Let’s Play Minecraft Hardcore! – The Diamond Mine

Recently I started over my hardcore world leaving behind my old village to start completely fresh in the new update. In this winter biome we are transforming a new village with the goal of defending it from a raid. We have kept things pretty low key so far in this village but today that is all about to change. Welcome back to hardcore Minecraft everyone. I’m so excited to get started today because we are going to loop in a very important piece of lore. You see, when I discovered this village all of the chests had either- That one’s got a furnace for some reason. But a lot of them had coal. I’ve- I’ve emptied it out, pretend that they have coal and not just snowballs. I’ve been pillaging but you just gonna have to trust me when I say each of these structures has some form of furnace, chimneys coming out of them and a great deal of need to have coal. After all, having access to coal allows these villagers to stay warm in these harsh condition So in order to expand the lore of this village today we are going to create a coal mine. Now this is gonna serve as a dual purpose because while I don’t really need that much coal but I do need some diamonds. I would really love some diamond tools and luckily for me we have a giant cave and that giant cave has a giant ravine right next to it going literally all the way down to diamond level. Now when I saw this, I knew for sure we needed to build something here and today’s the day. This little staircase right here has been where I’ve been doing all of my, well so far just cobblestone mining but today I wanna go ahead and expand this all the way down to diamond level and this is going to be where we are going to do all of our mining. Well the problem is in season two of this hardcore world I haven’t done actually that much mining yet so first things first, we got to dig down to diamond level. When I’m mining diamonds in Minecraft I like to go to Y -53. The lower you get in Minecraft, the more diamonds there are but going below here would mean you’d be also running into lava which, you know, just not really worth it, is it? That was a lot of digging but we made it and I even found diamonds on the way. I’m not gonna mine these though until I get fortune. I think it is a group of maybe four? Yeah look at that! Okay let’s see if it’s eight. [gasps] Oh it might be. Oh that would be really good. Oh no, it’s not eight. It’s a group of six though! That’s not bad! I will be keeping that in mind for when I have an enchanted pickaxe. The next part of this project is going to require a lot of spruce wood. It’s time to frame out the structure. At the moment this whole area is a bit of a hazard. You see, we don’t have any feather falling and I’m pretty sure falling into both of these would be certain death so we need to frame out a structure here that guides us nicely into our mines and also potentially put up some fencing around the rest of it. I don’t know. While we were mining we gained access to this tuff block which now in the new update can be turned into bricks. [gasps] I just love them. What an amazing update. Using these bricks I’m gonna try to roughly mark out a little structure here. Two, three, four, five, six, seven. What I’m envisioning here is a main structure that we can walk in to and then a couple of structures also on the side. Rather than these being just for looks I decided I also need a place to put an auto smelter and having it in the actual mine building is probably good. So that side over there will have our smelter situation and then over here. Well, I’m gonna have to fill in the ground a little bit. I’m picturing kind of little covered area over here for some of our overflow storage. This should allow the building to be balanced, the bigger part in the middle and then two parts off to the side and then hopefully a couple of chimneys to make it look like we’re mining or smelting coal. And just because I think this structure is gonna need a lot of help I’m gonna also do something off the front here. Er… Maybe like that? And yeah, as far as outlines go that’s not actually the worst. I think I wanna involve a bunch of the cobbled deepslate in this. We do not have very many block options this early in the game but deepslate actually gives us a ton of variants so maybe over here we’ll just use some deepslate tile. I feel like if the roof is just a bit dark it’ll really pull off that coal mine aesthetic. Are we going for a coal mine aesthetic? We’re gonna have to use our imaginations here a bit, okay? But I do think that I like the contrast. We use the deepslate tile on the sides and then maybe the cobbled deepslate up in the centre building On this side over here I would love just a little bit more depth before we go in with our spruce logs and I don’t want this to be too tall. Maybe three or four right here. I should definitely keep an eye on my health. Okay hear me out though, I do think that is gonna look pretty good. This is an even number. I lost my mind, why is this an even number? Okay, we’re gonna roll with it. Luckily we’re doing a slab roof so I don’t think it really matters. Look at that cobbled deepslate though. I think that’s gonna look good. Since that side ended up being an even number I think I’m gonna go ahead and move this back wall out towards the cave by one to make sure the main structure’s an odd number. Oh it’s snowing! How nice. It’s also nighttime though and I have very little protection out here so let’s sleep. The nice thing about us doing the wall last episode is I don’t have to worry too much about the village. I know that it should be pretty okay over there. Now this er… This