Stardew Valley Expanded Ep. 93: Gemfish Catch & Discovering Sprite Spring! New Fish!

good day good day good day welcome we’re off to the desert let’s go um our goals here today are a couple I think I honestly don’t remember most stuff oh man do we save for the return scepter now we might we might all right one of those goals was let’s buy some rhubarb okay goal number one completed perfect nailed it uh Sunday I don’t think I have anything to trade with this person but it’s fine um one of the main things that I do want to get is ultimately the Obelisk right and we do have the capability of getting said ovalis uh right away we could get it right now I do need a few more cactus fruit and you know General uh paraphernalia from the desert here so that’s good uh we’ll grab a few of these nice and easily not complicated in the slightest oh hi hi what are you what are you you are worthless but yeah so just here to grab myself a couple of uh cactus fruit and coconuts and and the such um nothing too crazy out here in the desert right we’re not we’re not Reinventing the wheel right now okay but uh yeah grab these then that will at least allow us the opportunity to basically craft up a beauty that would be the Obelisk for the desert uh I think we should have everything we require to do so the big question is I could probably get the return scepter instead and I may want to go with that first but I don’t know I got warp totems are so easy to get too so you know it’s a fine line there it’s a fine line maybe the obelis could be a little bit better see I’m torn I’m torn to say the least all right other than that that was really about it we can get rid of the mixed seeds I don’t really need those and I think we just head on home accordingly but uh I’m trying to think if there’s anything else that we actually need to we have ancient fruit tomorrow right we have obviously more stuff to be building I don’t think Robin’s building anything at the moment and we need to go back to the highlands to try to get a gem fish but those things were very very difficult to say the least oh my Lord I forgot to call my horse that entire time can you believe that um so one of the things I’m kind of thinking you know what let’s let’s give that a try we’re a little bit late in the day but I think we can kind of sort of rush our way to that Highlands area and see if we can’t get ourselves set up with a nice little area or to try to get that gem fish I think it’s a possibility oh I forgot to look to see if I have a bobber though um or like a tackle if you know what I mean so let’s see if I have that available in here at all I just have the Barb hook Oh no I got a cork bobber okay good cuz I don’t have a tackle on there otherwise all right good uh other than that let’s blast on up here and let’s blast on our way through having the horse whistle is so Horse flute sorry not horse whistle my apologies is truly a godsend so let’s uh head on up we got to jump up here there’s no room down there to do it so we’ll uh do it right here excellent I should probably give uh Lance a little something something though um I think he likes but doesn’t love anything that I really have uh yeah not really okay a dagger fish I wonder where I get the dagger fish from that’d be an easy one he loves gemfish okay torpedo trout yes understood void ch is probably the one that I should just kind of keep on me for sure but anyways I’m going to give him a a quick little cheese he likes them so it’s not a bad gift by any means and let’s get on our merry little way uh avoiding as many of the monsters as we can as we get hit by them perfect nailed it all right good uh there’s a lot of them to say the least so we’re going to jump on up into the cave and uh I’m going to try my best to just kind of maneuver my way through uh without needing to do too much in terms of things or delays yes please please yes good okay let’s eat a cheese that was very good I’ll meet you at the gy fish though all right a little uh seafoam pudding and we should have almost the maximum possible that we can get for our fishing I don’t know if it’s perfect perfect and but uh it’s going to give us a pretty good shot at least hopefully of this guy yeah yeah you guys see what I’m dealing with here this thing is a monster uh to say the least yeah see those jittery things that’s the hard part okay you got to almost predict where it’s going to be but as you can see I’m not gaining any bar oh this is frustrating drives me bonkers like I have almost all of the Buffs that I need I mean maybe there’s more but you know I would like to catch one of these things and put it in my pond all right and now why is that monster able to move while I’m fishing like seriously it’s going to kill me hello uh that’s concerning I did not think that that was possible okay anyways where were we um yeah I’m going to try my best to catch one of these guys I I don’t know if I’m going to be able to but they are very very difficult as you guys just witnessed the jittery motion the the up and down everything is just an absolute nightmare I have really good luck I have really good everything but uh these guys are tough really really tough I got to get good simple as [Music] that you know one of those things what am I supposed to do about that