NOOB vs PRO Lucky Block STAIRCASE Race in Minecraft!

a mutant creeper is hunting us down and we need to find a way to fight it before it’s too late wait a second guys what are these weird blocks wo that was sick those are lucky blocks axie you can either get really lucky with them or get really unlucky take this woodo hey stop I want to break one and I got a bow too take dis sexy hey stop it guys stop fooling around we could break all these Lucky Blocks on this staircase to gain all the items we need to fight that muant creeper I’m going to get better items in all of you wait actually slow down I need to open my first lucky block and wait what I got a Lapis Luli block are you serious oh gosh it’s a witch get rid of it get it are you serious I already died it’s okay you can take these bookshelves you nerd oh my goodness woodo what are you going to get oh I just got an evil potion hey why’ you use it on me you should have saved it for the Mutant Creeper woodo watch this and guys I got armor let’s go what that’s just leather armor though that’s super lame L you open one oh I’m going to open it and uhoh guys run are you serious that literally exploded all of us mudo your luck is so bad it was cuz you’re right next to me I think you sucked all the luckiness out of me are you serious watch this I got droppers which is better than getting TNT explosions and W you got a go block but I don’t even have a pickaxe to mine it h wood that seems like a you problem I just got wolves and no my pet wolves oh take that axie axie those are kittens on my screen well there was one wolf but it fell off wait a second guys I just got a lucky bow who has arrows I have arrows take a few hold on if I just use this on woodo real quick it should make lucky things appear hey stop it your aim is trash cuz I’m going to open my lucky blocking diamonds no they fell wudo why would you jump to go get the diamonds bro this guy is so dumb and uh what in the world was that I don’t know but I got arrows of fire resistance ooh that’s so useless and voodo let’s see what you get I bet it’s nothing better and he got tools I got stone tools that I’m going to use to fight you no get away right now I need to get the world’s best luck if you guys subscribe right now my luck will be a lot better so hit that subscribe button subscribe we’re getting really close to a million subscribers and hey it worked everyone subscribed and I got that diamonds if they all subscribe then this next one is going to be awesome and it was I’m making a wish axie you also got diamonds which means we’re getting a lot of subscribers wait I want to see if I get something lucky come on in oh I got flowers maybe you have a secret admirer woodo woodo flowers are so awesome take one bro no I don’t want these flowers everyone unsubscribe now hey that’s so messed up oh my gosh watch this woodo I got your favorite block and I’m not even going to give it to you no that’s fine my lucky Block’s going to be better and what the heck was that that was a bunch of baloney ax let’s see if you’re more lucky than woodo and uh uh guys guys what’s happening OU Goodbye axie Oh gosh axi died no yes finally that means I can open my lucky blocking I’m dying help wait woodo you got a blacksmith which means you can get more items inside and hey I’m going to take all your items no they’re mine let them go they going to be mine come on axie we need to go back to breaking our lucky block please give me something good and oh my gosh I got a bunch of bunnies that’s so lame I got uh I don’t really know what I got you got nothing axie which is better than getting whatever Wood’s going to get and hey I got wo’s cousins wo’s cousins this looks like a mini version of you wait what that does not look like me woodo it looks like a mini mini are you serious woodo yep and guess what my lucky block is going to have something luckier and uh uh oh no oh no wo’s gone now that wo’s gone I can break the next two blocks and I got more of his cousins oh my goodness stop giving us wo’s cousins and wo I got a bunch of XP blocks and axie are you seeing the next Lucky Block these next ones look super duper awesome yeah but look what I got before you should give it to woodo oh my goodness is this this a romantic Rose where’s wodo I’m up here ready to open my next lucky black I have a gift for you wodo what in the world I don’t want your rose oh my gosh this guy is so messed up I hope I get a super good sword so I can take him out and the mutant creeper and uh what in the world I think I got Mr rainbow sheeps what the Sheep the Sheep knocked me off oh my goodness ax let’s see if you get luckier than me okay manga watch this I got more arrows I’m going to get wo hey you got me axie oh whatever ha watch what I get in ooh I got two lucky blocks and ow ouch wudo those Lucky Blocks spawn in huge magmas oh darn you know what it’s time to to move on to the next one and this one looks like a fiery lucky block and wait what it spawned in a bunch of bles ouch ouch what have you done oh no how do we take these things out they disappeared because you ran away thank goodness well my fire