Going to BOYS vs GIRLS School in Minecraft!

so guys you hear about that field tripper going on later today yeah I’m really excited to see the Tigers I packed a lunch for I got a fruit roll up ooh wait Ruby you should try feeding the fruit roll up to one of the animals at the zoo wait it’s not real fruit I don’t think I’m allowed to do that it’s going to be funny we need to see what happens but anyways guys let’s head over to school and huh what happened to our school building uh why is there two buildings there used to be one did our school get replaced with two different schools wait a minute hold on guys maybe they expanded the school maybe um the school got a lot of money and they decided to build a second building ooh maybe we’ll have like two gyms and two lunchrooms and like two cafeterias it’s going to be awesome or a giant pool the blue one’s kind of pretty o I bet the blue one is going to have the pool in it and then the pink one is going to have the uh the second lunchroom in it hold on it looks like our principal is right over there we should go ask him hi Principal Paul we have a quick question what’s going on with the two buildings yesterday there was only one oh well you guys haven’t heard the news what news well the school has now split into boys and girls schools wa wa wait what hold on the school is split into boys and girls school why well it’s to help everyone learn better and we want to do like a little experiment so there’s a boy school and a girl school now wait how is it supposed to make us learn better yeah wait that’s a good question uh that’s the part we’re trying to find out but today we’re doing a boys versus girls school okay okay well that actually seems kind of cool wait Cam that means that there’s going to be no girls in our school it’s just going to be boys and then we can have like the entire gym and the entire cafeteria and everything to ourselves dude dude imagine dodgeball oh my gosh oh that’s going to be crazy that is a good call that is a good call well that sounds cool but you guys are my only friends oh yeah wait hold on Principal Paul Ruby has to go into the girl school right yep that’s exactly right she is a girl guys I’m friends with like zero girls here well um I guess this is going to be a good opportunity for you to make some new friends yep today’s the day you make more friends Ruby what hey it’s not that bad I’m sure you’ll be able to meet some new people in no time I mean you have a whole building filled with girls that you can talk to all right well anyway enough with the chitchat school’s about to start soon if you don’t go now you’re going to be late oh yeah yeah you’re right school’s going to start all right cam let’s head in we got to go meet all the other boys oh yeah it’s going to be sick bye rby we’ll see you at the end of today see you I can’t believe you have to go make new friends good luck and all right pH sucks to be Ruby but anyways we’re in our new school waa this place looks clean definitely a lot cleaner than the old school everything’s a lot Bluer yeah um everything is blue even the lockers wow all right well um I guess let’s head to our first class speaking of what is our first class I don’t know maybe our schedule will change because you know we’re not in the same school yeah I’m guessing that’s probably what happened and wait hold on it looks like there’s something on the wall over here oh I think this is our new class schedule it looks like class number one is math class number two a science and so on okay so we got to go to math class first oh so it looks like our schedule did change well well well who do we have here well ow what was that hey who just punched me huh who are you guys well we’re the biggest Kids on the Block doesn’t it look like it and uh uh yeah wait you guys are a little bit bigger than us wait hold on yeah why are these guys punching us I’ve never seen these guys before at our old school as I think they’re bullies and I think they’re from a different School ow ow this guy keeps punching me dude stop it stop it will you stop that please a dude this guy’s literally like punching in the air what do you guys want we want your lunch money of course give it it lunch money I didn’t bring any lunch money I have my lunch packed in my back bag well give it to us no that’s my only lunch well yeah yeah how are we supposed to eat it doesn’t matter how you’re supposed to eat give it to me now Dam what do we do I I I got lunch for myself in my backpack I don’t have any spare food maybe we can try booking it you know what I think that’s a good idea these guys are bigger than us so hopefully they’re slower you know what run run run go go go go go go go go go go hopefully our first math class is over here this way um where is it where is it this way this way this way go go go once we get to the class hopefully the teacher can protect us wait there’s a sign here is this math class that’s the detention room where’s math I don’t know this school’s crazy I’m lost oh no we’re trapped uh go this way go this way we got to Juke out the bullies Juke them Juke them Juke them hide behind one of the desk wa bullies there’s money over there behind that desk all right Kim we got to go they got distracted hey they lied get them maybe