Testing Clickbait Minecraft Traps That Are Real…

today we’re testing viral Minecraft pranks to see if they actually work on your friends starting with scary jump scare prank for your friend in Minecraft wait so how does this work okay oh wait does this pop up so they open the door oh wait this is brilliant wait this is definitely going to work all right so we’re testing this on my little brother Josh who’s in his house right over here okay I think the Bell yeah Bell goes over here oh dude this is going to work Josh gets so jump scared I’m telling you right now oh my gosh I’m panicking skull oh dude this looks so good yeah there we go bro like this was just scared me by just opening the door let alone it popping out okay now it’s time to test this one all right I want you to just check this out real quick okay I built this dope new secret base can you just explain why you’re like in half clothes no okay look I am literally I have the flu in real life right now so I can barely even see my screen like my eyes are blurry and stuff so I don’t but you actually have the flu in real life right now yes I’m pushing through all right so take it take it easy on me okay all right this will be quick then I just wanted to show you the secret phase so just press the button and then you can see what happens wait where’s it at the button dude right there there’s no button okay stand literally right here okay cuz I’ve got a piece of redstone right here so you stand in this block okay I’m clicking it okay stand on that block and then press the button well you keep deleting it oh my fuding God bro what the freak wait did that actually get you yes yes bro I need to see the slow motion in the in my freaking camera I actually feel bad though I feel bad the guy’s got the flu in real life and we just jumps here villager prank okay wait what are we okay what are you building are we building this like maze for a villager oh okay this that’s a lot of glass okay so now okay another dude it’s all everything has a sticky piston I swear oh it’s on every side oh wait dude I know exactly who we’re going to do this on okay so now instead okay instead of the Villager I’m going to see if I can get my friend Chase to step inside and if we get stuck in this infinite Loop oh I feel like Chase is going to be the best one to fall for this not for Josh all right let’s build it now most of it’s already set up we’re just going to have the finishing touches final touches okay we got to put down the stone block sticky piston no no face this way yeah then we put the slime block oh dude wait this is going to work too well man wait okay now we got to test this does it oh it actually works wait this is so obnoxious okay let’s get some more babies oh my gosh Mr look I got I I why did you scare me wait I SC yeah you got you’re why did I scare you I didn’t even do anything you’re have you seen your face lately okay look I what do you mean you’re a creep okay never mind never mind all right what’s up dude okay can you please come check this out look at this look at this okay I saw you building this what what is this yeah yeah yeah okay so I thought your house needed a little nice addition okay okay I mean I I think it’s pretty but okay all you got to do is just come over in here step on right up yo is this like an ice skating rink it’s yeah actually it’s actually exactly like an ice skating oh let’s go all righty so just like step in and then go oh that didn’t work what just what oh no okay okay wa all Chase look you figur out a way to get out I got a couple more things I need toest how long is that going to be now we got the fake nether house prank so I think this is supposed to make your friends feel like they’re in some kind of fake nether house so you head into the nether recreate your friend’s home okay so we can use world edit for this copy and paste our friends home oh wait then they log back in oh yeah cuz this house has no windows so they have no oh wait that’s brilliant this is brilliant so they try to go to sleep and then they’re just going to explode cuz they have no idea that they’re in the nether because there’s no windows in the house oh wait this is so good okay to make this to make sure this works I got to block up the door too this one we’re doing it again on Josh okay so I got the vanish mode on okay this is perfect this is perfect all we got to do make our two world edit selections here okay this should look perfect okay position two he has no idea we’re here okay anyways now we got to build another portal and then put this house inside I actually probably should build a little bit away from Josh I don’t want him to see this little sneaky portal action going down in the DMS guys so the good thing is is Josh doesn’t play a lot of Minecraft like it’s not his regular thing so I don’t think he even knows that beds explode when you sleep in them in the nether so he’s going to be so confused okay we want to do it away from the portal cuz there’s definitely going to hear it if we build it right there it really doesn’t matter where we put it I think we can genuinely put it anywhere oh maybe like wait right here is actually perfect oh beautiful beautiful yep and it’s so sick too cuz he’s got no windows already on his house he’s got the bed oh yeah this is it man this is freaking it all right so this command will make Josh respawn inside of this house so if I just kill him it’s going to be suspicious so I need to maybe spawn some mobs outside of his house all right and then just in case he tries to go outside the door let’s give ourselves some barrier blocks block this up oh but I don’t want him to see that it’s in the nether okay maybe uh all right you know what maybe he just won’t notice maybe he just won’t notice hopefully he just doesn’t notice it hopefully he just thinks man this is weird why am I seeing grass outside oh