This FAKE PLAYER Joined My Minecraft World…

oh my God it’s him hello hey oh God oh my God no way he’s not going to come in my house is he he’s not going to break into my house is he this is the fake player I recently came across this mod that adds a fake player to your world that breaks your torches places blocks around your world eily stares at you from across the map and tries to kill you today the fake player entered my world and tried killing me but can I kill him first let’s find out and we’re in the world with the goal of brutally murdering the fake player so as per usual I have no idea what this horror mod does I have no idea what the entity does I have no idea when it spawns where it spawns I imagine because I have seen obviously what the mod looks like contrary to popular belief I’m not going to install a mod without knowing what it looks like so I what wait it’s already starting Gerald imagine carrying a baby for 9 months and its name is Gerald that’s crazy wow I didn’t think it would be starting already I and I didn’t think it would actually show anything in the chat that’s pretty cool I’m going to make an axe here and I’m just going to get some food nobody mentioned how horrible my aim was when I tried to kill that sheep there but okay Gerald is in my world I wanted to see if he spawned in the spawn chunks but I didn’t see anything so I don’t know that’s kind of weird but yes our goal is to kill Gerald I can’t believe he actually joined my world and decided to dox himself right when he joined well guys if you ever see a man named Gerald just know that they go into single player worlds and they harass the person who made the world this is actually so much food by the way like this is actually ridiculous and if I want to be safe from the fake player I have to find a good place to build a base so a nice flat area this area will probably do oh yeah this is a nice flat area I’m going to assume since he’s already joined the world I’m going to assume the first night he’s going to come so I think I want to build my base right here I really like this location but the only bad part about that location is that there’s no trees like these trees are so few and far between wow this is honestly a really bad spawn I don’t see trees anywhere I do want to find an open exposed cave so I can get coal really easily there’s a lot of animals around here which is cool but but with that wool I now have enough for a bed so I can make my spawn point in my house which is pretty cool wow this area actually may be better than the other area this is just a massive open area with nothing inside actually no you know what I’m just going to make my house here I’m never going to find a forest and unfortunately I have to use planks to smell my food because I have not found an exposed cave wait is this a ravine are you wait are you kidding me wow that’s insane how is that not a ravine oh it does lead to a cave though oh oh it leads to a pretty deep cave I want to try to find coal I found iron wow yet again finding iron before coal oh there’s some right over there nice oh God calm down everyone just trying to get some coal no big deal just trying to get Some Coal what why the hell did it just get dark out whoa it actually just switched to night time in a millisecond okay let’s um yeah you can keep some of it but I need to make sticks torches what the hell that’s crazy it actually just turned to nighttime in an instant I want it to be day you think you can turn it to nighttime in an instant well I can turn it today in a second and I am going to make some leather armor there we go a little bit of protection is always good and I’m going to go ahead and start on the house immediately I don’t know if this entity can break into my house if it can break blocks oh there’s a little Forest over there that’s cool I don’t think I’ll need that much wood though so as crazy as it sounds I think I’m going to make another crafting table and then make a shovel and get some of this sand for glass it’d be pretty nice to have some windows outside of my house so I’m just going to get a ton of sand because I don’t want to make two trips I don’t like making two trips it’s like when I go to the grocery store like I would rather break both of my hands carrying groceries inside you know when you just get a bunch of groceries and you put them in both of your hands I would rather do that than take two trips honestly but yeah I mean 55 sand that’s enough I don’t think I’ll need this much glass but I’m still getting some more because I’m addicted to getting a single stack yeah there’s just no shot I’m going to make a second trip all right everyone if you see a man named oh my God I thought his eyes were completely white guys if you see a man named Gerald he’s not a good person God damn it I already made leather wow hey Mr Iron Golem I’m just going to murder you I’m sorry I need to though I need your iron it’s for the greater good buddy like I’m I’m really sorry for this and there we go and I’m going to pick up all of this wheat cuz each one of these hay bales you can make three bread from because each one of these hay bales are just nine wheat and with three wheat you can make one bread so this is all three bread each Three 6 n like three times 20 I just got 66 bread uh home sweet home home sweet home okay let’s make the outline of my house I’m probably going to want to make it I think this is a pretty good outline to work with I honestly like the really tiny cute little houses and then I’m going to want to extend this front porch and then I want windows so we’re going to do a little bit of that and I can put this here and then we can put Windows Windows and then we can do the same