My Quest for 20 Hearts

This Is The Life still SMP the server where every time you kill a player you steal their permanent heart and I just joined the server with the go to be the first player to reach the max of 20 Hearts so I can stand out from the servers Del as players is one of the best and as the server started racing to get Hearts I knew I couldn’t let anyone reach 20 first now to help me on my quest for 20 Hearts I decided to team with my friend named main pair and create a team named the blindfold Brothers all right it’s time it’s time bro it’s time a fair and while PVP was temporarily disabled on the server for 1 hour the two of us decided we would need to get stats gear since not only do you gain hearts with kills but you also lose hearts on death meaning dying will only put me farther away from 20 hearts and if we aren’t geared enough that could easily happen so we decided to look for villages so we could trade for gear but players are stealing all of the villages bro I know you think you’re all that I know you think you’re so good get out of here right now look at me I’m unbeatable right now you’re not even you don’t even look cool no this minute oh my gosh get out here a minute oh someone’s here I think who is that it’s a w what why is he conquering this Village since all the nearby Villages were stolen and the grace period was tiing we instead decided to resort to mining for gear and later would come and look for an unlooted Village and after spending the next hour mining diamonds and fully enchanting our Gear with the grace period over we were ready to go get some hearts yeah actually we need to go to spawn these are free Hearts you see the reason why the first day of the server is the best time to get Hearts is because not only is this a time where the most players are online at once but this is a time where players are mad week bro meaning I needed to use this early stage of the server to gain as many hearts as possible because later it’s going to be um much harder so me and M per started rushing towards the server spawn typically one of the most populated places on the server at the beginning until we passed by one of the villages we saw earlier and remember the player could still be there which means the chance at getting a heart there a village up here wait wimu might still be here wait wimo is here oh he’s so cute don’t kill him yo wimo my friend yo what’s good now wimu the player at this Village is one of the weaker players on the server meaning killing him for a heart wouldn’t be impressive which proving I’m one of the best players is the reason why I even want 20 hearts and me and Main PA actually saw an alliance being more valuable and actually giving us more Hearts than just killing him for a heart now and that’s because not only does he have good villagers who PR too but we know the more greedy players who don’t really care about being honorable will easily come to this Village while wimo is trading and drop him because they know he’s a free kill but this is what we need because it’ll bring the enemies to us which equals hards so we knew if anyone came to attack wimo we would need to help him by any means necessary if you need if if you’re getting jumped uh you should have messaged me or mess I don’t know okay okay we would love hearts and with this Alliance created we decided to keep exploring looking for more Hearts now apart from this naked player at spawn that I didn’t really see the point of killing we couldn’t find anyone so in the meanwhile we decided to improve our gear by heading to the nether for potions and gold but whilst we were too far away in the nether wimo was actually killed by a player named leoa who is pretty skilled meaning if we see him it’s on site not really because he uh kill wimo but more because your boy needs some hearts so in the meanwhile we gathered gold for golden apples and Blaze Ross for potions and headed to the Overworld definitely without any close calls oh my God oh I looked at the chat then we found an unlooted Village created a stream duper and uh started trading dup stream for emeralds not really caring if it was allowed or anything or caring to ask I mean like bro why why would we sell snitch bro we we’re eating up bro and we actually got pretty staged but uh randomly whilst we were grinding gear main pair was randomly messaged by a player named clown pierce the server’s deadliest player I’m just message me you guys geared say kind of I don’t want to say anything why cuz I don’t know if he’s what he’s trying to do now the deadliest player on the server asking whether we’re geared or not is not a very settling thing dog who knows he could be asking to see if we’re like easy kills or something that was our suspicion until the true reason was revealed there a team taking over Leo’s base right now okay I think we should VC with him I’m not going to lie heyo