I Tried Something Stupid.. And It WORKED! (Minecraft Part 7)

my Minecraft world was going well until I had to build five gravestones yeah but today I’m looking to turn that right around wait wait yes yes the repopulation is happening and of course I’m continuing with the stupid by building the highest working nether portal Possible Oh and before you watch make sure you subscribe sub today we start at DanTDM’s death Garden that’s what people wanted me to call it the site of the Fallen ones and the reason I’m starting here is because you guys suggested a better way for me to present these Graves I don’t know how we’ve got to a place where um we’re suggesting the way a grave should look on a Minecraft Let’s Play but here we are I need an item storage system look at this this is gross actually grotesque I don’t even want to look at it I’m moving out but I need gravel because I was using this to be able to make it look like a grave but you said coarse dirt was a good alternative so let me see oh okay yo gravel has arrived gravel is right here who knew this entire place was built on gravel huh God there’s actually loads how has this happened well no one’s going to know about that hole are these all done as well I need to get going on mining up the carrots because I also want to try and get rich today we need to get these villagers to work in an ethical way I’m not putting them to work they’re just going to be working all right course dirt let’s see if this works I don’t know if I’m going to prefer this or not so bring this up sorry tool Smith I don’t mean to be digging up your grave what do I like better I think let’s try this see how we Vibe with it if it’s uh something we want to stick with then that’s cool I don’t know maybe we can do a mix of both let’s do a mix of both I feel like that is going to be the best no cuz everyone has like different Graves and stuff so yeah I’m I’m going to go with that mission one complete restore the graveyard to make it look better oh what do I tackle first look at the state of this place it’s awful cuz there’s a few things I need to do I need a sorting system I need a house I need to replenish the villagers and I need an enchanting table and all of that oh and number five is uh get rich and the way we’re going to do that is with villagers of course oh no Fung’s lost his job yo buddy I’m so sorry this is your job right now Fungo I know he’s looking at me like please don’t make me do this but you have to just for now you have to I’ll let you out at some point you you are one of the Sacred named villagers so this guy here you stole Fung’s job I don’t believe it oh Fungo is working here anyway I need to get carrots to trade for emeralds for this guy because apparently you guys told me in the comments as well the Librarians I think can get name tags at higher levels so we need to make sure we get on that oh and this too oh man I had so many suggestions for this people were saying walls people were saying magma blocks underneath these because villagers don’t walk on magma blocks I’m thinking I’m thinking the magma blocks actually I think that’ll look coolest now the reason I don’t want to use walls is because I like seeing it through the bars so let me take this off let’s grab some magma blocks and see if it actually looks good or not I can take this down too I don’t need this sign anymore because the the Villager is actually taken up what’s the word is is living in here hey buddy how are you enjoying it are you enjoying it well I guess that ansers that question another good idea you guys had was changing this to a Nether wart farm so I think I’m going to do that as well because it’s going to be like the anti villager hangout you know what I mean right I need these please I thought these were going to be hard to get but I don’t think they will be let’s just mine up a load of these and not die let’s not let’s not burn our feet alive we’re going to need those feet 46 should be enough you know what it’s actually good that you’ve come back through the portal because we need villagers so as fun as this has been Fungo I’m going to release you from your prison yes okay I’ll release him just chill I’m going to release you just for now and then when we get more villagers then we can appoint someone to the bathtub okay let’s see if this looks good or if this does not look good put it all down here oh oh oh we’ve got lava how’s is this looking the way I judge It Is by how it looks from our house how’s it looking don’t don’t don’t don’t how have you just why have you done this no that looks bad doesn’t it we need another solution it’s going to have to be walls but I really didn’t want to do walls oh no oh he’s struggling he’s struggling we need to save this guy it’s it’s already happened how I’m going to get you out of there ow okay yeah this is probably a terrible idea isn’t it come on get out ow ow come on buddy I don’t think you can fall in a one block thing right you’re good this cannot be my legacy just making sure that villagers and Golems alike don’t go in here that’s not my legacy that’s not how we do things around here just let me try this see if this would if I expand it just a little bit whether that would look better it might do it increases the footprint of the entire thing but it might actually work let’s try it let’s give it a go we definitely got enough materials for it cuz I can just make a load of these let’s do it I’m committed now okay I actually no no no no no no no no no what are you doing what are you doing someone’s lied to me did you go on the magma block buddy is that what you did that better not be Fungo bro oh it was Fungo I don’t know how do I give him more health your bad trades too I need to lock in this guy’s trades oh man did that am I doing this for nothing or did he walk on there I need an instant replay I don’t know whether he