dude he’s wiggling around oh I didn’t realized I left this block here thank God he didn’t notice it okay let’s set the time tonight time set night let’s get ourselves some spawn eggs over here oh honestly dude uh yeah oh yeah like I was thinking about maybe spawning some zombies but I think the warden would be way better oh wait you know what he’ll notice us here’s what we’re going to do summon summon command oh yeah what the what is happening bro my whole screen is black what is that uh Josh is going to try to fight him isn’t he he’s not going to have any luck with that oh wait shoot we should go to the nether house we should go to the nether house right now oh my God it’s killing me bro no I’m actually cooked what the fudge okay you’re right you’re right you’re right hold on oh it two hit me he died the warden what the heck is the warden the warden is he in his house oh why did I put the so far away oh I found it I found it oh perfect he’s in he’s in okay it seems like it’s night time I I I think I’m going to go to bed oh please sleep please go into the bed because I don’t know I I’ve never encountered the warden like that and it freaking two hit me it didn’t even let me fight back to stop yapping and sleep in the bed what the yes Violet was killed by intentional game design what is an intentional game design I think he realizes he’s in the ne now this is the ender pearl of Doom Prank what is he doing here okay I’m trying to figure this out there’s this like bug where when you throw an ender pearl at trap doors that like wigs out oh they’re Australian this is perfect you do that to before was actually kind of cool no way he’s not going it doesn’t look good to look at it’s it’s only cool on your screen okay well yeah he show me to no back up back up oh this is brilliant okay so wait here’s what he’s doing here’s what he’s doing so he’s going to open up the trap door as soon as his friend throws the ender pearl which is stand far enough away but so you can’t that’s what he’s doing look at this look watch watch y oh no he’s dead oh wait this is so good man okay so we have like we actually have on our server an Enderman grinder and I think Josh is here right now meanwhile except I’ve got the trap doors right here so I’m going to try to open them as soon like I need to open these a split second before he throws this Pearl that way he hits the edge of the endstone and then falls in the void and dies oh dude but dud if I messed up my timing this isn’t going to work so please watch Until the End okay you know what this is Josh like this Enderman grinder yeah I know yeah yeah don’t worry I’m I’m locked in so you do know it’s Ender grinder though yes uh Ender uh what is it but then if you know this Enderman grinder then you know do you know the visual glitch though with the trap doors visual glitch yeah yeah so like if you throw the ender pearl at the trap door it’s on like your end of the screen but it has a sick visual can you just let me collect my end pearls in peace I need a more convincing argument yeah after you throw the ender pearl through here but you have to throw it at the middle one though okay guess how many in peos I have if you guess correctly I’ll do it I know probably like 37 no actually wait wait no four 12 oh you’re actually pretty close Okay because you were close here give me one second my man’s going through it do really do got the blue okay look it’s quick it’s quick so I recommend if you want the best visual glitch you stand kind of like right here and throw in the center of the middle one center of the middle one yeah so like line up kind of like right here Crouch and then right click to throw the inner Pearl but you can’t stand too close to it cuz like otherwise you’ll open the trap door you know what I mean right click on it okay what’s going to happen am I going to die what like what’s going to happen no no you get a sick visual glitch wait stand right here on this one yeah yeah yeah okay let’s line up line up line up line up L okay ready okay you sure you’re ready yes I’m ready I’m ready trust trust okay okay 3 2 1 go what no Preston I need okay I’m actually done trusting you after this video you don’t understand that’s like the oldest trick in the book dude this is a non-existent trick in the book who the freak does this who does this to their family look I know you got the flu now you can go rest I’m done with you okay this is a creeper M prank wrong it’s a dis what about this chicken your friends will never see this coming you use this texture pack and begin the prank war this is brilliant because the resource pack changes creepers into peaceful mobs oh dude okay I’m not doing this one this one’s going to be perfect on Chase oh yeah cuz he had the farm next to his house Chase is now I guess he couldn’t get out of the Trap he’s AFK which is perfect cuz we can kill all all these mobs and then replace them with creepers I’m sorry I’m sorry beautiful mobs it’s for the prank I know it’s for the prank please don’t hate me still AFK okay still AFK Perfect come on just a few more okay let’s take all their remains all their loot oh this is it baby this is where we replacing with creepers and the pery thing about this too is that the server that we’re playing on I don’t think any of them noticed it but literally this resource pack the same one in the video they they all have it on by default I’ve taken it off though but if I put it back gone these guys should turn into peaceful mobs let me see if it works and oh that’s crazy that’s freaking crazy wait so if I just spawn them this is nuts is that you I feel bad I’m disable this can you really not get out no and there was a skeleton that dropped in here at night time okay okay I got you please oh gosh Come on come on I feel so bad about this that I’m also going to let your anim out I feel like they deserve no PR don’t