i played stardew valley for the first time

today I’m going to be playing a very popular game that I’ve never played before called stardew Valley now most of the time when I do these playing for the first time videos I at least know what the game’s about or I have watched like extensive gameplay of people playing them and I’ve never played it for myself but genuinely I don’t know anything about this game I’m going in completely blind I know that there’s a farm and I know that it’s pixelated and that’s about where my knowledge stops so let’s get into it hopefully I like it unlike The Sims anyways let’s get into the video okay we’re here DW Valley yes I live in the valley the stardo valley oh I get to make a I get to make a person what is a game without making an avatar that is just the best part about playing any video game ever is making a little tiny version of yourself and making it look however you want to look and not exactly entirely accurate all the time because sometimes you just want to look cool I’m about to be here into the wee hours of the night we’re going to cut to the next clip and it’s going to be black outside not the minion drip me on my way to go steal the moon that’s crazy okay here I am I went for the overalls cuz I was like we’re going to be you know slinging hay bales on the farm or whatever so I need to have my overall drip on unfortunately you can’t change the shoes which is really sad because these are tragic to look at but that’s okay if you’ve been following my channel for any amount of time grow you know what our name’s about to be Farm name Farm name we’re going to be flop Farm where all the flops come to frolic favorite thing like in general or mozzarella sticks well yes a we get to have a little pet oh my God so cute ooh kind of farm do we want there’s monsters mama I’m the monster at night they need to be whereare of me once I move in and start planting my crops and planting my corn I kind of like this like I want to live on the top of the hill as long as I don’t fall down we’re going to go with Hilltop I think yeah cute Lop Farm is in session y’all hey grandpy what are you doing is he dead Grand Pappy what are you holding in your hand why does he have a sword over the fireplace that’s kind of drippy I want you to have this sealed envelope is that your will don’t open it yet have patience don’t tell me what to do you’re about to be gone in like 30 seconds so I’m going to do whatever I want there will come a day when you feel crushed by the burden of Modern Life not me girl I love YouTube and Tik Tok so I don’t feel crushed oh should I should I say this like a old person in said hold on wait let me lock in when that happens my boy you’ll be ready for this gift damn Grandpa you talk slow oh now let Grandpa rest oh God Grandpa arrested for sure joha join us and Thrive what the hell is this supposed to be Amazon this is so awkward without music but I can’t play the music or I’ll get bopped yeah you better open that whe Diva dear lawnmower if you’re reading this you must be in dire in need of a change the same thing happened to me long ago so I dropped everything and moved to the place I truly belong I’ve enclosed the Deeds of that place my pride and joy flop Farms it’s located in Stu Valley on the southern coast it’s the perfect place to start your new life good luck love Grandpa BS flu is still alive say hi to the old guy for me will you I’ll think about it don’t tell me what to do oh we’re in the fortnite battle bus where we dropping boys flop Farm Towers that’s where we’re dropping so that’s the name of the place makes sense yeah did we crash that don’t sound too good oh no we’re fine loud ass bus then Jesus you must be lawn mower that’s me this is flop farm and here we are your new home is that Louise hey my dead grandpa says hi mayor pelicant town I thought we were in stardew Valley what the heck is pelicant Town you’re moving into your grandfather’s old Cottage wow he really just left it to rot that’s crazy very rustic Mama it’s rotten there’s a hole in the porch like let’s think critically here crusty see look even Robin knows this place is Bumm she’s trying to make you dissatisfied so that you buy one of her house upgrades oh she’s trying to shake me down to make a quick Buck oh this is my house damn poppy had a TV how do you have a TV in this old I thought you said no screens or whatever he said okay why do I have this big huge like Dragon egg on my counter can I hit it oh it’s a small Crystal I have to do go do meat and greets like this is VidCon let’s go where’s my Scythe I’m going to greet everyone like the Grim Reaper I’m going to be like shink shink wait where is everybody there’s the bus jeez y’all didn’t leave the bus didn’t leave like don’t you have work to do or something shing shing shing I’mma get you girl I’mma get you girl don’t be running away now girl Penny okay hey Penny I have to talk to everyone here D oh the graveyard is grandpappy over here or what can I go in the sewer sewer I hardly know her hey are you Penny again are you just like a little depressed girl oh there’s Louise Louise where are you going where you going oh he’s going to the beach each let’s go get away how was your first night it was all right there was mad bugs and mosquitoes