How Mikey and JJ Became SUPERMAN and BATMAN ? Superhero Speedrun ! – Minecraft (Maizen)

today we’re playing speedrunner versus Hunter if I can slay the Ender Dragon without dying I win but if I fail Mikey wins sounds like a blast that means if your health hits zero I win yep but do you mind if I use a special item a special item that sounds like fun sure JJ thanks Mikey okay ready start I’m running away from Mikey up wao all right I’m going to start using my special item right away cool I can stop time whenever I want check it out everything here other than me is Frozen in time wao all right Mikey’s Frozen in midair now I’ll just use some arrows this is what I’ll do I’ll shoot these straight at Mikey I’ll use a ton of arrows just like this so they’re all there around him when time on freezes okay just a bit [Music] more all righty once time starts moving again all these Frozen arrows will hit Mikey at once nice now I’ll unfreeze time JJ what happened all right it worked now I should prepare to slay the Ender Dragon while I have a chance oh check it out I found a village I think I’ll trade with the Villagers here to gather some supplies all right I think I’ll trade with this villager H H wao it looks like he’ll trade me various things for emeralds but I don’t have any emeralds huh wait I just had an idea first I’ll stop time 3 2 1 Click all right now it’s not nice to do this but I’m going to steal this villager’s emeralds now where are they H oh I found him he has quite a few emeralds on him I’m going to take them all I know I know that’s not very nice just like this now that I have all of his emeralds I’ll start time back up again in 3 2 1 Click all right okay hey Mr villager please trade these emeralds for your items H now what do we have here a flint and steel a pumpkin nice oh a bucket of water wo even stacks of blocks of iron I think I’ll take a lot of these items with me wo he’ll even trade for diamonds I think I’ll trade for as many diamonds as I can oh I ran out of emeralds well I’ll just stop time again again 3 2 1 Qui now I’ll steal the emeralds that I gave to the Villager back again just like this I’ll take all the emeralds the villagers holding one more time just like that all right now to start time back up again 3 2 1 Click okay now please trade me your items for these emeralds again again this way I’ll have lots and lots of items I’ll take plenty of TNT and other stuff too all right oh enchanted books would be good I’ll trade for enchanted books I ran out of emeralds again all right I’ll keep repeating this process to stockpile [Music] items incredible I became rich just by trading over and over again W I have a set of Enchanted equipment and golden apples all right it shouldn’t be simple to slay the Ender Dragon like this how expose you huh oh yeah no what just happened huh you’ve let your gun down JJ what what you upgrade your equipment anyway I’m here to stap you Mikey snuck up on me when I wasn’t paying attention wait I don’t want to use all my strength before I slay the Ender Dragon hold up now stop time all right I stopped time here’s the thing I want to preserve my strength for slaying the Ender Dragon so I’ll use this to fight Mikey for me I’ll build this right where I was standing all right now here I’ll summon an iron golem like so okay then now I’m unfreezing time hey I’m attacking you JJ follow right I’ll definitely get what H you’re not JJ then I’ve been attacking an iron [Music] G how yes my plan was a huge success thank you Iron Golem now I’m up to the nether before Mikey catches up pH I finished the nether portal I finally found you JJ huh y shoot Mikey found me wa up I need to get away I’ll catch you shoot I got to run there’s a gang of creepers oh but I’ve just come up with an idea first I’ll stop time all right now to come over to Mikey and lift him up all right next I’ll carry him over to the gang of creepers like this over to the side right this way huh how about over here now I’ll toss Mikey over there there next I’ll use iron bars to build a cage to hold Mikey along with that gang of creepers so now it’s like this I’m using iron bars to make a cage here H then I’ll do this and okay it’s complete all set everything’s ready I stopped time to build a cage to trap Mikey with a gang of creepers and now unfreeze time up wait up JJ where am I you’re not JJ all of a sudden like surrounded by creepers huh a TR in a big cage are you kidding me my plan was a success I got rid of Mikey now while I have a chance let’s go through the nether portal and into The Nether [Music] all right I’m in the nether now while I’m here I’ve got to make Eyes of Ender I’m being chased by a huge crowd of Endermen all right now to stop time 3 2 1 okay all right the Enderman have all gathered in one area now I’ll defeat them to score some ender pearls for myself I better take care of the Enderman while time is still frozen Frozen like this I’m fighting the Enderman like this while they can’t move all right now for these two okay and now I’ve dealt with these Endermen let’s unfreeze time ready now W awesome all the Enderman fell at the same time all right now to collect all these ender pearls awesome okay all set next up I’ll do some crafting with the ender pearls I’ll combine