Can you Build Minecraft’s SAFEST Base in 24 Hours?

these are my socalled friends ow trying to break their way into my base and failing miserably are you kidding me because over the past few years I’ve become notorious on YouTube for building some of Minecraft’s most over-the-top bases all with the aim of destroying any Intruders that try to break in the power of Jesus Christ but unfortunately no matter how hard we may try the other players seem to always make their way in eventually meaning that we’ve never truly made a 100% secure base until now that’s right from simple parkour traps all the way to evil murderous chicken traps this time I’ve planned for everything so with a new season of the server just starting up and the first 24 hours being the most important of all now is the time to finally reclaim our spot on the throne as the king of secure [Music] bases oh my God I’m going to die I’m going to live okay that all depended on one bucket clutch as you can tell we’re not particularly geared up yet which is why our first mission is to get our hands on all of the essentials we’ll need to start building this base uh now we’ve got diamond armor we should get ourselves Enchanted and thankfully someone else has done the job of unethically breeding villagers in a disgustingly small environments so we can get enchanted super quick o we will also need to get ourselves a haste Beacon for this project since this base is going to be absolutely massive and now we can mine ridiculously fast let’s gather all the materials we need for the frame of this thing but if we’re going to stand a chance of getting this all built in 24 hours then we need to start creating the frame of the base can you see why we needed to gather so many materials yet and while we get the foundations of the base built I want to say a big thank you to pubg mobile for sponsoring today’s video pubg mobile brings a dynamic Battle Royale experience straight to your mobile phone delivering you eight classic maps to play on and multiple game modes to dominate whether you’re playing with a team of four a team of two or you’re like me and you’re playing all by yourself pubg mobile has you covered with game modes such as classic Battle Royale Team Deathmatch and even world of wonder a game mode that allows you to explore your creativity by creating your own Maps or join other players Maps just like you can in Minecraft with a fully stock library of props to do with as you desire and a powerful map editor that helps you bring all your ideas to life you can literally play anything from parkour maps to entirely new game mode especially after July 12th since pubg mobile are adding even more props and features as a part of the latest underwater themed updates and the great news is pubg mobile now officially supports 120 FPS en Shoring for the most buttery smooth experience you can support my channel by scanning the QR code or clicking the link in the description and downloading pubg mobile for free thank you again to pubg mobile for sponsoring today’s video and the grand reveal boom starter house looking pretty boring I think it’s fair to say there’s definitely still a few decorations to be done on the inside but anyways we need to start working on our first defense which requires us to get our hands on just one main material here we go um unfortunately I have built the house ridiculously big so I’m going to need to punch a lot of cacti oh and by the way here are some examples of the defenses we’re going to be looking to build throughout this video so please trust me when I say that even though we’re starting off lights with a simple Cactus defense we are going to end up with some absolutely mindblowing defenses that are just going to mean that none of the testers can make their way through oh God there’s a child there’s a child quick drown him no he’s not falling for my [Music] trick oh and while I’m played to these cactuses down by the way we’re not even fully done with this room yet because right now the players uh they don’t actually have a way to get up to the next layer they are kind of just stuck here I’m actually going to die to this trap and it is the least deadly one I’m going to build to give the other players a way to progress onto the next layer I’m thinking that if we could control the growth of the cacti somehow we could basically make a little parkour course out of it okay I’ve that should be enough string oh my God that generates so fast and I think if we put these on top of the CTI they shouldn’t be able to grow anymore now I’ve just somehow got to place all of this without dying my feet must be incredibly sore right about now so they have to jump up here oh God okay and then over to here yep ow then over here Y and to be honest I think that parkour is probably enough let’s allow the players to get up to the next level yep just let me pass please this is going to be horrible but to be fair it’s definitely not impossible which is good this is only one of the easy traps we don’t want to make it too hard straight away boom layer one complete um I am only a little scared to see what we create on all of these next layers oh and also meet Bob he’s going to be testing our first defense for us okay so I think that means it works so we should definitely start trying to collect the main component we’re going to need for this next lay I give you a hint it’s not a block but it’s a type of mob not the These Guys these guys aren’t deadly at all I just think they’re kind of cute no what we are looking for is much much much more deadly we found a coral I think that’s where these guys spawn oh wait is that them no no wrong fish okay don’t ever interrupt me again you guys going to have to teach you all a lesson now wait I am wasting valuable puffer fish collection time actually what am I doing oh I see one of you these guys are um really annoyingly small so they’re pretty hard to find but yeah as you guys know when you get close to a puffer fish they expand dealing not only a ton of damage but also inflicting the poison effect which will not be fun at all or safe for any of our base testers the problem is is that I’m not finding any more pu fish at this coral reef I’m I’m going to this other one but yeah I do have to say I’m not 100% sure how we’re going to build this trap yet it’s not going to be easy to force players who have working human brains big pit full of some very obviously deadly jellyfish wait not jellyfish puffer fish oh no no no no okay so now might be a good time to explain the pit I’ve made so the players are going to have to complete the cactus parkour and they’re going to make it here and from there they’re going to have to go into this pit and find a hidden lever which essentially allows them to go up this wall and into the next part um but the the problem is is that if we just put a lever here it would be really easy to find and not very deadly so that’s where the puffer fish are going to come in if you catch my drift oh and if you’re wondering this layer is actually going to be split into two different traps instead of just one so that’s why we’re only building on one half for now we can start filling it up with water and a puffer fish as well I guess ooh although actually now I think about it we probably need to name ow God what oh my goodness I will not be giving you a good name we should quickly name all of these guys in an anvil just because they may you spawn [Music] otherwise oh um impostor you aren’t a puffer fish why are they all like bundled up over here too are they all going to go for me when I do this oh no we’ve oh no never mind I was going to say we’ve managed to find life together but they still hate me oh um which means I guess we could maybe add a couple more oh and while we get more puffer fish we should also get some Coral from here so we can actually decorate and hide the lever even better oh um huh okay we don’t have silk touch so it looks like we might be playing with dead coral instead I do love how Grand our house looks I I can’t wait till we buil all of the secure defenses uh now we need to get some Coral in here without dying somehow how did this happen by the way what what why are there two dead puffer fish for that that oh why did I eat them as well that’s even dumber and no we could do it in the very corner but I do feel that’s maybe a bit obvious we could put it on here it would blend in but um that also means the players don’t actually have to get in the water with the puffer fish so a little bit pointless oh you know what I think oh oh man can I not place what you can’t place levers in water okay I have got us a workaround though I I just hate these guys so much why okay there we go they’ve now got to find the lever which is over here and when it’s flicked there’s going to be a couple blocks that come out here so they can actually get up so let’s gather all the red stone we’ll need to be able to link this bad boy up no I hate these guys we’re lighting this place up now okay that should be all the Redstone we need to do so that means if the players do somehow manage to survive all of the puffer fish and find the lever then they’ll be able to get out using this little staircase over here that’s just appears and boom on to the next challenge um which isn’t the infinite water source that that was just temporary for this thing you know I mean this isn’t going to be the next you know challenge it’s obviously no so let’s quickly put these guys back in ow oh my goodness what is wrong with you guys gamer fish would never do this to me there we go these guys are now down and in position ow I wasn’t even in the water and they’re able to attack I’m super excited to show you what I’ve got planned for the next trap although of course there is only one way to truly test how secure that defense is you look relatively useless you could okay that was not me oh no no no Mr villager that’s the wrong way let’s see how you cope with the puffer fish oh fair enough he’s not a bad swimmer unfortunately the puffer fish are better swimmers we’ve witnessed another villager murder um and if we want to witness more player murders then we’re going to have to move on to our next track which is going to be completely different to any of the traps we’ve made so far because this trap isn’t even going to require us to damage the player in order to kill them so let’s hunt for the main materials we’re going to need and I guess I can tell you more about the Trap as we get the