thing on this side after I get more wood because I have just completely ran out of wood and I’m not seeing Gerald anywhere I don’t know where Gerald is but I do have enough leather I do want to do this while I’m thinking about it make a leather tunic I have full leather armor that’s a little bit of protection so that’ll be good against the Jerald while it’s getting night time I did want to tell yall about something pretty epic that I did recently and I’m honestly really excited for so as some of y’all know you know the people who follow my Snapchat and you know watch the TW streams that we do super often um I recorded my first FaceCam video the other day for my other channel not for this one but yeah I recorded my first FaceCam video I’m trying to have a conversation here but yeah FaceCam is something that I’ve wanted to do for such a long time because I think it just makes content better maybe not Minecraft content specifically but overall just everything that I do on the stream and on the other channel I I it would just make content like 10,000 times better so yeah I recorded that it’s going to be uploaded after I actually do my face reveal because the video is trying a bunch of Mr Beast chocolate and reviewing it and you know I had the Mr Beast chocolate so I wanted to make that video before it went bad but okay it’s night now oh God Jesus the sound of my axe breaking actually startled me so that’s a lava pool I must have missed okay let’s go back home let’s go back home I don’t like I don’t like this oh there’s my house oh my God I thought I just fell to my death okay there’s my house nothing’s following me surely whoa shoot that’s him hello I wonder if I walked up to him what he would do oh well if you stay away from him he disappears is he going to follow me that’s kind of creepy not going to lie I think Windows like this is pretty crazy like Windows all around my house I actually mess with that idea so much yeah so then we had Windows like actually all around the house that’s pretty bold in a horror world to put Windows on every side of your house and I do Wonder would this look good or would this look stupid I’m so curious no that looks good right yeah no that looks dope I really like that but yeah I’ve talked about this before I’ll talk about it again when I do my face R like the reason I’m waiting to do my face reveal like I I know some people are like bro why haven’t you done it yet you know like you keep talking about it I know I know um the reason I haven’t done it yet is because I want my room to look epic as like background for my face cam right and the room already looks fine like before it used to be just a room full of boxes from when we moved moved like a year ago I just never moved any of the boxes but now I’ve moved all the boxes out I moved my desk around I’ve got some shoe shelves up in the back of my setup with you know a bunch of my shoes I’m I’m a big shoe enjoyer and I have my huge Funko Pop collection on the left or the right side I can’t remember which side of the camera you’ll see it you’re not going to see the whole thing because I didn’t want it to take up that much room but yeah you can see my Funko Pop collection on one wall I have way too many of those things and then on the other wall I got some posters for some of my favorite games which are the posters I have I can actually just look over and see them cuphead bios shock Hollow KN and Elden ring but it’s going to be the same thing on that side you won’t be able to see all of those posters you’ll only be able to see like two but basically what I’m waiting on now to completely finish my vision is behind me I don’t know how to describe this so I’m going to have two shoe shelves right in the middle of them so okay let’s pretend I’m sitting right here and I’m like talking to the webcam right and I’m like playing the game Talking to the webcam this is my desk so there’s like a shoe shelf here shoe shelf here and then in the middle there’s going to be an actual shelf I’m going to put some stuff on it and then there’s going to be another shelf under that with like hangers and and clothes sitting down I think that would be pretty cool and then on the floor there’s going to be a bunch of rugs so a bunch of like small 2x two really tiny cartoon rugs so Grim from Billy and Mandy uh Kirby Gengar uh you know just cute little tiny rugs like that and then yeah on this side is the Funko Pop collection on this side are the four posters that I have I think it’s going to look super cool yeah basically when I have all that set up then I do face cam video and uh yeah um content on this channel probably won’t be too much different but on the other channel I mean it’s going to be completely different but yeah that’s just something going on right now that I’m really excited for and I just realized for the floor I don’t need to do full blocks I could just do slabs like you would never know so there’s no point for me doing that the only people that know about this are everybody who’s ever seen this house and just like that it’s completely done let me move this furnace to this corner where the hell’s my furnace oh it’s sitting on the ground and that’s my entire house I just need a door all right one thing that I want to do right now is to get some Cobblestone it is absolutely embarrassing how little Cobblestone I have right now like I have such little Cobblestone I had to make a wooden axe instead of Stone one that’s crazy work and we’re going to set up a trap for Gerald shh don’t tell him don’t tell him it’s a secret between me and you were setting up a trap for Gerald oh my God that’s not Gerald that’s just an Enderman I believe there was a lava pit this way so the plan