might have gone on the glass I’m just going to get rid of this glass for now I need to make sure there’s no way for them to get on there cuz someone said they don’t walk on magma blocks and now I’m I’m slightly confused as to whether that’s the case I’m about to break a diamond shovel I don’t think I’ve I don’t think I’ve done this before this is intense wait wait yes yes the re population is happening who did this oh they look kind of they look kind of cute sleeping he’s snoring out of his nose oh my God this this pack is amazing it makes everything feel way more alive I love it yes we have extra baby that’s good there it is I don’t know how I feel about it I think the magma is so harsh but if this works then I’m kind of all for it that’s fine who are you hello sir how’s it going have you got any good trades a slime ball beetroot moss and a why are you selling a puffer fish for five emeralds that’s crazy I was kind of hoping he had that special tree but you don’t you are not welcome here get out get out buddy unless you want to stay I don’t know if there’s a way that you can get a Wandering Trader to stay apart from trapping them because we’re changed people we don’t want to do that anymore I need to relocate the bathtub the bathtub needs to go somewhere else this also looks weird now but I don’t really know what to do with it let me just quickly put stairs here a that looks horrific why has this happened we’re back here again with the weird Minecraft physics stop it no no no stop it there we go that’s better but some of you as well told me to do a this so that it looks like like there’s gaps oh my God this is weird that’s better I think I did this before actually with my old world because it means you don’t kind of plop down into it there look look I’ve done it good here done it way better here yo Fungo has got his job back hey okay I’m pleased it’s good to see you back buddy back where you belong this all needs to go why is this a thing I mean sometimes it’s handy but at the moment I found it pretty annoying yeah like that so it’s kind of a textured path okay I’m not hating it I do kind of dislike this that we’ve got going around here but I guess we have to deal with that for now but if it works and it keeps the villagers safe then I’m all for it go on I dare you walk on it I mean it looks like he’s avoiding them I’m going to take that as a win all right next step is yes this is going to yield so many carrots release the carrots this is so satisfying just the fact that I made it myself from scratch makes it 500 times more satisfying right give me these six 64 so 2 and 1/2 stacks and even more in there oh my word my inventory is full again how many emeralds we got actually oh we got two stacks I need do some shopping how many we got in here a stack in here and there’s more too oh this is great okay let me replant these we’re doing some shopping okay it’s you that has this trade oh oh hold on no I’m not looking I’m not looking I’ll look down I swear oh one shaking their head oh he’s interrupted come on Fungo is about to be a father man Fungo funo this is your child I don’t believe it we need to name tag we need to name tag all right we’ve got enough name tags I need just one this has to be just because we witnessed it it has to be funo junior no doubt about it sorry to wake you up I’m so sorry to wake you up you’re still awake buo Junior man the family tree is is just expanding yeah you know what I don’t mind this it’s just how I connected to the path to make it look better we just need dirt slabs that’s what I would love to have Fungo congratulations man I’m so proud of you wait where’s your child though oh there he is look Father and Son a it’s so cute is this your mother right so cute I can’t believe it we’re expanding I need to name you as well cuz you’re the trial guy and I need to know whether you’ve died or not I’m getting distracted where where’s that Farmer at oh here he is is this you no that’s Fungo ah yeah this guy works over here sorry to bother you sir I need some stuff from you I want to make you to the next level I don’t want you to take all my carrots though let’s at least get you to the next level and see what you Trad in next you’re welcome for your iron badge oh that’s not bad actually buying apples is decent now we have more emeralds let’s go and upgrade our do we even have a librarian anymore Fungo is changed I don’t think he’s a librarian anymore so we need Fungo junor to grow up become a librarian and then we can trade up to name tags then all of you getting names all of you now this Village is pretty large and the way villager breeding works is they just need beds it’s the amount of beds in your village and then they breed up until those beds are full and I think we’ve got oh wait is this another child a child another one oh this is going great what a turnaround from the last episode made I don’t know whose Junior you are but welcome one of you’s got to grow up to be a librarian we don’t need any more Farmers please you know what it was Fungo that had the bookshelf trade cuz my plan was get emeralds which we have plenty of now buy the bookshelves to make the place where we’re going to enchant but Fungo lost his job he changed back to his original career which I don’t blame him for so we might have to do it the oldfashioned way we need leather books and we need three books for a book shelf I just thought of something that I wanted to try as well but I need obsidian for it I still have 14 obsidian actually that’s from day one what’s the best way to get obsidian it’s probably to find just a lava pool that’s probably the best way to do it like one of those ones that just generate randomly deserts are best for that but we haven’t come across the desert yet right I am going to go on a little Adventure I need I don’t need a boat I want to try something real