Ranboo plays Stardew Valley AGAIN!!!

hi everyone welcome back to the stream um today today we are playing some more where is it kermo stardew Valley there it is there’s the stuff right there it’s happening we’re doing it so yeah we’re playing we’re playing stardew Valley again um it’s going to be pretty cool but first first before we get into it I have a bit of a of an user update bit of a moose update um we so um as in case you don’t know moose came back from like the hospital like a little a little bit ago um and for the first for the first few days he like wasn’t like you know like like eating he was he was like you know he was he was a little Sicky um but but he was like a little like lethargic too he was doing all that um but I’m happy to say the last couple of days he’s been doing really well um he’s been he’s been eating he’s been you know taking care of himself he’s been drinking water he’s been you know taking taking the medicine well and everything so once again thank you guys for all your support because it goes pretty much to to to the little guy basically yeah cuz like you know we’re just going to be spoiling him pretty much you know with with however however long he’s got we’re going to spoil the hell out of him he’s just a little guy um so yeah so thank you guys once again he’s doing okay thought I thought I updated you guys on that he’s doing a lot better he’s he’s he’s he made biscuits today he he was like sitting down and he just kind of like did all that so he’s yeah know he’s doing really well so thank you guys once again um and yeah so your reward is stard New Valley yay um yeah we’re playing stardy Valley today um we’re play play more stardy Valley I completely forgot how to play this game so we’re going to figure it out together with you and me isn’t that right guys you and me we’re going to figure it out together um awesome um yeah I think I know what I’m going to do I think I got it I think I got it figured out we just got to find our our farm booby farm this is the one right yeah this is the one booby Farm let’s do this thing it’s booby Farm time it’s time for booby Farm that’s the one I I I forgot for a split second but then I remembered all right let’s do this thing all right um I want to go mining today that’s what I want to do oh [ __ ] who are you what are you doing in my house what you’re doing in my house under construction okay what did I buy what did I I forgot what I bought I’m going pet my cat oh [ __ ] there we go okay under construction okay cool what did I what did I build last time I I did just forget kind of what I built last time so okay that’s fine we got to W yeah we do have to water our cat hold on there we go all right he’s good now he’s good now all right you built a silo okay cool thanks guys did I forget yes absolutely I did but that’s okay there we go we’re making big big farming moves today absolutely huge farming moves uh we’re toing the egg Festival egg Festival tomorrow holy [ __ ] I got to do that I got to do the egg Festival all right let’s um let’s hoe it up there we go oh I missed hold on okay there we go perfect okay I don’t have any more seeds actually you better win the egg hunt I have to win it is it the whole point of it to like you know isn’t the whole point of all of it to like you know maybe like isn’t like an egg hunt you’re going to lose what do you mean I’m going to lose that’s not how egg hunts work egg hunts are supposed to be just wonderful mystical magical things actually I think this way is faster hold on thank you nebulus mundane for the tier three for 26 months Jesus Christ thank you there we go we also have to oh my God we have so much stuff that we need to do here look at this look at how just messy it is down here oh my goodness who let it who let it get this bad I want to go mining actually I’ve decided I’m going mining we need to make some food for that though you’re going to lose against children why why no I’m not I don’t know why everyone’s saying I’m going to lose against children but I’m I’m not what do I need for field okay need Acorn maple seeds and pine cones okay so acorn corn maple seeds and pine cones I’ve got none of those okay so I’ve got none of those so we need to make we need to make food over here there you go 41 months Jesus Christ thank you Miss fork for the 41 months thank you static cry for the 38 months so how how how how long until 100 months that’s like Dude who the who the hell is going to be watching me for 10 years actually that’d be crazy oh my God that would actually be dude not me I don’t know who’s going to watch me for 10 years but we’ll we’ll [ __ ] see I guess when the when the time comes we’ll see who’s going to be who’s still going to be standing all right who’s still going to be there yeah also cool cool things the um the rambu was live channel is uh is getting there the rambu was live channel is going to be slowly making its return I know that I’ve said that for a bit also Founders cut in like 2 days we have we have I’ve I’ve watched it over and everything and I think I think that you guys will enjoy it I think that you guys will very much enjoy it um once again the purpose of the founders cut is to make a more a shorter more sort of digestible thing for newer viewers to watch while still sprinkling in some bits that makes it entertaining to watch for the older viewers as well that’s the that’s the purpose of it right so it’s going to be it’s going to be the same story pretty much that you’ve already that you know that you know very well just in my opinion a bit more cohesive with a bit less you know it it’s it’s currently like at 2 hours in 20 minutes and that’s with like leaving a lot of some like you know I guess I guess not necessarily filler in but more so like the sort of vamping that we did in a way so yeah it’ll be very fun thank you for the 40 months the 15 months squid 34 months thank you thank you ashro as well thank you yeah know it’s going to be cool and it also starts up the oh frog frog sorry I got distracted and it also starts up the next uh you know the next uh Little Bits that I want to make so I’m excited for that is it streamed it’ll be premiered on YouTube on the generation loss channel so yeah so that’s that’s that’s where it will live it’ll be premiered so you guys will be able to all watch it together still uh do you have a time do you have a time yet I believe I believe I’m going to do it at I have to remember what I put the website on because that’s the that’s the time that it’s premiering whatever whatever time the webset go website’s going that’s when it’s uh that’s when it’s going so 6st website C down to 6st then that’s the one then that’s the one that’s the one right there yeah I’m going to try to get the premiere up in the next couple of days um but yeah it’ll be good and I’ll be watching it with you guys I’ll be watching it alongside I won’t be I oh [ __ ] I’ve ere exhausted myself oh [ __ ] I’m about to die uh eat eat something fast hold on I need to eat something oh God I don’t have I don’t have any pine cones how the hell do I get pine cones oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I got to go I got to go sleep I got to go sleep wait how do I eat how do I eat eat eat oh God I can’t eat anything oh [ __ ] okay we got to I got my cat I got to get my cat I got to I I’m sorry buddy oh okay I’m going to I’m going to sleep I’m going to sleep there we go pride festival is at the same time as Founders cut that makes sense when you think about a Founders cut was a bit of a pride festival W go to sleep for the night yeah we’re sleeping we’re sleeping I’m I’m sleeping charcoal Kil awesome love that yeah all right cool let’s do it yeah I just I waited for it to be pride month again in order to be able to post the founders cut there we go this is good this is very good thank you guys for the successful hype train it means a lot I love I love trains do I love TR no I actually don’t what well I used to as a kid but not as much anymore not as much anymore I’m not much as much of a big train enjoyer as I used to be really I used to be a big one but then I kind of fell out of it after I uh it was it was mainly because of Thomas the Tank Engine really or Thomas the train or whatever whatever his name is nowadays does anyone know is Thomas the Train woke now does anyone know do they got like gay trains or something now I need to look for worms I remember moony told me that if I look for worms in the ground then they might have cool things for me hold on I need to look for worms I don’t see oh those are worms those are worms I repeat those might be worms hold on there we go carrot seeds see I knew it I knew it oh my God I’m a genius AKA Moy told me what to do um perfect we’re good there we go oh [ __ ] wait the egg Festival I need my energy for the egg Festival I need to do the egg Festival hold on I need to craft where is it okay there we go okay cool all right I need I need I need to I need to I need to beat up some kids hold on I need to go to the egg Festival hold on oh my God I need to go to the egg Festival holy [ __ ] you don’t need energy for events screw you I need my energy I need what if I needed a little nap huh what if I need a little nap my god dude I understand like I understand cat owners you know cuz I love my baby I love my babies so much like my God you know I I I I just simply I simply get it now come back later okay I literally just have to wait like 2 seconds you are cator now I know I am I am a cat owner now it’s it’s it’s hype dude it’s awesome all right let’s do this thing I think this is a good way to like talk to everyone so I’m just going to talk to everyone it’s been working over time prepare for this Festival they deserve the best tonight Bulls of sweet yellow corn all right all right weirdo um okay I don’t have money so I can’t really buy anything really talk to me I just come for the deviled eggs makes sense put something nice into the punch oh is there any more food no dude don’t drink the [ __ ] punch you’re going to to you’re going to die cool dude oh my God okay children looking forward to this festival for weeks hello children when is egg hunt start I’m excited dude I got to beat these children is it so is it like a competitive egg hunt is it a competitive egg hunt now okay so I just have to beat up everyone not yet not yet I still got to talk to everyone hold on punch is unusually good taking breaks from could make you more productive in the long run not true beyond that grind 24/7 what everyone so happy about eggs why eggs this supposed to been tradition for as long as I can remember tradition connects us with the most past and past and future it’s comforting she looks like if the Eraser head baby grew up all right hold on what about you I didn’t talk with you yet egg what a strange thing to eat that’s so true what are you saying uh eggs definitely have a place in the well balanced St that’s true that’s so [Music] true she does um so do a hide an egg too well and no one finds it well until summer roll around the hot air starts to bring out the rotten smell awesome dude that’s so cool try to eat at least three eggs every day okay [ __ ] Charlie um festival’s all right but I’m really looking forward to is the flower dents okay okay okay what about you we used do rotten egg toss May L put an end to that pretty quick search FR is like going on a treasure hunt like those allergies nice cool all right I think we talked with everyone now let me double check oh Robin we haven’t talked with Robin yet where’s Robin there’s Robin okay hold