Getting a Full Netherite Beacon in 100 Minecraft Days…

1 year ago I uploaded a video in which I attempted to get a full netherite beacon in 100 Minecraft days to which I failed miserably it wouldn’t be until 6 months later when Gizmo uploaded the same video but instead of using bed bombs or tunnel BS he used a method that changed the entire approach of this challenge all right so first things first we need to get a spawn that’s right next to a village since that’s going to save us a lot of time oh my God wait that’s a village now in Gizmo’s video he didn’t start on a new world rather on an smpp he already had gear and tools on which is why the village is important to instantly find now where is their iron golem at oh there you are okay that’s a little scary I believe there might be an ocean over that way so I think that’s our best bet yeah I’m not I’m not seeing any okay probably have to go for a lava pool instead oh wait a minute I believe I just saw a ruined portal to my right here and I don’t know there could be some useful things in there okay yeah perfect I don’t think there’ll be enough for a portal but we might we might be lucky oh my goodness that’s some Insane luck that’s a sun sets on day one I guess Day Zero we’re already into the nether oh dude my luck is insane this honestly has to be one of the biggest fortresses I’ve ever seen okay we are out of the Fortress now the next thing we need is ender pearls we have enough ender pearls granted that did take longer than I wanted to but it’s fine it’s still day one all we need to do now is head back into the Overworld all right I mean that was a that was pretty good okay I think I got it put all the coordinates and angles into here all you have to worry about is that the stronghold is hopefully around these coordinates now I know in my last video I did that cool little math formula in order to find the stronghold cords but let me tell you that was a year ago I don’t know how to do it now and honestly this calculator does the same thing it’s just way faster oh okay perfect that was kind of nerve-racking I was like maybe I got the math wrong but High Am very good at it now we should have to find the Portal okay that efficiency for book is actually really useful oh my God wait did I not go this way before the door was open [Music] okay probably get everything ready here here goes nothing now admittedly I’ve never really done too much practice on one cycling with beds but that’s why we have a bow and arrow any day now buddy I’m waiting oh my God I’m insane I’m actually just a speedrunner now we will need all of this XP dragon egg I don’t care for you now if you couldn’t tell by this point I had to kill the Ender Dragon first because I needed to get an elyra this being one of three items I need for this new method of getting agent debris take a screenshot of the end Gateway just in case you don’t find another one oh my God if this has an elytra this is insane I don’t think this n city has a pirate ship but as long as we could probably just get some good loot in general that’s not too big of a loss oh that could have been bad oh my goodness hold up oh my god oh okay okay this is really good not only is there an end Gateway right there but there is a boat here question is what’s the fastest way to get there okay we have finally made it to the end City more diamonds I’ll take it that’s actually a really freaking good pickaxe what the hell we have what we came here for and that is our elytra and we’ll go and take this brewing stand as well I can fly right into it ow okay I almost got it all right where’s The Village at okay it’s over there perfect now the reason we needed a village was because I need mending from a villager because that’s the only way you could get it please be something good that’s exactly what I needed efficiency 5 would be ideal but then again efficiency 4 is not a problem you know I thought finding an end City would be the longest part uh maybe it was this oh no 34 emeralds is way too much I can’t I can’t do that 38 dude why are they why are they so high 20 I’ll do 20 I’ll do 20 20 is not bad all we need to do now is hope we could get Unbreaking 3 from the enchant table okay so we have two Unbreaking two books so we could just combine those get Unbreaking three that’s not too bad and the final thing we’re going to enchant is a diamond sword with thankfully looting three because we’re going to need this for our second item which is going to be fireworks thankfully I’ve already built in a creeper farm that we’re going to use but it takes a fair fair amount of materials so we’re going to have to be chopping a lot of trees now I’ve already done the math for how many oak logs we need and in total it’s going to take 2,5 Oak log which is the equivalent to 32 Stacks so uh I’m going to be here for a [Music] bit okay and I believe that is all the oak logs we need it is already day eight but admittedly with what I’ve done so far this is not a bad run now with all the materials here we need to go ahead and find an ocean biome which thankfully I do know where one [Music] is so I’m thinking right in between this Center area uh because we need