quick I have have an idea for this wandering Trader it’s a bit mean but I think it will work if he’s even here anymore oh I see him I see him I see him wait is this him where is he oh there he is okay right get in The Boat Boat please thank you right uh you don’t have one of these lined up anymore I’ve got plans for you yeah don’t worry about it I know you look concerned confused but don’t worry about it we’re going on a little adventure and hopefully by the time we come back the villagers will be aged up and then we can work on other things around the town I do want to improve this Village cuz I’ve kind of settled down and taken all of the advantage oh wait wait wait wait wait wait I need something important I need to make another diamond pick because this one’s going to run out so let’s make that now let’s go below I need some obsidian that’s my plan I’m trying to think of a place we haven’t been yet cuz this system is quite big ooh here we we go yeah let’s go down here please be something oh hold up right below us is exactly what we needed all right Mission success Let There Be obsidian is there anything underneath it though no there’s actually not this is safe obsidian okay I’m just going to sit here and mine this for ages I need like 50 pieces for my silly idea oh no oh no oh no no no ah I did my brain did not work fast enough for that come on man why you got to be like this just there as well that’s crazy oh never mind it’s here too oh it’s everywhere it’s actually everywhere this is a big piece of lava as well just make it ow hey yo what chill hey what are you doing I can’t just come down here sabotaging me like that I’m just peacefully trying to mine some obsidian here boy there it is the full stack of obsidian I don’t think I’ve had a stack of obsidian in my life there’s never been any need apart from today’s silly idea right I’m going to explore the rest of this see if there’s anything oh budy see if there anything down here there definitely is we’re going to be so rich man we’ve got probably a have we got two stacks of Diamonds oh that was emeralds wasn’t it we’re probably close to a stack of diamonds right now look at this oh my yes yes yes give me all this how many did we get from that five oh I will take that well this is definitely the place to get obsidian look how much of it we can get crazy who this place is crazy it’s massive here this is still what’s underneath our village this is all accessible from our M shaft this is this is mad more diamonds too I’m going to check how many I’ve got in a minute we’re definitely on track for making like a diamond Beacon or something we got 12 already already look at this it’s so vast there’s a mine shaft wait this is where the sword comes in clutch look you can hit more than one person and just keep on whipping him that’s right that’s why we need the sword look at that residual damage I like it hold on a second that’s got a torch on it have I been to that end but not this end there’s no way this is the one we already have right this place is massive oh I know where we are we’re back here that’s so insane right Diamond collecting time oh no I’m in trouble I am in trouble that will help though there’s two baby zombies this place is so big I can’t and I’ve got like no torches left no don’t kill me now this is not where I die I came in from up here somewhere they I’m the gang here the parents so they’re like what did you do to my child nothing they came for me bro trust me I really want to go through here but I just I just don’t have enough torches for it this place is massive oh wait there’s a cheeky chest we can check got a name tag and some coal as well that’s a good find well look at this bit this is all suspended as well this is the weirdest M shaft I’ve ever seen yo what is going on here oh oh he’s sitting with the lava oh that was insane and he’s he’s peeking around the thing oh he’s going to do the same to me no don’t hit me in the lava dude what on Earth just happened oh oh you’re from here huh okay let me just come on stop stop stop these seem like so underwhelming here oh you dropped all your clothes I don’t want all your clothes these old school dungeons I said I wanted to find one of these last time they seem so underwhelming now look oh they do have a music disc though free disc but that’s it let’s get rid of that I got cat that’s actually that’s a decent disc more gold armor I am going to take the gunpowder because we’re going to need those for eventual elytras that’s an interesting find they’re just you know not as good as they used to be that takes some of these well I’ll take one of these that’s what you giv me okay that’s fair we’re up to we’re up to 18 ooh okay you know what this is a good find because I was just thinking I don’t know where I’m going to find the amethyst that we found before this isn’t the one right this is a different one I think so but I’ve got an idea for all this amethyst so I’m going to collect it all up what we got an iron pickaxe that is so Random more coal though is decent I’m going to take that I’m going make that into torches just straight away cuz we keep running out but yeah I’m going to grab as much of this as I can cuz I have a plan for the amethyst do I take this as well the Cal site it looks kind of cool so yeah let’s grab it like it wasn’t even there it’s gone and now we got a very shiny inventory I should probably get back if I can find my way home this place is so big now if I remember correctly we can just swim no no no no stop it we can just go up wao whoo what is happening okay this is bad this is bad something just broke on me oh no what’s happening they just absolutely owned me they’re still owning me excuse me sir what your bow gotten it what bow is that you must tell me what bow is it yes oh God yo that bow is powerful what I was trying to say is I think I can just