Necesse – Like a Top Down Terraria mixed with Dwarf Fortress mechanics – Tutorial & Let’s Play

hey everybody ramont here thank you for tuning in to the very first episode of a new series playing Ness if you would like to skip the game’s overview or what to expect from this specific series please use YouTube chapters it’s a game where you explore build Quest and expand across an infinite procedurally generated world you establish a settlement of settlers and explore deep dungeons fight monsters and bosses mine rare ores craft magical equipment and more it’s sort of like a mix between a top down Terraria which is what I would say is very similar to um but it has settler and combat mechanics kind of like Dwarf Fortress so like a love child between the two um and then of course this series is going to be a let’s play and tutorial the tutorial in-game tutorial is very short um but I’m going to cover the basic game mechanics and then progress into the content I’ll be playing on classic difficulty with a random seed and no mods and uh for this specific series it’s going to be no spoilers no back seating but I will be pulling for priorities so uh let’s get going we going to create a new world here going to call it stream for you all there is multiple uh difficulty settings as you can see here uh to Custom Tailor it to your own personal uh preferences and then you can go in and uh really custom tune it too as you can see the random seed and you can change the raid frequency which is like uh uh kind of like Rim world how you get raided periodically uh pretty similar death penalty of what you drop and what you lose um but I’m not going to change anything of that everything is going to be default your characters and this is also very much like Terraria if I call correctly uh it’s been a while since it played uh your character is independent from the world that you’re playing on and of course this game can be multiplayer but I’m not playing it multiplayer all right that’s kind of what I look like I don’t have that kind of Widow Peak but close enough so this is my character here uh you can also change your cosmetic shirts if you want but I’m not going to well other than the slider that it did and let’s get going so the tutorial is in the uh in the top left there oh man the green of the uh that’s that’s crazy the green of the for in front of me is like making me disappear Parts uh follow the instructions to learn how to craft a torch so we’re going to cut a tree and down here as you can see I have an Axe and a sword to start as well as a crafting guide all right e to open up the inventory and ooh craft torches done all right talk to the Elder to learn about the game you should always go explore more than you already do all right I am looking to Quest if you place a settlement flag I will find some Quests for you find or craft a workstation from inventory crafting it requires 10 logs and then place it down so the starting guide house has a workstation it is this thing right here find and craft a wood pickaxe in the workstation requires eight wood I’m also going to go over to this workstation and steal his boots and put it in my trinket ability slot this gives me a Sprint ability there’s a stamina bar at the top and one that depletes uh you can’t Sprint anymore all right I have at least eight wood go back here and make myself a wood pickaxe all right use the ladder and go underground so there’s a ladder here and we’re going to go underground to mine ores and this happens to be iron ore which is a nice find right at the start ores are used to craft bars which are used in many recipes throughout the game if you travel out in the Water Edge you’ll be able to go to other Islands Islands have different biomes and features like Dungeons and Villages press n to browse the world map so here’s the world map there is a dungeon to my South a dungeon to my Southeast deserts Plains forests and snow there is much like a game like Terraria there’s more or less a uh a biome order that I will be following go to the surface and start your settlement by placing a settlement flag you can you find one in the St house chest so if you’re crafting your own settlement flag it’s rather expensive at the start of the game where you need 1,000 gold coins 10 gold bars and 50 Stone of course the stones easy to get but the gold bars and the coins less so but uh you start with one here settlement flag so we’re going to plop that down and I’m also going to take the rest of the stuff in the storage box the settlement flag um allows you to control your settlers but it will also reduce spawn in the local area at night and we’re going to call this radtown go to the surface Start Your settlement done so interact with the flag or press C to open up the settlement menu and here as you can see there are settlement settings like name make it public or private or unclaim it um public or private is is of course regarding multiplayer you can also see the settlers in it so there is a settler named Mark I’m actually just going to rename this guy guide you can command them select them clear orders you can see their equipment and manage what kind of equipment they put in you can manage their diets you can Zone restrict them you can tell them where to defend you can change their work priorities but of course guide here guide the Elder um doesn’t work and then you can assign specific storages workstations forestry husbandry or