about six chunks on each side to make sure that the creepers don’t spawn in any other areas besides the farm now I could have this Farm be afkable but there’s two downsides to that the first big reason that whenever I kill creepers I get a lot of XP which I could use to help mend any armor I have not to mention afking gives me less resources however for Rockets we don’t only need gunpowder we also need paper which is why I’m going to build a sugarcane farm right near the creeper farm so now while we’re farming creepers we can have sugar cane grow the only let’s do now is just AFK this farm for a bit so about 15 minutes here of killing these creepers and honestly I have almost a full Shuler of gunpowder however the uh sugarcane farm ain’t really doing that well so when it comes to getting paper we might have have to stick to plan B but either way we have gotten our second of three items which is our firework Rockets leaving only our third item left which is fire resistant potions now thanks to these firework rockets and this looting sword getting magma creams should be fairly easy okay honestly I think 34 should be enough by this point it had turned to day 11 and using all the materials I gathered I brewed some potions and crafted my fireworks finishing off the three resources I need however there’s one more item we need but it’s not actually in the game and that final item is this resource pack cuz if I were to drink this Fire Res potion and fly all the way into the lava we could see directly under it yes I know you might be thinking is this considered x-ray now before you make that decision let me explain some things to you X-ray is also a texture pack sure but you’re able to see through all the blocks and dig straight to the ores you want with this method you still don’t know exactly where the ancient debris is and you’re still needing to fly around to find it plus to have any chance at getting the full Beacon this is the only way to probably do it all right with the amount of fireworks we have I was hoping to maybe get around a stack but to be fair 56 in debris is not that bad at all I think I’m going to spend the next bit of time just collecting sugar cane because I don’t really think that Farm’s going to do well and I also don’t want to waste time building a sugarcane farm because not only do I have to build it I also have to AFK that as well the only downside is the more sugarcane I collect the further I have to go to collect more so I think it’s it’s only been about 10 minutes and I got myself 3 and 1/2 stacks of sugar canane which honestly isn’t too bad okay that is a good amount of fireworks we should be good for a while and if you couldn’t tell I also got a texture pack that makes ancient debris very light blue which makes finding it in the lava so much easier okay we could try here maybe not these Basalt Delta biomes aren’t exactly ideal as a couple of days flew by no pun intended I started seeing myself getting more and more ancient debris and just a couple of days I had gotten right under four stacks and because I was constantly flying in the nether it made finding bastions way easier which was the fastest method for getting Gold Blocks oh shoot a bridge right here and a gas spawns right on it so what I’m going to do is I’m going to go ahead and place our Brewing stands right here have a blast furnace right here that’s going to be smelting our ancient debris that we’ve collected so far all while this sugar cane grows and I could kill creepers I I I am literally trying to make this as efficient as possible [Music] now in the past 2 to 3 days that we’ve actually been mining ancient debris we have ourselves eight netherite blocks which yes seems like practically nothing but if you think about it we’re only on day 20 I still have 80 days and another thing in my previous video from 1 year ago I had 12 by day 100 I only got this in like 2 days so we are actually on great Pace here but yeah I think the plan right now is just to get some more sugarcane to get fireworks and while yes this challenge is is fairly linear you got to do what you got to do to reach this goal man and I’m not wasting any time all right you know what I think that is good for now hate the basalt Delta biomes it’s like where am I supposed to go bro these biomes are impossible to navigate all right our second batch of netherite has finally smelted we can now go back to our base and see how much more netherite blocks we’ve got I think when I was flying back to my portal I found a lot of bastions that had a lot of blocks of gold let’s go ahead and craft our materials here all right and our second batch here is seven netherite blocks I want to know something funny about this we’re only a quarter of the way through and I already have more than I did in my first try that just goes to show how op this Strat is but something was still slowing me down sugar canane having a fly around trying to farm it both loses me time and Rockets I even thought about using a chunk loader near my farm so that it might grow while I’m in the nether I had no clue if that was going to work thankfully my problems would be solved another way I I just