I Spent 100 Days In One Block Minecraft And Here’s What Happened…

these are thousands of blocks but what if i told you that this is technically also thousands of blocks that makes no sense right well this block regenerates forever giving better blocks and harder enemies the further that you go there are 10 stages and at the end i’ve defeated the ender dragon that’s my goal in this 100 days if you go on to enjoy the video consider subscribing i’m trying to hit 100k this year and maybe with your help we can do it without further ado i spent 100 days in one box skyblock and here’s what happened it’s day one and then text was telling me to break the block below and usually i’d be rebellious and go do something else but in case you didn’t notice there’s nothing else up there it’s just me and this block i had no choice but to do as the game told me and so i started expanding my island in a square like fashion after a while though a pig spawned and he looked straight into my soul and we had an instant connection it was kind of weird it was kind of weird how he did that anyways i started making some wooden tools and breaking more blocks and began to get some amazing loot you know just like just top tier loot all of the gravel blocks were falling down into the void and then the game gave me a water bucket so i had the genius idea you see i would use it to place a block below so the gravel wouldn’t fool no i’m kidding i got told to do that minecraft isn’t a sandbox game anymore i have no control of what i can do but me and uh uh dave over here yeah dave dave the pig yeah we’re in this together you know so it’s fine it’s fine yeah we’ve reached phase one the planes i figured i’m gonna need some trees and so i started making an area to grow them went back to breaking blocks because there’s there’s not much else to do right now actually and that is when i met patrick patrick yeah i don’t know why i feel the need to name these pigs i mean i’m probably gonna have to eat them soon so i’m just making this harder on myself aren’t i i’m joking i’d never eat dave i’d never eat dave but i might eat patrick that’s a nice moon isn’t it patrick yeah and then adam adam the cow spawned yeah adam that’s his name look at this chest amazing amazing loot sassy the sheep i’m gonna stop naming animals and start some real commentary anyway so i continued charlie the chicken charlie the chicken is his name i’m sorry that’s the light i swear that’s the last one i started building this wooden spiral type deal that goes down to my block spawner met some more food i mean i mean friends friends are what they are and then on day two i started a farm so i can breed some more friends wink wink anyway more and more cattle kept spawning and before i knew it i was overrun and i was getting concerned as the numbers grew that they may overpower me you see so i did what anyone in my position would do and i can find them to a 6×5 prison or at least some of them i don’t have any wheat or carrots yet so the cows and the pigs are still chilling with me this chest has hearts coming out of it so it must be really good never mind it’s apples but now we’re already on phase two the underground and in this phase i finally got some cobblestone and i upgraded my tools and even started getting drip fed some oars like coal and iron also a mushroom spawned and these guys are like walking food dispensers you can literally milk mushroom stew from them which is kind of gross if you think about it for too long with the iron that i mined i made some shears and collected some wool to make a bed with did some more mining and shopping and then hit the sack on day three i continued expanding my island and then met my first set of enemies now i don’t want to be the guy who pulls apart a game that’s literally made of blocks but i don’t think it makes much sense that they don’t burn just because they’re wearing hats their arms should be on fire at the very least anyways got another chest and then some rabbits spawned no i don’t know what it is about these guys but they love jumping off and dying i’m not even kidding like watch this you can’t even make this up he’s running he’s running and and he’s dead this chest had a carrot in it so i could finally get the pigs into the farm but no cows the wheat still hasn’t grown but the trees did so i used the wood to do some more expanding and also made a small mob spawner but it must have been too small because only this spider spawned i call him i’m joking i don’t call him anything he’s just a spider he doesn’t get a name you don’t you you’re just spiders you don’t deserve names now but these guys are actually pretty chill i let this i let this one live i went back to mining and more and more mobs were spawning but they weren’t a big deal to be honest i had enough space now where i could pretty easily defeat them i even did a little 360 here look look at this hey look more rabbits i wonder what they’re gonna do oh oh yeah