materials because this trap is going to utilize a mechanic that I haven’t even used in any of my other secure bases uh this biome might actually be where we can find the Main Ingredients we can at least find one of the important blocks we’re going to need which is snow oh no wait since I don’t have silk touch I’ve oh my god you’re kidding me I’ve got to mine them all into snowballs and then craft them manually okay you know what that’s more than enough snow for now I really don’t like having to get it in snowball form but for the main block we need we need to find a different type of snow biome because we don’t just need normal snow for this trap oh Snow Village wait that actually might be the block we need in here maybe I don’t know if the block we need spawns here but we should quickly check yeah why did I do that why did I do that why why oh wait to be fair this guy doesn’t wait is he angry at me he’s starting to look angry okay yeah he’s definitely angry at me oh wait is this a is this a Grove biome I think it’s a Grove biome oh there’s a village here too I I’m not going to start on this iron go but yeah up here I think this is a biome that we need in order to get the block it is oh if you’re wondering what this is by the way this is powdered snow I do have a texture pack on which means I can tell this is powder snow really easily would you just take a look at that I am now freezing to death and I’m hoping that’s what’s going to happen to all the other players who tried to break into our base because we are going to be using this to trap them and I’ll show you how in just a sec after we’ve um actually started collecting this stuff by the way this texture pack is only on for me so none of the other players are going to be able to see the powdered snow like this goodbye useless Village I need to start trying to figure out how to actually kill the players with this powdered snow you can already see how the players are going to be able to make their way up onto the next layer simple you just have to climb onto this right oh uh wait where can I oh there we go I see myself there wrong because you can’t stand on powdered snow blocks I mean I think everyone knows that that’s just a fact a fact of Minecraft it’s never going to change you’re never going to be able to stand on powdered snow cow oh but you know what can allow you to stand on powdered snow if we quickly go over here craft ourselves some leather boots and that means that all of a sudden we can stand on here now oh I didn’t even realize you could get an achievement for that but the players need to get some leather boots to be able to make it up onto this next level and I’m thinking that we hide these leather boots in a bunch of powdered snow traps which means that they can find these and progress onto the next level but they’re probably going to die a few times along the way uh we are kind of out of powdered snow though so we’re going to have to go back and get some more of [Music] that come over here lovely delicious powdered snow no not delicious at all [Music] actually oh wait what um wasn’t aware that placing snow on top of a grass block turns the grass block into snow oh I guess not for very long though okay okay okay we’ve built thisa areer up a bit more now when you fall into one of these pits you get enclosed in but we need to fill these things up with P of snow too because we actually want to kill the players not just permanently trap them in little boxes made out of snow by the way I’m getting really sick of having to fly all the way back over here just to get my hands on more powdered snow so while we place down the final powdered snow let’s make ourselves a little storage system inside of our base too oh no no no I’ve got oh my god I’ve got caught in my own powdered snow forg this will definitely help speed up the process of making all of these defenses we’re going to make which we of course need to do if we want to get this completed within the 24 hours okay so we finish this now and I’m going to show you exactly how it works in just a sec but um I’ve also quickly decked out a storage system for us I say storage system it’s nothing that great but it justes means we should be able to do all of this way quicker now we’ve got an organized chest system oh I also found this really cool music disc which is always fun but there’s no time for that right now because the way this room works is basically when the players managed to get out of this puffer fish area uh after they probably died hundreds and hundreds of times they’re going to be bought here but they won’t be able to see all this powdered snow to them it’s going to look a lot more like this which all of a sudden it’s going to be a lot harder to tell what is powdered snow oh God wait um actually need to be careful not to die here um that was a little too close for comfort I think it’s probably a good sign that I’m falling into our traps as well because that means that the other players definitely will but after testing out all of these Bottomless Pits of powdered snow if you make your way over here then you’ll find yourself a chest which contains the leather boots that you need to get your way out of this mess and progress onto the next layer uh okay um little voice crack there oh by the way this next defense is going to be very very simple but very very effective so let’s get this done super super quick we do not want to waste any more time than necessary on the easy defenses obviously when we finally make our way up to the medium and especially the hard defenses they going to take a lot longer to build but hopefully be a lot more effective at killing all of the other players uh yeah if you can’t tell uh one of the main things I need for this is going to be sweet Berry unfortunately they’re not exactly painless and ow easy to get oh we also need to find ourselves a lush cave for the second thing that we need for this okay we just need all of these to turn into sweet berries and then we can move on to the final easy defense wait what is that down there I I I seem to see a little something is that is that Clyde what what a weird coincidence that is huh come with me Clyde I’m showing you to the base oh don’t worry I’m going to show you what the Trap does once we’ve moved him in I know I haven’t done that just yet but I’ve got priorities and my number one priority is C boom um I think we do probably need to make you a dedicated little living area at some point Clyde because this base won’t be complete without Clyde’s area but um for now I need to quickly get back to the secure defenses sorry Clyde and yeah the way this defense works is some very simple drip leaf parkour over these sweet berry bushes but yeah as you can imagine if you fall you’re in a bit of trouble and the only reason why I’m not dying straight away is cuz I’m in full diamond armor but something tells me that after all of the deaths that are already have going to happened in our secured defenses the players aren’t exactly going to have any diamond armor left to be able to protect them so once the parkour is completed the players are going to make their way up to here where we’re going to be trying out a type of trap that I have never seen built in any of these secur Bas now the first ingredient we need for this defense is going to sound very strange um we actually got really lucky uh we need an egg and a lot of eggs actually thankfully it looks like some of these guys have been laying which is um good have you been laying an egg no no egg from you idiot and yeah I have to admit this trap is going to definitely be the most deadly we’ve made so far but I don’t actually really know how to make it yet so we’re definitely going to have to figure this one out together I’m also not finding any more chickens oh here we are nice we got an egg from him high five and now we just put the eggs into this little machine thing we’ve made okay um we didn’t get very lucky with that one but we can also do this just with seeds yes yes in the hole chickens in the hole there we go let’s just get you down there and you a gentle little nudge in maybe oh no okay no we just scared him off that did gentle nudge didn’t work Mr Chicken I’m sorry I’m sorry okay think he’s forgiv me oh no no okay well we’ll just keep on getting a few more chickens in here anyways yeah if you’re wondering why we’re going to be needing all of these chickens it’s because we need as many eggs as possible to create this trap and you’re probably thinking well wzo eggs they don’t do any damage anymore that got taken out ages ago it’s not the eggs that are going to be doing the damage if you catch my my drift we’re basically just going to need to continuously breed these guys um so while we’re breeding those let’s actually prepare the area for the Trap so I think we’re going to start by digging a bunch of random holes there we go random holes everywhere I’m sure you guys are probably very confused what’s going on right now but don’t worry I will show you in a sec go away dirt nobody likes you there we are now this place looks a heck of a lot less just absolutely disgusting get in there you guys come on we need more of you this place is going to have to be absolutely full of chickens if we want to be able to get the amount of eggs we need there are a lot of these guys in there now we do still definitely need some more but what I’m going to quickly do is if you can notice I put chests at the bottom of all of these and in one of these chests we need to put down these ladders because these ladders are going to be exactly how the players are able to get out and move on to the next defense if you can’t tell I’ve made tons of holes so it’s going to be really hard to figure out which one is right let’s maybe do which one of these looks unsuspecting um I mean they all look I guess pretty much identical I’m feeling this hole though this hole is where the ladders are going to go and the things I do for these projects are sometimes hard and sometimes they’re just utterly ridiculous this is never something I thought I’d have to do oh um oh that’s that that’s okay that’s going be annoying I think one more round of forceful breeding should be good enough I just need you guys to produce eggs insanely fast is that too much to ask guys oh it it is too much to ask is it still too much to ask you know what guys I’ll make a deal if this trap actually works at killing the testers then I’ll let you all free at the end is that a deal do we