Girls vs Boys on 1 Minecraft Block

today we got the boys on one block versus the girls on one block both teams can break their blocks to gain Loot and unlock the most insane sky islands where we can buy Minecraft’s most overpowered items so then fight in the ultimate one block dead match now are you on the boy side or the girl side whff we’re the men here are you ready to take down the dumb girls look at them bro they think they’re look at them they’re peasants oh that they have they’re only on one block bro they we’re on five down you’re going we’re not on five blocks we’re one blue blocks listen inside the head we’re inside the head yeah yeah whatever yeah yeah look at those losers over there they look so silly they so dumb stinky blue we got pink yeah they’re stupid little pink blocks I want pink I love pink look at them they’re looking oh what is kipley doing what is kle doing she has eyeballs bro what is wrong with your girl what’s wrong with you all right you guys are clearly meant to be go go go go go go do you want to break it first no no you you go break it you break it go go go go who’s going to break go first okay okay ready ready I don’t know if this is going to work 3 2 1 oh okay build got this got this got this don’t fall don’t F we’re going to build a nice base okay not bad all right here I’m going to break it again we got my blue concrete all right you know what here dude you’re you’re good at building you you build all right okay I’m I’m extending the entire area here take this take this no thr it off you idiot you had one joke Che pattern look it’s so cute oh my goodness beautiful wait should I hang on to the grass then we have a farming area yeah we can make a garden yo their Island looks better than ours already oh quick dude we can’t we can’t worry we got some stone golden apple gold app split split split nice got I got you water Bucket Place it place it just in case we fold I’m place it right there there you go come on oh we got some we got some saplings we got four oh my gosh okay okay okay Bet what you saw that right yo I saw particles when you shifted hold on you’re telling me if I just twerk oh my gosh it works oh my gosh I twerked on the woodzy pause don’t quote me on that get wood Qui go go go go go okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I have an idea okay what’s happening what’s happening yo we just got dude let’s go dude these girls are going down okay Andy is definitely not going to beat me you can’t let kiple beat you right well no we’re not losing oh my gosh wait I think they figured out the twerking too dude wait hold on Big Brain I’m going to go for the middle one 3 2 1 I’m breaking get it oh I got it okay okay okay okay I got this one too all right never mind maybe we’re cracked no get that yes I got it I got it nice nice nice nice teamw I’m on breaking Duty we got wood okay you picked it up maybe you want to make a oh we got a lava generator oh my gosh okay wait how do we do this that’s all you I’m not going to look like an idiot you don’t know how to make a call generator now I have 19 wood the logical thing SL yeah oh my gosh okay see I don’t even think the girls thought of that yeah look at them they have no slabs Qui they don’t even have wood they don’t even have wood bro they’re n they’re peasants they’re holding a stick small island you guys got over there dude they’re going to get so mad wow yeah and I called them a loser look they’re using slabs that’s lowkey smart wait I’m getting so much Stu wait wait wait dude oh my gosh I got honey cookies our island is going to be the coolest and at the end of the video we’re going to have to fight them so we got to make sure do we lowkey build like some fire area and lowkey hold on here dude keep it up with the slabs that’s all my wood though don’t waste all of it I’m going to keep breaking though what the sus yo I got a MOS yo it looks like you okay oh oh my gosh wait wait wait did they get that hold on can I can I right click oh my gosh Qui I just right clicked the wind charge yo she’s suffocating oh my gosh she’s suffocating I’m throwing a wind charge over there come on come on come on come on come on come come on no no she ESC wait is that next us yo wao wo we’re being attacked how are they doing that wait what what are they doing oh wait they’re shooting you back they shoo watch out watch out watch out oh my gosh quick dude oh my gosh hey hey hey wait peace peace dude there py what do we need Co for I don’t know but we definitely oh wait wait we got more blocks we needed block box bro to make the cobblestone generator the Cobble gen okay I got this bro it’s going to be the sexiest cobblestone generator you’ve ever seen in your entire life if it turns into obsidian I’m disowning