fertilization zones with them that’s the end of the tutorial and now I’m going to pick up a Quest from guide here to kill vampires in the cave my current priority right now is going to be set up a crafting oops building so I like to um store all of my stuff in like one building to make it just very easy to control crafting in the like uh some other things that I want to do before I get going I’m going to use these Maps so there’s a dungeon map I’m going to use it and I found another dungeon and then there’s a village map going to use it and I found another Village uh then I’m also going to hold left alt and lock in my gear for the gear that I want to keep on me so that I won’t Auto store it everything else can go Boop right up into the storage box can you change Z levels with with building no and I’m going to descend into the mines here um it would be useful of course to mine this iron but it’s very slow so I’m going to circle back to this iron when I can get it faster unless of course my starting cave requires me to mine it seems like I can’t go anywhere unless I start mining [Music] so talking a little bit more about the game the top is your health and your food uh on standard difficulty if you run out of food you do indeed die uh this could be changed in difficulty set things um so on more casual difficulties there might not even be a food mechanic uh then down below we have the hot bar that’s pretty self-explanatory and then on the left we have uh trinkets so these are trinket slots and then right below where your boots are is the active trinket slot so you can have initially up to five Trinkets and one of them active and the active one I have is the Sprint then of course we just have cosmetic clothing uh I’d rather wear a shirt even though it doesn’t offer me anything and then over here is the stuff that you can craft in your inventory without a workstation all right here we go got some zombies weapons will have a damage and attack speed a knockback all of those are built into the settings of the weapons and oh there’s a goblin over there I am going to be looking for loot more than anything else now there’s obviously a benefit to um mining everything but you do gain access to better tools and better ways to get Mass resources uh so I don’t want to waste my time doing it slowly if I can do it quickly later on I don’t want to spend too much time grinding for resources so in this specific cave there is some lava if you’re wondering it does hurt you it’s not instant but standing on it will set you on fire no bueno especially early game one of the default controls in this game is Q is your like quick heal so you can anytime you’re injured you can hit Q to heal uh if it’s not on cool down and this here is a graveyard and from my own experiences I know that uh vampires like to be in there I’m also going to eat food all food has some sort of buff oo they’re already attacking me and I just picked up the fake fangs which is the quest item so inside the uh the initial cave here there is a whole bunch of different types of um like microbiomes so there might be like cave spiders there might be oh he is close to killing me I’m going to back up gank them uh cave spiders or graveyards or treasure rooms and these are all things that you can find so there’s a little bit of wood back here there might be like a treasure room over that way uh and then while I’m in here I am going to loot these coffins I mean vampires aren’t using anymore and I got a pretty decent helmet out of that a little vampire cowl oh there’s a pond broker that just arrived in my starting town I’m going to use the recall scroll to go talk to him so here we are it’s night time I don’t really have a set spawn because um I haven’t made a bed for myself and I’d rather just be working on the crafting room but I am Illuminating the immediate area uh so that I can see what the hell is happening around the initial Shack all right turning in the fake Fang Quest and picking up two new quests deliver a zombie arm and kill a boss the boss I am not ready to kill yet but the other one maybe oh interesting I got uh another weapon here so here’s a pwn broker there’s a a few different types or more than a few there’s a bunch of different types of um NPCs that you can recruit to your village uh some of them have unique abilities most of them have things that you can buy or sell specific to their type so a pond broker buys anything basically he’s not very impressed by my settlement so he doesn’t want to join but if he did join he could haul craft forest and farm and one of the things that you’re able to do is just sell him whatever you know you name it he’ll buy it he doesn’t really care so I can sell him some like beef and iron arrows and stuff like that and just go Boop little bit extra coin all right let’s use this new boxing glove as a weapon and then for ranged weapon a Divine blood bolt which is a magic ability everything else that I have on me I’m going to plop into the chest here and then get back to Resource farming down below I just wanted to check in with the pond broker before coming back down here will the mobs respawn in the biome um yeah sort of but they won’t um they won’t uh you won’t get like more loot or anything so there’s not a point to farming the idea is once you exhaust your initial dungeon there are plenty of other biomes around you there’s plenty of other islands with um resources for you to exploit