honestly I just yeah I don’t know these things are tough to catch I got to yeah I got to get good dka we did it we got ourselves a gem fish hello that was so difficult I’m not even going to joke that was a lot of work I am blasting out of here um you know what I might as well get a little bit of gold and such before we go but yeah wow wow wow wow to say the least um now don’t get me wrong I know that I’m not like maxed out to the nines with a lot of my stuff but like I’m still pretty strong when it comes to my fishing levels and such and that was very difficult so I assume some of the other ones are just as difficult as well so you know it’s just one of those little details um that we’ll have to kind of keep a note of and keep an eye on as we go here because yeah was not an easy Endeavor now I am curious as well if there’s anything else more or less in this cave like have I been up here ow really dang rock crabs I tell you so annoying what’s up here like this is what is this is this just an area to more mobs okay I mean sure I’ll kill some more no big deal yeah line them all up for me that’s great okay okay then up here goes to where what is this oh hello uh okay okay uh is this the key it’s a dwarf why do we have a dwarf locked up you’re not one of them have you come to help me yeah oh is this dwarf being held by the shadow people oh I did must have been quite the fight yeah it took me forever okay let’s unlock this dwarf guy nobody should be imprisoned after all um hi welcome uh what do you do I can’t recall how many Moon phases have passed since my capture my home isn’t what it once was I shall find a new one okay uh cool um give me something thank you I shall find a way to repay you okay if you say so how do you you didn’t ask for my details how you going to repay me like hello hello Mr dwarf excuse me sir um you did not ask for my details uh I don’t think you could repay me anyways uh cool I did not know that that was up there that is good stuff I love it um in the meantime I’m going to grab just a little bit more uh resources while I can here and uh we’ll get that done accordingly ow swung the wrong way don’t mind me all right don’t mind me I’m just collecting stuff around here all right um I don’t want any trouble right I’m just going to kill and murder you fine don’t worry about it those guys take a lot of hits okay anyways um yeah pretty good pretty nice I love it pretty simple I think we’re going to uh pretty much head on home here now he was like just all up in my grill all right anyways uh off to home away we go we found the use to that key which is pretty sweet I’m happy to see that um but in the meantime Let’s uh horse whistle it up here Horse flute horse fluted up God dang it and uh oh yeah we did our little thing and we got an iron ore oh very cool and we’re going to throw our gem fish into the pond we got a new fish excellent excellent um from there we need to get our green tea and things like that going as well uh but all in all not too shabby uh let’s put away some of our loot that we keep on our horse at all times which I think that’s it right yeah yeah I think that’s it cuz we used up the rest awesome okay I am so ecstatic by actually catching that that was a struggle I’m not going to lie that was a lot of work um it was very very difficult uh to say the least did I already have rhubarb seeds I see I see I see F okay other than that um I don’t really I think I have a stonefish kept from before if I recall um do I yeah I do that’s good so we don’t need pretty much the rest of this stuff which is good now there is a couple of ways to kind of like make that easier I’m not going to lie but uh for us for right now I think that was a very good productive uh gain for something that we didn’t really have probably the best setup to do it so it’s a thing um other than that there was no tea leaves I don’t believe today if I recall so I’m hoping by tomorrow we will see some also by tomorrow we’ll have our coffee beans and I connected that path if you remember so I’ll be very curious to see if we have coffee beans in that chest that get Auto harvested or not I highly doubt it but I figured you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take you might as well take a look right so anyways other than that I think that’s a good rest for the 21st of the winter year 2 we’re coming up very close on Grandpa’s Shrine like the end of year 2 so it’s uh it’s a doozy don’t get me wrong I will also state it seems as though like some of those gem fish catches if you’re doing that on your own some of them were incredibly difficult and then the one that I got actually had some it wasn’t quite as bad okay so just one of those little details um if you’re trying to catch it in your playthrough or if you’re playing along things like that um that there may be hope don’t give give up on the hope all right we are here it’s a new start of the day let’s go see if we have some green tea down in this guy and then we also have ancient fruit to collect yeah nothing there that makes sense and we have some green tea leaves excellent so one of these we need to make actual green tea out of and the other we need to get uh we need to basically just sell right because that will show us um through and into what we actually