on we have we have to talk to everyone over here stre so busy this time of year I always always love the egg hunt and you even went badly every Town Festival all right dude that guy’s sick that guy awesome that’s just between you and me kid oh so Pam did just genuinely Spike the punch okay yeah no one drink no one drink the punch you you’re going to see the [ __ ] dragons you’re going to see Pam’s [ __ ] dragons around here and it’s going to how do I do I talk with you instead I want to talk with you I can’t talk with you okay that’s fine she spiked it with eggs that’s it just tastes bad it just it just tastes like [ __ ] I hav’t talk oh I’ve hav been talked to the wizard today okay I’m ready I’m ready to go let’s do this thing all right so I have to so I have to you go behind the buildings oh that’s fine okay thank you for the tier one for three years angel thank you all right I got to win this one if if I if I win this and everyone has to subscribe okay if I win this and everyone has to subscribe instantly okay let’s do this thing calm down kiddos you’re going to need all your energy we hope to find them most EGS will take on the exclusive prize okay I’m ready I’m like looking around already now is everyone ready I’m I’m ready I’m ready dude I’m ready I’m [ __ ] ready the egg HP again okay egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg found egg found egg found I repeat egg found egg found egg found found egg uh I just read mother’s grave red mother’s grave time time waster time waster I can’t read mom’s grave around here there we go okay there we go another one I need another one I need another one need another egg need to beat up these kids beat up these kids dude I’m just a fully like just grown ass adult just going going around during a kids like you know egg treasure hunt and just like just beating the [ __ ] out of them as as I should be hon honestly as I as I [ __ ] should be really like I deserve this I deserve this this win this W as they say okay here we go hold on there’s another one hold on I need another one I need another one I need one more I need one more okay 10 eggs 10 eggs beautiful I did it 10 eggs I win I win I win I win I win 10 eggs 10 eggs baby wow look at all those eggs you lost now I can pick it you get the key this side of the jam C cool dude now what do I win and now the winner of this year’s egg hunt dude I’m actually like yes in your [ __ ] face Abigail dude yes that’s what I’m talking about yeah dude I found an egg next to your mom’s grave and that’s the one that pushed me over the edge I [ __ ] win all right uh here’s your prize enjoy that’s it for this year’s egg Festival thanks for coming everyone no problem what do I win what do I win gold my my riches are among my wildest dreams what did I win I look incredible that was worth it that was so worth it oh my God I I look I I look I look [ __ ] amazing well I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to throw the throw this stuff away or not throw this stuff away I’m going to put some stuff away okay I just filled it with water I just filled it with water and then [Laughter] left I just filled it with water I didn’t even do anything oh I did it guys great work will you be at VidCon yes I will be I will be the person uh actually you know what I’m not I I I’m you guys have no idea how excited I am for my outfit I am the most excited I think I’ve ever been for anything in my entire life you guys are going to you guys are going to love it you guys are going to absolutely love it all right let’s go and water our plants and then we’ll go let’s go mining oh I got a well I made a well thank you asterisk for the five tier ones thank you thank you so much are you going to twitchcon b or vidcom Baltimore I will try to most certainly I will absolutely try to is it A Garfield fur suit it’s not a Garfield fur suit no why would it why would it be a Garfield fur suit that’s not that’s not me that’s not me that’s not me oh also um in case you want to if you’re if you guys see that cool little pinned comment right now um we’ve got mod apps up so if you want to help keep this community safer you know really really lay down the law you know get let the power go to your head um then you’d be you’d be fantastic on our mod team if you really enjoy just you know just massive amounts of power and also getting upset every single time I stream for you know long amounts of time then if you if you twoo get really pissed off when I stream for more than for more than two hours and you would love being a mod there we go all right let’s do this thing all right I’m ready I’m ready I’m ready all right let’s do this thing this is my first stream and it’s been great awesome thank you oh is it it’s right here okay cool um we just have to find the we just have to find the new stuff okay cool 6 hours of goat simulator you know it dude you [ __ ] know it oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I missed okay let’s just leave it’s fine let’s just let’s just leave actually all right hold on oh I’m taking that dude the PVP mechanic in this game is actually like in like scary to me like I’m actually I genuinely get terrified of this going be so real the most tame enemy in the game don’t make fun of me I don’t deserve it I found the down oh this is good this is good news this is this is very good news this is very very good news oh there’s the down there’s the down again I want to get I want to get as low as I can I want to get absolutely just as deep down as I can today that’s the that’s the goal that’s the oh what are these oh [ __ ] worms I don’t trust these worms man I don’t trust these worms okay we’re good we’re good we did it someone get this man I would I would absolutely destroy the skull Caverns I’m sure woo okay that was actually really good okay hold on there’s okay we’re fine oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I’m good I’m good I’m good okay we’re fine fine fine wait until they see the dragons now I don’t know if you’re joking but the idea that you’re not joking and this game about you know just calm farming and [ __ ] just drops dragons on you I think is genuinely the funniest thing that I’ve ever heard in my entire life what do you mean they just drop dragons on you if you get deep enough oh the hell is that the hell is that I should have killed it I should have killed it when I had the chance I should have killed it when I had the chance oh my God I should have killed is this the dragons is this the dragons that we’re talking about oh my God are those the Dragons Dragon de nuts okay well that’s just not sure is draggon you okay we got a we got a bunch of comedians in here huh yeah the world will never run out of him practical jokers because of you guys Jesus here we go fantastic I really hope that they just keep on like adding New impr Practical Jokers and it’s just like this like you know this like just this this eons long show I think that’d be awesome I think that’d be really funny actually they just keep adding them no one no one no one wants it anymore right no one one no one wants to have anymore but they just keep adding more despite everyone’s please there is just still more Impractical Jokers and they go please your last prank was was was like murdering someone you can’t keep doing this and and then you know s goes what so I think that’d be awesome personally I think that’ be I think that’d be really cool there we go he goes a oh man yeah not a prank you just not a prank you just just murdered someone actually I would love to do a prank show except it’s just crimes it’s just crimes like I just rob a bank but then I’m like ah and then I get off like scot-free I win like the thing is though is that you could you use like genu I’m genuinely asking this right this is a genuine question that I have right now can you pay off your bail with money that you stole like can can you pay off your bail with money that you stole can you do that is that a thing that you can do cuz if no why not it’s your money you got it oh [ __ ] I’m getting I’m getting beat up right now eat this eat this please eat this oh my God oh my God oh my God okay it’s fine this is so fine actually dude stop gooing me okay cuz it’s your money now though you know you win you could if they didn’t get you for that reason that would be actually kind of hilarious imagine imagine robbing a bank getting arrested for another crime and just being like Oh yeah I actually do have enough money for Bank I actually do have enough to make bail oh look look at [Applause] that dude this guy is destroying me right now Jesus you are comically bad at this game uh watch this destroyed absolutely destroyed everything’s fine there we go you guys need to have more faith in me really you guys actually like I feel like just the world there’s just no there’s just no faith anymore you know what I mean I sound like oh what the hell was that there we go thank you for the 37 months the 17 months and the 11 months bitsky thank you bitsky didn’t do all of those that was just the name that was just the name that I read out there we go cool I’ll believe it when I see it okay you haven’t you haven’t you haven’t seen my face but you know what’s there think about that H what if I just had what if I just like actually oh my God why are there more what if I like got like a surgery to like just remove my face and no one knew and then and then all of a sudden like Cur blammo like face reveal the horrors just saying just saying like I think that’d be kind of cool what happens if I what happens if I use this oh [ __ ] a crab oh my God okay oh my God okay we’re fine we’re fine please kill it what crab out crab out oh I can’t get in this wait I can steal it though oh nice okay cool there we go okay this is going well this is going well I got to kill these guys I got to I have to put these guys down now I have to I have to kill the babies kill the babies okay cool it’s so quiet where where’s the background music where where’ the background music go is there just no background music here for some reason why is there just no background music here that doesn’t make any sense to me there we go cool I I I feel like I feel like I’m just like too I feel like I can just hear my own thoughts and it scares the hell out of me really oh nice we got a sword we got a new sword we got a new sword that’s actually really good that’s actually insanely good 4.8 damage 428 damage and this one is 2 to five damage uh yeah thank you look at me go water interesting uh honestly can I can I just keep going down I think I can just keep going down it’s okay cuz I can just do more damage now and these guys are Bas they’re like bugs to me they’re literally just bugs to me like they’re not even they’re not even scary anymore they’re just bugs they’re literally just bugs oh I’m feeling green oh I’m feeling green actually I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared what’s going on what’s what’s happening it’s so over for you no it’s not no it’s not not no it’s not no it’s not it’s not over for me it’s not over for me I’m going to go down I’m just going to go down it’s not over for me I don’t know what you mean it’s not over it’s really just not even over for me I’m lit I’m literally fine I’m literally fine I’m scared why is it green why is the world turned [Music] green why has the world can I go up oh wait oh wait I can just leave okay cool oh it’s it’s fine now okay cool it’s literally it’s literally fine I can just leave if I get if I get too scared easy the best the best solution to anything quit