have a deal good we have a deal you guys can’t say no to this deal this is my deal but they know eggs at a super fast rate which means we can actually set up the actual track this may look a little confusing but we’re going to try and fill all of these pits up with chickens what what where did you where did you go what how did you get down here oh okay okay um that’s a good start we’ve got three and I think we need around 20 in each of these holes for the Trap so that’s just oh man that’s just great isn’t it have you laid more eggs oh you have laid more eggs oh no okay wait some of the chickens no no no some of these guys are dying I need to expand this thing now but um I guess that’s proof that this trap is going to work yeah I need to expand this thing usually I’d be loving watching you guys die but not when it’s just going to slow me down there we go oh my God okay what have I created no no stop stop stop stop no no no no no no no no no no no what is going on what my blocks are just completely disappearing come on no no no no no no no no no no that’s going to set us back so [Music] far oh [Music] no why I don’t know you know I don’t know whether to call that Karma I don’t know what but man okay you know what I need to get these guys back in ASAP if we’re going to stand any other a chance of being on track because we don’t have infinite time for this and all my chickens have just escaped the chickens I’ve spent ages [Music] breeding that’s that’s so annoying that’s so annoying um on a real note if we actually plan on you know completing this secure base at any point these guys they need to be breeding and this is a massive massive slowdown so I cannot say that I’m too pleased but hey we’ve we’ve got to move on right that’s all we can do so let’s try and get these guys back in and hopefully we can breede them up again yeah we’re definitely going to have lost a lot of chicken and more importantly a lot of time okay we’ve got these guys back in now um hopefully we don’t have a situation like that again and oh yep they’re laying eggs okay great I’m going to get back to filling up these holes with chickens there because uh I don’t want to waste any more time okay I’ve filled this up quite a lot uh I’m going to see if if there’s enough in there to actually do the damage because yeah if you haven’t guessed when there’s tons of mobs in a very very small area they essentially allow you to get entity cramp which means the testers are going to have to go down in all of these holes that will be full of chickens until they eventually manage to find the right hole with the ladders but because there’s so many holes that just have these empty chests with nothing in then they should die the second they enter let’s see if we’ve actually got enough chickens in here to do damage no looks like I’m just moving around quite a lot so I’ll wait for a few more eggs to see if it works then otherwise this trap just isn’t going to work at all which will really really suck because this in my opinion is definitely going to be the coolest out of the easy traps I mean it will still look really really bad and pathetic in front of the medium and the hard traps we build later but come on you have to admit it’s a it’s a pretty cool trap idea so um hopefully it actually works oh okay let’s see damage damage no they’re just making me dance okay a few more chickens are clearly needed uh thankfully we’ve basically got infinite generating eggs now God damage me you please damage me get those eggs spawned damage damage damage me oh my God why won’t they damage me still I’m just going to assume it’s because there’s there’s only the small guys still there when these guys grow up hopefully it’ll do damage oh did I just did I just get a lick of damage from you guys hang on guys uh I I’ve got I’ve got to check this out please tell me it’s working I’m going to be going in naked uh Look Away Clyde please I would never normally ask this but please suffocate me oh uh was that just a full damage I’m not oh I’m not taking damage anymore oh ow ow ow ow ow that was doing a lot of damage hang on let me let me try again okay oh wait wait oh wait it’s actually doing damage it’s actually doing damage hang on wait I’m sorry I I’m still in disbelief I’ve I’ve got to try this one more time is this actually doing entity cramming damage oh wait okay so the chickens do work for a second I thought we were going to have to find a bigger mob maybe but it looks like it works uh I do still have a lot more of these holes to um fill up with chickens as we all know though there is only one way to truly test whether we’ve done it correctly okay one of you in there no one of you one of you one of you and let’s see how you survive in the pit okay he lives he’s dying he’s dead it works even though I haven’t filled up all of these yet we have everything ready to go and move on to the next layer basically and I’ll just keep filling these up with chickens in the background so we don’t have to delay any longer because we are now on the medium defenses and uh these need to be a lot better because we’re now no longer just defending our base but we’re also defending this guy CL so um yeah we can’t let anyone be able to break into this yeah this next room we’re going to build is actually going to be the first trap that requires us to make our way into the nether I’ve not been in the nether very much yet in this world so um hopefully it’s not too bad [Music] please oh oh no no I’ve okay I’ve made a mistake i’ I’ve gone to the roof that is not going to be any use to us and there’s two main things we need the first being magma which shouldn’t be too hard to get uh hopefully you might make it a little bit harder but this magma is not actually really what makes this trap so deadly it just helps it it’s kind of just going to be here to make it even more painful for the testers to get through okay that’s actually uh okay that’s a ton of magma yeah we’ve got more than enough I need to get my hands on all of our buckets again which should be locked away in our new storage system oh yeah um I think I found them and you know where we need to go next all the way straight back into the nether because we are going to need to get our hands on a lot of lava you know one of Minecraft’s first but still to this day most powerful killing methods oh achievement that’s nice oh thank you smiley face oh no I’ve I’ve I’ve wasted a bucket go get out of here now what you’ll be surprised to learn is this trap is actually one of the most creative and original and unique traps in the world oh God okay well I mean it was all it was always going to happen at some point wasn’t it just can’t go 3 seconds without setting myself on fire yep that’s right uh we we’ve just made more parkour um it will be very deadly though I promise this is the last parkour because um I do feel like that’s getting a little bit uninvented I also don’t trust any of the other players to not cheat so we’re going to set fire to the walls I also think it might help a little bit with dramatic effect oh ow but yeah with the last parkour stage down because I don’t want to make any more parkour it’s boring and we are all sick of it by now we need to get on with the next medium stage which is going to be something um even more painful than this and for this trap we’re going to need to make our way into a specific type of structure um I don’t know where to find one of these things oh uh quickly though what do you guys think of my new furnace room oh look how awesome it is uh I had to add furnaces because I’ve had to smoke tons of things in this Challenge and just using one furnace um is way too slow so this should also help speed us up yeah anyways the structure we need to find is actually an underground structure so not one that is going to be the easiest to find uh there’s a water cave here so this can I guess get us down to the structure quicker hopefully hopefully I don’t just just drown that would be embarrassing um what okay I have to admit this isn’t the structure I wanted initially what is going on what is going on down oh yes okay wait we’ve actually found it this is a structure we needed um didn’t expect to find it that fast and yeah if you can’t tell the blocks we need are cobwebs let’s get our hands on all of these uh we probably need around five stacks of cobwebs though so uh we got to go hunting for these things uh I have to admit though they’re not exactly the the easiest things to find I’m just finding like one at a time we need to try and find one of those that you know the cave spider spawners because they just have absolutely tons of cobwebs everywhere spider spawner where where are you I’m sick of just wandering around without finding a spider spawner also little time update uh we’re not actually doing that well for time at all we should probably be quite a lot further than we are already in terms of progress so we um yeah I don’t know I’m I’m I’m trying to not think about it too much right now because I just don’t think that sort of pressure is going to do us any good but we do need to hurry up that is a fact I’m starting to think we’ve got a rare M shaft that doesn’t seem to have a spider spawner so um yeah I’m going to leave this place this place is absolutely terrible oh oh wait we actually found a m oh my God oh my God oh no guys oh my God wait this is actually bad cobweb traps cobweb traps oh I’m going to have to mine those all back up um what what what was that all about oh and that looks like a spider spaw over there I can tell because there’s about 100 million cobwebs oh we’ve got the world’s slowest creeper attack right now this guy’s just he’s coming oh my God he’s going to be here in just a few minutes and yeah we’re only going to need one other thing for this and his first name is Flint last name steel I I think you can see where I’m going with this it’s also worth noting that this isn’t just going to be a room full of fire and cobwebs there’s going to be a little more to it than just that can you guys tell what I’m trying to do with this uh maybe not it probably looks very weird right now let me fill it in a little more and maybe it will become more clear what the plans are with this defense okay how about now do you guys know what’s going on now no okay let me just get this trap finished up real quick then and then you’ll be able to see how and why this trap is going to be so incredibly annoying but also deadly for the players who are going to test this phase