bro I’m all bitten up it’s ridiculous maybe I got to fix the hole in my house give me this no it’s my shell Louise try again I can’t click on the question marks to like you know ask a question I feel like that’s incorrect single single you can d people in this game that’s so insane oh Louise isn’t single I sell livestock and animal care products my Ranch who just okay now she’s just trying to sell me something girl how about you what happened to hello Hi how are you I’m not shopping on your Amazon storefront or your Tik Tok shop I’m sorry Haley Haley’s a baddie you’re that new Farmer Boy aren’t you well yes that’s me Haley single haly girl me and you should go mil the cows or can I collect stuff right now or no can I I feel like I should oh yeah I did it yes give me this wood fix my ugly house can I do it on this tree too oh this is like Minecraft kind of Timber it’s going down timber better you I’m not even hitting a tree you better dance if a tree falls in flop farm and nobody’s around to hear it did it even flop you’re starting to feel exhausted oh my God okay so now what is there a Red Bull in this game or something can I get a coffee oh a butterfly are you kidding me I’m walking at a snail’s pace can I eat the the clam eat it girl eat the clam oh this can’t be real life bro look at the turtle Pace at which I’m moving how do I cure Haley you got any food you got like a Kit Kat with you or something please this is embarrassing you’re running away from me girl I’m I’m tired and hungry I need help I’m about to eat one of these cows for real for real hopefully Mar’s not looking I’m going to hop the fence and just start munching where the heck are we I thought we were headed home how do I get food how do I get the food who are you is this Penny I think everyone with red hair is Penny Penny please don’t go inside Penny P you just closed the door on on a starving newcomer I hope you feel great about your life do you have any food door was open who are you sorry I just walked into your house Uninvited can I sleep in her bed that’s creepy jod yeah I’ve never even met jod before and I’m like in her house like trying to get into her bed and go to sleep that’s a little embarrassing Jody I’m sorry her just like being shocked at like what I look like instead of the fact that I’m literally in her home not your kid asleep in bed while I’m like harassing you and like this is I’m going to get arrested honestly oh Saloon Food Food and Spirits oh my God we’re at the saloon hey man oh my God we’re going to bust down to a salad and now what go e how do I feed it to myself how do I can I I just threw it on the floor I ass girl I how do I eat this I’m I’m holding a gumdrop what am I holding so how do I eat this oh my God that took an embarrassingly long amount of time and this is like a Hotpot there’s mad people in here I can do meet and greets okay so it’s left click to enter Pam Hey kid name’s pam pam is giving like work at the diner for 50 years calls everybody sweetheart always taking a smoke break like that’s Pam who is this blue-haired person Emily you’re looking for something to do stop by the saloon that’s where I work well no du you’re behind the counter oh he’s like retiring this is like the night shift Gus you lazy bum you won’t even work the night shift okay bye Emily bye Gus thanks for feeding me now I can actually make it home Hey where’s my cat by the way I thought I had a cat I just died oh awesome but I spawned back home perfect I went to bed at 2:00 a.m. and I’m still up at 600 that’s just I’m I’m just such a farmer you know what’s this Robux 15 parsnip seeds awesome sauce I’ve always wanted parsnip seeds and I’ve got mail lawn mower someone dropped you off at the clinic last night you passed out from exhaustion I’ve build you oh my god classic doctor’s office what did you just call me what is this is this a rat is a rat statue like a rat worshiping site what is that is there like a crafting table like some is there something I can do to like make a box and get more storage or no what does the Scythe even do I just know the Grim Reaper has one I don’t really know like Cy you know hor Snips how do I do this just put it down boom boom boom boom Oh and I made the perfect amount of spots and I didn’t even know how many spots that I needed I’m just my brain is so huge let’s water them too cuz I know how crops work you feel sluggish girl get your act together so what do I do I have to go to bed at 1:20 p.m. I don’t understand Logistics of like the the being tired situation don’t pass out or I’m going to punch you in the face I do I I don’t have any money though so how do I have to keep purchasing food like I feel like I should be able to cook my clam right or cook my muscle or something I I got to sell some stuff honestly we’re selling the clams cuz I need money bad we’re going to sell the muscle cuz it’s been useless so far I wish I had like a bike or something do they have bikes in this game so I could like get to point a point B faster without about literally dying for no reason what is this the grocer store closed on Wednesdays can I catch a break dude oh my God like maybe write that down then if that’s the case hey I push him off no I wouldn’t do that here I want you to have my old fishing rod you