it’s at the end of this hallway yeah we haven’t checked this hallway yet and oh math class perfect oh few we made it in and oh I think that’s our teacher over there hi there teacher we’re finally in class man that was rough we already met some bullies today’s our first day at the boy School hello welcome to M class and waa wait cam I think there is a new teacher I’ve never seen him before at our old school yeah I think our school like merged with all the other schools okay he’s dancing okay well I I I guess that’s just what people do in boys only school but um I guess um we’re excited to be in your class teacher Tom we’ll go take a seat here let’s sit in the front of the class uh I don’t think that’s a good idea but sure you got to get the most knowledge and sitting in the front will give us the most knowledge I’m not at school for knowledge I’m at school for all the free candy and field trips and uh all the random stuff you know oh yeah right I wonder if we’re still going on that Zoo field trip all right first day at school hopefully I can make some more friends I can’t believe everyone got to go to the other school this socks ooh an agenda let’s see class one art English History math whatever whatever whatever okay so I have to find the art class first right um this this is the bathroom that’s not right what about in here is this the art class this is the Janitor’s Closet where is that anything oh my gosh I wish they had signs here what kind of person builds a school and doesn’t have signs let’s see that’s outside this is what is that hello does anyone know where the art classroom is hello oh my my gosh I can’t find anything at all hello is this the art class he yes it sure is welcome to art oh that took forever okay um where do I sit yep sure is there’s not really any seats but just find a place to stand oh okay gosh I have to stand for this class this sucks too oh hi I didn’t see you there oh sorry who who who are you oh I’m Ruby this is my first day at school who are you oh um my my name is j Jade wait Jan seems kind of nice oh wait do you want to be my my friends friends with me I don’t think you want to be friends with me I’m kind of like the school nerd well what’s wrong with being a nerd that just means that you like books and stuff right you probably got good grades wait you you don’t care why would I care I literally have no friends here all of my friends went to the boy school can you believe it um yeah but wait wait wait wait wait if if you want to be my friend then you can do this project with me we’re doing a project on pottery and I’ve been reading this amazing book and it’s been telling me a lot of really cool stuff like apparently if you put water with the pottery clay it makes it stronger wait that’s so cool all right I’ll just stand here for class that’s probably fine right yeah I think I work and then I said like why are you pouring water like that that is so uncool that’s so funny I know right laugh harder that’s like the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard wait who’s that oh no those are the popular girls shush if we just be super quiet maybe they won’t notice us oh hi Jane ew is that Jane more like lame oh my God Jane what happened to your glasses you look so nerdy wow that’s so true okay be quiet um Jane what nerdy thing did you bring to school this time what’s on this table it’s it’s my books for the class please be careful with them yeah she literally just got that don’t touch it okay bugs doesn’t like what nerds uses and wait Jane who is this with you why is she wearing so much purple huh what’s wrong with my purple oh my God why are you wearing purple that’s like so lame what do you mean it’s lame it’s my favorite color wait is this like your friend or something wow she must be a nerd too no no no she would never be a nerd you know she could be anything she wants to be she would never hang out with me what no I’m your friend don’t get so down on yourself and uh no I’m not a nerd I’m just a normal person doing normal things well if you’re a normal person why are you hang out with the nerd yeah don’t you know she’s like the worst person ever here yeah she’s literally at the bottom of this social pyramid I cannot believe this you totally got him oh my God that was so true yeah oh my gosh girls we have two people to make fun of now we want make fun of well I mean from what we can see we’ve got idiots one and two and oh Jane what do you have for lunch today I I have t tacos my mom at them oh wow your lunch yesterday was actually kind of good could you do me a favor and just give me yours but if I give you this I w’t have anything to eat yeah just let us borrow it for today we’ll give it back yeah we’ll give it back wait are they bullying Jane oh gosh hey get away from her stop hitting her um what what’s it to you yeah look at the Hero trying to stand up for the nerd what a hero I’m not trying to be a hero I’m just trying to help her hey stop hitting her no no it’s okay they can have my lunch I I really don’t care no seriously don’t give them your lunch you’re giving in yeah see she wants to give us her lunch yeah she’s just doing me a favor so like why don’t you just let us have it wait what do you mean hey give that back right now ow ow hey you