kind of realized that swamp biomes have a lot of sugar can kidding me ah oh my goodness I forgot swamp biomes is just like a sugar cane gold mine I mean look at this we almost have four stacks of sugar canane in the span of like 5 minutes now for my portal I’ve pretty much gone at least 2,000 blocks in almost every direction and I don’t want to waste time going in lava pools for ancient debris that I’ve already mined so what I’m going to do is fly on the nether roof for a bit and the portal back under the Bedrock we’ll see if I was able to go far enough or not okay I think we’re in the clear what what gas could spawn in lava and by the way if you’re wondering how serious I’m taking this challenge if you look at this recording I am literally not talking for the whole hour that’s how focused I am on trying to find this ancient debris as our fire resistance just ends there why am I on fire oh okay as our fire resistance just ended I think I’m going to go Ahad and head back I believe it’s only been like 3 or 4 days but mind you that’s about an hour and 20 minutes of just straight mining not to measure the fact that I am 15 ,000 blocks away we have a good set here we have I believe what seven Stacks eight full stacks of ancient debris overall a very successful trip but I wasn’t going to go back to my base like I said I was nearly 15,000 blocks out in the nether which if we put that into a portal calculator I’d be over 110 blocks in the Overworld which also means unexplored swamp biomes oh thank God okay I thought it was going to take way longer but we have found a swamp biome hopefully there’s a lot of sugarcane though there doesn’t seem to be as much water as the other one but who knows I’m seeing some sugar can already so that’s all I care about all right as the sun rises we have pretty much 4 and a half stacks of sugar canane that is not bad at all for a night’s work we should probably go ahead and head back to our portal because I am running a little bit low on fireworks I want to make sure I have enough to get home all right where is our base at oh it’s right over here probably going to go ahead and go to the farm first because my elytra is about to break and I’d rather get that repaired quickly before it does break and then I am pretty much screwed for this entire challenge but the good thing is we can go and smell all our ancient debris while we’re over there which is going to take probably like 2 days honestly all right so as expected it took about a day to smell all the netherite even though I had two blast furnaces but thankfully we just have enough room to fit all the potion sugar cane and netherite scrap and then we’re just going to fill the rest of my inventory with gunpowder and then we’ll just go ahead and make some ingots okay how many blocks do we have here 30 blocks of netherite pretty sure that’s that’s double what I had in my last video all right this next trip might be my longest because I have stacked a lot of fire reses potions I have pretty much a th000 firework Rockets I have plenty of food I did the math and with how many netherite blocks we have versus the time it’s tooken us to get them it’s incredibly close I’m not joking this might actually come down to the final days so I need to make sure I have everything and don’t waste any time so last time I went about- 10,000 blocks on the Z axis so to make things easier I think we’re just going to go as far as we want on the positive z-axis just to make sure I don’t accidentally collide with what I’ve already mined I guarantee you I’ve pretty much mined almost everything within the first couple hundred blocks out okay here we go good sign I’m seeing multiple sections of ancient debris not just one you know what there’s Wither Skeleton skulls right here I might as well kill these wither skeletons and the off chance I get a skull and them drop a skull no all right there’s another Bridge Bastion it’s actually a good sign that means I haven’t been here yet all right this was not bad I took one fire res potion and I got almost a full stack I got 53 actually I think that might be my best run I’ve had the plan is to get maybe half a stack per 8 minutes I’m pretty much doubling what initially planned for all right so since my pickaxe is getting really low on durability I think we’re going to use this last bit of fire resistance to get as much H debris as we can and then we’ll go ahead and head back to our base you know I find it ironic how I spent about 20 minutes trying to get a mending villager and then just decided to not put it on my pickaxe why why would I do that I I the whole point of that villager was to keep my items from breaking all right should be good we have about what 6 and 1/2 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and 1/2 Stacks okay that’s not bad we have a good amount of fireworks left over and a good amount of potions so we should be good on the travel home which sucks because it does take a while to fly all the way back even if I have an elytra and fireworks okay interesting part of the world kind of an underwhelming swamp biome here I we won’t might not be as lucky as last time oh wait kind of wish I