need one day left on the mangoes too so tomorrow we should have uh mangoes ready and it looks like we’re starting to get some silver Peach and orange so that’s really good those two we can end up selling as we go so that’s really nice as well um other than that we got that in there that’s good holy another 67 coffee and I’m going to go get our ancient fruit going here as well we have this keg Brewing away another day or so to get that and all of our crops to harvest so uh in the meantime I’m going to harvest away and say hello to the animals and things like that uh readdress when our next Harvest will be which will be in seven more days I’m kind of leaning to WS ancient fruit for a little bit longer term because then I don’t need to worry like I don’t have to replant it every time and that’s a bit of a pain I’m not going to lie uh what do you guys do in your worlds do you kind of sort of say no I can’t do starf fruit anymore or you say the heck with it and you install the tractor mod and call it a day you know something like that um be very curious to know I do think my strategy for upgrades is going to be pretty straight forward I think I’m going to get oh I kind of really want to get the uh scepter though don’t I I kind of really do I kind of really also want to just sell all of this I think I’m going to sell it all we’ll save what we got there we don’t need that much anyways we don’t have enough casks for it yet so I’m going to sell all of this ancient fruit like so that should get us almost to the 200k now what are we going to do or the 2 million not 200k what are we going to do with the 2 million I think we got to get the return scepter right I think it’s a priority we have to we have to dive into that I’m pretty confident in that assessment so let’s just split those up I don’t want to do too by accident let’s do that and then let’s ship one as well to get our shipping completed now I’m also going to need to harvest another one don’t get me wrong but we will get those tomorrow and uh for the rest of the winter um days here so that’ll be really nice to kind of cap that off with our tea production um that’ll get us some green tea which will be yeah not super helpful but just another item that we can ship and get closer and closer to our Perfection setup right little tiny steps is what I’m kind of looking for um other than that I kind of want to get a little bit more cheese here uh on our person we’ve kind of gone through a little bit of it you know kind of in hindsight I probably shouldn’t have gotten all the cows probably just should have switched over to goats oh that’s right I got all these little chickens too guys um I think I forgot to show that I decided to fill this up almost we have a dinosaur egg incubating that uh that will give us more but I decided to get a few more uh few more chickens cuz why not um pretty easy to take care of the chickens are so you know little details um other than that we have completed our ancient fruit and winter so that will put us on now so that was Winter 22 so we’ll do spring 7 Days right so that’s the 29th it’s spring one isn’t it I’m pretty sure it is uh so wow already looking at Spring one for that uh Gus’s secret friend that’s going to happen before um the sprinkler uh Monday will happen before the starf fruit in the greenhouse that’s good we did get our fishing pond set up I think it’s probably a good idea to run up and get some shipping bins and things like that done as well with Robin here today but I’m trying to think if there was something else hello bring CLA and orange Scarlet baked Berry okay Claire is obviously at work I mean I can bring her an orange though that should be fun fine uh where is Scarlet though Scarlet’s down at Sophia’s this is a good opportunity for us to get a little bit of rep with one of our lowest possible so uh goat cheese wheel Jade I think I saw I think I saw a jade in there let’s give her a jade uh that should be good and an orange for for Claire do I have a fancy orange just the silver I think she’s tough to get to though you kind of need to catch her leaving the movie theater which isn’t the easiest of Endeavors but uh I’m going to give it a try anyways today let’s grab an orange for Claire there we go and we have the Jade for scarlet hopefully we can uh track down these two and get a little bit of rep here today as well uh I was thinking we could go to the island or you know do some things like that but I don’t think we need to just yet so that might be a little bit of a future Endeavor um as we go oops uh we got to go down to our wife’s farm so let’s head on down oh it’s Monday we get new quest uh what do we get number of grubs uh I can’t remember that that gets me something with to do with bug meat I think uh local River fish all right let’s do the um actually our Grub’s going to be hard harder for us with the new cave I actually don’t know let’s give that a go I haven’t really uh like I know how easy that is before the cave change but uh I don’t know how easy it is afterwards there you go how did you know I love this he also loves uh cherries okay good to know um yeah other than that we’ll uh we’ll wait it out for Claire on that end for the orange um and that will be really easy baked Berry oatmeal I wonder if I have a baked