when it gets too scary give up wait hold on I have to I have to mine this block out before these guys turn into oh I’m just leave cool awesome this is going very well for me this is this this this right now is going extremely well for me it’s 8:10 p.m. though so I should probably be should probably get going soon unless I keep winning okay we’re fine and we’re good look at that you’re going to die when I get home safe and [ __ ] sound you guys are going to be so sorry actually when I get home safe and sound all right you guys are going to be so so incredibly sorry actually all right you guys are going to go oh man R we should have never doubted you ever you know and we’re going to give you all of our money now oh my God I’m going to die I didn’t realize my energy was that low okay never mind we’re fine and you know what hey guess what I guess what I get to do I just get to leave I just get to go it’s fine now and oh what’s that oh what what’s that oh I’m done oh I’m fine what oh wow look at that look at that I’m completely fine got an ancient seed if you donate to museum you will get a seed that lasts all seasons except for winter what’s what what is an ancient seed oh cool I I don’t know what it does how’d you get that save it okay I’ll save it so do I do I plant it do I plant it now or no no I don’t plant it okay cool thank you amethyst for the tier one you have to go to the museum first bring it to the museum okay I’ll bring it to the museum first okay we’ll do that tomorrow how’d you get the most rare seed I’m awesome I’m so cool I I’ve been telling you guys this and everyone’s been doubting me all right I’m I’m I’m I’m awesome that’s what all right hold on let’s um let’s sell some of this stuff uh we’ll sell the fiber we’ll sell we’ll sell some rocks we’ll sell some slime too we’ll also sell some bug meat cool all right let’s go let’s go to bed let’s sleep before I before I die Oh’s going to die remember just going to die my cat’s sleeping on my bed this is the greatest day of my life all right cool recipe sturdy ring bug steak o nice uh new recipe staircase cool all right look at look at us look at us go huh look at us go um you need to donate it to the museum to get the ancient seed packets and save the fruits until you have the seed maker ancient fruits the most profitable crop in the game worm okay cool awesome nerds I win the [ __ ] was that why was there just a what was that are they out are they out to get me so plan ahead okay granny Evelyn uh how do I tell if it’s a spring croper plant in the spring okay gotcha all right should probably plant our plant our carrots a bit here I’ll plant I’ll plant the carrots actually here go planted the carrots I have any more carrot seeds no I do not okay cool all right cool there we go wonderful this is good um let me see here so we’ve got to go to the museum and donate the seed apparently so let’s do that where’s the Museum oh wait last row on the left you had you had more seeds oh one one second everyone one moment cool all right we’re good seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed to the museum we go going to go plant the seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed all right where do we where do we go where do we go Museum’s bottom right of town thank you museum museum museum museum across the river to go to the museum the museum we’re going to the museum we’re going to the museum we’re going to the museum is this a museum this looks like a mum Museum to me visible not a single piece of the entire collection what’s this you found something let me see it an ancient seed remarkable it’s very old I’d love to study this in Greater detail but it’s yours H I’ve got a favor to ask you did you consider donating any new artifacts or minerals that you find we make groundbreaking discover together oh and who knows keep donating might come across your ining items s your way cool think about it will you if you decide donate just bring the objects to the front desk cool I will immediately do that actually so we so we take the ancient seed and we go cool how rare is the ancient seed donate to museum I’ll donate this to the museum I will donate this to the museum new reward yay I will tell you this about the museum I’ll donate this to the museum My Little Rock collection cool where do I get my reward collect rewards ancient seeds ancient seeds recipe cool all right ancient seeds Neato there’s a book missing here do I have I have the book right no I don’t have the book okay interesting all right cool uh we did it nice all right so we got the ancient seeds um should we just plant them now should we just plant them now yeah we just we just plant them now honestly yes okay it’s like a 0.5% chance from the mobs you fought oh awesome I’m so cool plant them then put them in a seed maker to get more okay so we need to get a seed maker and we also need to get a scarecrow too actually just to make sure that no crows come and go yeah um actually I will I will wait for a seed maker so we’ll we’ll focus you know what guys we’re going to focus on farming in the game about farming guess what we’re going to do we are actually going to focus on farming it’s I know I know right who what’s going on where am I I’m actually going to focus on farming let’s do it all right let’s let’s let’s cuz I want I wanted I want to figure out these ancient seeds they seem really cool um let me see here so scarecrow wood coal and fiber we’ve got all of those we’ve got fiber we’ve got wood and we’ve got coal and we will now make a scarecrow cool now we’ve got a scarecrow plant that bad boy down right here and then let’s um I think we have the spring seed packets we do have the spring seeds so let’s um let’s do all this there we go what is that that’s am I am I experiencing like like some type of vision is that what’s going on am I am I going to hear is my is my grandmother going to appear is that what’s going to happen Jesus Christ okay frog I don’t believe that that can’t be true frogs don’t sound like that they sound like they don’t sound like they don’t do that so I don’t I you know what I I see your I see your reasonable explanation and I raise you complete and utter idiocracy how about that how about them apples here we go go outside why would I ever need to do that when I I’ve got stardew Valley right here for for on on Steam I’d be awesome at sponsorships it’s like don’t you just don’t you just want it now don’t you just want it now there we go cool and one two three three four cool there we go perfect there we go I died no I was just I was just leaning I was just leaning a little bit um perfect cool so let’s see what else we can do here um I need to sell more I need to sell more I need to craft more I need to learn more uh copper ore and stone let’s make a furnace why don’t we Stone copper ore let’s make a furnace that we can start you know [ __ ] up these little things um right here I’ve already got a furnace actually that makes a lot of sense [Music] cool let’s make some copper [Music] then cool all right we got a furnace and put more copper in might as well cool awesome I didn’t realize I didn’t realize that I already had some okay it’s okay um stuff’s on fire this isn’t good um who was the first person to figure out like a microwave that that is always going to be crazy to me like how how how did they do that how did they just go oh yeah no I’m just going to like you know I just don’t get it I’m going to be so real I straight up don’t get it how can you know how to do that how can you be like yeah you know that thing that’s been like killing people because of like you know toxic radiation poisoning we’re going to we’re going to we’re going to shoot it into our food actually we’re going to just shoot it into our food why don’t we just do that and then people are like oh yeah sounds good and I’m I’m just sitting here you know alive but still like a little bit pissed about it really um still still a little bit upset um let me see here it’s American invention I find that very hard to believe America doesn’t invent [ __ ] I’m going to be so real America America doesn’t invent anything dude do I have anything that needs oh gun can tell me more about this let’s go to the blacksmith too let’s see let’s see what happens let’s do that there we go be patriotic for once I don’t the most patriotic I ever want to be is that one president that ate a bunch of cherries and then died that’s my that’s my that’s my [ __ ] president right there the guy who on the 4th of July ate just a ton of cherries then promtly passed away that is that is the best thing that a president I think has ever done that is that is the best thing that a that that a par that a president has ever done just had a lot of cherries and then died and then passed away it’s amazing like that’s great well we’ve got books here look my marine animals are very sensitive okay gotcha animals are very sensitive okay hold Mo about this one what what about what about what about this one ohing use fertilizer season grou maintenance soon as season ends okay gotcha okay gotcha okay let’s donate to our Museum shall we we got one of these one of these and one of these awesome all right cool now give me my give me my rewards this is this is all I this is all I care about there we go it’s all I care about just give me give me my money give me my rewards is this the blacksmith I’m assuming this is the blacksmith this is the blacksmith hey buddy uh process geod I’ve got 10 of those 25 gold per geode holy okay wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow I going to through my inventory that’s okay let’s go that was awesome actually let’s go take these to the museum now there we go thank you Hollow for the for the 19 months thank you all right donate to the museum all right this one there this one there this one there this one there this one there this one there cool oh and this one there awesome cool dude I’m just I’m just going to give this guy so many rocks whoa we got a standing Geo that’s so cool actually oh I went to the coolest Rock Shop yesterday and I finally saw a um I finally saw a um what’s the word a um a gold nugget like a raw gold nugget for the first time cuz he had one and I and I went to go see it and it was awesome and I really wanted to buy it but it was like a lot of money so I was like I don’t think I want to did you get any rocks they were all really really cool ones they’re just all really expensive and I don’t I you know I I I’ve I’ve got a I’ve got a you know I’ve got a cat to take care of man I can’t afford that it’s so cool though like oh I really I want a gold nugget so godamn bad I would never I would literally never sell it I’m not even kidding I would literally never sell it I would I would keep that until the day that I die because like it’s it’s I love it so much what’s your favorite Rock I love opal I love different types of opal those are cool how long until uh how long until spring how long until spring because currently it’s oh wait nice um oh nice cool nice um seasons are 28 days so we don’t oh so we don’t have enough time to uh to plant these cauliflower seeds okay cuz they take um they take oh no we do cuz it’s the 15th and we’ve got oh we’ve got we’ve got time okay never mind we do have time so let’s um let’s pant these then takes 12 days I didn’t realize all right let’s ho it up that’s my plans for the summer honestly there we go I know I just I I I said it on Tumblr the other day but I my my goal is to have a a hot girl summer as they say and I’m I’m on I’m on my way there I’m on my way