you as a friend okay dude I’m telling you right now next level pressure why would you do that to me I think it’s supposed to be like that I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to break one no wait please tell me it works please tell me it works it works oh my god let’s go dude the only thing is oh I don’t know if this was a smart qu the lava’s right next to where we get our drops um here I’m going to make the furnace I got a cobblestone you want to drop me your your thingy myob uh your coal I think you’ve got like a a lot of coal right yeah I got two coal blocks there you go oh dude that is fire okay yeah and I’m going to go ahead and smell our eight iron dude this is going to be so insane wao Qui what did you get I don’t know what this is It’s a confetti can all right we need to make an area where we put cool stuff okay yeah let’s expand it right here 3 2 1 we need a huge Garden so we can plant all the trees can the Cobblestone stop burning in the lava my goodness you got this deep breaths deep breaths no no no deep breaths you got this let it out let it out let it out let it out on take it out on oh did you just bark I understand your frustrations now I don’t like it I need it to stop like it to stop please like why ises it keep happening boom Oh wait wait what oh that’s all it is oh it’s cute I don’t know if they can see this but keep spaming the button go go I’m spaming it I’m spaming it I’m spaming it oh they’re not they don’t really care they don’t care they don’t care all right whatever dude oh my God you’re trying to Yo she’s trying to snip us too watch out quick oh my gosh oh my gosh watch out hey hey hey she broke the block for us wait dude this this breaks block it just broke the one block I swear I just got 15 concrete oh my God I got two more golden apples here here what the heck is this oh that’s so to do with the trial you know okay here if if you know what they are like but but it doesn’t work I need I need trial Keys you mean these yes okay yeah play this on the cool side okay what does it do I right clicked it we get some cool loot wo wao wait arrows you got you got the worst loot you can probably get okay from me key you can only use it once oh wa wait wait oh we could get I got diamond armor I me Tech technically it was my diamond gear but we’re on a team so it’s completely fine yeah sorry you got yours am I extending this area holy crap quiff I don’t know which one to use it on bro the loot looks good on on both of these I’m feeling this one you like that one had a boat I’m so sad we don’t know how the confetti cannon works I I really want to figure that out and it makes me sad that we don’t know we might need like fireworks or something Andy what what did you get what did you get what did you get what did you get what did you get diamonds no no okay okay okay I got this twerk on it first B come on come on come on bow what B oh no bow I got an Infinity book that might actually just be better we should wait we should build a tower area maybe like in this back area dude the girls are going to notice our Tower and get so jealous that Island looks so bad compared to ours I know yeah ours is definitely a flag wait I just realized dude I’m taking a lot you can’t eat the Among Us the Among Us is food suy Baka suy Baka wait if we got the Among Us food what did they get wait and they just got diamonds now they just got diamonds no way yo we’re so far behind yo break the block ging I got more keys wait dude quiff quiff quiff quiff quiff quiff Qui is this what we talking about I’m going to give them to you bro I’m going to give them to you is is is something happening what what what what no it’s not working these are the normal trials we don’t have even with a potion okay we’ll just save them we’ll save them for later in the video maybe they’ll work on fire put it out wait that’s actually such a fire hazard our whole thing’s basically made of wood oh no what did they make wait what is that they they they made a tower they made a freaking Tower don’t worry we’re going to make like a castle tower it’s going to be better than there there we go literal Castle mode and it’s perfect too bro let’s go my OCD is saved don’t worry cyborg Army everything is even with our build uh bonic I think they’re making a tower or they’re making a castle what oh my God they’re actually making what the heck all right look at this look at this it’s the first little oh my God thing it’s so cute all right now hear me out what if yes what if we move our grass area ooh the fences you’re so smart low key yeah yeah we can never get hit off that yeah 200 IQ bro okay not going to lie Qui they might be cooking with their build bro we buil we built a freaking castle tower they’re building