there we go yep he’s gone maybe it’s because i told them that there were carrots down in the void i really shouldn’t be laughing at my own jokes that’s hilarious though that’s i think we can all appreciate that’s just funny he’s stuck some more zombies spiders and creepers spawn but they were all dealt with then i made my mob spawner a bit bigger lit the area up it was working pretty well when i woke up they were all burning away but no bones dropped so no wheat today either i guess anyway i got to the end of phase two and got a map which was really cool spoiler alert though i soon lose this because i can’t be trusted with nice things we’re on phase three and it was about time that i built a sapling farm so that’s what i did is this done that’s done right that’s fully grown i expanded my farm a little and yeah that’s got to be done now right i mean that’s done yeah it wasn’t visible rage when i woke up on day six it was to the burning smell of bones and this time they actually dropped some after a slight disagreement with some creepers i grabbed them and brought them back to use them as crop steroids and got enough wheat together all of the animals into a pen but i think i was too late because i only have one sheep left r.i.p to that sheep he’s with the rabbits now i needed a house so i decided i’d turn my old tree farm into my house so i got to work building it and then something something really strange happened this enderman didn’t fight back he didn’t fight he just sort of stood there and took it i got an enderpearl though i don’t feel like i deserve it but i got it i finished off my house and planted one of these big trees because they give way more wood and i’m all about that work smart not hard life the snow phase was pretty annoying not gonna lie since you’re just digging snow for most of it but i did get a man’s best friend so it’s the best phase so far now we all know that children are the worst mob by far but these guys come pretty close i mean come on they give you slowness every time they hit you and they hit me a lot like like an embarrassing amount day eight my big fat tree grew and it was a beaut i chopped it all down and named my chests and with all of the iron i’d mind i could just about afford nine chest plate and then this little guy spawned he did steal my wood so i did consider killing him for a second but i i decided against it made nine pickaxe two more foxes spawned but these guys can jump and he was looking at charlie the chicken like he wanted to eat him so i had to kill him but i did feel bad about it like like not that bad but there was something there and good job i did too because he stole some of my gold another good boy spawned and i finished the day with some body temperature stew hmm body temperature stew day nine rolled around and i don’t trust this guy i don’t trust him i’m gonna let him live okay but i don’t trust him oh okay well never mind never mind then that ends that listen i’m not gonna interfere with the perfect balance of mother nature that’s completely completely out of my control by this point i had a pack of dogs and i was gonna need them because my first monster party started i had no idea what to expect and so i ran for some help from my dogs that was a bad idea um they they died they died well all but one but for some reason he sat this one out i don’t blame him that’s true survival instinct and i respect that but from now on i promised i’d never involve a dog in one of my battles again they’re my battles i’m not gonna let anyone else do the dirty work for me apart from this polar bear killing the foxes because that’s just really helpful and also quite funny also look how fast this guy is he’s like the flash until he died day 10 and and i already broke my promise um now i’m joking i don’t know how he got out but it’s okay he survived we reached phase four which is an ocean phase apparently strange creatures lurk in the endless deep water but i decided to hit these strange creatures into the void by making a conveniently placed hole now this may seem like cheating but it barely ever works and only on some mobs so don’t worry you’ll still get to see me go through a lot of pain like a lot i made a lot of entrance at the top of my house and on day 11 i woke up with a polar bear and started work on a bigger farm and continued right into day 12. now one thing you need to know about my building is that i literally make stuff up as i go along i have no plan of any sort and i just start placing blocks and it usually looks very bad at first and then as i go along it looks slightly less bad and you’ll see this a lot on day 13 i started to build a lookout tower so that i can look out on my vast endless land you know it’s a strange looking tower but it’s my tower mine and dave’s day 14 i got my first turtle and realized he has nowhere to go other than this infinite water supply so i thought i’d make a pool for him so i got to work building it and while i