so you’re not stuck um waiting for your own dungeon to respawn regularly so the boxing glove is like one of those joke boxing gloves kind of nice it uh has a big knockback but it I think it’s a single Target weapon and then the Divine bolt is like a heat seeking magic bolt again not a ton of knockback but uh pretty useful when I don’t have to aim I’d say doesn’t cost a lot of Mana either which is nice o here is a treasure room that I wanted and I’m going to raise the volume up I think I lowered it a bit too too much that looks funny I’m not really sure if that’s faster than the iron sword it probably isn’t it is hilarious though or the uh the wooden sword so this is gold in your starting dungeon you’ll typically find mostly copper and iron and a little bit of gold if you’re lucky you can find a lot of gold and gold is the nicest door that you’re going to find down [Music] here and yes that’s a mine cart and you can ride the rails and here is another microbiome of sapphire you can see there’s a bit of a treasure room over on the right as well okay so these are switches and they are typically hooked up to giant things of TNT there it is and you just have to be careful that you’re not too close to the TNT let me hide it for you cuz when you blow it up it will absolutely kill you if you’re not super tanky but it’s a really good way to get like Mass Stone and then of course if the TNT is set up near ores you’ll get Mass ore which is kind of nice uh it is minable and you can move it around if you want I chose not to I just chose to blow it Kaboom all right so I got a little bit of uh Sapphire as well and then this is uh let’s break in here little treasure room so we have an oak chest with wheight seeds oh nice loot that all and I like to um mine up the chests when I open them so that I know if I double back in this area ever again um that the cuz there’s a way to see like chests with radar U much similar to a lot of other games of course and uh removing the chest will hide it so that it doesn’t look unlooted for the future other nice finds is these broken iron tools cuz you can smelt them down into iron bars and what I’m looking for mostly is a way to mine a little bit more quickly one of the common things that you can find down here are like bombs that you can throw which can mine a lot more efficiently than just like whaling with a pick endlessly which I want to avoid cuz it’s not compelling all right here’s another loot more wheat seeds there’s a whole bunch of plants that you can grow and the plants can be used for Alchemy or they can be used to feed your uh people through cooking so there are a few crops that you need like more than really anything else um like I would say sunflowers is a big one because they’re the reagent for healing potions um and then there’s a bunch of other crops that are really really important as well depending on what you want to farm you can also farm for money I don’t intend to do that but uh just figured it was worth mentioning that you can definitely have giant fields of a certain crop that will net you money this here is an alchemy table that I am just going to take so I don’t have to craft one and an oak chest which we’re going to be digging up as well and that gave me some tomatoes and tomato seeds not a bad find still not getting bombs though worst case scenario if I uh do enough exploration and don’t have finding any bombs I will just uh mine the slow way there is only so much iron that I would need initially to sort of progress in the game the game does a pretty good job of uh allowing you to avoid endless grind uh through the use of settlers doing a lot of automated task for you and also just there are better ways to obtain resources than spending ages in a dungeon which is really nice cuz um as much as I like games like Terraria one of the critiques I had was my Lord sometimes the grind is like just inan just mind-numbing nonsense and this game does a pretty good job avoiding that all right another workstation and a chest with corn seeds and here as you can see this is the scope of the cave so there was like another Sapphire area over here or maybe that’s water no that looks like a sapphire area that I skipped so you can see that it’s it’s finite but since it’s a procedurally oh there’s a cabling uh since it’s a procedurally generated map uh you can always just get to a new Cave System um so if you want to just grind away at the lowest level caves for a long time you’re certainly able to and you won’t run out of real estate let’s get to that cabling so this cabling here is like a you know if you’ve played like drg and you’ve killed one of the treasure bugs that’s basically what they are it runs around it holds a certain resource over its head and if you kill it you gain that resource much easier to kill it with range than melee cuz it runs so fast alternatively if you had bombs you could just bomb the hell out of it too that works as well the only thing that you have to be worried about is it will run from you you can corner it sometimes which is makes it a little bit easier to De with but don’t let it run you into like somewhere dangerous all right here’s another microbiome this is a cave spider area and the spiders like don’t know where I am and I’m just like nuking them from AF far which is good uh they have a few different abilities and they have a unique resource drop which is the cave spider glands which allows you