swim upwards right that’s how I got out before then we should be underneath the village oh my god oh no oh no where is he where is he through the water this could be bad this could be very bad I can barely see as well where is he oh my God oh my God oh my God this is bad right you need to get off go away no bye what’s these guys problems skeletons always got my number always trying to absolutely destroy me yes you should should be underneath are we underneath the village yes we are okay a trip to get obsidian just ended up me going on this Epic Journey that’s what I love about this hopefully everyone has survived cuz it is night time I haven’t seen any death messages so we should be good oh what a day where is my did my diamond my diamond helmet broke right like look all this stuff 64 diamonds 1 2 3 4 5 yo give me my upgrade I need my Diamond Helmet there we go pop that back on beautiful I need a place to store all this stuff I’m going to store it out here I think store it all in here cuz this is near to where I’m going to build something out of that so good find another name tag right what are you guys doing huh are there any leads over here did he die what happened did he die Fungo you’ve lost your job again where are you going go get that job back sir that you’ve lost that job about five times oh look wait yeah yeah yeah he’s avoiding it this is working I don’t believe it yes who commented the uh the magma thing he didn’t walk over it it worked F go get your job back buddy it’s okay what Trad you going to get oh you’ve got the good trade as well you know what just because I love you I’m going to grab these and I’m going to lock in the trade so that you don’t ever have to worry about your job security again yeah yeah you’re welcome buddy where’s your where’s your son oh he’s grown up he’s a potato man I didn’t want you oh we have a librarian Infinity that’s a good trade right Infinity for my bow yeah I’m going to have to lock that one in too so I need a book to go and trade for that Infinity so I can have Infinity arrows that’s going to be awesome I need oh have I got enough what’s a book oh it’s one okay sweet beautiful you’re right Infinity book thank you sir appreciate it now I do have a spare lecon so I am going to go and slam down a lecon but I just need to find it which is uh which is the other problem I think it’s here here it is see I knew this will come in handy eventually but we do have too many farmers which house doesn’t have Elon this one um you know what I’m going to oh this one there this one’s perfect right that’s going to go there and hopefully there was a villager with no job around oh here he is yo what’s up buddy come to work my friend what you got yes exactly what I wanted oh man okay you saw it no rerolls no rolls that was a complete luck I bred two fresh villagers didn’t get the trade I wanted but here we go two Librarians these are the guys that sell name tags as well so we are going to be able to eventually level these up and get name tags I don’t think it happens every time though they’re not guaranteed the name tag trade this is good going today is going better than last time oh look all these carrots as well yo give me the carrots give me them all thank you sir watch them come in oh my God we are just so rich and we can use these for trading now which is awesome 29 in there so we’ve got oh we don’t actually have that many I think I’ve just eaten loads we might need to upgrade this Farm to something another layer maybe I think oh why did I build it this way I should have built it that way anyway we’ve got other things to do so I did go down to get myself some obsidian so I’m going to do what I was supposed to do with that right now I don’t know if this is going to work but let’s see right come here boy I I do need you to sit down now actually cuz I don’t want you burning alive we are going to hop up here I’m going to see if I can make a massive nether portal I mentioned it right at the beginning that I want to make an obnoxiously large portal so that’s what I’m going to do but I don’t actually know if it works so let’s break this up there we go and then I’m going to add 20 to each side so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I didn’t know if I was going to die then 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and then I have got water on me thank goodness for that I’m going to have to try an MLG bucket I didn’t think about getting down I can jump over there it’s fine 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 this better work by the way 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 do that jump in the old pool of safety I’m fully dead if this doesn’t go well um can I make that I’m going to have to have the old bucket out just in case oh God what what have I done this is a great view oh I didn’t think this through I don’t want to put water down because oh wait I could do it this way that’s not fun though we’re going to try and make the jump here we go we were close we were so close look at this does this work I know they changed it once to change the shape of portals you can make but I don’t know if it meant you could make these ones let let me see what happens I need something to light it with here it is the flint and steel that made the original one oh that’s silly that’s real stupid oh what are you doing is it because you’re going on here it is isn’t it yeah you can get on it from there that’s going to be a problem too right we’re we’re super close to it being villager proof this is the most important thing right now oh no um this isn’t good I’m going to bring it Fungo you got to be careful buddy I think you’re on low Health cuz you just keep you keep burning yourself okay we’re going to need to go up and bring it down by maybe why you’re jumping off there why why are you doing this yeah we need to reduce