was mining for materials i got my first diamond big moves a squid spawned and squids don’t breathe oxygen and so he was slowly dying so i thought i’d put him out of his misery but i ended up just giving him well an even more painful death uh but my heart was in the right place and that’s the main thing right oh i kicked this guy off he didn’t even try i caught one of these salmon and put him in a puddle i carried on work on the pool and spent the rest of the day mining and saving fish day 15 and one of these guys spawned i’ve forgotten what they’re called but uh well it doesn’t really matter i guess they kept spawning but they also kept jumping off so i just ran inside and waited until they eated themselves off my island it was a pretty good system to be honest remember what i said about working smart not hard in my first good chest i got a trident and i used it to hit this puffer fish poisoning me but then decided i’d save him instead it was a quick change of heart but then he poisoned me again so now i’m definitely gonna kill him carried on saving more fish but not this guy i think he was bigger than the others but i don’t know i might be making that up but either way he gave me mining fatigue three for five minutes and it felt like five hours not kidding i was looking at fish for for entertainment uh i was back to mining on day 16 and some dolphins spawned i didn’t really know what to do here do i kill them do i save them anyway i got distracted with this green thing and forgot all about it another monster party had started and uh yeah yeah that happened yeah i paused the game pause the game to try and figure out a way of saving myself even though i knew i couldn’t and i was just in complete denial about the whole thing but finally i accepted death cold embrace and lost everything but when i respawned all the mobs had gone so that’s something i guess yeah this guy didn’t fight back either so i just i’d i just hit him i just hit him with a pickaxe until he until he died day 17 was just horrible and rainy and mob started spawning so i thought i’d just sleep it off day 18 and i’ve got my first music chest yeah i’m not gonna use any of this stuff but i did get some better gear in this chest and then i completed the phase and we’re on to five the jungle dungeon i finished the pool filled it with blocks and then put water over the top and broke the blocks then i decorated it with some plants and put all the fishes in i made some more area around the pool too so the turtles don’t fall off and then push them in [Music] i also made a channel of dirt so i can grow more grass if i need to i did get given a grass block but i don’t know where that went day 20 i met some birdies and then some of these guys spawned i forgot what they’re called too fairies angry fairies fairies that need a day off i’m not sure but i started growing some sugarcane and then got a chest with some vines in it and planted them on my tower and that is when i met chonka the panda my best friend you may not think he’s my best friend because i just hit him really hard with an axe but that was only because i was confused for a second and i felt really bad after so i pushed him in my house where he can be nice and safe day 21 i was admiring my fish when i noticed one of them had tried to do a runner and suffocated on the hot wood planks i don’t know what happened here though in all seriousness it makes no sense then two witches spawned and this is where the hole really shines which is stand no chance if if they had stats it would be damage 10 speed 0. also i got a gassed spawn egg but i’m going to save that for when i’m bored a horse and another witch spawned bye bye also two more parrots i placed some more storage made some more armor and then on day 22 i started collecting wood to make my mob spawner this took ages to make because i’d keep stopping to follow a youtube tutorial and also because i got trapped up here i could hear about 900 mobs that spawned below me i had this wandering trader to keep me company he didn’t have anything i wanted apart from leeds so i had to kill them i had to needed the leads i used up all of my wood so i was forced to escape i jumped down dream style broke both of my legs and then went to bed on day 25 i had some breakfast no sheesh okay uh yeah that’s a lot of mobs i ended up spending most of the day hitting them off with snowballs but eventually i did get back up there and finish it off and it works super well on day 26 another monster party had started i tried hitting him off but it just didn’t really work then i learned that using a bow was pretty good at taking down the fairies that is when i can aim i went to bed with chong curran on day 27 i was back to it mining and hitting stuff and shooting stuff and trying to go to sleep and hitting more stuff i realized on day 28 the dirt was a commodity like on skyblock wealth is measured by how much dirt you have and apparently i’m pretty broke i started