what’s up what’s so they’re base is getting taken over I’m like yeah it wasar I’m geared nearby but like it’s minute mayck uh spoke all Chief yeah I want some Arts bro apparently Leo’s base was being attacked by a five player team named The Empire now Leo is a player who killed wimo so I could just say no I’m good but I wanted hearts and helping in this fight could possibly land me in main pair in Alliance with the delias player so after assuring main pair that this was a good idea and enchanting a few more pieces of gear oh my God me and Main pair Rush directly to the fight against men team especially since I wanted to be the first player to 20 hearts and there were players who were already beating me I needed to pick up the pace yeah we got we got too much over to be uh dodging fights guys you with me or what yeah I’m with you okay oh the armies are converging oh boy can you look up oh that’s not you that’s not you that’s MCH oh my God Ser where are you guys where are you guys we’re coming yo I got some here remember the we’re mid fight 16 oh I see him I see back up back up hold on hold they’re behind us they’re behind us it’s us it’s us it’s us it’s okay come on come on come on they don’t have a boat one of them doesn’t have a boat J I don’t think they have a boat don’t don’t let him get in the oh this is a water fight bro what is this oh this not fun it’s okay I got speed I got speed I got speed I can gu yes I’m like hitting J he’s not can someone boost me nice good good let’s go so okay oh gosh he’s got a lot of Gap sorry nice good job we managed to take down these few players but I wasn’t able to get any kills meaning I didn’t gain any hearts which was starting to become a problem because the amount of players who had more Hearts than me started to increase which means the odds of me being the first player to reach 20 Hearts was much much lower but that was all about to change because we managed to follow Leo the player who killed wimu back to his base which meant now I knew exactly where he was and even though he had a full team of five that could possibly help him and they could possibly kill me resulting in me losing a heart me and Main per just didn’t care all right who’s who’s on y I’m be jumped oh oh my God they’re betraying they’re betraying they’re betraying they’re betraying oh my God bro hey W get back for wimo bro on business on business buiness on our business BR one time one more time for good measure right y’all are offs y’all are freaking offs hey you killed wimo bro that’s what happens I mean you’re so on floor you want to go get it no it’s in my inventory oh no with these two kills I was now on 12 hearts and now we just started beef with two whole teams in just a few seconds but before we can think about what we just did main pair bumped into the rest of Leo’s team I see Hannah I see Hannah should I kill her I see W as well I’m doing it and while main pair was solo that entire team I managed to find another heart for [Music] myself I found 4C should I kill him he’s building a base he’s shaking his head no I need hearts playing bro [Music] yo man let’s get out of here bro we eating up bro me and M per were eating up so many hearts but that’s until our luck was cut short I know that oh main main main it’s fine it’s fine it’s actually fine where K you I got stuck in the B situation it’s fine if it’s actually fine main was just killed by Leo’s team causing him to lose a heart and we just started beef with almost the entire server including worst of all the delest player since we attacked his friends well that’s at least what I thought until while Was preparing to take a 1v5 to get revenge on Main’s death clown did this oh Clown’s right here yeah just leave bro CL did yeah did all right fine I’m going to stay out of this one stay out of it clown decided he was just going to sit back and watch the fight and after I took this fight and I was forced to run clown only messaged me to check in on our team almost like he cared about his alliance with me and man way more and to make things better we did just get a a total of five Hearts from that fight with me being on 13 which is a great start but that’s until after spending the rest of our night grinding gear and improving our base on day two I woke up to this tweet this tweet was from a player named mapic and as you can see he’s on 14 Hearts one more above me and dog decided to flex on me bro which isn’t good if I wanted to be the first player at 20 hearts and prove I was one of the best players so I knew even though main per was busy today I was going to need to start hunting and killing as many players as I could all by myself and I got started by searching all over the world for players now my first instinct was to head to spawn since players typically hang around there but the only person I could find was this guy pintar on a horse and uh dog I I ain’t