100 Days – [Minecraft DESERT]

100 days in the desert if by the end I still have my sanity this will be a success you I’m going to try to make the best of it I’m going to try to make the best of it looks like so far I should have unlimited sticks I really don’t love all the water yeah it’s probably going to end up helping me but you know it’s vanilla Minecraft it’s the best I got oh okay there’s a food source I can always eat bunnies all right villagers I’m going to need your help on this one there’s literally nothing out there without you I will die I’m a little ashamed it’s day one in the desert and I’ve got 44 bread it just doesn’t feel right but a man’s got to eat Village or not I have no source of wood which means no tools which means no Minecraft I don’t I don’t love doing this but may dang it just pants sorry ladies I’m covered yeah no wood still but I’m definitely not going to starve to death but I got to sleep before monsters come get me all right um well I don’t really want to live in this Village they’re just they’re just ugly I will of course steal all their stuff that goes without saying plan right now is to walk around until I find something that will make my life not so terrible whack this guy felt better didn’t improve my situation okay there we go right over that Ridge Pillager Outpost made of wood H it’s also guarded by pillagers that’s an issue you know what for now I’m just going to go to the nearby Town steal some stuff maybe that’ll inspire me what would you do doesn’t matter cuz I’m going to do something different but what would you do I’ll give you a second to think and write and type I know it’s hard you know all that tablet time was not good for you your mom should be ashamed well I have the great plan to give up and it was good I did cuz right down the Road I saw a better Pillager Outpost this one’s water adjacent and I know from experience the pillagers do terrible in the water so I made a little water approach swimming underneath it they won’t even see me okay okay get the come on come on come on not spotted yet that’s one that’s so much wood come on two all right three can I get three I think I can get three oh yes oh that was good make an axxe make an axe make an axe if I can get all this I should be good I just got to grab all this wood and get out of here uh yeah I’m going to get a little greedy okay I’m out oh plan worked great I’ve got wood and some logs I don’t really have a plan on how I’m going to spend it I think resource conservation is going to be very key in the desert so I think I’m just going to keep adventuring I think at this point I’m really just trying to find a home I’ve got food I got a little wood I have no place to lay my head being nomadic is fun and all but I’m a family man ooh desert temple okay yeah I think I can do this I have an axe the only people these things really kill are people who have no idea what to expect so I should be fine with just a wood pick okay yeah just dig down should be that simple I don’t know why I’m so nervous okay uh okay G gapple gapple very cool got put that there oh Diamond yes screw a family I’m being a nomad hey villagers it’s me the desert Drifter not stealing from any of you tonight you I looked into getting the license for that one Desert Song you you know the one I’m talking about when I say the Desert Song you know you know how it goes but it was going to be like a couple thousand bro this is a YouTube video cut me a break I was just going to play it like at a time like this when I’m really just in the desert doing nothing wandering around you know it felt good to be out of the rain I did listen to it uh probably probably 70 times yeah during this it it just hit right the vibe was just right can’t play it though someone can go make a fan cam with it that’d be sweet anyway pretty much nothing day five no place has screamed home to me yet oh you know what though this th this could be a good spot villager Outpost water adjacent that’s got everything I need looked around a bit claimed myself the biggest house there obviously and in Minecraft it’s not home unless it has a tunnel into the Earth ah there’s water beneath me that’s just the worst all right what felt like 7 hours later I’m in a cave near but naked though when it’s real dark and there’s a skeleton who just has my number whatever I’m just going to go up hope everything despawns mine tomorrow look at me stone tools how far I’ve come that Skelly though is still shooting me out of the dark just can’t even see him still so much water too this is a nasty cave but I’ve got to mine can’t live off sand you know slowly but surely I’m getting this cave lit up it takes a while I got to be careful but I’m doing it the right way and it’s paying off you know I’m getting some iron I was a day or two away from killing Iron Golems so that’s good 13 is not a full set of tools and armor but it’s a start what do I even what do I even make what do I prioritize guys more rare than anything here’s the wood I probably won’t regret this but in the desert you should probably have a good shovel I’m going to use that diamond I found on a shovel a lot of villagers here too man do I really need like 10 fishermen I don’t think so these are my barrels now I’ve got a little money from my Nomad days I’m going to spend that on some arrows that’ll help in the caves got a shield got an iron sword even a diamond shovel I’m going to go get wood a little close to water still but not as close as that one got to say this is the toughest tree I’ve ever chopped no no oh I needed that oh it’s so precious oh they don’t stop spawning I got to get out of here all right score one for the pillagers that would make us even whatever pillagers I’m going to loot your church dude two diamonds and a god Apple two diamonds and a god Apple that was a good decision new plan they got some Iron Golems held captive I’m going to release them little sloppy here but I hope that buys me some time had to come back getting them out requires a lot of this cage to be cut but the plan worked I’ve now got cover to get all the wood in this Outpost at least most of it where else am I going to find Birch this stuff is rare getting every piece okay hopefully I don’t got to do that again for a while back in the caves armor sucks but tools are decent iron armor would go a long way for me right now I’m so scared of skeletons they three shot me and a creeper yeah creeper is going to end me even if I have diamond armor so yeah just some mining in Minecraft you know it’s inescapable I know it’s a desert video but in pretty much all of my videos no matter how wacky the location there’s always some mining makes me want to do 100 days no mining I’m sure someone’s already done that probably 12 people have already done that I’m sorry for ruining YouTube Don’t Want to Waste My coal and in the name of resource conservation I’m going to grab some lava from The Outpost yeah has a bit of a trip but now I can cook my iron for free see this is why I waited to find a good spot to set up shop it’s going to pay off big time day 10 is normally a great day to look around and see everything you’ve accomplished but I’m not going to do that cuz I’ve got to mine I guess I don’t really have to mine I could abandon all of this and be a nomad again I did just fine found more diamonds actually okay I’ve hit the Deep oh these skeletons bro I can’t handle this good news is I’ve got enough iron now for everything I need just got to grab some lava cuz I care about the environment do you like my wall it keeps the dirty villagers out with a little bit of mining out of the way now I’m determined to make my home look nicer like a home and the first thing I’m going to do is just some simple leveling I don’t know maybe I have a disease or something but I really dislike having hop around my land and I did make that diamond shovel so construction shouldn’t be too bad and it’s all very efficient because I can use this sand for building material everything’s made out of sand I wasn’t even worried about all the underground