to realize this farm i was making wasn’t very realistic right now my dirt path had grown over so i filled it back in with wood and spent the rest of the day farming xp day 29 to 31 i was building a better farm not one that necessarily gives the animals more space but one that separates them into their own pens it looks really bad i mean let’s face it but trust me it doesn’t end up looking that bad by the end because i only had one sheep i had to keep it safe so i placed it way up high where nothing can touch it am i being kind or cruel here i’m not sure but probably cruel probably cruel knowing me now all the animals were in their own pens it was looking pretty good wait what it’s not a chicken i started shooting it but i thought you know what if it wants to be a chicken fine i don’t i don’t really want to waste arrows on a horse that wants to be a chicken i’m not that guy be a chicken if he wants on day 32 i made my first diamond pickaxe and also got some bamboo for chunker so now i don’t have to feel so bad about stabbing him look he’s so happy he’s so fat take more i got even more bamboo and a diamond and then we went on to the next phase red desert i started on it right away and found a llama and a fox i thought that he took my diamond but he didn’t so he lives another day never mind forget what i just said he’s gone day 33 i was xp grinding and now i’ve got a pretty decent amount of mob loot no idea what i’m gonna do with it but i’ve got it then squidward sport i mean i mean ruth ruth spawned and so i trapped her in a boat and then trapped her in a box in the boat so that she didn’t die then i met this guy who must have missed the enemy training program because he was the nicest enemy i’ve ever met i even felt bad about killing him so i just sort of awkwardly pushed him off [Music] then i’m wondering trader spawned and some donkeys and i’d mind enough iron to finish off my set of iron armor [Music] on day 34 eric spawned in but he didn’t have anything that i wanted but luckily for him my good side took over and i spared him see i told you they jump more of these guys spawn but this time they did fight just with no weapons so they were just sort of slapping me i got a good chest with some emeralds and then yeah yeah i knew what had to be done but it still didn’t sit quite right so again i just sort of awkwardly hit him while he stared at me no doubt very confused [Music] my pool was now a watering hole for all of the animals to flock to and it was glorious it’s that time again so i tried my best to push as many of them off but as usual it didn’t work not really i spent the rest of the day taking them out i slapped this guy right in his big gray forehead day 35 and i was getting more emeralds and i met a guy called terry and i trapped him in with ruth i made a lectin and tried trading but then i thought i’d make an iron farm instead since that’s gonna be pretty useful if i keep falling off my island so i got to breeding them and on day 37 terry and ruth had a little baby but it wasn’t enough i needed five villagers to make the iron golem spawn so i kept feeding and they kept breeding i tried to get this donkey in a boat because i thought it’d be funny but i don’t think he can go in ruth the trader was here too but i don’t mind ruth for trader she can stay don’t get me started on eric though man he can get out of here sorry eric it’s just that you serve no comedic purpose here so you’re gonna have to die anyways day 38 they were still breeding and i went to work finishing off the rest of the spawner a guy called bob spawned in along with some bad guys and i noticed there were six villagers in this box and that’s a problem that’ll cost me a lot of iron and so i tried punching the little guy but he was asleep so unfortunately i was forced to kill terry go back to sleep ruth it’s all right i came back and bob was in my bed this bed isn’t big enough for the three of us when i woke up there was finally an iron golem in there and it worked and now i just need a lava bucket to kill him with now i know at some point there was another phase that gives you a lava bucket so i went back to mining and then boom there it is the nether phase some piglen spawned in and chased me and then turned into zombie piglens for some reason and now i’m starting to get ancient debris and obsidian more and more new enemies were spawning in and these hogs turned into zombie hogs which then killed my dog for no reason they’re like tanks too like they eat arrows for breakfast some blazers spawn but they weren’t too much of a problem i shot them with my bow then one of these guys one of those guys and one of these guys he blew up my house a bit bob was not impressed some more blazers joined and i’m gonna give a word of advice here to anyone who wants to play this game don’t make your island out of wood it’s not a good idea the fire was burning under the slabs too so i couldn’t even get to it luckily after about five