might not be okay. [laughs] That’s definitely scary, I don’t love that. I wanna just try to get this roof outline in just to make sure that I like it. Jump! Ah nope. Alright and there we go. There is our progress on the outline. Kind of three structures each gonna have their own purpose. We need to get a big chimney and now, of course, comes the most important part. Because I want this structure to actually have a function we need to work on the side around the back here. It is really important to me that this structure here actually gives us a way down into the cave and I wanna do that visually not just through the staircase that’s on the inside. I want to be able to see the access point down into the cave. First things first, we’ve got to give ourselves kind of a little starting platform here. Just gonna cover this with some slabs because this is making me nervous. Okay, a starting platform. And now all we need is a way down into- Oh. Shovel. I’m hoping what we can do is we can get these pillars going all the way down into the cave and then we can create a little staircase linking between them. Let’s have a little look from the other side of the cave. Okay, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. I can totally picture this. Now we’re gonna bring this pillar and this pillar all the way down and we’re gonna allow the staircase to zigzag between them. I think the easiest way to get these pillars in is just to stand up here and give myself the coordinates for below. So 684, 553. Using the single player in game chat is a great way to give yourself coordinates and stuff if you need them. Now I should be directly under that pillar. Yeah here we go. No problem at all. Can you water bucket clutch on the snow? I’m really not sure. Hold on, let me give it a test. Er… Kind of, it spawns above it and I don’t know if that would work. Now that the two pillars are in all I’m gonna do is attempt to come in here with my stairs although granted maybe I should’ve started from the bottom. My hope is basically that each time we get to the pillar like this all we got to do is switch back again. Looking at this I like the way that it’s going down but we’re not gonna get enough switchbacks so I think I’m gonna switch it instead of going all the way to that pillar over there I’m gonna bring it to this pillar right here which means er… [laughs] Luckily we have lots of spruce wood because we need another pillar brought up. Oh the joys of survival building. Oh boy, okay. There we go, this should be better and I do think we’ll probably add some fencing just right here purely to save my own life if I’m coming down these stairs. These are not particularly practical. They’re mostly aesthetic but I do want them to also work. I mean they’ve got to be a staircase. Dirt scaffolding is definitely the way to go here. Right, this little switchback here should finally bring us to the bottom of the cave. Oh it’s beautiful, thank goodness. That actually looks fantastic from down here. I think it could use a few more like random fences probably and maybe trapdoors just to make it look a bit more rustic. I guess. Like in areas like this just hanging some fence off of things honestly maybe even having some fence like in the middle of the run here. I don’t know, I’m just making stuff up but it could potentially look good. Hold on a second! That is not good. I hope nobody was harmed. Er… I really need these guys to leave me alone because it’s a bit too soon for a raid, you know? I can’t really do this yet. I don’t have time for this, you see. Luckily I think my very intimidating coal mine building here scared them off. They seem to be heading back out to sea. Is everybody okay? Crisis averted for now I hope. It’s good that they didn’t get in though. Hopefully that means the wall was somewhat effective although I’ll be the first to admit the wall is, you know, a tiny bit pathetic. I still got the fishermen so I’m gonna take that as a good sign. I think I’m gonna offer these guys some bread just in case the population is going- You ignore my bread. That is perfectly good bread. How about you guys? You guys want some bread? Okay, you slammed the door I’m going forgive you though if you take the bread. Huh? Yeah! I knew they’d want it. Right. The danger seems to have gone so we can return to work. I love this so much. As you can see, I also went ahead and added a couple of little platforms off to the side. I can access the like inner staircase from right here and then, I don’t know, I just got a little random platform right there. I love it! It’s aesthetic and also practical. Literally a dream come true. Now while I’m on a roll I think I’ve got pretty much everything that I need in my inventory to actually finish this building so let’s go ahead and fill in the roof and the walls and then we’ll see where we go from there. I lied, I actually need a tiny bit more tuff first. [MUSIC] Looking good. Two important things that I haven’t added yet. Definitely need chimneys. I think that would really get the kind of coal mine aesthetic that we’re going for here. [laughs] I feel like I’m talking about district 12 in the Hunger Games here. To be honest, it feels like that sometimes too. Anyways, along with the chimneys which I think I’m gonna put over on this blank wall over here we also need a good way to get down to the mines. Obviously, just built this. That should be what this is for, right? Also kind of just want a safe staircase on the inside, this is hardcore and what I’m thinking is maybe we like cover up the entrance way right here where you come in the doorway and then maybe have trapdoors to like drop you down? What do we think? I think