water should be pretty simple to clear up somehow in Minecraft even when I’m not mining I’m mining well even after just one day it’s looking much more flat around here so yeah more of that day 12 in the desert there isn’t much to do you can always shovel for now I’m going around the buildings I’m not going to worry about that just yet I just want it all on one level I mean there they’re made out of sand anyway I think it’s just going to make the buildings look taller I don’t think I’ll have to do anything to them oh yeah this is definitely going down as one of the easiest Renovations I’ve ever done it all just looks so much more finished on one level you know like it all is intentional what I’m doing here I didn’t just find this Village and start living in it uh I guess that’s exactly what I did but it didn’t look like this when I found it there was much more food day 13 trying to figure out a good boundary where does my Village end and the desert begin and clearing out debris from these taller houses now so the villagers can work again yeah look at this one went up three whole blocks that’s going to be a tall one h i I don’t know how I feel about the sand on the bottom of the structure there’s Sandstone on top sand on the bottom I mean it’s fixable just don’t really like it at this moment but you know what I I got to focus perimeter is way more important I’m totally exposed it’s a big town getting a wall around it’s going to be a job I’ve got a bit of a plan I think it could work at least my concept I’m a Waller The Whole Town’s about three blocks lower than the surrounding desert and that’s going to make making a wall pretty tough because of The High Ground of the desert the wall needs to be tall or skeletons will be able to see right in I’d also like the wall to be Sandstone which will look good it’s the desert but it’s annoying to get cobblestone walls are easy you know you just mine Stone you just have it like from mining or doing whatever a Sandstone wall even with all the sand I’ve been clearing is going to be expensive expensive for the desert come on man I’m poor but as you can see here by the end of the day I think I’m pretty much solid on my perimeter The Whole Town’s in a big bowl should be fine all right check this out I’m going to show show you how much sand I have this is after everything all the leveling all the clearing this is all the sand I got yeah honestly I kind of thought it would be more oh well it’s wall time let’s see if I can get a single layer in I think I’ll be able to oh every block placed was just another step towards relief okay it’s mostly good that’ll keep stuff from physically entering the village but like I said a skeleton will be able to shoot over that to stop that threat I need the wall to be too high you can never have a wall be too high I don’t know what that voice was supposed to be it was like half villager half Reddit guy half me I don’t know fresh out of sand in the desert that just explains the desert for you but hey at least the Wall’s two blocks tall in the important sections there’s absolutely no protection from the sea but the sea is kind of the protection like I said before I don’t even want the ocean but I’m not modding you can’t make me I’m going to figure out the oceans side day 16 it’s real wonky oh yeah how many villager kids have fallen in that thing oh oh several wow someone in charge should fix this when in doubt Square it out which is something I’m sure someone else has said before but if not now I’ve said it first and I’ll kill you if you say it all right the weirdo all right the weirdo Peninsula penin penins why can I not say Peninsula Peninsula the body of land that shuts out from the adjacent bigger body of land can now be walled there that was rough I need a break watch an ad the sea does almost all the protecting on this side I don’t think drowned spawn in the desert I haven’t seen one but still it needs to be walled so far it’s been pretty simple labor intensive but simple got to somehow connect the seaside into the desert side there’s a three block Gap there it’s going to look weird no matter oh wait how’d you get in Golem the entire reason you exist is to kill zombies like like I know my existence I’m here to survive 100 days in a children’s game over and over and over until I die just do your job bro and now I’m just sitting here pondering where that zombie came from probably one of the roofs Pro probably H my man Fletcher Fletcher what you doing outside the wall you know what I I build this beautiful wall no one appreciates it I work all day all day going to use this shovel to dig some Graves all right dark spot inspection could have been the floating farm that shouldn’t even be here but whatever I’ll fix that later okay back to this section I’ve been dreading it you know what I’m just going to swallow my pride I’m going to make it safe I really I I could really care less if it looks wonky I hope wonky isn’t a slur I’ve said it three times now should probably go check on that forget it wandering traitor yeah he had nothing and I have no money anyway he won’t buy any sand that would be great though that does give me an idea I can turn sand into money of course it’s not going to be an easy feat it’s going to involve capitalism but if I can pull it off I’ll be literally living in money but it’s going to involve a wall so I’ve got to get that done first had me wondering how much sand I’ve mined only 2700 feels low I need one of those shovels that eats as much sand as my son at the park you know most kids they eat sand and they go oh that was that was not food I won’t have any more of that I’ve learned no my boy bro ate sand went back for seconds and thirds he’ll be a Roblox YouTuber killed these llamas later that day before thinking about the Golem would even care it didn’t so day 20 the wall is done well not quite going to put a tower on this corner it’s near the desert side nothing too fancy literally just a tower how could I forget it’s got a lava trap yeah capitalism is almost always fueled by War and this wall will be a conduit for My Success pillagers won’t be able to help getting stuck on that thing and then I’ll burn them should hardly have to kill any of them put in one more Tower over on this side no lava trap just for better visibility oh diamond shovel please give me strength in these uncertain times so I’m looking at the wall here in the morning and I totally agree it needs more traps it’s almost embarrassing how little traps there are so for that I need Redstone but I can’t get to the Redstone cuz I can’t see without torches and for that I need coal it’s the Eternal cycle iron will help too you know tools and armor are one thing but once you start building machines you need mountains of it oh well no luck on the red stone guess my wall is going to have to be enough all right let’s go get lava and bad Omen bad Omen now drops in a box bottle I know it’s very weird very weird I agree but it’s also like really convenient so I can’t hate on it too much yeah this is probably the lowest equipped I’ve ever been for a raid get inside I’m hardly prepared wow I love being smart cuz look just like I said the pillagers they couldn’t help but get stuck on my tower okay time to press the single mom button can’t see it but I can hear it it’s working great yeah they’re probably always going to spawn in this field here pillagers don’t really like to spawn in water if they can help it and if they’re in a weird spot I can always cut a hole in the wall and then put down some lava manually that works too obviously you know I really thought the Golems would do something but the wall just completely inhibits them they have these giant arms they could probably they look like they could definitely reach across but they don’t they just get shot very useless but despite that everything’s fine it’s all going good check out this proall strats here you can send your Golems over with stairs it’s a oneway trip to death but the Golems don’t care oh this raid’s taking a while better take a nap okay