lucky Block’s going to be better and ah oh no oh no oh no run that was definitely not better axie okay don’t worry guys mine will actually be better in bro wooden tools are you for real Zas I think your luck got a lot worse come on guys what we need to do is break the next one and my luck is absolutely insane I got a hero’s fishing rod and a hero’s hoe wait what that doesn’t sound super cool what do they do they have a bunch of cool enchantments that you guys don’t need to worry about look I can take wo’s lucky block and then open it by myself and oh gosh what’s going to happen you died that’s what you get for stealing someone’s Lucky Block I got a hero’s potion wait ax you should save that for the battle against the Mutant Creeper we’re going to need to fight it up there I don’t think we’re ready yet guys yeah I hope I get something really good and ooh I got a bunch of random arrows what do these do hey don’t use it on me wudo and oh my gosh I just spawned in a giant meteor to take you out that’s what you get for messing with me now it’s time for the king to open his next lucky block and oh gosh it just exploded I’ll get you back with my next Lucky Block wait what what are you going to get an actually that was even more unlucky oh Rich oh my goodness one of are we going to get luckier look guys the next Lucky Block looks like a netherite block and wo I got four of them at once so let me just open them just like this and what in the world I’m getting so many cool items check it out guys I want cool items look at all this netherite I’m stealing it we can use this to make even more awesome armor and look I even got a lucky helmet a that’s not fair I want something lucky and oh I got experience seriously wo I’m going to catch up right now and oh my gosh oh no it’s tansy and oh gosh thankfully I survived let’s go seriously come on give me something good an axy voo guess what I got what what’ you get check it out I got the a turtle spawn egg a dolphin spawn egg and even a panda spawn egg now we each have our own pets My Dolphin fell off oh no you can have the skeleton horse and oh gosh everything is going away axi maybe your luck is going to be better with your next Lucky Block maybe and wo a ton of levels my turtle pet knows that I’m going to be lucky this time around come on turtle dirty let’s open this lucky block and I got these cool pants wo they’re green too voodo isn’t that your favorite color yeah oh my gosh I hope I get red pants and oh my gosh I got a bunch of white clothes and this looks # awesome you guys are getting so lucky it’s not fair what is this that’s an unlucky pogin we need to remove it why does the universe hate me well axie my luck is just better and oh my gosh it is not better no black turtle these guys are all targeting me we need to take them out get them oh gosh guys it seems like our luck is super bad but I think there’s a way that we can improve it really how do we do that well everyone watching can comment our name and whoever gets the most comments will get the best luck so everyone comment if you want me to have really really good luck no way everyone comment axie no everyone comment wudo so I get the best luck well let’s see who commented voodo voodo if you get lucky in your next one it means people commented voodo all right let’s take a look at oh I got gold chicken nuggets oh okay it seems like some people did comment wudo but more people commented because look I got a wishing well oh yeah well your wish is going to be bad oh gosh you guys both got taken out and I’m still here whatever everyone obviously commented axie and we’ll see right now W I don’t think anyone commented ax after that one oh man watch this wait what was that just an explosion to my face that was a big explosion hopefully I don’t get any explosions and I got a chest with the power and oh it went away are you serious you wasted it wo wouldn’t mean to but you know what I think I deserve two lucky blocks for that come on in ooh a bunch of weird stuff what is this wo I just took this book from your inventory and it’s going to give me magic uh what is that thing I’m not sure but we need to remove it actually what are you going to get uh I’m going to get the most awesome thing ever a place to take a nap oh wait what are you serious that is not cool and guys I got a strange chest plate a strange chest plate ooh I want to wear it no you can have my old one woodo oh oh okay fine guys I don’t have any armor how is this Fair okay here you go you could have these leftover armors yay old armor but I don’t need that because I’m going to get better armor right now and I got a lucky shovel a lucky shovel oh no wait till I get something op from this and I got poop e that’s so nasty woodo I’m going to get something better than pooping wo I’m feeling extra lucky right now you got some sparkles that’s right I’m lucky and wudo you’re unlucky no I’m not watch this and I got a lucky Pig and it’s gone hey you just hit it off that means your luck is gone now wood but not mine I got a lucky flint and steel how can a flint and steel be lucky axi that does not make sense and I got