that will be fine. Let’s just peel this back a tiny little bit. Maybe right here. You guys have told me if there’s a block over water, it won’t freeze. Then we just have a ladder right here and we just stand here bam! It’s stupid and simple but honestly sometimes stupid and simple is the way to go. And that means the rest of our interior now is opened up for whatever activities we need. The few things that I’m going to want are definitely a bed somewhere. Not to set my spawn, just to sleep while I’m doing stuff out here. We don’t want stuff to spawn. We need a crafting and smelting area as well. Very important. I could use blast furnaces I suppose but honestly I think regular furnaces are probably just as good. I’m gonna set up a pretty tiny auto smelter here. We just need hoppers connecting to the chest and then hoppers connecting from this chest to those furnaces We can decorate it and all should be well. The only problem is in order to make hoppers I need iron and I’ve been making so many iron tools that I’m actually pretty low on iron so what do you say we actually take a little bit of inspiration from our brand new building and we go caving. First though, I’m gonna drop off all the stuff. Also, we do have a diamond pickaxe. I suppose we could try to enchant it. I mean, we’re not gonna get level 30 but er… Level 19. Silk touch? Actually… We’re level 18. I probably could get to level 19. Yeah almost. One more. Thank you cows. Here we go. Just silk touch. Okay that hurts a little bit, not gonna lie. May as well enchant an iron one too while we’re here. Unbreaking I and a knock-back sword. Yeah, 40 potatoes. I can’t imagine how I could possibly be more prepared for the caves. In the last episode we headed down the ravine and explored that so today I think we’ll make use of our brand new staircase and try exploring the rest of this big cavern. After all, I’m pretty sure I saw a couple of little side entrances in a few places. Yeah. Man, I haven’t explored these. Oh do you know what? Maybe I’ll use some if this silk touch to grab some coal to decorate our new building with. This is perfect! Hey okay. This actually links up right to the ravine but it has a bunch of iron in it so let’s grab this. And let’s backtrack back into this big cave. So you see that there’s more caves over here and more coal actually. Dude, why are all the caves around here so huge? The heck? The good news is, at least there’s lots of iron. I actually see even more diamonds. Let’s see, is it just the one? It is. Alright, I’ll silk touch it. There we go. Definitely just the one. Oo but there is some iron. Don’t mind if if I do. I don’t know how much of this you guys can see because it’s so dark but this cave is huge and also there’s more diamonds. Silk touch. Oh my gosh. This is a bunch of diamonds! Woah! I got eight ore. This is cool. This cave also leads to the big ravine so they’re all connected which means if we can make a cool entrance down here we can access all of it pretty easily. [zombie growl] Woa- That was scary for no reason- Oh an iron! Thank you! Oh my gosh, is this another geode? It is! Cool! Okay, do you know what? I don’t really need the amethyst but building out of basalt would actually go really well in our new building. I didn’t even think to access this block. There we go. 38 raw iron. Not bad! Now that our auto smelter is officially up and running with our brand new hoppers, it’s now time to complete the interior and also add that final touch of a chimney on the exterior. So I took a second with my new silk touch diamond pickaxe to mine out some stone and also a little tuff because, you know, I love tuff. I also do wanna grab just a little bit of this basalt because I had a really good idea come to me when I saw it. I mean, it’s not particularly a new idea, I just want to do a gradient with it but I do think it would be a cool gradient. Here’s what I’m picturing right? Coal to basalt. Potentially with some cobbled deepslate involved. I think that’ll be cool. Okay, let’s start with the chimney out here where I wanna do honestly a pretty big one. There we go, make room please roof. I’m picturing kind of a rustic three by three to start and that comes into this nice little kind of cross shape. I wanna be able to put an actual campfire in this so that’s pretty important. Ehm… Let’s do this and then that. Then we just use a bit of basalt and I’m gonna let this be pretty tall then we transition to our deepslate. Is that too tall? It looks fun. I think I like it. Let’s do a second one to sort of balance it out. I’m gonna do two blocks over from it and just right here. We’ll do a two by two like we did at our house. What do we think? Mm… I think this one’s a little clunky but I also think that I’ll like it more once it has a campfire so we will get that. You know, the more I look at it, it is growing one me. I think maybe just some andesite down in the stone. Maybe even some cobble right at the bottom? Cobble is a classic, you need cobble. I’m making it potentially a bit noisy by doing this but I don’t know if I mind that necessarily. What I am gonna do though is just take off this layer here. Let’s try that. It’s a little weird and you can see the campfire through it but I think it might be cool, okay? We’re gonna give it a chance. Okay moment of truth, do I like it? Do you know what? I actually think I do. I think I like that! Before it kind of just looked like a house and now it actually looks like something is happening here which I like. I also need to dress up this area. I think I want lava production here. So in an ideal world I think I’m literally just going to have some cauldrons here with dripstone to have