catching a horse bro so I decided to head to Leo’s base to see if anyone was there and unexpectedly yo thank you for the 40 I don’t know what currency that oh someone’s at this who’s this is this spoke okay I’mma just chase him a bit I managed to spot spoke using this base and tried to chase him until he escaped using a nether portal spoke okay I’m not going through that portal I’m going to just die okay I know they use this base now though now knowing spokes team used this base I decided to Camp around not really expecting anyone to come back because it would be kind of stupid if they just saw me here but apparently I didn’t know spoke yes bro absolutely if that wait someone right there it spoke again oh my this spoke guy he’s going to come back to this base I’m going just sit here he’s just coming back to he’s coming back for whatever reason spoke decided to come back to Leo’s base even though I just chased him away from it and I knew if I C spoke off guard I could obtain my 14th heart so I decided to spy on spoke looking for a chance to strike but that’s until I was spotted by mapig spo’s teammate while was spying on them what’s your goal here flame I just want to see I’m just I mean I’m I’m just exploring honestly I think the most off-putting thing was watching you stalk us from a hill behind a tree yeah um with me being spotted by three players at this base it was now a matter of deciding whether I was going to attack them all by myself or just leave while I can I did have the gear and skill advantage while on the other hand they had the numbers and overall health Advantage but knowing Not only would winning a 1v3 be really cool I would also be at 16 hearts for away from my goal which would be the most on the server so I decided to pretend to leave their base and instead continue watching them until I found an opening I needed these Hearts I guess I can go in I’ll probably be able to escape things go wrong [Music] where did map go where did mapig go I want more Hearts bro I’m about to keep this guy hostage yo Chief I saw you down there bro Chief yo come on don’t be that guy don’t be that guy hey I’m not really that type of guy to honestly spawn kill okay well I well I can’t kill you so like I’m you know I’m you want to come with me how about you come with me quick all right just come with me come with me no come with me all right come on let’s go you’re coming with me where are we going no this is a kidnapping we’re going to get M either map is going to come help you or you’re just kidnapped I’m not going to kill you unless like it I have to which I shouldn’t have to as long as you just don’t do anything all I want you to do is to get in this one by one and just literally sit here are you running oh no no no no no you’re trying to run away oh no bro you’re not getting away why would you try and run why are you trying to run oh [Music] bro just stop just stop just stop what are you doing okay okay okay actually think about this this is your last chance or I’m going to kill you last chance and I mean this get in here get in bro okay wait what most overused plot line most overuse Minecraft flot line okay well your teammate’s not coming to help you dude don’t do this please please bro all right goodbye now we’re on how many hor is that 16 oh people need to start listening or they just start dying after these kills I was now on 16 Hearts four kills away from my goal of 20 and even better I now had the most hearts on the server meaning I was on Tred to be the first player to reach 20 Hearts but my journey was far from over mayic still had 14 Hearts which is two away from passing me plus he flexed on me dog I got to get my get back bro so I continue to search around looking for any bases or players I could find and my chances I decided to create a group call with wimo my friend from earlier and the rapu teammate so we could all search together welcome to the VC yo welcome to the VC yo yo what is going on in chat bro you’re like a demon The Immortal demon Sor The Immortal demon little too much glaz there um I just want 20 Ys so I met up with wimo then we started waiting on the Rapture to pull up on us until randomly pent is here wait what where right here is 500 what 500 890 talk to just uh talk to P 890 yo stall stall stall St we’re coming you see theu being spotted by pintar was a really really bad thing because pintar this season has been killing every player on site including the peaceful players that spawn BR I wouldn’t even do that bro and I love killing people in game in in in game not to mention he’s also on 13 Hearts meaning if he kills the rapu here then he’ll be on my ta alongside mapic to reaching 20 Hearts but this was also good because if I managed to kill pin I could get my 7 team heart so to have a chance at killing him while the rapu stalled me and wimo rush to the cords as fast as possible he said they’re just