I Survived 100 Days on a Survival Island Minecraft

hey Welcome Back to the Island we have a lot to get done in the next 100 days let me fill you in this massive island is my dream Minecraft world I want to play in this world for like 10 years or something we’ve made a good start with our Lighthouse and our iron armor but there’s two major problems I want to solve today first off the villagers in this Village are no longer with us no don’t oh I want to transform this Village and make it not so dangerous anymore but I also want to upgrade our armor by visiting all five underground structures in Minecraft is that too much to do in 100 days probably we have a lot gets done the next 100 days although it’s technically day like 80 something I’m just going to have the counter say day one for for the sake of this video and if I’m going to mostly upgrade this Village in 100 days we’re going to need a lot better tools I think the first step is going to be doing some mining here so let’s spend some time making an entrance here that can take us down to the Deep slate layer mining all the way down to the bottom of the world is pretty timec consuming especially with an iron pickaxe my plan is to eventually replace this with a Minecart Track but I don’t have nearly enough gold or iron for actually I don’t have any gold or iron to do that my mining was cut short by this zombie spawner that nearly actually killed me it’s kind of embarrassing I guess that te oh oh jeez that technically crosses this structure off the list although I hopefully will find a skeleton one before too long I continue my tunnel down nearly falling in lava wao this is a big Lava Lake okay I almost just thought I fell in lava there before making it to the very bottom of the world I like mining at negative y 56 or whatever it is and then I use a trap door to doing this mole mining technique tling through in a one block hole like this is really nice for a couple reasons it’s way faster for one thing but you also don’t have to light it up cuz no mobs can spawn it’s pretty sweet I spent the next two days trying to mine for diamonds I was trying to get around a half a stack by day four I pretty much got there but I realized I really want to enchant my stuff now before doing any more mining I can’t take much more I headed up to the surface and wasted no time crafting a bunch of new diamond armor the helmet chest plate pants pickaxe and a new sword now I need an XP to enchant my armor this is about the point I realized hey I want to build a skeleton grinder but I don’t want to find one it’s probably going to take me a dozen days just searching underground namelessly so I decided to use seed map to try to find one and there was actually one pretty close to our spawn right on the shore so I’m going to head over there after Gathering all the resources I headed to the area above the spawner and cleared out a few trees I’m planning on building a really cool entrance house above the farm soon and and I want to make sure I have a nice big area to do it but before then we’ve got to pillar down a lot we still got to keep going it’s all the way down at like -10 I finally found the dungeon like in the middle of a full-fledged War I quickly put end that and I’ve done around a billion of these farms in the past so I just did it by memory I started by digging out four blocks in every direction from the spawner which is actually nice cuz I like building with mossy cobblestone and this is a great opportunity to collect some and then from there I did the basic stuff making the water streams the bubble column and setting up a little primitive Kill Chamber it’s not pretty yet at least I want to try to fix that soon let me just put in the hours and get all these tools Enchanted I’m hoping I can get this done in 5 to 10 days I spent day 10 trying to make it a little easier to get down to the the spawner first I put in a ladder but realized that was going to be kind of tedious so I took the time to actually put in a full bubble elevator it’s something that takes a little time to set up but it’s so worth it in the long run with an easy way up and down I began hacking away at the skeletons quickly realizing oh wait that’s right I need an enchantment setup so it’s time for the usuals you know breeding cows orphaning cows wiping out every known species on our Island just for some leather Minecraft is a really weird game sometimes I harvested some sugar cane real quick set up our enchantment station and for your s I’m going to summarize the next 10 days that I spent that’s not a joke slowly enchanting all our tools I cannot stress enough how slow this Farm was but I didn’t really have any other options and it’ll actually make me feel a whole lot better if you uh subscribe you know you want to keep seeing what I do in this world past the 100 days so subscribe please and I was very willing to spend the first 20 days just gearing up I got up to level 30 by day 12 and my first roll is my pickaxe it gave me efficiency 4 and a breaking three honestly not bad I would hope for like like fortune or Sil touch so I just kept rerolling it the