oh my God I’m literally dying while creating this thing oh my God this is definitely going to be the most deadly trap we’ve built so far there is um no doubt at all about that okay so we’re basically done with this thing um I haven’t finished doing the cobwebs over here cuz I kind of want to show you how it’s going to work but essentially the players are going to go down into basically this mze and they’re going to have to make their way through all while being stuck on cobwebs by the way which is going to be even more painful but yeah essentially we’ve got a fire maze with cobwebs and even if you do go on the right path there’s magma blocks so basically the chances of anyone surviving this are um yeah they’re definitely not high that is for certain no let me out let me out oh I’m I’m completely stuck well this is this is awkward but of course of course we do need to run the test so um let’s see is our trap really deadly okay he’s surviving he’s still surviving he’s still surviv he’s still surviv oh no no not surviving anymore okay can confirm that the surviving has stopped and I think yeah okay can confirm that the surviving is now just completely factually incorrect if you think that defense is going to be annoying um I don’t think you’re going to uh want to even know what this next lay is going to be because this next room is more along the lines of psychological warfare we’re not looking to kill them in this defense we’re looking to make them quit and never come back and the first step to doing this is going to be finding ourselves a village which toally sounds pretty weird right now but it will make sense soon oh the smallest snow biome I think I’ve ever seen oh Village that’s what we’re after uh we’re not looking for pumpkins I don’t really think they’re going to do much and we’re not looking for villagers either we already have a supply of those guys at home let this serve as a warning to all villagers who think they’re more important than they actually are oh but um I have just spotted exactly what we’re going to need yes that’s right these things these um bells are actually going to be what is going to kind of make all of our testers hate me forever but for real these things are actually going to be really helpful in defending our base and you’ll see why very shortly but if this is going to work we need a lot more than just one Bell whoop thank you Spruce Village I’ll give me your Bells Oh village Village right at the top of this like ginormous Mountain where is your bell where is it tell me Cal where’s the Bell um oh wait is this a zombie v ow ow ow do zombie Villages still have the bells no no is that trail ruins uh I will say though these bells they’re not the only things we need for this defense they why why did they make these so loud no now we need to quickly get our hands on some quar because with this quartz we’re going to need to make ourselves a bunch of observers oh and we also need to quickly get our hands on the most annoying block we can possibly think of and um thankfully I know exactly what that is uh should be over here ah yes you guys can you guys produce these things which create the world’s slowest block to ever have to walk on oh and uh I think there’s one more block we could also probably get to annoy all the other players anyways let’s start building this room and in a second second I’ll explain to you exactly how this is going to force the plays to quit because seriously no one should ever be put through what I’m about to put the testers through we have created a monstrosity this is definitely going to be the most mentally uh Soul crushing experience that the testers ever have to go through although first before I show you how that works uh I decorated the base I was just really tired of it looking boring and we are probably going to be using this base for quite a while oh uh how did some of the oh no the Moss wasn’t supposed to get here oh and earlier I mentioned I was going to build some sort of room for Clyde and I do still intend on doing that so I’m going to just carve out a little area yeah down here Clyde this is where I’m going to make your dedicated little area because yeah this base is actually kind of coming along and becoming functional now anyway the testers are going to come up here and they’re going to have to walk along this very very slow line of cwe you’re probably wondering what’s so bad about this right now and you’re also probably wondering why these bells aren’t making any noise well that’s because I have the luxury of a mod that turns these off uh if we turn these back on this is what all of the other players are going to have to deal with um yeah there’s no way that going to want to do this but the bells aren’t the part that’s going to make all of the testers just want to quit and completely give up uh this part is because you may notice that um when I’m on honey I can get up here you know even if I take off my boots yeah there’s no way I can even possibly climb up here so they’re going to be wondering what’s going on this entire time and just going back and forth trying to figure out what’s happening when in reality if you flick this trapo here jump um okay uh you get the point it’s a really hard jump to make it is possible I’ve done it before um player clip where I did it before because I can’t do it now and yeah that’s the only way to progress but if you fail which uh all of these players are going to fail multiple times that jump is almost impossible then you’re going to drop down into this pit and if you somehow survive the full damage then you’re going to want to follow this path all the way back around right to the very start because yeah the whole point of this defense isn’t to make them die it’s just to make them completely give up so now we need to move on to the next room which is well actually going to require us to oh wow to go somewhere that I haven’t gone ever on this server yet which is slightly scary to think about ow oh wait we’ve actually forgotten something really important boom there we go now we’ve got this guy trapped in here but yeah anyways for this next and by the way our oh God going to be turning those back off yeah for the final of the medium defenses because yeah that’s right we’re almost onto the hard defenses now we need to make our way into a bunch of different dimensions including our first time in the end but I mean let’s first get the materials that we’re going to need from the Overworld because we need to get some stuff from the Overworld the Nether and the end yes uh all three of those biomes how very convenient I know but yeah the first over ingredient we need to get our hands on is a spider eye and I think I know where there should be a spider spawner um hopefully please spider spawner found um don’t know why I said it like that oh ew oh wait I’m actually going to die I didn’t even realize I was so low no D but at least we’re nearly at two stacks of spider eyes which is just the amount we’re going to need is that is that an invisa spider oh my God it is what the what are you doing I mean he seems friendly enough I guess okay good bye invisible spider thing maing I I don’t even know what you’re supposed to be and the next thing we need to do is get ourselves some blaze rods from the nether Dimension uh which means we need to find a fortress now I think there was one somewhere around here maybe oh you’re not yeah you’re not a fortress you’re not what I’m looking for at all ooh you on the other hand you are a fortress and I need to get myself some of your blaze rods ow ow okay to be honest I was wasn’t okay let’s quickly get ourselves a stack of these things there we go that is oh God not more blazes uh that is definitely enough blaze rods so we need to start working on our Brewing room and yep you heard me right our Brewing room because you see using all the materials we gathered earlier and the blaze rods we can now start to brew ourselves potions of harming which is going to be one of the two main components of this defense oh just realized though that uh yeah we are going to need to get some Nether Warts because we haven’t got any awkward potions and for some reason we need potions that are awkward what is the point of this motion okay you know what 40 that I that’s that should be enough right if it’s not enough well that’s it I’m guess I’m just going to cry now I’ve just got to try and actually get back with the very limited amount of Firework works that I I have so I really hope I’m going the right way actually that’s never a good sign there’s another nether fortress I did I didn’t see another nether fortress when I came here um oh no no no please don’t get me stranded in the nether we’ve already wasted enough time as it is really that would be the last thing I need I’m going to am I going to I’m going to have to make my own nether portal out I think I’ve got I’ve got stuck and I’ve i’ only got eight fireworks left I don’t remember where I came from man these are the sorts of things that we really don’t need to be dealing with right now time is way too tight to have to be making portals out the nether cuz I forgot where I am and now even this guy’s shooting at me I man stop he’s blew my obsidian up as well well okay I’ve got the obsidian but I’m going to quickly uh see if I can find a way out anyways cuz I I I’ve got to be close I think I hope I’m lost I’m lost I’m completely completely lost why does this always have to happen when we’ve got no time uh I could try flying up there that’s just another rocket right wasted oh oh Bridge signs of but maybe being close please I’m not dealing with you right now get out of here sorry guys I was just humming there but it looks like we’ve actually finally finally managed to find the way out okay you know what it’s nothing to worry about let’s just get this trap build oh and for the glass that we’re going to need for the bottles we can even use our smelting room which we made which just goes to show that that wasn’t a complete waste of time that’s always good to know insert the Nether wart oh we need to actually turn these spider eyes sugar and mushrooms into fermented spider eyes I don’t want to forget about that otherwise we won’t be making the potions we need I’ve just realized before we can add the fermented spider eye we need to turn these awkward potions into poison potions uh which does mean that I now need to go and get even more spider eyes H great that’s just that’s just amazing why do I keep