infinite lava which will power the furnace in here and also give us infinite lava for our traps that I wanna do around the village. For now though, let’s maybe focus on cleaning up in here because this is a mess! My goodness. Oh the new tuff blocks are so pretty! Look at the chiselled one! I do wanna use these in the main village eventually but we can start by just having a couple here just for fun, you know. Now importantly we’re gonna need a way to get upstairs but I think I’m gonna just do a staircase. We’ll do one just right here. Yeah there we go, this will be cute. I don’t know if we’ll use this upstairs a lot but it’s nice to have a little place for the bed just in case plus nice view up here. Both sides! Did I just hear pillagers again? Oh I know you guys are not over here patrolling the mine. Uh-uh! No! Alright that’s it. Clearly they did not get the message the last time so we’re gonna have to deliver it personally. Going for your leader. Yeah. Get out of here! You guys can meet my new mine. [laughs] Oh boy. I’m gonna get away from the edge before they shoot me off. Are there any more around here? I don’t hear them. Yeah I think we’re good. Do you see the new item that we just got? Oo! We got bad omen II. The raid bosses now can not only drop a banner but they also can drop these ominous bottles. This is now what triggers a raid so when we want to do our challenge. of completing a raid on the village all we have to do is drink this bottle. It’ll last for an hour. Is that an hour? Oh my gosh. Okay. We better go put this in a safe spot. [clears throat] I interrupt this episode with a little bit of Java vs Bedrock knowledge. I am playing on the Java edition of Minecraft and I was just reading the comments and a bunch of you were pretty mad at me for wasting iron and redstone to make a map and you said that, you know, you could just put paper in here and it makes an empty map but that is actually- That’s a Bedrock only thing which makes me sad because it would be cool if we could do that on Java but alas we can not. In other news, our little mining outpost is looking fantastic! The interior is looking great. A very functional space overall. I do think I wanna use the under the stair bit here for just a little bit of extra storage and then I have one more detail that we need. You see, we haven’t really tied in our giant ravine to this whole operation yet so I think I wanna make a crane just over there that will hopefully work to kind of tie everything together and look like it’s maybe raising up some coal ore or something from the mines. Mm… We need a bit more wood for this. Now this episode is making me think I should probably venture out of this arctic prison and go and get some different block types, different wood types at least. I think dark oak would go really well with a lot of what I’m doing as well as acacia. Oh and speaking of we really need to choose our colour for this village. Like my last village was very pink and purple, I’m kind of leaning towards red because there’s already a lot of blue. I have had it kind of in my mind that I do wanna do something in the ice spikes biome kind of unrelated to this village that might be blue so having something contrasting here would be good. Maybe red? Like a dark, deep red. It could go with the challenge that we’re doing with it being a village that needs to be raided. Anyways, I’m just thinking out loud. For now, let’s work on our crane. If I stop right here it’s roughly right over the ravine. Okay, we’re off to an interesting start. Let’s carry on with the details. If I flick this trapdoor accidentally I’m gonna die. Ehm… Just wanna try not to do that but [laughs] this is scary. Alright, mission accomplished I think. If I had some dark oak I think I could make this look a lot smoother but I feel like it’s not bad. It’s a crane hauling some coal. We probably could use just some like coal ore as decor around here along with some barrels and things. You know, there’s more that could be done. I also need to figure out in this biome how exactly I’m going to establish paths because right now, yeah, things are things are a bit snowy. I guess some path blocks can probably just work for now. There we go. Final measure of protection. I think I wanna use the rest of my wood here to just kind of block off a bit more of this ravine. Really would not like to die by falling in here and this makes it quite a bit more obvious that it’s here. After finishing up the build, I was in the mood to head back down into the caves. After all, there is so much underground that is unexplored and we can definitely use the resources. It didn’t take long for me to get myself into a little bit of trouble. Eh. This is awkward. But I also managed to find a bunch more diamonds and explore even more of the underground. Right, twelve deepslate diamond ore from that trip. That brings us to a total of 21 diamond ore from today’s adventures. When we get fortune, that’s gonna be good. Having all these diamonds now means in the next episode we can officially work on getting a full set of diamond armour and diamond tools and that means this transformation can really start kicking up a notch. As for what we did today though, I am so incredibly happy with this area. There’s a few more things I wanna add once we get more blocks and we’ll worry about that the next episode. So for now, I’m gonna leave it here. Thank you all so much for watching. I’m so pleased with this build It genuinely might be my favourite thing I’ve ever built in a cave. I hope that you enjoyed it and maybe that’s an inspiration and for now, I’m gonna leave it here. Thank you so much for watching, goodbye everyone!