had a texture pack for the sugar canane because the way it just kind of Blends in with the lily pads the seagrass and just Vines and everything this is I probably missed so much sugarcane okay you know what now I think we’re good we have 6 and 1/2 Stacks actually pretty much seven Stacks let’s get back to our base that’s really far away okay so the portal should be around here somewhere all right not too shabby of a trip we’re going to go straight to our creeper Farm because I need to spell smell all this stuff I probably won’t spend too much time on getting the gunpowder cuz we have a lot if anything I’m just going to sit here and smell all this ancient debris because that’s what takes the longest one more ancient debris and as per usual we’ll go ahead and craft all the netherite ingots all right we are making a lot of progress and it’s only day 42 this gets exhausting by this point I fell into a rhythm find agent debris get sugarcane fly back smelt The Ore okay we have gotten all the netherite scrap and we actually have a good amount of sugarcane that we got from this little farm here so I guess I guess that’s somewhat useful dude three stacks of netherite ingots God I’m so rich dude this is so much netherite how much actually is this right now that’s 2300 ancient debris okay I’m going to be honest with the math that I did we might be a couple hundred hent debris short of the netherite beacon but that’s okay I mean uh I’m having a dilemma a reason that I haven’t been able to mine for extent amount of times is cuz I ran out of room to stash fireworks and Potions I’m wondering whether or not I should use a whole day to get some Shuler shells like I already know where the portal is I’m just wondering if it’s if it’s worth it hopefully it takes one day Max and get what we need and then get the hell out all right perfect that’s four Shuler shells okay actually that didn’t take too much time which is really good and I mean I think we’re all set I have sugar cane I have my fireworks I have all of my materials to make more potions two full shulkers of gunpowder and then I have a full Shuler of Fire resistance potion as days blew by continuing mining for agent debris the amount of focus needed began to weigh on me you might think it’s not that difficult but the concentration required to repeatedly scan for anent debris make sure you’re going in the right direction keep track of your fire resistance keep track of the rockets and keep track of the electro durability which to be fair another courts did make it a lot easier but the fact that I had to do this all at the same time and what’s probably the most unoptimized dimension for flying it was a lot oh my God we finally got a skull goodness gracious it should not have taken this long to get one skull oh my God we got a second one oh my God we actually might be able to I was actually waiting to get all three heads until after we finish getting H debris and if we get all the heads now that’ll be okay you know what that’s fine that’s fine three with skeleton skulls okay after getting all three skulls I use this opportunity to go get some more sugarcane from the Overworld and then head back to the base okay so our goal right now is to get back to our base and start smelting all this ancient debris I’m debating whether I should go on the nether roof or just simply go right through here and I would get more ancient debris as you can see there’s a lot of lava leges on the way back the fact of the matter is is that I just I can’t be spending too much time because I don’t have that many materials left and I a fair bit ways away you know I’m going to repair my elytra all the way and then I’m just going to go on the nether roof cuz this is taking too much time I’d rather just fly straight to be honest I thought this was going to be our final trip but we did actually almost run out of gunpowder but we have a lot of AG of debris to smell and I’m not going to waste any time I’m already going to start putting this in the furnaces I’m going to go ahead and actually make another blast furnace 10 raw iron gives us two blast furnaces which is great cuz I wanted to get four going but I didn’t know if I’d have the materials for it it is day 76 and I got to tell you I am actually nervous but I’m also feeling fairly confident because we got a lot I mean look at this look at this this is what 2,000 something so this is going to be a lot of ancient debris and while in the back of my mind I am kind of thinking I need to be mining aent debris I need to be mining aent debris moments like these are a bit relaxed cuz it’s I’m not having to really stress I’m hoping to have all of this stuff smelted and I’m back in the nether by day [Music] 80 the sun is rising on day 79 and we have gotten all our netherite ingots I also went ahead and got rid of all the sugarcane because this will actually be the last time I come here like this next trip however much ancient debris I need left my next trip will be my last trip no I’ve yet to do the math on how much ancient debris I need left I won’t know until I craft all these into blocks and place them and boy am I [Music] nervous okay that’s a lot