I Made The Most Hidden Base in Minecraft Hide Or Hunt…

welcome back to hide or hunt in this game mode players have 15 minutes to make the most secret base possible to hide their Beacon inside of which if broken eliminates you from the game how many secret bases will I find and will my base be hidden enough to be the last base standing well I was about to find out as all players were dropped into the map all right we’re in hey C stick with me you with me yeah I’m you okay let’s go quick a lot of people have gone for that Village yeah let’s just grab some wood quickly try and find a cave and then we can start making our base like straight away just make sure we’re not getting followed oh there’s some water oh there’s like a water cave here oh who the [ __ ] wait arrow and app are there just oh there’s some pumpkins here as well y there’s actually quite a few base potential we could maybe build under a pumpkin let’s just let’s just grab these yeah let’s go this way stay away from them the closer we are to other people the less we can discuss our ideas so we got to be quick we also got these two imis pots that we need to use strategically 3 minutes a piece right that’s fine we can use one or make in the base and we can use another one for spying on people or something yeah well the more progress we make before we make our base the better cuz then we can be in it for as little time as possible oh that’s another water cave if we get our base up and then we just chill instead of dying cuz if we die and respawn at our base and it might get SED out oh for sure yeah yeah people are going to realize where it is uh is this a cave oh okay this is promising this might be very good please don’t lead back out to the other side no oh [ __ ] we just got set was it yeah wait we could just start mining real quick yeah but I let’s just try and make some progress at least yeah have you thought about any base ideas last base or last episode by the way on a million views insane crazy anyway last game we got that tree house me and Shiny Pikachu we had a treeh housee and it won did nothing wrong oh hello oh talk about tree yeah last time it won last time it won yeah don’t worry I I’ll make some sh will you okay yeah look look at the trees Watch What Happens yeah we’ll do we’ll do keep running that mouth buddy your Beacon’s going to be gone in 20 minutes oh so much barking did you say I was barking like a dog yeah what in the world talking yeah what team was that let’s keep track team nine finished but yeah last episode with treeh house worked really well for me in Shiny Pikachu because everyone was checking under them and not in them so it’s a possibility but there’s so many base IDE is we’ve got a few minutes that we can spend there trying to get some iron before we actually confirm anything yeah let’s get let’s get full iron and then we can discuss the base but we will be quite quick yeah hopefully I can find a cave here soon oh this is huge is there any iron here though oh there’s some right here there’s coal as well this might be really good to get us started here just try and grab as much iron as you can I see some name tags quite close so oh yeah I see them as well oh are they in this cave as well we might need to be quick grabbing all this stuff cuz if they’re in this this cave as well they’re going to na it all yeah they are let’s give oh oh my God holy sh oh God bro I just fell down a massive Ravine and was saved by like a millimeter that was great bro like an inch not even an inch I’m almost dead before we’ve even got the beacon down if we die before this Beacon’s down we’re out so do not die in the caves cows if possible don’t worry I’m I’m the king not quite uh the king hey we’ve had bad luck in the previous game modes that we’ve played Hunger Games ain’t it for us so if we just keep switching game mode until we pick some that we win then one of them will work we will win something one day I reckon hiyo hunts the one right well those people are nearby how much iron are you want 21 okay I’m 18 I’m going to start cooking them up yeah yeah start start brewing like I said the quicker we’re done down here the better it’s a yeah yeah even though when we respawn we get 32 iron and 16 bread we need some extra iron because that’s enough for like a shield tools armor not taking into account buckets um or just anything else we might need iron four throughout the event so the more we can get the better for sure I’m going to get an iron pick and and grab this gold yeah yeah grab the gold as well there’s some lapis here as well if you want to maybe in case we get an enchantment table later on here we go this should be just enough of what I need at least I am feeling somewhat confident I’m not going to lie after the last game I’m I’m I’m feeling confident let’s put it that way yeah for sure which by the way that last video is on a million views in under a month which is crazy considering I’m only on 200,000 subscribers so please if you are new here subscribe it’s completely free going to have a load more videos going out very soon over summer summer is going to be great let’s put it that way hey go away it’s my cave hey who’s that it’s me it’s my cave you best not be making a base down there just epic craft that’s my game go away that’d be awfully awkward if that’s where your base is right now right sometimes you are you are you not speaking for yourself are you unless I’ve made my base behind a coal or no no no no surely cuz I would never do that that would be silly right very silly in fact you might you might be the silliest one for that the silliest the silliest hey just I’m not going to lie that I’m going to keep track of where you are right now I’m going to keep notes he’s gone oh no he’s here I got my eyes on you jepic craft me too I could see the same on your beautiful blue eyes oh wow that’s such a nice compliment you know where people can see my beautiful blue eyes on my Instagram true also then which they should go and follow hit that follow B right I’ll see you in a bit when I’m breaking your beacon mate see you later right let’s go meet back up with cows oh there’s a little bit more iron here a stack and two pieces of iron oh my God there’s so much iron wow is that C’s no that’s not even C’s where is he oh he’s all the way back there let’s just meet back up with him real quick ignore all these other people yo hello I’ve got a stack and eight iron I’ve got 11 cooked and then 10 raw right now you slacking a well I’ve been s cooking it so okay okay well I spoke to just EP craft over in the other cave mhm he’s convinced well he called me beautiful which obviously free Iron get the out of our furnace hey this is our cave we were here before you buddy you ain’t stealing from our furnace though oh no I’m not at your furnace I’m out of free Iron he says he steals all of our iron look at that disgusting where is it where is it watch your language buddy there you are watch your language I’ll take your beacon out as well I’ve already threatened jeppi craft you ain’t getting my beacon buddy okay team three will remember that we we’re hiding it in Australia you ain’t find it yeah no I a going I Ain going into the the dark side all right car that’s say we go up all right do you have coal I’ve got it there I’ve we can grab some when we head yeah let’s just go up we got like 10 minutes to get this Beacon down we need to pick a spot when I was speaking to jepic craft I said something about putting it behind a piece of coal ore and I was thinking that’s not an awful idea but anything in a cave is probably not a bad idea if we could cook some Stone and maybe replace some Stone in like a cave entrance