Escape the Lucky Block Dungeon in Minecraft

today boys we’re playing some lucky block dungeons boys this is a really sick game we’re going to be opening lucky blocks and getting very lucky except sidles cuz he sucks listen sidles you’re the ranger you are our Ranger of the group you are the Knight you are the strong KN and I am the noble we are going to go through 15 dungeon rooms and pick out of these three this is an easy room a medium room and a hard room boys I say we just started off with a little easy do some easy I want to go straight to the easy one yeah know we’re going to do some easy so this is room one and there’s going to be a giant boss at the very end we have to just kill some guys and you don’t regen health so try not to get a hit oh I got hit yeah I know I got hit too I’m already one heart down grab the emerals too cuz there’s shops and all archers oh shoot them s that’s your job C oh wait wait two of them are fighting that’s actually good yeah I know I made that happen they’re being they’re being stupid oh I might have just I might have got I might have just hit you B I’m sorry ow bi I’m sorry said all right what you get that’s what you get for hit me my goodness okay well we did it good job boys go to the portal and we get to open GRE what is the green one here let’s press this uh green like block low chance of dangerous or rare Treasures usually a simple reward well let’s open it up and what is it what’ you get what did I just get I oh I got a potion of s swiftness for 3 minutes oh wait so all right then I get the next one H wait do we all see them wait do you have one too no you opened it you opened it so I get the next one son okay fine fine all right let’s go back so now we’re on r two look at it look it’s grayed out cuz we did that so now we got to choose between a medium I think that’s a shop or a question mark uh Mark wa what is the a m room these rooms can be any kind of room except for a boss there’s a chance you can find a free unguarded treasure room mystery going all right yeah let’s do it let’s do it let’s do it mystery Room what is it oh spiders hey this looks not good this looks not good there’s a lot of bombs we should not have came here boys we should not have I’m on fire I’m on fire sp there spiders too what oh my God I’m going to die I’m already going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m one half hearts protect I know I I know I know here I’m going to drink it right now dude this is not good why do we do this room why do we do this who told us to I’m not idea bi true how dare you why is this gun got a g dude this hurts did we do it I think so wow that was awful I hate regen huh okay yeah what the heck all right let’s go in here Biffle so we got a yellow one that’s barely any better offers a better reward than green but higher risk of a curse yeah go for it man all right back up guys I Cur free never got to curse my life except for that one time at summer camp can I tell you guys about that no just open the No No open the Lucky open the luy go how do I open it use are oh piercing the AR grab the arrows yeah that’s for the ranger yeah grab the arrows yeah Ranger W okay sick dude s’s got a little upgrade one all right let’s go C on there we go so we done two out of 15 rooms I don’t think we should do my again oh we can heal I think that’s a healing one I just used my regen I know I did too a safe place to take a rest recover all lost heart oh yeah no we shouldn’t use all right yeah so we shouldn’t do that what’s the brown is that a boss a mini boss a special challenge where you will face tougher encounter but if you complete with great treasure I love great treasure let’s do it let’s do it let’s do it let’s do it let me tank let me tank let me tank okay okay all right oh kill kill the little guys first he’s got ads I know use your use your piercing use your piercing ow I am I am okay we need our tank to be a tank let me tank it be tanky use your Shield bi I’m shielding bro I’m shielding motion there’s a lot of like little mobs killing us have three hearts I have three hearts okay use your region you have region you have your region no I don’t have regen I use I can drop you a golden apple here take a golden apple I threw it I threw it I oh we got it nice we got him we got him we got oh my gosh so get great treasure now right oh my gosh we each get one all in red I got yellow okay uh you go first you get the green oh man you should have claimed it faster man thaten I’ll take that I’ll take that’s good all right B what do you get h i get Pooky oh that’s actually so good here wait what does the red one what does it say uh highrisk High reward give some of the best rewards but the we of curses oh come on please give me something good come on please nice I got about that uh I got rten FLH can I have it no sure actually yeah I don’t know why I said no uh okay what do we got we got a easy room a hard room or nothing X we go easy room obviously I think we just let’s just do a nice little easy oh there’s