there there we go cool all right let’s do this plant these cauliflower seeds Okay you can not tell me that that is just a frog what was that that was like a demon that was a demon go painting for gold sometime oh I plan to I I I’m not even kidding when I say that I I do genuinely plan to actually my my big rock oh I love my big rock actually that’s awesome right cool um let’s do this I I’m going to sell these copper bars cuz we need to up our our [ __ ] I’m also going to sell of this fiber and a lot of this wood too don’t sell those I’ve got enough it’s fine uh let’s sell some Stone too we’ll sell some ore it’s fine someone said sell the clay right let’s we’ll know there we go cool I’ve got guys I’ve literally got so much raw copper I can literally make I literally I literally can make so much more where is all my raw copper is this all I have okay well I can get more I can get more so fast don’t sell the clay okay I won’t sell the clay car is five ORS oh I see okay oh I can I can get so much more actually I can get so much more so we’re not going to sell the clay we’re not going to sell these all right what should I sell here um I need to donate things I need to figure out what I need to donate to the um to like the you know the little little guy little guy Place actually so let’s just let’s take a bunch of our rocks and see if we can donate any of them to the um to the little guy place um CU we might we might be able to let me see there we gool there we go let’s see this thing one thing I’ve never felt good about selling is Clay it’s it’s fine what happened to all my music like did I did I turn off the music or something someone said the tree icon in your inventory it’s raining it’s on the right wait tree symbol on the side of your inventory will kind of pulse if you need to donate something oh I see I understand okay gotcha so we can oh so we can just donate it here can we oh no we can’t donate it here can we donate it here no we have to go there okay hold on pantry no not yet craft room fish tank Pantry wait uh ocean fish okay hold on let’s let’s go let’s go to the little guy place for a second hold on wa this isn’t the way to the little guy place this is the way to the little guy place it’s up here wait where’s the way to the little guy Place go down okay thought I to go up little guy plac down here gotcha okay there it is okay I got you gotcha okay all right time to donate things to my little guys there they are hey buddies all right Pals um let’s see here we need do I Crab Pot bundle oh crab I have crab for crab pot that’s good um night fishing ocean fish Crab Pot specialty okay so we do need to do more fishing but I’m focused on giving my giving my rocks I’m focused on giving my Stones um really why is this one like shaking okay quality crops bundle oh so we need like the the best qual quality crops too okay so that’s just a lot of them that’s just a lot of them and then exotic foraging winter foraging summer foraging okay so we okay so I don’t have anything you don’t have the first unlock to give of stones yet oh okay well that makes sense have to complete the forging bundle to get the miners bundles what what that’s crazy actually hold on okay this is the crafts room foraging foraging this is meant to be done over years I’m getting it done literally tomorrow I’m getting it done literally tomorrow actually so yeah so how about that I’m going to get it done literally next week takes one to three years oh my god dude Jesus how do how do people do this this is is this this just feels like my job this is just my job at this point what happened to all my seeds oh they’re there my seeds are there it’s just it’s just because of the fact that it’s night okay I was I was about to say all right let’s let’s just put all this [ __ ] back um for now and then tomorrow we’ll go mining some more I think let’s see all right go to sleep for the night let’s do it I didn’t level up in anything really okay cool 420 gold oh my God I’m so good at this game I’m so good at this game actually incredible all right please tell me that it’s so raining so I don’t have to water actually I when friends no racing animals buildings on your farm you bar animals deeper in the mine let’s do deeper in the mine let’s go let’s go mining oh thank God it’s still rating I don’t have to give a [ __ ] about anything nice here SW is down fertilizers oh my God fertilizers that’s pretty good that’s pretty good why does my YouTuber to keep on my phone needs to save within my face there we go okay lazy farmer relying on the rain dude it must be it must feel so good for a farmer to have like rain happen and just be like oh well okay guess I just don’t got to do that today like that’s awesome actually it must that must that that must be an amazing feeling I don’t have any food oh I’ve got food oh I’ve got food what am I even saying what am I even saying actually I’ve got I’ve got the food man that’s all I need all I need are three are three berries and I’m ready to I’m ready to go fight dude where is that frog where is that frog have you decided have you decided if you’re going to romance anybody no I’m working on myself actually taking some time taking time for myself all right let’s go let’s do this thing oh wait what what am I doing what am I doing okay there we go we’re at floor 20 already do you have any idea how cool that is that’s so cool we all say in unison that’s so cool rambu live everyone says oh my god get a load of this guy get a load of this goober yeah that’s right seven damage seven damage o absolutely destroyed nice my mining mining I love doing random task for 13 hours on end it is fantastic I go I look at the same thing that I looked at for the past 3 hours and I go oh this feels like amazing this is awesome think we the 41 months Lord crypted thank you oh my God I’m getting I’m getting good I’m getting good this cannot happen this cannot happen all right cool this this shant this shant happen there we go cool I was down in the mines there we go oh Jesus okay you know what it’s fine it’s fine we’re doing really well uhoh green green green green green Green this isn’t good okay we’re fine I got scared I got scared for a second so I left sneakers oh [ __ ] oh never mind okay never mind these are better I got excited cuz I got cool shoes I just I got so excited I just immediately took off my pants I just I just stripped down oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] little bug oh [ __ ] little bug oh [ __ ] little bugs oh no little bugs and little guys little I repeat little bugs little guys dude this new sword is actually helping me so much this new sword is actually like this this is this is wow no wonder it’s fine it’s fine oh my God okay so I just have to like not don’t stop moving there actually seems like good rubber boots rubber boots actually Seemy like they might help a little bit all right there you go thank you rat king for the 26 months thank you okay dude I love I love comfy pants honestly I’ve come to really appreciate comfy pants I’m going to be so real you know there’s nothing that hits harder than like you know being in like jeans all day you know cuz you know jeans are fine they look good but then it’s just like switching into you know comfy pants after that oh like the difference between night and day it’s nice die you scoundrei all right we’re cool we’re good nice we did it floor 25 everybody yay this is going so well this is going so well for us actually oh and we got another Geo too which oh my God that’s it it how much are geod worth cuz surely they’re worth more than like 25 right or they worth less than 25 are Geo’s just gambling can we gamble isn’t there gambling in this game I have to figure out how to gamble that’s that’s my that’s how fast I got to go I got to I got to figure out how quickly I can get to the slots you know how quickly I can I can get to the casinos okay there we go going here cool more hardwood things are going well it’s currently 12:40 p.m. and we’re having a good time and there we go down again the loot only gets better as we go down so therefore I don’t have to worry about anything oh [ __ ] he turned into a bug I’ve got to worry about that he turned into a bug get out of here oh my God wait that guy was the that guy was the was the entrance was the exit hold on how do I make a bug steak how do I make how do I make bug steak I 10 bug meat in order to make bug steak okay [Music] gotcha Die Why did I turn that way okay hold onow and wow and wow hold one more wow and one more wow there we go easy just like that just like that I don’t hate bugs I love bugs I just well blue slime rare rare rare slime variant whoa rare rare blue slime variant crazy whoa One in a Million clippable moment right there that’s what I’m talking about oh yay we’re getting music again I missed the background music I did miss the music I don’t know why it wasn’t happening for so long but now it’s happening we’re getting that music in here we go it’s starting to feel eat eat again eat one more time okay we’re good I’m just going to make it to the next thing and I’m just going to and then I’m going to go unless I don’t have enough energy for that then in that case yikes okay cool I oh my God Mama bug’s coming to get me just killed her son what the hell monster compendium what the hell is that monsters have a small chance to drop double loot what is that read it I read it cool awesome knowledge I’m winning there we go cool people are looking people are saying that this is rigged how rare is that one how Hell well am I doing right now so I think I’m doing pretty well oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] has a 0.01% drop rate that can’t be true it’s not rare it’s just a new okay cool I had a strong feeling that that wasn’t true come on I just need to make it down a level so all I need to do is just make it down level and then we’re good to go grab this where is the exit did I did I find it already and I’m just being silly let’s eat the salmon Berry wonderful the rarest book in the game is just a new thing oh is it part of the new update is oh is knowledge a part of the new oh my God the new update thing cool glad glad glad uh the the dev has decided to add reading there we go cool something I just don’t do so you know what I’m I’m I’m grateful for it I’m grateful for it actually there we go okay no I can read I’m kidding oh [ __ ] a crab Omni geode what the hell is that GE contain a ride riding Mill okay cool Omni GE OD there we go um there we go it’s 5:30 p.m let me see is there anything oh I can make I can make I can make a bug steak bug steak I love my bug steak there we go cool this one has a bigger loot table and broken cool I love getting rare things in video games I think that’s one of my favorite things I think I just like gambling no I I I don’t like gambling with money like I hate gambling with money it it is it is one of my biggest like XS in general like like gambling with just an insane amount of money like I remember there were people like when twitchcon when there was like twitchcon Vegas and everything that were like bragging about how much like money they like lost at like the casinos and everything and I was just like so you’re telling me that you’re just a dumbass like I don’t know what I don’t know what you’re saying here right now like so you’re telling you’re telling me that you’re you’re telling me that you’re just a dumbass with your money and that you just you just lost like a [ __ ] ton of money cool okay awesome good for you but you want you want a sticker or something