it could work just need to be careful though with that not get spotted to try to cook stone or something yeah yeah a lot of people near me come up to the furnace if we die with stone on us they’re going to know 100% so we should probably only ever have two pieces on us yeah yeah whatever we need to block it up right this takes us to the surface anyway so we should be good here other people are suting up let’s crack the furnaces down cooked this quick yeah let’s just get this cooked as quick as possible so much iron oh my God we are living I’ll split that bad boy up all right is there anywhere that stands out I don’t see I mean hey what what do we think about like here like right at this River we’ll just need to be careful what like right right here yeah yeah all right I like that idea okay right nice right let’s make everything we need to put in our base before we go in there as well so we don’t have to waste too much time inside oh we also need some actual of the block that we got block it up with before we go in there I’m all right yeah just take all the iron mate just take it all honestly I don’t even need it anyway thank you thank you well Greedy Boy put some pumpkin down throw them off oh yeah like if we hey if we put it like right here people will think why is it why is it oh this is so sus yeah and then they’ll be like oh we’ve already checked that spot yeah yeah oh we’re so smart we’re so smart I’m smart they up at you okay all right just catching Strays for absolutely no reason um there’s a man coming up the cave where oh hello Gabriel Ender hello sword 4,000 the man of no emotions Oh I thought I thought you’d gone I was looking at someone else all right he’s going down the river wait till he’s gone yeah yeah right low key we should pick up these furnaces and pop the inv pop right wait let’s pick up the furnaces first so it’s not bait let’s walk away before we pop the invis as well we can see our teammates in in so we should be good so let’s just go over here and then we’ll uh run to our spot you got this St y all right here we go we got to go back where we’ve just come from hopefully to throw off anybody that was lurking in invis uh let’s get the stone out that I need and then let’s get in the spot which is going to be right here let’s go quick get in get in get in right we’re in let’s uh Dig Down by one block we just need to get this Beacon down and then we’re able to at least respawn we’re out of Hardcore then which is the main thing all right now we need to get the barrel down let’s get our furnaces back down start cooking up a bit more of iron and I’ll also cook up a little bit more Stone while we’re down here just in case we die and then we need to respawn and put more on let’s also get a bucket and start crafting some tools Shields are enabled in this so having an axe is going to be very important right we don’t have a lot of time left on this invis so we need to be very very quick maybe if I carry the pumpkins on me it will throw people off that’s not a bad idea right let’s see if he’s ready to go there’s players down there the potato guy yeah yeah okay right I think I think he’s ready let’s go get out quick all right this could be the winning base location but only time will tell let’s pop some pumpkins down here so it tries to throw people off and let’s get the hell out of here all right we’re miles away now we should be good all right hey don’t put your armor on yet we’ve still got a little bit more inis let’s let’s chill let’s chill see if little bit than myself let’s see if we can look and see if we can spot anyone beacons must be placed within the next 3 minutes my invis has just ran out should we pop this invis again and see if we can lurk and find people making their bases quickly I think I think that’s a was the name tag right there where right let’s go just see if we can listen to him quick let’s run mute up when you get near who was it there was a name tag here just then a second ago he’s right I did see that but now they’ve seemed to be gone oh it could be this here this is similar to what we’ve got going on but they aren’t here anymore I can’t see the name tags oh there’s a there’s a bottle on the floor oh he’s took damage no doubt there is somebody hiding in here there is absolutely no doubt there was an invis pot on the floor right are there any trees there’s a tree there I wouldn’t mind making a shovel cuz I didn’t make one so I’m quickly going to go grab that wood we need to be careful to see if we can spot anyone coming from out here who’s mining who’s mining oh god oh I can hear someone right let’s get over here I need to make a shovel 100% there’s a base in that Ravine no doubt yeah there has to be let’s look here and see if we see anyone come out of that Ravine not a bad start I’m I’m feeling somewhat confident I won’t lie we got in got our iron got the base set up and now we’re set just don’t die oh here we go good luck hunting my invis is just about to run out there we go there’s a lot of people getting the diamond achievement which is slightly worrying n it’s fine though we only have an axe or something oh here we go player Chris it’s Chris he’s got no gear we could try and kill him and see if we see where he respawns oh John fortnite John fortnite over there oh he’s just come up he 100% has just come up let’s kill him let’s kill him wait there’s over there oh my God there’s an person here you should go get it we’re [ __ ] oh he already knows he already knows they’re is somewhere they’re is the I’m getting oh wait watch out watch out he’s going back to dead I got I’ve got him I’ve got him there’s a staircase this’s a staircase this is not a good position to be in we I’m so sorry John oh your teammate’s back hey hey Woody chill for a sec we’re letting you guys live because of how early it is cuz we feel bad but we’re going to break the beacon sorry boys no we will not kill you we’ll leave you to it all right good luck with the rest of the game no good luck and you’re not getting your P you’re not getting your pistons and you’re not chasing us out CS run quick quick quick go go go go go let’s just get over here quick run run run run you know what we’ll take that Beacon down they’re only on one life they’re not really a threat anymore they’re not if they come out though and start charging us we kill them now is there anybody else that we can see oh there’s someone there I think that’s Chris again they were so dumb for dropping that water bottle that baited them out that must have been them 100% I know cuz then then we know somewhere we could check that Ravine actually that we just ran away from hoping that maybe yeah there is another base there there’s a good chance there is cuz this map isn’t huge so people can’t go too far far a lot of people might be like quite next to each other and they don’t even realize right let’s see uh just check like the two two high blocks of dirt there’s someone in this here who is that that’s there’s someone right here I can see their particles Jas I’m down I don’t know where they’ve gone they were just here oh they’re over here now they’re over here oh there’s a flying axe coming at me watch out let is is dangerous they’re here here I’ve been webbed by an in yes there we go I I H them once they’re going over here going here going here going there I’m getting him I’m getting them wello they got to be low I’ve hit him twice naked with a with a iron sword over here yeah yeah keep hunting keep hunting I can see him running I can still see they’re over here I can see him who is it speak up right now what the hell was that’s tame that’s got to be tame tame is dead what yeah this guy’s trying to be inis