minutes of panicking i somehow put it out for now and yes that was foreshadowing well they thought we want to patched it all back in and got to work might and got to work much and got to work mine and got to work might i felt i felt bad about that i probably shouldn’t have done that i just got way too many donkeys and horses and llamas on this island it was bound to happen at some point another gus spawned but he died [Music] i went to check on the turtles and they were both in the boats so i got in with one but i was squishing him to death but i was like hang on a sec how come ruth doesn’t squish the turtle is she calling me fat are you calling me fat ruth anyway this is the part of the video where things take a wild turn for the worst you know in movies where there’s that one scene where everything goes wrong and it seems that all hope is lost yeah well that’s the scene so yeah i got killed by the blazers and then respawned and hit my polar bear of pure adrenaline sorry bro anyway i’m just gonna let this play out for you i don’t really want to talk about it to be honest [Music] [Music] uh [Music] yeah yeah and you know what’s the worst part it’s not losing half my stuff it’s not my house burning down the worst part is that i lost a best friend on day 42 i thought you know what i’m getting this lava if it kills me and so the game was like okay we’ll just kill you then but i put out the fire and i rebuilt out of a different wood i don’t know why i did that i got back to work all day i mind until finally i got it i placed the lava in and on day 43 i woke up to a burning iron golem worked way better than i expected to anyway this wasn’t the end i got in more fights also this creeper randomly blew up my mob farm and that was a big problem because now i have a mob spawn of birthing mobs onto my island but luckily they’re all one hit away from death so i fixed it pretty easily i’ve got another lava bucket and did bob just wake me up from my own bed on day 45 i made a cobblestone generator with the lava and then got a chest with a whole bunch of goodies and finally we were on to the next phase this phase was so awesome bees were spawning i mean they were flying right down to the void for some reason but they were spawning i went down to try and get them to follow me back up it didn’t work i did some more cobblestone mining and then i remembered an old friend well like he’s not that old he died about half an hour ago but bob get out of my bed i’m not in the mood on day 47 i changed to my island to cobblestone i’m not going to change the whole thing to cobblestone i don’t have that kind of time but i did realize that this farm wasn’t going to happen i just don’t have enough dirt to finish it so instead i’m going to use half of it as a tree farm so with the smell of melting iron in the air that’s what i did speaking of melting iron thank you on day 49 i started building my wall and i watched a guy hanging his llamas from my spawner i i don’t know what they did to deserve that but i do know that it’s none of my business it’s absolutely not oh okay yep he just dropped him anyways days 49 52 i was making my wall and i was completely making it up as i went along as usual so it took ages then i spent days 53 to 54 trying to get jungle saplings so i could grow a big jungle tree on my wall i thought it looked pretty cool you know like it’s growing out of part of the wall or whatever yeah yeah now that’s definitely cool i wanted more so i tried getting more saplings and to put into perspective how hard it was to get these saplings this is how much wood i chopped to get 16 saplings i don’t know why it was so hard also there was a chicken in the mob’s corner i have no idea i grew two more i thought it looked pretty good day 57-62 i was building the second ward section and while i was collecting materials and building all of this the iron was being collected for me also bob finally moved out all right bob so anyway after lots of cobblestone mining i probably should have helped that donkey i’m not gonna lie it was finally done on day 62. i made an area for my new much better cobblestone generator and this one works much better you can’t afk in it but you can’t have it all i guess on day 63 i was breeding cows and killing cows and is it just me who always forgets how you make these things literally every time i started building my enchantment area but i didn’t have enough books yet so i spent the rest of the day making an area to grow more sugarcane i’m not gonna lie this place was starting to take shape i should really fix that tower but it seems more like a 200 days job to me though smash like i waited for more sugarcane to grow and planted it and on day 66 i was back to work on the other side i’m just basically mirroring what i’ve already done it took ages to do because i’d keep running back and forth to copy it exactly but then on day 70 it was done but of course now the pool isn’t central day 71 i was collecting