risking my life when I literally don’t have a totem invis a spider ah he’s gone ah looks like we’re just back to the normal spiders I wish invisa spider was here invisa spider wouldn’t come and attack me out of nowhere none of you will ever be anything like invisa spider you’ll never be him okay um I am going to be honest with you guys I I I’ve really started to miss invisa Spider so I have tried to create a sort of tribute to him I guess um the more I look at it the less it looks like Vis spider okay here we go now we have the spider eyes now we have the fermented spider [Music] eyes oh we actually should quickly grab some glowstone while those are Brewing too because that means that we should be able to turn the potions into instant damage too which do a lot more damage than the default ones [Music] oh my voice is running out yes instant damage too oh would now be a good time to mention by the way that um I I kind of had to expand the potion brewing system um all around my base look we’re on a time limit okay it’s important we get back to building the secure defenses as fast as possible o Clyde’s not too pleased that I’ve turned what is going to be his uh little living area into a temporary netherwart Farm C I promised we will make it look awesome soon I’m sorry okay we’ve got all the potions we need now which as I mentioned is 50% of the Trap we’re going to be building um I will need to clean up the base at some point but you know that’s a that’s a job for later wzo to have to deal with so the next step then is to actually prepare this area because um I mean well what what are we going to do just leave a chest full of splash potions here I don’t think that’s going to be very effective and soon you guys will see what I mean when I say that we currently have 50% of this defense because we still need to visit the end in order to get ourselves on the second half of the Trap which is definitely going to be very interesting I don’t think I’ve ever seen a trap quite like what we’re going to go for here and these holes that I’m putting in the floor are going to be where we need to put some dispensers um which aren’t going to be fun to create man I I hate having to create dispensers why do they need a entire inside of them it it just feels unnecessary I’ve just counted we need 120 dispensers so okay uh let’s get our hands on those [Music] then I’m quickly mining these nether trees because we’re going to need some pressure plates to activate the dispensers ew what the what are you doing can I can I get you to go in here yeah run run away who’s your daddy so as you can see when the players actually come up here they’re going to be very careful to only stand on the dispensers cuz if they don’t yeah they’re going to get hit with these things and again they may only do one heart to me in diamond armor if I wasn’t until full protection for diamond armor uh that would not be the case as the testers are going to very quickly find out but now you’re probably wondering well what is the second second part to this trap has actually got something to do with oh no no ow jeez this is going to get annoying isn’t it but yeah the second half of the Trap is actually going to be the more deadly part of the Trap and also at the same time the only method that the players are going to have to get up to the next layer and yeah as I mentioned for this we’re actually going to need to make our way into the end yeah uh no this isn’t the end I just remember that I do need to quickly clear all of this up first yeah why did I have to put Brewing stands everywhere okay but now we’re going to actually make our way into the end yes here we are uh we need to get ourselves into one of these end gateways actually because the main material we need is not present in just the normal end Island so satisfying these are just way too much fun yeah we’re going to need a whole ton of these and you’ll see why in just a sec but they have a very unique property to them that no other it in the game has and it’s actually going to be really really dangerous in combination with the potion trap we’ve already set up going to be honest though I’m having way too much fun chopping these down this might be even more satisfying than chopping bamboo and I love chopping bamboo anyways the reason we need all of these chorus fruits are for one very simple reason and that’s the fact that they’re the only food in the entire game that when you eat they teleport you um now as you can see it’s kind of teleported us underneath the underneath the map now I’ve got to somehow find a way out of here these chorus fruits are actually going to be the only ways that the players can possibly move on to the next level let’s quickly test this out let’s try no okay we’ve activated some I’m activating oh no I’m activating way too many potions and yeah let’s see if we could do this first time no and of course for all of these players oh God how do I get out of here but yeah if they fail they have to go all the way back to the start again you know how hard this is going to be for them and I mean if it teleports you onto one of these pressure plates you are yeah I mean you’re just dead the players are going to die straight away boom this is going to be where they need to get their hands on all of the chorus fruits and yeah uh good luck trying to get onto the next layer with this that is going to be hell and I’m glad that I’m never never in my life going to try that out for myself which means we’re now done with all of the easy traps and now the medium traps leaving us with only the hard traps left but I’m loving how this is coming along we’ve actually got a really quite secure base and we’ve also got a kind of decorated base now still do need to work on your area Clyde this is yeah I know you’re probably pretty angry right now aren’t you yeah I can tell just by looking at him he hates me at the moment so that’s even more reason to speed up and get on with these f three defenses which are going to be all of our most insane defenses yet oh and by the way Mr villager since you can’t eat chorus fruit and therefore I’m not able to test you um come here villager you can’t run from me get out of here anyways for our first hard defense we actually kind of need to prepare something first because these defenses aren’t going to be easy to build by any means we’re no longer at the stage of just being able to collect some drip leaves some sweet berry bushes a few cacti no we’re now at the stage of getting the advanced done and the first thing we need to get our hands on to be able to even build this stage is actually a silk touch pickaxe because right now my pickaxe is Fortune um that that’s not good enough so let’s quickly start off by heading over to the stronghold so oh um oh no I’ve gone through the wrong Port so let’s get ourselves into the stronghold and uh we need to find one of those room rooms with all of the books the nerd rooms the the nerdy nerdy MC nerdington rooms oh wait I actually didn’t expect to find one that quickly that’s a that’s always very nice oh look at this we don’t even get the bookshelves we only get the books that’s cuz we don’t have silk touch but I mean once we’ve got silk touch we’ll be able to actually start working on the first hard defense which man I I don’t think the testers are going to have a very good time with this oh we do need to make an enchantment table we won’t get very far without one of those things boom God I can’t believe we have to do so much preparation just to be able to build the first hard trap Moment of Truth does it reach level 30 oh no no no no nowh near going to need some more bookshelves for that no no no still no still no no yes okay finally oh Clyde seems to be enjoying the the the enchantment table a little bit too much so now we just need to craft a new diamond pickaxe oh and a Lapis uh we are going to need that thankfully I do have lapis boom boom this is this is not going to be too F oh never mind Clyde Clyde bought us good luck okay so we actually have got silk touch uh now we do just need to get up to level 30 and there we go thank you the satisfying sound of success uh hopefully we don’t only get silk touch you know we could get some other good enchantments on this okay slow silk touch pickaxe it is I mean to be honest it doesn’t matter too much it does mean things are going to take a little bit longer to mine but the only block we need to really get with this right now is ice which is O just over here thank you very much I have to say though our actual base is basically 100% complete now all I can really think that we still have to do is well the floor and make Clyde’s little area but to be honest I don’t care about any of that right now I just want to get my hands on some I oh I’ve got to try something I’ve got to try something oh yes I can get grass I don’t just have to get stupid dirt anyways that’s got absolutely nothing to do with building this trap anyways first step to creating this trap um like many of our other traps is getting rid of this floor and now we’re going to start to build out of ice and I think you guys might start to figure out what I’m trying to do pretty quickly oh ow idiot okay let me quickly see how hard this okay let me see how hard it is to okay let me see how hard okay I I I completely give up I think you guys can start to see where I’m going with this defense and um I think you guys can start to see it’s not going to be easy but even though that’s great news um what isn’t such great news is there’s nothing really deadly right now about this and the players are going to be in boat so when they fall down they are just not going to take fall damage but I do think I have a way that we can still make this trap deadly without having to rely on full damage sheep you are in the way of my plan of ultimate destruction and it involves this pit here which probably doesn’t look very dangerous right now again you know no fall damage and all that uh not very deadly of a pit but I want to get some mobs in here so if the players do fall down they’re just going to get greeted with tons of mobs and I don’t think we’re going to need to do anything ridiculous like you know try and Lead any mobs in here we just need to make it dark enough so that they spawn naturally you can see right now in the F3 menu even that there’s zero block light which means if it’s night time tons of mobs will spawn here but there is tons of skyl which is all the light coming through from the sky