but BL clutching I think he when he comes out of inv jjq there’s no way oh no help me help me she’s low no oh no I got Dred into this I got you I got you focus on JQ quick quick quick she was over there she was over there before Oh my God oh God that’s wrong person wrong people wrong people y jjq is at your base there by any is that why you were lurking trying to kill us no no no no no friendly inconvenience friendly inconvenience if you can oh you’re wild you’re Wild wait can you run like directly behind me CH yeah I got you okay oh nice no ready ready yeah I’m ready oh she actually got me she kind of C no no it’s all going wrong stay on her she’s running as far away from that Ravine as possible CS remember you should probably jump in and get away from that Ravine she’s one she has to how is she not dead can you boost me CS I’m try oh zombie oh I’m not quite oh nice nice nice nice good stuff what just G on there your teammate is dead that’s what’s going on oh you [ __ ] there’s no way watch out watch out I’m low yo my shield don’t work what when did she even hit she’s one she’s one there’s a guy init here as well now oh my God how is she still alive this is crazy get her go on the she had a notch it was not a not she’s [ __ ] no power who’s this it’s snap oh my God bro why is everyone trying to kill us and how is jjq still not dead right we should leave her and see if we can go find griel over there then no wait leave it leave it leave it come over here come over here M had the diamond sword okay nice yeah yeah yeah oh my who is this lot I don’t even know who this is that’s griel all right let’s go over there and see if we can find gbriel cuz he died he’s got to be over that way yeah he just bond out of nowhere when we were chasing J people were just literally that was the most chaotic start I think I’ve ever seen to any event I’ve played in to be honest it was just one person and another person Daddy’s team that popped out of nowhere to say h yeah like and then got dropped immediately bu he didn’t last 2 seconds this was the Ravine right this is where jjq started originally running from remember I see Elemental I see Elemental where peeking over that little Hill there oh yeah but he’s it looks like it’s been searched but he looks like he’s waiting on one oh for’s Beacon’s been destroyed far just happy interesting all right let’s see if we can find that P’s been eliminated again no way right let’s keep searching if jjq shows up again I swear I just saw H we’re getting T been snipers looking at us right just watch my back while I search here yeah I’m watching I think they think that we’re going at their base yeah the pot was a little bit lower down here right it was a bit on the side yeah it was like where I’m standing yeah I see zeld snipers now could be anywhere here bro could be anywhere it’s going to burn through so many shovels is tame good he’s died like three times 11’s Beacon who’s that oh that’s tame okay he was probably respawning on his Beacon over and over and over yeah oh my God oh my God I see it I see it I see it where is he going uh what are you doing that good that was who it was that’s got to be who it was where was was it is it here somewhere where did he this could be an illegal base you found it no oh okay I’m sensing an illegal base here cuz we’ve mined the whole face off this hill Oh here no it’s here it’s here it’s here he’s just sat at the bottom staring hey buddy how’s it going um all right we’ll break hey we’ll we’ll give you the same benefit of the doubt we gave John fortnite and woodsy we’ll break it hey this look look look my teammate may he rest in peace um yeah I kind of got screwed Y what the yo y i I was actually dropping some [ __ ] off I was dropping some [ __ ] off although if you got some gold onic right we won’t kill you either thank but if you find our Beacon and break it it’s game over you’re getting untagged from my description right let’s get out of here quick that zeld and snipers are going to be close that was not oh wait is he still here wait where is he nap oh he’s gone oh there you are nap yo nap [ __ ] leave him bro’s death I think he’s in mourning right now he’s he’s upset he’s going through it I was going to say the in po baited him out I saw a name tag I was going to point it out to you and then he just decided to come on and say hi himself right zeld oh yeah okay oh they’re on their last line destroy Zelda and snipers run this hill right yeah they were just standing here I’m not sure if they were waiting to go on their base or they were looking at us to see if we I would assume that they’re not going for the old trick of let me stand on my base so people don’t think it’s here come here few en people running Bo oh you can still see them they still got in they must have saved one of them Elementals here we could go up to that Hill that you saw Elemental on or if they fight cuz they’re good Elemental and Chris are both real good if we see them fight other people hopefully one of them dies then we can lur around there and see if they respawn I think that’s probably our best plan to be honest as well we go we’ll go check out Elemental was working nearby yeah yeah hey this is a great start though two bases already that’s unheard of we’re sing them out one by one I’ve played probably 30 40 rounds of hyoh hunt in my time this is some people’s first game I’m feeling like I’m 2017 again just trolling Noobs it’s phenomenal this might be our game mode this oh this could be it whilst we search as well I may as well ask the viewers cuz I’ve been I’ve been wanting to try some like you know holy [ __ ] oh that’s you wait that’s you there’s a there’s a tunnel here but it doesn’t like oh I was going to say I just saw a name tag inside of this hill and then you were behind me but it was you in this tunnel yeah what I was going to say was I’ve been meaning to try some viewers bases what do this suggest they suggest and then I do like a random comment picker I have to do whichever comment it picks so leave some comments down below if it’s like not a base idea then obviously it’ll be it’ll be randomly skipped but leave some comments of BAS ideas down below maybe even some silly ones and let’s see if I can win with it as long as it doesn’t say literally out in the middle of a field cuz in that case I’m absolutely finished but there’s a good chance I don’t know like somebody actually comes up with a decent idea I see a wild jjq staring into the Ravine that we just murdered I think she’s around there you know yeah she’s running around looking for something I think okay well people are dying a lot of people are dying go bungal and the potato guy just keep an eye out for any name tags that you can spot golden skeleton and Scyther I had a base or found a base in the last video that was like in somewhere like this bro it took me a good half an hour to find it with shiny Pikachu it was disgusting how long it took us to find it well people are popping by the way where’s all this action going on I think the The Village because they just got a villager yeah that is true that is true let’s go over there someone’s got to be living in that Village right the Villager roof base a roof of a house that might be okay there is a there’s a slightly big wait we get that’s exactly what zass is doing he’s literally just died and respawned right in front of me wait jjq to right wait wait wait wait wait oh hi chance inside of this room getting bull his Beacon there oh wait wait wait we broke it we broke it you broke it is it real yo Zas how’s it going is it really illegal how’s it going oh hell no how’s it going get after go after quick no no wait watch out