can’t hit Amanda do you know how popular she is oh my hair stop pulling my hair she has 10,000 followers on Instagram just give back the tacos hey what’s going on in my class oh the teacher’s coming hey teacher help us she’s trying to steal her lunch you three stop fighting thank you for helping us um Miss biscuits and gravy I can’t believe you start to find in my class you to take attention now yeah they hurt my nails so much I watched the whole thing happened yeah I se it all with my own two eyes wait are you kidding me you guys started this fight teacher they started this fight and they tried to steal someone’s lunch and called her a nerd I don’t want to hear it out of my class no serves you right are you kidding me do I have to go to detention or something yes get out of my car what no no wanted to do art class are you kidding me sorry P attention with both of you get out of here no I’ve never been into detention before neither have I but I come sit around and do nothing you’re getting hit I can’t believe I have to go to the detention room Ruby I can’t C attention I’m going to I’m just going to go home yeah that’s okay just go home and relax or something yeah I’ll see you later stay safe all right students welcome to math today we’re going to be doing some manly math oo that sounds exciting cam I’m excited for manly math I’ve never done manly math before I’ve done normal math but not manly math yeah what is manly math you’ll find out um okay wait did you just write man on the Whiteboard hold on hold on wait uh G don’t forget we got to bring out our paper and pencil we have to take notes we cannot fail this class oh yeah you’re right you’re right you’re right you won’t be needing that and what what did the teacher just do a front flip what the and hold on what do you mean we won’t be needing this isn’t this how School works you write stuff on the Blackboard and we’re supposed to take notes well you’ll see what I’m talking about in a second oh um all right well I guess that’s cool we don’t have to write notes let’s go oh yeah less work for us just got to chill back and relax and uh oh no it’s the bullies again it’s the bullies again well well well look who it is wait teacher are these guys even part of our class they look older than us yeah these are my star pupils what does that mean it means we’re the best students ever what the why does this one sound like that I got hit in the head too many times well that doesn’t matter what matters is you’re going to give us your lunch and your lunch money as soon as possible who whoa wa dude I’m not giving you my lunch money okay neither is Kim teacher are you seeing this right now this guy’s trying to steal our lunch money oh then I taught him good what you taught them this they’re bullying us yo yo yo okay okay yo chill chill stay back stay back you know what Kim I I think the way this school works is you got to stand up for yourself yeah we’re going to beat these guys up take that take that you don’t want to mess with us yeah you may be bigger than us but we’ve got the fight I’m like a rabbit dog yeah yeah yeah yeah we don’t have punch we don’t have pun you stay back stay back all right uh stop fighting in my class or I’ll send you all to detention okay okay there we go I it seems like that worked now they’re not trying to steal our lunch just you wait I’m getting that lunch and that lunch money from you buddy what the heck is this guy’s problem all right well anyways George Jeff take a seat okay all right well anyways what’s man math what are we doing yeah that’s a good question what are we doing in this class if we’re not taking notes well first we’re going on a little field trip and wait we’re going on a field trip yo K we’re actually going on a field trip this is sick this is sick where are we going to we’re going out to the field we’re taking a trip out there ooh okay wait so we’re not going to the zoo no follow me this way wait cam I think there’s a different field trip than the zoo one that we had planned since we kind of Switched schools yeah I was excited for the zoo okay well this field trip I’m sure is going to be good too you said we’re going to the field right wow I guess it’s going to be like a real field trip yeah that’s why it’s called a field trip okay but hold on how do we do math on a field trip what what are we going to be doing are we just doing math on a field no just follow me this way I’ll let you know whenever it’s time for your first assignment uh oh um all right it looks like we’re going behind the school yo Jeff why are you getting so close to me I’m not giving you my lunch money dude I’m just sizing you up making sure you’re not uh you know too tough for your own Brites hey yo yo we’re tough we’re tough we could totally beat you up you might be a little bit taller than us but that just means you’re older and you’re weaker yeah hav you heard it’s not about the size of the dog it’s about the size of the fight and the dog I think yeah yeah all bark no bite that was stupid a why did you hit me teacher the bully’s punching us again we’ll stop aggravating them anyway we’re almost there keep following me okay okay well hold on you have an nice answer my question still what are we actually doing on this field trip how are we