don’t let them out you know how long it took no no no okay no what have you done guys stop it oh depressed what did you do you destroyed my bed too wait hold on wait wait wait before you check these Bobs out okay do you know why they’re so angry at you wait is it something I’m wearing I want you to do something go into uh just had a just go go to options okay go to resource pack do you see uh do you see the not lives resource pack go and uh go turn that one off what is a not life just just take it off just take it off what is okay I’m taking it off what is oh my no no no no it’s so simple but it’s so good now put it back on put it back on oh gosh okay what psychopath made this I don’t know but like this is he kind of the goat okay that is pretty goated not going to lie so wait yeah wait for this you ready for this can you see this what what does this look like in my hand it look like a creeper egg it’s a creeper egg what oh no sick that’s so freaking good what the heck no no stop it stop it stop it okay okay but now that I know they’re creepers I I don’t feel as guilty at least my house is okay no no I can fix this no no I we haven’t backed up the server Preston please okay I actually built this house and I’m really proud of it no no no Preston server make me op make me up Preston what did you just do no no no no no no no no no no no no hey hey like this is like chase you do this to me every time this is payback put it up put it up yes sir this a still image I thought it was a what [Music] the no way that is freaking crazy dude there’s no there’s no way there no way don’t do it no so dumb dude there’s no way why are you so dumb Fox it’s too good to be true it’s it’s actually real what is this wait this is brilliant that looks so real wait I don’t think this one’s going to be clickbait can you tell me which one of these is fake is the left one fake or is the right one fake come on you got to decide cuz if you chose right you would have been dead yeah this one you got to jump through the ring and land inside okay okay let’s go oh okay I see the difficulty with this one these these are like are like four block squares okay yeah they are smaller okay I’m going to go straight to the what I landed in the water maybe my eyes are just playing Tri on I’m not going to do too much now I’m just going to just fall no no that’s the water and I’m not tripping this time notice any differences I can mine it bro it’s Maps freak off dude that is so annoying so wait would you say that this prank is clickbait or legit oh I’ll say it’s legit all right it’s definitely legit prank we’re going to be moving on to my best friend Chase with this that’s right if Josh fell for the fake water you can’t tell me that your friend wouldn’t fall for a fake mine cart that leads you into lava I this is beautiful I don’t think this one’s clickbait I think this one’s legit okay we’re going to build it right over here this is my friend’s rail to get into his little mining cave so I think he dug three or four blocks down filled it with lava like starting right here signs down okay I think I’m getting this right yeah put the signs down then the maps on top no that oh item frames sorry not maps yeah that’s so weird that you can place them like that yeah oh okay so if you get really close you can tell but if you’re like over here I don’t nah dude I would I would not notice that my friend Chase do me a favor and grab that mine cart and come meet me in the cave oh heck yes it’s Minecraft I’m waa wao I listen I’m wa what the why am I dying pressed I swear that is so oh my got come on man wait it’s pretty good right yeah that was that was pretty good this sheep is doing a 360 on your corpse well I just wanted to know actually like for science would the Sheep know that these are fake sheep knows come here sheep wait no ah [Applause] oh did you see it coming I really did not see it coming set up this ultimate end death portal when blocks through the P they’re actually saved for when a player travels through the portal so by placing and igniting tons of TNT oh wait wait did we see dream do this back when you know he wasn’t a musician and he was a Minecrafter I swear he did this in a Manhunt episode what what what you just let your friend go through first the Ultimate Death TR for the next all right this one might work so if I place a bunch of TNT and then ignite it and then go in it should explode me oh wait that’s so good dude oh I brought one more thing when we kill him I’m going to place down the banner okay it’s not blue land it’s freaking Red Land dude okay why would you freaking do this it’s freaking the Red Land dude you’re trying to blow me up you didn’t bring a portal did you no you freaking didn’t no you freaking didn’t what kind of person doesn’t bring a ender pearl to the end huh I don’t freaking know somebody who’s clearly not that prepared I don’t think this one’s clickbait I think this would have worked on anybody else other than a penguin I’m now pranking my other brother Caleb this is for a 5-year-old is the 5-year-old really good at Minecraft or really bad wait it just summons repeat oh my gosh dude this this is so dumb wait what is the command summon creeper God this might be clickbait but we got to test it the hardest part about this is me building the freaking thingy but I got to make it look pretty dude it’s got to look like a beautiful alluring you know just H magical magic nonsense I actually think I think it’s pretty good yeah Fudge You Joe you didn’t even tell me and it’s off centered dude oh it’s off centered I hate my life now tell me how to write this command so summon summon and it’s till day till day squiggly line squiggly line to squiggly line okay so squiggly line space squiggly line two space squiggly line I have the command now I can copy it ah look at that little control a action boom now we got