like I don’t know I need to find I need to find these things faster cuz I’m running out of energy no it’s crazy it’s actually it’s actually wild it was like it was like an insane number from what I can remember and it it was literally just like oh yeah know I I I I went to the casino last night and I lost this much I was just like why why would you do that why why like what what’s the what’s the purpose what cuz you hope it would make you more money you know what makes you you know what makes you a [ __ ] ton of money you know what really makes you a [ __ ] ton of money not not spending like a a [ __ ] ton of money that’s what makes you a lot of money is not is not spending and [ __ ] like saving your money it’s crazy did it done by the way did that I did that by the way I I mined the hell out of that it’s crazy no it’s actually crazy though cuz like I don’t know like in my in my perspective right my my viewpoint on gambling is that you should not gamble with money that you are not willing to just throw into the toilet like if you if you were to take a $100 right would you be willing to throw it into the toilet if you the answer is yes then sure try and gamble it away if the answer is no then then then don’t then don’t gamble it actually how about just just don’t like that’s the thing just don’t do that pet the kitty Hello Kitty all right cool go to sleep for the night cool for the 33 months swissy roll thank you all right cool next day it’s a beautiful day thank you eny Goose as well for the 47 months Jesus Jesus Christ thank you wow it’s a brand new day it’s no longer raining which means I have to water my crops and my cat and find with watering my cat I’m just don’t I don’t want to I don’t want to water my crops it’s a predatory industry oh yeah it is especially because there’s all these like you know movies and shows about like people hitting it big and like winning and it’s just like dude you won’t you won’t like be honest you won’t like if you’re not willing to throw that money away then just don’t gamble you know thank you lady for the tier one thank you you like I don’t know that’s the thing it’s it’s just it’s just dumb like I’m not going to sit here and say that I have like 100% the best sping habits right but I but I will say that like you know I’m not stupid with my money I’m definitely not stupid with my money especially because I feel like it’s more of a gift in a way you know what I mean it’s like I have a lot of trouble spending like especially especially like like twitch earning specifically sometimes just because of the fact that I’m like this was this was money that I was given in a way right and I feel like if I were to just spend it on something stupid then it would be like you know kind of doing what I’ve been given wrong in a way that makes sense so that’s why yeah that’s why I like to keep you guys updated on things I don’t know this cuz I’m just like hey thank you that’s pretty much how it goes all right cool um we got all this let’s go let’s go to the blacksmith and Bre break open this giant geode how about that buying those Garfield shirts isn’t stupid oh it is stupid but it’s funny my sub goes to 10 lbs of taco meat slop you know what I mean I mean like those like you know like [ __ ] like you know $80,000 cars that like literally don’t even have that many features like that’s the stuff that I’m talking about really you know like that’s the that’s the dumb [ __ ] that I’m talking about with YouTubers and everything when they spend money on like a giant like you know like it it’s it’s weird I don’t know like if you like cars then sure absolutely you can do that in a way but I also sometimes feel like I don’t know it’s interesting like if you like cool cars you can get cool cars right but there’s also a case of like people that just don’t like just get it for like the name brand if that makes sense like cuz there’s a difference between getting a car cuz you really [ __ ] like a car and then getting a car because it’s like oh it’s a Lamborghini and I’ve always like you know I want a Lamborghini and that’s just all that’s just all you say like no like like you should figure that out out whoa I don’t know what that is um yeah same thing with clothing oh yeah no I the name like the weird like you know hype clothing or whatever it is like that is that is also I don’t know I don’t know I mean to be fair though I kind of make the same thing though you know when you think about it is a merch just kind of that it’s just me slapping my name on some [ __ ] no not really there we go new reward yay cool uh collect rewards star fruit seeds cool is star fruit good PL these in the summer it’s not the summer yet okay cool I worked hard on that oh yeah no that’s not that’s obviously not what I mean I’m talking about merch is just the idea of merch and people that buy it specifically for the brand that’s just not what I’m saying at all oh man I’m sorry I didn’t it it was not meant to come no it wasn’t it wasn’t meant to come out that way it was meant to come out in the way of like more so it’s like is like oh is not like making merch that in a way but it’s OB it’s obviously not what I’m saying cancel this guy okay whatever ungrateful ass okay you make star fruit into wine oh I got to make alcohol that’s awesome yeah I know I don’t know I just don’t I just don’t I just don’t personally get it with like just like really think this money is for mac and cheese thank you thank you it’s going to charity it’s not going to be going to mac and cheese but thank you thank you but no yeah I think that’s a reason why um what’s the word that’s the reason why I kind of really spend a lot of time and I make sure to like you know get good merch designers is because I feel it’s like you know there’s a difference between just slapping your name on some [ __ ] and calling it a day and then like actually spending the time to make cool [ __ ] you know and I’ve always wanted to do that and I’m really glad that I’ve you know found you know a company and then people that can do that too yeah I’m excited for the new stuff the new stuff is really cool I’m getting I’m getting some of it uh in a in a bit yeah the next the next uh the next merch drop I think so yeah well there’s okay here’s here’s the here’s the merch plans for you guys there’s going to be some new things coming out in two days uh on generation l site maybe didn’t hear it from me um and then there’s going to be um a ROM boo merge drop like I think on the fouryear anniversary of me doing this job I I think that’s what I have planned for the next one so those are my current merch plans so get excited for that I’d rather just tell you guys now um yeah so that’ be cool yeah so there’s some stuff in 2 days and then some stuff in like 3 4 months for the four years of me doing this job um me see here me see there these sneakers away These Boots away hardwood interesting Thunder egg cool can I just sell this I’m just going to sell this should I just sell this cap should I sell the Thunder egg should I sell the Thunder egg donate it I already did donate one I already I already did donate one to the museum so I think I can just sell it There She Goes cool all right let me see here um what else can I sell what else can I sell I want to see what I can craft I don’t have much I don’t have much crafting yet iron bar where is I haven’t gotten much iron have I where is iron I don’t know where iron is I haven’t gotten iron yet past level 40 oh okay that makes sense as why I haven’t gotten it that then that makes sense I’m going to save these bars cuz I need them for crafting uh need we summer star are star fruit seeds good star fruit seeds are good right I think star fruit seeds are good someone told me that star fruit seeds are good um let’s go let’s go make some more geodes then very good cool oh woodpecker hello woodpecker hello friend oh goodbye that’s awesome who the hell just made that who who just made that giant ass emote you guys see that who just who just made that large emote did no one else see that it’s a new thing it’s a new feature it’s a new effect thing how the hell what does it do it’s a bit thing you you can do it with bits it’s a twitch update what is that powerups manage powerups message effects 20 gigantify an emote for 30 on screen celebration for 40 the hell is an onscreen celebration select an emote to unleash onto the stream okay what does that mean I’m scared did it just did it just happen there it is oh [ __ ] someone just do do it did someone just do it in particles oh [ __ ] is there a is there a is there a is there a is there a limit that I should be putting onto this thing now what’s going on is there it’s lagging my PC what do you mean do you see it no I don’t see it is it hold on let me look at my let me look at my oh my God no there is it’s on screen celebrations and [ __ ] and gigantify emote oh interesting okay so people are know people are putting on screen em yo stop there’s so many hold on hold on give me a sec give me a second it’s in it’s in the chat for some reason what so many people okay hold on I have to guys I have to do this one second guys hold on uh process geodes okay cool we got that one we got that one message effect oh what the hell okay I’ll keep it unless I’ve got to unless I’ve got to change unless two too many onc screen celebrations changed I guess I’ll just keep it at I I guess I’ll just keep it at that I don’t know they just kind of added that feature and had it default on and just and just kind of just kind of went goam that’s kind of all they that’s kind of all they did donate to museum more rocks more rocks more rocks cool all right why are there so many that is crazy that they did just add it to everyone it’s better than the Super Chat feature that’s actually so true that’s actually really true um you know super super chat feature was dooo actually I hated it they were just trying to yeah this is see this is this is where this is a good idea honestly I’m going to be real TW this is a good idea because of the fact that it’s not it’s not simply taking something that like it’s not it’s not like taking away from something that already exists that streamers already have found right because it’s like no one wants a 730 split on donations right but but people will like you know you’re like your your specific things for you know doing you know your your specific like twitch things basically you know like that’s nice that’s fun I like that that’s cool I’m glad that I’m glad that they’re doing more of that um let me see keep this uh mix I’m just going to sell this honestly just sell it yeah okay cool um it does affect your bits though that’s fine bits bits are bits are chill I guess I mean I don’t know is there is there still a way to earn free bits did they or did they remove that cuz I remember that there was a way to like watch a bunch of ads for free bits thank you voyy for the Prime thank you thank you segue as well there we go no there was yeah no there was a way there was a way a long time ago I remember because my my favorite I used to I used to donate to my favorite Clash of Clans streamer um by watching ads for like you know 30 minutes until I had enough bits to uh to reach the minimum until I had enough bits to reach the minimum um and then I and then I did it and then we’re good like yeah viewer okay thanks guys monthly surveys give bits interesting yeah there we go here we go you know it’s interesting that I kind of like the onc screen celebration that’s actually kind of silly that is that is kind of that is kind of