blaze powder with these ender pearls to craft Eyes of Ender I’ll make lots of Eyes of Ender just like this all right all done I should be able to reach the end where the Ender Dragon is with these stop JJ I won’t let you I’ve also powered up my equipment and I won’t lose to you this time it seems that you’ve been using some special ability that I don’t understand to beat me but I won’t fall for it this time oh shoot it’s Mikey stay there he followed me all the way here I’ll catch you this is bad okay I’ll just wait up stop time for a bit there pH that was a close one it looks like Mikey hasn’t figured out that I’ve been stopping time all right next up I’ll build a pitfall trap here this is where where Mikey is running to okay right around here like this here’s my pitfall trap if Mikey falls into the pit it doesn’t matter what equipment he has there won’t be anything left all right unfreeze time up JJ I’m definitely going to catch you this time and hang on what’s this a pitball trap but I’m positive this thing wasn’t sitting here a second ago are you serious that went well I’m off to slay the Ender Dragon before Mikey catches up all right I’m heading [Music] off run away stay there this is bad Mikey’s right behind me I won’t let you go to the end I need to find the end portal already where is it I won’t let you reach in JJ where is it h there it is the portal this is bad Mikey’s got me cornered my only option is to stop time I won’t look you into the end stay there 3 2 1 Click wa that was close but I managed to stop Mikey okay now to open the end portal while I can right here I’ll fill in the Eyes of Ender like [Music] so just like that all right now the portal into the end is open H still still at this rate even if I do enter the end Mikey will just catch up to me right away oh I know let’s make the ultimate mechanism huh I’ll put these right here and on top I’ll place a mushroom next I’ll put a dispenser right here and put bone meal inside of it the next step is to put a repeater here like so then I’ll string out a line of redstone dust like so I’ll use a comparator over here next up I’ll lead the Redstone Dust up here H something like this connect it here then I’ll put a lever here all right it’s done this is a machine to destroy the end portal once this lever is turned on the mushroom down below will rapidly grow breaking the portal now to flip the lever and I’m going into the end all right I’ve arrived in the end I wonder if the end portal destruction mechanism will activate on that note unfreeze time wait as if I’d ever let you reach the end I’m definitely going to stop you JJ wait what’s this huh the end portal turned into a mushroom how could this mean can I can’t to the end anymore no [Music] way bad news a big nuclear missile is aimed at us a nuclear missile has launched toward us it’s only 1 hour until impact we’re in danger we got just an hour to build Fallout shelters and safely evacuate we got to hurry we need to build safe shelters to protect our families if your shelter fails I want you to know you can always please come hide in mine you and your family are like family to me let’s get started thank you [Music] Mikey H I need to start building a shelter for my family first I’ll use this drill to dig a hole over here it has to be deep underground to withstand a nuclear [Music] missile this should be deep enough I’m going to set up a slime block layer to jump down on to absorb [Music] damage now that there’s a layer of bouncy slime down here it’ll be safe to jump down and get to our underground bunker quickly and easily the next step is to dig on this side to make the tunnel to the [Music] hatch all right that’s almost far enough I should check up on Mikey hey Mike H how’s your shelter going hey JJ check this out isn’t it great I dug out this big open space doesn’t it look great it’s going to be the ultimate perfect fallout shelter I hope yours is going well too thanks Mikey I’m working on it now I need to dig out this space for my shelter I’ll use a command to clear it instantly yes perfect next I should replace the sides of the shelter with blocks that are sturdier with another command here I’ll change it all to obsidian then inside of the obsidian layer I’ll use blocks of quartz if I double layer this shelter like this it will be able to withstand a powerful nuclear [Music] missile there we go for the entrance to the shelter I’m going to need something super sturdy [Music] all right I’ll hook up the Redstone circuit from the outside that’s working perfectly then I’ll hook up a lever so I can shed it from the inside awesome now I can open it from the inside and outside I’ll just close this [Music] up there’s the finished entrance area so what’s next I’ll need to set up this place so we can live down here for hundreds of years I’ll start by making the lobby a little fancier once the missile hits we’ll need to live down here for the rest of our lives so the shelter should be as comfortable as possible that’s already so much nicer now that the shelter’s lobby is finished I’ll start working on the lower [Music] levels awesome the most important thing for survival is food so we’ll need a place to eat this can be the dining [Music] area it’s perfect this dining room