hey hey hey CS pull left pull left pull left jjq and Gabriel are there how confident are you to take them out fairly confident I mean first sure if you get the first hit and you don’t miss your shots then you’re you’re winning what I this is where all the action was and now there’s no one here which is kind of annoying we could try it I do think that she’s in that Ravine I I will believe that until I die well I killed I think it was nap earlier and he dropped an invis the first time we killed him so I’m not sure if out watch out uh there’s a base right behind now really webs yes nice Gabriel’s low he’s got to be low yes great work great work you a base right here did I oh my God yeah what now this has got to be found surely this has to have been found Ian this is this has going down quite quite a while unless this is just a shrip mine under a village house right I’ve got a diamond sword from gbriel this is going down there’s no way I mean it’s worth a shot why why just leave it right that was an all right base you just started digging up the dirt and then they came and interrupted us they almost actually lost us finding this base if it even is a base how [ __ ] far does this go down right there’s no way oh is it n we’ve been baited we’ve actually been it’s not going to be down here this is so illegal if it’s down here we need to go back up and grab that loot did you check that we little bit that goes off to the side no let’s have a look bro there’s no way that these if there is a base down here fair play to him man fair play oh my God no [ __ ] way bro no way who is this B items told to lose them okay they had a spare Beacon who is it who is it who is it nine that’s swe bro under a village house there’s no way I told you griel and jjq almost threw for us jjq died again right we need to go up cuz obviously we we were planning on trying to kill them anyway and see if we can find them near that Ravine if she’s just died again we might be able to slowly keep narrowing it down have three bases already yeah he’s even just said in chat yeah it was a risky spot he knew he knew this is so deep though that like that strip mine technique is actually pretty smallart thr us off and then came back up good job you said did you check the other way cuz I was about to come straight back up I think there’s people up here by the way cuz I think I just heard someone walk on dirt be careful them yeah just be careful wait you got some those webs by the way how many webs you got I only got one left oh okay that’s fine right if we go over here and see jjq and griel now cuz they just died then we know 100% they near that Ravine John fortnite’s still alive after we give him a little bit of a lenience earlier there’s nap no nap nap got finished off about 2 minutes after we let him go jjq hello are you here if there isn’t a base in this Ravine I’ll be actually well I guess naps was but I feel like jjq knew about naps base when she made her maybe from noise or something and then just thought let’s bait whoever finds that base out and make him think that it’s not here there’s a golden skeleton and Ronin running that way let’s keep searching here let’s keep searching here they’ve not just died though have they no they’ve not died recently you need to you need to like use the clues wait hot sweaty garbage that’s who we just we just we we can eliminate them wait far yo Fallen yo they’ve not got a beacon either yo keep it moving keep it moving keep it good intentions are good intentions what what’s up Good Intentions we’re going to go finish this guy off we just got his Beacon okay great know that jq’s base is around here we know okay we’re trying to do have Revenge wait I’ll go over here a minute sweaty you can’t go far you can hide but you can’t go far oh oh my God there’s no way no I’m stuck in a web I’m stuck in a web nice as if I bro that’s like x-ray how I just found him like that that’s crazy player ESP yeah you’re going to get some comments about that I’m a cheat what can I say that’s crazy um wait check chat oh what is this did you find a base or are you coming out of a base H we can’t let you find out unfortunately get him from behind I think I broke his shield I got his shield gg gg right I I made him think that maybe our base was here so so all right okay so he might he might be searching here all the time yeah he’s either going to keep searching here and maybe find JJ Q’s base or he’s just going to give up and just think were bluffing which we were but he doesn’t know that all right but who who told us gq’s base was here was it that was fallen and jeppi but we already kind of knew that we know she’s around here somewhere we just need to figure out where where was she originally seen I think it was this hill around here right she she was seen up here where John fortnite bace was like just above it yeah she was lurking originally use up your shovels man use them up just keep any Expos dirt on the side of a hill or something just check it jjq in the last two games that we did of this did very very obvious bases so unless she’s actually thought this out for once she’s pretty ass at hiding bases there’s players up here jeppi and Fallen yo boys how’s it going going bad how about you we’re looking for this jjq base what’s he saying watch out for I don’t know I don’t see anyone wait are they invis I don’t see anyone oh there’s people up there I don’t know who that is okay right I’m not I’m not fussed about fighting them they’re on their last life somebody else is going to drain them there’s no point in US risking possibly dying to them yeah for no reason the best also for them they have a chance of finding JJ Q’s base and eliminating him so completely wiping them out probably not the smartest thing right now so who have we got left such teams list let’s have a look team two three five o seven it’s not a base is it uh one we’re getting Ross by the way are we getting get in here get in here get in here get in here oh yo is this your base yeah it is oh okay you want to leave us alone you get get in’s get in’s get in no no open it up yeah idiots that’s not us who’s is this Beacon then oh I tried to Bluff them they’re gone I you Bluff me not them imagine their Beacon just got broke now we’re like got it they’re like what jjq died let’s get over there quick which just about to say we need to wait for it to die Crouch Team Four is still here as well they have the same idea she’s here for sure she’s here if they’re onto her as well I think she’s on thin ice I won’t lie there players over there has has Beacon not destroyed though oh we’re getting snuck up on yeah yeah jjq just died again though and Goobs just died well if jjq just died over here would we have not heard the unless she got out I think maybe she left her base and had no gear on because she didn’t unshift to gear up that could be the possibility so then she just been dropped immediately again they’re all set they’re ding down they’re all down there Beacon 3 is destroyed that’s goo that’s goo and potato guy wait they’re probably been fine cuz your kits dying yeah yeah they well they both do that’s the Aussie team so they’re on bad ping so for them PVP is almost impossible that is Gold’s coming up here hi golden I’m hey you want to fight or do you want to work together to try and find the base that everybody else around here is trying to find uh we want to find it okay right then keep your distance don’t don’t talk like like that to me yo don’t like okay let’s run it let’s run it yo yo yo relax Rel Big Talk big talk I’ll no I was going to say that I was going to say that but someone made a barking comment earlier so it was that arrow is he