going to do math in a field and I told you I’ll answer it when we get there oh my gosh all right fine fine I guess let’s keep on going I’m stealing this chicken more protein what the wait are you just going to eat it raw yeah that’s how you eat chicken as a manly man oh oh um I don’t know about all that I think that’s kind of like bad for you and like bad for your stomach all right students pup quiz how much protein is in a chicken but I we supposed to know that well obviously it was 250 gram rect dash cam you guys uh you failed how are you supposed to know that yeah dude that was just a random chicken you picked up what if how do you even know that teacher with the size of my hands that doesn’t make any sense whatsoever the news dents are noobs what no we are not we are not noobs you’re you’re you’re a noob for sounding like that dude what are you why is your voice like that you making fun of me huh Noob come here okay we should probably stay away from those guys those guys seem like trouble let’s go teacher how long is this walk we’ve been walking for like 10 minutes it’s good exercise uh okay well hold on Are we almost at the end when are we actually going to like make it to the field trip we’ll be there when we’re there just keep following me and all right students here we are the Battle Zone and okay why are we in the middle of the forest what does this have anything to do with math well we’re having a little bit of a pop quiz well what’s the pop quiz yeah what’s popping today you see that bear over there um no and wait wait wait hold on why is there actually a bear over there I thought you were just kidding what the heck I wrestled it and put it there now quick math question how many punches does it take to defeat a bear what the wait that’s the math question that’s why we came all the way out here in the woods yep you have to guess correctly or else you fail no we’re totally going to get it right uh I say 100 punches 100 punches wait wait hold on hold on teacher are these like why is there a plank growing out of your head don’t worry about it I’m getting disguised okay okay but hold on is it going to be punches with our fist or like uh with like a sword or something if so what type of Sword well you’re a man right so you have manly fist oh okay so the punches with fist a dude you don’t have to punch me um all right in that case I’m going to guess 23 punches yeah that’s a lot dude I guess 50 didn’t you already guess 100 no that wasn’t my actual guess I was just taking a guess on a guess you said my guess was high and then you guessed like double my guess I never said it was high I just said it was maybe wrong all guys it’s obviously 73 punches what 73 okay hold on uh teacher have these guys already done this pop quiz before they’ve had a few training exercises and maybe have a little bit more knowledge than you a man okay well if they get it right and we don’t that that that’s why it’s rigged I think it may be around 67 oh gosh they’re guessing pretty high Cam hold on I kind of want to raise my guess my guess is the lowest out of the group yeah there’s no way a bear takes 20 punches and just goes I said 23 okay there still not much okay well anyways teacher what’s the answer we need to know we’re dying to find out well if you’re dying to find out the test subjects over there buddy and yeah I know that the bear is over there but how many punches does it take to hit it I don’t know let’s go find out wait wait why do you pick dude put me down put me down why are you bringing me next to the bear what is it dude you just put me next to a wild bear that is messed up this is man maath not normal math buddy what wait wait what’s going on yo why is the bear attacking me dude dash dash the bear is attacking you I think we’re about to find out how many punches it takes what the heck yo yo okay teacher I didn’t know that we were going to like actually find out how many punches it takes I thought you already knew the answer and you were going to tell us well every bear is different buddy so uh get to punching what the heck dude this is crazy okay um uh there we go one punch uh someone else can punch it now Jeff George why don’t you guys punch it oh no I’m not going to do that it looks like the bear is angry at you I’m fine dude what teacher can you can you do this bear I I’ve never actually practiced fighting a bear before couldn’t you have like started me off on fighting a chicken first not a whole bear sh I’m as still as a bush what the heck dude you just made me fight this bear and you’re hiding there as a bush cam can you come help me at least let’s go okay okay we got to beat up this a that’s two buches three punches four punches okay I’m not even keeping track anymore 6 7 8 9 10 karate beat it up beat it up don’t keep track of punches you guys just fight oh gosh ow this bear really hurts do we still have to do this oh gosh it’s chasing me wait that’s getting really low it’s not good oh gosh oh gosh okay you know what uh I Jam I think we might have to fail this pop quiz abort abort abort go go go I’m hiding on this tree over here the bear can’t get to us this way uh Dash uh you’re kind of wrong about that what the W and the bear climbed trees okay maybe if I get to the top of the tree he can’t