this by five on each side which is going to take flipp in ages and then try again I didn’t think this through I should have done it gradually right okay let’s let’s bring this down oh I think I might have thought of a better way to do this if I go one two one 2 3 4 five then I only have to mine two blocks out instead of all of those see if it works here we go oh wait I didn’t expect that to work oh my God this looks like clickbait but it’s not look at the size of that okay that’s a thing I kind of want to see what the max height is now so I’m going to go up by one each time and see cuz we must be close I only bought it down five blocks okay um definitely encroaches on the old landscape oh God that was loud what the so we did one two three so we do do we do four now let’s do three and see let’s see if this works here we go oh that works as well we were super close then right we’re going to have to try the next one up we know the one above that doesn’t work which is only one under so if this does work we were like one block off by accident okay so that doesn’t work work which means we need to bring it back down one and then we’re at the maximum height of nether portal you can have that means you must be able to extend it wide as well by that much that’s that’s kind of crazy right let’s take all this off it needs to go here take the rest off there it is right top trimmed let’s activate this bam it’s a thing of beauty now we’ll be able to see where our village is from literally miles away let’s see what it looks like from over here oh you had two farmers there who who is this where did you come from are you new oh you’re Fungo Junior I see it’s like a beacon as to where my my Village is this is great what a meme Okay so we’ve got you on Infinity uh I want to see if I can get one of these guys up cuz I don’t remember what they trade at all I need more bookshelves can’t remember how much I’m going to need though there we go and then I’ll bring you some bungo I’ll bring you some what is this tree doing by way is this been here the whole time this needs to go I’m sorry I know this is an original tree but we can’t be having it just in the pathway like that doesn’t make sense bothers these guys all right let’s do that that and that beautiful right what you going to get next looting two buddy you shouldn’t have you shouldn’t have I we could buy lanterns from you as well oh my word okay uh Fungo wait none of you are fun oh they’re Farm now never mind right you you I’m going to level you up as well cuz you get another book and while we’re at it let’s fix this cuz I feel like this is the main problem see I’m hearing things yeah what are you doing I don’t want you to die that I just don’t want you to die please yeah get down get down you’re on the safe side but get down don’t even come on get out buddy come on ow ow look I’m hurting my feet for you get out no stop it what are you doing you driving me insane stop he just launched in the air at a rate I’ve never seen a villager jump did you see that I hope they heal Hearts because they’re driving me insane is it you infinity was it you yeah it was you right I need this this and I’m just going to do it again there we go enjoy what you going to give me now I gave you so much paper write them books buddy he’s just dropped the Looting three okay well now you’ve just outdone the other guy they’re in they’re definitely in competition you just got absolutely sprung on loting two so that takes this is actually cheaper 18 to buy two of them and combine them but then it would take levels or no you’re the wrong guy I need the right guy here he is look at that or 43 for this but it takes no levels I think that’s pretty good looting three and infinity from this man this guy is overpowered what a blessing wow looting three got wind burst in Infinity channeling as well I I am running a little bit low on emeralds but I can just trade my carrots for that oh we have a music disc to try let’s go try this in celebration of the launch of our new nether thing I don’t know what I’m talking about play cats this a classic oh this a classic sounds like it’s going to be eerie but actually it’s kind of beautiful all the original Minecraft music is is super beautiful we finally got a good music disc for once what’s this one style oh that one’s good too all right let’s pop iron in there man today has been good we’ got five bookshelves as well cuz next thing we need to do is make an enchanting table I think that’ll be really helpful but I need to make a place for us to have the enchanting table and I think I’m going to make an island so this island idea is going to be an amethyst one out in the ocean and that’s where our enchanting table is going to be now I need to well I probably need to get rid of a few of these things I need to carry all this stuff I just don’t know how it’s going to look I’ve never built a man-made Island before so it’s going to be um interesting to say the least is it raining again oh God it’s always raining here man is it a lightning storm though cuz that could be interesting are you going to thunder you going to oh I’m actually worried for this guy if it does maybe I should put he looks so Whimsical up there oh man maybe I should put this over there I don’t know if this is going to work if it’s blocked by that I guess we’re about to find out and why it go to rain I’m I’m sing a bad Omen right I need to grab all this and this this and I should probably have some dirt as well because I don’t know whether to build I was thinking of building the base in dirt and then just surrounding it with amethyst because I think that would be the best option how far out do I want this to be it’s going to need some kind of like walk up to it as well like a bridge or something that’s probably fine I don’t want it to go too far otherwise it’s going to be annoying to