Minecraft But We’re LOCKED In ONE BLOCK!

guys where are we right now uh you boys are way too close I like being close to Lily but um of course you do Roxy but guys what is going on there’s a border around us I can’t move anywhere I don’t know what this is to make the Border bigger we have to get achievements wait achievements okay it says the first achievement is to open our inventory let’s see if that works and oh wait we got so much more room check this out we can finally move around uh no I’m not next to Lily anymore oh my gosh Roxy stop fooling around but how do we expand it even more there’s like a chest right over here but what’s the next achievement let’s find out next we have to get some wood do you guys see a tree around them there’s one right here oh awesome so let’s mine the tree and does the Border expand and oh yes it does and guys look we got an animal along oh my God oh she’s so cute oh my God oh my go yummy what no no no Roxy we are not eating him he is our pet right Lily yeah his name is Charles oh that’s such a cute name Charles the cow more like Charles my breakfast no Roxy oh gosh oh gosh Roxy relax we have to focus we have to make the Border bigger fine I’ll leave Charles alone but what’s next next we have to make a workbench oh that’s super easy all we have to do is transform my wood into some planks that my planks into a crafting table and oh it’s expanding even more and we can almost reach the chest though we need one more achievement all right let’s see what we could do we could either make a pickaxe a sword or a hoe all right let’s mine the woods so we can make them all super duper great thinking we could get three achievements in one and boom that’s all the wood in the tree now let’s turn it all into some blanks then put our crafting bench down make some sticks and now we can make a wooden sword and yes it expanded by one next up we can make a wooden pickaxe and yes it expanded again then finally we could make a wooded hoe and boom that’s three free achievements huh yes um Roxy that’s not the chest it’s over here silly and whoa there’s a bunch of food in here and some raw rabbits ew Grosso oh I love raw beef too it’s so tasty but wait a minute guys we just made this place so much bigger ohms look above us oh okay and wait a minute what is that over there whoa how do we get up there well it’s outside of the border so we need to get more achievements all right let’s do it and the next achievement we have to get is um we have to kill a cow uh okay oh no don’t do it oh gosh Lily did it like that but yes the Border expanded and oh we’re almost to the island we’re so close only like two more blocks guys that was not cool Sorry Lily but we need two more achievements next we have to get some Stone because we have to get a better pickaxe and make a furnace oh we can do two exactly so let’s go biting everyone let’s do this song and one two and three Cobblestone that is enough for a pickaxe all right here you go Roxy make yourself a pickaxe and we should all get the achievement now I’m gonna go get a furnace all right and the furnace is coming right up as well this teamwork is super duper good we’re gonna be ready in no time and yes you did it awesome and now I have enough Cobblestone for a furnace let’s go I’m coming back up guys and where is the crafting table oh it’s right here now let’s make a furnace and now we have a furnace and yes we can smell things now and the next achievement is to destroy a monster is there any monsters around guys oh oh go gosh where did he go es okay I’m coming in wait where is he going he keeps teleporting oh gosh this is scary he’s right here oh no oh no we’ll leave my friends alone now I don’t know gosh oh gosh oh gosh Roxy Run keep running no no no come on how much health does this guy have hi yeah come on he has to be low and I just broke my pickaxe but yes we got him guys good job that was awesome but next we need to smell an iron ingot oh here’s a pig axons let’s go mining all right let’s do it guys follow me down into the mine this is gonna be awesome are we at the iron yet I think we’re getting close and oh oh okay then yes we found iron let’s go pieces are there there’s four right over here let’s go and wait a minute there’s more than four um is the water for you oh thank you so much Roxy now I could mine and whoa there’s so many I already have five six oh my gosh seven and eight I got a all at once let’s go on some melted in the furnace all right I got it and wait we need some cool and oh there’s coal right over here let’s go this is awesome we’re getting super duper lucky and now the Border should start expanding it’s working and we got our first piece of iron and with all this iron smelting we could all make some better tools though oh yeah isn’t getting diamonds an achievements yup it is so with the iron we just got we can make an iron pickaxe to mine diamonds all right let’s do it this is awesome whoa we have an iron pickaxe now let’s go looking for some diamonds follow me guys uh can I have your old pickaxe please yep there you go Lily and Roxy you could have this other Stone one now let’s go down now do you think we’re gonna find diamonds quick oh I think we’re getting close because we just found gold and gold spots next to diamond Zone more I more iron wait what more iron whoa awesome so much oh we’re gonna be super super I know right let’s go how many iron did you get Roxy I got ten whole pieces here you go you go whoa awesome now I have 12 in total but no diamonds yet we gotta go deeper guys that’s mine oh gosh the number one rule of Minecraft is to never dig straight down whoa why what could happen whoa guys I think we’re in the stronghold uh wait where the end portal is yup and whoa there’s a chest here with a wither skeleton skull looting to book an apple some snow and an ender pearl off