uh I don’t know how to block that out M does water block it out wait I want to try let’s see if the water would actually work because just putting water at the Bottom’s not going to do anything Mobs Can spawn in water okay wait does this oh yeah wait this actually does eliminate some of the sky that’s really good let’s just try doing that the whole way and then we might be able to get mobs spawning placing Signs by the way might be one of the least fun things in Minecraft to do it so annoying it also becomes even more annoying when you run out of wood and have to consult the tree farm straight after okay there we go signs placed so will one water just fill up this entire thing surely not right oh my god oh oh ah never mind that would have been really satisfying if it did but um that doesn’t look to be the case looks like we’re going to need many many more buckets of water to fill this in oh this is actually insanely satisfying though I’m not even going to lie look at how oh this is so nice Okay does this block the light [Music] H not quite I mean it does block it a bit it was like 15 before but now it’s seven so we probably need to go down a few more blocks here if we’re eight now 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 okay and then zero Okay so we’ve got to dig the pit oh my God we’ve got to dig this pit so deep this is insane oh God boom um yeah definitely don’t need you Mr Beacon for this uh this will take way too long to dig out otherwise right layer one removed uh Layer Two removed uh layer three removed layer four oh my God we’ve got so much more to go um hi guys don’t know what you’re doing here oh of course a creeper what what a surprise get out of here and the final four layers removed there we go I oh my God I think I I don’t feel mentally okay after having to do that but are we at uh yes zero light even though it’s oh wait uh it’s night time okay that’s probably not the fairest test in the world okay now’s for the real test is there zero light down here uh oh yes there is oh oh no okay um and let me double check yeah zero light literally every single block here that that’s exactly what we wanted to see so the players are going to come up here from the chorus fruits they’re going to grab a boat and they’re going to instantly fail because it’s really hard to get across to the other side and I mean they can just sit here if they want uh they won’t be able to make any progress so but the second that they decide to get out they’re going to have to accept their fate which is well going to be surrounded by about 5,000 creepers not too bad at all I think this is a pretty decent defense I think it’s going to be quite a fun one actually which um they’re definitely going to need after this and then of course once or I guess if they manage to get to the end they’re going to want to climb up to this ladder where they meet our second to last defense which I’m telling you right now I don’t think a single one of the players is going to be able to complete without dying at least once I mean I feel like I’ve said this about all of these but this one really isn’t going to be any sort of fun for the testers oh Trident oh man oh uh if you’re wondering what I’m doing out here by the way yeah of course we have to run the Villager test this is just an essential thing that needs to happen oh oh no that wow that’s a shame it looks like we’ve we’ve fallen down get down there but yeah this next defense is going to require us to actually visit some caves again I man I I hate visiting caves I know we do need to find a specific type of cave we can’t just Waltz into any old cave and expect to find the materials we need that’s just not how life works unfortunately would be nice if life worked like that but no I’m going to be honest this cave doesn’t quite look like the right type of cave though uh not at all actually right I’m getting out of here this cave sucks I need to find somewhere new I am on the hunt for an underground crevice ooh Village wait no don’t get distracted no need to visit the village o aha you thought you could hide under this mountain did you Mr Ravine I don’t think so and uh ooh a lush cave uh it’s not actually the type of cave we need but I might take a few of these things anyway maybe we could use some of these to decorate Clyde’s living area although I need to stop getting distracted again I am looking for a specific type of cave oh and is that that no is that oh my God there’s a Chambers in there that’s that’s ridiculous this cave seems to have everything apart from the one material I need oh yes yes yes yes yes yes yes this is the type of cave we need we need the fun and awesome dripstone caves I I hate these things they’re really dangerous but that’s kind of a good thing for us right now cuz we’re looking for Dangerous so let’s collect up as much of this as poss oh my God wait hang on how satisfying is it going to be if I I love this game too much I love this game too much by the way this might seem like a really dumb question but can these things just like fall off the ceiling and land on your head I really hope not uh this I’m hoping is going to be enough drip Stone if it’s not we’ve got um a very very long way to go back and you guys are never going to guess what the first stage of this defenses we need to we need to create another pit [Music] uh I did decide that we’re going to also have magma down here cuz if anyone falls down here uh and somehow survives the drip Stone we actually do need to make it so there’s a way to get up to this next layer uh which is where I I I need to admit something um guys I’m not proud to admit this but earlier on in the video I stated to you that we had done our last parkour that was a complete lie sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry okay I just it’s the only way to make this super super deadly and trust me the players are going to have a horrible time doing this so it’s all going to be worth it okay oh and by the way you know something interesting is that this jump looks impossible at first because this is two blocks higher you know you can’t jump two blocks in Minecraft that’ be like me trying to jump from here onto these bits of cobblestone it’s just not going to work but the interesting thing with drip Stone which I want wonder if any of the testers will figure out that the stem and then the very tip of it is completely different size so as long as we can line it up Pixel Perfect yeah we can make our way up even two blocks so I’m going to be interested to see if anyone manages to figure that out and yeah there we go as long as the testers can complete this then they will be able to move on to the final defense uh and then they’re at my base which is kind of worrying I I I do hope that they don’t get all the way up to this stage but our final defense is going to be our most complex trap yet which is pretty exciting because I mean look at how much we’ve managed to do from the very beginning of this project we started out with you know very little we didn’t even have a proper base we’ve managed to work our way up to having a monstrous staircase of just the most ridiculous defenses ever and not only that but our base is also looking pretty nice and decorated we’ve got all the things we could ever ask for from a base apart from a floor and also I finally decided to quickly make Clyde’s little living area which isn’t anything too crazy but I think Clyde’s just going to like being able to swim around and have some fun inside of the house I mean I think it’s fair to say that he likes it probably a lot more than just the pool of water or even worse the netherwart farm we used to have here oh those were dark dark times weren’t they C here have a slime okay fine have all go oh my God he’s amazing he’s stolen he’s forced me to give him all the slimes I mean how could I reject him he’s just so cute either way there is only one thing we have left to do now well two actually we do have to see if the testers are able to break into this base but before we can do that we need to get this final defense built and I’m going to be honest I’m not looking forward to building this thing not one yeah this defense is going to feature a few new things that haven’t even thought of using yet as well as some tricks from all of the other defenses we’ve already built because we kind of want to just combine this into one absolute hell hole for the testers hi Mr sheep the very first thing I need to quickly get for this is uh more Soul Sand and you’ll see why in just a sec uh where is what I can’t remember where the Soul Sand biome was I think it was over here he oh it was very nice oh not so nice out of here Mr gas yeah the reason we need Soul Sand is because Soul Sand is able to do something that no other Block in the game is able to do and no it’s not just slow you down uh that that’s not very deadly at all oh that’s not good there we go we’ve got the Soul Sand placed down and uh we not going to make it deadly just yet uh we actually want to do something else first oh invisor spider he’s back oh my god get him in the house get him in the house invisor spider’s back oh why am I so happy oh God invisible spider invisible spider invisible spider where where’s he there he is can I can I put you on a lead no okay um right can I put him in a boat invisible spider ow no why is he turned evil he’s turned evil spider what is gotten into you oh my god ow no no invisor spider what has gotten into you invisible [Music] spider oh I had a name tag and everything for you and Vis spider all P invisor spider you we may have had a falling out towards the end of our our time of knowing each other but you were a good guy at heart you you stood up for me when everyone else just came for me back down in that mob mob dungeon and I won’t ever forget that RP but anyways what we’re going to be doing with the Soul Sand is something pretty interesting actually that many people don’t really know is an actual feature of the game it’s not the fact that Soul Sand creates blue fire everybody knows that but what most people don’t know is that this blue fire actually does a lot more damage than normal fire as you see when I take off even just half of my oh my God wait I’m actually I’m actually going to die if I’m not careful armor back on Armor back on uh yeah I think you get the point it does considerably more damage than normal fire oh my God water but the blue fire on its own let’s be honest is not deadly and definitely just