep that is indeed making gravel and putting it back onto the belts let’s get all of this emptied lock it so any gravel can go in there let’s get rid of all this Cobble that’s clogging my inventory now okay right so that is actually working nicely I just need to stick another hopper in and that should mean if I was to put that funnel back and put water on there there we go now we’re going to be producing iron and Flint silly Bey just need another hopper in there I can sneak in here and set this to 16 at the most and from an efficiency standpoint this shouldn’t get too backed up excellent but that’s nice and compact it’s going to dribble some iron in for us we’ve already got three ingots although I could probably do with a bit of overflow protection as well so first up I need a void upgrade not sure if we’ve got enough obsidian though so we might need to get some more oh no we’ve got plenty excellent let’s get ourselves one of those I’m also going to make myself an emerald upgrade and we’re going to use that one on the iron chest and that means it’s going to store 32 times as much stuff which should keep it going for quite a while so if we take a look at these storage drawers we can see we’ve got a whole bunch of upgrade slots we can actually put on them we’re not going to put anything on this drawer here because that’s just a filter basically just so we can actually organize things a bit better on this side but the Flint one we’re going to put a void upgrade in and what that means is once it gets full anything else that comes in will just get sent into the void it will get deleted and we don’t need to worry about overflow from Flint cuz we’re going to get a lot more of that than we are iron and for the iron one here we’re going to put a 32 times storage on it so this is going to be able to store absolutely loads of stuff so with that sorted I just need to make this area look a little bit nicer because well at the moment it looks horrible so I need to sort out the interior in here decide if we’re going to do anything with this space over here which to be honest we could stick in some slightly faster machines from what we’ve got on the boat I don’t really know but I’ve also got a whole lot of texturing and external detail to sort out as well and some tidying up to do so let’s see what we can do to make this place look a little bit better so let’s start with getting a little bit of texture in and I’ve got a few different blocks here we’ve got sand we’ve got sanded Sandstone I’ve got eroded sandstone and I’ve got a little bit of Polish sandstone and this is pretty much what we’re going to be using to break up the sides here and as usual I’m going to try and do it in sort of patches and areas where it’s you know it’s sort of there’s a collection of sanded stuff down here for example and the sanded Sandstone is actually ever so slightly lighter than the sand itself which I think looks quite nice and then the eroded Sandstone is lighter still but if we get them mixed together correct then we should end up with something that’s looking pretty good over here and then every now and then I’m just going to Chuck in one of these polished Sandstone just to break it up a little bit more yeah I think that’s working quite nicely I’ve just got to sort out the rest of it now because I’ve only done the front we still got the sides and the back to do that’s already looking loads better now let’s sort out the roofs I think and we’ll do similar to what we did over there just mixing in some tough some gravel and some Stone and that should work quite nicely though in saying that I currently don’t have a way to get up to the roof so I guess we should solve that first this is going to be an interesting bit I reckon we can work something out so if I was to maybe put in copycat board there I should just be able to keep the ladder going past it y there we go that seems to work and it looks fine as well now let’s make the roof look nicer all right that’s the roof on it looks a lot better now what we need to do is actually put on all the detail for the rest of the containers and I’m going to start over here with the door I think so maybe we could do some panels like this get some stairs in there and I think maybe just the industrial iron blocks will be a nice way of doing it although I don’t like these bottom ones let’s put fulls size panels in there all right I think that’ll work as an entrance way but what I want to do now is essentially something like this I just want to stick lots of stuff to the side of it make the container look a little bit busy and maybe even sort out the area around the front at the top here we’ll sort out the bottom later but one thing I do want to try is these which are shafts just like the ones we’ve used here but they’re copycat shafts which means we can make these any color and any texture we want and at the moment I don’t really know what that’s going to look like so let’s see what we’ve got now how about maybe some nice orange pipes here with the plated Acacia get some brackets in as well and maybe carry this on further down and in fact maybe we can mix it up a little bit with some of these copper pipes copper rods I should say but I don’t like how it connects down here so I’m actually going to get rid of all this bit now good job B then we’ll feed all that into a blast furnace at the top there that could potentially work I’m not entirely sure but let’s see what we can do with the rest of this I’m just going to start sticking stuff to it and we’ll see where we end up so I’ll see you in a moment short while later and progress is being made I’ve also added a little bit of birch for the texture there just to add some darker patches but I’m still not completely sold on this it might be a little bit too cluttered but we’ll figure that out later I’ve also got a fence up on top of this wall here and some paths in and a few boxes and things like that but what I haven’t done is sort out the inside yet this still looks like a right mess but we’ve got 104 iron ingots that’s good and in regards to the inside here we do have some power and some space on this side as well so I might try and cram in a few more small machines mainly just processing machines like we have on the boats but we should be able to get them running a whole lot faster up here but it’s certainly starting to look a little bit better in here it looks a little bit more industrial we’ve got fans going on we’ve got some lights and I’ve even put in a ladder so we can actually access the roof from the inside because well we might want to someday but something else I do want to try is maybe add a little bit of signage to the back here and if I put zinc nuggets in here I can get some blank signs and from this look at this we’ve got lots of sign options I just want to play around with a few of these see if we can get anything that looks quite good and maybe just a simple arrow and potentially a gear over on this bit fact let’s move those over just a tad I think that works and maybe just a sneaky no access sign there just to say the things aren’t going in that direction but I think just that subtle little thing should help a little bit maybe possibly who knows but more importantly something I do want is control over this Farm I want to be able to turn it on and off when needed so if we put a signal in here we’ll just do iron nugget and flint and instead of using a normal lever just to toggle this on and on we’re going to make ourselves a fancy breaker switch means we need a few brass nuggets and then we’ll stick