this is crazy I told you mining down was bad no this isn’t bad this means that we can actually beat that game even though we’re in the Border oh yeah let’s try to find the Portal and there’s probably diamonds in here as well so look guys the Portal’s right here but we can’t reach it because the Border but there’s diamonds around let’s keep looking here all right let’s look around can we go anywhere it doesn’t look like it um look I found diamonds wait what no way what how’d you find diamonds in Oh you found so many and the Border expanded and wait you literally found six and one yay I’m super lucky you are the best Lily let’s go and wait a minute guys the island I think we can reach it now let’s go to the surface and boom we made it up to the surface on yay now time to build up to the island and yes we unlocked the island but wait a minute I don’t think I have enough blocks to get there we also unlocked the chest over here wait really what’s inside them it has obsidian a fishing rod some books and some rails what do we do with all of this it must be for achievements oh yeah let’s see what I could do hmm oh oh I get it we can make an enchantment table let’s do all right let’s open up the crafting table put the obsidian down to Diamonds and a book and boom we got an enchantment table and it’s expanding and now we got even more room but um guys how do we get blocks on let’s mine the dirt under us oh great idea and we could use the diamonds we just got to make some super duper powerful shovels on let’s do it all right and boom I got three shovels here’s one for you Roxy here’s one for you Lily and let me take one as well now everyone start biting the ground up oh I’m gonna beat you baby this isn’t in a race we’re working together we have to mine all this out and yes we’re getting so many blocks I already have 17. homes I have twenty what twenty yo gosh I gotta step up my game go go go go go go go and I officially got 30 and this should be enough pass me all of yours Roxy thank you so much buddy now we could go build up to the top let’s do it all righty let’s go I wonder what’s up there it’s probably awesome oars and materials and guys I think yes we made it up here and whoa there’s a chest and I wonder what’s inside whoa an enchanted golden apple and wait isn’t this an achievement let me check in oh it is it’s to eat a Notch Apple all right here and whoa it expanded even more now let’s see what other achievements we could do well we can build ourselves some bookshelves all right so let’s put some wood on the top and bottom then books in the middle and boom We expanded it even more and wait ohms look up look up and wait a minute what is that that must be the way to get to the nether oh yeah because the achievements do say go to the nether so let’s build up and we are getting so close and oh it’s right there let’s go guys keep going keep going we’re super close way what was that guys there’s a ghost I’m so oh gosh wait guys we could deflect it’s Fireballs he ought try and hit him with it okay okay awesome but we nearly died so we gotta be quick let’s go all the way to the top come on guys quickly no time to waste don’t smell that good go go go guys um this is not going to Plano I’m so close to the top come on there’s too many gas come on come on come on I got a bridge I got a bridge I gotta bridge in I made it guys what’s inside please be good and wait a minute what the heck there’s a fire charges a bunch of redstone a villager spawn egg what is all this for guys neither do I I’m just gonna grab it um this is really really weird there’s also a carrot in here and a fishing rod and there’s also seed in an enchantment book oh yeah with looting too okay cool here wait a minute this is exactly what we need to make a portal on oh yeah we can go to the nether so we can get blaze rods awesome all right let’s do it so let me break these over here and we could make the Nether Portal just like that we are in the Nether and wait a minute it’s so much better in here and wait there’s a border in the nether as well look here hmm let’s see we have to get some blaze rods but is there any blazes around hello blazes uh wait are you serious and yes there is awesome let’s get a bunch of blaze rods let’s go get em Allah because we got this Teamwork Makes the Dream Work oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh they’re so powerful here and yes guys I got a ride I gotta run awesome okay okay okay I think that should be enough I have two all right guys all right got one more and get out okay I have three get out get out get out go back go back go back up go go all right and few if I have three hearts let’s get out of here and whoa we’re back but wait there’s still gas here guys how do we get back down and how do we do it quick ER wait what water down there and oh there is in the corner let’s go guys follow man oh gosh oh gosh this is a close one and yes I live though whoa there’s a chest right over here open it up all right let’s see what’s inside whoa there’s some arrows golden nuggets a clown fish look Roxy I got you um fish ah you look like a cloudfish hey I’m just kidding I’m just kidding don’t get upset be quiet it was just a joke but I also got some seeds some slime blocks and a bookshelf but that’s all junk but oh gosh I’m getting kind of hungry I’m about to die guys I only have three hunger bars left me too I’m starving I wish there was a way for us to eat well I guess we should just quit let’s just go in the water and drown ourselves Roxy come with me yeah you’re right there’s no point of living oh this is so sad no boys you literally have seeds in your hand use that so what what can seeds even do Lily we’re a Hungaria how are we gonna eat with seeds that doesn’t make sense really Liam you can make a farm oh wait Roxy that is true see if I really didn’t like the water