to make uh Spider based armor I’ll get into the armor crafting soon stay away I think there’s a rnap phobic setting in the game to change the spiders to something else I’m not don’t quote me on that I think that existed I’m not personally ROP phobic so I didn’t change that setting but if you are I think that there’s a solution for you [Music] and unlike the uh vampires there’s not a lot of treasure in this microbiome there’s some boxes but it’s usually pretty devoid of like big treasure oh another cabling I’ll have to chase that in a second and what I’m mostly in here for strangely enough is just like Stone so that I can build a initial crafting area another way to kill kill these celings pretty effici efficiently is the ninja stars that have been picking up I can Huck them at them albeit inaccurately but they do pretty good damage and another cabling down and I’ve been getting gold or off of them does not look okay I don’t really want to go into another spider biome so I’m going to skip that area and I’m going to double back actually my inventory is full enough that uh and I have four recall Scrolls so I’m just going to use one of them and head back I can deliver the zombie arm I got a travel scroll on coins and then I can just pick up another one which is to go to a desert biome probably not something I going immediately do for now I am not going to be organizing my inventory I’m just going to be dumping everything in um you can have settlers or uh yeah you can have settlers organize your inventory for you which is very much what I intend to do I don’t want to do it myself cuz I’m lazy and they work for free well they work for food all right let’s uh get a little bit more Stone and then I’ll start the crafting room process looks to be some lava ahead so at least I know there’s another Cave System the settlers can do a lot for you um they’re very very nice so you to go through the settlers real quick you’ve got the Elder uh who’s unique and won’t do any tasks so um yeah and the Elder doesn’t follow the same rules as the other NPCs do cuz he’s like just a quest NPC um you have typical villagers which can do hauling crafting forestry and farming almost all villagers can do hauling crafting forestry and farming except for guards guards are the only PCS that can’t do that guards are tougher they’re combat oriented and they can only haul so you have hunters that can do all that and hunting you have Alchemists uh who you can buy and sell potions or sell reagents for potions and buy potions from you have an angler who can go fishing and go on fishing trips you have a blacksmith who will sell you uh like fishing rod and stuff like that you have a farmer uh farmers are unique in that they can also fertilize territ soils for faster growing for crops which is really nice you have a gunsmith um to be able to sell guns and sell reagents or buy guns and sell reagents to you have a pawn broker who will just buy anything which is really nice uh and sell you some items you have an animal keeper which will do animal husbandry uh so that you can shear sheep and milk cows uh an explorer who can go on trips to caves for resources a miner who I don’t think the miners do anything unique they just look different the well you can still all the all the different NPCs will have like a different inventory that you can buy and sell from so like you know what do you trade them with it it will change a mage will um who will enchant your gear uh a broken pirate who will sell you like explosives and a stylist which can change the way you look so those are the NPCs um that you can get and some of them you can’t get until specific um specific things have been met like killing a certain boss or something like that or like having x amount of um of uh settlers typically I like to get a farmer or two um we might we may or may not do animal husbandry but Farmers because of their fertilization of the soil are really nice to have oh hi cabling um so I like to get Farmers I like to get guards so that they can come on excursions into cave systems with me if you have a lot of gold to spare getting a um a mage is nice so that they can enchant stuff for you uh keeping in mind of course that like enchanting is expensive so it will drain your coins real fast these little enchanting scrolls are what you would enchant your gear with so like this tenacious blood plate cowl that I have has a 4% resilience gain the 4% resilience gain is the enchantment on it items can only have one enchantment on it so if I Enchanted that that cowl there it would remove the 4% resilience gain uh and replace with something else and if you’re wondering what resilience is I don’t actually have any resilience resilience is like armor um but I don’t have any right now so the enchantment on that is literally not doing anything for me it’s not hurting me either though maxu thank you for the resub and everybody else I missed a whole lot taning vhar escandia Miss key aggro lord of the noob thank you thank you oh so there’s a um there’s a clock here I’m going to take that this is nice to be able to tell what time it is there’s a stone cabling to my North and I’m really surprised I oh no I have bombs okay so here are the bombs the iron bomb that I have and I’m going to start using these bombs although I don’t have many of them to uh quickly resource gain it will kill you well depending on your health it will hurt you and possibly kill you