will be a great place for my family to relax together so for the floor beneath this I’m thinking that a cooled storage area with a huge stock of food supply would be good I’ll use ice for the walls [Music] building it this way will keep the food cool and let us store it for a long time without it going back all right it’s done now I just have to stock it with a lifetime of [Music] food okay that looks like about a 100 years worth of food there’s a big variety so we shouldn’t go hungry let’s see what’s next and this floor is finished next up I want to make a spa like bathing area and bathrooms so we can unline I’ll start by making walls this will be the tub and over here the bathrooms all right the bathroom room is complete and this shelter is turning out great now for this [Music] floor there we go I’m envisioning this as a nice relaxing bedroom for that I’ll need a big comfy bed I’ll put some fancy lamps and a few flowers then I’ll put a television here now that’s what I call a bedroom my family and I are really going to be comfortable here okay time to work on the next [Music] floor that’s the last block but what should I do with this room I know I’ve been worried about Mikey in case his shelter fails I’ll have them stay with me so I’ll make a bedroom for Mikey and his family [Music] it’s awesome this room will be perfect for Mikey and his family now they can live pretty comfortably here I’ll move on to the next floor there we go what should this one be H oh I have an idea since we’re going to be living underground now I want to make a gym where we can train and exercise to stay healthy all right it’s finished there is a variety of workout machines so we can stay fit now that we have a gym I should make a swimming pool [Music] next this whole floor will be the pool this will be the deeper pool for adults [Music] and this side will be the kitty pool sweet so what else here’s an idea it’ll make the pool even more refreshing over on this side I’ll set up a projector to show pretty scenery now I’ll put the power supply over here W it worked with this beachy view it really feels like an outdoor pool that’s so much nicer hang on I forgot something important an entertainment room I need to hurry [Music] up on this floor I’ll quickly make an entertainment room for us [Music] then on this side I want to build a little theater so I can watch movies with my [Music] family wow it’s awesome this room is definitely the best one yet all these things will keep us entertained for the rest of our lives with all this done I want to make an elevator that goes between the floors I’ll start by making the space for an elevator [Music] here yeah that should be big enough now I’ll connect it to the lower [Music] floors Dam and I can connect it to each of the [Music] rooms the elevator shaft is done then I’ll replace the walls of the elevator with obsidian to strengthen [Music] it all right for the elevator itself I’ll build it with blocks of [Music] [Music] iron now the whole thing is made of iron next I’ll set up the elevator doors [Music] the doors are all done now I’ll install a button for each of the [Music] floors yes we can move freely between the floors my shelter is complete time for a final tour this is the entrance to my shelter the lobby I tried to make it really fancy and inviting now let’s check out the next floor this one is the dining area we have a huge variety of foods so we won’t be going hungry just below that is where the food is stored since we’re stuck here forever I wanted to make sure we have a wide variety of food this way we won’t get bored of food one floor down is the [Music] spa I tried to make it as relaxing as possible on this end we have the bathrooms I made sure to build quite a few so we’ll never have to wait for others next is my family’s bedroom we have a big king-size bed in here so we can all sleep peacefully and I made a bedroom for Mikey and his family I tried to make it really cozy for them under this there’s the gym it is various workout machines so we can stay in shape even while living inside the shelter here we are let’s build a refrigeration unit somewhere over here which should be able to cool down the entire Village first we’ll build a big row of ice like this got it here we go just like this okay that should be enough well maybe a little more we’re building a wall see oh this is step one we got this yeah this wall of ice is going to be huge but how will it cool The Village it will trust me I don’t really see how don’t worry remember this wall is only step one then what step two we’ll get there if you say so okay I think the wall is big enough for now we have a wall of ice but how will it refrigerate The Village well the secret is this block I’m holding we’re going to use fans oh watch this okay don’t place a fan uhuh it’s working a few more fans will make this Breeze even stronger that’s so cool the fans blow cold air because of the ice that’s one row built it makes sense now let’s build a second row oh okay more fans I want them to be evenly spaced like the fans in the top row Mikey do you want to place the last one that breeze feels so nice yeah I’ll add the last one wow this looks awesome check it out the ice cools down the air and the fans blow that