get to so let’s just build it out like this I don’t even know how we’re going to make a an island look natural it’s obviously man-made but I don’t want it to look man-made if that makes sense and I also don’t want it to be massive cuz I’ve only got a certain amount of amethyst that this is going to this is going to be okay I just need to decide whether I want it to be like this and this yeah like this and this or just this I’m feeling the white I think the White’s going to be good actually yeah let’s do the white cuz we can always use use quartz slabs to build up to it I think that’s what I’m going to do so let’s do some building hello it’s Phan it’s quite late in the episode to see me but here I am so this build did not turn out how I imagined it in my head I think it actually turned out better somehow I started off with just the white block which I can’t remember the name of and the amethyst and it turned out like this and I sat and sted it for a while and was like this sucks so I went to the nether to mine up some quartz to make some slabs and blocks to try and like mix it up a little bit change the palette of the island but it still didn’t make too much difference so I increased the layers of the island up by one got attacked by a trident boy and then started building up the back of the island to kind of make it look like a geod had crashed into the sea if that makes sense and you know what I think it works I think I’m actually happy with this shockingly so this is not exactly how I envisioned it in my head the dirt is placeholders for the important stuff like the enchanting table and that but I actually feel like this is all right I just wanted to see if I could make maybe just something that goes out to the side like a little island to the side I do keep getting attacked by these little zombies which is a little bit annoying so let me just make I kind of want to do it like yeah look at this guy it’s another one it’s the second one I’ve seen so wanted a little bit more purple and I’ve ended up with quite a bit of white so I wanted to do something like this maybe just to make it look a little bit more purple oh I’m running out of the white actually that’s how much white has been added here for now let’s just put quartz they’ll never know let me see if it even looks good will you stop who is that you down here somewhere where oh what the oh he’s down here what you doing oh stop it I see you down there just lobbing him I don’t know if I’m able to get down there quick enough to take him out where is he here let me go I’m going for it ow how did he still get me where is he oh there he is he’s got all his friends with him psychopath I don’t know why these guys spawn down here but they do okay I need to go up I need to go up don’t hurt me even though I’ve hurt you oh no okay this is bad yeah this is bad oh no don’t make me die my new build please I have to have a gr stone for myself uh hello hello what is happening here I’m not on a server I’m on oh I did the infinite eating glitch where’s Trident man those Trident do so much damage oh he’s down is that him oh no there he is I’m going to try and dive B him and see what happens here we go I’m going in straight on top kill him yes did not get Trident massive fail yeah so if I had another one there when I come across another geode I think that will look pretty good if anything I need another quart slab right there I think anyway let’s go and get what we need to do which is the enchanting table which I’m hoping I have a book for I’ve got some bookshelves but I just need to trade for some more I’ve got the leather actually I am good okay sweet enchanting table requires two diamonds four obsid so two of these four and singular book so I have don’t don’t even say it I can hear you shouting in the comments get yourself a sorting system I’ll do it all right it’s just not my it’s not my favorite thing to do and by by not my favorite thing to do I mean I don’t know how to do it let’s do this bam oh bam bam bam enchanting table and then we grab our bookshelves as well which are already in our inventory never mind and then I need to check in on I’ve been building this for a while does my carrot Farm need Dearing I’ve only got 29 carrots left oh you know what you know what I might push the button yeah this is actually looking all right started from nothing now we’re here let’s go I want to put the enchanting table right here let’s go okay three four so we got have four on this side is there another one I swear I heard a Trent or I’m just hearing them like when I play which isn’t good I’m good two here one here we need 15 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 I think if we fill in these Corners we should be good and it will look epic as well yeah I’m pleased with that I’m actually pleased with that I’m starting to evolve watch out everyone I need to borrow some sustenance please thank you oh there they are here’s the library boys uh is it you that I needed I think it was looting I needed bookshelf you make them cheaper for me I need some cheaper bookshelves lad I really do let’s take our emeralds I mean we don’t need them for anything else I need I mean how many look how much how little experience that gives and buying lanterns costs like loads why is it why is it so small how many do I need I need so many as well that’s hardly going up I’m being ripped off give me some carrots to make my mood better please oh my there’s none in there either oh how many of these oh W wao wo wo where did we get all those from did they all just miss I do need to replant I need to replant I feel like I got a lot from that maybe I did it early last time how many we got in here 35 so we’ve got a stack and a bit that’s not bad actually we might be able to make some some D I just need to see how much of the bookshelves We need oh and I need to make a