day 23 now we’re in the hard waves most because of the Vex I’m going to do as much work as I can with the raised by Grandma switch friends I don’t even have full iron armor if the Vex spawn I’m pretty much Dead all right lava’s looking wait whoa who wait a minute no way that’s a totem right there how how did that survive one atom of not lava okay wasn’t expecting that but now I got a totem on day 23 with iron and gold armor praise the desert more burning totems included I totally expected to so lucky for this one in my hand built the Trap yeah built the Trap pillagers can kiss my uh-oh there’s Vex over here looks like a Golem turned him on cuz they can slightly see over the wall hopefully no villagers were harmed but I guess I can always breed more ah 3-day raid maybe one more wave all right Golem stop messing me up at every turn oh no Vex already spawned oh that did four Hearts okay okay they’re by the Trap just got to find a way to safely hit the new dad named Ron button I mean he’s nice you know he’s nice enough I don’t really like his mustache you know like he’s got a good job and all you know but I think sometimes he holds it over Mom you know like like like Ron you know he really lets that go to his head and it’s not even that nice you know we we don’t go to Disneyland sorry sorry don’t know what I’m on about it’s definitely the heat all right one dude left and he still made it tough on me oh yes hero day 24 that’s got to be some kind of record three totems out of that too not bad I’ve got Bunches of wheat from my nomad days absolutely tons of it and now it’s worth a pretty good amount of money it’s not going to last forever it’s all stolen wheat but at least for now I’ve got some cash I’m pretty sure with enough hard work here I’ll be able to buy diamonds H yeah I’m going to have to sacrifice a little iron but you know what it’ll be worth it h Diamond axes I was kind of hoping for shovels ah you know what I shouldn’t complain I can buy diamond picks now I’m going to try to go for armor too at least some whoops uh sorry wasn’t recording here’s my armor and my armor went from iron and gold to Diamond I love war I’m out of stuff to sell but I I bought everything I need so I can go back to mining I still do need real diamonds lapis there’s a lot of stuff you can’t buy found a mine shaft I think I’m strong enough to do this plus I have a totem it’s like the best item in the game I sold everything I own I’ve got to stay down here and restock M shafts are good for that all I don’t want to die in lava here all all I’ve done all I’ve done all the accomplishments be a bad time to die in lava oh man this makes me nervous no diamonds a lot of iron I’ll get them just got to go deeper I really just need two diamonds then I can make an enchanting table and get way stronger everything Diamond wise I can totally just buy no problem red Stone’s good too I have plans for more traps it was just fun making them all right we’re good two diamonds got them never have to mine again you and I both know that’s a horrible lie if I want to enchant I need obsidian so I’ve got to take a day and just do this I’ll grab a bunch I only need uh four for an enchanting table I think 10 for a nether portal totally I can also yeah I can totally go to the nether that’s a desert it’s by the definition a desert here I’ll look this up real quick definition of desert something about rainfall uh it it it’s like a a certain number of rainfall yes right here a very warm climate receives less than 25 25 Ines receives less uh very okay just just here we go deserts they receive very little precipitation and it never rains in the nether so I can go there it’s a desert okay that’s the obsidian day so I’ve been thinking about this whole enchanting thing I’ve got everything but books I could trade for them but I don’t have much money as it is and that would take a lot of time so I’m just going to try to find some out in the wild do my best yeah some of these Villages definitely have libraries and that’ll be where I find my books ah and apparently diamonds Village wheat while not renewable is also an excellent money source with hero status each of these comes out to like one Emerald would you look at that very next Village had some books let’s see how many I get from this 27 not bad I think I need 45 total for a full enchanting room so that should just mean one more Library somewhere and every village always has wheat like I said each one’s an emerald and all I got to do is kill some pillagers first and I like doing that you know the desert’s been different it’s my like resource wise I’m able to get everything I need in a normal Minecraft world it’s just been different in a fun way I’ve been here what 30 days a month yeah it’s been fun it really has struggling so sometimes but fun I really thought that would take me longer but I’ve already found two libraries and enough books for an enchanting room I’m not going straight back home though I think I want to find one more Library you always need some extra books when you’re enchanting so I’m trying not to forget about that plus every village has more money also that song I was talking about earlier just hits way better when you’re on the road I’m too scared to even hum it yeah it that music industry is that bad okay desert village like 12 they’re all starting to sort of blur together notable library now I’ll have books you know I guess I didn’t have to even do any of that I could have made an industrial bunny Farm farmed generations of bunnies harvested them for their skin you know made leather that could have worked he you know there’s still more time I’ve got space in the wall all right enchanting table secured just got to figure out where to put it this building always had a weird shape now it shape is a little weirder I got plenty of time to make things look nice for now I just want to be strong raids are definitely going to be the key to my economy so I’ve got to be strong so I think I’m going to build something new something deadly a big old trap right under the town I think it makes sense for the desert it really doesn’t need to be too complicated pillagers are dumb going to have them fall in water make them go to some lava and magma simple stuff yep all done there it is hi pillagers it’s me here to do questionable testing on you and all your family ooh nice Banner guy yeah give me that angry juice get inside friends my Contraptions have been known not to work all right let’s see they going to go in yeah come on come on oh yes any that don’t get trapped end up in the water and you’re basically trapped if you end up in the water and then down here they all just slowly get burned pretty efficient if you ask me for being solo Tech they seem to have a tendency to spawn on this front face of the wall that just makes the Trap so much better all in all as far as raids go got to say that one was pretty chill this just means more money will come in easier but I’ve got to figure out something other than selling wheat feds are watching I can feel it don’t worry don’t worry it’s all for Charity My charity that I set up to benefit needy notable people named Luke the notable yeah day 40 is about the right time for mending I know Minecraft wants to change the way we get mending books I guess it’s cheap doesn’t feel right but you know it’s a video game bro leave my mending alone and it takes time here I tried all day didn’t get one got the mener day 41 fantastic so now I’m just going to work on getting even stronger whoops wasn’t recording now I have a nether portal there’s a lot of stuff I need in the nether but right now I’m here for wood when you’re in the desert nether trees that’s a blessing set up some lava access to that’s just free fuel I did the safety stuff quick and ugly it’s just my life at stake here no big deal and so begins my notable glass industry finally got rid of the floating Farm check out this magic trick from floating Farm to Fountain just like that yeah I think he’s forgetting about the suffering before I really get this industry