sword looked promising but it ended up just giving me Bane of Arthropods come on whoever uses that day 13 I Enchanted my axe 14 my helmet and 15 my boots on day 17 I decided to take a break from the endless grind and head up to the surface and create a maxed out Fortune pickaxe I’m going to use this to mine diamonds in a second but I can’t forget I’m going to use that name tag I found in the dungeon to name my dog for some reason everybody in the comments wanted me to name the dog seed so I guess his name is seed now I spent the rest of day 17 mining diamonds and from there I figured I’m better off just mining quartz than using the skeleton grinder which I think was the right call cuz it allowed me to enchant all the rest of my items at this point we are pretty much completely Enchanted however I couldn’t just leave the skeleton Grinder like that just a whole in the ground so I decided why not build some sort of house over it I figured we’re by the ocean we should go for like a fisherman house type thing and this whole area is kind of a Mediterranean style so I think something like that could kind of fit in well in order to grab the resources for that I hopped in a chest and headed over to the Savannah on our Island I spent around the day chopping acacia wood which I do not like chopping acacia wood at all the trees are so small there’s also a desert pretty near to the Savannah so I boed over there along my way I found a Pillager which dropped one of those new ominous bottles this was actually going to be perfect for our trial chamber later then it was time for one of my favorite activities mining Sandstone now that we have insta mine this is so much fun I also grabbed some orange terracotta while we were nearby and I was reminded of a feature i’ had totally forgotten about coral I mean Coral looks really good especially with all the new tough blocks is essentially a whole another Stone set so I harvested quite a bit of that and headed home when I got home I spent one final day chopping Birch and Spruce trees enough of this grinding stuff let’s finally do some building I set up all our supplies right above the skeleton grinder and got to work I started by fling an area to make it a little easier to work with then I give an outline to the first floor out of tough I really can’t stop building with this stuff not to mention mixing in the coral looked even better than I expected so you know I forgot to record for day 28 but I just went and threw on some Sandstone for the the second floor and then use deep slate for the roof we’re pretty much just mimicking my starter base but I want to switch it up a bit using some orange blocks for a pop of color so I use the orange blocks for this extension with this sort of weird diagonal roof honestly it’s kind of strange but I think it makes the build kind of unique there was also a trident Dr in the river nearby I was kind of hoping the tridon I didn’t to be honest I don’t know how I feel about tridon after last Hardcore Season I spent the next 2 or 3 days finishing up the exterior with all the different details you know the windows filling in all the walls making this little raised balcony thing above the entrance and day 34 it was done so on day 35 I was ready to tackle the interior and because this is a fisherman’s home I had a really cool idea for a small detail but we had to catch some fish first this really long fishing trip gave me about a dozen Cod and a dozen salmon so what I did is I placed these fish on the campfires and then I extinguish the campfire so it kind of looks like there’s a rack that all the fish are sitting on I’m not sure why they’re there but they are I also spam down a bunch of barrels on this side wall and also this little cubby area here is like a cooler of some sort then for this final open space in the basement I made made this large boat out of two of Minecraft smaller boats now come on that’s pretty cool so we’re over a third of the way into this Challenge and to be honest we don’t have a whole lot to show for it I mean we’ve upgraded our armor built this house but if I want to build an entire Village and also raid four more underground structures we need to step it up I think we need to tackle another one of the structures I want to visit a trail ruin but having some of those Pottery shards to decorate with would be pretty cool so on day 39 I embarked on the journey towards the trail room which I actually found in the last episode while I was searching for the Mesa along my way I stopped to kill a few chickens and and crafted three brushes I wanted to be extra prepared and I’m glad I did cuz as I was going I found my first ever armadilla oh no way this is actually super exciting for me because this means we can give our wolves some armor maybe we can take seed to one of the structures later on here it is structure number two let’s see what kind of loot we can get from [Music] this okay First Armor trim already nice [Music] I got all four actually I got five armor CHMS really easily and then I realized wait a minute these things are just filled with bricks I hate normally getting bricks