if you stand on top of it so unless you have a Death Wish don’t do that and I am looking for mostly just iron where I will get stone as a byproduct oh hi cabling as you can see yeah the um the bombs are just a lot more efficient at grabbing resources than slow manual mining unless of course you have a really late game mining pick which I don’t have but you can mine quickly it’s that it’s a possibility it’s just not one that is possible for me all right so I did say I wanted Stone let’s go ahead and bomb this cing just because he didn’t kill it but it’s pretty mortally wounded and done how’s this game pronounced I think Ness but I am not sure oh another TNT all right it’s in a good spot won’t kill me now if I did die I would lose on my current settings I would lose like my materials but keep my inventory and all that and just have to death walk back to here oh and this is a um this is an instance uh up ahead which will be pretty cool to do oh and there’s also vampires uh let me deal with the vampires first cuz they’re going to try to kill me I wouldn’t mind looting their um looting their sarcophagy as well I like blood bolt when I’m in the dark I don’t need to aim it at all and there looks to be another treasure room on the left there as well good loots oh hi cabling man I’m getting a lot of Cav Lings oh this caving was smart and ran into a spider pit I’m not going to hunt that one so some of these loot rooms that I’m about to enter into oh and we have an angler visiting uh will be trapped like this one’s trapped so if I open this door as you can see I’m made the zombie step on the Trap and that is a way to defend your settlement later in the game is using traps to kill Intruders oh we got a all right so this hurts my attack speed but it will speed me up or uh illuminate the area rather so I am going to enchant it so it doesn’t hurt my attack speed so the way to do that is right click on one of these enchantment Scrolls drop it in enchant and now instead this has a 20% Mana regen and I put it on and will glow it will make everything around me glow a bit which is nice all right so let’s loot the vampire area and then go into that instance that I was talking about it’s a it’s a bit of like a parkour instance or something that’s probably the best way I can describe it oh and I got uh another trinket which is funny increases movement speed by 15% and then it’s blessed with a decreased movement speed by 4% at least it’s a net positive so I’ll wear it and a chest armor so this chest armor is part of the set it’s part of the blood plate uh set but this one is Enchanted with minus four armor which is not cool but oh well I’ll have to reenchant that at some point so all these Stone coffins are grabbed so let’s go into the instance whoops don’t touch me bro and I’m going to eat a little bit more bread you’ll understand why in a second but you know what there’s some iron there let’s get that too all right some of these items that I have like I don’t necessarily want so these Spruce chests actually whoa that’s a bomb woo I accidentally Dropped a Bomb on my feet that’d be a hell of a way to for my first death just a accidental suicide all right so let’s jump into this instance here so this here is a um is like a bit of a maze if you will so the way it works is you’ll step on the wooden plates and you’ll see a path that you have to walk in order to Traverse safely and the path disappears the longer you take oh so that would be an instance of I set it off and this next door here will not unlock until I until I get it so let’s reset and the reason I I ate the food is the bread boosts my Max Health by 20 points so I uh can tank this uh this maze a little better I’m not good at these types of puzzles but I’ll try my best and then now that I did it I can pass through and there’ll be treasure for my reward and then there’s one more on here and there’s a bunch of different types of these types of mini instances there just one such type coins are great the real war tends to be in these boxes we got a primitive heavy Hammer uh unfortunately it’s primitive but we did get more bombs and then over here we got another uh shine belt uh but it’s also negative modifier on it as well oh well could have been worse could have been better all right I think what I’m going to do is uh use one of these recall Scrolls recalling back home dropping off everything that I can oops and then going down again and um just bombing all of the iron that I had around me was right at the ladder start was a bunch of bunch of iron which is going to be very nice to have and I’m certainly too lazy to like manually mine so I want to bomb mine instead [Music] also get a little bit of clay too this is Clay okay four more bombs I’ll keep them for now thank you for tuning in to Ness which originally streamed live on Twitch July 9th if you have any feedback or questions for me let me know in the comments below if you would like to catch a live stream of mine has my stream schedule and countdown timers to upcoming streams if you would like to join my online gaming community on Discord has a link to it as does the description of this video thank you so very much for watching and a special thank you to my patreon patrons twitch subscribers and viewers like you that support the channel andit it all the way to the credits thank you so very much I hope to catch you next episode or an upcoming stream farewell my fellow viewers