decent Bridge as well I need to get that other geode and just grab it all right let’s get rid of these three one two three I’m going to need some amethyst under there let’s do one two what level we up to now we’re up to 20 efficiency that’s a good one but to celebrate we might even enchant something so how many more do I need I’ve got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I need five more 5 * 9 is 45 we don’t have enough emeralds we’re going to have to trade we need to trade instantly we might be able to oh he’s made it yeah he’s made it cheaper okay 1 2 3 4 5 oh come on man who do I who I got to talk to to build you up a little bit more I need to sell my carrots I’m selling my food to pay for this it’s crazy oh what are you doing um this is not the right oh wait here it is this is the right guy give me I didn’t see how many I needed how much was it nine I need eight right yeah that’s what I got oh oh god I’ve got nine carats left oh I messed up but at least we can fully enchant right why are you all in the water you all just chilling out just you know having a dip what can I trade you that gives you the most payback cuz I need you to get up to a certain level so that you can have a name tag uh I need to buy oh that was the right guy I need to buy one more of you thank you for making the price cheaper otherwise I definitely would not have been able to afford it oh my God if you know you know if you know you know I’m going to have to start I don’t even know I might even have to bone meal I might have a lot of Bones so have the bone meal and do a recoup right let’s grab this and then try to make it not look ridiculous even though it does we don’t see it from the back it’s fine right let’s do this that puts up to 22 22 you mean 22 I one here how much I put up to 24 26 28 30 yeah that’s right can I put them here though so we’re currently on 24 can I put it here yes 26 put one there 28 and the last one is going to be here that should be it maximum efficiency for that that’s crazy okay I don’t really have fresh stuff that’s the problem what would it give this sharpness we got some knock back in there about a shovel that’s efficiency buff I might make a new diamond axe and see what it gives me that’s an efficiency 4 as well right I need some lapis we kind of need like a chest up here with lapis in so let’s do that and then I’m just going to make a new diamond axe enchant that up and see what we get I’m not too concerned about getting it perfect because to get it perfect you really need to just hack the system you got to make sure that all your trades are correct and like all that stuff what books do we have actually Infinity oh CH we haven’t even got one that’s like worth it okay let’s make diamond axe and then let’s get something on it should we do the pickaxe as well let’s see what we get first oh I need lapis I need lapis and a chest where are we going to put the chest though do we just put it on the side I might just put it like here seems okay let’s grab the lapis let’s see what they bless us with that’s that’s I think that’s what we’re going for wo there we go efficiency 4 wait we don’t need efficiency on a diamond ax do we why have I done this I guess we do uh what would this be that’s going to be efficiency as well and Fortune Unbreaking books are I feel like books are better you know books are definitely better oh well we’ve got the we at least got one shiny piece of equipment what would it give us on the helmet respiration uh I don’t know if I want that what about this we do have oh we have Unbreaking on this as well so we can’t do that diamond legs blast protection oh dear what about the boots oh not good not good at all sword knockback terrible shovel efficiency we kind of want Unbreaking with it though don’t we but you can’t enchant it twice efficiency oh oh that’s so much better oh it tells you the mining efficiency ad now that’s quite cool so now we got Fortune efficiency and Unbreaking on that we must have gotten lucky with this man okay that’s a good shovel I’m really happy with how this looks when we get to another geode we just need to get all of it out and then build just more bits off it which would be cool and the bridge we haven’t done a bridge yet I need a diamond pck I’m just going to do it I have the sticks for it so I’m just going to do it almost made a hoe by accident then that would have been tragic what are you going to give me what are you going to give me Fortune 2 bro H do I do I just do it Fortune Unbreaking Unbreaking oh would this have changed this now though ah here we go now we’re getting into the good stuff blast protection let’s go man right now let’s see what we’ve got on this oh we got to have that oh we got silk touch I don’t even think that’s good right oh no we need two Diamond Pickaxes now okay that’s got Unbreaking I might do that one as well how many levels that cost three efficiency silk touch Unbreak oh I clicked it Fortune efficiency Unbreaking so now we can’t can we not combine these two let’s go have a look the reason I did that on the damaged one is cuz I was going to combine them so silk touch efficiency 4 do I want to take silk touch off silk touch efficiency five okay that’s good un breaking three I don’t like silk touch on a diamond pick just going to put that out there I think I’d rather have Fortune too so if I swap these round that’s going to be enchantment cost of eight that’s going to be 12 so it’s more expensive ah controversial decision plus 26 mining efficiency I feel like I want fortune I get more diamonds this way I can make more Diamond picks I’m doing it but I need a name what do I name this actually you know what highest uh top comment gets to name the pickaxe that is dangerous but top comment gets to name the pickaxe so if you see one you like hit the thumbs up on it Fortune efficiency Unbreaking let’s