especially without villagers so I know why don’t we just rip up their floorboards and man look at this chest but we have so much fluid from this definitely a good call coming here I got back to our base on day 41 to decorate all our gear I added an armor trim to each armor with the emerald color I think it turned out really cool and he even crafted some dog armor dyed it lime green and gave it to seed I think he really liked it we can finally start working on the city first by clearing the Old Village out I started by removing this big tree I left here for some reason breed this horse and then use my enchant the shovel to rip away at all this grass to be honest spending the first almost 40 days gearing up was definitely timec consuming but it’s so worth it now we can just sit back relax and rip through this dirt yeah I mean this should be perfect I was a little worried we wouldn’t have enough room for all the houses I want to build but with this build we got more than enough room of course I’m going to throw some Cliffs on here a little later but we’re nearly halfway through the challenge and I really want to focus on raiding all of those structures I think the next one to tackle would probably be the trial chamber which is actually really exciting cuz I haven’t raided one in single player yet and we could buy a map for one but that sounds like a lot of work when we could just use seed map cuz I’m lazy should we take him to the trial chamber I don’t want him to die though I guess we can take him yeah let’s [Music] [Music] go with the trial chamber found I right away drank the bad Omen which was actually probably a bad idea this was way harder than than I thought I mean I can die no problem I’m just worried about my dog careful dog stay out of the way got our first Breeze Rod nice ow jeez why is he gold armor ow waa oh I should have brought some of that armadillo SK here he shouldn’t stop no my dog oh these guys are so annoying okay that dog actually probably save my life I’m glad I brought him yes yes a two wo two ominous trial Keys we can open up one of our uh little key key things here come on come on oh what the heck the next room over I managed to find another ominous Vault so of course I opened it dog you’re standing on my loot was that a Notch Apple Diamond chest ooh wow the pots are invisible are they really oh they totally are I don’t know what there’s some mod I have on that’s doing that what is this this room is huge what and the room wasn’t just huge it was uh also deadly yeah it is oh jeez oh my gosh this room is [Music] crazy wa wa whoo wao wo this might be too difficult water bucket I’ll take it whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay jeez oh no I hit my dog I’m sorry ah whoa yeah get him dog careful dog oh no his armor oh no all right time for you to sit this one out buddy yeah ooh nice I’m going to key now that my dog is safe everything is fine and nothing bad will happen oh dang it and that is why I quit hardcore mode before we left I made sure to grab the rest of the keys and redeem them hoping to get an armor trim come on Armor trim armor trim armor trim a and the moment of truth moment of truth come on ooh nice with the whole place looted I remembered to grab our dog and then I spent the rest of day 49 heading home on day 50 I real quick decided to work on replacing my helmet my helmet actually broke in the trial chamber which is annoying but we Enchanted it and applied the brand new armor trim to it which I honestly think is an improvement now I’m more ready than ever to get back to building starting with building the cliff I completely forgot about this was going to be a pretty large project so I got to work collecting a lot of stone stone mining like this isn’t bad I much prefer having haste to Beacon but this is not too horrible unfortunately for me I didn’t have soaked touch which meant I had to smelt all this Stone while I waited though I used what stone I did have to get work right away on all of this terraforming I’m going up all right it’s a waiting game it’s the longest turn with the bries burn before we lay [Music] down that ter forming completely changed this area in the best way possible and we’re all set up to build our village almost there’s still a couple villager houses in the way I’m going to get rid of this big one here and for the well I’d actually like to keep it to commemorate the Old Village but I would like to move it to more central location so let’s just destroy [Music] it and build it back right here that should be about centered and one final thing to clean it up we need to remove all these path blocks so I place blocks on top I later realized there’s an easier way to do it you can just use a Ho on them and then they’ll eventually go away that’s nice to know now I wish I knew it back then by day 58 it’s resource Gathering time and the nice thing with this style I’m going for which I should probably describe I’m going for a Mediterranean sort of style where it’s these real white tannish buildings with the orange and gray rooms made out of brick which means all the houses are going to look somewhat