alive still wait he was with nap we got his Beacon after he was chatting [ __ ] remember remember nap came he was on the same team I just realized um not to throw this out there but when you’re talking I saw Onie and someone else on speaking we’ve already got okay but they they were over here okay wait I think I think we keep looking over here man I honestly do I think jjq has got to be close s there’s an in somewhere here what and find you guys wait jjq said something but I think I cleared my chat it’s got to be on the side of something oh sword what sword what look look where you going get that laama yes where did she just she just appeared from somewhere here she’s got to be here keep that wasn’t very nice who the [ __ ] is here yo yo yo chill chill ggq literally just came out here guys there G there oh she’s in this hill we knew it sword we came up here and we wed prob my revenge my revenge my I got it I got it I got it got to find it I’m got to find it they’re going to kill her she’s she’s defin up she’s rage quck she’s broke she broke a whole desk no wait wait wait she’s AFK drown her get out of there quick drown her drown her quick quick quick quick get out block her in block her in there we go let’s just watch her drown oh she left no okay right if we wait get replace all this with Cobble just suffocate oh suffocator she’s going to die when she look back on all right we need to be careful cuz there’s people here no wait stop please oh it’s Relic oh that’s you oh Relic oh shut how are you stealing in bro I got another in potion I’m just running around messing around all game that’s crazy what the I’m I’m just I’m just stalking I’m just stalking right now watching people I’m watching you Reese I’m watching you I’ll find you I’ll find you I’ll hit you once and it’s over you’ll never find me I see you running find me you don’t see me you don’t see nothing you don’t see a you see a whole lot of nothing no no no no no it’d be an awful [ __ ] I can hear you I’ve got spatial awareness on I can hear you when you speak You’re baiting yourself out oh he’s G it’s okay I another eight minutes I’m good eight minutes we told you to get rid of those potions you cheating bastard what no I got I no you were supposed to have the 3 minute ones you were supposed to have the threes you baited yourself out you gave us the eight it’s not my fault right leave him leave him go left go left go left that’s four bases I’m just saying this is it this is the one this is the one do you know why though it’s cuz of how got our bases even though we’re finding other people’s our base is fire like no one sus of us yet no one like know have we died we’ve not no oh my God we’re so good um he’s trying to be a villager do you see should we go over and see if he makes noises yeah okay he does he does he does he does don’t R me out I’m I’m camouflaged why do you want to trade what you got diamond sword lava oh give him that diamond sword sh all right one bread for a diamond sword you’ve got no choice we kill you if you don’t drop it I think that lava bucket as well will you oh yeah that’s another bread oh yeah bread is for free if you want Oh can we get our two bread back that we just gave you oh yeah what the all right okay we’ll leave you to it man we’ll leave you to it that’s what I like to call that is that is beautiful from on how is he alive why are you here now we just traded with a villager what why that’s exactly what he said huh that was it the whole time you ain’t going far Chris you ain’t going far oh okay thanks for the boots that’s what I needed a f all right let’s leave him let’s leave him there’s no point row I should make a boat actually I don’t have a boat I’ve I’ve got a spare one if you need it make two there not been over for side in the map once no we’ve not because everyone’s over the other side I think what happened is everyone built went to that Village at the start and went Mining and then ran out a time so they just had to place it down yeah cuz there’s there’s been a couple of bases over that that area yeah yeah Chris is is he still there back down towards us Relic was eliminated he’s he’s the he’s the inis warrior I think I don’t think he had a beacon I think I think he’s out oh he is yeah he is he’s in Spec what about like here I don’t think anyone is as smart as us right my shovel broke I need to make a new one wait I I picked up a stack of leaves from someone that might have been from a c though yeah yeah but that’s what I mean maybe they were in a tree and they’ve got leaves on them do you know what I said to you about the stone oh yeah oh yeah is this it here this might be it this tree looks like it’s been built up into and it looks as it’s been found unless that’s what they want you to think yeah it doesn’t look like it I mean we could try and put our settings on super fast smart leaves put your leaves on Smart what does that you can basically see through the leaves I’ve got already is that I don’t know what that is one sec oh it’s Cobble I thought there was a a beacon in that tree hold up yeah wait we can just wait here a second see if I can scan these watch my back I’m looking for any sort of unfamiliar looking trees uh so SN talking to D in fire over there okay oh chis has just come out of that big tree but I think that’s too sauce I don’t wait which tree uh over yeah there’s nothing in the trees over there I’m looking cuz he falling jumping up and down this is like uh stalker cam yeah I don’t see anything in these trees I might just leave my settings on Smart just in case there’s people here Danny and Luke chasing Ronin and golden let’s let’s wait for him to die and see if we can see where they respawn we could clean this up actually we have to go move back move back move fall back fall back fall back before we get G getting ganked 100% leave leave him leave him leave leave leave get up all right let’s go right let’s see if we can see where golden uh Ronin have respawned oh yeah that would be good that’s what we need to do you just need to try and locate people that are getting killed Gabriel’s eliminated yeah oh yeah he is yeah he was with there that b oh my hey good stuff guys we got that Beacon you finished them off nice work you missed the greatest sounds like we missed out on a good time there I feel like Ronin and golden have seen quite a lot over this end again but they made I saw them running this way before I remember a a while ago but um I wasn’t quite too sure cuz they hadn’t died ly I’m not even going to lie to you I can’t even remember where our basees it I know it’s Sumer here I’m not going to like let’s not say that out loud in case there’s someone in yeah wait do you know what we should do wait I want to see [Music] this he’s trying so to no I’ve I’ve typed it out in chat in case there’s someone in here oh what is this it no no one’s as smart as Yep this is it hey there was four that’s all I’m saying so someone’s not been bothered toit two more unless they place it back down maybe I imagine a base was under one of the ones that didn’t check as well that would be so funny right Danny and Luke are over there there’s got to be a few is over this way cuz no one’s really been checking over this way let’s just check all the trees then I feel like a tree is just too bait though even newbies know that yeah but you never know you might just get the you might find another John fortnite esque base who’s still alive by the way whereit where he I don’t know I’m not I think he’s literally just stayed down there traumatized since try to get his piston back yeah he’s still upset about that piston he’s trying to find a slime block to make a new one he just became