follow me there yes no way the bear can climb up here are you guys really giving up uh yeah dude you sent us to fight a real bear don’t worry teacher we got it and wait wait wait hold on you guys are actually going to fight that bear guys I don’t think that’s a good idea I know you guys are bullies and all that but I wouldn’t really advise that they just killed the wait wa did they actually just kill it hold on yeah they full on killed it it’s not here anymore okay hold on how many punches did it take them to kill it they hit it in one what one hit okay well um we got it low yeah we we did we did most of the work um yeah teacher give us most of the credit for that we did most of the damage on that bear they they just stole the kill both Pop Quiz rules they were the one that kill it so they get the A+ oh man okay okay well hold on wait wait wait how many hits did it take to kill you were counting right teacher how many hits did it take who was the closest 23 wait a minute really hold on guys that’s exactly what I guessed let’s go I was right yep you’re right so you know what that means Jeff pass him the meat wait what oh there you go Yep this here is your prize for getting the answer right now eat it wait hold on this is the meat from the bear that we just killed yep sure is you can even still see some of the fur on it ew yeah I can see like little hairs on it okay well um this is kind of cool I guess I’ll um I don’t know what I’ll do with this maybe I can like donate it to the homeless shelter or something Ash I think he wants you to eat it what I’m not going to eat this it’s raw well come on you got the answer right so uh eat it what wait no I’m not going to eat this meat okay I got the answer right but uh can I pass it on to someone else cam do you want it no no no no no I’m not eating raw bare meat Jeff George do want you guys want the meat eat the meat what what dude I’m not eating the meat okay if one of you guys want this you can have it I’m not eating it no we’re not eating this meat this is all you buddy yeah eat the meat I’m not eating this meat you eat it George no I didn’t get the answer right you eat it eat the meat or you get 10 billion years of detention dude I am you know what um cam I think we should run go go go dude this class is crazy I don’t really like this idea of boys and girls school being separate this is weird this is is actually really bad K we got to run back to the school go go go there’s no way you can outrun me I have been training all my life I’m out of breath okay go go we got to out run them they’re bigger than us so we we can run faster run what am I supposed to do with this meat you know what I’m feeding it to that rabbit over there go go go dude come on hurry you dropped the meet that’s it when I get you it’s over dud the teacher is still following us Kim we got to go good thing this path is long wait Dash we should take a shortcut into the forest oh yeah good idea okay okay uh take a left go go go go go go go go go go is the teacher still following us and okay I think the teacher is still going on the path I think we’re good let’s just run back to the school and maybe we can like hide somewhere all right here’s the path come on this way okay okay back on the path but man this day has been absolutely insane hopefully our next class isn’t this bad I was not prepared for this I wanted to go to the Zoo oh man yeah this is not the zoo this is this is the Wilderness the natural zoo and okay here we are F we made it to the school but hold on hold on hold on before we go in we should probably wait for the rest of the class to go in I don’t want them to see me because the teacher said if I don’t eat the meat I’ll get like lots of detention how about we just like hide over here yeah let’s hide on like on top of a tree or in a bush so we don’t get caught yeah let’s just hide up on this tree until the rest of the class goes to the school this should be good don’t take your head out too far all right well I guess it’s time to go to detention hello where do I do here welcome to detention why does my teacher s like that well is it your first time yeah this is my first time in detention I’m a good student I’ve never been to anything like this before ah so you turn to a life of crime what no I haven’t I swear yeah yeah sir take this worksheet take a seat and once you finish it you can leave oh okay wait all I have to do is read that’s kind of nice no it’s not reading now sh work sheet huh what’s in here in that is a lot of worksheets wait there’s two pages are you kidding me it’s a word problem I don’t want to read wait how come you get to blow bubbles but I have to sit here and do math problems how is that any Fair because I’m the teacher and you’re the bad student hey hey stop it you’re bling bubbles in my face are you kidding me all right let’s see here 37 x22 well I mean X are they like dating or something I don’t get it John had 27 diamonds he took a test and multiplied them by 14 how many did he have uh hi what are you doing here wait what oh it’s you a look at that Amanda it’s poor little Ruby wait what are you guys doing here I thought you guys got away with bullying a person um that’s none of your business anyways Kendall let’s sit at the back of the classroom