Berry oatmeal now that I think about it I’m just happy I have some quests you know quests are a thing that I actually really love in this game and because we hit Max hearts with so many people it uh it isn’t really one thing that we’ve had to really focus on at all so anyways let me take a look uh it should be at the front right these are alphabetical breakfast yeah I don’t think I have it baked Berry oatmeal I can’t make it 15 salmon berries and blackberries yeah okay definitely not doing that one all right no big deal worth a shot I wanted to take a look um other than that let’s head on up to Robins here today uh we might as well cave Patrol maybe we can even pop into the mine to see about grubs trying to think maybe um you know what probably down on a different level right like the uh it might be with the spiders and such where is everybody going hello why is everyone leaving no I wanted to buy stuff they’re all going to the community center aren’t they well I guess that means uh let’s head on up to the mines I don’t I mean I could go give some gifts I guess H let’s see about getting that grub thing done well this is a good sign I’ll take it I’ll take it game keep coming at me with this uh I am all for this when I need grubs um one of the other places that I was kind of thinking about is I bet you the sewers count oh boy change we got a changer uh I can’t remember if they still count after they change but um yeah my thought process is the sewers probably also count um in terms of some of their possibilities as well so yeah these things don’t even hurt um okay wow I got a prismatic Shard what okay so we’re at 42 of 50 let’s see if this guy counts they kind of look like a bee now don’t they okay 42 of 50 no did not count okay transformation really really bad I’m glad that there is uh grubs though um I I did this the first time and there was none and I’m like uh-oh now don’t get me wrong I know I can change it back as well but uh you know it was just one of those little details that I was sitting there going like H maybe this won’t uh be as easy as I thought now I did think of the sewers but uh you know just one of those little details you know it’s uh I don’t think that they’re going to be in this area though like this foggy area I don’t think we’ll have any grubs so I I think I just got a rinse and repeat on like 40 to 45 um to kind of complete this Quest it shouldn’t take me very long at all if uh if that was my luck already so I’m happy to see that didn’t take me long at all 6,000 bucks let’s go and I think this is still going to give us a plenty of opportunity to even go pop in and see about intercepting Claire as she leaves the movie theater cuz I believe she ends at 8 or 9 I can’t remember exactly but she should be starting to wander very very soon to say the least so let’s head on down Marlin’s coming up everybody’s leaving the community center Claire’s still at the movie theater okay noted noted um what time does she get off whoa we got an aridium band too nice that’s amazing uh antiprismatic Shard this new mine thing sounds pretty darn good um am I just going to wait I might just wait you know what I mean I don’t think our bees Harvest I’m pretty sure they don’t they do indoors we do have better bee houses or whatever but uh I don’t think they still do in winter yeah no okay that’s what I thought but thought I’d double check give it a quick little look see right all right looks like my spicy eel is about to wear off not too shabby uh we are just going to wait on Claire here uh movie theater closes at 9: so she should hopefully be coming out very very soon and I will gift her with the orange um equally what else does she like because I can give her the gift and then I can follow it up with something else well the Prismatic Shard I mean you know an energy tonic I mean not the not the worst oh I have life I do have energy tonic yeah you know what I think the energy tonic is a little bit easier to gift than say the uh Prismatic Shard but uh we’ll see when she comes out obviously it takes a bit to close at the movie theater um Claire hello please there you are hello have the orange thank you so much um hello yeah that’s what I thought have an energy tonic get some energy energy drink it up girl all right there we go boom excellent that should be a pretty darn good rep with Claire I would think right we should have just m moved up the ranks a little bit yeah a little bit nothing nothing super crazy but pretty darn good right um the other thing too is the radioactive ore I got to probably start collecting that a little bit more I think that there’s definitely some high-end recipes that are going to look to utilize that so um it’s got to be on my list here uh to handle as well um other than that though not a bad little run simple but not bad right so that’s good uh another aridium band I don’t know like I could combine it with a luck ring there’s a lot of things that I can combine it I don’t think I need three Soul sappers I’d rather keep two aridium bands than three Soul sappers if you know what I mean but uh it’s too bad like I guess I can sell those to Marlin but I think I’m just going to Turf it I’m just going to Turf it uh the other thing that I was just thinking about as well we do have that