air across the village it should cool off in no time wow nice check this out Mikey look at what the heat is done to The Village’s crops they’re going to need more than just some cool air the field is all dried up yeah the water evaporated leaving the plants to wither up let’s give them some new water like this so they can grow back but that’s ice not water yep okay yeah like that here’s why oh the air is hot enough that the ice will melt into water oh I see that makes sense next up the well this needs some more water too right the heat dried it all up wow it’s going to take a lot of ice to fill it up all the way but I have more than enough that is a lot you did it good job JJ nice this should restore the well once the ice melts it’s definitely getting cooler but it’s still really really hot we should make a pool that’s a great idea Mikey we could be cool and comfortable with a pool let’s do it we’ll start by digging right here perfect that’s a good size maybe a little bigger yeah that’s good we’re done digging now let’s turn this pit into a pool that’s exciting it’s can be so sweet to have a pool I’d like to make it a bit deeper good thank you not bad it’s starting it look like a pool it looks awesome all done woo now we just need to fill it in let’s use ice again all right I can help with that the heat should melt all of this into water pretty quickly yep the pool is almost ready mhm just a couple more ice blocks almost done that should do it now we just need to wait for the ice to melt I think everyone in the village is going to love cooling off in the pool mhm I hope they all start feeling better soon [Music] yeah check it out the village is cooled down and everyone is feeling better the ice melted too we did it yeah this feels great yeah this is fun woohoo and so refreshing yeah oh and check this out the well is full nice H all the water we want we can use the well again oh look at the crops they’ve recovered wow the field is back to normal now everyone in the village will have food yeah all right I think I’ll celebrate by eating some watermelon M here oh thanks Down the Hatch everything turned out okay that’s right woohoo well then it seems like we’ll be able to outlast this heat bab after all I’m never getting out of this pool how’s this what do you think uhuh it’s tidy and quiet too I could live here H it’s really clean the couch the bed everything this could work however there is one major drawback to this house how could a place this nice have a downside I’m already sold I’m moving in hear me out Mikey the truth is well [Music] look t as you can see the house was built on a cliff notice the Steep drop off wao but that’s not all there’s lava underneath it so it’s not exactly the safest location wow that’s seriously dangerous check this out here’s the front door right but you have to parkour to get to it huh you’ll be fine if you can make it across but you have to be really careful not to slip or you’ll fall straight into the lava below isn’t this a bit treacherous I’ll give it a try sure okay a ow no way I can’t live in this dangerous place impossible I would never have enough respawns oh I understand it is extremely hazardous up here JJ let’s find a place for me to live somewhere secure you got it we’ll search for a house that won’t put You In Harm’s [Music] Way Mikey this home is completely danger-free check it out this is it it’s so tall yep wow now buddy the top floor Penthouse is famous for being extremely secure so it’s safe mhm that’s excited show me all right let’s go wo is this the entrance yeah it’s the front door the sweet’s on the top floor so we’ll take the elevator yay pop it wow I’ll press the button click woo it’s going to take a little while to get all the way up exciting huh yeah we’re inside such a tall [Music] building oh huh we’re here all right can I open it sure wow this place is so luxurious almost too luxurious this is something else by the way Mikey this Penthouse comes with 24-hour security that means personal Around the Clock protection no way I get bodyguards that’s amazing definitely to test things out I’m going to let some zombies loose you’ll probably get attacked but I’m sure you’ll be fine what there they’re coming wow wow look at go oh [Music] Mikey nice that was something I’m safe that’s right and with these bodyguards protecting you you always will be not only is this penous super secure but it also has a great view true that plus it has a pool and a fireplace too yeah there’s not one thing wrong with this place that’s it my decision is made I moving in it’s perfect there’s something you should know though what it’s a bit pricey the rent is MHM $30,000 a month $30,000 I can’t afford that I need something that costs a lot less of course buddy let’s look for a cheaper place yeah Mikey this is the last house I could find okay the rent per month is [Music] only a dollar that’s one Buck a month today we’re stealing treasure from four different security houses I’m going to steal every last treasure first up let’s steal from the noob’s house let me go first I’ll have the treasure in no time just watch watch Good Luck Mikey H how should I do this the person by the door is Nob right yeah he’s the owner of the house H he looks pretty weak I