JJ and Mikey Found The TALL PORTALS of ALL SIZES in Minecraft Maizen!

hey JJ H you’ll never guess what I found here follow me huh hurry what is it what is that I wonder what’s inside there’s definitely treasure somewhere inside want to check it out yeah okay I’m really curious what’s this H let’s open it up 3 2 1 oh oh this stuff’s pretty good we got a full equipment set wo let’s equip everything and go let’s do it I’m pretty happy we found some food in here as well awesome uh what’s this do you think it’s some kind of maze a maze let’s go mazes are so easy here we go open there cool wao hang on Mikey this will be easy what are they oh there are so many it’s a swarm what do we do I have no idea we have to fight them off right all of them uh-oh whoo is it clear will there be more of those things huh well I guess that’s it they all cramed together at the entrance we safe we are for now huh does this lead outside we made it we did hang on are we underwater what we can’t make it through that we’ll drown what now look look over there I think I see a door on the other side unfortunately if we try to make our way through the water we’ll run out of air and drown so we’re stuck is there no way out of here H hang on a chest opening in 3 2 1 oh wood wood planks won’t help us now hold on monik I figured it out watch what check it out like this now we have doors we can use the doors to make it across the underwater room seriously how are doors supposed to help you’ll see how they help just watch I’m following you sure come on it’s fine yeah it’s fine wow it’s kind of scary when you’re this deep underwater I’m scared hurry our Oxygen Bar is almost empty but when we stop behind the door for a moment it’ll go back to full oxygen and we can breathe through the door amazing we’ll just place the doors as we go there nice nice nice can you breathe like this yeah I can let’s go hurry up wa what’s this wall the whole thing is completely made out of Bedrock I want to see what’s inside is this the exit show me the sky huh JJ we’re not outside why yeah you’re right we’re inside plus it looks like we’re surrounded by Bedrock which happens to be the strongest block in Minecraft it’s impossible to break so we’re trapped what’s a sand for sand huh wait a sec there’s a chest over here sand is useless hopefully there’s something good in that chest we can use open oh huh is that a diamond shovel a lever gunpowder we’ll never escape with that stuff H is there anything else we can use huh huh look over here Mikey what look huh this wall is the only part of the entire room that’s made out of cobblestone instead of Bedrock really yeah crazy hang on I think I figured it out I think I know what we can craft to bust out of here what first we need to dig up all this sand great all right that’s enough sand now let’s use the crafting table mhm I just need to arrange it like this okay oh I just made five blocks of TNT nice and then do you know what happens when we pull the this lever Mikey it’ll activate the TNT wait don’t we need Flint or steel it’s okay ready oh wow [Music] huh hm Mikey look at this wall it’s strange what are you talking about this is no time to talk about wall designs we need to think about the boss H what now look behind the wall there’s a chest seriously h no way you’re right what’s inside let’s find out Mikey open wo those are Min guns wo wo it’s exactly what we needed so awesome we might be able to beat the boss with these we’ll blow the mountain boss away yeah we’re all almost to the summit woohoo so close we made it to the top hooray the boss watch out it’s him it’s okay Mikey take it down with your minigun yeah wao keep hitting it shoot take this go likey we really did it woohoo hooray come on let’s go woah cool let’s go hey swords we can use these check it out huh cool I’m going to put the helmet on awesome this sword is really powerful each swing makes a black hole I think you hit me oh never mind we can’t actually attack each other only enemies wow these swords are really nice does this mean we’re done with the dirt house hang on there’s a chest here let’s see what’s inside all right I’m opening it huh wao what is it Dynamite seriously I think we’re supposed to use it to get past the steel wall try it ready yep what’s behind here wait do you think it could be treasure or something I hope it’s something useful wo wa there’s something here look out Mikey use your sword right wo I got it go take that black hole JJ this is really really bad black hole nice it works it’s dead what the sweet we beat it it’s all taken care of let’s keep going Mikey I think I see the treasure chest behind this door woo can I I open it sure careful not to let your guard down let’s go huh what’s this thing Mikey you’re finally here I know how to get through this yeah you got it nice oh Mikey huh what wait why the guards might notice the explosion and chase you be