go okay things are going well I kind of want to test this out now I’m going to test it out by mining a piece of obsidian oh okay that’s insane that’s insane I could have used that earlier actually that would have been handy oh we’re going to have diamonds coming out of our ears soon it’s a shame that I mined up all those other ones because it can turn like one ore of diamond into like three I think wo look at that fully bone Meed that only cost me 32 bones I don’t feel like that’s too bad I don’t think I’ve done a full yield yet so currently we have nine carrots let’s see how many this gets us watch them coming down most of them Miss we got two stacks in a bit and it’s still filling up 40 so we got it’s just under three stacks beautiful your boy has no emeralds left Fungo junor what what trade have you got oh you got the spuds that’s unfortunate going have to go with you then sir I’m going to need I need something from you I don’t know how many I need this just isn’t efficient this isn’t efficient Emerald thing actually I feel like I’ve just been scammed how did I just lose a stack of carrots for five emeralds I need to find what the biggest trade is for this guy I feel like it’s going to be paper cuz I want to get these leveled up as far as they can go see what enchantments I can get and maybe I should have done that before I put the enchantments on my stuff but it’s too late now how much can we get for all this do you think he might run out of like trading value I’m not sure but he might also put his trades really low for us you is oh that’s so small as well what’s your highest trade is probably this one isn’t it it’s the lanterns you need to get a grip man that just wasn’t even worth it how how high do you go up oh it’s the lanterns for you too this is going to take a long time fine I’ll level you up first you seem to be the one with the most that barely went up unbelievable these guys scammers real life scammers I kind of want to test out my new pickaxe that’s why I’m down here oh yeah yeah this is much better okay anyone want to give me some diamonds it’s a shame I can’t wait can I get this doesn’t work anymore right oh it does wait I got two from that okay it does work this is the way to the big is that a witch I just heard a witch I definitely just heard a witch no we can’t be dealing with a witch I bought the dog down man but yeah I wanted to come down and see how much I actually get for some diamonds so let’s see if we can find some where could they be oh I don’t have a shield this is bad yeah get him boy that’s it scare him away I don’t like them and they don’t like me I think I’ve actually looted this place for a lot of diamonds so I’ll be surprised if there’s any spare down here never mind there’s some right here so I have zero diamonds on me right now let’s just get rid of this guy bye-bye see you later oh okay yeah this this could get tragic real fast yo get him boy get him that’s it y trompet his legs yes y he’s a legend what do you want no I I just want to mine diamonds peacefully thank you how many are we going to get so that was two turn into four oh we doubled that oh good job I checked my God I never normally do that we got six this is great news so I can double all my loots now ow oh my God there’s more up there I want to try and get these without a creeper getting me I think that was only one it doesn’t work every time I get him no don’t push him into me what are you doing ow I want this I want this so I got nine diamonds some up there of course they’re above lava right boy be careful I need to leave you down there for a second okay need to avenge me if this goes wrong oh almost did instantly oh he’s up here oh he’s defending me look at him oh he’s a legend yeah yeah push him off okay where did the diamonds go they’re here we got two with water above could be interesting oh yeah I got two from that so we got 12 more that pretty much makes up for the diamonds we spent already I think we’ll double our iron as well you know what Fortune is way more important for us because we’re not using the um we’re not using farms and stuff so it doubles all our iron this is great right it’s MLG time here we go definitely didn’t do that very well did I yeah look double iron double iron I’m feel bad that I’ve got all the iron and diamonds from here now I didn’t need to well I’m out because these skeletons are just going to make my life a misery diamonds are back up 60 + 16 we got 76 diamonds we haven’t got a lot of emeralds though the emeralds have gone down but overall feeling pretty good and that’s it for another episode I really hope you enjoyed it I feel like we got a lot of progress done today and not worrying too much about getting like the perfect enchantments and the way you do it to not ruin it it is actually really refreshing I’ve said this a few times but playing the game this way is awesome yeah let me know what you think in the comment section down below that’ be awesome leave a like subscribe if you’re brand new as well that would be great and we’ve definitely got a lot left to do see you

In this DanTDM Minecraft video, I’m playing my brand new Minecraft world and things start to go very wrong..

Edited by: http://www.twitter.com/NoGoodDavis & Me, DanTDM


Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/DanTDM
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/DanTDM


  1. Name for pickaxe
    1. Ragnar Blackthorn

    2. Freya Shadowstrike

    3. Bjorn Ironheart

    4. Astrid Nightshade

    5. Erik Stormhammer

    6. Ingrid Frostborn

    7. Leif Darkwood

    8. Sigrun Ravenshadow

    9. Gunnar Grimstone

    10. Helga Bloodfang

  2. Yoooo, thanks for watching. Let me know if there's anything I can improve on or do better with these Minecraft videos. I love making them so let me know 🙂

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