GeminiTay’s hardcore lets play episode 3! Today we get to work making a new mining structure for the caves, we gather some diamonds, coal and iron, and fight our first pillagers.

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Recorded with Replaymod https://replaymod.com and OBS
Minecraft version 1.21


  1. I definitely like the warmer vibe for the village, I think it would be a nice contrast to the harsh, snowy environment. I even think it might be nice to include several nether blocks for the villagers to use as heat/power sources, and there could be a collection operation going on around the portal.

  2. i'm currently eating breakfast before camp, and we got a surprise bonus field trip to the ice-skating rink. i HATE ice-skating (long story), so if i don't add an edit by tomorrow that says i survived, i died ice skating. or i somehow did making pottery (~dumb ways to die~)

  3. Red would be an excellent choice for the village, so bright and cheerful! That color is in fact commonly used in Nordic countries, as well.

    You sounded surprised about the length of the Bad Omen effect. That has always been 1:40, five full day/night cycles.

  4. I’m loving this world! It reminds me of my nomadic style living in one of my survival worlds where the goal was to set up an outpost in every major overworld biome. It would be cool if you ended up improving one of every type of village!

  5. Would be interesting to see if you could try to incorporate minecarts into the build since they are/were commonly used in mines (hence the name), maybe as a way to transport your goods up to the main building for storage when you get a full inventory?

    P.S. Hello, from a fellow Newfoundlander

  6. I can’t believe she mentioned the hunger games in this video… Ik I sound like I’m overreacting, but I just finished reading book one happens so much that I’m doing smthng in real life, and i get a video abt it or mentioning it😅😅😮😮😮😨😨😨🫣

  7. GEM! i love the music in the background with the placing/ breaking of the blocks its so calmimg! You are the best to watch in the mornings to get my day started. Thank you so much (hope to see u Tuesday for the stream!)

  8. I always love watching your videos, it does not matter if it is HC or Hermitcraft. Your voice and demeanor is always so calm and relaxing, it is so soothing and calming to listen to you.. AND I just loooove your builds 😉

  9. Could you build an Elsa inspired castle in the ice spikes biome? It might be kind of hidden, but it might look cool. Also, you newest build is awesome!

  10. For the ravine I would cover it in stone bricks and then make a blacksmith with all you furnaces and ores inside, then when u run out of stuff, beak some of the floor and dive into the cave

  11. Hey Gem you should put some powdered snow down at the bottom of the ravine whenever you're working over it! You can just put cauldrons out and they'll start to fill up with powdered snow when it snows and you'll have a nice safe landing that's not a glaring eyesore (or will freeze over) in this wintery landscape. Just wear leather boots while you're building and you'll be fine! Might be a pain to get back up that cliff if you fall off but at least you'll not lose your world.

  12. the tons of amethyst you keep finding would make for a great in-world reason to connect the villages! they trade the amethyst for fish or something from the pink village 😀

  13. Since you're adding a coal mine into the ravine, it would be pretty cool if you brought back the hole in the middle of the town and turned it into a central coal storage for the entire town. Could be a crane at the top pulling some out.

  14. Gem taking coal in chests, (in a village) which is very normal and creating lore for her village is insane and I applaud her creativity and love her content because of it!

  15. You have just enough diamond ore to start doing some redstone now…. (wait, wrong channel, wrong series) I love the cute builds you're making in this new village! <3 Thank you!

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