super careful I’m getting out of here no one can stop me sure Mikey okay careful with the lasers H wo run what are those they’re guards huh why are they walking into the lasers they’re way too weak to guard a prison lucky me hooray seriously that’s it yay they lost to their own security system sweet congratulations Mikey you safely made it past the prison guards thank you you’re getting close wao what’s that H H now it’s time to open this chest oh that’s a cool sword we got a katana and some golden apples these are awesome I bet they’re powerful we’re [Music] Unstoppable the wall broke let’s go Mikey okay it looks like it’ll take a long time until we reach the top but maybe if we push this button hey sweet stop it wo what’s that no what’s wrong there’s something up there enemies I bet we can take them yeah let’s do this thing you’re right an enemy let’s fight it yikes there I took care of it all right oh there’s another enemy nope sorry here I go jump got him wow wow okay nice wo this is pretty cool oh one more I’ll deal with it look out I bet there’s treasure up there another one come on Mikey I’m coming let’s get that treasure this is fun wait a minute we’re almost at the top great I wonder what’s up there maybe some treasure hey I made it to the stairs no way I was so close to Falling that was really dangerous yeah oh well let’s keep going we’re almost there treasure here we come wait a giant monster help okay it’s burning the sword I think it has some sort of Firepower this thing is super hot let’s take it down ouch yes nice we beat it good job treasure let’s open it up 3 2 1 wo more diamonds and the ultimate cookie yummy let’s head back look what H interesting oh the door is locked again though H I guess we’re stuck huh oh a chest oh oh hold up huh I found lock picks again oh I’ll use them to pick this lock just like this is it here like this okay nice I successfully picked the lock so now let’s move open what’s this H what’s all this huh is this what oh it’s a maze but Mikey there are enemies in here this wait and attacked me let’s do this get the enemies use your weapon sh to fight get him we got this no you’re strong we should be able to win with these weapons careful go they’re kind of tough there we go good there must be something once we get out of this maze so creepy take this wo yes nice ouch all right yes come on I’m low on health we’ll make it we can ouchies I’ll handle this sh sh sh all right we beat them all nice job yep let’s finish the maze let’s finish this off Mikey let’s go [Music] nice oh huh what could be past this door I don’t feel like there’ll be something good waiting for us oh open up hm W what is it anything huh this looks like a parkour course with trees I see if you swing your sword in the air your jump distance increases huh look awesome like this okay oh nice sweet let’s keep going wo nice let’s climb is this the top guess not made it look let’s heal up with some cake I want some delicious yeah this isn’t the top though it’s not what’s in here there’s armor and stuff armor and a shield what’s this oh wow potions of healing and golden apples let’s grab them armor up click click click click wow I look cool H where do we go from here huh what’s this what open oh wait a sec there’s TNT in here let’s place the TNT see but the treasure will it explode 3 2 1 nice what’s outside hm there’s no treasure it’s a dead end it doesn’t look like we’re at the top just yet maybe it’s this way I have a feeling there might be a boss at the top treasure too come on let’s go this way I bet there’s something awesome up top yeah oh we made it nice made it great this way coming wao these vents are cool they’re strong enough to push you up neat and I’m up I love this now we have to jump down what let’s go okay h Huh where’s this what is this place huh the what are those things there’s so many spikes huh be careful oh ouchies ow we need need to avoid touching them we have to be careful H there’s a door over there so ouchies oh are you okay there’s a door so let’s get to it ow that hurts ouchies it’s hard to avoid them that hurts are we okay avoid touching them oh careful no ouch that hurt Mikey okay let’s reach the door over there let’s go ouchies ouch we have to force our way through wo ouch wo that hurt oh oh here’s a door huh but it’s locked it won’t open is it stuck why won’t it open no kidding it won’t open because it’s locked maybe we need to search for the key huh let’s find the key where could it be oh hang on right here ouch jeez huh let’s get whatever’s inside this chest here oh open what’s inside oh there are a few things inside look huh also check this out these things in my hand hands they’re lock picks uhhuh which you need to pick a lock so I’ll use them to unlock the door you can unlock it huh I might be able to just have to do these in order all right it looks like that’ll open wow like this oh it’s open