it’s blue are you serious blue is the best but guys help me dig out we have to make a farm so let’s clear up a little section over here in the corner and what type of crops are we gonna grow well we only have seeds right yeah we have five seeds but wait a minute if we mind these grass we have a chance to get some seeds so mine the grass guys all right I’m on it come on get me seeds yes I’m getting so many I already have eight let’s go oh just it cleared up awesome and guys we have to act quick because I only have two and a half hunger bars left and after it goes down I’m gonna starve well we can all see in our pets no Roxy Lily said those are pets Roxy are you serious uh Roxy that was so rude oh gosh Roxy are gonna make Lily go crazy you cannot kill her pants sorry Lily you could have him back what Roxy oh gosh Lily’s gonna be upset Roxy that is so unfunny oh gosh this is so silly let’s just find out all right guys help me out okay one layer to go let’s do this by it all we’re gonna have the ultimate farm and I’m gonna eat so many great crops and boom let’s go we made it completely flat and now all we have to do is replace this stone with grass cause guys we can’t grow crops on Stone that’s not even a smart observation that’s so obvious a smart observation Roxy you don’t even know what observation means uh yes I do okay spell observations is it omz is a poop head wait what OMG that spells ohms I asked that spells is a spells a and then poop head means poop head I am not are you serious Roxy Lily are you are you in the poop at Saga May oh my gosh no Lily we’re gonna dance to a different song we’re gonna dance to the farming song okay guys sing along no I Wanna Dance to the poop song no no no no no we’re gonna dance to the farming song okay today we’re farming everyone farm with me no one wants to fight with you you smell like pee what smell like Pig Roxy oh my gosh just help me mine lies in between like this so we could put water down okay all right just sing your song okay you better not mess me up again we’re mining we’re mining we’re mining away I like to play with my friends today almost looks farting he farts all day Roxy stop making almost fart jokes that is not funny it is inappropriate relax and just continue singing okay but if you say one more farting I’m gonna go crazy all right all right I thought you were hungry hungry yeah I am under bars we have to finish up the farm just let me mine okay all right fine I’m mining I’m biting I’m so close to being done I’m mining I’m Mining and I am under the sun Holmes took a poop and he didn’t wipe his bum wipe my bum oh my Roxy that is you are crazy I did wipe my bum look at that it’s super clean uh what’s that little thing on your butt do you mean my tail it kind of looks like a poop stain wow not look like a poop stain doesn’t look like a poop stain Lily kind of oh my gosh whatever guys but now we have to fill up all of this with some water so let’s go to the pond over here and grab some water buckets and then let’s fill it all up help me out guys uh all right awesome Teamwork Makes the Dream Work and boom mine is filled up oh we finished awesome now let’s grab the Hoe from earlier and let’s make all of this dirt able to be harvested check that out and while you do that we’re gonna fill it up with seeds all right awesome Teamwork Makes the DreamWork and boom the first side is complete put the seeds down on all right oh so this is gonna be great we’re gonna have so much food and oh gosh guys I’m super low on Hunger we gonna act fast and whoa it’s growing so fast awesome guys we have so much we and with this week we can make a bunch of bread let’s do it oh my gosh she’s let’s go we’re gonna be so prepared to battle the Ender Dragon now let’s go craft it in the crafting table and boom few if this is more than enough bread for us we could eat four days let’s go this bread is delicious I know right it’s great but now it’s time to go to the end and beat the game so follow me guys let’s go down and let’s see did the Border open up and oh it did but guys there’s not enough room we needed to move back one more and we need one more Eye of Ender boy do you think the achievement is to put the eye vendor in oh that’s super smart butt can we even do it and wait a minute I got an ender pearl from before and we just got blaze rods and that means I could turn it into powder and transform my ender pearl into an Eye of Ender and boom whoa the portal is open but guys we can’t fit oh my gosh we need one more achievement um wait a minute there’s one that says literally throw diamond is that another player here you go Roxy take my diamond and does that work and it does and now we can access that portal let’s go beat the game come on guys three two one jump oh well we made it and there’s a staircase up and wow it’s the dragon and wait a minute guys all the crystal Towers have a staircase stop so we can just climb it yes let’s do it and I made it to the top and mine is broken and whoa you guys are doing really good work way perfect awesome now we can go down and let’s try that Dragon we’re coming for you I’m coming do it get the final achievement to win come on hey ya hey yeah he’s so low guys use teamwork and we can do and two together come on oh yes we did it we beat the game and we got the final achievement beating the game on three let’s jump into the portal one two three let’s do it and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on our next click right here bye

Omz, Roxy, and Lily are locked inside this barrier! They need to complete challenges in order to increase their border. What will they find beyond their one block? Watch to find out!

This video was inspired by Maizen, Cash and Nico!

#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Omz #OmzandRoxy


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