an actual castle bro all right we got so much cheese cooking up right now dude we’re stacked we are actually so stacked quick and I just got some more coal let’s go POG we got more grass I don’t know if we need the grass but here I drop it through you I got a bell wait what the heck and now I just got a bedrock says one block checkpoint once obtained a new island will generate wait what with it’s beautiful what is that dude I don’t know but we got to get to an ASAP and look the girls don’t even have their first island yet let’s go oh oh they have an island what what are you talking about they looks like a gym look come here come here come here what the heck wait it does look like is that a dumbbell oh no way you know what I’m glad I’m glad they got a gym they’re going to need it going to they need to work out to beat us to beat us yeah they’re going to need it they’re going to need to increase our muscles to beat us speed Bridge quit no all right we don’t have to talk about that what I meant to say is feed Bridge all right R was that what is that okay it’s it’s a shiny Bedrock one block checkpoint once obtained a new island will generate you know what this means we get a girls Island we get a gy are we going to get a gym I hope not I hope we get a gym oh watch out no I got him I got him yeah oh my God I hat these girls dude we got to go we got to go we got to go we got to go we got to go oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God go we’re so close we’re so close all right our second tower is basically done is it done is it done oh let me go see it oh it’s so cute oh wait care turn around what is that and oh boy what is that I’m jumping for it oh dude I made it wait wait dude they also have an island how did we not see that I have no what the heck is that behind you I swear hold up I swear I just saw what the Y who is this guy wait he looks kind of cute he can’t even dude he can’t even jump over a block wait bro get him beat him up beat him up this is the speediest I can Bridge oh it’s so beautiful I see chickens or ducks or something no this looks like a gym and wh oh my gosh there’s items inside of here SC this there’s a boxing ring Qui yo this place is sick there’s tons of sick I blocked for Anvil Hammer no way wait how much iron do we I only have three how much pieces of iron do you have I have three we are broke wait a second yeah we totally I’ll distract this guy distract the the short gym people the the short gym buff guys actually robbing this and then come on dude this is totally worth it boom wait what okay oops I missed oh my gosh a hammer that embodies the peak of Jim Forge strange wait dude this must be like an insane pickaxe oh my dude it actually drills so fast what oh my gosh the golden meat dude honestly I’m thinking I’m going to buy it I’m going to buy the golden meat Le got cuteness overload okay those girls are just probably doing the stupidest thing right now they’re not about to get golden meat oh my gosh gosh and look at all these flowers this is so prettying the Ducks I can pet them the golden meat I’m not quiff oh my goodness I’m huge dude I get resistance to saturation and strength oh my oh no there you go I’m I’m short again dude wait low kywi this golden meat just look at it so juicy is way better than golden apples we got to trade dude I think we got go back to our Island and just come back and literally Farm the golden meat bro but if we got this what did the gills get are you looking at what I’m we can get butterfly all we need is 12 feathers oh I know what I need to do let’s get them feathers yes I I can make another one we can get another golden meat we can get more golden meat uh quiff I don’t want to alarm you I think I just saw kipley lying no way what the W dude they have yo they’ve got fairy wings oh my yo we’re cooked yo we’re cooked we got to get this golden meat we got to get this gold me yes fly oh my God this is the most fun I’ve ever had in my entire life we we’re so overpowered dude this is like not I like how you just broke it there you go I got another golden me leave the dumb JY we got to grind the one block ender pearl end Pearl that’s huge we can use this dude hopefully we get more what is this farmor Joe spawn what the hell everything everything we get from the one block though is for a reason we how do we get grass okay okay I’m sure we’ll figure it out dude like somewhat I’m just heading over here oh my God quiff is so smart I have the best teammate ever and now we don’t have to eat amus talking to quiff Andy God my girlfriend is pretty smart though but not today she’s going down no Andy what if when they’re gone we fly over the island like literally how are they going to stop us they they can’t and we have our