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Necesse is a game where you explore, build, quest and expand across an infinite procedurally generated world. Establish a settlement of settlers and explore deep dungeons, fight monsters and bosses, mine rare ores, craft magical equipment and more! Its sort of like a mix between a top-down Terraria with settler and combat mechanics like Dwarf Fortress.

This series is a mix of Let’s Play and Tutorial where I cover the basics of game mechanics and then progress into the game’s content. I am playing on Classic difficulty on a random seed with no mods. The only feedback that I’ll be incorporating into the series was through direct polling on Twitch, so please no backseating and also no spoilers. Thank you!

This series is a result of me picking a game for myself to play so the series will be a total of 6 episodes. There may be a chance to vote for it in the future and if you don’t want to miss out on those polls consider checking, or in the announcements on my website, or on Discord in the announcements, for community polls.


Viewers will be able to help influence the direction and vote on how certain situations are handled. If you would like to influence the direction of this series I welcome you to join me on stream. This series is streamed live on

(Schedule, countdown timer to streams, links, resources)

(Stay connected and join my gaming community)

(If you want to support me directly, be included in series as characters and also influence the games I play to a greater degree)

#citybuilder #necesse #tutorial #Twitch #Rhadamant #letsplay

0:00 Start
0:15 Game Overview
0:42 Series Overview
1:09 Creating a New World / Character and Difficulty Selection
2:21 Gameplay Start
38:48 Credits


  1. Okay so this was awesome! I really like the combo that this presents, especially the top down view, the side view of Terraria is what made it so I couldn't play that. So yeah this is really cool and I hope that between your choices and viewers choice and stuff this is played for a while!

  2. I was going to be mildly offended that the very first tutorial quest was to kill vampires, as those must be some weak-ass vampires, but then they dropped fake fangs. So, I guess they're just goths who like lying around in caves.

  3. Great game just unfortunately short. QoL is pretty high very nice late game when you can just toss stuff on the ground and your villagers put everything away.

  4. necesse is Latin form for "necessity," believe it or not. It is pronounced "neh-KESS-eh", three syllables, accent on 2nd syllable. (all Cs are hard in Latin, like "computer" and never like "ceiling")

  5. I've heard this game is similar in ways to Rimworld. Seeing as you have more hours than anybody else I know of in Rimworld, would you say it's an accurate comparison?

  6. Hey dude I'm glad to see your vids again. Got busy with life but I'm glad to see more starsector vids. I've been binged watching your ascendancy series when I get the chance. ❤

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