little ogres help help ogres they have layers get the ogres just like onions help get them what else has layers cake uh and Par what what you even saying was that dude these little rats are like oh I hate the rats they are actually so an little spiders like oh God oh my okay we do it good job all right can can we have something better than a why is it a green one all right fine here he’s going to get another regen Ultra sharp choppy wait what is that that’s good for me that’s good for me that axe that might be good for B actually wait no z z you might want that Dage right uh nine oh my gosh yeah yeah yeah this is sharpness five yeah I’m I’m a noble I’m the damage boy dude that’s sick okay I start doing some more damage bo uh okay we could heal I’m I’m three and a half down right now I’m full oh there’s a shop should we go to the shop yeah yeah okay I have 57 emeralds right now I have 24 nice dude all right let’s go in where is it where we what’s happening oh you guys to shop from hi hey dude okay oh my gosh what is it what is it I I can’t see I can’t see any of them you guys are shopping well you were shopping app we can we can pull our weapons or Emerald together yeah dude much how much how much uh a stack and 18 do we want to just cool everything and just get I have 57 so I already emeralds I have 16 wait we could pull and get netherite sword so another one one of us can be super op dude that’s perfect okay here let’s go in here uh go to netherite sworded yeah you are here we’ll give it a Biffle boom and Biffle congratulations you’ve been upgraded that’s such a dumb idea to give me this I have two iron swords on me oh give me one give me give it to here here s you take the axxe and then I’ll take the ne netherite sword how about that cuz that thing’s going to break I’m already I’m already really well equipped uh what does this have oh this is a instant Health pot uh here I’m going to take a regen pot for 11 and that is pretty much all of our emeralds good job boys let’s go okay good job yay I just realized I also have a totem of undying uh I have one as well and I’m actually going to hold it cuz I die wait you don’t have one oh wait here take mine okay next room I’m fine it’s just an easy medium or hard should we do like a medium maybe we’re a little a medium rare kind of guy you’re a little medium rare type of guy I thought we could do a medium room probably what’s reward for red I’m not scared we D we’re not that geared are you kidding me we don’t have potions uh I don’t know dude yeah we don’t have that many I think we should try a medium we haven’t even tried a medium let’s see how hard that is first and then maybe and there’s rats and and there just rats and then there R and I’m dying and I’m dying already this is not good I need to drink my region I just got I just realized that we can spam hit I forgot oh yeah no oh yeah you can just Spam hey s Don’t Die s Don’t Die s Don’t Die s don’t die in the water go in the water I did I did I okay nice I got a go nice get off me you little I’m K the goblin nice get all the emeralds little little little you hit me well don’t be near me all right well that’s this is very oh there’s two okay yeah all right go for it Go For It come on give us something good maybe some Regen a protective bling curs of binding protection two and Unbreaking three oh I mean it’s your color take it it’s my I guess so all right I’ll take I’ll take some protection too on breaking armor uh you want to do the green one or should I yeah yeah yeah yeah go for it go for go I bet it’s going to be stupid bread yay yay bread I didn’t even have hunger I know I haven’t lost any hunger at all okay uh wait oh is this like a mini boss oh we’re forced to do a mini boss for him okay but well we did the other one we might we might be fine maybe okay question all right listen I have an idea we have to be prepared for this all right when we go in there I want to hear our war chance okay got it okay we’ve been practicing it all right you lead the way go okay let’s go oh God what are these gr them they’re little gr I’m focusing the boss I’m focusing the boss okay nice nice I’m killing the little guy oh they’re all dead all right get the get them big guy get him come on Just sh I got Agro I got ar oh he’s just stuck in a COR this is easy oh he’s stuck in a corner this is easy peasy limits to weey wow that was actually like wow we actually all right you can do red this time all I’ll do yellow first I always get green okay fine you can have yellow fine you can switch it up all right I’ll do green first here we go and come on choppy Junior Cho junor oh it’s a it’s a four attack damage axe that’s it oh nice okay well I’m doing yellow all right oh that’s amazing let’s get something good for coming in left left rub my G on it no why you rub your G on it what is happening come on left side from the right side he doing from the middle and from the top it’s not going to kill me you can hire and heal the mini Heroes with emeralds what is this Min Heroes