and with that we’re through huh what’s this H what is it looks like there’s a portal at the bottom of this pit hm H all right huh let’s go yeah let’s check it out 3 2 1 open huh H is there treasure JJ oh huh what Mikey JJ what happened no they’re Hostile Mobs I got attacked we have to knock these creeps off get him nice I didn’t expect to see Emerald or men here that was weird it knocked me off are you all right waa this is so high I can’t see the ground come back up I’m coming back pH hey Mikey waa I wasn’t expecting enemies wow we’re high up I was able to knock them off so we’re okay for now yeah I got knocked off too H true look Mikey a treasure chest wait a second this isn’t even the top of the tower How can there be more this is just the top of the elevator let’s open the chest now huh oh look we got ladders hey that’s perfect you’re right I bet these ladders go somewhere specific H dead end uh huh H there’s an opening up there see it yeah this has to be where the ladders go to get up there ready all right let’s go JJ I’ll place the ladders up as I go well there’s an enemy above us be careful no way really Mikey watch out Mikey’s under attack again wo hey don’t fall off we got him I got knocked off again huh into the ocean not you two are you all right Mikey I’m coming back up wait there hurry are the enemies gone yep they were knocked off oh awesome we’re really high up and hey there’s a chest wo nice let’s open it 3 2 1 wo this is incredible there’s some awesome stuff first we got some apples let’s eat them so we can recover next we have goggles and cool looking armor wo leggings and we got iron swords too wa look at us cool awesome this sword is really powerful each swing makes a black hole I think you hit me oh never mind we can’t actually attack each other only enemies wow these swords are really nice does this mean we’re done with the dirt house hang on there’s a chest here let’s see what’s inside all right I’m opening it huh wao what is it Dynamite seriously I think we’re supposed to use it to get past the steel wall try it ready yep what’s behind here wait do you think it could be treasure or something I hope it’s something useful W wa there’s something here look out Mikey use your sword right wao I got it go take that black hole JJ this is really really bad black hole nice it worked it’s dead what the sweet we beat it it’s all taken care of let’s keep going Mikey I think I see the treasure chest behind this door woo can I open it sure careful not to let your guard down let’s go huh all right let’s open it oh what is it apples Mikey apples thanks here you go let’s eat wow these look delicious totally should we head back now sounds good I guess I’ll see see what this button does H look wo huh huh where’s this what is this place H JJ look wait what’s all this take a look at this awesome armor let’s put it on oh there’s a sword too cool okay wow we look sick yeah wo we can beat anything now we’re fully equipped let’s go oh we’re here let’s see all right let’s go you can open it Mikey open huh what there’s someone there huh who don’t know he hit me seriously he attacked me but he seems friendly huh are you sure ow huh you won’t attack me ouch wo see he attacked me why does he only attack you ow I don’t know weird let’s just ignore him Mikey oh no a is this a parkour course let’s see it’s harder than it looks be careful all right one step at a time slowly that was close yikes phew let’s keep moving a a no way oh Mikey I blame this outfit but Mikey I have the same one on true made it I’m coming too careful good job do you see any treasure wait a second this place seems dangerous oh it’ll be fine let’s hurry to the treasure wait ow that really hurt see I knew something was up I really survived maybe I can Sprint through you you made it look there’s more this also feels dangerous let’s make a run for it okay follow me ready right behind you let’s go y Mikey watch out seriously Mikey I think I figured it out what do we do run as fast as you can uhhuh Sprint I did it next don’t just run try jumping too ready show me like this oh wow watch out for the Flames I took damage but I made it now it’s your turn Mikey hurry faster that didn’t work hey Mikey I realized something amazing what I didn’t notice this sooner but huh there’s a shortcut no way you should have said that earlier it worked but the other way was more exciting huh at least we made it well what do we have to do next huh this is where do we go I’m guessing we stand on the Slime and push this button watch 3 2 1 mm Bo I knew it oh nice so what do I do again try it push the button and go oh wao oops I stepped on something it’s slime parkour show me like this oh wow H wao awesome here’s another one I made it across Mikey good job no no hey timing is everything Mikey seriously huh why how did that happen here I go again good luck yes nice one W yes I’m low on health I