the beacon look that fully no not fully wait oh my god sword I just saw his name tag who’s Luke’s right stay shifted be quiet it was quite a while away but it’s like over this River it’s like straight down somewhere we could try wait and see if he comes out yeah yeah let’s be quiet 13 are coming it might be something to do with the river come over this way we just want to avoid combat as much as possible really unless we need to fight we shouldn’t the risk of dying and going back to base is too high we can come back here but I definitely saw a name tag on the ground there’s an invisible junk there okay that should have that should have despawned if it was a while ago yes so that’s recent as well oh his base has got to be right here somewhere I see far we could try and eliminate him he’s right on me just ran over the river oh I see Danny over there Danny’s going to have a good base he’s play plenty that’s definitely that is definitely where they’re Subway here oh wait yeah cuz Luke’s on his team your base mate your base nah that’s cap your base is somewhere here I know it is D you want to put money on that not particularly well there we go then we’ll keep searching them all right that’s fine just just don’t die then and stay crou when you die look keep that on a mental note all I’m saying is Luke died like 2 minutes ago and then we saw him around here go go go go go go go go go go go back up back up back up Luke slow Luke slow I’m not know at all don’t lie boost me boost me boost me I went on land wa I’ll push you now no get one of them Luke’s got Bel low you guys killed jei you guys killed my boy got a repeat the last episode it’s beautiful you were you with me CS nope he’s absolutely not don’t need him anyway yes oh my God God oh my God he got me far too low far too low right there yo L I got L yeah Danny got away oh ddy got away no no Daddy’s dead dany’s dead let’s get it quick go Qui go go bro L got me so low I don’t know why I was using an axe when he had no Shield I’m so dumb well the same thing happened last episode someone snuck up on him I love that I love that they’ve got to be nearby I told them to crouch that’s probably a bad play on my part they definitely CR y are you coming for a oh oh that’s bad watch out re D in fire SP cor he’s yes yes yes nice oh my God bro he has golden apples he has golden apples oh my God they were so stack bro how the fu did we just kill them be careful watch your back watch your back make sure we’re not being run up on how many golden apples you get I’ve got one but there’s gold here that I accidentally dropped oh okay I’ve got no apples I can make one more Gap okay well I’ve got none so I’ll take one if you’ve got a spare oh that was beautiful that was absolutely beautiful just got absolutely clean swiped he left wait were they that was their last lives yeah oh my God D fire message me saying rude as if he didn’t run up on us yeah I know yeah that one crit I got on dying fire was the change I got a really nice axe crit and it ended it do you need any webs I’ve got no webs at all so I’ll take what I can get also they dropped another in so I have two pots of three minutes so you take wait should we pop that and see if we can make the most of that right now I mean we could or we let’s see if we someone to die let’s see if we can find some players then let’s strip off and pop it okay all right and then see if we can like follow him or something like that we could look around here like let’s wait here to see if we spot any players because this is where we think Danny and Luke are going to come up anyway got 44 kill tokens by the way 44 Jesus if only there was an enchant purchase on here oh F brought for five straight away on the bring home the beacon um so where is that then that’s all the way over there I can see the iron I can see the iron bro they’ve made a full Beacon with somebody else’s Beacon that’s the highest level of disrespect that’s like hunting trophies you know when people kill a bear and like put its head on the wall these guys raided a basin and made an actual Beacon out of the beacon wait don’t don’t attack him no we’re not we’re not we’re not this is brutal you guys raided you guys raided someone and then turned them into a beam hey we they got a nice Shrine going on over here highest level of disrespect yeah golden questioned our uh Beacon so we killed him oh that’s your beacon no it is don’t worry about it oh golden skeleton it’s the beacon of wood it’s not our Beacon what you mean sh F do you mean who’s luring dodgy blocks them dodgy be careful they put speed on it they put speed on it got oh right yeah well that speed’s kind of nice to to search if they had haste we’d be able to instam mine with an iron shovel yeah but only in that spot yeah but we could transport the beacon what if they put the beacon in the beacon no that’s not been there the whole time though unless what have they built it above it this the St what is that is that their Beacon no we would have seen that though that would have been someone else’s Beacon that they destroyed yeah I was thinking maybe that was their originally placed Beacon they just built on a fake Beacon of wood and then yeah okay also by the way they said they killed golden skeleton I think and he behind him and Ronin running in from where jq’s base was yeah I saw that I saw that they didn’t even have shields on so it looked as though they had recently died as well so I mean if you want to go over there we can we could do that invis Str we try go in yeah that’s a good play wait is Lally right yeah that’s them okay oh Oh by H why are they coming after us R we have aot we have some info yeah Ron is dead nice nice right let’s go over there quick don’t pop it yet don’t pop it yet let’s go over there quick they didn’t hit me once feeling like we’re in a Lobby full of nobs at honestly it feels like it with steamrolling everyone right let’s uh let’s be quiet if we can find where these are and if they come from over this way then 100% their base is here we’ve just got to try and see if we can find them lurking around here first it seems everybody’s built their base over in this Canyon it doesn’t look like there’s anything here at the moment there only Built a base yeah see like some I I think it’s a present than Bas I think he’s trapped the V is in there do you know what we should do we should invis up and go over to Onie right and and then just I’ll I’ll drop a and see if he’s like who’s that or if he thinks he’s a villager that’s worth wasting the in pot on pop the in quick oh we got to get over there quick he’s still somewhere here oh invisible he’s invisible there’s two people invisible two more villagers now [Music] this is our toilet we have a hey hey what are you doing buddy no don’t do this we’re villagers we’re villagers leave goo leave goo thank you thank you where’s Chris gone has Chris got a beacon uh I don’t know should we D D D D strip off got 1 minute 48 let’s see if we can make the most of it try and follow him Jesus Christ oh you’re right here he knows he knows all right leave him leave him I think we go back over towards where we thought Danny was I’ve not seen him since we killed him they could still be hiding down there thinking just scared there’s a lot of solo players that have not got a beacon so I don’t think they’re really the threat unless they form some sort of an alliance we might need to watch out he’s coming over again but there’s a couple of teams with still got two and their beac CS that’s the most loud SL quiet thing I’ve ever heard oh here we go golden and Ronin over this way again I know but I’m going to kill him first Wait no that’s Chris we can