that there and as you can see that turns that on and off perfect in fact not quite perfect I think I want to switch these two rounds so I’ll put the breaker switch at that level link above set the filter here and what we’re going to use here is a clutch and if we put this in just here put the Redstone link on it make make sure it matches the one upstairs and then we set it to receive what the clutch will do is when it’s powered it actually stops all the rotation on the other side of it so if we go flick that switch like a so that switch has activated the Redstone link above it which activates this one which activates the clutch and as you can see everything has stopped moving and of course that means the whole Farm up here has stopped as well but the good news is because I put the clutch over the other side we’ve still got power on this side should we build any other machines up here but we do actually want that running at the moment so let’s keep it going I’ll tell you what I really do like the look of that switch it’s the little things I guess well so far today we’ve added power we’ve added an iron farm and we’ve done a little bit of prettifying out the front here we’ve done nothing on the lower end though but we’ll tackle that another day because I haven’t quite worked out how we’re going to do this area yet however something I think I can work out is going to be a machine to go over here and I was contemplating just putting in a few of the small machines like we’ve got on the boat and making them run faster but instead of that there’s something else I want to do because one of the things that’s really annoying to make in create are these electron tubes so I think I want to automate that process over here and my thinking is if we put the iron in on one side get that crushed and feed it into an autoc crafter and then on the other side we’ll feed in some Rose quarts which can then get sanded and also fed into the autoc crafter and we can just automate the production of those things so whenever we need them I don’t have to sigh funly enough though in order to do this we’re going to need a deployer which means I do actually need to make another one of these anyway I hate it so much so that’s our deployer made now we need some mechanical craft oh dang it I need more I hate doing these but let’s get ourselves some mechanical wait a sec can we do it in a basin maybe no it looks like it does need to be done in these because it’s a shaped recipe but we’re also going to need a mechanical press and I need another rotational speed controller which means I need another Precision mechanism all right I think I’ve got everything we need let’s go take a look now the first thing I need to do is to get some speed going on so let’s just crank that right up and I’m going to stick a gearbox in there and a cog just to get all that powered with a collection drawer down the bottom so that should be fine so next up we’re going to need a small mess of belts hoping we’re going to have enough space here for all of this but let’s do that that and that what we need to be doing is feeding iron into this one or flat iron I should say iron sheets that’s the one if we put that in there and another gearbox that’s got all that moving so I just need a box here to drop off the iron an and theight funnel to send it out this way and I think the easiest way for me to get around that corner is going to be to use an item drain apart from getting power into this that should all work nicely we’ll figure that out in a moment it’s going to be pretty tight on this side we need to be doing things a little bit differently cuz what we want to be doing is sanding the rose quarts there we go so if we stick that in there one of those in there get myself some more andesite casing we’re going to need this let’s make a bunch of encase chain drives and what we can do is stick one in there one in there though that is going the wrong way let’s just quickly do that solves that problem going to want another one of those here with a shaft and I’m hoping that sticking in a gearbox in there is going to make this go the right way but I’m not that confident if I’m honest let’s give it a go it’s going the wrong way not a problem we can just Swap this one out here for another gearbox Jam that in there there we go these are all going the correct way now then we’ll stick a hopper on the front there drawer on top and we’re going to load up this drawer with sand paper is my plan and yeah that is actually going into the deployer this is good that’s what we want then we’ll stick one more drawer in there stick a funnel on the side there and I think as long as we get this back on and spin the arrow around to face the right way this should pretty much work although in saying that I do still need to figure out how to get this powered um there’s not really any space around the back to do anything so I think what we might need to do is just stick a few drives in here then we can’t see what’s going on right wait a minute I’ve got another idea maybe if we remove a few of these blocks here we can do this then Jam a gearbox in there rebuild that wall get that back in Stick this back on and the item drain and there we go I think this should work once we get it all loaded up but I guess there’s an easy way to find out so we’ll put those in there and yep they are getting sand handed this is good oh probably help if we had one of those and put iron in here and yep oh look at that amazing you have no idea how happy this makes me I hate crafting these things although it is pretty messy up in here but we’ll do what we can to make it tidier I guess and I think that’s probably about as tidy as it’s going to get to be honest there’s really not a lot of space back here it looks like the route to my boat is blocked get out of the way I want to go over there aha gotcha and you get out of it I should probably light this area up so this stops happening but what I want to do is grab a bunch of this grab a bunch of this we’re going to make loads of Rose quarts and get these chucked in there and I think we may as well lock the drawers as well and basically I just want to get a load of these in backup just so we’ve got them when we need them but it looks like we need more iron yep there we go excellent stuff so happy about this and I have to say I’m pretty pleased with how this has all come out we’ve managed to automate iron and we’ve also automated our electron tubes to very vital things for create components we’ve got a very long way to go though we’ve got lots of things I want to be building around here and of course we’ve got an entire theme park to build I do want to take a moment to say thank you for all the positive feedback on that people seem very excited about it almost as excited as I am but this theme park is going to need a name so if you do have any ideas for a name for the theme park I mean we’ve had probably about 90% of the name suggestions so far have been beardy land but ideally I I don’t really think I want beard in the title crazy I know but if you have got any IDE ideas for a theme park name basically we’re on an island I don’t know if that helps and it’s a big old Island at that as well so we could end up with a giant theme park if it all goes to plan but if you’ve been watching this channel for a while you’ll know that I’m just generally terrible at naming things so please do help me out with that but sadly I think that’s about all we’ve got time for today so I hope you’ve enjoyed it and I’ll see you on the next one bye-bye now [Music]