doesn’t warrant being in the hard difficulty which is why this fire is only a tiny fraction of the actual defense now the next thing we need to do is actually find our iron here we go oh my God wait we’ve actually got tons of ir uh we’re going to have to turn some of it into nuggets and with these we need to craft ourselves some chains which are so unbelievably small to have to stand on because once the players progress onto this next level they’re now going to have to rely on these tiny tiny chains to uh to get to the other side there we go we’ve only made the hardest Parkour in the entire world ow oh my God I did promise you guys that ow wait let me get in the water thank you yeah I did promise you guys we weren’t going to be just doing any more parkour levels so we’re going to need to add something to this to just to make it a lot more painful and I think I’ve got just the thing to really make this I mean basically impossible I want this last defense to essentially like be a one in 100 chance of even completing it and to do that uh I first should actually see do we have any more dispens left where would I put them here no no evidently not no yeah definitely looking like a big fat zero dispensers here that’s that that’s just great it isn’t it CDE I mean we should still be able to make them relatively easily Okay so we’ve got those uh and now the other thing we really need to get to make this deadly is actually rails which um Probably sounds a little bit weird I’m I’m not going to lie and we oh wait we we do we have oh we have a bunch of these oh that’s great oh uh no no power rails so okay that that’s a bit more like it that’s the sort of luck I’m used to there we go o although we’re probably going to need a couple more detector rails than just these ones which gives us the perfect excuse to make my favorite Contraption to make in this game hello slimes there we go and um you Coral thing thank you oh player flying by a soon to be victim of my traps but yeah now we get to build my favorite machine in the game please tell me this still works uh in the in the new update if I put this here oh it works yep definitely yeah oh yeah definitely works and now we can try and set up the Cannons and yes uh is that a bit of a dramatic name maybe but they are the Cannons uh it’s actually going to be kind of hard to place all of these cuz I’ve got to do the oh yep the chain parkour that I failed immediately boom dispensers placed uh obviously nothing went wrong there guys I am a professional after all there we go and we’ve got some rail set up as you can see I got like the pressure plate rails that um we need to connect up to the dispensers I mean I think you guys can see where this is going it’s not exactly anything mindblowing but it’s definitely going to be affected especially when we load these things full of deadly ammunition and then so if I put this on here here oh stop mine cart because uh we now actually need to load these with ammo though and look I’m not going to out ow God get me in the water what is wrong with with me okay I can’t blame anyone but myself for that but yeah I’m not going to over complicate what we’re going to put in these dispensers I don’t think we need to we have made such a just such an unrealistic base if you told me that we were going to have done all of this at the start of this project I I wouldn’t have believed you and especially not in 24 hours um honestly this is surprisingly uh looking better than some of my other secure bases so maybe I should have only spent 24 hours doing those two but for these dispensers we need to find ourselves uh oh oh my God why why is it night time oh no no no you know what I’m pulling out the Dig straight down Strat again this strategy never fails me oh not a water cave not a water cave uh yeah we’re just going to get ourselves tons of arrows which we should be able to do pretty quickly with uh the help of looting three yes please I mean look we could use something really crazy like Fireballs but I think after all we’ve done let’s just resort to something that’s been in Minecraft for ages and still does the job to this day which is a trusty boatload of arrows tilting into all of our testers faces oh my God um not like this not like this not like this oh oh my God this is not the time to be dying wzo what is going on you know what that is enough oh okay never mind looks like we’re going to get a few more arrows before we leave have you been playing with chickens why why are there chickens in here okay Clyde very very suspicious but now we can fill up the dispensers and um I’m really hoping these actually succeed at killing all of the testers uh that would be very sad if they don’t um yeah hopefully that doesn’t happen so now we also place the mine cart back down it’s going to activate all of these dispensers which are just going to Ping tons of arrows at all of the testers and I can’t wait to really be able to see this inter action I I can’t believe we are we’re we’re essentially done with the defenses I mean look at what we’ve accomplished oh my God this is it just looks so cool but I’m just way too excited to be able to see what all the other players think about this so now our base is you know fully decorated and we’ve got all the traps all I think we’re ready to finally invite all the other players I am definitely nervous though cuz um after all this is essentially my entire reputation uh on the line here I’ve tried to make so many secure bases before and if this just doesn’t rack up any kills um I mean I don’t know what what do I do at that point that’s what I’m known for and it would really be a shame if I was unable to accomplish that so hey I’m nervous but let’s get these other players over here to finally show off and test the base oh we can do this m tiger yeah we can definitely definitely be the winners oh and I’m going to be splitting my idiot friends into these two teams so let’s just hope that they can remain organized and civilized unlike you unlike you what’s wrong with Canada working down let me know when you’re ready the first the first layer Cactus layer very simple get yourself to the end without dying Follow My Lead okay go oh ah this hurts so much ah ow ow owow ow ow Chief you know what to do wait for the damage tick and then jump I didn’t do that no no no no no no no no no no you’re doing it all wrong you’re doing it all wrong ow come on I’ve seen you practicing parkour lately ow yes oh oh oh my God I did it okay what no I know Chief’s an expert at parkour so Chief I want to have oh wait you realized the problem right you had to wait for the damage tick I’ve been telling you this whole time Chief you were in my way I you’re let me down here man you got to K up is a parkour the clock’s still going the clock’s still going yeah worky honestly you’re best just trying to do the parkour the long way just like just like everyone else maybe I should just go without him there’s Long Way parkour where’s the long way what if he doesn’t make it t line up Time it m come on don’t let me down don’t embarrass me for God’s sake Wie I hate to mansplain it to you but what you’re doing right now is a strategy called dying a lot partner in this event uh I don’t feel like you’re we’re the right fit Chief I’m going to lose it okay M you can bypass a level if you want oh thanks dude I hate that more than anything in the world first try boom okay over here over here guys please do not stand on the rock or the wall jump jump get in the M no more time to lose oh God okay well we were going to do I was going to do a speech and be like oh we’re going to be a great couple someday but then no he won you’re look you’re looking for something and you’ll know when you found it oh M you’ve been hit you’ve been hit yeah I have been hit it’s all right these guys are pretty friendly oh no no spread out fan out we have to try to find like an entrance I’m guessing I’m going to die a button okay ow ow ow ow ow ow oh my God you’re being pinged around everywhere I know I can I can tell oh smelly fish check behind like the C Che for any cuz like it’s probably just something linked to a button get in there come on man tiger I’m drown drown oh oh I could get my head collection up actually here sounds really wrong but I love getting the fish you mean the stinky fish okay I think I see it I think I see it so you know how there’s that corner with all the fish yeah no what look the worst description of all time that there so many in this corner ow I don’t I wouldn’t go over there there’s so many of them I know where be going though where is this okay I okay wait maybe that’s how you do okay hold up I have an idea I’m I’m he does he does he’s got oh oh oh oh nice what did that do ow I don’t know you go on top here and I found it I found it CH I found it I got a lever I flick the lever I flick the lever it’s good you have have to be here I just flick the lever the lever did something I’m going to guess it opened oh I can’t see the rocks it probably opened some kind of like door in the back okay I’m going to go back to it and just start he push the block he pushed out a block oh we can actually get up oh no oh my god get back in there get back in there get me out get in okay okay so Chief you do is F5 F5 in the powdered snow yep I’m already on it oh dead oh oh this like a long death there’s snow over here all right there’s nothing here but can I can can I speed this death up somehow please we need like leather boots or something okay cuz the thing is we can’t get up top here because we need either leather boots which I’m guessing are hidden in the snow or we need um something else but I don’t know how we can get the leather boots in the snow I’m not dying let me die all right wo where didd you put it nothing where put what nothing or I’m still here by the way that mind me so so how’s the dying coming along miles yeah I’m getting there project going oh wait what I got leather boots what’ you get leather boots for how do I get oh my my God you found leather boots is there happen to be another pair here toss them to me toss them to there’s not another pair but all right toss them to me what do you want to say to me m tiger mtig quick quick quick pick him up oh he’s dead no he going get it back get it back get it back get back the boots I can tell the timed aspect of this has been taken incredibly seriously quzo it’s a chicken it’s a chicken I think this this room’s probably fairly self exan okay chief one at a time yep you