they follow you wait move around come here little guys wait wait no hit him with an emerald right click them right click them oh they’re eating wait what I heal I healed one oh no have name tags see look I think one is my friend uh wait can I oh Cypress I’m giving them name tags oh I gave him hearts oh it’s following me now I think oh we have a friend wait we have a bunch of friends I have a ton I have ban Fe sick dude all right well I oh buddies down that’s great we got we got an army okay so we can do a shop heal or easy we should probably well I have I have 30 I have 34 emeralds you got like 40 let’s go let’s go to the shop we’re shopping it up we’re shopping it up we’re shopping it up here take my Emeral so you can pull it oh we want to pull everything together again 52 we have a stack in 32 exactly another netherite sword could do another another oh no this is different this time they sell different stuff so this guy has all food which I don’t even know why we don’t really need food yeah golden apples this guy what is this uh more food oh this is it’s all food it’s like Golden Apple dud this is a god Apple for 52 buy it buy should we do it all right God Apple we have a god Apple now and I’ll keep the other 44 cuz I don’t think we need any other they don’t have anything cool I guess those a a golden apple here for 30 should we just do that might as well as well I’m half Health but I have a regen but yeah I don’t have any regen or any health I’m just kind of tech Apple then take dude boys we are working together so well I’m going to tickle you guys later so well all right here let’s go okay that’s weird how’s that weird let’s go heal should we heal should we just heal to we haven’t even seen the campsite here let’s see how cool it looks D we’re already almost at room 15 this is sick sick oh I get to Bunk what what is this uh I think stand there it heals it’s like a beacon yeah oh so we’re just fully healed now we’re all just good to go look beny and Nessa are with us I I’m going to bed I’m going to bed what do you want to talk about B what’s going on let’s ooh this table’s probably big enough to play some Magic doubt gather out the Imp wait I want to test something really quick all right we’re not testing something really quick oh sorry I thought we were leaving okay so we don’t need the shop let’s do a medium room Yeah medium I’m wait how close are we so we have the medium up there but then we can also do it I say we do the mini boss in the Next Room honestly get a whole bunch of Lucky Blocks oh gosh room just me they on fire I don’t really like I know I don’t like that much okay that guy’s on fire get out of here uh go boys go get out of my range make sure you don’t hit each other oh look our guys are uh fighting they’re helping yeah oh they are I’m getting I’m getting lit up right now help you’re welome guys there’s a lot of small things on me help me don’t don’t hit your own team though help me yeah yeah don’t hit each other dude my little puppy he’s going insane they’re not puppies they not my bad sorry all right we go for it you had good Lu last time I don’t want it now that you said that okay fine I’ll do it all right give something good play something good a lingering regeneration potion that’s the one I can throw down on us yeah it’s AOE brother question why are we just breaking these ones that’s a good all right yeah go for it wait a they knew actually thought you could I got really excited at first thing it dude okay 11 out of 15 boys we are doing we question mark but the mini boss gives like three lucky the question mark could be like something oh you’re right fine mini boss mini boss but the question mark but it but it is a Lucky Block video meaning it’s all about risk maybe we do do the mystery okay it’s not going to be better but all right let’s go that’s cool to healing room we got healed yay I mean I was four Hearts down I actually test I was down half a heart SI dude uh you want to do something when we were here oh I want to see if if I hit sidles can he heal cool thanks fan I don’t know I just wantest that I mean I can but I I hate you I do that and we what you pushed him into the thing and now he’s not healed and now we have to go to the hardest oh there’s another heal look there’s another heal no we don’t do a heal we we need more lucky we need more gear I’m going straight to the let’s go easy let’s go easy I’m sorry we’ll we’ll heal with this we’ll heal with this don’t worry I have a lingering potion remember I’m getting dude this guy’s beating me up good honestly that I got rid of my hor yeah we’re fine we did the whole broom we’re good no I’m opening it no he’s sad after what just happened to me I deserve it oh oh wow bi that sounds like it’s for you wait are you putting that on wait so yeah no Archer yeah you don’t even get hit you don’t even need that what does it do uh feather falling FEA falling oh okay I guess cool there you go you can have some feather falling now who wants my chain boots give me yes yeah give it