glitter blades so we can just destroy them but we should we should try and do it like secretly because yeah yeah yeah we got to be sneaky yeah we don’t want them to like retaliate but maybe maybe we go over there and either steal stuff or maybe we maybe that’s we do an L but we write it in our pink yeah we just need to get oh my gosh okay okay Qui Qui Qui Qui I got two oh make a hoe they’re over there we got to go grab them just kidding if K Andy is watching this video bro I’m cook it’s over wait why did I make a diamond hoe oh my gosh I you wasted D you know that’s karma that’s karma for what I just said earlier whatever dude all right yeah you’re on twerk Duty you’re on twerk Duty here you go bro you’re a genius oh my gosh and then if you just dude you’re insane you’re actually the torque Master Supreme I just got this I just got two more vaults these are the the the the the Flaming ones my goodness leave a like gang ging gang oh no I’m cooked I’m cooked Bo gang ging gang please I’m going to open at the same time I’m going to open oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh go wait I got the ma I got the heavy core I I got diamond axe oh my gosh I got Diamond axxe okay D wait that that was actually huge that dude that was epic boys up boys up okay come on come on dude the one block is dropping insane stuff I just got three beacons quit I got three beacons wait I got I got a god Apple I got a got got can you hear me quiff I can hear you hello what what no no no no no no no oh my God oh my God they shot they’re shooting at me they’re shooting at me I know they are I know they are they have some sort of like sword bro they have a blade you have do you have the beacon I have yeah I have the three beacons on me where did you want to place it you’re a genius you made Emerald blocks take that you dumb girls we got ourselves a beacon oh we worked we got speed now oh dude that’s going to be huge no we’re actually insane bro we’re getting so many blocks too we could probably build like a crazy castle and wait how much OBS I have 34 obsidian as well bro I’m telling you oh my gosh Qui I just got another unblock checkpoint you know what that means bro that looks insane it looks like a game machine right yeah yeah all those gold blocks wait Qui we’re actually dude this is over watch out though the girls dude they could fly and they have the stupid wind charges bro okay here you keep an eye out okay I I hope they don’t fly over to Island I’m trying to bridge like all smart like you know what I’m saying so they can’t lowkey get me and all right I’m jumping in oh we made it we made it let’s go dude they’re totally jealous that we got another Island oh my God yeah get all the gold blocks wait Andy I think they just got another Island oh no are you serious how are they always so far ahead it looks like arcade they have an arcade this is this is getting ridiculous we need to catch up yeah all the cheese wait quiff there’s ladders up here bro hold on a second I’m going up I’m going up I’m going up I see name tags dude there’s items down there there’s items down there I go go go go go Qui go what is this wa dude this is an arcade look look at this wao what is this wait wait wait wait wait wait wait dude you broke the game screw this man what’s down go down go down go down all the way oh what my goodness is this dude an 8 bit Cannon please tell me you have Emerald blocks let’s go oh my gosh and then oh my goodness a turbo board dude I got the beacons hold on here take one take one take one make the sky your SK your skate part how did you even manage that how did you even do that y i i Haven forgot about what you did okay shut up bro hold on I’m getting out of here they’re over at the this is the perfect time should we fly over there we go low we go low so they don’t see us okay okay ready let’s go we got to we got okay went the Tre the Tre make an L I’m going to look through their chest cuz yeah I don’t want to place this inside of here I want to place it out here and if I do that oh my goodness bro Qui qu I’m riding the hoverboard oh my goodness yeah let’s go dude dude oh my gosh hold on a second yeah I still need to get this the 8 bit Cannon hold on let me twerk real quick oh my gosh bro I have 55 emeralds wait there you go I have six blocks bro dude let’s go all right I’m going to get on my hoverboard bro this is so sick quick the girls are definitely going to get jealous look at us they have a little butterfly wings but we have a hoverboard and it’s blue like bionic okay I’m going to park it right there okay I guess that’s the only bad thing it could get stolen so we got to be very careful but oh oh my gosh we got it dropping the dumb magma blocks there you go dude what the heck is this