got it oh my God miles you’re making progress here oh my god oh you’ve been practicing your parkour no mayos Chief immediately did oh my God wait how are you oh I didn’t know how you were keeping up for so long work’s absolutely destroying oh never mind Chief we had a good run okay M I can sit there sit there sit there I want to push you 3 2 1 go oh you I meant to move push yourself okay never mind what I almost made Che I was like six jumps away that was really close actually no it’s that one jump I can’t do it work is make it tearing through this oh no every time oh fair you having a lot better luck without the do you want to you want to come here place let end him I can’t reach get me I can’t looking at me for I’m trying I’m trying I can’t reach get in there oh my God there’s a whole gang of puffer fish right oh got his head [Music] I mean I would watch hey I did it wait Did you actually do that baby yeah oh right do do do we want to move on to the next layer um yeah we do yeah be can do we can do well I’m going to go find it chicken I’ll see you boys see okay so we just got to look down the holes okay well oh I see a chest oh ow ow ow ow five miles I’m getting I got eggs I got eggs is that we supposed to find I I found eggs too eggs is surprisingly not what you’re specifically looking for you got this you got this man you got this you got this the chicken I just started oh I opened the chest I opened one of them and I saw it inside but then I died listen I’m going from the close wait top all right I go top you go bottom no I go top you go bottom I just so you go in that one I’ll go in the upper one here I got it’s not in this one i’t be in this one yet oh Oh’s looking this way see if I can try and he’s just texting he’s bored now yeah oh oh my God what what ladders oh home sweet home I promise mad after this there is no parkour there’s this oh my God wait mes you’re ter oh miles you were I’m so good at the game when I when you say that I die chiefy okay I don’t want to see any skipping no I’m not all right ready okay ready go go go do the ladder do the ladder what what what is going on no you hit me oh no oh no was I didn’t even do anything oh you messed up you tried to pick a pick a battle with a PVP God right there okay I think I think I think I see a rout which is the only rout but I see I see I see the round yes worky go on we got three block elevation all right think of think of the women you good bro okay well you know what we can move on to the uh the next level which might be one of the oh I can’t move on to the next level what the hell happened there oh no didn’t to go through you no I’m aused I’m not doing this when though you got to go through got this this next level fairly simple maze do not break or place any blocks get to the end why are you crouching mad hurry up go SC like an old man oh you don’t take damage on the magma by the way Chief I just realiz that no you do you 100% I say what do you mean you you’re it’s just cuz you’re crouching oh my God to be fair you’re going all the way okay okay okay why do you have to make these like the most slow and painful ways to do literally anything in Minecraft ah no okay I I if I allow myself up perfectly with this I can make it come M and if if you don’t run run for your life if you don’t ah no no okay okay okay there we go there we go oh I made it so far oh my God I have to walk through the fire wzo you there no there are areas where you have to walk through less fire than others not the area you went into you know what lad L lad I’ll drop you off some food I’ll do miles miles stay way up M St where you are I’m going to throw you some food now there you go it’s above you food I still got M stole every single bit got anymore there you go anytime I’m stop taking it this is like when the Disneyland line is super long and you hate everyone in the line B you’ve almost got to the end miles go go go go go go go come on mil ow ow ow ow the best part about getting to the end of the line of Disneyland is you get to look at all the other people who are now behind you and laugh at them Chief okay guys bell bell sounds on okay bell sounds on turn your bell sounds off I just want to be clear that there is no actual game to play hurt yourself quick go go go go go quick quick quick as fast as possible oh my God miles what is wrong with you you’re miles you are the worst teammate of all time there’s some days I realize that there are things more painful than death is that where I’m supposed to go four of them I know man you can give a go if you want Chief help oh oh oh oh oh I see your violence has actually potentially found found the solution ah no now would be a good time to mention that you’re more than welcome to flip open the trapo oh I didn’t know I could do that yeah I don’t know try try and try and figure it out I guess go go go go go go ooh I like oh course we don’t mind if I do oh my god oh okay never mind no Chief actually wait that probably works wait hold let’s just run them out let’s just drain it out I got the course fruit what are you kidding me no my God I don’t want to get me what what is this I here we here we go here we go first try first try first try please oh I did it I did it I teleport I teleport I teleported I’m up here you got oh my wait did you actually or yeah okay wait let me did it oh my God this is the worst I did I did I did I did I did I did okay to be fair you’re on the so you’re on the um you’re on the final three the final three defenses now the final three very spooky yes you are got to be very careful why am I stepping for don’t get out why am I moving got to be very very careful and if you if you I’m a pro ice boter okay okay okay okay okay I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine on Pro play you’re much better than I am at this I really sucked when I tried to do this 360 oh oh de I’ll never mind uh and uh that’s why there’s a mob pit down here for you guys to accept your fa in this requires control and precision okay speed and time woo oh okay by the way miles and who wa listen listen look key is very close together it’s very close to my shift key yeah that’s right you got to tickle the controls tickle your keyboard don’t spin my why do I keep doing that why did you just start 360 oh my God miles might not even need to Miles yes oh okay wait let’s see if mad can do this as well how do you have so much Precision over the bow I’ve not seen anyone take this on with such ease you just tapped W and yeah but I tapped W I went flying off the edge just got to lock in buddy this game is making me not want to be a Minecraft Youtuber yeah I made it backli got man you got this got this stay T don’t over over oh God oh God come on come on come on yes careful yes yes oh my God that yeah that spin oh my God easy and easyy there we go oh my God you got a villager watching he can give you hope he oh oh okay never mind okay my mouse I hate this oh my God go go go no what is this can I still keep going yep I got it you set have the core oh you guys are a bunch of [Music] cheaters nice you stay back you stay back you stay back God I’m staying back I’m staying back sorry yeah you’re little weird really thick eyebrows I don’t have B eyebrows you have something there I what it is anyway um bam we did it all right Chief I did it you got it um honestly probably a good idea to um sleep up here yeah already W way ahead of you my friend guys wish you the best of Lu I can’t even see the chain there’s so many particles there look at Arrow ow ow ow get out of arrows mil miles put those arrows back put those arrows back legit was straight in your butt okay we go I mean it’s parkour it can’t be that tough Jee makes it tougher I mean like like this is hard enough without the arrows thought the arrows have it for oh the dispensers seem to have run out you might actually be in luck here what luck are you talking about there is no luck in this crel terrible [Music] world I didn’t even think there were any arrows left that what was saving that one especially you oh nice nice nice this Jump’s horrible oh okay wait oh my was that was the easy jump no it wasn’t they’re all hard jumps I thought I was like punching you I open how my inventory open I didn’t even press e but my inventory opened [Music] what oh I did it w I did it I did it okay never mind yay well in Miles I’m going to make it uncut that’s true oh working what an incredible project this has been um it’s actually probably been one of the most fun times I’ve had recording in quite a while oh uh and if you’re wondering which team won by the way basically none of them they all cheated on multiple multiple levels how many deaths I’m now at 150 oh and a deal is a deal I did say that I’d release these guys if the chicken trap managed to actually get a [Music] kill that was so quick They’re All Dead They’re All Dead

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Can you build Minecraft’s Most Secure Base in only 24 hours since the SMP begun?

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Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video, a true Minecraft hardcore server. Not only that, this server has the elements of school SMP and lifesteal SMP, but everything is Hardcore. This is a Hardcore SMP server.

This series is inspired by Wadzee, sandiction and Luke TheNoteable Series, as well as Mumbo Jumbo and Grian on the Hermitcraft server. However, instead of it being Wadzee, Luke, Mumbo Jumbo, Grian, sandiction, it’s actually just Wenzo. I like to make Giant Mega Builds, and this is similar to a Custom Minecraft Challenge video, except the Custom Minecraft Challenge is to survive.

#minecraft #minecraftsmp #hardcore


  1. You are SOOOOO fun to watch Wezo, I’m glad that there’s a new world now for more room for all of you guys’ builds, but that means your nether portal, zoo, and all of your other amazing builds are gone. I’d love for them to be rebuilt either on or off camera. Keep up the great work, and making videos. ❤❤❤

    Edit: by the way, if you know how to beat the game, which I’d assume you do, could you do a how to video on beating it. And I play on Minecraft pocket, so I can’t see like my coordinates and everything, so if there is a way to beat it without that, please include that in the video.

  2. Wezo you’re like actually literally the #1 best safest bases creator of all time. And people only got into your bases because you helped them

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