want me to do work I thought you were going to give me free fish bro I thought I was going to get salmon Cod the whole shebang and now you want to give me a rod your rusty old rickety crickety broken disheveled Rod okay how do I oh I did that wrong oh here fishy fishy here fishy fishy I want to eat you please what is that what does that mean does that mean it’s ready what do I do am I supposed to hold it down click to raise the bar release to lower the bar keep the bar behind the fish what the heck the bars behind the fish what more do you want for me the bars behind the fish this is terrible this sucks keep the bar behind the fish the bar is behind the fish oh keep it behind the fish like keep it behind the fish like like behind the fish not behind the pitch who’s this little emo kid on the pier we’re about to be best friends what’s up Sebastian oh he’s basically telling me to get lost ocean is best enjoyed alone don’t you think he’s like passive aggressively being like hey get out of my face I’m trying to be emo in peace Penny it’ll never be Penny every time I see someone with orange hair I think it’s Penny and it’s never it’s never Penny it’s nice to meet you Leah if you don’t have any food this conversation’s over yep just going to have a raw fish for dinner and it’s time for bed oh for my clam I got money for my clam nice today we’re just going to focus okay they’re growing today we’re going to focus on cleaning this place up cuz it’s hideous after I clean the stuff up does it grow back cuz that’ll be super annoying like is it just a oneand done situation I hope so okay we cleared a little pathway we’re getting somewhere yeah okay my pickaxe isn’t strong enough to break the B hey that’s really nice how do I make a better pickaxe like where’s the crafting table y’all oh what you can CRA oh you can do it right in here I feel so stupid right now it’s only 8:20 a.m. and I’m already like almost rolling over in my grave this is just out of control oh I can change the color of my chest that’s kind of adorable thank you what is that an egg I got an egg is that an egg oh it’s a geode where’s the local blacksmith at could I even make it there or am I going to die probably going to die let’s go see what’s in this geode better be riches or else I I don’t know what to say anymore is it at the carpenter shop I think that’s the only thing that makes sense unless I’m missing something Museum oh I’m dumb damn that’s all the way over there oh my God is this the effing grocery store every time I’ve tried to come here it’s been closed and I made a joke that it was the grocery store earlier and it actually is are you kidding they got a bucket of beans down here what is that the rich people realm over here what’s going on it’s like gold bars and stuff I want to be let into there one of day I want to be so rich I want to be the head chairman of that Gold Room what are we doing oh the blacksmith yeah is that Penny Penny what’s up it actually is Penny penny I’ve been looking all over for you dude you got so many doppelgangers in this town hey I got a G let me inho I got a g I’m sitting facing the wall I’m in timeout I don’t know how this happened but [ __ ] get out of this chair you look goofy process geode oh Place him at an anvil hey put it down why can’t I put it down it go in here um okay [ __ ] I want to process geode place your geodes on on my Anvil and I’ll give them a whack okay so then I come over here and it’s not working I’m about to start tweaking out cuz why isn’t it working we we get it we get it it’s Clint Anvil we get we get it why can’t I put my rock on it please y’all I’m not crazy you’re about to p piss me off please please please don’t be like The Sims I’m literally begging you I got to look this [ __ ] up I just watched a video on how to do it has to be the dumbest [ __ ] I ever seen in my life this watch watch this now why why would that be it so like what did I get riches or like what happened is this what I got this piece of garbage that looks like a cake an inedible cake that I can’t even eat I was was hoping for like a diamond or like an emerald or like a pizza cuz I’m always hungry and dying on the floor oh my God now I’m [ __ ] fishing in the house all right well another night of raw fish yeah and we’re going to bed I think we’re going to conclude this for now if you want more St Valley let me know it’s all right so far like it’s okay I’m not upset well actually I upset cuz I’m just stupid I think that’s why I’m upset if you want more let me know bye bye [Music]

my first time playing stardew valley and i got stuck on the easiest things for like 20 minutes LMAOAOAOAO seriously though why do i keep passing out



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sub count!: 3285



    im gonna do some dress to impress, to go see the lore that you guys have been asking me to check out,and then i will be heading over to TWITCH (@modusknz) to play more 60 seconds!!! its super fun when all of us make decisions so you should definitely join us over there!!

  2. she most personbeing tired for us every day new idea new video you, creative person, keep going and add more mirror to your dream. You are working hard on yourself, MODUSKNZ✨🦋💕.

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