going I got to set up a few more traps the one on the front of the wall works great so I’m going to do something similar here a very very simple just a pit with Magma going to do one on the other side as well pillagers tend to get caught over here any loot that drops in will be a pain but if there’s a totem down there I’ll go get it all righty bat Omen bottle time I like drinking raids but it’s always going to be weird all right let’s see spawning out in the open all I got to do is get them to come over and they should walk in yeah this is too easy they just fall in nice I know this is Wave 1 but I did not have to move not a muscle and I cleared it see if we can do this for wave two let’s just see oh yeah Easy Wave to didn’t have to move uh yeah I might get bit there yeah sure I had to move a little but the pits are working great and while not intentionally designed the ravagers do get caught in this little area ah dang Golems we spawn in the facts dude come on to fix that hopefully mid raid I’m going to make this wall three High yep that worked come out villagers it’s time for me to make money off you money perfect armor it’s all coming together and all I got to do is sell the stuff I walk on every day only downside is I got to jump over a deadly moat every time I want to come home all right glass price even with hero status is atrocious I’ve just been selling too much what can I do if not capitalism I can always chop wood think about my regrets put in an ad really I’m just preparing for the next raid all the time right now more than anything I need money and a little space nothing wrong with this house but it’s a little close to the entrance to my enchanting room sorry whoever owned this I assure you I’m not sorry oh yeah much better for me anyway had me looking at this building I’m going to convert it to a breeder I just said that and you know is that really what we call this stuff as a community villager breeder just seems weird you know a little bit little bit sus whatever I’m try not to think about that just do art my art involves stealing I’m an AI I tried my midest to make this place look good oh yeah who wouldn’t want to live there day 52 marked the day where I got full protection mending diamond armor so obviously going to break it in with a raid I love my town from the outside especially at night a sparkling diamond in the desert here’s the thing I don’t even really need good armor my wall does all the work pretty much just stand around wait for everything to fall in my traps and then mop up any witches cuz they have fire resist the wall is not a raid Farm I’m simply just that good yep uh profits again you know it’s what we do here speaking of I bet you want to watch an advertisement oh you don’t oh well I’ve already ordered one it’s on the way it’s it’s I can’t stop it no boom basement yeah a lot happens in those ad just going to be a storage room I’ve got a lot of junk can I get a Unbreaking but no okay well I’ll try again yeah doing this all day is riveting gameplay so is shoveling Fortress time at least I’m going to try to find one yeah nothing yet just footage of me digging likely would have found a fortress day 57 if I wasn’t getting distracted by Bluewood then of course needed more coal for torches cuz I can’t make charcoal cuz I live in the desert I really don’t like trading with piglins I find it’s kind of a waste but I really feel uneasy in the nether without a fire potion and they sell them I’d love to make my own fire potions that’d be great just can’t find a fortress just kidding I found one look at me yeah it’s pretty chill found one of the Blaze Spawners that’s enclosed so they can’t fly away even modified the room a bit for some more efficiency if you just do a good job on your first time killing blazes you’ll never have to do it again all right I’m off to find the end of the game I think if I’m good I should be done by day 69 it’s almost too easy on the ocean I’m not going to mod I’m not doing it you can’t make me I swear I will resist okay should be right under me those sometimes I say that and then it’s like 30 blocks in the other direction H yeah I think this one’s going to be tough oh just kidding nice I fell right in hey hey the eye armor trim i n man these creepers can’t touch me look I’mma hug this one 4 and a half hearts that’s it that’s all you got does anyone ever keep these things alive here this spawner like for XP is that a viable Strat I don’t care I’m getting rid of it anyway I don’t have enough end Ender Portals ender pearls I don’t have enough ender pearls to get out of here so I got to dig my way out and I’ll come back later plus I still need to get uh slow falling potions and a bunch of other stuff to fight the dragon I’m pretty strong though I don’t know if you remember yesterday man I I tanked those creepers but like I need feather fall I need a better sword I I could use a better sword just a bunch of other stuff better bow for sure my Bow’s about to break really can’t wait to fly I mean boating’s fine and all but dude those wings they’re so much better after an easy drive back home I made some money I need XP can’t sleep need Phantoms so I’m just going to enchant all night ooh feather two okay okay that’s something I’ll take feather Fall 2 feather fall three oh my Anvil oh no oh no do I have enough iron oh I have so little iron that was actually terrible no no I don’t want to go mining oh oh I don’t want to kill the Golems either I like this place like I could get iron from the Golems I really could I I just oh 63 for whatever reason kept crash in my computer so here we are at 64 yeah yes guys jungle oh do I have five emeralds please tell me I have five emeralds somewhere please I can make trees oh yes come here I’ll take your entire stock oh where is my uh I’ve been saving it bone meal and and just a little bit of dirt I have it oh I got a lot of dirt let’s go let’s make a chle tree okay right here right here is perfect right here is absolutely perfect oh yeah yes here we go come on big one yes oh it’s beautiful it’s it’s a tree guys oh it’s a tree I haven’t had a tree I haven’t seen a tree in how what even day is it wandering trador I am not going to kill you for once thank you I love how it’s a desert jungle tree that’s that’s the cool part if you look at the leaves they’re like desert jungle leaves I’m the only V Village in this world man with a tree that’s awesome back to business I need levels I’m creeper hugging strong but not fight the dragon no sweat strong got a little carried away taking out pillagers they provide decent XP and that’s the whole reason I’m here anyway man there is a there’s an arrow in my eyeball right now oh and in my nuts one deep in my nuts five crossbows here hey pillit you yeah yeah all right all right enough of that awesome Phantom spawned can check that off the list got two Phantom membranes that’s plenty going to grab some sand here just prepping for when I am a hero it’s certain I’m not going to lose any raids you know as strong as I am my furnaces are still pretty Stone Age all righty so I have a pickaxe here if I get 30 levels I’ll get Fortune 2 so I’m going to do that I’m going to do that I’m going to get a raid all right villagers time to risk your lives raid was fine I did lose a cat in uh in one of the traps let’s take a little moment of silence all right Vex spawned and for once it was actually my fault this time if this sort of thing happened on my first raid I’m telling you I would be dead oh no arrows oh I have one emerald in my name oh no Fletcher Fletcher okay I have a second here to think I need more arrows than 15 to close out this raid I sold some glass at less than ideal prices and finished out the raid look at all these diamonds 27 okay 45 diamonds not terrible oh did US did a skeleton just spawn up there I didn’t think skeletons could spawn on trees what there must be a rogue I’ll have to look into that there must be a rogue branch or something I can’t have that happening I’ll just scaffold up with my redstone blocks it was right there that one