a diamond sword let’s fight flint and steel versus Diamond Sword wait what the Flint and Steel’s op get away get him axi I’m going to knock you off and my flint and steel is stronger than a diamond sword that’s what you deserve now let’s see what I get from mining diamond or voodo place them down I want to see if they’re real ores oh they’re real all right check this bad Bo no no ST I’m taking all your diamonds die wait what relax bro I’ll give the back no get my diamonds right now seriously guys I’m going to get more diamonds right now and what was that I actually got a lightning strike and made it night time nice that was so lame well you guys aren’t getting any anything better yes I am watch this and I just got a lucky block tower booya oh let’s go I’m going to open all them and get some super lucky stuff um what’s out here wao guys this is bad there’s lava and I’m dying guys herob bride spoted and so did Bob who the heck is Bob I think that’s your dad wait what my dad’s name is not Bob his name is I need something to help us fight this and I got a weird thing what in the world is a weird thing use it already weird thing I’m going to use it on you no don’t use it on me use it on all of the bad stuff around us and woodo I just want to thank you very much from your one lucky block I got 30 different diamonds and 40 different gold not fair you stealer I’m going to open your lucky block ha ah and oh my gosh your luck is all over it wodo I didn’t even get anything good oh I got golden ingots though golden ingots woodo that’s so lame I got a golden block actually that’s the same thing as golden ingots no it’s not and hey I’m going to get you with my flint and steel no you’re not I just threw you off woodo let’s see if you get anything better from this next lucky block and wo it’s a new lucky block I got nothing I forgot this Lucky Block to and wait I have a doggy oh no why you got doggies I got a killer bunny you got a killer bunny but wait your doggies just took them out and then fell off wow wood you’re getting so unlucky but I’m getting the luckiest and huh what did that do you didn’t get anything but I got a lucky chicken and I’m going to name him Dingle I’m going to steel Dingle take him to my side and open this Lucky Block axie you threw me over to your side and I got a mystery potion let’s see what it does on woodo over there hey stop it don’t throw your mystery potions at me watch this my lucky block is going to be so cooling I got an OP fishing rod to fish into the void voo why would you do that you got destroyed that is seriously messed up up wood no it’s not guys I just got a lucky crossbow wood I’m going to use it on you no oh that just twoot him I need to open this quickly oh my gosh this lucky crossbow will be able to help us take out that mutant creeper this is going to be so awesome but what if you steal one of W’s Lucky Block while he’s not looking oh gosh where in the world is that guy I don’t see him anywhere round so I’ll just use my Hero’s hoe to take this one over here and a you we can open this one together in 3 2 1 boom and I got strange leggings my armor is looking really good which means we can take out that mutant creeper give me those leggings I deserve them hey why is there a Lucky Block missing actually stole it no I didn’t stole it axie take this YY was no it wasn’t woodo I obviously would allow you to open your lucky blocks that’s why you should open your next one oh okay I’m going to open it right now and are you serious your luck is literally worse than anything in the world woodo oh man I’m about to cry I’m going to open mine instead W and it’s going to be a or guys I got a be your block which means I can place this down and you guys won’t ever be able to break it let me in I can break it and I can’t break it actually that’s what I thought oh that’s okay I know I’m going to get something way better from my lucky blocking oh I got chicken well chicken is actually really good and wo I got ancient debris which I can use to make netherite scrap which I could use to make NE right ingots and then I can get netherite armor what that sounds really complicated I’m just going to get cool armor and I got a lucky chest plate wo that’s so awesome axen guys I got a bunch of ores those ORS are mine wait what did you just steal from me nope I didn’t well it doesn’t matter cuz I still kept my two diamond blocks oh my gosh well guess what I’ll get something better than diamond blocks when I Throw My Strange nuggets and O netherite hey since you stole my diamonds I’m going to steal your netherite nope you didn’t steal it I got out of it and I’m going to craft netherite armor why would you need to craft it when you can just get it from a Lucky Block because I’m not as lucky as you guys what in the world is a golden apple cow stop murdering my cows back off H that’s what you get look at what I’m going to get in ooh I got an iron shield thingy what is this don’t use it on me woodo use it on axie I’m going to use it on axie I have one on my own and it doesn’t really do anything oh my goodness guys look I got a bunch of books that I can read yay