“What Did You Just Call It…?” #terrariachallenge #terraria #gaming

wouldn’t it just be kind of like silly haha funny if uh the Wall of Flesh were to just like randomly spawn in over here on the right side of the world please please no oh please you you want that to happen all I I I could make some arrang we’re gonna run out of v v gooo balls if you do that what the hell did you just call it misspoke I accidentally said V I think V gooo gooo balls I don’t think I don’t think that’s what they’re called I’m going to make a terraria texture pack and rename them to that no oh another Z I mean Vibe goooo Ball Z Z it’s evolving dude this is crazy I just found like tuna R we’re gonna be able to we’re gonna have so many attempts I hope not how many gu Z four I have four of them how many Z vuba I have four Z vuba

What will she call it next?


  1. Never really understood how people have trouble with wall of flash i mean in master or with mods yes i can see but i beat it without any road i just dug a few holes in walls and ran and jumped through them.

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