for sure that’s what did it I know I say this all the time but I think thanks to Fortune I’ll never have to mine again all right I’m going to leave tonight I’m taking on this Dragon I’m going to do it I’m going to leave tonight couple things going and I should be fine just realized I don’t have enough ender pearls so I got to go get some in the nether trading piglins I don’t like doing this feels cheap somehow they never give you what you want oh yeah I dumped so much gold right there for like 10 pearls all right I’m good I would almost say full kit for this ender dragon fight there’s maybe a few things that aren’t absolutely perfect but I’m nearly there full protection diamond armor God Apple a totem I’ll be fine and the sun rises on day 69 let’s get it all right I’m totally lost totally lost I didn’t look up the coordinates I mean I have them I could go look them up I just didn’t I was confident in myself I got to go look up the coordinates let’s get it let’s go let’s go normal fight really I mean it I do have everything with how many times I’ve slayed the dragon there’s definitely been instances when I don’t bring everything and I can tell but not here I don’t want to say it was easy cuz I know there’s people out there that have never killed the dragon and they wouldn’t call it easy but I’ve done this like 20 times it was easy almost there come on in the desert let’s go that was a good fight I really didn’t take much damage at all he didn’t do much she she sorry kill a few Enderman here then I’m going to go get wings I just want everyone to know and I I think all you hate this part too there’s something Primal about being over an endless void and it making you feel uneasy got to an end City that’s good sometimes they can be elusive for a long time I struggled with these things but you know once you really know how to do them they’re not that bad maybe I’ll make a guide one day or uh maybe I won’t H 100 Days End is basically the guide Pro tip I’ve been doing this recently bring Rockets to the dragon fight once you grab your first set of wings and you have Rockets the whole end just crumbles everything from getting loot to getting home is just easier but let’s see if I can thread this needle get it in the hole come on back home look at that very nice very beautiful look villagers I can fly I always love looking at the world from up here you know after you come home with an elytra kind of love my compound it looks it looks solid it looks solid could be nice if it was a square but still man love that place ah I’ve done so good okay welld deserved bedtime I’ll do more tomorrow all right got 68 levels to burn but first I just like to do something I just want to address the entire town here villagers villagers you helped me do this this egg is for you no sorry can’t make better living conditions happen it’s the desert cry about it feather fall boots oh you got to know we’re throwing mending and Unbreaking on that elytra won’t be caught dead without one of those then I did some sword upgrades I’m always fighting you know pillagers on the outside of the wall and the Demons Inside Me Okie doie nether time hunting Withers hunting Withers let’s get it looting two on my sword so I think I got a 4.5% chance every Wither Skeleton will drop a skull I’ll have to take out about a 100 but I can’t seem to find any you know I might regret this but I’m breaking the spawner I’m breaking the the oh there’s just none of these guys spawning oh yeah spawns got instantly better I think there were just too many blazes oh look at the mother load I can take him I can take him I can take him this is why people build wither Farms still none lots of coal though oh got one there we go first one okay looting two looting two has been slow but I got one there’s hope there’s two yeah what more can I say it’s Wither Skeleton hunting you run around a fortress kill all the skeletons you can until you get three skulls and then you never do it again unless you want more beacons I guess please just one more day of this oh imagine I just started the new day imagine if this is the skull right here come on Skelly no way wow wow what are the odds now some nerd is doing the math three skulls not bad let’s go prep for fighting the Wither a mystery coming back from the Nether and seeing what time it is it looks like the sun is just coming up so somehow the timing worked out wither prep wither prep uh what do you really need other than good armor which I already have milk yeah where am I going to get milk you know my high school diploma is fairly useless but it did teach me that Cows say Moo and don’t live in the desert well I guess I could work on something else oky dokie going to going to cure some villagers now oh beautiful all of them right right there yes okay lock them in so recently whenever I need to cure villagers this is how I do it I essentially just convert a villager home that already exists into a conversion chamber don’t no no no I I need you I don’t want one with armor though he’s hard to kill once he’s in there you put up these little fences so basically they get trapped in and then there we go as long as the Golem doesn’t kill him he should basically just infect all these villagers and then I’ll be able to cure oh the Golem might yeat them though uh uh hopefully the Golem doesn’t do that I think he’s good I think we’re okay it would be kind of bad to lose every single one of my cers right now cuz now I got a bunch of zombies in there but it’s normally not too bad I just got to get some gold yeah they bite a little bit ooh this is a little awkward I don’t have enough gold to cure all of them I don’t I probably should have looked at that before I started you know what though I’m going to take advantage of the night time go out and kill some Creepers with my looting two sword because the nether is so much easier when you have some Rockets I could spend 2 weeks building a creeper Farm but in the early days for gunpowder killing them works fine all right grabbing some gold going to anger everyone in the process dude there was a fortress right by my house oh the Portal’s like right there and there’s a fortress yeah that’s how it always is isn’t it let me get the coordinates of this portal Then I then I won’t worry about being lost 420 minus 50 wastes here we go wastes you silk touch this stuff’s melted in a furnace and each one’s an Ingot that’s for anyone who’s been in a coma since you know 2020 and just woke up welcome to the world yeah yeah I I know I’m still I’m still doing this yeah I TR no I tried I tried to break out tried to get into Roblox but like I never really wanted to be like a Roblox guy just kind of dabble it did okay yeah a new Halo came out you know it’s wasn’t exactly what we wanted I had H there no nothing’s really you know it’s I mean it’s Minecraft how do you beat Minecraft I know I know you know I’m happy no am don’t worry about me I’ll be fine I need more gold I got to wait is there anything I can do while I’m just chilling here I don’t know not really I guess I could tell you some of my dreams you know while I’m waiting for the furnace to cook I had dreams of maybe one day taking all this sand up and putting down actual grass you know making a little oases but I don’t think it’s physically possible if you look at F3 and you just look at all that wall of text I’m in a whole desert world and I don’t believe Lush caves can spawn in a desert world that was my one kind of Hope was to get Lush caves get some grass change this whole area to an oasis I just don’t think it’s possible maybe it will be maybe it will be but I don’t think it’s possible but those are my dreams Oh no I got to wait for Knight I don’t have gunpowder oh that’s embarrassing yeah I don’t have gunpowder I can’t make can’t make a splash potion of weakness D this Golem wants to kill them all stop Golem they’re villagers five could get a little tricky here there they are they’re all good the house is a wreck but everyone’s fine and profits are going to be Monumental I need a raid right now I’ve got