Goran uh gem yeah this one here the Goran gem this guy it must be it’s just liked by people okay not loved but I am thinking wait what did that say sells to the volcano shop what I don’t remember seeing a volcano shop uh item for that oh maybe the little dwarf halfway likes those maybe there’s something now for sale I’m not sure we might have to check that out uh all in due time we are on a Monday so the gald Doran Outpost was where Lance was it’s the hardest to get to um but tomorrow and the next day here in stardo so that might be a good way to kind of improve and enhance our situation it looks like our green tea is done as well so that’s good we also got an Amber ring and an Amber bangle so I want to definitely ship those guys because we have not yet the green tea we don’t need to ship that’s good to know so I don’t need to worry about really pushing that onvelope and getting it going there you go enjoy your green tea there blob fish enjoy it well uh what how’s our stardew jelly stardew jelly our star fruit jelly I definitely need more of these guys don’t I but 24 grand every what couple of days is that what that is I think I can’t remember exactly this guy takes yeah I don’t even know I don’t even know every couple of days 24 Grand has been a nice little supplement to our setup here um what do we need we need a lot of coal four coal wood and stone is that what that was wow those are expensive um I mean we can get some though right like what if we do another well I don’t know 56 would that work probably we’re going to run out of wood again though uh let’s get at least a few of those yeah we’re out of wood almost completely so that’s a thing that’s a thing all right anyways uh let’s ship our preserved jelly and let’s bolster our preserved jelly shed as well I think this is the biggest hurdle that we’re probably starting to run into now is the mass production lines of K eggs you know preserves Etc that we could be doing better with we just need to grab the resources to do so so something like this would probably be pretty advantageous um for us to really start to bolster right we have in here we are making star fruit oh we’re actually not completely full here okay noted let’s bring some star fruit down from up here even though I don’t think the wines is profitable unless you Cask it um we’re going to we’ll bring some of this down accordingly uh it seems like the jellies are worth more a little bit right am I wrong in that thought process or am I bang on I don’t know um but we were at what what was it per 23 or something maybe you still get more but this takes 7 Days 7 days for 3150 whereas the jelly right starf fruit jelly we’ll take a look at here tonight and see what that’s sold for but I think that guy takes yeah 3 days is just under 3 days so half the time so yeah let’s let’s do a little cost analysis this is 3150 without Cask right without casking that’s the main thing versus whatever we get for the jellies so that’s going to be a good little cost analysis for us to look at here so let’s take a look see all right whoa that’s a lot of money we’re at 200 mil 200 mil I wish we were at 200 mil we’re at 2 mil so 2170 yeah that’s worth more that’s 40 42 40 4340 right per uh I guess that’s two star fruit though right is it worth what’s a star fruit worth I guess right maybe if it’s a regular starf fruit it might be worth it I’m not sure but yeah that ancient fruit really helped um okay any yeah H yeah I got to think about that one I I might have to bust out an Excel spreadsheet I think it’s close maybe I’ll just do everything it’ll be fine all right we got a few more days till our next uh star fruit setup um anyways so I’m not going to swe it too much but we did just surpass $2 million doll du uh H thanks for helping me clear out more monsters uh take this item I found it in the back room that’s a little questionable eggplant parm all right I’ll take it I’ll take it um do I have an eggplant Farm in either of these I do not it is a good food don’t get me wrong but I don’t really need it so I was hoping for a little bit of a better prize okay um other than that we got progress we got ourselves the blob fish we’re getting ourselves a little bit of everything at least this fishing pond is connected so that’s good but what I think I need to do is I’m going to rip out these bushes cuz we can do that and then I want to get Robin to move over that fishing pond the other thing that we need to get done is obviously a lot of wood harvesting I do not have anything for wood I have six in here and like 20 on me so yeah not ideal to say the least um let’s throw our radioactive bars in with this that’ll be good and I might as well ship one now that we can do so again completionism is great we’re doing good on it but uh yeah might as well keep it going now we should have some tea leaves acur which is good lots of days left on the star fruit yep there’s some tree leaves let’s grab out our Cobblestone path and we’ll connect up our mangoes because we disconnected those uh like so that right oh we got to connect all that too hello McFly McFly let me grab some more Pathways here uh you thank you excellent good horsey I wish I could summon them indoors though right be like come here horse I need your assistance okay so what are we