two of them two of them baby now I got to do my my beautiful sign free diamonds look at that free diamonds all right now let’s see how dumb my brother is hello brother what I have found something in the wilderness it says free diamonds Preston you found this portal thing this portal thing in the wilderness I don’t I don’t know what it is it just says free diamonds and there’s two faces one pointing that way and one pointing that way free Diamond that hey yo wait I didn’t even die what the why are they all blowing up in my face dude I’m getting blown up this one’s not clickbait if you name tag a Vindicator Johnny it literally will kill anything inside this is the only mob in Minecraft that will do this and on top of that you can throw a potion of invisibility on him to make him invisible I cannot wait to test the sun chase just to prove that this is real this is a regular Vindicator spawn egg okay now notice he doesn’t attack the pig right in fact he kind of likes the pig but the moment you name this thing Johnny with a capital J and you apply it to this thing he’s going to go crazy look at this he’s out for blood then you hit him with an 8 minute splash potion of invisibility and he is just going to kill things you can see his axe that’s the only way way you know he’s coming the moment Chase steps out of his house onto that pressure plate it’s going to spawn the invisible Johnny vindicators come inside no you come outside I don’t want to come inside what do you think I will never be lonely in my life look at all my babies what the heck why are they dying what wait Chase junor Chase junor no wait what wait I freaking died wait what the freak yo we didn’t set spawn points are we idiots TPS back server do you oh yo what the heck is happening what the Preston why is there a floating axe Preston please stop this oh my gosh no no no trap chest TNT prank oh wow we going down dude this seems okay signs to make it float oh I don’t know man like this seems so obvious I don’t know if this is going to work okay so any place we can just build a 5x five 2 3 4 five 1 2 3 4 oh it’s kind of nice you a little cathartic dude okay what they they have okay then they filled the bottom in with TNT okay this is where we got to be careful not to actually step on it all right pressure plates on the bottom okay and then there was oh now this we got to be careful we got that floating sand block yeah I almost got me right there okay TNT then sand now it’s a sign on the side yes and you just got to keep build them off each other uh well no you need um oh my God bro we got to be careful not to actually step on it leave it in the signs hold the floating TNT now we got to remember oh it’s this one okay trap chest boom oh we’re so in baby Rob follow my eyes Robert we’re going to the end still yeah we got what do you mean still bro that that it’s always been the plan it’s this way you’re not even picking up your pearls what if we need you can pick up the scraps if you want dude you know what I will go and loot the chest myself then what chest this beautiful chest right over here let me get that I need some diamond yeah let me get that he says let me get that huh no God okay well I no please no no were you trying to like blow me up and take my gear what’s happening best way to what this is blasphemy all all your friends in Minecraft but it’s a little we’re not even friends we’re freaking enemies complicated so stick with me okay complicated this guy thinks he’s so smart hey please subscribe by the way not to Cam man but to me thank you very much all you need is a respawn anchor anchor glow St a glow item frame a map a spruce trap some Cobblestone and your stupidest friend bro who let this man get away with this was it you how did nobody tell me about this until just Stone like this and put the respawn anchor on the bottom with the trap door above glow stone in the anchor and shift what is a freaking what what is this anchor I’ve never seen this anchor in my entire life don’t mess that part up create the map and go near the edge and place one red wool then go back and place it in the item frame now get your friend and tell them that you found a glitch that let you place blocks through a map by doing this without crouching in anything besides full netherite they instantly explode I’m going to be honest I don’t want it to work as a c man respawn anchor goes down all right glow stone oh what the freak is this thing I got the glow frame shift right click otherwise it blows up oh yeah and then the trap door goes on top we need a block on top I still don’t know what a respawn anchor does but I will find out one of these days and I will report back to y’all okay respawn Anchor’s built red wool near the edge now we make the map near the red wool okay do we have oh oh there it is yeah look you can see the Red Dot on the map what the heck dude this is freaking crazy yo what come check this out dude what do you need Preston there’s a freaking glitch thing on the map I placed down my red wool on the map you placed down your red W I don’t know how it glitched look look okay do you see the close wait wait move move let me let me see next to the pond and you see the four sand blocks around the Red Dot Oh you mean up here yeah you can place it on the map now dot wao how do I should I just right click I think so ah pron you suck I thought I actually believed you dude honestly I’m kind of immortal kind of immortal yeah dude is this a TNT [Music] cannon oh wait wait this looks awesome bottom dispensers are the power that’s the power TNT okay wait so basically he makes it one block away then he connects everything with redstone but he starts with the bottom one wow oh my God wait this is just an auto TNT cannon okay now now if I remembered everything correctly which I can’t make no guarantees I think it was like this and then we had