a bottle I can drink it why all the senseless violence you might say well I need money for a beacon makes the violence a little less senseless don’t it the raid was exactly like all the others the pillagers fell straight into my traps makes me wonder if there’s a way I can trap the ravagers they’re too thick to fall into the traps whacking them every time just feels cavem Manny all right raid done let’s make some money you got what do you got is it one yes oh that is a good deal that is a good deal I’ve never leveled this guy up the one that sells me Unbreaking yeah Bane of Arthropods okay that’s why I don’t know about you guys I like a mending bow I know you have to keep more arrows on you but you’re never going to have to reenchant a big old bow versus having a a big thing with infinity that you can’t put mending on yeah you got to car carry arrows but arrows ain’t even that bad to carry I have a Fletcher here not bad 18 Emerald blocks I don’t know how much a full Beacon is I know it’s way more than that it’s about 200 or so a full Beacon but with these profits I should be there in no time it’s always a balance though and right now I’m selling off way more glass than I’ve got I’m going to build myself an auto furnace that way I’m always making glass and that should help a little bit uh I kind of messed up here um I might have to make this villager house a little smaller let’s see oh dude only one guy lives here I can displace him that’s fine yeah I’m going to have to move this whole house put the put the fuel in the back again one guy lives here one guy is going to be like bro my house no now I look at it it’s much smaller but it’s still there see dude the child doesn’t even mind doesn’t even mind it’s comfy you can have a cactus there you go well not let her look at it maybe I didn’t have to move his house maybe I could have just managed for furnaces I don’t know it’s you know it’s already done it’s already done okay got to get to bed need more money yeah I’m not sure what I was thinking with this furnace setup it was very sloppy luckily when you’ve got cured villagers you don’t need to be very efficient at all I mean one glass pain is an each sand with some free lava makes a glass block and six glass blocks Mak 16 glass panes so each sand block is 2.5 emeralds so just imagine each of these is 2 and a half emeralds that’ll put into perspective how rich I’m going to get okay so it seems like glass prices are going to be pretty bad if I just go into another raid so I’m going to just let this stuff cook a little bit probably get some sand at least what I can with this shovel and then I’ll I’ll keep on doing raids I could also use some creepers at night I got some kind of chory stuff to do oh oh my shovel almost broke look at that oh it’s low oh yeah you know you’re doing good in Minecraft when you got 13 buckets okay that’s all cooking I need to go kill uh creepers I need gunpowder audio was all off that night I don’t feel like fixing it all right nice night of killing the locals oh a potato do I do I have potatoes do I I don’t even know I don’t even really I don’t know I’m just a little bit past the point where potatoes matter yeah I definitely don’t have a potato in my inventory or my storage cool a potato all righty glass prices should be looking better I think it’s time for another raid let’s go get a bottle of uh ominous whatever you know it’s weird but it works look at all of them down there oh man yeah say what you will about the bottle thing is it weird totally it’s totally weird but as far as gameplay goes it is a little more convenient and I can appreciate that last time there was a problem with this Le turn but I moved that let’s do it let’s do it I don’t think I’ve had a perfect raid just yet so I’d like to actually do that for once every time it gets a little bit better but something always goes wrong so far so good but the bad stuff hasn’t come in yet I think this is the wave where generally something bad happens there’s just so many of those big guys I love and hate when they’re in the water it makes them easy targets but I also don’t have much infrastructure over there did we win victory that was a level five one too look at this totem saddle chest getting thick what I’m doing a raid Farm I mean I don’t think so I think I just got really good defenses I’m not really farming The Raid am I all right is that it 25 25 Emerald blocks I mean that’s not bad for a day oh no there there’s more there’s more right there 31 getting close look at that uh is that that’s not quite 100 yet but we’re pretty close oh no way look at that map no look at it we’re like right by one apparently right under here is a treasure map not a not a right under here sneaky whatever they’re called tricky trial wow that’s so close we just start digging here it is here it is I found it nice okay I’m not going to do it just yet I’m just going to keep this hole here I got more you know money- making to do but it’s kind of cool literally right next to this Village there’s a tricky trial that’s pretty sweet oh kittens Daddy has more glass for you what do you looking at all right I’m going to try this one time I’m going to try this absolutely one time I’m going to try to make this little cat my forever friend I have three fish if he doesn’t accept my three fish we just won’t be friends and I’m fine with that but if he does oh yeah this going to be good come on I got the fish for you we’re wasting valuable profit time cat off yes best friends forever he’s one of those fancy pushed in face cats nice okay I’ll name you later come with me and and have another uh salmon where are you oh the glass price oh it is nasty 11 I mean I have a lot of glass so it’s not a big deal I need the money 11 these guys are doing one that’s nice looked it up 164 I need for a full Beacon so I’m only about 40 away that’s maybe another day or two of trading I am going to go do that sneaky trial whatever it’s called tricky trial I don’t care you want to come with I feel like that’s a bad idea but you know what you’re here don’t get killed cat oh you know what no I need bad Omen that makes these better grab my bottle let’s get in all the copper I could ever want which is none oh there it is let’s fight let’s fight spiders it’s all you going to throw at me look at this reward golden carrots yeah okay there’s another one a single golden carrot all this trouble I get a golden carrot right one literally one awesome beef got beef beef yeah that was terrible why am I even here I’ve done a few of these things now and they’re not that difficult especially if you’re like me in this playthrough where I’ve got a lot of good armor and a totem I don’t think I ever got below like three hearts in this whole thing you’re going to see uh I’ve defeated the trial hardly um got any uh no not a scratch down well there’s some arrows in me not a scratch not a it didn’t hurt there’s one directly in my nuts all right now witness my treasure witness my oh okay okay okay that wasn’t bad that’s it that was an enchanted golden apple what do you mean that’s it already have those and a wind charge check this out this is a new thing okay that’s new oh I need I need something else I need to keep oh and that’s my cat I finally got one what’s his name he doesn’t have one would you like to name him where did you find him in the in the desert yeah Sandy Sandy is it a girl it’s a girl named Sandy and she looks like sand Sandy didn’t get the mace or whatever that’s supposed to be but I’ve actually tried that before and it’s pretty mid and now the mace Fanboys are in my comment section like okay here we go these I don’t think are as good that was that was nowhere near as good all right that’s enough of that yeah no mace on that but that’s fine kind of like the uh the aura I have a threatening Aura now still a little more hero oh 2 minutes 2 minutes of hero uh uh transfer it to the 1% work villagers work let’s see if I can get another trial chamber map here uh no that’s the same one nope same one I think these villagers just scammed me oh