we’re chill right huh what we’re chill right surely let me real yeah who the [ __ ] is this who do you think you are leave me alone you weirdo you thought you were slick you weren’t slick at all bro you’re mad just cuz we know where your base is daddy he’s running he came from some he came over this way I hate having my gear off I’m not going to yeah it’s so scary like one crit and you’re finished an ax crit I think naked does like seven Hearts yeah and then died 10 seconds by the way where did Danny go we could have followed him he’s over there oh that’s Chris Luke Luke Luke’s just come from there he’s literally just come out I told you I told 100% they’re here 100% they’re here check this cave I think it’s this cave you know check everything around here oh sword come here you got it l L’s here Luke’s here go go go go go where is it where is it where is it see see see this see the sign up here wait it’s here it’s here oh go in quick oh my God I’m going to fall oh this is D Luke Beacon please spare us until later in the game thanks cutie this is later in the game too late let’s go nice I told you I told you there were something that was smart because it wasn’t even technically blocked up it’s out in the open we we we were so close to finding this so many times right next right here are you kidding me there’s a CR over here I see I see got his Beacon Chris have you still got your beacon come back have you still got your beacon he doesn’t he doesn’t seen element He got broke earlier he got broke earlier game game we’ve got to start eliminating these people we can’t start sparing them we might need we could be actually one of the last beacons left I think Ronin and golden and zeld looks there as well oh we can leave Luke now we can leave Luke a wait he’s going to get blocked off he’s going to go again around in circles flashbacks of earlier everyone just started popping out nowhere see if more inage people show up there’s another player Elemental that’s his teammate that’s his teammate watch out be careful there’s two of them now oh big talk when you’ve got a teammate huh come on yes let’s run it let’s run it actually I had forgotten I was muted oh oh oh I’m just ad ad your teammate left nice nice he got such a heavy hit on me he got such a heavy hit on me stay on him they still have their Beacon we do have our yeah he respawned I was trying to say say that earlier but I muted I’m a little bit behind Cal so be careful I think they’re over this way anyway to be honest go left go left let’s see if you can find Elemental there’s players here there’s players here who is it golden skeleton Fallen still alive and Ronin they I think they’re hunting go left go left go left again see if we can find Elemental I don’t see a name or anything where’s C’s gun your teammate needs help by the way oh why did he run what what’s he doing that way oh my God what is he doing where did you go they they they thought they thought I came up there we’ve not even died boys we’ve not even died yet yo yo yo relax relax relax yeah exactly yeah okay right let’s keep seeing we can find Elemental bro I turn around I was talking to you I turn around done just like that I I don’t know where you went your voice just kind of f fell down another rev I’ve got four stone on me I must have picked that up from Elemental four like actual okay we should check Stone then no way you said this hours ago and then it actually it it’s a classic classic Hydro hunt mistake having the block that you use to get in in your inventory huge mistake yeah cuz I did not have that before I ever have it no one stopped it and Luke and Danny’s base was incredible that was a really good spot even when I went down I missed it I’m on I’m just saying this might be our game every time we’ve said this in the past it’s not worked very well sooner rather than later though people are going to start getting the glowing effect that’s in probably like 10 15 minutes so after that point that’s when you can easily start finding where people are at especially when someone dies it’s like they just yeah you just look down and you see an orb underground you’re like oh well I think I know where they live Elementals there where he’s see he just crafted a boat oh yeah he came from like this way yeah left a little bit we could kill him and try and track it down again we’re slowly narrowing it down I think we have to take it think about eight even though we’ve been peaceful to him up to now team 12 are a threat long term yeah cuz they still got their Beacon should we break the beacon on top of that thing just in case yeahor oh they’re fighting they’re fighting they’re fighting we’re not fighting it’s just friendly en yeah we’ll take over this fight we’ll take over this fight thank you thank you wait wait you’re attacking me kill you mate no like them it’s 2v2 come on man a he’s so low that was just five hearts at least yes I got him I got him I got him nice good good good good his teammate’s behind us right okay right well let’s go over here and see if we can see Chris first oh who’s this okay let’s avide them let’s avide them let’s just see keep seeing if we can find Chris he’s the main problem because the thing is with Chris and Elemental it’s not really about their base location they’re good at PVP so all it takes is for one fight and they take us out and here he comes right now where are you going H where are you going we’re avoiding Elemental that’s lurking in the trees right behind you mate trying to find his teammate that we just killed we just take these should we just take these we just come on come come on we gold no way you run all this talking and you run like that that’s crazy what’s sword we’re getting yeah I’m good I’m good no I’m not no he cow’s dead I’m going to wait for CS to die if he doesn’t die then I’ll respawn I think he’s good I just need to get out of here the first death no almost a Flawless run I don’t see anybody nearby just go just go just go is this my loot oh this is Chris’s loot from a second ago give me all of this oh okay right I’ve got so much spare iron as well now perfect oh that’s put me right back on track and a diamond pickaxe hold up right I need some wood or a crafting table like right here let’s quickly make everything I need CS might be struggling so I need to meet back up with him quick hopefully they’re not all on him but the base is closed we don’t have to worry about it but the Flawless run is over man Ah that’s so upsetting would have been nice if we could have pulled it off I think a lot of my stuff may have burned Elementals coming from the left oh that’s Luke uh oh eventually I will get now it’s not when it will be or will it oh hell no like oh come on man I thought this was when you were getting your revenge nice oh I already killed Elemental don’t make me come for you as well not Elemental Chris I me wa he’s left me where the hell is C’s I don’t I don’t leave you oh okay let’s run it then oh that’s no my I’m I’m an honest one V1 and then you clean so I don’t feel like fighting this oh yes that’s the whole point hell no get away from us got me sweating I can’t stay near here cuz my base is nearby if I die here I expose the whole base the base is right around here I cannot die around here okay all right oh not he’s turning around oh oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no let oh no no no no no no no I cannot respawn now I cannot respawn no I have to respawn he’s right there I need to mute I need to mute did he see me no I’m going to have to sit here for a minute or two I’m hoping that c saw my death message and he’s going to come over to the beacon okay I’ve got everything I need I just