nerd I don’t want to get books I want to get armor I just got a magic jump what in the world does that mean what the heck it throws rabbits everywhere and wo we can jump higher woodo wait what let’s go I’m jumping to open my next lucky blocking ah what is that thing wait what you literally got a bunch of nothing and a hero villager guys with this guy we can get all sorts of cool items and I have diamonds already which means I can trade my diamonds to get a hero’s sword and then I can also get a Hero’s Bow who has diamonds I’ll trade it for you I have diamonds but I can trade it myself come on get all the items you can get from this guy so we can get op let me trade with him axi you’re hog in the villager oh I’m actually kind of too broke to buy anything I want to see I want to see hold on I’m going to get a hero’s potion and now you can trade whatever you want woodo I got everything that I wanted OMG I am going to be so rich I saved up so many diamonds I’m going to buy all the hero stuff oh my goodness while this guy buys it come on we can open our next lucky blocks and hey I got SpongeBob yeah well I’m going to get Patrick that was not Patrick that was iron boots same thing you got SpongeBob what what I’m going to get I’m going to get something cooler and what’s going on oh gosh those are silverfish we need to quickly break all the next lucky blocks and oh no it’s a creeper oh gosh I got a potion of glowing axi I need you to Glow what does that even mean I’m going to open a bunch of Lucky Blocks and I’m blinded wait what axi are you okay it doesn’t sound like you’re doing too good there’s aliens attacking me hey woodo open the next three Lucky Blocks already o I’m going to open mine right now one two and three oh I got a water bomb take this wo those water bombs are going to be useful now we won’t fall off straight away exactly I knew my luck was great wo guys look at these super duper cool potions I got I got invisibility and strength we can definitely use these against the Mutant Creeper so it’s like invis strength that’s right like I’m going to need any potion when I have golden armor and I finally have pants let’s go wow that’s awesome we’ll check out what I got and oh I just got one of these thingies again are you serious wudo you’re just getting the same stuff as usual look at this I got a mystery post should oh gosh what are these ghosts doing here oh they’re so scary but I actually got rid of them oh my gosh wo take this mystery potion wait what was that now you have a bunch of fart particles around you wood I have a potion called the lingering potion of the turtle Master do you want to try it wait what lingering potion of the turtle master I guess I could give it a shot take this this oh this just made me slow what the heck slow like a turtle let’s see how long it takes you to open a Lucky Block wow I’m going to open a lucky block and I got golden armor but it doesn’t matter I’m going to get something better here and something better here and ooh I got quadruple Lucky Blocks 1 2 3 four and it’s a bunch of useless stuff wo your luck is terrible let me try instead oh my goodness axi he spawned in invisible spiders I spawned an invisible mob too these things are cooking us they’re one shotting me oh gosh we need to get rid of them fast oh that was terrifying they’re still here guys and oh gosh I’m getting destroyed good luck I’m not going back in there and it’s coming get me I’m just going to run up the staircase there’s no way it can get me out there but with that being said I just need to open my next lucky blocks and I’ll get stuff that’s better are you too short to get up there oh gosh everything exploded a I bet you won’t get anything better what are you talking about I just got a lucky axent I got a cake but I’m suffocating wait what you got a lucky axe because your name is axie yeah and I got a cake because I’m an axel little oo I want a piece of cake hey that was my cake well now it’s our cake and these are my lucky blocks over here and wait what all I’m getting a stone tools and I got a bad cord which has power punch and Flame wo take this stop it it hurts okay that means this weapon is good to use against the m creeper oh yeah well it’s not going to be good enough against me watch this oh yeah wait what was that bro you spawned in a giant Stone Tower what in the world come on I’m going to get something that’s super duper cool over here and wo I’m just getting a bunch of normal stuff in a bouncy castle a bouncy castle that’s awesome I want a bouncy castle and what’s that noise oh there’s a bunch of creepy stuff oh no axie look around you spawned in an entire zombie acopy yeah oh no I got something called A Strange Electric bomb but I think if I use it it’s going to destroy everything so use it axie oh okay I’ll use it on woodo hey woodo no no stop it wo get over here you’ll never find me oh God it took both of us out I told you it was going to be powerful you tried to use that bomb against me I don’t think so watch this I’m getting all the lies super duper lucky Ultra Mega lucky stuff and ow woodo that was # not lucky it just took all