missing is it oh right here right there there we go okay there goes our mangoes excellent they are now getting harvested automatically as well it’s probably going to be a good idea for us to eventually grab grab ourselves a banana too but uh yeah little details as we go so I decided to jump on down into the junimo area haven’t really been down here in a bit but uh what do we got here Meep peaches peaches to go with apples what’s this what are you giving me peaches an ancient junimo scroll well thank you peaches what does that get at me hello okay we’re going through the maze uh-oh okay now we’re down at the junimo town all right what’s this from I like it why is there glistening out here what are those new fish oh we got a warp spot oh that is amazing okay that is very very helpful I am am happy beyond happy to see that okay that’ll make it a lot easier for us to get down to the junimos down there what do we got here hello is this apples what’s this I sense a hidden pathway has opened we’re just like unlocking all the things the path leads here okay uh where is here hi hello yes uh we’re heading up here okay oh am I supposed to go the other way okay we got some new things everyone we got some new things what is this now can I like go here oh ooh what do we got here again more of that magical fish and stuff stuff okay a human there’s a human here yeah I’m everywhere that’s impossible the only human that can find our spring is Meg oh there is a human wait the human understands us yes I do thank you don’t play dumb it’s obvious you know what we’re saying yes yes this is true what are you you must be very special if you can find this place and understand what we’re saying I am this area of the forest is magically protected from most humans they can’t even find it are you a student of Magnus rasmodius is he training humans in Magic again this is so interesting where did you come from never seen you before please tell us your name we’re so curious it’s nice to meet you hi lovely name want to come out I’m Claus not Claus Angelica Claus and Angelica okay we’re Forest Sprites the spring is our home how did you discover this place no ordinary person can find this spring H just kind of walked into the area you know I knew it you’re special this place is called Sprite spring the water here has special fortifying properties oh it’s like a is it an actual like spring a Claus I wanted to say [Music] that why don’t you tell the human what’s on the other side of the spring Angelica oh okay if you swim across there are flowers you can take home with me with you they grow every season okay okay this spring rewards those who give to the valley visit us again and you might find some rare forage very cool uh there will be even more treats to find cool whole another thing to do cuz we weren’t busy enough why don’t you swim across you can fortify yourself on your way over I’m curious about these fish too what are these we look forward to seeing you again another friend till next time we meet goodbye okay okay we got Sprite spring uh how do I swim across um how do I get across how do I oh you got oh you sneak behind the bush I see I see what is that mining plus three oh you get little Buffs cool oh they have a fishing spot there’s bubbles there’s bubbles that’s what I really want and I like how do I get to that one oh I can’t fish like that I have to actually [Music] like get the fish from afar you have to fish from okay so it’s a little forgeable area that’s cute I love it uh what do we have in here though I’m actually genuinely curious oops I got to pay attention to the fish though okay what are you gold golden fish what does a golden fish get me by the way we need it let’s go can’t go wrong with little golden fish let’s capture another one what’s the purple one is the real question I need one of them as well okay this seems a little more jittery than the golden fish was but maybe not nope another golden fish okay cool we got our two golden fish uh what do these guys do okay likes this loves this Marlin oh okay uh peman okay um oh it can be crafted yeah golden pumpkin golden Relic gold bar gold ore okay so kind of a nice little way to get some gold right not a big deal uh but effective okay let’s see about these purple guys this wasn’t on my list of things to do cuz I need needed Uh Wood so my main thing on on this trip was to get some wood but uh I am genuinely curious I would like to try to catch uh the purple guy here ah so that’s a meteor carp okay what does this guy get me aridium sprinklers aridium bar aridium ore uh yes please I would like two more of those thank you um but either way getting one we can put them in a fish pond at least so that’s good I wouldn’t mind grabbing one more but uh we’ll see a little bit harder to catch than this the Golden Sun the Goldfish or whatever we got here but uh not too too bad all things considered the golden fish I’ve been fishing for way too long though and I haven’t gotten any wood um we need some wood there’s a panning spot hello how do I pan that spot I’m like too far away aren’t I anyways um little things like that but yeah let’s uh I don’t think I need to fish anymore we’re going to leave it for right now but uh yeah this is pretty darn cool that we have a whole another thing will