chatting but like he could just get dropped at any moment I feel like cuz didn’t pentar drop a bunch of people at spawn yeah I don’t think he really saw in chat all I’m at the I’m like basically there are you again uh 590 uh 890 wait 590 890 yes oh I’m 200 away do you see them I see them I see them dude no hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry chase him chase him chase him chase him chase him chase him no he’s not running he’s not running he doesn’t see me hurry hurry okay I’m running I’m running I’m running I see I see a wo Tower I see it I see it go go go go go go go go go I see I see tell me when to engage tell me when to engage wait where is it which one it’s it’s two w Towers left left left left left wait I think he ran no wait he’s crouching unless this is you wait what no I’m right I’m behind you I’m behind you okay uh he’s literally right up here I think all right go go I don’t see him dude wait he was literally right up here I saw him I see his horse I see his horse I’m taking [Music] hor I don’t know where he went wimu lost sight of pintar because I I went the wrong direction but Pinar did leave his horse behind and if you remember he had the same horse earlier meaning he could care about it which because of this me and wimo knew there was a chance we can bait him into saving his good friend pinah horse where we could just kill him for his heart so we told pinart to join our call so we could try to convince him to come back yo yo so we’re going to need that heart and drop you stuff back or else your horse is going to die okay okay so is that a yes or no will pent a horse suffer a fate worse than death what’s a fate worse than death orer orat what are you going to do bad I think it’d be in your best interest and not find out no it’ be well I need to know all right we’re currently beating your horse with our fists yeah that is actually happening right now that’s that’s stop hting him he might die I mean you seem pretty hesitant so I’m just going to kill this horse we can be done with this I mean there I guess okay beat this horse on my fist all right just let me know when you kill so P why are you like killing like the victims of the server like they already can’t do anything okay your horse is dead pret I’ve I’ve had reasons for all my kills really I’ve had reasons for all my kills just say it with your chest bro say you a little wuss okay what what do you want me to say you’re a little wuss yeah I I guess I am just say it with your chest bro you want to kill people take pride in that take pride in it yeah I killed people yeah what about it they say like I want to kill weak the weak people that can’t do anything weak people for hearts not I have reasons for my kills you’re such a person am I you are think about all the all the people you’ve hurt mhm that’s coming from me oh mic S no the Pence are my friend dude giraffe how are you getting fart by Bic bro dude they’re in our base oh no I’m f at our base yeah I don’t wait did you dig down yeah he actually does a lot of no not you flame not you FL okay I’m help me oh I see him I see him coming coming coming okay I don’t blocks might help hold on blocked it up p p p pent pent pent he’s Ming up mine up Ming up you I thought you weren a team what happened we’re allies yeah the Allies I mean you just killed the raps you for like no reason bro so like we got to have a get back yes G well GG’s GG’s 17 Ys I managed to kill pintar putting me on 17 Hearts but if you notice during this fight the rapu actually got spawn killed by the one and only mapig the player who’s closest at passing me at 15 hearts and the guy I still needed to get get back on and knowing if I kill mapic Not only would I get my 18th heart but I will also be able to set him back so me and wimo knew we needed to rush to hel the rapu before he gets spawn killed again and mapic gains another heart all right let’s go save up derap you from mapic cuz we know map’s at our base you want to go kill M yeah yeah yeah this is so much geared I don’t want to leave I know right what the [Music] hell oh good D hey are they still here no they just left oh bro okay wait we to get them they leave through the portal they made their own portal I think okay okay we’re in nether right now we’re going to find them may glare May glare May [Music] glare right right there right there right there where oh I see I see I see they Place wall here right here right there this box yo what I’m right I don’t know coming they can’t hear you by the way you can talk I know okay guys see him bugs Below in the lava if you want to go get him uh honestly I’m just going to stay with you I don’t trust myself no way I just got trolled what he knocked me down I just F the I’m chasing I’m chasing him I’m still on him oh he’s turning on me come up okay I’m just going to Bow SP I’m right here wind charges baby hit him twice hit him twice