bet I could just charge in and steal it I’m going in through the front [Applause] door be very careful don’t worry about me here I [Music] go a trap miky H he fell into the noob’s pitfall trap and died okay it’s my turn now I underestimated him the pitball is right in front of the door there’s no way to break inside H you’re right about it being difficult to break in through the front mhm I have a plan now oh really how are you going to break in just watch Mikey uhhuh first I’ll go around to the side of the house oh mhm wait what if there a ball traps on the side of the house too don’t worry Mikey next up I’ll stack this scaffolding uhhuh I’ll stack them really high like so oh okay now I’ll climb to the top wow wo so the pitball traps won’t get you not from this high up that’s awesome all right now I’m at the top be careful you’ll really get hurt if you fall I’ll be fine Mikey I have a slime block so I’ll do this wow and I’ll put this here that’s smart yep I used the slime block to sneak onto the roof of the house your plan worked and now oh Noob still hasn’t realized that I’m on top of his house H I’ll use this chance to steal the treasure he hasn’t noticed yet wo and now I’ll stealthily check out the treasure woo Noob has diamonds I’ll take all of them sorry Noob I got it so now I need to escape from the house I’ll use more scaffolding blocks oh climb back onto the roof wow and I’ve escaped yes that was amazing all right nice good job I stole noob’s diamonds [Applause] woohooo wa hang on huh I think he’s angry po Noob he realized you stole his diamonds and here he comes no huh Mikey Noob fell into his own trap I successfully stole the diamonds you really did it nice next up is PR’s house all right JJ this time I’ll steal the diamonds for sure I’ll go first good luck [Music] Mikey h w whichever way you look at it pro security is tight the front door is guarded by Pro and his turrets and look the sides are even protected by lasers the house itself is built from sturdy blocks of iron that is some serious security my my key well yeah but I can probably break in from above oh all right I’ll use these scaffolding blocks you’re using scaffolding too that’s right watch this I just need to break in from above like this I’ll set up the scaffolding blocks wo mhm now I just need to climb up them [Music] ohuh hold on there’s a barrier and a pool of lava this is impossible H seems like you’ll need to find another way in yeah what do I do now H let’s look for another way I guess I have no choice JJ I’m barging in uh are you serious I’ll gear up so it’ll be fine I’ll put on my iron armor and I’ll use this crazy weapon check it out wow and just to top it all off I’ll power up with a golden apple okay preparation complete I’m ready good luck Mikey I’ll do my best here I go [Music] hey Mikey was hit by a laser gun CR security is too strong iron armor won’t cut it well it’s my turn next I have a plan what is it this will be tough even for you JJ I’ll be fine with this H what’s that a drone I can remote control it to steal the diamonds H I’ll set it here and connect with it turn it on and now the Drone is connected w wow cool aha now then I’ll bring it around to the back of the security house the Drone is small so it can fit between the lasers really yeah it did now it’s inside but JJ how will the Drone get through solid blocks of iron easy I’ll use this laser to melt right through the iron Walls w with some [Music] Precision I can use the laser on the Drone to cut a hole in the wall see I broke into Pro’s house oh that’s amazing now that it’s inside where’s the treasure it’s gone huh let’s try hacking his computer MH hopefully it’s not too [Music] difficult Hi man oh wow that’s where the treasure is hidden wow I’m opening it 3 2 1 open it’s Stu full of diamonds wo oh wo let’s take them all nice nice you did it now I’ll Escape through the Gap in the lasers like before yes the Drone managed to escape wow it came back okay now to use the remote to make the Drone drop our stolen diamonds wow wow this is so many diamonds we did it now let’s steal from the Hacker’s house h this house is made of Bedrock the toughest block in Minecraft it’ll be hard really without security I think this will be easier than the last one let me try I have a Surefire strategy to win what are you going to do Mikey all I need is this JJ I’m in trouble I looked shy guy in the eye what am I going to do are you serious yeah this is bad looking at Shy Guy directly in the eye fills him with rage he’ll hunt anyone who dares to the end of the Earth he’s a terrifying creature I hate to say it but you’re doomed Mikey no there must be something we can do oh I’ve got an idea we need to enhance our security before Shy Guy shows up looking for you cuz he’s searching for you as we speak and he’s set on Hunting you down then let’s get started well the first issue is we don’t know which direction he’ll be attacking from true that’s why I suggest we put our shelter on top of a long staircase it’ll act as a funnel good thinking we’ll set up our first security measure right here what’s it going to be I actually have something really cool in mind first things first we’re going to build a super long hallway yeah that’s it H now check this out wo