more iron and now i’m pretty stacked i finished my enchantment table and enchanted a new pickaxe and i have like the best pickaxe enchantment luck i swear i don’t know if it’s just me but i get this enchantment every time then i got fire i sped on a new diamond sword and then enchanted a load of bows and combined them to make an unbreaking three power three and punch two bow day 72 and 73 i i may have forgotten to press record but it’s okay i was just fixing the pool and making it central so now it’s central and i can’t be bothered to move it so it’s staying there i also got some golden apples from a chest i went back to mining and from one diamond door i got three diamonds because of the fortune 3 so that’s pretty sweet i also tested out my new bow and it killed stuff for sure then a zombie horse spawned i didn’t even know they were a thing got some more diamonds and some more bees so i placed down a beehive that i got earlier and they went in that’s why they’re called creepers some evil bees spawned then i got a turtle egg so i placed it next to the turtles and i never saw it again so i don’t know maybe i should place it on the sand another monster party started but they were just evil bees so you know it was nice and easy on day 76 i got a name tag and the saddle from the chest so i put it on my skeleton horse i haven’t given him a name yet so we’ll just call him um skeleton horse upgrade time now we’re on phase nine and i collected a ton of lapis so i thought i might as well enchant my iron armor it’s not the best but with my xp farm it’s not like it’s a big deal speaking of another chicken spawned i don’t know how on day 77 i stole some villagers from my iron farm to make a trading farm which besides my island burning down was the most annoying thing so far to get them from one side of the island to the other was an absolute nightmare placed all the beds but didn’t have enough so i went to shear some sheep and then remembered that i have one sheep and he’s already sheared he’s just a cold very bored sheep i actually almost fell off then so anyway i got some more wool from some string that i had and carried on building apparently you can go through blocks if you’re in a boat never knew that but it was super helpful with getting them in so then i went around placing torches so that zombies didn’t spawn and attack my villagers because you know we wouldn’t want that happening now would we and then literally 10 seconds later i look back and what do i see bruh today 79 i pretty much had to repeat the process all over again except first i had to breed more villagers and this time i was dealing with children and they were way worse he just ran inside my house and stared at this horse anyway i eventually got him in and then realized that he’s about one foot tall and just walked straight under but thankfully he wanted to go to bed so once he was back in i sealed it all off on day 80 i freed the turtles and got back to kidnapping baby villagers which again was extremely annoying and i was questioning if it was even worth it at this point but eventually i did it i got them in then i went through this weird fishing phase where i wanted to see if i could get any loot from fishing if i enchanted a good rod so i spent ages enchanting and combining and eventually i had a decent rod but i never got anything other than fish so i guess it only works in oceans but on day 82 the villagers had grown up so i started force-feeding them carrots and placed a load of boats around them to catch all of the babies it’s a super inefficient way of doing it but i just needed villagers and i needed them fast but for some reason they weren’t breeding so i tried breaking the slabs above them and replaced them with blocks but for some reason that seemed to work all of my donkeys kept pushing the boats away though so i had to drag them over to the other side of the island but it was working it was working for sure we were catching babies left right and center now that sounds wrong i started building an area for trading and found this guy just staring at the wall probably questioning his existence your existence is to sell me things okay on day 85 i made this mess a bit better by adding rails and now it’s the most expensive inefficient villager farm but it did work the only annoying thing was that iron golems kept spawning in and i was worried i might accidentally hit one of the villagers and get sent 50 feet in the air by one of them so i had to keep killing them also i accidentally hit terry the trader while i was killing cows and he’s gone now anyway on day 87 i went to check on my villager and he had mending on his first trade i didn’t even bother checking up until now like there’s no way he’d have mending on his first trade i don’t know why i killed this guy i can’t remember anyway i clicked him again and it just wasn’t there anymore makes absolutely no sense it just it just went and now he sells bookshelves i do know why