silly here we go cool all right and we go here this is good this is good all right what do I need to do now let me see here we’ve got Forest magic monster compendium okay so there’s a lot let’s see here what do I need to do I need to go wait I got the I got this thing done deeper in the mind reach level 40 I did reach level oh no I didn’t reach level 40 I need to reach level 40 okay let’s just you know what I think well actually no let’s chop down trees let’s chop down trees there we go well you know have a serious moment and suddenly there’s like aund of see no that’s hilarious actually that’d be awesome I’m going to try having serious moments more often now because of that there we go I’m going to yeah I’m going to try having serious serious things happen more often just that happens there we go cool fantastic there we go that okay oh that’s silly oh that’s silly I love that there we go perfect re isn’t strong enough to break this stump well [ __ ] you all right whatever this is so entertaining it is kind of entertaining actually I kind of it is it is kind of funny there we go what if I put it down to like 10 what if I did what if I put it down to like 10 and then it’s just and then it’s just it’s just just a [ __ ] ton of emotes everywhere thank for the uh X Fenix for the 16 months thank you it’s going to C crash the stream can’t wait to have to file a bug report a twitch bug report can’t wait oh [ __ ] I’m about to I’m about to die hold on eat salmon Berry hooray eat more salmon Berry hooray cool all right I’m just getting I’m just getting more food that’s what I’m doing currently there we go and I’m not seeing anything well it’s not happening right now someone has to someone has to make it happen in order for it to happen you know how you know how things work you know haven’t been able to watch your streams in a while well welcome welcome guess what I’ve got like I’ve got a I’ve got a kid now I don’t I have a baby his name is Moose all right sleepy time let’s do it ah we’re doing well we’re doing well 330 nice that’s very good that’s very very good all right I think it’s fishing time I’m going to be real I think it’s fishing time I want to fish I want I really want to fish all right who the hell is that joker who is that who the hell was that who’s screaming in my ear okay wow it’s a new day think for the 31 months here we go this music makes me feel like I’m about to go on an adventure oh carrots we did it we have successfully made food kind of are my plants dying or is that how they’re supposed to look oh no these are the variety seeds that’s right right these are the variety seeds so they’re supposed to look like that that’s fine that’s fine thank you guys for the high level two hype Train by the way I don’t know if a hyp train I don’t even know there you go cool that’s how they look okay good they they [ __ ] better there we go right carrots carrots were fast carrots were good there we go cool we do that more more water oh my God I have to water so much surely I can like you know invent irrigation or something and get a sprinkler system in this right surely there’s a way to surely there’s a way to do that oh where’s my kitty good morning buddy good morning Garfield there you are this is uh this is uh booby Town my new Farm there we go that’s what it’s called it’s booby Farm there you go cool all right we’re farming we’re farming we’re straight farming actually all right well let’s uh let’s go sell these carrots and then let’s uh see what we can buy potentially you upgrade your watering can you can water farther that’s kind of cool that’s good life is good at booby Farm life is so good at booby Farm actually we stay hey we stay boobing we stay boobing at booby Farm honestly Pam’s oh it’s Pam’s birthday today happy birthday Pam um cool need seaweed for casserole I’m making sure it’s locked open to nine oh okay hold on where does Pam live where does Pam live I need to say hi to Pam it’s Pam’s birthday where’s Pam’s where does Pam go get her a beer she loves those great trailer okay hey Pam I don’t have anything for you yet but I will hey happy birthday Pam I want to careful for last night go away all right see you Pam cool always happy to talk to you Pam there starting to warm up I’m feeling pumped all right Alex weirdo this guy’s this guy’s weird me spill my water everywhere everywhere I’m sorry oh what’s going on here there’s a cut scene happening oh Pier how can I help [Music] you oh [ __ ] the wizard The Wizard [Music] ham come and get it folks k for 50% off your purchase at JoJo Mar 50% what the hell it’s is undercutting well any takers what what [ __ ] what an [ __ ] get a Lo of this guy but I can’t match those prices I’d be selling at a loss this be so difficult to you to lose your loyal customers like that can you blame them JoJo Corporation is clearly their Superior Choice soon the whole town realize that all right what a what a what a dick we dude mods kill this guy with bricks um dehydrator interesting okay catalog flooring wallpaper sugar grass Charter give SE okay cool hold on cool all right carrots carrot carrots have been what are these um these in the spring spring spring these are all spring takes six days r a colorful flower take six days to mature um which one’s the best save money for summer okay people are people are telling me to save money for the summer so I’m going to do that all right let’s let’s save money for the summer cuz we’ve got we’ve got we’ve got [ __ ] to do in the summer all right I not bring my I didn’t bring my fishing rod I’m a fool I’m a fishing fool dude I’m a fishing fool oh my God usually the seeds that cost the most sell for the most interesting okay that makes sense that makes sense to me you know Supply and de dude that cat is just laying down can you guys see that you guys see oh he was laying down it looks so cute but uh you missed it so yesh um let me see here all right this gives plus 45 energy that’s actually pretty good so I’m going to keep those in there actually I’m going to I’m going to take these I’m going to take these I’m going to put away put away no I’m not going to put away everything actually I’m just going to use this all right cool here you go do you even have the sprinkler recipe no I do not but I don’t need the sprinkler recipe to know that I’m having a good time you know cuz life life is in about sprinkler recipes all right it’s about getting that cash and and you know and farming well that’s what that’s what life’s all about you know ew it smells why is it locked I want to explore the sewers I think Gunther has the key Gun Man Museum how do you think he has it I saw a big rusty old key fall out of his pocket one time creepy sewer door like this just has to be the match for a big rusty old key right cool sewage don’t don’t sniff sewage dude is there something in the sewers there’s something moving around in there what what do you mean the sewage smells good no it does not there’s nothing in there a dragon I swear to God ah sorry I got scared interesting okay so there’s something in the sewers that we have to go get the key from very interesting that’s so cool I’ve got to fish that’s cool guys I got to go fishing all right you don’t understand all right I got to I got to go fish Pals all right that’s simply what I got to do hey how’s it going so I organized my clothes today after all last year sty make room for the new ones all right cool throwing out clothes to make room for new clothes I have to I actually have to go through my clothes and figure that out cuz my style has changed so much but I still have like all my clothes from when I was [ __ ] like you know 17 cuz I just have just saved them so I’ve got to I’ve really got to go through they’re just in like boxes they’re just in boxes all right it’s fishing time everyone hell yeah can I get a hell yeah for fishing woo wait for it wait for it wait for it oh oh [ __ ] a treasure I got the treasure it’s okay I got the treasure that’s Lally all that matters I got the treasure who even cares I got the treasure that’s awesome nice flounder oh wow and 20 bait that’s actually so good hold on let me see if I can get the better fishing rod now actually 1,800 who the hell do you think I am oh my God I don’t have that kind of money I literally do almost I Almost Do I Almost Do I I think I’ll be able to get it today and then we’ll get we’ll get we’ll get some good fishing going wait for it wait for it wait for it wait for it wait for it wait for it just wait oh oh okay seea jelly cool yesh all right wait for it this is shelfish oh oh yeah that fish with the [ __ ] spoon I love that oh I thought that was they trick you they trick you into thinking that it’s oh they tricked me there they [ __ ] got me there actually there we go thank you guys for all the follows by the way welcome new followers um did you know that I’m going to be doing a stream um where I’m going to just be putting water like rubber bands on a watermelon did you knew did you know that I’m putting rubber bands on a watermelon for a stream one day and just seeing what happens really yeah I think that’s actually just kind of fun I think it’s a fun stream idea we just keep on putting rubber bands on a watermelon until it explodes we got to get like a [ __ ] ton there we go boom boom watermelon yeah no I wish I hope that it like hits me in the face or something so we got a funny clip out out of it it’s literally it’s literally like one of those like Tik Tok lives where the guy’s like filling the water balloon above his head I want to do that one too I genuinely want to do one of those streams where it’s us it’s just me filling like a filling like a water balloon over my head for like for like an hour and just seeing what happens like I think that’d be hilarious new record sardine let’s go that’s what I’m talking about I think that I could probably like break a watermelon with my with my legs I think that I genuinely could i’ I’ve still got the [ __ ] years of volleyball strength on me I think I could do it I think I could do it I can jump I think I could do it those things are solid so are so am I me too wait for it perfect that’s what I’m talking about a record a record Herring a record-breaking Herring that’s what I’m saying see the thing is right it’s because of the fact that I’m tall but you guys don’t understand that like it’s like it’s stretched out if you were to like shorten me down to like 55 but with the same stuff that I’ve got I’d be I’d be so [ __ ] strong all right I’d be so [ __ ] actually let’s go sell our stuff oh this is a this is purple what does that mean what does purple mean I’m going to keep I’m going to keep that stuff then I’m going to keep that stuff then cool it’s good quality nice awesome let’s keep fishing yeah yeah I I I just get the highest quality fish really all you know it’s chill it’s pretty chill it’s just what I do it’s just what I do simp I get the highest quality fish and and people flock to me look at the vending machine in his shop someone said hold on we’ll do that after we get this okay no we’ll do it now we’ll do it now we’ll do it now we’ll do it now we’ll do it now no let me in vending machine vending machine vending machine vending machine vending machine bobber style oh [ __ ] let’s do it dude random bobber style all right cool let’s do it wait for it wait for it wait for it just me and my pal fishing it’s me and my pal me and my guy I think that I could I genuinely think that I could no because my my goal is to just get extremely buff in like a few months just for the fun of it you know just