for the Trap and if I was a really good editor I’d write out you know like the the drawing of the plan or whatever you know how have youall seen those videos where it’s like all right here’s the plan and it’s whole drawing yeah if I was a good editor I would do that but I’m not and I’m lazy so that’s never going to happen anyway um yeah so the plan for the Trap we’re going to add a bunch of trap doors to confuse the AI of Gerald I like calling him Gerald instead of the actual mod Name by the way the fake player but we’re going to confuse the AI of Gerald into thinking the trap doors are a full block and then we’ll open the trap doors and he’ll be like what the hell I thought these were full blocks but they’re not we’re going to place lava under it and then he’s just going to burn to death or that’s the plan at least maybe Gerald is fire resistant I don’t know we’ll find out okay Gerald I’m going to make the Trap right around here so how much does lava move exactly oh it does fill up this entire thing that’s good will it fill up this it does oh Gerald prepare to be shocked okay I think this is a good trap so basically what I think is going to happen so when you have a trap door there AI thinks this is a full block but obviously if you do this they just fall down here so if I see them I can stand on on this side or this side or whichever side he’s opposite of and basically he’ll just the the plan at least what I’m thinking is going to happen is he’s just going to walk towards me and fall into lava and die I think this is a pretty damn good plan but let’s see we just have to wait for night time and for the man himself to show up but I think a good idea is to also make a shield a shield just makes everything 10,000 times easier and maybe I can explore this cave now maybe there’s something cool in here maybe there’s some iron really anything is welcome except for copper God damn it spoke too soon copper is not welcome oh my God look at them hello hello oh my God there’s a witch too oh my God oh my God God damn it twitch iron good amount of iron too let’s go wow this is actually an insane amount of iron what the hell 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 iron what okay that’s got to be a world record for the most amount of iron in one vein what the hell I mean if I didn’t know any better I don’t know why I keep doing this by the way I keep what I was going to say if I didn’t know any better I would think I’m cheating Gerald has been here it can only mean one thing Gerald has been here that furnace being placed I know he did it we actually almost have enough for a full set of iron armor massive W let’s go home smelt this iron so yeah before the the before Gerald kills me maybe Gerald heard me talking about my plan and he wants to murder me before I can execute it but the only thing being executed in this world will be Gerald oh it’s night time too Gerald is hunting just keep adding on to the ambience Gerald is hunting he’s right behind me he’s going to kill me I want to see how good my lava plan works yo come here buddy how good is this lava plan wait is that Cobblestone there I didn’t place that nice Flawless okay that was not there a second ago that torch am I crazy that torch in this Cobblestone I did not place oh my God it’s him it’s Gerald hello hey oh God oh my God no way he’s not going to come in my house is he he’s not going to break into my house is he oh my God okay you you will die you will die you will die you will die you will die you will die you will die oh he doesn’t die Gerald you joined the game twice wait does that mean there’s two of them oh my God Gerald doesn’t burn oh my God that’s insane that’s crazy I’m going to make a little bit of that a little bit of that put that on oops put that on and you can just stay right there buddy oh my God no oh my God no way why isn’t he teleporting away why isn’t he disappearing Gerald please we can talk about this yes we can you know damn well we can talk about this Gerald let me just get some of my stuff Gerald no need for the hostility no need for the hostility Gerald stay over there God damn it I lost so much of my stuff oh that is so tragic Gerald why would you do that to me how the hell is Gerald back Gerald God damn it how are you back wait are we talking okay really is he just going to keep all right well this is this is epic there’s only one way to truly kill Gerald only one way that I know of how all right we’re going to play a game everyone can I survive 50 Geralds and where the hell are they all why was the only one after me hey guys hey Geralds where’ they all go but yeah that’s it for me uh 10,000 likes on this video and I bring ppers and we do this mod together

This FAKE PLAYER Joined My Minecraft World…



TWITTER | @ Vivillyyy

SNAPCHAT | @ ItsVivilly

INSTAGRAM | @ viv23v


Fake Player:

​​​​​​#minecraft #mcyt #horror


  1. 4:51 is correct. the only way to carry groceries in is via both hands and every single fucking bag in each hand. no extra trips. we are men, be a real man. got a nut allergy? who cares, eat a peanut butter jelly sandwich see if god really wants you here. if he does, you're a man.

  2. hey Mr Vivilly sir, can i request that you try Zenless Zone Zero (compactible with iphone, android, ipad, PlayStation 5 and computer) made by Hoyoverse? Sincerely N.A upside453

  3. U should make mode where skinwalkers spwans and could take form of any mob including you and palpers so you dont know if its him or not

  4. this guy's minecraft looks so… fake… like, the really low render distance, the dense flora on the floor, those realistic clouds. man, i can't describe how unsettled i am

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