to s dang dude we’re getting for this last uh over tried to murder me I didn’t try to but I just accidentally did it boss we could do a hard room now should we do a hard room yeah go go let’s do room now oh God wait I’m scared I’m scared I’m I’m genuinely scared there’s lava ow puppies help me me I know oh that’s my almost killed my teammate what is this huge Guy this is like a mini boss I’ve been hitting him for like an hour dude got he’s got shot him don’t worry lava okay okay we’re good we’re good my nose is getting itchy I swear I’m not picking my nose yeah you are I just promise I’m so many big guys we got that guy in the lava nice oh he’s wait no no no but they might drop a lot of gems we don’t want the gems I’m going to die I’m at four healths I think GRE not push I I have five four uh I guess we just kill this guy right this is all that this is the last guy seems like it all right cool that was not a hard room do we need healing I have a regen potion yep we should see if the next room is we have a heal room next time yeah yeah we got got beart we got to beart I’ll open yellow I call Yellow I call i y no fine I get green all right click this one come on and yeah yeah dude let’s go what is that flame fire aspect all right get rid of this IR okay no that’s a whle upgrade if anything you’re iron sword I gave you the bow wait what happened to the axe I gave you me your old [Music] sword i’ had actually I’ve had two iron swords for a while I know and I I asked for I also have an iron sword I guess I could have just G you that too Stone degenerate hear me out how many emeralds do we have I have 19 eight 11 o okay we are not going to the shop I say I use I have a lot of regen let’s do a regen right here and then just go into the easy room to open more Lucky Blocks yeah all right down it’s an easy room we should just not even heal whatever um we’re not healing okay no we are healing very slowly this is great this why did I barely heal why am I now losing hunger too I have to eat now yeah I don’t know I just lost hunger I’m not losing any all right we are go heal the little guys don’t don’t forget to heal the little guys oh yeah do you have to heal them with the like stupid little emeralds gems with gems oh my fire aspect is crazy wait this is floor 14 we’re about to fight the final boss fire I’m sorry you got it by rain you set up on fire you dummy three hearts dud all right I think this is our final Lucky Block let’s break it open see what we get and it’s a sharp oh this has hear me out that might be better than your fire aspect it is here take this garbage and I I do seven damit what is this this is uh I’m low on heal by the way here you start hitting with fire that that’s your type of thing I like this sword Dage that seven sh not as strong as mine I know I know we will heal listen come over here I think oh oh um I mean I have here I have five Hearts there I there you can never regen three you have three okay you do have boys we have traversed through 14 rooms look you can actually see our path that’s kind of sick we are fighting the final boss if we don’t do this I will be so upset that I will kill beny not Ben I we should probably heal them at this point yeah might as well feed them all right boys let’s go let’s go fight the final boss I am nervoso what’s happening you guys go first I’m scared uh okay it’s a little Goblin guy you know what I’m just going to preat my God Apple cuz I got it and go in I’m taking everything I’m taking everything I don’t care anymore kill them all Sig our Archer biil our Knight they kill the Goblin King he’s spawning more guys he’s just in the corner he’s just oh I’m on fire who put me on S Jo guys I’m killing the final boss help me he’s not doing anything he’s running he’s running don’t let him out wait we got him we did it we actually did did it we did it we no longer need sigils get them get them ah no no no grab his stuff grabb grab up grabb why did my to I don’t know win without him go go go oh oh my God open all the lucky blocks wait he’s back I’m opening a purple one wait the purple ones are the best wait here here one let’s see we get right I’ll get the one the right we got a wolf pet enchanted golden apples get the get the right one we are actually broken wait wasn’t this the last though tribute of the host uh I think that’s just a curse all right boys I think we did it question mark let’s go in this y let’s go Victory we did the first 15 boys there are more levels more bosses if you want to see more of this Biffle would love to show you um we did it I’m proud of this good job guys we are dungeon Dell woo yeah Dungeons and Dragons

Escape the Lucky Block Dungeon in Minecraft… it gets crazy.

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minecraft mods gameplay Escape the Lucky Block Dungeon


  1. Hey Zud can I message u on discord? i got a question for u, Sigils, Biffle, and SSundee. ( PS: It won't let me message u unless u friend me in discord)

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