for the just for the just for the the silly really that’s my goal do you know a fishing song no I don’t that’s that’s it that’s all I’m saying going to need more than a few months nope it’s going to be it’s going to be tomorrow it’s going to be tomorrow all right I’m going to get I’m going to get all I’m going to get all I’m going to get all roed up and I’m going to go ham there we go cool now I’m going to say no I didn’t I’m going to be one of those I’m going to be one of those uh Fitness influencers that’s just obviously on something but then they just consistently say that they’re not I think that’s I think that’ll be kind of fun I think that’ll be kind of fun personally you know you know what I mean well at least you’re confident okay all right Palace thank you sensitive Pisces for the 22 months thank you so much thank you guys for all the subs today hope you guys are all doing well enjoying the stream having a good time my Bobbers my bobber Bob and something else I don’t know what’s going on perfect again perfect again that’s what I’m talking about I am not your friend thank you Taco squid for the Prime thank you dude I’m I I have to be so locked into this fishing game like you have to you have to pay attention to it and that’s the craziest thing to me the fact that you have to pay attention to the game that you’re playing insane absolutely insane to me starting to feel exhausted oh [ __ ] I got to eat my bar I missed okay you know let’s just eat my let’s just eat my berry and we’ll walk home we we’ll eat my berry and we’ll just walk home let’s just walk home let’s let’s try to see if we can find maybe some little worms to dig up any worms around here any worms worm in chat no no worms present for Pam we do have to buy pamama beer that is true we do have to P right cool where’s Pam there’s Pam okay hold on let’s get a beer let’s get $400 holy [ __ ] dude Pam you better [ __ ] love me for this actually oh my God remember my birthday I’m press thanks oh cool yeah I know that was awesome guys that was so cool glad I did it glad I glad I [ __ ] did it I just spent 400 coins on beer can I can I get can I get absolutely just black out and then and then like throw up in this game can I do that personally I think that’d be very fun can I you can get tipsy no damn I I want to get I just want to pass out dude all right hold on let me do this uh save that save that grab this sell that okay cool let’s sell all this stuff we’re going to sell this this this this that that this oh what that has actually that gives me a lot of 88 energy oh my God what do these two bottom numbers mean what do these two bottom numbers mean the the time and the plus one fishing part how long the plus one fishing lasts um we’ll use this tomorrow then tomorrow will be big fishing day for me um as long as I make enough money actually I think I did let’s let’s sell some of these actually let’s sell the let’s well actually no let’s keep wait no we’re supposed to no actually Noy told me to keep five of every single thing I have to do that you sell this F though no we can’t sell this ther sell this amethyst just sell these two why not okay let’s do it I don’t want to eat this no remember hasn’t drank water in years what does that mean I literally have a water bottle right next to me that I’ve been that I’ve been drinking on stream all day whoa I can get so much cool stuff that was so cool sure it’s water what does that mean what do you think I’m do you think I’m just getting do you think I’m just get just drinking on stream no of course not all right hold on we need we need just a few more recipe for o Pap used to make cake cheese cauliflower cool okay how you doing sweetie oh my mom oh my mom made me cookies my mom made me cookies yay okay every rest need re bring me one sure yeah all right got you cool bring jod a cauliflower all right now we have to oh now we have to water the plants why can’t the rain come back I don’t want to do my job I just want to do the easy parts of my job like fishing you know you know what what do you mean I have to do the work part that’s that’s crazy actually that’s crazy talk three four 5 6 7 yes one two three perfect one two 3 4 five 6 1 2 3 four five 6 7 8 I’m counting 10 11 dude I’m so good at math actually I was thinking about that the other day I was like man I kind of just like stopped doing math no I was actually no I was actually insane at math I’m going to be so real thank you the kitty cat for following thank you theal for the 40 months thank you yeah well no I mean like I I finished pretty much so you know how you have like High School requirements for like math and everything I finished all of mine when I was in I think 7th grade so I was I think I started I started out school like High School in like I think geometry I started out High School in geometry and then I think I was in like AP Calculus like BC or some [ __ ] and then I became a streamer and stopped doing all of that I was a streamer and then stopped doing everything dude I you have no idea how pissed I am because I was one of those kids that I’m like oh I’m going to like you know lock in in these years so I can have fun later on in life and then it just turned out that I just didn’t need to do that at all because I became a streamer and I’m like I I’m I you’ve got to be kidding me like that that that’s crazy to me like I I will forever be slightly pissed off about that actually like yeah doing your goddamn exams on stream yeah I know it’s because of the fact that like I don’t know it’s because of the fact that like it was it was it still is like the thing that I really really wanted to do right so I literally just kind of like I graduated like a year early because I just like the my my final year my senior year was pretty much just going to be all classes that I didn’t really have to do but I was going to do to get into a good college and then when I realized that I you know didn’t have to go to college then I just kind of graduated a year early instead of you know trying to figure out everything so yeah it’s awesome you aren’t a Dropout no I didn’t drop out I was probably I probably would have if I wasn’t finished everything I’m going to be real I still have nightmares sometimes that I still have to be in school I’m not even kidding sometimes I still like I’m like man I really wish that I could that I could quit school right now because I really want to do my streaming job and I like have dreams where that’s like a thing and then I wake up and I’m like oh awesome I don’t have school that’s sick like it’s it’s a literal like yeah geode and Fire Quartz interesting okay cool um let’s fish here oh I missed let’s fish here I missed again let’s fish here there we go cool all right fantastic save the Fire Quartz okay we’re going to save the Fire Quartz someone told us to yeah I think I literally did like my like AP English final while like streaming or no while on someone stream it was on techno stream I think there we go I would not recommend doing what I do by the way want to make that clear I want to be a good example uh but I’m not a good example so please don’t please don’t do what I do what I did cuz uh chances are it’s it was a big it was a big gamble it was a big big gamble and I was not sure it was it was I was not sure if I would have be able to sustain it I’m still not sure I got the seaweed nice like I’m still not sure sometimes but hey dude I’m getting so much seaweed but yeah we we’ll we’ll see we’ll see whoes I say not as I do exactly I don’t know make an inform decision you know I’m not I’m not here to give any advice I’m just here to play stardew Valley on the p see buy now on Steam oh okay well hold on let’s let’s get a bit let’s get a better of Rod right now hold on better Rod time better Rod time Rod time Rod time Rod time Rod time yeah fiberglass Rod fiberglass rod and then we can buy a bunch of bait let’s buy a bunch of rate too okay there we go and then we got a new Rod there we go use this in the tool there we go do that do that perfect let’s do it all right we got a new Rod it’s going to be so good oh my goodness I’m so excited I’m going to get so many so much bigger fish I’m going to get so many bigger fish there’s always a bigger fish in the sea and it’s me I’m the biggest fish of them all I want to get like I I love the fishing mechanic in this game it’s actually so much fun I’m going to be so real I should have gone fishing when it was raining all that time I I really should have I really should have gone I really should have gone fishing while was I don’t know why I didn’t I don’t know why I didn’t there we go oh God damn it more seaweed I’m pissed I don’t want more seaweed I simply don’t want more seaweed did you know you need a license to fish in real life I assume that’s the case yeah I I assumed that that was the case that like they wouldn’t just kind of let anyone out with like you know to fish in a lot of places that is that is really cool I don’t know I really want to go gold hunting though I really want to go like gold panning I I I I’ll like Vlog it or stream it or some [ __ ] like I really want to try to find like actual treasure I think that’d be so cool I I think that would actually be so incredibly cool a more bait perfect we can just put on here there we go I think you could probably find a small nugget hopefully I mean I’m in California you know gold rush and all that yeah exactly so who knows it’d be awesome it’d be so much fun cuz I like I love the look I love like the I don’t know there’s something about it like I don’t I don’t love like gold jewelry all too much really like I just love the idea of gold and like the just the the draw of it in a way I’ve always been interested in it ever since I was a kid and it’s like I would love to go gold hunting I would love to go gold hunting it’d be so much fun it’d actually be so much fun chewing stick awesome and a skeletal tail all right cool so we got some things that we need to that we need to give to the museum cool I don’t know I just don’t know what it is but it’s like I just I just want I want gold I want gold so bad but like I it’s it’s obviously just insanely expensive and I think that’s the draw of it really is because the fact that it’s rare I kind of like oh this is really cool to me cuz I like I like rare [ __ ] but yeah I need to I need to uh I need to eat before I pass out hold on cool Hold On Let’s uh do this we’ll do that cool let’s do this we’ll do that hold on I need to eat field snack yes and then we’re going to eat another field snack hooray and now we can continue fishing fantastic oh perfect and we got a hit I really want to get like a really rare fish that makes everyone go what whoa I really want to do that but yet alas I don’t I haven’t done it yet going to though going to though just to just to spite everyone just to really spite everyone you know just to really just to really GR everyone’s gears cuz there is nothing there is absolutely nothing that I love more right when someone is really really into a game and then I play it and then something really really rare happens to me and I get to just be like uh-huh oh cool like that is one of my that is genuinely I think one of my favorite things to do it’s just like when when there’s like a game that so many people have played or something and just like with something really really rare happens and I’m just like oh sick cool that that seems nice it’s my it’s my favorite thing I haven’t watched you in like a year well guess what I have so many new Secrets I have so many new Secrets now ah I