I got scammed I got scammed I’ve been kind of scamming them their entire lives that’s just uh that’s just balance all of it is very mid and I’m sorry if you really like the trial Chambers or whatever but that’s just my opinion you don’t have to listen to me well I don’t really know what to do today okay the glass price has absolutely crashed so I got to give that another day or two but it should only be one more day and then I’ll be fully ready for a beacon maybe I should go kill the Wither can I do that I think the only thing I’m really missing is milk so off I went on a quest to get milk not knowing if it was even possible can you milk camels nope wow what a horrible game let’s see do camels have milk yes camels have milk wow Minecraft where’s my realism ooh a cow awesome two cows and all that milk sweet well that was a little Adventure now we got milk I think I can fight the Wither got to find a spot really you know recently if I fight the Wither above ground I always do it in a village so I’m going to do it right in here nice little village no count it’s just kind of nice cuz then the you know if you if you spawn it in a village then the Wither shoots a bunch of the random civilians and golems and stuff gives you more time to deal your damage all right here we go wither time watch out villagers the live commentary is really muffled cuz he’s so loud I God apple he got me about half hearts would I been okay I mean maybe but I had two you know there we go oh there we go little souvenir little wither roseo that was stressful that was stressful once I popped that God Apple it was over well I’m fairly certain that’s all the bosses I don’t think ancient cities spawn in the desert and I don’t really feel like looking so I’m just going to take my own word as fact and my little wither rose in its nice little home started did a raid day 87 and I didn’t even see the first wave they just spawned like right in the Trap you know I might be able to build something for ravagers in this spot they always tend to go there yeah spawn some Vex I know I’m a disgrace you know what though they’ve never ever killed a villager at least not ones that I care about good game pillagers good game hero should be last day of profits and then I can start putting this Beacon up so at this point I’m really just looking for a good spot for this beacon on top of my house felt like a good idea but it’s offc Center so that’s not going to work so just going to put it in the ground you know it works right it’s going to work forgot there’s water underneath the town in this area though back when I leveled I I should have filled this with sand but I was lazy and I have none of the good water enchantments cuz you know I’m in a desert yeah shame on me for not bringing scuba gear I have resistance to and regeneration making me much more strong it does look a little weird coming out of the ground like that but it was such a pain to build I’m not changing it today I got one more bottle in here I’m doing this for me just just know this I’ve got the be I kind of want to try it out I know I said I would be done with the raids but I just want to try it out basically I I think why this works is when you use a trap door this is what the mob SE what they think they see but then they actually fall through so hopefully this works so I continued ripping up everything I had built trying to make it more deadly it’s not even really a necessity I’ve maybe taken 10 damage total from all the raids I’ve ever done at this point I’m just messing with them hopefully I didn’t just absolutely wreck all of my traps but we’ll see we will see I love being strong all right let’s see did they go in that one did oh he hit the oh okay that one went in come on in guys come on in guys yeah they fall in okay it’s a little it’s a little weird but they do fall is the ravager a ravager walked right over I was hoping the ravager would be able to fall in but it does not wonder how I do that all right I have an idea I can solve this with science going to just throw a little Contraption here together trying to get those ravagers into my trap mid raid too yeah all right it’s very very horribly ugly and I’m not even sure if it’s going to work I’ve had Pistons work with ravagers before the idea is they’ll fall in this hole now all right let’s see just kidding got knocked off my wall had to fight for my life a little bit there how silly baby zombie here got a totem he thinks that’s going to save it regardless if this trap works or not I’ve turned a fairly functional gate into an absolute death trap for myself all right raids don’t normally take me 2 days but they do when I’m messing around nah ravager traps did not work wasn’t ever really a problem shooting them from the top of the wall is one way to deal with them just would have been nice I trap everything else they’re just so thick man man should have done a m these things can’t do anything in the water look at them look at them I love the little fireworks it’s like my favorite part yeah I don’t even really need money that was all just for fun hey you uh you know I’m a hero right you want to share no oh okay okay I would really really really like some grass so I’m going to go looking for some it’s a dream to have a little bit of grass I don’t really want anything else in this world I I’ve thought about it I don’t know if I really even at this point have enough time to Grass everything but a little Oasis a little tiny piece of it in the desert would be nice so I’m going to try to find some make it a little easier down in the caves though I always love doing night vision potions it just is so much better some people use that mod you know where it’s like always night vision there they’re cheating don’t care what you say you’re cheating just make a night V vision potion it’s in the game into the mine looking for grass I don’t think it’s going to spawn anyway but maybe that’s just me being pessimistic I’m going to look around night vision potions do make exploring just so much better you can just see so much more I’m out of arrows no I’ll be okay thank you yeah and I think it’s because the biome is Desert even in the caves so I don’t think I’m ever going to find like a lush cave that was my first idea is I’ll find a lush cave but I don’t think I’m going to be able to you never know though hey diamonds I’d rather have grass oh okay a geode I don’t think I’ve done one of these oh more diamonds oh man I don’t need them I have too many diamonds at this point I’ve hit that threshold no grass anywhere and like I expected no different caves either it’s all just those generic Minecraft Caves at what point do you give up do you go yeah this is probably not going to happen grass I don’t know why I thought oh a god Apple very nice ni oh and I just emerge that’s nice that is nice now where am I there it is there’s homes I didn’t even go that far night potions just about to wear off that was pretty much perfect timing no grass villagers sorry I’m going to try to figure out something to do with these diamonds how many blocks is that seven H if we had four corners on the wall I would do that but seven diamond blocks do I fix this with diamonds I think that’s a little too much it’s not enough to put around the beacon stop throwing paper at me I don’t want it maybe I just incorporate this into some sort of statue all right well first things first I got to figure out where to put a statue Monument type thing a lot of r over here but that’s more for war and this is sort of a Town’s area I think right here right here might be good off the front believe this house only house is one villager I almost want to move it I’m going try to have a little fun with this little sand sculpture hores once tried to make one back in our old 100 days world go watch that one she tried it’s hard to work with you know it has gravity most Minecraft stuff doesn’t I’m going to see what I can do trying to feel the space here just trying to feel the space okay this sand sculpture thing is a little harder than I thought I mean that’s