need to get out and I don’t see anyone so I should be good right let’s just get out of here let’s get a crafting table down start crafting the armor we need let get myself an Axe and a sword let’s let CS know where I am CS is still yet to die what an incredible performance from him up to now that’s snipers void that isn’t cows snipers isn’t too bad at the game but could be an easy kill have you seen CS anywhere uh he was just with us but then he walked away you like the beacon of wood yeah it’s beautiful can I take a closer look yeah yeah yeah this is beautiful thank there’s nothing you’re not allowed to just stay with them by the way well this isn’t their base it doesn’t matter you’re moving around as a you look at this sign right here Reese it clearly says this is not our real Beacon would you be willing to let me break that to prove it no no no it’s the beacon of wood it sa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay okay is that cows yes I’m here wor I’m getting like I’m getting like 61 I think that’s that Beacon by the way I think that’s that Beacon what the wood I just asked can I break it then and they said no 100% we should we dig around and try and get to it but they’re not the problem it’s Team 5 2 and 13 have been chasing me all in an alliance to try to kill me I was trying to find you but I didn’t want to make it I thought I was him I was like you know what I’m going to prove I’m him I’m going to turn around and kill Luke right outside of our base that’s how confident I am and he dropped me so I had to sit still for like 2 minutes what what happened before was I think Elemental came and backstabbed you a back and then and then you were just dead from there disgusting were full Chase in here let’s go over here come on Callum Elemental was just here a second ago searching I don’t even have an iron shovel do you have a spare shovel or some iron you can take me than you I’ll just I also have a spare Diamond you can if you want that zeld okay who’s he looking down on hey we got to be careful here by the way CU there’s people around oh here he is who is it Chris Beacon’s five’s destroyed they’ve just been knocked out get him oh get him where was your beacon boy it’s gone apparently where was it though where was it tell us the good news oh don’t tell me goo betrayed me oh I hope you betrayed you so badly oh I missed the jump over there oh team team 13’s here as well all watch out watch out hey we might hey is it even worth chasing come back come back come back come back he’s on his last life anyway so there’s no point that’s that’s like that’s that’s a sort no okay John got it John got it we we left him we saved him start as well John my goat uhoh who’s this was that you that made that noise or someone else I don’t know get on the tree I swear someone made a noise it wasn’t you I don’t know it was like a A or was that you no oh all players have been given Glory right that’s Zelda that’s zeld up right there’s a player to the right that’ll be Elemental that’s who I saw a second ago uh no it’s snipers void see if we can get him anyway we got to get him you get away from we got to get him get him while he’s on his own get him while he’s on his own get him while he’s on his own by the time Zelda’s caught up he’s going to be dead nice got stuff damn yeah you guys split up too much n no I’m going back to my teammate right now don’t worry I’ll see him in a second underground somewhere probably or maybe even stood on a beacon who knows on the beacon or W possibly he’s dead hold up thato he’s dead he’s dead he’s dead he’s got me how is he not dead you’ll never find my Bas boost me boost me boost me boost me you can no wrong timing right oh chill chill I three hearts three hearts what do you mean not going my water bucket oh I just got you right does he spawn here does he spawn here maybe he’s delaying the respawn right wait let’s just double check then let’s try it right he’s been glowing again 14 14 people have been glowing right so he’s not here let’s keep it moving they’re probably running out their base right now they can’t shift if they’re like trying to hide under there by shifting they’re cooked we should see like three or four people over at this jail or whatever the hell was going on with these Villages see if one of us dies though we need to get out of the base as fast as possible bance Beacon been gone for like 3 hours blood weren’t you one of the first beacons out yeah I was the first second one maybe all right um I think first one was John fortnite if you guys keep me alive I can tell where Zelda’s Bas is where is it yeah yeah okay okay okay if you keep me alive okay I’ll keep you alive here I am look at me I’ll get my God outfit back on if it needed yeah put it back on send me a picture all right all right uh it’s on trust me it’s on I’m need some proof hey man you said it and I saw them come under of their base so where is it tell us no put the guard outfit on I I’m not putting it on come up okay then just keep me alive sounds like a okay oh kill kill yes Luke and I’ll tell you guys where it is cuz he we have killed him like three times and then he just hid ever since yeah he’s hid ever since but now we can see where he is so I mean all right well we’ll leave you alive again then Mr Master negotiator oh there’s so many people over here are they figh okay my just messaged me saying just kill yes Luke’s team and their base is yours the only problem is if we try and kill Luke and die we’ve we’ve lost our base yeah oh my God what in the world did you break our Beacon we didn’t break [ __ ] CRA nice more people coming more people coming Elemental and Chris they’re on their last yeah we could we could try and push these we oh hell no run run run come on I know you’re leaning forward right now in your chair Elemental so far forward so sit back man put those shoulders back relax a little bit Yeah Yeah I have I have I’m relaxed I’m relax I can feel it’s just so tensed okay leav [Music] him what did you want Ronan I saw you typing hey fight them fight them fight them guys come on no no no no no no no no ah I’m not having any part of this no no no no CH him CH him hey yo bro what’s up she re how my heat didn’t work what oh reys come on reys we’re going to get you I’m going to maybe try and lead them down into nap space bro you’re glowing we can see you bro where you going just just mine just mine on him I tried to get into Na’s base no CS has been eliminated no no CS run just run CS just run just run just run just run no I’ve they got it let’s go Revenge Revenge no please no please no not like this yes like this Revenge Call’s through yes no my revenge no

The last Hide Or Hunt episode – https://youtu.be/YubT4S3HEv8

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  1. Base ideaaa: make a waterfall like a 1 block waterfall and you can make it a 1 block to go in and the entrance is like to swim in to the waterfall and in a 1 block to go in and out

  2. I have 2 ideas and if I get picked then you can choose so 1st is under a flower any colour and 2nd in a one by one waterfall in a hill

  3. You should make a base if you can in a ruin nether portal pls I think it would be a good idea but only if you want thank you 😊

  4. make platform out of chest in the sky out of render and make it on a lake or smth cause chest can be invisible far enough

  5. Base idea: skybase at build limit above water so you can just drop down in it. Might get found with people with high render distance or while towering up but if no one notices that they probably won’t check especially if you use white or light blue blocks

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