of us out that was # brh oh my goodness are you serious give me something better game I need to have the ultimate luck and guys I’m stuck and I’m drowning that’s what you get I guess you’re not so lucky after all someone break me out please no I’m just going to shoot arrows in there guys I have protection five I won’t ever die please just break it take the L I’m going to break some of my own blocks instead can you see me through the window oh my goodness I can see you that’s right you’re stuck whoever helps me gets diamonds wait what wait I have to help you I want diamonds M thank you so much you’re not getting any Diamonds though wait what that’s right I tricked you and now I’m going to go and open my next Lucky Blocks look at this guys I’m going to get super duper lucky right now and hey I got a bunch of gold you got a bunch of nothing more like unlike me axie you got an enchantment table and a water bottle and a Lucky Chicken so take that hey this is not fair you know what I’m going to open up even more Lucky Blocks than all of you guys combined oh gosh why am I not getting anything lucky I’m going to open up the lucky blocks faster than you let’s see who can open the most lucky blocks in the shortest amount of time it’s definitely me no it’s me axie what did you spawn in it’s a huge Lucky Block yeah let’s see if I can open it oh my goodness wo’s getting ahead I need to keep breaking these right now so he doesn’t get ahead of me Ah that’s not going to be possible I’m opening way more than you no you’re not voodo we’re both opening them and ouch that hurt really bad I just got thrown into this Sky I got impaled by these spikes oh my goodness axi you’re so far behind you need to open all your lucky blocks too you know I’m trying but I keep dying okay hurry up open seven in a row already I got a funny music disc um what in the world no one wants to listen to that yeah who wants to listen to axe’s music that is so messed up oh I’m going to keep breaking things wait I got the best thing ever wait what what did you get I got a whoopy cushion here you can take it are you serious I don’t want that don’t you want to fart more nope I just want to open lucky blocks and look I keep on getting wishing whs cuz I’m so lucky I want to get luckier come on I’m going to open more than you and oh I got golden apples wait what that’ll be super useful woodo against the mutant and Creeper who we have to fight soon come on let me just open these real quick and guys what in the world lightning is spawning in on me I just got dumped in lava oh no voodo your luck is so bad that’s so lame woodo you know what I’m going to get I’m going to get a turtle and wait I got lucky shears can I give you a haircut hey no don’t give me a haircut give voodo a haircut ow don’t give me a haircut wait what my lucky block almost took me out but thankfully I’m smarter than wudo which means I know how to survive what is that supposed to mean well it means what it means wudo look I’m just going to beat you in Breaking All the lucky blocks uh no I am M you got another lucky block up there wait what I didn’t even open it hey I got snowballs axi take this stop it I’m trying to build an oh no oh no the TNT you’re gone axie goodbye no hey I’m opening my last lucky blocks and I’m going to get extra extra extra lucky voodo you got a bunch of puffer fish named Popcorn that took us out oh that hurt really bad come on axi are you keeping up I’m trying I’m climbing very slowly I’ll catch up one day my look is so bad yeah you’re coed mudo me and axi are going to reach the top before you though check it out I just need to break all of these lucky blocks and oh my gosh these are so bad hey I got a piece of dye that does 10 billion damage you want to see wait what I want to see that it’s just blue dye goodbye wait what no actually are you serious oh my goodness now I can keep opening while Mong Go’s distracted no no no I need to break all them before you guys I’m going to reach the end first no I am come on there’s only four more lucky blocks left I just need to open it and I reached the end first not fair I’m going to open my last ones and O I got some mystery potions wait a second guys what in the world is that thing it’s attacking myo wait the entire world is turning dark which means the Mutant Creeper is spawning in guys Mong go look behind you oh my goodness the Mutant Creeper is right there come on guys let’s all take it down I’m going to drink my Hero’s potion and get it okay I’m going to attack it with my Lucky Sword and wait what I think it’s exploding [Applause] guys oh no this is really bad what’s happening we took it out let’s go let’s go we’re the luckiest ever wo thank you guys so much for watching the video If you enjoyed then watch a video on the screen and do not forget to subscribe bye-bye

Mongo and Wudo have to race against each other with LUCKY BLOCKS STAIRS! Who can get the best gear? Mongo or Wudo? Watch to find out!

This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip!

#Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod


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