slabs down in the front yeah okay then we add more dispensers on top okay that looks that’s actually perfect okay don’t forget you need to have water have to have water on the inside or that thing’s going to blow up okay then back here we had what we had like this weird like this and I think he put the Redstone down now we’ve got this crazy repeating signal and then once we add a block right here it’ll connect the Redstone oh oh y I hear them dude listen to them purr dude and then once you add the one on the top then it activates all top three dispensers to start shooting out the scatter oh bro this is going to go crazy dude okay let’s we’re going to turn it off for now or not Slayer still has his home spawn area themed and decorated for Christmas and since this guy’s a Christmas monster I think we need to use the cannon on it listen here Slayer yes look it’s uh it’s almost February and you still got the Christmas decorations up on the server I just finished this build okay like just a little late like maybe Finish the build like you know at the end of November maybe like December 1st I’ll give you one chance right now to just get rid of it or I’m going to do it myself I can’t get rid of it it’s beautiful is that your final answer you promise I hey you said it not me you got no regrets no of course I don’t look I got Starbucks right here I know I appreciate the answer buddy I appreciate the answer but you got to go why it’s got to go oh my God what stop this is incredible how could you my stops Hey listen man it’s a skill issue buddy ah man someone say it’s a Christmas miracle that this wasn’t clickbait if you guys are loving this video as much as me please drop a comment saying that you love the video you know don’t don’t be B drop me a comment saying you hate this video that’s how I know it’s real now we got the house blow up prank and predictable okay just blowing up someone space that won’t work but if you take someone’s really really bad that base and you fix it for them and build them a completely new and really really fancy base that’s going to do a lot of emotional damage right there okay and then after you’ve done that you blow it up then after that you’re going to build them an even better base at that and then when they’re looking how bad and ugly their base is and it could be so amazing you blow it up okay now we’re just blowing them up okay Josh is this your house this is my house for someone who doesn’t play Minecraft that much I’m pretty proud of it it’s I was going to say it’s hideous and I’m actually going to do you a favor and give it a makeover but I need you to step back cuz a makeover yeah thank you and now I can do the clap there you go okay now we’re cooking all right all all right this is pretty sick I’m not going to lie perfect perfect wo wo wo wo wo wao wao I didn’t even get a chance to look at it look I’m sorry I’m sorry okay I feel kind of bad all right there you go now this place is pretty busy dude yeah this thing is so cool okay I will say the entrance of this is not based it’s not based I and I don’t want you to come in so what you might regret that why would I regret that no stop Preston just let me enjoy my house without my frames going to zero be honest on God how uh you know how obvious was this was this kind of clickbait or was this legit oh uh in the middle okay so semi clickbait okay we have a free Bedrock sign with a hole okay well this is obvious I see a douy there’s definitely a chest there and a mine cart so is that do you click the mine cart or the chest uh yo you click the lever with the Piston wait what oh no dude okay he’s he’s entity creaming that’s what he did so this is not that is not one mine cart it’s like 20 mine carts in one and no matter what armor you’re wearing entity cramming causes true damage meaning it goes through any armor I don’t care if you have somehow figured out how to get emerald armor with protection 75 it will go through it so the last friend that I have left is Majid I’ve got three separate challenges for him cact damage which he’ll pass this one which will spawn a bunch of TNT obviously he will he will almost die but it’ll still pass and finally we’re going to test the entity cramming by putting 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 and we might as well keep going OMG okay so I’m going to just test this without any gear [Music] on oh that’s sick hey yo hey yo dude hey you like the armor I like the armor machine I got a couple of challenges set up for you challenges oh this is going to be easy yeah I know you’re really proud of that netherite gear all right you think it’s going to protect you from everything but I guarantee you you will not be able to survive these three challenges yeah we’ll see about that buddy I I’m do pretty good on this CH hold on I will literally let you enchant your gear oh hey all right yeah I will literally let you enchant this with Pro four okay okay fine I’ll do some prop for let me get that on there all right take some of these books right here brother oh thank you hit that M boy up wait you’re just making this way easier for me thank you okay full protection four yes sir can you survive a cactus dude that’s going to be so easy what do you mean see it 5 Seconds really mean 3 four five bro this is literally so easy not bad all right you can get off the cactus now yeah give me the actual challenge bro boom take some of these okay now I need you to get inside of this hole uh what don’t worry about what comes next all right you know just take it take a there you go you know I’d ser you know what to do wait no wait no no no no no no no oh it didn’t how much damage did you take I took none cuz I have a shield buddy okay dude that’s so big brain the final challenge uh listen this better be easier you know I could drop this Shield if you want you know it’s just a hole you just