yeah I don’t want to be near her yeah she smells wait what the heck are you talking about I took a shower this morning all right well let’s just do these questions maybe I can get out of here quick they’ll have to do these questions too right okay let’s see here 420 – 420 * 0 what is that what does that make Kendall can you hear me uh yeah what do you want Amanda huh are they talking in detention I thought no no talking was AOW what if we sneak out of detention and then we do something exciting oh my gosh Amanda you were like the smartest person ever but how are we going to do that I know right well I was thinking that we should go and pull a prank on a boy’s School wait what they want to do a one not ooh that sounds like it’s going to be so much fun we just need to get out of this lame Place wait I want to get out of detention too if I go with them would they let me sneak out with them hey hey hey I heard you guys talking about doing a prank on the boy school could I come too actually um H I don’t know are you cool enough or something like that yeah I thought you were like some sort of goodie T shoes or something uhuh I’m not a goody two shoes I can pull pranks I do pranks all the time like uh one time I put a steak into Dash’s shoe that was pretty funny well I guess that you can come with us all right well before we talk about the plan we all have to sneak out so all of you just say that you have to go to the bathroom okay oh okay that sounds like a pretty smart idea wait but wait won’t we get caught or something are you worried about getting caught that is so lame wait no no I’m not lame oh what’s the matter girly can’t lie no I can lie to all um yeah I can do that oh yeah well why don’t you prove it to us by sneaking out first oh well I can do that yeah oh just give me a second and I’ll ask the teacher to leave um okay let’s see if you can do this goody too shows yeah I can totally do that um hey teacher I I need to go to the bathroom like really bad it’s an emergency uh can I go please it might take a while sure but be back you have to complete the worksheet before the end of the day oh yeah I’ll definitely complete the worksheet uh all the problems are way too hard for me to do okay guys I’ll meet you in the bathroom um all right wait which way is the bathroom is it this way I don’t remember okay um this is it right I’ll go into this one right here and then I’ll hide right here I’m washing my hands gosh when are they going to get here man where are they hurry up oh hi Amanda hi Kendall okay hi I can’t believe you made it goody to shoes yeah somebody’s got a little bit of a spark in her oh yeah I told you I could do bad things or uh cool things this isn’t really bad is it I don’t want to break any rules wow you are funny but gather up everyone I’m going to tell you the plan for the prank oo okay okay so what we’re going to do is we’re going to release a bunch of spiders into the boy school oh my gosh that is so evil yeah wait that does sound kind of evil isn’t that really really bad what this is just going to be super duper funny don’t you know how many boys are scared of spiders in that school they’re all so silly don’t you want to see them all scream like little girls well I’m actually friends with some of the boys in that school so I’m not really sure ew you’re friends with the boys yeah wait what I thought you were like a girls girl or something when I am a girls girl uh this prank is totally fine I think that they can handle it sweet okay Kendall did you bring the stuff of course I did it’s right here huh is that a jar of something what is that oh this this is the jar of spiders that we’re going to release into the school oh gosh are you guys sure that we can’t release like tennis balls on the floor people like accidentally trip and fall on it or something this is kind of messed up is she like stupid or something I know right okay okay no no never never mind this is fine this is a great Great Prank Amanda you’re like a genius or something Amanda’s like the best person ever don’t you know she’s the most popular girl here oh stop it stop it no sir seriously stop it sorry Ameda okay we’re going to go to the other school and we’re going to start this prank come on okay all right I hope that no one Catches Us leaving the school that would be super bad oh man it’s been a while that we’ve been hiding up on this tree has the rest of the class gone inside yet I don’t think so maybe they got lost and wait wait hold on look they’re right over there they’re right over there okay now’s our time we got to hide we got to hide yeah we just got to hide from them and then try and hide from them for the rest of the day all right where are these puny little wimps uh I don’t know they probably are hiding in the bathroom or something yeah let’s go check and Di wait they’re leaving and did they really just call us puny little wimps we are not puny wimps we did most of the punches on that bear but all right I guess they’re inside we should probably follow them but we got to stay far far away from them I do not want to get caught and go to detention yeah how long do we have left at the school day I kind of want to go home already I don’t know Kim that was our first class remember we still got like a few more