that is actually a lot of blocks I just placed oh my god dude I’m actually speechless but I can’t waste time I can’t waste time I have to make sure I have all my materials ready cuz I’m going straight back into the nether hopefully coming back with all the agent debris I need this is going to be extremely close and it was at this moment that the pressure of the challenge started to get to me if you didn’t already know 100 days of Minecraft is the equivalent of 33 hours which is an insane amount of dedication to put into a single Challenge and to be honest with you I was scared of failing so much show I put off recording to the final days because I didn’t want to waste all my time falling short in a challenge for the fourth time in a row I I can’t I don’t think I could explain the amount of stress I I have right now this this has to be the most stressful thing I’ve ever done in Minecraft going to craft all our gold blocks and in total we have 733 we’re halfway there I need about 700 more and that is enough ancient de Brea all right this is a good start one stack and under 7 minutes actually things are looking good dude things god dude can’t I can’t just okay I got to con I got to concentrate oh and a bridge okay the lava is lowkey throwing we only need 4 and 1/2 stacks of agent debris and I am around 20,000 almost 30,000 blocks away so I think it’s time to finally start heading back and just hoping I hit lava pools I haven’t gone for already and also we still need about 40 more blocks of gold so hopefully we can find some bridge bastions on the way back as well okay we are going to have to head into the Overworld real quick cuz I am stupid and I realize that I can’t make potions without water and obviously water cannot work in the nether please be right by ocean you know what not exactly an ocean but this should work we might need to get more firework Rockets soon we are running low but that’s fine we do have gunpowder though you couldn’t tell I was almost nearing the end over 20 hours worth of work and over 1 year since I started this goal got to tell you these past few days days felt like a blur that a concept thought to be impossible might become real there it is you guys may wonder why that one block is so important that one block is the slot for the final stack of agent debris if I never tried something because I was afraid of failing well then I wouldn’t be where I am now because it’s not really failing if you learn from it even if it’s just from a game like Minecraft there it is will it even fit in my Shuler box so it will the only thing left honestly that we need to do in the nether is get gold blocks we need about 50 but if we find one Bridge Bastion that should be all the gold blocks we need left I do want to try and find one before I get closer to 0 because obviously I have a higher chance of finding one that’s not looted oh please lava lava yeah you’re throwing you’re throwing uh yeah don’t get don’t get mad at me how about have a have a golden block all I need was 52 that’s all the materials we need now we still do need to kill the Wither all I’m hoping is that I have enough fireworks to get back to my base and into the end all right we should start seeing the portal around here somewhere there it is boy is it good to be back well we also have to instantly leave because I need to go kill the Wither all right this should be good grab our skeleton skulls place the final one right here there it is our nether star dude I love this way of getting the star it’s so easy all we have to do now is smelt all of the ancient debris let’s get our ancient debris here and just start smelting it instantly now I probably will definitely need more coal okay this better be enough coal I will say this is the most painful part waiting for all the ancient debris to smelt but at least it’s nice to know the hard part’s over and that is all of our ancient debris smelted we actually have I believe we actually had one block extra I don’t remember exactly but enough waiting let’s go ahead and head over to our base you know why not why not why not just why not use all the fireworks we have so many to spare this is hurting my ears okay it’s a bad idea here is our last [Music] blocks can we power it with the netherite oh my gosh we can with a netherite Ingot as well oh my gosh let’s go and just put haste two on it dude oh my God and it’s only day 94 not even in 100 days in 94 days with over 20 hours of me just straight mining for ancient debris all to get the full netherite Beacon this has been one hell of a challenge man I can’t tell you how good it feels to finally accomplish something [Music]

A Full Netherite Beacon…A goal I completely failed 1 year ago. However, a new method changed the way this challenge could be faced, so I’m back to try to get a full Netherite beacon in 100 days…

A video animated and edited by Poafa, hope you enjoy!
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  1. i'm impressed! I was convinced this would be clickbait and that you'd get like 40 blocks or something, but once you put those 3 items on screen I knew that it'd be legit

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