Stardew Valley [120]: Farm #2

There You Go Happy anniversary baby guess I’m going to keep grinding it out go ahead I’ll take care of the might as well found an acorn in the trash super worth it oh there goes Kint o I should trigger that one side quest there’s like a big fetch Quest you can do here too I haven’t done that yet oh yeah how you start that I think I might know but I’m not sure by a [Music] ticket I always keep forgetting I can skip [Music] this fast travel I love the volcano dickite Farm J Farm is probably the closest here it’s a really cute animation for the Fast Travel don’t know why I never noticed it sooner I can’t seem to talk to anybody oh no I don’t know if that’s just a uh maybe if I just have on an empty slot now that is how you talk to people right you right click them maybe I just can’t do this yet oh shoot wait wait wait there’s one right here hang on a second right there ha I keep seven Frozen tear on hand give you all time already given him two gifts this week that’s enough oh man who are you to tell me that’s enough no kidding I feel like I can give him as many gifts as I damn well feel like okay handy dandy short cut here she doesn’t have a recipe no I didn’t might have to look I didn’t get this one either how did I not notice these here wow well that’s two more hiding in plain sight pretty much oh shoot I still got the watering can oh well that’s okay I don’t need it okay you’re fine one part that I would need to water doesn’t have any crops in it right now okay oh I’m trapped on all the animals help okay yeah I haven’t been opening these treasure chests and didn’t didn’t realize that’s what they were I guess but now that we know know if that’s copper or copper or it’s copper okay oh it’s it the fish that makes sense the recipe for the smoker oh yeah yeah okay that that checks out makes sense stand at one spot here okay maybe not [Music] je huh magma cap okay oh my gosh wow could eat that too that seems exceedingly rare though oh well oh well bust bust bust uhoh oh my God a chub frenzy oh man a chub frenzy yep got to love it oh [ __ ] no no no not falling for that aha didn’t think so okay oh God just when I’m about to start to make a bridge then you appear of course yep well that’s one more floor got find more of those oh yes a dragon tooth all right now we’re getting somewhere now we are having fun I I didn’t they can blow up the rocks with that hell yeah yeah no I am not seeing okay uh think I’m just going to warp out of here better to be safe than sorry let grab a few of these just in case hardwood comes up later boom [Music] yeah take talk all right grab that uhoh 140 yep better make a r for it to see myself diving into bed here there we go view another glorious day wow I’m going to run to the bathroom before I start the next day here so be hardbeat or be right back down [ __ ] dooodle do click outside of the window oh it’s here nice all right okay yes oh man I was going to go into town today anyway yay all right uhoh oh looks like Penny’s already left all righty then wow she didn’t even wait for you oh she’s standing out here okay I got up early and fed all the farm animals I hope that makes your job a little easier today a I love you Penny that’s automated that’s cool I should give you an emerald for that the dichotomy you’re like I love you and I’m like that’s an automated t ask she didn’t do anything yep all right there’s Emerald for you all right copper watering can yeah may he found that in a trash can I was like ah that would have been awesome I guess I’ll just upgrade that okay since I don’t need the idian watering can anymore I’m just going to put it in the chest by your house okay thanks yeah anytime wow there’s like five seagulls in a cross shape down here on the beach and I’m going to scare them away there we go they were conducting their secret ritual probably something buried there look seller oh my god he has a hot air balloon o nice oh wait have you bought any of these these just give you experience what’s that oh the books yeah I got some of them I don’t know if I have all of them yet but pretty close we I run a lot faster through grass and crops that seems useful yeah that’s actually pretty pretty nice to [Music] have I don’t need experi oh I need 10 for that okay I haven’t got the traitor yet on the island do that oh man I know what I should do uh let’s talk to the bird I mean just to get some semblance yo Leo out running around have you met the others like you I don’t talk to that much I feel safer with my own kind one hidden in Fire Mountain Treasures oh right yeah that’s uh if I do it again will it give me a different clue or oh we got oh no I guess not nice scapula all right take me to to the volcano good s out from there let’s find out this Mystery Box had a taco in it damn it had a fish taco oh no I guess I can’t the hell is that mixed flower seeds that’s exciting I’m opening all the geod or at least as many as I have for unless do you want to save the the the big ones for trading to the guy in the desert or do you not care about that o I don’t care too much I wouldn’t mind saving a few but I think we have more than I’ll break up some we have 175 oh yeah I could do like even like 70 of them I’d be fine with that that was what I was thinking I don’t think I’m going to have enough inventory room for that but oh that’s at least 100 they are fun to make oh here we go this this is what we’re looking for right here yeah it’s going to keep swinging whatever I get I get whatever I don’t get I also get oh there’s one over there too topaz Jade Ruby riveting content really me just placing a geode on his waiting yep oh yeah I’m honestly getting through more than I thought I was going to gotten through like 30 wow not too sh got a lot of dupes that always helps W how did I dodge that I didn’t I just got lucky iron okay we need more treasure chests there’s lots of this stuff here all right we’re done it’s do better than yesterday I took so long he fully walked away from me oh there’s a oh nice Walnut oh my God from what I understand I believe the odds of a walnut dropping from a rock when you break it is one in 200 so that was quite lucky yeah pretty lucky oh I didn’t get out of the way in time man three of you guys get them all at once man there’s so many down here ah building yes this is what we want to see good Lord oh man I should bring oh man what if I still have that maybe I’m wearing it now oh burglar’s ring I am wearing it okay good oh nice yeah it’s very helpful there’s a bird oh hello Cinder clown shoes oh man what oh this is actually oh but I need 100 ah balls need to hang on to that cherry bombs no what’ you find this shop that’s in the volcano has like a new pair of shoes that’s better than