got to go you just got to go in the mine cart that’s all you got to do what wait wait what’s happening Preston wait what’s happening why am I dying oh here we go pron no bro you didn’t even e full protection for netherite and it still penetrates ladies and gentlemen that is not clickbait that is factual skull sensor that has TNT on it at a tree and this is my first victim my brother Caleb okay here we are so as soon as he gets next to the tree oh and I I played it for years and years and years this is that creeper behind me like a what the freak you know what this is why I don’t play Minecraft guys and that was only our first prank we got we got 24 more to go we’re trying to look for the best prank possible on my friend Chase so check this out if we have two of these beautiful observers facing each other just like so make sure the arrows are pointing away from each other at the top all right so as you can see we got like a redstone signal infinitely repeating now can you take a guess at what we are going to fill this with I’ll give you just a second if you said votes you would be correct because the most obnoxious thing that we can do at this moment in time put a hopper on top of it surround this bad boy with wood yeah we kind of want to cover our prank up we don’t want him to know what’s going down in the you know what I’m saying okay but now this is when things get really obnoxious so we’re going to fill this thing up with as many boats as possible and what it’s going to do is it’s going to basically stack the boats on top of each other so when he gets inside it’s it’s I I can’t even explain it I just have to show you give me the boats look at how many boats are stacked on here all right this going to take a little bit so just give me a minute it’s perfect what looks like one boat is actually about 600 boats inside of one now I want to show you what this does but instead I think it’s better if we get chased to activate the prank all right we got Chase back on the server all right Chuckles I promise Bri I’ll take you across the river to the new base the only way this prank works is if he gets inside of the boat come on you got get in the boat buddy you me that boat Bri is going to be very happy all right come on yes wait for it wait for it get it what is happening what am I okay am I dreaming what is this wait did I just unintentionally end up helping him cross the the river yo this is sick okay I need whatever this is this is like yeah I’m just going to take one with me just in case this is really awkward we failed the prank oh no I didn’t feel like we got Chase good enough in that last prank how do we become even more obnoxious well because of the Chisel bookshelves Chase has all of his enchants in his chiseled bookshelves perfectly organized but what if we were to uh unorganized this this is the bad thing about chisel bookshelves is you genuinely can’t tell like if I replace this with regular books how’s he going to know he’s not going to know could you imagine like the amount of time he spent disorganizing these books for us to do this this is pretty good but honestly I think we can do even better this is the jump scare so we all know what skull sensors do but you can do some crazy things with them like if you have one down here next to a bed with a statue in a creeper head if you just come anywhere close this bad boy pops up and gives you a nice little jump scare oh no way this works this is obnoxious oh this is bad dude if you guys saw this too you could put like the mob heads on top of the uh the note blocks and then it makes that sound I we’ have no idea if the creeper was real or if it was actually attached to a note block like oh and then lastly too I don’t know if you guys knew this but you can actually use a piston what the heck was that okay okay well what maybe we don’t use the Piston oh but this is giving me so many different ideas I think we can use every single one of these on Chase to get him to quit the boat prank didn’t work on Chase but maybe this one will oh there he is all right we’re going invisible going invisible okay Chuckles right this yo Bri said she built me a new house but she didn’t say it was awesome are you telling me he likes this prank too he’s got to stop liking these best gift ever let’s go what’s that oh oh maybe that was just another what the heck oh don’t like these noises don’t yo I don’t like these noises is what is wait I saw a name tag was that a name tag am I crazy he’s crazy I promise I let’s let’s explore let’s did Bri leave me anything cool okay um yeah I’m done with the basement oh here he goes here he goes all right let’s that wasn’t a glitch oh I need to go change my pants I know they’re going to prank me every time now it’s time to prank my little brother Joshua all right and we got to explore a couple of pranks figure out what the perfect one is if you didn’t know bamboo is incredibly obnoxious because it grows so fast and if you just plant a couple of pieces of bamboo genuinely this stuff will be like fully grown in just 5 minutes and I want to bore you guys with the details so server can you please help me out oh that’s so bro look at this it’s already growing and I’m just standing here this would trigger me genuinely I would be so triggered it’s like a freaking jungle but I still feel like as annoying as this is we could probably find an even better prank okay dude dude do you see the prank yet huh how about now yeah this was a crazy short that went viral for the mumbo jumbo SMP where they just had like a pitfall trap in front of the nether portal and nobody noticed it’s one of the most simple pranks cuz you just need bone meal you dig out the bottom like this use a little bit of bone meal to make it uh covered up and genuinely you can’t even tell it’s there even if you’re coming close like it just kind of looks like dirts