similar which means I can pretty much gather all the blocks I need in one single swoop starting of course with the granite I spent the morning of day 59 smelting about half of my sandstone in a smooth Sandstone I like to use both pretty equally so I figured it’s good to have both on hand and my diamond boots were honestly getting a bit low on durability so I was forced to use a diamond because we definitely do not have mending yet we’ll have to deal with that sometime soon probably not in this 100 days next material I needed was packed mud I had no idea where a mro swamp was I know there’s not one anywhere on the island so the next best thing is just to dive underwater and start using a water bottle on all the dir honestly not a terrible method if you just grab a door and start spamming day 60 was spent in the caves with some good old diate mining can’t get much better than this it probably can get a little better than this okay you got me it does get better than diate mining it’s time to start building we’re starting off with a tough frame for this house using the Chisel tough and the regular variant to tough I ended up switching it out for tough Bri so to make it a little bit different than our starter house to be fair everything’s going to look similar to our starter house and that’s the goal in a lot of the worlds my builds are all over the place but for this region specifically I want to have one General block theme which is not something I ever really do and I think it’s going to make the town look really cohesive speaking of I got some Birch planks out to make a little trim for the Second Story I guess the first story and then brought up some Sandstone all along the walls once the Sandstone was in place I picked a few spots where I thought Windows would probably look good and then I realized oh right I need warped wood so I made a little bit of a quick Journey over to a warp Forest to hopefully grab some I want to use it for shutters I don’t know if this is worth it so I grabbed a bunch of that and headed home on day 63 I installed our fresh new shutters with a combination of warp trap doors and signs I think they turned out really cool I also put in our door frame and threw on a temporary floor for the interior another exterior detail I decided to add was to throw on a nice big white chimney to the side you know the classic with the campfire on top I think I forgot to put the campfire on top then I install a quick little brick roof to the top and I think it’s turning out pretty nice obviously needs a lot of detail but it’s looking good I felt like I was on a roll and by day 65 I contined The Village by adding another house with the orange roof the White Walls but this time with a little bit of a different block pallet just to break things up check it out these two new buildings frame this area really well as you can see I even made this little covered area with a bunch of books and storage and pots there’s not a specific purpose for each house cuz I kind of want to fill them over time with the different villager professions and of course yeah in this one too there’s plenty of room for villagers the building’s going great but we need to take a quick break to go ahead to an ancient city my main goal from the ancient city is to get a swift sneak book they’re so essential for building to be honest and also I’d rather not die if I can help but you know these ancient cities honestly just involve a lot of sneaking slowly between chests which isn’t always the most exciting thing but there’s decent loot at least and okay we found the Redstone Room I like this room because we can steal Redstone from it oh come [Music] on W armor trim um maybe we’re a little bit so he’s right there I’ll come back for the chest how do I get out okay he’s not chasing me is he I think we’re good I don’t like how I can hear his like footsteps oh my gosh he’s chasing [Music] me okay that’s terrifying let’s swim up here and hide that might be the first time something Minecraft has actually made me jump every time I’ve played in ancient city before was in hardcore mode so I never even got close to the warden but that was scary Swift sneak come on come on any day now yes a new music disc nice Swift sneak 2 hold on if I grab our Anvil I believe we can now combine for Swifts sne 3 nice yes oh what you know what that’s my Quee to leave as soon as I got back I made sure to stow away all my music this and I got to work finishing some detailing on our last two builds I was working on finishing the roof until I got a visit from Minecraft’s probably best M they must know I’m up at 2:00 a.m. editing this that’s probably why they’re attacking me I worked on bringing the path further up the hill which is looking great by the way this little fence I installed kind of made a natural little field type area I figured it’d be a good place to plant some crops and I eventually actually landed on sugar cane which is not what you typically think of for a crop field but I think it looks cool days 76 through 78 where my building this really cool Tower house this might just be my favorite one out of the