wasn’t sure I’d make it he did well thanks next up over here we have diamond gold and a chest let’s see there’s an iron pickaxe but what now huh maybe we have to choose between diamond and gold you choose oh okay which one is correct Mikey hm this one takes us away from the building that’s true so it’s this one okay you think diamond is the right choice go ahead yeah this one is better plus we’ll get diamonds 3 2 1 time to [Music] mine wait they’re enemies huh oh no there’s more hey get him nice another one get him ah we did it wao look at all the diamonds so many this is seriously amazing and what’s this a chest yeah let’s try opening it golden apples oh H that’s not bad still this looks like a dead end I don’t see a way up I guess the gold was the correct Choice you’re right let’s break the wall open here we go hm let’s see what’s in here maybe there’s a way up or some treasure well what is it what’s that not sure it looks familiar though wait I know what that is what is it it’s a TNT launcher oh you’re right let’s eat our golden apples we’ll take damage from this how does it work first stand in the middle uh like this push this okay and click now it’ll launch you up wow and you’re supposed to land at the top did you do it I did it I landed now it’s my turn get up here here I go oh man good luck W that’s crazy pH wow wo that was awesome it was so crazy Mikey see that chest treasure let’s see what’s inside I’m opening it right now 3 2 1 whoa look at all the redstone blocks cool oh and cookies I was just wanting a snack okay yeah that does it for this Tower let’s move on h Huh where’s this cool oh M let’s go I’ll get the door 3 2 1 open is there a chest yeah watch out there’s more enemies I’m stuck they’re entering the elevator hey stay back they’re so fast go away eat your golden apple eating it now wo they’re coming in from the side huh wo how did that happen can they break walls save me I’m going to die hang in there Mikey I’ll fight some oh no oh no they’re so hard to hit I’m sorry I’m sorry can you please stop stop hurting me last one okay they’re all down you got them all thank you now I’ll eat my golden apple oh Mikey yeah look at this the small Emerald Golems dropped it a lever yep I bet we can use this to open something maybe this oh look at that there’s a staircase in there you’re right that’s definitely the goal right above us we’re almost at the top oh I bet we’ll find some cool treasure up there I think you’re right let’s go already okay it’s open there’s even a treasure chest what could this be it’s got to be something good wa we got two Tesla guns that sounds really powerful weapons again what’s going to happen up there H is there a boss let’s go see only one way to find out what do we have here what is that thing uh hello it looks like it’s made of emerald and it just hit me no it’s not friendly it’s a boss oh let’s take it down how do you like my Tesla gun get him Mikey time for a golden apple I’m on my way back hurry this thing is tough don’t worry JJ I’m coming as fast as I can Mikey hurry back just hang on I’ll try my sword weird there’s no knockback I’m coming to help it’s not taking damage how close are you don’t worry I’m almost there I’m on the stairs I see you ouch you’re hitting me wait what a you killed me oh no my shots were hitting both of you sorry Mikey try being more careful next time I didn’t realize this thing hits multiple targets I’ll be more careful time for a golden apple welcome back let’s keep our distance got it be careful wao okay I think the lightning bolt can jump for one person to the next back up miky run away you got him huh oh I did awesome that was some good teamwork great job we did it and look more treasure this must be our reward for beating the boss I bet this chest is going to have some amazing loot for us after a boss like that let’s look inside let’s do it 3 2 1 open oh more golden apples again and some cool swords oh they look really strong cool and strong wow oh here’s an elevator let’s go get our treasure okay 3 2 1 now open itm oh who’s this is that a zombie but it’s not attacking us hello yeah it’s not really doing anything to ow no why now I let my guard down yes woohoo we beat the final boss we did it we should be able to escape finally it dropped a lot of golden apples wow grab some thanks now then H hey a portal open wow this portal must connect this awful Frozen world to our world but first we should collect our rewards from the battle before we head home open good idea check it out goodies totems of undying cake diamonds gold emeralds Wow Let’s split it and run thank you now let’s get out of here we’re going home yes we’re free

in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: JJ and Mikey Found The TALL PORTALS of ALL SIZES in Minecraft Maizen!

👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial

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