it’s literally a like rainbow thing what the oh my gosh I’m going to hit you tell me if this hurts oh my gosh oh my oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh dude that thing freaking stings they are not ready dude yeah they’re actually not ready okay okay okay okay wait what what what what what what wait what wait oh no they already came to our Island all right they want to play boys raid go go go boys raid [Applause] hello oh my gosh the flyby Works wait what is going on here yo yo yo yo yo what is this get out of here get out get out get out get out get out get out wait how did Hy die dude that was successful that was a successful raid let’s go okay okay okay okay okay I’m so excited look behind you what what what oh that’s a the island what the heck a puffer fish dude wait I’m getting R we no no you know how we got Jim they they got Spa they literally have a sp they’re inside they’re inside already what the heck what kind of pickaxe is that look it’s got a star on it Miner it’s so pretty and what’s this Inferno hair dryer wait do we still have those Fire charges oh there there is a SAA and we yes we do wait did you hear that okay okay listen Bic I’m on a mission I’m going to go steal the diamonds he’s a genius he’s going to go steal the Diamonds oh my gosh okay I’m going to grind the one block cuz guys it looks like we’re getting random items if you guys have been enjoying so far you guys got to smash the like button and the balls a warden spawn egg they’re in a peaceful Little Spa right watch this watch this is there someone else at our base God what what I’m out I’m out it worked it worked Warden on Andy oh my god dude she’s going to break up with me I swear it’s over now at their peaceful Spa they have a little cute Warden got a stack of bells what oh my gosh no way right there you see is that what I think it is it is that means another Island what is that it looks like a stadium oh my gosh go go go go go go go surf surf board we don’t even have to light them on fire from up top we can start the fire from below them yes but also what is that freaking football stadium wait let’s go now let’s go now then okay wait yeah they they just left they just left go go go go go go go oh gosh you’re right that thing is’s huge oh oh my oh my I am destructive I am destructive in nature you are I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m leaving we’re gone we’re gone G we’re gone oh this looks crazy wo wo what is this wa football gear baseball bats bro oh my goodness wait I don’t have any diamonds bro wait a second over there look at that blocks there so many diamonds yeah dude easy quiff that’s a trap chest okay it’s got to spawn somewhere and I I see it oh my I mean it’s hard to miss it’s the mall this thing is huge look at it do you want to go shopping yeah I want to go shopping let’s go is oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh bro bro brooooo bro wait he can’t be that tough It’s a linebacker yeah get him get them hold on you distract them you distract them bro oh my god dude quiff is barely doing any damage get the Diamonds the boat’s not working quiff I don’t have enough Diamonds oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh wait I think kly they just acted an angry Mall Cop it’s a literal Minecraft girl Mall look at this it’s all pink wait wait wait wait there’s a boss wait wait wait Andy I see it I see it oh my gosh carefully might do a lot of damage oh he does do a lot of damage he does wait Andy you just let the ball on fire she’s a Pyromania get him get him yeah double team him he’s chasing me don’t step on me okay hold on the guy is on you how many chest plates you have I I I can make two I can make two chest plates you got it let’s go boom Oh my gosh I got the football gear too okay oh my goodness bro yo look at me I look sick and oh my gosh I could just twerk with for for wood quiff keep distracting him 192 sticks for a baseball bat what okay no no no no no no I don’t know how many sticks that is but it should be easy it should be really easy no keep going Qui we got the baseball bat yo this thing is epic Gamers beat him up beat him up seven attack damage wait dude this is better than our Anvil and oh my goodness yo wait he dropped more diamonds in another Diamond chest plate and what is this NE cap wow he was part of the girls team clearly wait so what even was in this chest a foot and a and a ball we got to make the touchdown go go go go go go now that we killed the giant linebacker woohoo we did it definitely cheating but but you know it works yeah yeah whatever what is this it’s Strawberry Shortcake we need three we need three cake for that oh my gosh that is the most beautiful cake I’ve ever seen in my life look at the