whole city something about it just looks really cool to me oh by the way real quick there’s something really cool I wanted to mention as you know this is a really longterm hopefully like 10 year long world and I’ve actually made a way for you to be part of this world I know it’s crazy I’ve officially launched Channel memberships of my channel something I’ve always wanted to do and everyone who becomes a member gets a permanent sign with their name on it placed somewhere in my world I just felt like that’s a really cool way to commemorate it and hey you also get stuff like the World download a bunch of custom Emos private chat room I tried to make this is worth while as possible and a really good way to support me so I don’t have to do annoying sponsorships cuz those are really annoying so hey consider clicking that joint button and thank you so much I wanted to throw in a few more details of the front of this build that we made so I slapped down some stuff like this table cartography table the skull from the ancient city a little flower pot with a cherry tree in it I really like it on day 80 I decided I wanted to balance the area out by adding this one more house I decided to make it really short though to make sure it doesn’t block the houses in the back [Music] by day 84 our final build was done which means we need to work on the finer details now for the last 15 or so days the most important one to me is turning all the floor into packed mud but I’m not doing the stupid water bottle thing anymore I’m going to actually use the nether to fast travel to a mangrove swamp that’s exactly what I did and I just saw through all this mud probably one of the more satisfying things you can do in the game from there I spent day 85 and 886 searching Villages for hay bales cuz I can’t be bothered to grow the wheat myself I’d rather steal from them I spent the entirety of day 87 just digging rooted dirt and by day 90 the entire Village had a packed mud floor yet another open space in the front of the village called for another Farm I decided to go with wheat I figur it would fit in well with the tan kind of yellowish theme I then filled the empty space behind the wheat field with this nice little market stand I started with Cherrywood but it Blended in a little bit too well so I switched it to mangr day 92 is what I like to call tree time I built this first tree here I really liked it but I forgot to record the second one though I recorded and I threw it behind our big tower I think I think it gives the area a nice sense of scale and brings it all together makes it feel more natural days 9495 I spent adding a lot of details to this area a big thing where these like unique little flowering bushes I’ve never really seen anybody do anything like this before I think it’s kind of cool with the aelia the petals and the oak I threw in some glazed terracotta for a couple pops of color underrated block please use more glazed terra cotta I’m going to at least you got the planter box the small little baby tree I really like this along the stone I made some more rough dead bushes and overall I just spamed bone meal pretty much everywhere and man it really brought this whole place together I’m so proud of it I wasn’t planning on this at all but there’s two more days more than I thought we’d have so maybe it could just be possible to beat the dragon before day 100 this is going to be really cutting it close and we need to get going let’s see okay this way it’s time to become a speedrunner to be honest I had hop the stronghold would be on our Island which looks so cool in the background by the way but maybe the ocean or these islands or whatever it is wouldn’t be that bad either yeah we we have more than enough the the question right now is finding the stronghold I mean theoretically I can just dig down here right yeah okay here it is I hear mobs I think okay here we are what no shot that might be the a stronghold into a trial chamber that would be the coolest thing I’ve ever seen what the heck that’s actually crazy oh no I’m being overed with silverfish though there’s no way that the stronghold just intersects with a trial chamber like this that’s in a lush cave that’s insane oh my gosh shoot I didn’t bring a way of lighting this other than there we go good thing I got all those under eyes they’re all missing can’t forget to set my spawn hold on stupid silverfish leave me alone oh yeah probably shouldn’t have SL up through the night probably wasn’t a smart idea all right we got to really go now there we go no no no no whoa whoa whoa whoa oh my gosh is he perching again okay perfect I can come on what that come on please yes oh my gosh and with that I returned home on day 100 I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did and if you want to explore it for yourself make sure you become a member thanks so much for watching [Music]

In this video I survive 100 days on my mega deserted island in Minecraft Survival, not Hardcore. I get geared up by visiting trial chambers and transform a village in a cool unique new style!

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