there but we can still do better this is like a morph prank with a data pack big shout out to gaming Barnes for this you can find the description if you want to all you have to do is type in SLT triggers space morph and you can select from any of these wait I got I want to try the pig what dude wait this is so cool how is it so fast wait and how does the movement feel oh it feels so good I genuinely look just like a regular Pig you can become a baby villager papa papa he’s looking down at me oh dude we’re so going to get Josh with this all right we got Josh on the server now uh can I slay all these pigs I’m slaying every single one of pigs oh God I don’t know how to get out oh my gosh you can hit multiple at a time I’m running away but how did one get out oh heck no come here no okay as soon as he chases me here’s what we’re going to do baby villager baby villager how did they get out hey why you killing me tiny villagers are those a thing you’re wasting my time I’m going back to slay the other pigs a bee what the heck no no no no not my house uh-uh get out of there no wait can I fly through this hole I can’t fit out of the window I’m going to hit you I’m going to kill you leave you’re not coming my house ever again oh guys I don’t think this is working this prank was terrible apparently so we got to go on to the next one dang it mining fatigue AFK trap possibly one of the most annoying because it’s set up right above an ocean Monument with our very obnoxious friend the Elder Guardian who of course will cause mining fatigue and because we have these regenerative walls even if you have a netherite pickaxe I don’t think you can break through these fast enough to escape but I need to test it first so without the mining fatigue you can get through but once you got the mining fatigue dude there is okay I got to like I’m going to even enchant this with efficiency not even close even with efficiency 5 and a netherite pickaxe he can’t get fast is there anything worse than mining fatigue in Minecraft if there is let me know in the comments I don’t think there is look at this oh I hate this one and I love it so much at the same time still I think we can do better if you watched our myth videos you would know that this next prank came directly from that video but if you waterlog a skulp Streaker it is completely silent and we’re underneath Josh’s base right now place the skull Sher down put the water bucket on top of it no sound absolutely 1,000 IQ you can see the particles wait actually if you cover it up can you still see it let me see you can’t tell it’s happening and even if he does it’ll be too late because the warden will already be spawned and he will be dead I’m following something and it looks so fun is he really this gullible that he’s going for the diamonds okay where is it leading me I don’t like this he stepped on the skull streaks he just stepped on the skull streakers I don’t even know if Josh plays enough Minecraft to know what he just did chest what oh my God it’s actually unlimited diamonds the warden should be spawning any second now okay I don’t even know what to do with all these freaking riches in my inventory I’ve never been what was that noise what the fudge was that noise oh my God that’s going to chill down my spine not to mention I can’t see Josh is such a noob at Minecraft I don’t even think he knows that he summoned the warden um something is like off about this what the fudge I’m in the I’m in the ground oh my God oh my God oh my God I didn’t even see that I didn’t know he was going to appear from the ground what is that wait does he really not know the name I’m going to fight it oh no Josh you can’t fight it Josh you oh my God it’s going to one hit me oh so fast man the warden really is like an actual demon huh now we need to find the perfect prank for Rob this might be a the snow trap prank which you could put beneath the ground so obviously it’s not a you know massive uh obvious structure but essentially if you fall inside here you get stuck and you will just freeze to death because of the Redstone and the Pistons that are constantly pushing the snow up even if you try to mine out like I’m I am holding left click right now it’s so bad before you can break the snow block you keep getting launched back up by the sticky pistons with the Slime but the bad thing is if he has a shovel on him I think he might be able to get out of this so I think we need to find a better prank did you know that if you have a moss block like so and it’s on grass then you feed it bone meal it will spread Moss forever look at the Moss it just keeps spreading it’s like it’s like an infection taking over okay this is it’s okay you know what it kind of just makes your place look pretty I don’t think it’s a good option there’s got to be a better prank I think I found the perfect prank for Rob he’s a little bit sweaty all right he likes to think he’s a competitive gamer that’s why I’ve set up this beautiful parkour trap so if you fall down here if I can get him to chase me which I think I can you come over here if you jump too early on the glass you fall to your death no matter how hard you try to stop it that is a very painful death ladies and gentlemen but if you jump later you perfectly land on this and you’re safe and sound that is why I believe this is the perfect prank for us to pull off on him one sec let me make sure my settings are good oh my gosh dude it’s so funny cuz I already said that you were the sweatiest gamer alive and now you are you got to check my settings huh he thinks he’s better at csgo and you’re just not um definitely better at CS go than you yeah okay what about the game of tag bro what bro bro what I didn’t even respawn near you spawn again I’ll give you another chance come on okay you coming down or what seems like some sort of trap there he goes here he goes