that let me pan that spot no it won’t okay cool I mean I guess we’ll uh collect all of these that’s some good forgea bles I don’t know if there’s anywhere else um any other Secrets over here like is that a way through I’m not sure uh let’s just kind of pop up give a couple of these a try right make sure that there’s no hidden passages uh to kind of get through doesn’t look like it so you know let’s just uh pop back into our drawers and uh head for a quick little swim can I pan while in here nope nope you can’t okay cool um very neat little item to say the least nice little spot uh big fan another thing to explore right little tiny details uh overall the other thing too it’s said to come back so I’m wondering what would happen if we go out and we go back in nothing I got nothing all right cool good to know noted got it let’s hop on our horsey friend here and I think I’m going to chop down trees for the rest of the day and I’m actually really happy that we had those cut scenes because you know I was kind of like okay am I just going to chop down trees and not bring people in at all but uh it looks like we had a little bit of fun content so that’s good I wonder if there’s a warp down there as well that would be pretty cool I don’t know where it would be or what would trigger it maybe it’s like a whole another day thing but uh yeah kind of cool very very cool to be honest I’m very excited about it um all things considered very nice uh I don’t know exactly where I am kind of like a big outcropping and then down here what’s down here oh is this where this is the ancient sword area okay I know a little bit of where I am so basically you head north from here and I think it takes you out if I recall so not too bad not too bad at all I’m going to chop some trees choppity chop and uh yeah I need the wood my friends so got to get wood got to get wood heading on home here and obviously full of wood uh to say the least uh not that full I wish it was a little bit Fuller but uh at least we have some right uh to have a full stack again feels pretty darn nice I’m not going to lie uh let’s throw some of that stuff in there let’s ship some stuff here as well um I’m wondering can this be resin I don’t actually know loves this Amber sword sure let’s resin it uh let’s get the ring sold as well might as well actually can you do anything else with this not really people just like it okay good uh let’s do that let’s ship that that that let’s ship these guys here um we’re going to have to save at least one of them I know the timer I’m watching it so one golden raw golden fish has to be saved and then the meteor carp and the golden fish for the fish ponds as well we might as well right like that seems pretty pretty smart to just kind of you know let’s just keep them right I think that’s a good idea as well so other than that um I have a whole bunch of coffee so I’m going to do a quick little uh oops I forgot to remove the filter there we go [ __ ] let’s go and I’m going to cook as many of these guys as I can boom 30 of them just to see if we can’t get ourselves a little cooking experience as well right before bed and then we’ll monitor what did we get not very much woohoo Victory but we caught a whole bunch of fish we shipped a whole bunch of items like we got the gemfish we got the gemfish in the pond we destroyed the bush we have to go see Robin so uh Robin’s definitely on our list of things to do today as well but overall look at that beauty we’re at you know what is that 20 2 2 million 11,224 what do you think how’s it going am I rich uh do you still make more money than me with your fancy Dancy wine probably probably nice some hay from Marne um yeah we got the secret friend all right very very cool very exciting and uh onwards and upwards my friends a lot more to get done I got to move over that fish pond I cannot forget that little piece of information here um so much to get done though so little time bye-bye for now see you

🌾 Welcome back to Stardew Valley Expanded! In Episode 93, we embark on exciting new discoveries and fishing achievements.

🚀 Episode Highlights:

Catching the Gemfish: Finally reel in the elusive Gemfish, adding a valuable catch to our collection.
Discovering Sprite Spring: Uncover a new magical area, Sprite Spring, with its unique features and surprises.
Junimo City Warp: Unlock and explore the Junimo City Warp, opening up new possibilities for travel and adventure.
New Fish Found: Encounter and catch new fish species to enhance our farm’s aquatic diversity.
Farm Expansions: Continue developing our farm with new structures and improvements for the winter season.
🔍 Join us as we catch the Gemfish, explore the enchanting Sprite Spring, and unlock the Junimo City Warp in this exciting episode of Stardew Valley Expanded!

📌 Keywords for SEO:
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1 Comment

  1. Well good job on the gemfish! I know I could never do that, it did look so tough!

    The dwarf doesn't need your contact info, your influence is so well spread all over the town, everyone knows you, I mean the dwarf just has to lurk nearby anyone and they probably are mentioning your name because of all the gifts you give and things you do, heh.

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