awesome well guess what this is just the start now for the next part this is our first line of defense uh just this you’re right an empty hallway won’t stop shy guy but a hallway full of lasers might we’ll make a laser Minefield but we got to set it up so that the two of us can make it through okay okay I get it so we can jump over this one pretty easily but keep in mind shy guy is a lot taller than us the best strategy is to put a bunch of lasers at his height oh that makes sense check it out we can walk underneath them no problem but they’re sure to hit shy guy right in the face woo that’s clever those lasers pack a serious punch M if we scatter a whole bunch of them throughout the hallway there’s no way he’ll be able to get through here not without getting hit so the more lasers the better yeah check this out these are sure to hit shy guy hit him right in the face nice how’s that looking oo not bad I think it’s great he definitely can’t survive this this one we jump over and we’re here now to add a vertical laser ooh good thinking I’ll put this here and that [Music] there you get the idea when the shy guy shows up we’ll Bob and weave our way through while he gets lasered over and over how about a couple more why [Music] not that should do it now once we make it to the end of this hallway we’ll turn here and climb even more stairs awesome that’s a great idea just get things set up for the staircase all right here’s what I’m thinking Mikey this is where we’re going to set up our second anti- Shy Guy security measure another one huh what’s it going to be we’ve already got stairs and lasers what security feature could we possibly add I’d like to propose a narrow walkway over a pit of lava I’ll show you pit of lava seems strong Okay taada lava woo oh oops it’s overflowing wow look at this lake of lava there I fixed it we now have our obstacle but what do we need next uh see this pipe yeah I’m going to lay it down all the way across this is for security yep I call this the tight rope block oh we’ll need to keep our balance as we walk along the pipe and cross over the lake of lava I get it I’m making a Harder by making the path super windy it is hard lose your balance and it’s game over you end up taking the hottest bath of your life no kidding great plan JJ thanks now this is secured oops my bad okay we’ll go this way and this way how’s that looks good to me Shy Guy is pretty fast on his feet he’s sure is and he’s got stamina true but I think these twists and turns will really slow him down oh yeah I’ll add a few more bends then as shy guy loses his balance he’ll slip off the pipe and fall into the lava what a great plan how could it fail and done no way he can make it across it’s a path but there’s actually a treat to it what is it you and I can just jump over the gaps see how simple it is to cross oh yeah it’s a shortcut yep amazing so easy for us but I doubt shy guy will take a shortcut true that he’ll probably try to cross here ignoring the shortcut he’ll lose his balance then fall into the lava for sure we’ll be safe and sound while he takes an accidental dip all righty then I think it’s time to make another staircase a shelter oh cool ready to get started let’s do this what kind though I want something super safe H let’s see so we have a bunch of lasers and the lava walkway so there’s only one reason we would need this place if the two security measures aren’t enough to shake off the shy guy right so it’s a last resort kind of shelter exactly there’s no way he’ll make it this far don’t underestimate him shy guy is no joke he’s incredibly strong that’s why we can’t just build a place to hide we also need this shelter to act as our third line of defense you mean with a security Sy system what do you have in mind I hope it’s super duper secure you’ll see we’ll focus on our shelter first we’ll make the walls out of iron you can give me a hand this is very durable material great for shelters true as long as we don’t leave any weak spots it should be difficult for shy guy to break in yeah these are sturdy iron walls are no joke you said it next for the entrance a wooden door should do the tri yeah a simple flimsy easily breakable wooden door wait what wooden doors aren’t very secure at all yeah that’s true I chose it on purpose I want something weak because this door is a trap really uh-huh walking through this door will activate a pitball trap causing the floor to collapse wow look at this if Shy Guy were to fall from this height he’d hit the ground and go splat Yik great idea though so this is the trap door great which means we need a secret entrance that’s safe for us to use let’s see here put these here and then some of this fill this in there [Music] that should do it oo now when we push this button the door will open just long enough for us to get inside that’s perfect now as for shy guys entrance we need to build the actual trap what I’m thinking is we make it out of TNT and sand okay step one placing the TNT [Music] all right that looks good now to lay down a platform of sand W then I’ll Place some redstone on top and then another layer of sand right at floor level now this part is extremely dangerous Mikey step back okay got it I’m laying down a stone pressure plate W now