missed God damn it there we go so many Secrets there you go all right you guys ready for this the it’s going to appear right now wait for it now wait for it now I missed oh my God I’m GNA eat my pants dude how does it know like when I’m looking at it I swear I’m doing it at the same time okay there we go cool we’re good ohy oh big flounder that’s what I’m talking about that’s that certified gold flounder right there why do you always take so long to click I don’t say takes I it’s because I it’s cuz I’m reading you guys it’s cuz I’m reading you guys that’s why Jesus that’s why that’s why I’m doing this because of the fact that it’s you guys you guys are doing this to me okay hold on got to sell all my herrings sell all my fowers sell all my sardines caus this fishing by even faster Deluxe bait how do we make it how do we make Deluxe bait need two mooss how how do we get moss I want Moss I want to eat moss I want to go I want to eat moss hold on let me um where where does anyone in chat does anyone know where Caroline lives or what Caroline looks like actually Caroline is green here where is Caroline I need to give Caroline some some seaweed she lives in the shop okay cool dude I’m so pale that’s awesome that’s so fun all right cool let’s go go go go go go where do I give you seaweed hey hey I’ve got seaweed For You Caroline where are you where’s Caroline I need to give Caroline the [ __ ] the [ __ ] dude hold on is it is it in here do I have to open up the door oh I have to open up the door um Caroline’s not here Caroline’s not here so I got to find Caroline Oh Caroline I have your seaweed in the saloon maybe probably in the saloon you know you know how how people are here we go hold on purple hair purple hair purple hair purple hair purple hair there you are there you are I’ve got something for you I’ve got something for you I’ve got something for you I’ve got something for you to weed that’s Abigail [Music] [ __ ] Caroline’s green hair what was I thinking what I say purple where is Caroline Caroline there you are oh [ __ ] I just actually gave a random stranger seaweed oh my God that is that is the worst thing that I think I’ve ever done in my life oh my God I’m going to go I’m going to go home out of embarrassment oh my God I can’t believe that actually oh I’m so sorry I’m so sorry oh my God I’m so so sorry you gave seaweed to her daughter instead oh no I just said hey give this I I went hey give this to your mom I went I I I I I said that I said that so I don’t I don’t know why you know all of a sudden it’s it’s such a bad thing you know I didn’t realize oh my God I need feed my I need to water my cat dude here you go buddy there we go all right I need to go to it’s it’s guys it’s sleepy time cool all right there we go it’s sleepy time everybody let’s do it go to sleep day 19 of spring year one cool all right I didn’t level up anything but that’s okay that’s a okay with me cuz we still made money we still made lots and lots of money I don’t have a lot of money actually I need I need more I need more money God I need to upgrade this goddamn watering can it’s so so so slow like look at this it’s it’s this is painstaking work here all right streaming my God there we go fantastic uh let’s put it right here we go when can you upgrade it I have no idea I have no idea how to upgrade it I think I have to go to blacksmith or something probably that make that would make sense there we go there we go one I need to I need to like figure out I need to figure out how to play this game I need to like you know get the get the experts back in this there we go thank you zarya for the 40 months and de to Mary for the 40 months thank you guys all right cool we’re all we’re all watered now let’s go water our K oh look at him look at the little kitty hi buddy yeah yeah there you go there’s your water pal um okay cool what happened 40 months ago I hell if I know man hell if hell if I know really all right let’s see there we go okay perfect okay let us go fishing let us go fishing shall we was it the wait was the first sathon was it really Jesus Christ really that was 40 months ago I I have I do have plans to do another sabath on I think or at least not I don’t know at least not a um what’s the word at least not a um I don’t know I don’t know if I’ll do a proper subathon but I’ll at least do like I was thinking of still doing a rathon but it’s literally just like me just doing like you know 10 hour streams every single day for like a week or something or me just doing like 6 hour streams every single day for a week pretty much so yeah there we go oh I see worms I see worms I see worms I see worms I see worms I see worms I see worms carrot seeds nice okay cool let’s do this thing 6 hours seems more comfortable yeah like 6 hours a day for like a for like a bit I think that could be fun I think that I think that could be fun yeah but we’re are we are going to be doing Fallout Friday soon though I’m excited for that yeah that’ll be that’ll be after VidCon Fallout Fridays will be after VidCon because like I was like oh maybe I’ll start it this week and then I realized like oh I’m going to be instantly gone so yeah we’ll be doing we’ll be doing Fallout Friday um after VidCon and it’s going to be fun and also maybe do some streams at VidCon who knows maybe I’ll do some streams at VidCon we’ll see like in my hotel room not like actually at the convention I don’t think oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh that was that was oh my God this this fish is giv me so much pain actually yeah know I don’t I wouldn’t want to stream at VidCon cuz that’s like you know sniper Central basically I’d get yeah I’d get taken out there we go we’re almost there we almost got it we almost got it we got it we’re good nice whoa a h it we got a new fish and fantastic oh an iron ore we need that cool wonderful don’t go on another golf cart I’m going to have to I want to get I want to get another golf cart accident cuz that was so funny thank you fruity cereal milk for the 40 months thank you that’s awesome all right ready ready ready there it is cool all right wait for it wait for it for it wait for it wait for it who okay wait for it okay cool wonderful we’re doing we’re doing well we’re doing well currently we’ve got we’ve got a lot of fish I want more fish I want more fish I love fishing I love fishing in sardy Valley it is so much fun there we go not another accident I think it’d be funny personally thank you for the thank you for the 21 months thank you so much oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I had to look over I had to look over at chat and it made me almost screw up my fish do you have any idea how said I would have been if I screwed up my fish I would have been pissed oh mother catch nice cool we got we got 15 15 more very nice wait for it wait for it and now and now and now there it is got it I was ready I was ready that time I hope that another treasure appears too I like it when the treasures appear those are fun okay cool all right hold on let’s sell these then I want to go see if we can upgrade any of our stuff is he gone what time is it where is he where’d he go what’s going on no stop stop twerking Jesus Christ he’s probably out fishing yeah some kind of nerd there we go okay that’s awesome you guys there we go you were the first YouTuber I’ve ever watched damn I’m not I don’t even do I don’t even do YouTube all right hold on let’s see here hey buddy what are you doing here got to collect B business tax all right nerd uh upgrade tools we need five oh my god5 and $2,000 oh holy my goodness nice okay we got cide all right let’s donate some things to the museum real fast there we go there we go YouTuber all right the archaeology office is open very cool Don to museum uh should we donate this let’s donate this cuz it’ll probably give us something right do we donate this I want to make sure we’ll donate this though this is this seems new okay cool do we donate this yes we are saying yes oh we got a reward it was all worth it it was all worth it it was all worth it it was all worth it who cares CL rewards I got a I got a painting worth it worth it worth it worth it I got a painting I got a reward I got I got rewarded that’s all that matters that’s all that matters Birds hello Birds I love I wish that I could pick up a pigeon I really want to pick up a pigeon actually I really I really want to pick up a pigeon so bad actually I could be so much fun I would just hold it do you like pigeons I don’t like the idea of pigeons cuz it’s really sad but I like pigeons as an animal yes pigeons make me sad but they are they’re very cute all right cool let me see here okay so what may I be able to craft on this fine day fertilizer he signs campfire worm bin bruces bait on a regular basis oh that’s interesting oh hi Kitty um I love that I love that cat I love my cat dude can we talk about my cat I want to talk about my cat my cat is awesome you guys I love my cat so much dude like I brightens my day there we go all right um let me see here genuinely like getting a cat like was like dude I was on the fence about it cuz I was like oh I don’t know if I’m going be able to like take care of and everything you know but like dude I’ve been able to that is my that is my [ __ ] son right there that is my son love that guy you know that’s literally my that’s literally my child my baby all I care about how did I just get a gray vest how did that just happen what what does that mean why did I just get a gray vest randomly why would why trying to feel exhausted okay guess it’s guess it’s sleepy time guess it’s sleepy time let’s go sometimes you just randomly find clothes that’s awesome I wish that happened in real life too well it can happen in real life except you probably shouldn’t wear clothes that you randomly find yesh 220 let’s go that’s what I’m talking about day 21 of spring wow what a day what a day hooray all right well I think that’s going to be the stream for the day I’ve got stuff to do but it’ll be okay it’ll be all good it’ll be all good I will see you guys there we go um I will see you guys tomorrow I’ll see you guys also on the generation lost Twitter right after after stream too um so yeah see you guys then hope you guys have a great rest of your day I will see you guys tomorrow well tomorrow yes tomorrow I think tomorrow pretty sure tomorrow yeah I’ll see you guys tomorrow why not I’ll see you guys tomorrow all right have a good rest of your day everyone goodbye goodbye

This was streamed LIVE on https://twitch.tv/RanbooLive

Ranboo plays more Stardew Valley, farmin’ and fishin’ their way around the village

Thumbnail art: https://twitter.com/sleepy_cheeky

More Ranboo



  1. IM ONE OF THE FIRST<3 RANBOO YOU'RE AMAZING, YOU ARE MY IDOL, YOU ARE SO INSPIRATIONAL, SO HUMORUS, SO GREAT. YOU HAVE AN AMAZING PERSONALITY, YOU HAVE AN AMAZING VOICE, AN AMAZING FRIEND GROUP, AND I CAN TELL THAT THEY ARE BEING A GOOD INFLUENSE. just wanted to tell you, even though you prob wont see this. But yeah, you are my favorite person in the world , and i think you deserve the best the world can give you.

  2. Im so obsessed with stardew valley. My phone is stardew valley themed I have stardew valley decorations in my room I have a whole Pinterest board and playlist for it! I recently stardewed a perfection farm and I’m on spring of year one day 5.

    I have almost every fish that I need for the season and I’m doing community center stuff rn. If anyone has money making tips pls lemme know

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