strawberries I love strawberries right now wait I found one cake so we got to look around for more look there’s one right here on the floor it’s like a little cake scavenger hunt wait how how are you finding these I’m a blood hound I I sniffed out cake cake back to our Island no quiff what did the girls do bro bro our Island’s gone they burned everything oh dude this is not good this is not good I don’t even know how to get back on it okay there you go I’m parking my thing right here dude no wait we’re actually cook bro we only have 2 minutes left until the death match starts until PVP I guess is enabled or whatever I’m patching this up I’m patching this up this is not good bro no they killed Farmer Joe no how could they they are devils I hate to do this but I have to use pink concrete man whatever oh no PVP be enabled Qui we got to watch out we got to watch out we got watch out we got to watch out nous nervous I’m nervous I’m nervous okay okay okay okay hold my hand quiff I want to kiss what all right I don’t know I’m nervous me bro what what do you mean you two we got to focus we got to focus bro yeah they have some fancy swords I’m not too worried are they going to fly dude if they fly honestly I said we make a run for it wo wo wo wo wo wo Andy Andy just held TNT too all right give me a second I need to quickly grab my food okay oh wait oh no time no time for food go go go go go they come they came they came they came g g get on your board oh my gosh okay there we go yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah let him come to us let him come to us where’d they go I don’t see him oh I see him over here hold on a second I’m going try and get a shot in I’m going to trying to get a shot in come on wa wait wait wait don’t waste Don’t Waste Your Wings Don’t Waste Your Wings no they’re they’re shooting things at us they’re shooting their Island go over there we can’t shoot hold on a second dude she has to fly right she has to fly well what if I go inside of here yeah yeah yeah she follows me inside come on come on come on follow me inside get follow me inside wait Andy’s inside Andy’s inside the gym go go go go go go go go go go go go attack attack go go go go go go oh they’re coming they’re coming golden meat time yeah oh my gosh oh my gosh get lit on fire get L on fire IDI get lit on fire idiot no no G you shot me you bot it’s time for the cake Andy eat the cake for come on die kly oh my God they’re me too I’m on fire I’m on fire don’t worry don’t worry I know what to do I’m blowing this whole thing up oh my gosh idiot idiot know what to do come on come on come on come come come wait Gamers I just muted up dude if I can break her wings then she won’t be able to fly again oh no no no no get stupid football play Come on come on why you running why you running she’s low she’s low she’s low okay wait Qui taking a little bit damage not going to lie oh my gosh oh my gosh I’m going to get back in my CF board yeah where you going where you going huh yeah let’s just have a nice little relaxed time in here golden meat time n no no oh my God you little right I can’t even fit out of here dude you got to be kidding me come on come on if I can lure one of the girls inside of the dumb Spa It’s Over The Inferno haird dryer wait I can buy it oh my gosh girl power I’m doing it I don’t even care yeah girl power why are you running why are you running get Andy get Andy she’s low she’s low she’s low Go Let Her Escape ES oh my gosh get on it I’m running I’m running I’m running wait did it break the wings broke you has to be close to dead there’s no way there’s no way oh my gosh we got her it’s only kly left get away from me watch out watch out watch out watch out whff oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh no no way no way your teammate down no he’s not dead he’s not dead he’s going to come back he’s going to come back my hoverboard oh my gosh there’s another one over here where are you la no way no way no way no no no no I’m low I’m actually low stop oh my gosh I can’t even I can’t even keep track of you oh my God you’re so annoying you’re actually so annoying right now dude stop stop oh my gosh I thought that was it I thought that was it I thought that was it no no no no no no no K you r k not the TNT oh my gosh Come on come on come on come on wait my wigs my wigs no not like this die take this come on there’s no way there’s no way oh my gosh wait no no no no what wait I ate it though wait I knew it the game glitched I didn’t die I’m alive but but but it says I’m dead what no no no no no we need a rematch girls Dro bro boys win I died to a glitch subscribe for more boys versus girls

Girls vs Boys on 1 Minecraft Block

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