when Shy Guy shows up he’ll most likely break the door down it’s just a flim wouldn’t one so he won’t have any trouble with it the moment he steps on the pressure plate the Trap will activate and he’ll go crashing back down to earth there’s no way he’ll survive that awesome he doesn’t stand a chance all that’s led to do is wait he could appear at any moment true just be ready can do the Sun is setting but there’s still no signs of shy guy that’s right since he’s not here yet let’s take the time to proper we prepare ourselves put some armor on great idea looking good now I’m really ready with all the work we’ve done I’m kind of hoping he shows up oh he’s definitely coming so don’t let your guard down sure thing H where could he be still no sight of him he’s here JJ JJ he’s chasing me yeah he’s locked on to you run as fast as you can quick this way I’m coming hurry you okay I’m scared but I’m glad we have a security system me too oh oh oh hurry ow we just got hit by our own laser shy gu is getting hit too our system doesn’t seem to be slowing him down one bit he must have a ton of help no way just keep running Mikey this is not good it sure isn’t I need to get my health back up come on Mikey run run run he made it through all our lasers it’s time for Plan B we have our lava walkway so we’re going to be okay are you sure he can’t cross this how could he we’re the only ones who know the trick you can do this come on Mikey we got to go what is it Shy gu is walking across like it’s no big deal what hurry up I’m trying don’t tell me he’s right behind me he’s right behind you yeah I said not to tell me that the shelter of Last Resort quick Sprint Mikey we have to hide get in get in that was close too close yes it looks like shy guy is trying to break through the wooden door don’t stand on the sand Mikey I’ll be fine I don’t think he’s trying to get in wa that scared me wait yes we beat him that’s right amazing we defeated Shy Guy you look shy guy in the eye but you survived congrats thanks well done tonight keep your eyes peeled for the vicious ton cat what the ton cat is Coming to Town ton cat that’s a super dangerous monster right apparently it chases its prey to the furthest reaches of the world what do we do here’s the plan Mikey we’re going to strengthen the security on this house to defend against the toon cat we better get moving we might not have much time what do we do first let’s see oh I know to start let’s make sure we’ve locked all the doors and windows then we’ll set up these pressure plates when the tomb cat chases us we’ll run back to the house unfortunately we need to open and shut doors manually if we leave them open for too long the TB cat will come in but if I place the pressure plates here what happens the door will automatically close behind us once we’re inside wow that’s going to be our first security measure an automatic closing door oh I see we might have a problem if we place the pressure plates on the outside see here’s what I’m thinking the tomb cat can’t open doors on its own so this should help us the door will force him out even though we can’t get in the front door we should expect the toon cat to eventually break inside in that case we need to add some more security like what it might be a good idea to build a trap inside the house okay what kind of trap how about a cage trap good idea all right what type of materials do we need let’s use sticky pistons iron bars Redstone torches redstone dust and repeaters for now that should do it wow this looks like a good spot I’m digging a [Music] hole how’s that good job perfect next I’m going to set up a row of redstone torches terrific moving on all right what’s next let me [Music] think I dug another big hole so I have somewhere to put the repeaters downers oh next up is the Redstone Dust what’s that for now I’ll cover the top like this cool I still need to install a letter whenever someone pulls it the Redstone torches will flicker on and off that means it’s working oh time for the Pistons huh they’ll go up [Music] here we can control all the Pistons at the same time with just one lever that’s incredible yeah how does it help that’s the easy part watch this wow let’s see oh make complete this is great yep one more thing wow awesome we have to put a lid on it otherwise the T cat will be able to climb over why don’t we try using glass sure we can’t have them climbing over it right this will work better this will block him off right yeah probably huh they’re calling for the most massive eruption in history tonight and they expect the volcano to be active for a month what a gigantic volcanic eruption starting tonight and it’ll last a whole month let’s go check it out for ourselves okay wow they weren’t kidding it’s smoking up here oh this is getting out of hand we can’t stay Mikey we have to find cover as quick as possible but but there aren’t any shelters in our village oh you’re right buddy so I guess it’s up to us H since there’s no safe place to hide nearby we’ll have to hurry up and build a shelter ourselves let’s get moving yeah and fast to the Village quick yeah Sprint come on we don’t have much time that’s right H we are in for a world of trouble okay now uh that’s not dilly dally the volcano’s going to