what I’m currently wearing but I need 100 of that Cinder stone for it so oh there’s some back here oh yeah 50 here shoot H I got 43 on me now so warp totem Island recipe oh oh there a recipe for warp totem to the island I might grab this actually yeah that seems oh wow ginger ale yeah let’s get that too Roots platter I’ll grab a few of those the diamond Hunter all stones have a chance to drop a diamond when mined by hand wow wow oh that’s like an actual book too H but it cost 10 diamonds so go figure go what you it’s like a lava Zora I love it oh another building yes oh that’s is that one of the rare chests it might be get rid of those first and dwarf Hammer okay 75 to 85 damage two defense five weight slime Slayer whoops oh shoot uh oh oh coming after me here oh oh no I was carrying I was moving stuff um you know around and I accidentally used desert TOA oh no oh god wow oh man it’s okay I was like what happened oh you know these things happen oh it’s like 11 may have like 40 of them wow I was driving the bus yeah Pam is just like screw it I’m going home yeah I’m going home the bus was just there actually slime looks like it has legs oh another mushroom yeah grab [Music] it oh no no no I’m getting out of here yeah I’m going to have to bring that Cinder stuff with me next time for sure I put it in the back chest oh okay awesome I’m making a back chest that’s just Island stuff yeah oh nice oh that’s perfect wa oh this is great great oh I put this in there then still working on it there’s probably not everything in there yet but I’m here oh 150 I better get inside oh I’m not going to get to bed I didn’t realize you were still looking at the chest I just passed out right in front of my TVA George going to wake up yeah didn’t make it to bed so dramatic oh you didn’t make wow there pickled potatoes yeah I’m pickle sell for a ton so I always pickle the no star vegetables hell yeah oh my gosh there’s like tons of a radium in here yeah well it was in a bunch of separate places so I combined it all oh okay I was wondering where I all came from damn that’s very helpful was oh gosh yes so I made the front the front black chest is like ore and jewels and stuff and then the back one is like your stuff that you use for mining they are interchangeable but just because they were getting a little full yeah oh yeah and there’s like food stuff which I can also go buy the bigger chest recipe and use that but I figured this was fine for now yeah that’s perfect oh perfect I’ve been saying perfect a lot get ready oh oh oh I remember now let going to get 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 man I got to get these crab cakes off my head jeez carrying those around okay so now that I have those I feel better about like starting some farming on the island so I think I would do that yeah I was thinking I could come help you in winter too there’s also some sprinklers somewhere that I saw if you want to take those a yeah I I might grab a few of those yeah star fruit there a summer crop chest by the door oh yeah sure enough there’s like six of them here oh man well I’m not going to take all of them I’ll just take like five or four you can take as many as you need I feel like we’re pretty good here unless we want to expand anymore our totem island is hardwood dragon to oh Dragon tooth okay yeah don’t know if I want to use up those just yet God only knows I know what I’d be without you you’ll never have to find out do you ever see Love Actually it’s been a really long time but yes yeah like the ending sequence of that movie is like so beautiful I don’t know something about it oh wow I got like a cell chest here too oh this is bloody fantastic all right it’s time to groove and bust a move one two three four now I got to plan this out here so and star fruit away haha yeah [Music] [Applause] yes see so that’s 34 left wow okay I guess I’ll make some more room here one two three four two three four two there two there and bump and bump one two three four five wow it’s planting all over the place here all right guess I got some room left over oh I I got to water this though yeah okay here we go at least I got a river right next door so if I run out of water let run right over there sorry you should have cut the good watering can oh well this one is upgrade to Copper so it’s not too bad terrible this is actually kind of nice doing this it feels more like the old school star Valor oh need more water get some that’s why I like farming so much never grew out of it I still think farming in real life would be kind of fun cuz I know Luca does it at her house and it was just just standing out there and I wish I could being in the presence of all that but I kill every plant I’m not a good plant my mom gifted me a a little garden for Christmas and I’m pretty sure I killed it within like two weeks in my defense it wasn’t my fault it rained a ton in California which was wild and I think I didn’t bring it in in time it got to much water which I didn’t think was going to be a thing guess I can dig these up whatever these are oh it’s of course forget it no more beaming this time I’ll walk oh is this where that oh wait a minute I knew it make another passport oh I didn’t even bring my Cinder stones with me what the heck I don’t think I’m going to get that far anyway not in 4 hours [Music] man using that Contra spread gun on me here good thing I can move so fast uhoh oh well you got me that time well done any chest in here no oh there’s more tarot tubers [Music] oh there another thing yes yes yes get it thank you what is that oh hang on something weird here oh that’s just an omni geod well shoot it looked all rainbowy so I mined it and I was like oh it’s just an omni geod oh there’s a chest well we take those indeed we [Applause] do more pineapple seeds all right N I think I’m good must go home must go faster dog’s back in my house oh [Music] know it’s it’s 140 uh yeah yeah I might want to make a run for it a jeez good job so close oh holy jeez wow no idea where you were yeah it was a bit it was an ancient fruit day oh ancient fruit yeah that’ll do it holy jeez gold star ancient fruit too holy crap I save the nonar to make wine [Music]

Finally planting some stuff on Ginger Island while continuing to grind out some other stuff! And of course smashing geodes!

#stardew #ginger #farm



  1. Man you passing out so close to bed gave me flashbacks to my first two seizures back when I was staying at my mom's house. Both times I woke up to go to the bathroom and wound up in the hospital. The first time I just dislocated my shoulder and the second time I broke it and after the fourth one which happened at work I'm now on medication for it

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