a little better I like it from the ground I do in the village it looks nice it does don’t drown in the desert that would be embarrassing okay yeah it’s a little tacky but it has a sword and an emerald which is pretty much what I’ve been doing this entire time either fighting or making money there’s not much you can do in the desert only thing I don’t love is the base I wish I could see it better I wish it was switched it wouldn’t be that hard to switch the beak now that I think about it yeah I’m going to switch the beak cuz I just want to be able to see it you know his back is the back has turned to me uh I don’t look right you can see him he’s looking at you the protector I don’t even know but I like it Trader showed up again let’s see what he’s got oh oh Acacia that’s a new tree type nice understandably I’m a little less hyped about this one than the jungle tree it’s not as big and I already have trees but it’s a nice addition to my collection I wonder if it’d be possible to get every tree with enough time I don’t know if the trader sells Oak let me know nerds you never let me down did some lights I don’t like torches on the ground if I can help it and made the seide of the wall three high it’s really not necessary but I had the stone is there anything else I have to do around here got the lights I guess I always kind of wanted to put stairs here that’s a lot of stairs I don’t I don’t really want to do it yeah I got to fix this gate it shouldn’t take too long but I got to fix that gate you could also officially name Sandy can do that real quick Sandy hey Sandy I think this design could have worked with sticky pistons I just never got sticky pistons and it’s ugly it’s got to go as a wall efficient Auto I just love this three high wall pure Sandstone oh looks so good I’m at that point in the game where I’m walking around looking for any little thing maybe more water like let me just like spin around and see if I see green and yeah there’s Green in the frame there they’re on the on the right uh yeah little green got some cactuses maybe I need a little more green in the middle I don’t I don’t know why this Cactus is here now that I look at it it’s not that I don’t like cactuses I just don’t know why that one was there does no one live here dude I got these villagers crammed in like sardines and there’s empty houses yeah maybe we can make these situations a little better two beds here we can free up there’s a nice little house right here I think two could pretty simply live in there yeah that’s decent spacing oh yeah that’s way too much do one two nice Humane oh man this this guy they’re like stuck in here oh I don’t think there’s any fixing this I don’t think it’s are you guys okay are you stuck no oh and I can’t delete these beds or some won’t be able to sleep this is an Abomination and I I know I did it but it’s an Abomination oh dude oh sorry villagers oh don’t hurt me Golem oh I’m short one uh uh you know what farmer you and this librarian you love each other very much don’t you farmer yeah you do you do yeah it’s not much but you know what it’s better than them all being crammed in treating the villagers nicely is something I’m new to I almost never do it right away but after you’ve got some power you know then it does feel nice to treat them nicely comfortably we can do three in here kind of nice I can do a couple of these next to each other you want to steal my design go ahead look he likes it he likes it yeah that’s a nice little house looking thing not too bad you guys over here making babies you’re doing it look at my house dude this place is like kind of a squabble I mean it’s nicer than all the villagers for sure I have more square feet for sure whatever one thing as I’m sitting here looking at all my villagers one thing I really don’t like is how they all just come to the center of town convenient for some things like the cartographers the cartographers definitely have their area and that’s where they belong but I like how the farmers have kind of their own place so I’m going to at least put some of these things in way places where you know they’re going to chill so like the Fletch sure he’ll be here Blast Furnace here and maybe they’ll chill there throughout the day like why is this Lecter just sitting here that’s that’s just lazy bro it’s lazy you know now some of these dudes are going to go to different areas now like their elector should not be there why are these on the ground what’s with this pot on the ground no not cool and then that should declutter the center cuz the center was pretty bad they were all kind of just hanging out in the center making everything look bad and I spent some time making a spot specifically for cartographers they were really clogging up the center of town down their workstations and it looks slapped down put a little structure around it all it looks nice enough but even then they’re still all congregating why are they all chilling in the middle maybe that’s just their nature they don’t want to all right can you at least make babies if you’re going to be in the Middle come on nice all right everyone’s going to bed yes night night everybody been working on these villagers and I just haven’t done anything with my own home I mean the storage is fine the mine entrance down here is all very functional maybe a little cluttered but pretty good it’s really just this area it really just needs a bedroom and I know i’ I’ve waited until day 99 to do it but we’re going to blow out this back wall it’s demo day I really hope I have enough sand for this m that’s a nice little corner yeah I like this I like this a lot the only thing it needs is a little little storage little crafting table got to have that one more thing what are we missing here yeah that that’ll be good it’s not much but it’s home despite not having a door d day 100 it’s done I did it in the desert normally don’t do much on day hundreds I normally just take it all in everything I’ve done over the last 100 days and what a beautiful little civilization which reminds me got to tell the pillagers something before I head out this is what I think of you may have just ruined the economy but whatever the video is about to end a Trader I know it’s day 100 what does he have uh basically nothing podel some different dirt oh Moss okay let’s see what I can do with this am i g to get grass on day 100 don’t you dare tell me I’m gonna get grass on day 100 okay I’ll take some Moss I’ll take some podel let’s see if I can bone meal this I might be dumb I don’t know how this works no is that Moss is it Moss or oh it’s okay well it’s kind of like grass it’s it’s a little bit like grass it’s green right would this make would that do anything oh that’s kind of awesome guys wow would it just be is simple is putting down a bunch of bunch of dirt put down Moss right bone meal it oh it’s Lush wow I mean it I obviously can’t do all of it it’s day 100 the video is about to end but wow yeah even the Golem’s happy that’s amazing well I wish that that happened sooner I could have done something with that oh well I guess what a beautiful ending Golem don’t you think yeah thank you all for watching thank you to my notable members that you see on screen right now see you in the next one stay notable

I survived 100 Days in the Minecraft Desert, this is what happened…

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Other GREAT 100 Days videos,
The ORIGINAL 100 DAYS – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYzfeWaenlU
100 Days with Cheats – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RnG5T0f_IU
100 Days on XBOX 360 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsgL5k1LkIk
100 Days with TORS – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7OHcDnWw-c

#100Days #minecraft #HardcoreMinecraft


  1. I really liked how since its a longer vid luke gets to show more of the little things that he does and when he talks in those moments its not like the" IM A GOD" luke. Its chill luke which is pretty nice

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