explode come in here Mikey check it out I need you to put on a helmet and take a pickaxe done and done good now let’s get cracking on a shelter under our house got it we’ll start here all right get digging I’m on it step one uh-huh keep tunneling down we have to hurry though the eruption could go off at any time do you think this is deep enough M mhm we’ll clear some space in that case and begin working on a room yes sir let’s do it yay shelter making yay indeed Mikey we have to make this space magma ready then let’s get [Music] building okay we want to make sure that lava can’t get in totally that’s the last thing we want in our Hideout I think we’re almost done with our first space how’s this nice maybe a bedroom over here sure I’d also like to have a living room wo this ought to be big enough for [Music] now and oh finished is it really check it out oh wait not quite actually we can’t forget the ladder true that wow there I added a hatch and now it’s done not bad bad huh it’s great H Ah that’s right this stuff up here what let’s make this part out of stone cuz the lava could burn Through the Wood how does that look really good okay that should do it ahuh so next up since this eruption is supposed to last for an entire month we have to be able to spend all that time down here that’s right let’s say up the space with everything we need to survive for 30 days sounds great I say we start with the bedroom sure we’ll definitely want beds I know I will the villagers will be staying here too you know right right right let’s set up bunk beds wo this is what you have to do to make them take these out there stunting adding a ladder in the middle and of course the bottom bunks very [Music] nice that about does it we’re done well let’s build another Lair there are going to be a lot of us after all true this might not be enough for everyone how’s this looks good Triple Decker bunk beds coming right up awesome put this here fix this yay is this better yes it’s great now we have room for six people to sleep amazing what we need now is a toilet and a shower for sure it would be embarrassing to have them out at me open drew that so we’ll make a dedicated bathroom for them great thinking something like this wo okay the toilet can go here huh we’ll wash our hands in this corner oo yeah great idea we’ll put the bathtub over on this side and the only thing left is the shower there it’s a tight squeeze but everything we need fits so it’s finished then yay fantastic we’ll place a door here and that’s the bathroom the bedroom’s done too aha so the next thing on our list is the living room oh what will we need for that well it’s also going to serve as a kitchen so we’re going to want to store a month’s worth of food or else we’ll starve good point so let’s make a kitchen area sure here we go so for the kitchen corner let’s make something along these lines okay how’s this very nice it looks great then it’s done woo we even have a fridge so we’re going to spend a month in here yep but I almost forgot we’re going to need some food right let’s get some there should be some in the supply shed oh let’s have a look see wow there’s so much these are our reserves potatoes carrots some of the meat and potatoes are rotten un fortunately but whatever let’s grab it all all right that’s a ton of graub we also have a large wheat Supply let’s take some with us it keeps well and we can use it to make bread wow it’s just wheat buddy and it’s all coming with us come here all right done not quite there’s still some growing over on the farm let’s Harvest it hey grab everything you can sure did woo well done conos we gathered up so much food now let’s put it all away before the volcano erupts good idea huh let’s put the carrots and the fresh meat in the fridge go for it pack them in there the potatoes too why not there now H yes we’ll store the rest of the food as well as the wheat in this chest excellent an idea that should be enough to get us through the month we forgot something super important what is it hang on a second what else do we need hang on I’ll show [Music] you huh okay one of these oh a TV and of course we got to have a couple of these Mount this here and then yay uh what are those they’re computers for gaming oh now we can take it easy I see if we didn’t have our gadgets we couldn’t spend a month down here in this shelter it would be way too boring this stuff will definitely help us pass the time mm we’re ready now we have everything we need right we can just kick back and relax not quite Mikey you’re forgetting the most important thing H what could I possibly have overl for ordinary circumstances this would be more than enough but the whole region is about to be covered in lava so well the inside of our shelter is going to heat up like a sauna what that’s no good are you saying it’s going to get boiling hot in here cuz we can’t survive that are you positive about all this don’t worry Mikey huh I have an idea we’ll build an AC system let’s head to the Village we’ve got some shopping to do okay

How Mikey and JJ Became SUPERMAN and BATMAN ? Superhero Speedrun ! – Minecraft (Maizen)

This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have a great day!

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