i killed this guy though it was out of rage so anyway i broke the lectern and placed it again until he gave me mending but i found protection for and that’s good enough for now but i wanted it a bit cheaper so i waited for a zombie to spawn which did not take very long and then trapped him in with the villager and at first he was just interested in me so i left him alone for the night and when i returned in the morning sure enough he was a zombie so now when i heal him he’ll be all thankful to me and give me better trade prices so i went to make a splash potion of weakness but i realized i don’t have any netherware i did at some point i remember but i don’t anymore or at least i couldn’t find it anywhere and i don’t have enough obsidian for a portal so i tried getting one from a cleric but he wasn’t trading me any potions but he was buying rotten flesh and i had a ton of that so i made some emerald stonks i didn’t want the villager to despawn so i gave him a name and then i had an idea i had a piglet spawn egg so i could just trade with him until he gives me netherwards right wrong i don’t know why this game hates me so much i went back to mining and on day 89 i got given a witch spawn egg so i thought maybe she’ll splash me with a weakness potion so i spawned her up with my villager and she only splashes with poison so i had to kill her and then i had to eat the golden apple fight montage [Music] on day 91 i had some totems and i was finally on the last stage the end i needed a bigger storage area so i enchanted an iron axe and started chopping down on a lot of wood and building a staircase up above the farm to make a storage room and i was pretty happy with it it’s still unfinished like the rest of my island and took way longer than i expected to collect all of the wood but that’s where 200 days comes in so you know what to do smash like on day 98 i had to rush through the end phase and these guys were just spawned in random places so it took ages to find him but i got him and pro tip if you’re in water you don’t float once the party started but it wasn’t actually as bad as i thought it was just really really annoying and the endermen still don’t even fight back but then in my ignorance this box guy had provoked one of my bees to stinging him and when bees sting they die rip chunk of the panda and buster the bee i just made that up once he died he was he was never called busted the bee before his death but anyways the end is near and it was time to fight a dragon so i quickly enchanted some decent diamond armor with protection and fire protection and some other things and got geared up and ready to leave i said goodbye to tuba chunka and buster and placed all of the eyes and went in i took out all of the end crystals or at least i thought i did i was here for ages hitting the dragon when it was quite blatantly obvious that she was still being healed i mean it’s right there you can literally see it so i finally woke up and shot it and now i was doing some damage hey i was even having fun it’s actually fun doing this when it’s not in hardcore oh yeah i also made a load of l’s out of wood so the last thing she sees is just a bunch of l’s then as she landed i made a big one right in front of her face and i thought you know what you know what i’m gonna end her with my fist so i walked up to her and she just died i don’t even know don’t don’t even make any sense don’t make i didn’t even do anything loads of things don’t make sense i mean look at these endermen they still don’t even attack me look at this don’t make that make any sense look at this no look this one denied i don’t know i don’t know anyways i tried taking the egg but when i clicked it it completely vanished i spent ages looking for it but then i left and found it back at home and i was like oh great here it is and i clicked it again and it vanished again never to be seen i was looking for it everywhere it’s nowhere anyways that’s 100 days if you enjoyed this video smash like i had a ton of fun making it so if you want 200 days let me know in the comments and remember to subscribe i’ll see you guys in the next one you

In This Video I Spent 100 Days In Minecraft One Block SkyBlock, My Goal Was To Defeat The Ender Dragon, I Hope You Enjoyed. Smash Like For 200 Days!

This Video Idea Was Inspired By Luke TheNotable and aCookieGod subscribe to them bellow:
aCookieGod: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIVSqoHCUN1XdEpiVItxfoQ
Luke TheNotable:

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/kolaniiyt
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  1. “And he looked right into my soul and we had an instant connection, it was kind of weird, it was kind of weird how he did that.. anyways eægh”

  2. “Now we all know children are the worst mob by far but these guys come pretty close- I mean they give you slowness every time they hit you.”
    Kolanii 2021 –

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