hit him twice I shot him a bunch shot him a bunch he trying to get the portal hit him back in what how he CL that no way we both no way no way no bro oh my God should I go through should I go through I’ll go through I have 17 Ys I’m just going to wait for you and they go he full on ran oh my God no way he’s right there right there right there right there he see him I see him I see him I see him I see him oh he’s a fool he thought we would to come through I know he’s like no yes he did not expect that bro he’s so done see that’s the mind of a crash out he’s oh he’s going to try to go back through water it if you can yeah yeah I’m right on it nice I’m on the other side he’s done he’s so done yeah that was the last Gap he’s so undergeared yes yes yes oh my God oh my God you can go holy nice dude dude he was laughing he was after a very long Chase I finally managed to kill mapig and reach my 18th heart on only day two by the way now at this point all I needed was two easy kills before reaching 20 hards so I decided to Kill Leo and JPEG and became the first player to reach 20 Hearts which is what I want wanted but that’s until I reflected on my goal if the whole point of me being the first player to reach 20 Hearts was to prove I was one of the server’s best players then me one tapping my 19th heart and my 20th heart not even fighting back was not an impressive way to end it like come on dog killing people who cannot fight back is just not impressive so I withdrew those two kills and gave them to wimo knowing I wanted to earn this achievement in style and my chance to do so all started with a message from the server’s delest player clown messaged me telling me his his old Alliance from earlier was hunting him down and that he wanted my help at killing them originally I didn’t really know why clown wanted my help specifically at killing them plus it seemed really risky meeting up with clown what if he wanted to kill me because of earlier and what if this was just a plan to lure me in but before I had the chance to really think about it uh Zam just tell me run what uh start running yeah maybe should do that oh I don’t know there’s oh your your squad’s on me your squad’s on me your squad’s on me that’s not my squad your your opos are me bro oh okay well run run run run run yo I’ll be there ASAP survive wait the five players that were hunting down clown started chasing me down too and if I wanted to survive I was left with no other option but to team up with clown but at the same time this 2v5 is exactly what I needed this was the perfect chance to improv Myself by winning an outnumber fight and regaining my 20 hearts and style so I met up with clown and we started rushing directly towards our enemies and as we spotted them the only thing I could really think about before this fight was why did clown ask for my Helm well I quickly got the answer once I realized our enemies was scared of me just staring them down oh you see them they’re all looking at me where uh ason oh okay they’re leaving keep him staring what over there what’s it over there wait they’re running from me I realized all along throughout this entire journey I was already one of the server’s deest players I killed everyone in my path the server’s best players wanted to team up with me and just the side of me alone caused five whole players to just completely run away I had already did it all that was left was to 2v5 these players and regain my 20 Hearts guys they are way too close to us right now go go oh oh I need help I help I oh they’re fighting me you here hold on who has mat kill his horse bro kill his horse I don’t have a bell should I honestly keep running the horse uh low okay Target flame tget don’t die just don’t [Music] diease yeah we go together we sorry oh my I just hit you got him oh sh what we need to go yeah we need to go we need to go we need to go now oh sh are we going yeah we need to we need to go we need to go not take this no way I’m chasing red okay I’m now Leo uh kill your target I’m chasing red [Music] [Music] got him oh it’s going to be a 2 [Music] one oh nice yes good I can’t believe he took that like it’s nothing crazy kind of did oh that’s good I had did it I was the first player to reach 20 hearts and even did it again in Style by 2v fing an entire team just to prove I was one of the best plus I used my immortal ore to like scare off everyone so that was also cool okay I’m done I’m done but if you enjoy my first LIF still video then I suggest you hit the Subscribe button and stay tuned for the next video when it comes out see you guys boo

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The way the story is told and the personas played in this video may be exaggerated for humor or storytelling purposes. Any jokes made are not meant to be taken seriously!

#flamefrags #minecraft


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