classes left a man we’re going to be here forever okay well hopefully the rest of the classes aren’t as bad as this one I I’m sure the next class will be better hopefully I guess we’ll see what the heck is that uh get out uh wait what’s going on wait k that’s our class that’s our class we should hide run get out of here get out of here what the heck spider and huh wait what did they they just ran past us did they not see us or something yeah I don’t think so I they they they seem scared like they were running from something what the heck wait I think they were running from spiders look at that they dropped a bunch of spider stuff around here what the wait they were scared of spiders that’s it just spiders we literally all fought a bear together and they’re running away from spiders okay um that’s kind of weird I guess let’s head inside and see what’s going on yeah that was kind of weird all right well I’m glad we don’t have detention or anything um I guess we just keep going I don’t see any spiders around here yeah they were screaming about spiders I don’t see anything oh my gosh this is so funny wait wait you hear that it sounds like girls so funny wait that sounds like Ruby as well what are the girls doing here wait wait wait you’re right where are they wait they’re right over there hold on a minute that’s where all the spiders are guys can we take the spiders out no I think this is funny enough um the boys haven’t even come out yet wait what’s going on on here oh wait hold on hold on are they the ones spawning in the spiders wait wait wait Ruby what are you doing here with all these other girls guys this isn’t a good place Toby the spiders are going to you what the are you guys letting loose these spiders go get them spiders looks like we got our first victims what’s going on here why is there so many spiders all over the place what the heck is going on okay I can see why the rest of the class ran out of the school now we should probably get out of this place they’re all trying to bite me yeah Ruby what’s going on oh gosh I’m so sorry I’m so sorry guys Ruby what is wrong with you and your new friends what is going on did you prank the boy School of course we pranked the boy school because all boys are gross what the we are not gross Ruby explain this right now what is happening you you used to never prank people um um well I just wanted to fit in cuz I wasn’t making that many friends and these bullies were the only people I could become friends with so just uh go with it okay huh all right girls point in laugh this is so funny this is not funny what is going on here and oh oh the principal is here um cam we should probably stay away from this we don’t want to make it look like we did this oh gosh principal help us the girls put a bunch of spiders in the boy school oh my gosh yeah it was the girls it was the girls it wasn’t us what you guys are telling on me oh um it was everyone except for Ruby uh oh all right Kendall it’s time to scram leave Ruby behind so she can take the blame yeah we’re out of here see you loser see you loser wait what you guys are going to leave me behind I can’t believe you would do this Ruby I really thought you were better well but this wasn’t my idea I was just going with it cuz they me wait wa wait hold on hold on I think I know what’s going on here Ruby you were just going along with those girls cuz you didn’t make any friends you know what principal I don’t think this idea of having a boys and girls school is a good idea I think I like our old school better yeah I don’t have any friends at the other school except for one person and then she got bullied and then she went home yeah we had to fight a bear yeah it was not fun you guys had to do one else yeah this is certainly not good I’m going to have to have a talk with those girls and I think we’re going to go back to normal school wait really I would really really like that I could I could hang out with you guys again yeah yeah same here I think if we go back to normal school that’ be a lot better can we move away from these spiders these are so annoying yeah I’d like to move away from them too they’re really gross yeah everybody go home I’ll call Pest Control the school will be open tomorrow oo school’s out early let’s get out of this place oh I think I have a spider calling on me oh get it up I need a flamethrower there’s nothing on you C and gosh that was a horrible first day of school and oh man your day was horrible too so was ours we had to literally fight a bear yeah well I had to deal with bullies all day so did we we did too yeah but you don’t know about girl bullies they’re really really really mean oh yeah but Ruby I think a bear is a lot meter a bear is fine at least you can fight a bear you can’t fight girls you’ll get in trouble uh I don’t know about all that that was pretty crazy and if you want to watch the next video then click on the video on the screen right now

Going to BOYS vs GIRLS School in Minecraft

This video Dash, Ruby and Cam have their school split up into a boys school and girls school! How will their days go at their new schools? Watch till the end to find out!

#minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash


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