yeah yeah what I shouldn’t follow you just just okay I’ll I’ll come down bro I knew it was follow me again come follow me again you were supposed to fall in the hole the prank didn’t work I couldn’t even get him into the hole cuzz he kept dying on the entire parkour course I don’t know if this is failed or successful you have to let me know in the comments we got the skin Camp Flowers prank Hey Hey listen hey spelling is hard okay now we got to find the perfect prank for our friend Slayer do you know is anything different about this bookshelf I’m going to give you a couple of seconds if you saw it you got big brain because that’s right we got a camoflaged little bookshelf guy just just chilling over here what about this one notice anything different oh yeah what do you think this is the camouflage prank this is an OG prank going back to probably I don’t know like 2015 2016 this was so popular on Hypixel and bedw Wars SkyWars and so many other mini game modes and it’s really hard to tell to be honest like especially if you’re far away I I don’t think I would notice this but slayer’s also been around for a long time on the channel so we might notice this we can do better what about the Sleep stopper prank this is incredibly obnoxious because if you just want to sleep so you can get to the daytime but you can’t do it and you just can’t find that mob that’s doing it that is why you just dig down a little bit I was going to use skeleton eggs and I realized skeletons make sounds but creepers only make sounds if they’re about to explode so we place them down inside of this area now that we got the creepers down here no matter what you can’t sleep until you can find out where the monsters are I feel like he’s going to notice this right away so we can’t use this prank I need a better option I think we found the perfect option Slater has been building this beautiful strip mine to find some diamonds which is why I placed some beautiful diamonds just a few blocks in front of his original strip but there is a catch we’re going to build just a Non-Stop gravel Tower above and all the way around the diamonds as well so he won’t be able to get to them until he gets rid of every single last piece of gravel let me just show you how this works come over here you break this even if you have a torch and you place it down beneath you will just be sitting here waiting for forever well once the gravel stacked high enough that is oh dude that is oh we got a lot of gravel dude it’s it’s infinite gravel around the diamond so no matter what direction he goes in he going to be waiting here for minutes oh there he is sliders back on the all right I’m back had a nice dinner got myself a cheese toasty Al no what what is this skin oh he’s so close to the gravel don’t forget the diamonds are right behind this gravel plus saw my Diamond D earlier it wasn’t fun this is the moment dude we have infinite blocks of gravel directly above Slayer don’t forget oh here he go he’s here yes place the touch the second break the gra Boom Like Diamonds glorious diamonds come to me wait oh my God it’s never ending can’t be that much gravel there right but please I I need the diamonds wait how much more gravel is above him we’re just going to go around it oh he’s trying to go around you’re kidding me right I think this is my favorite prank so far it’s just it’s so obnoxious oh he’s trying to use TNT no I pull up the diamonds [Music] left now finally I want a prank that can get everybody on our server I think siphoning people’s items out of their chests is the perfect prank so just build a build hoppers down here he look at all them diamonds it would be a lot better in my chest I think so if you just go underneath look at this we’re now going to put our chests right over here now it’s looking good check this out boom siphoning all them diamonds okay now we got to hide this cuz this would be way too obvious if they saw these if they saw these offers and then come back around to my chest and as you can see the sharpening is working but the problem with this one is like you can kind of see the hopper on their side so I think we can do a little bit better than this what do you guys think about this gorgeous house huh looks so nice except for when you step on it you got magma blocks under the carpet it’s actually very obnoxious but also they could just sneak so it’s probably not going to get them for very long again I’m telling you we can do better oh we going deep in this one all right for all the new players I come under a server this is a classic one you got the Anvil on top of the tree it’s simple and cute but it’s too simple there’s got to be a better option all right ladies and gentlemen I’ve already set this one up because it’s the best prank for everybody in the server this is Chase’s house which we just kind of uh use for everything including our nether portal and other storage items let me show you what this thing does you got to go through the nether the prank happens on the other side of the nether once you go through and you don’t have a flint and steel you step over here and breaks because of the lava and the dispensers it’s so good oh no no I forgot my flint and steel oh no what have I done oh dude wait the only way for me to get back now is to somehow go get wool and hope that the bed can activate the nether portal guys I think I just pranked myself wait no don’t end the video please wa I need to escape the nether first

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Shoutout to this LEGEND @Hi-ue1et for beating my score in the Minecraft Rush YouTube Shorts effect! Check out their Short here: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/-2e4Xe1Ey5g


Additional music provided by Epidemic Sound
Click here for a free trial! http://share.epidemicsound.com/TBNR

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