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It’s our first farm of the season! I expand the construction yard with a couple more shipping containers, one of which is turned into a water wheel power station and another to automate iron in Minecraft Create Mod! I also drain my boat…

If you want to play along, the modpack is available
on Curseforge here:

Get a Perfect World 2 server, 1 click install! https://nodecraft.com/r/mrbeardstone

Series Playlist:

A playlist of music used in all my videos over the years! https://tinyurl.com/2ta9uxpw

🥳🥳🥳Merch now available! https://mrbeardstone.com/ 🥳🥳🥳


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#minecraft #createmod #create #letsplay #episode2 #letsplay #survival


  1. Thanks for watching you lovely people – first world download of the season is now available to all patreon and YouTube members too – woot! BUT…. more importantly… what are we gonna call this them park???

  2. For a name, what about either Llama Oasis or Camel Land? That way you can have a llama or a camel as a mascot, could be named either Larry the Llama or Camela "Cammy" the Camel? (The theme park could be named after the named llama or camel as well…) Perhaps a "park tour on camel back" would be an idea if Camel Land is used….

    I enjoyed the video.

  3. make automatic woo farm in next video please and name for park Six Flags. Craftland Adventures , Pixel Paradise , Blocktopia Park

  4. I always thought “Avalon” was a cool name for a theme park. A magical island utopia from Arthurian legend would give lots of inspiration for a castle, some themed rides, and maybe a big sword in the stone!

  5. Keeping with the crazy island theme park I figure you could stick to a nautical theme, maybe using Captain Nemo?

    Nemo's Nautilus Adventure Park, you could have a crazy submarine ride for some underwater harvesting like kelp or under the sea tree farms.

    Or Captain Ahab's Guardian Farm, with such a big ocean area around the island I bet you could do a killer guardian farm for xp instead of the usual mob crusher.

  6. Day 4 of asking Beardy to make a snail terrarium (perhaps somewhere inside the Creative Cauldrons theme park?)

    Glad to be back! Season one was a blast to watch, and season two is shaping up to be a real treat!

  7. I stead of adding another gearbox. Tryvout the gear shift some time? It's a cheaper block and so easy to switch the speed direction with a levee when needed!

  8. Createtaceous Park… just a lame portmanteau of Create and Cretaceous with park… for no specific reason.
    Also: Did you know that catfish will swallow items if they're in the water by them… I lost a filled diamond backpack on an expedition once… since I died and didn't have room in my inventory for it when I retrieved my corpse… I abandoned that world in frustration thinking the backpack was gone, then learned later what had happened when some wheat blocks fell into water and I saw them scooped up by an evil catfish… and successfully had the catfish spit them back out after poking it with a 'stick' enough times.

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