Beating Terraria But the World is EVOLVING

welcome to Terraria but the world keeps mutating joining the world will illustrate what I mean both upon joining the world for the first time and after the first time I kill any boss I will be presented with two options that will change the world forever there are some unique changes like soulbound here and some that are more simple like enemies dropping less gold other mutations can affect damage output Total Health the damage dealt as well as many other things but there’s no telling which two mutations will appear after each boss so I decided to choose soulbound which makes it so the rare enemy will spawn with an aura and I can’t hurt any enemies within that aura other than the one creating it we have our first soulbound enemy already okay so can I okay so I can hit him so does it have to be in the aura how does this how does this work okay now it’s in there okay so I can still hit it from time to time it doesn’t look like it’s fully working but now now we know what that looks like there does seem to be some bugginess with this effect I chop down trees and flatten spawn I also wanted to mention that there will be another mod we’ll be adding later that will create even more Randomness a modder I know was thinking of creating the mythical modifiers mod and it wasn’t until I was starting this that I decided to launch a pressure campaign for him to actually make it game Raiders made a video about the mod maybe a day or two after it’s release and this won’t come out until probably a few months after that but all that is to say we’re going to start pretty simple and get really crazy I was trying to find a cave but there was nothing and this tree grew iMed immediately after planting it which is just fun to see and I collected some cactus in the desert I found a w sparking on the other side of the desert and there’s this really cool world gen here never seen anything quite like this before I want more cool world gen like this I continued into the Crimson which I never do at this point in progression but there were a few chests that I needed and at this point I’m too committed all right CRA you got nothing on me you got nothing on me nothing nothing get juked get juked all right all right all right we’re going to dodge this other one oh oh oh oh oh there we go and H come on jump jump on block there we go come on come on come on oh no no no don’t get hit don’t get hit look at that look at that I am a master at the oh oh no ah okay we’re not surviving or maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe oh there’s another chest right there but also what’s that what’s that with that generation what is this world gen I set up the base and because there were no immediate caves I started the elevator and found band regen along the way I continued mining until I fell into a glowing mushroom but I only have a copper short sword and there’s a bunch of bats I figured I might as well try to keep on mining since fighting is clearly not an option float down float down and that did not work out the way I had hoped it would money no they want to pick up the oh oh great please hold them back oh yes oh yes copper short swword for the win oh let’s go oh no uh oh no come on breathe breathe okay okay okay oh this is way too close stay over there buddies there we go okay now we got the undead Miner it’s just him okay stay stay away I do no damage I am here and there’s money right there it’s right next to me I got to get it and I I can beat these guys it actually dropped the bone pickaxe I got the bone pickaxe on the first skeleton I killed the luck on this is absolutely insane this thing is just as good as a gold or platinum pick if I’m not mistaken that’ll save me so much time oh and I do have one quality Life mod which is double mining speed so if it seems I’m mining very fast that would be why when I went home I was hoping to be able to make some armor and weapons but only got the cactus chest plate and helmets not even the leggings back in the glowing mushroom I did find the bone pickaxe could mine crimtane which I’m fairly certain is a gold of platinums here and after quite a bit of Mining and exploring I came across my second soulbound enemy pretty sure the mutation said enemies have a 2% chance to spawn in with one of these mutations so I shouldn’t run into them very often now I have been exploring and mining for quite a bit but I haven’t found anything there’s no treasure at all maybe a few heart crystals but nothing so when a fairy showed up and led me to the desert I figured I might as well follow now I think the desert is considerably more difficult than the available loot is worth I can hardly ever go there this early in the game but I might as well considering how I haven’t found any treasure anywhere else the fairy should bring me to something but then it kind of just flew away on its own and things didn’t go well from there so great oh 17 gold a I thought I’d explore the left in the hopes of collecting more Cactus but Noe that was not that was not the right oh three more gold I forgot to drop off okay I really need to get my money back I this is too much to leave behind I wanted to try to get the money on the surface first but then I encountered another soulbound enemy So in theory I shouldn’t be able to damage the other zombie in theory so let’s actually test it a little bit I shouldn’t be able to hit the other one uh but I did um I shouldn’t be able to damage yeah it seems like it’s a little buggy a little inconsistent with uh how that works and I forgot to drop off money again I returned to a round of where I was when I died in the desert and see if maybe the larger chunk of money I lost down there was still around and I stopped really quickly to M this crimine which should give me enough for a blood butcherer and to my amazement these ant lions have my money I just need to not not die I made a second trip there they are give me my money give me my money oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh okay admittedly this is not going very well but I did get the money on the next return trip and then went off to the desert for Treasure oh I worked so hard to get the gold back and then it just a I made a blood butcherer and Tenon bow with an awful modifier and then finally found my second gold chest after having played for an hour what does it have a band of regen the one and only thing I’ve already found another band of regen well ain’t I the luckiest man on Earth that was sarcasm I walked around the treasure room to see if there was anything else and ran into another money problem oh gosh darn it things have hardly been affected by mutations at this point and I’m struggling so much this is only expert mode too and before you go oh only expert mode not even Master mode SMH my head I intend on defeating every single boss and the mutations could easily make enemies and bosses overpowered beyond all belief so I figured it’d be smart to start an expert so this challenge does not become the worst experience of my life I fought a blood moon for a hot second and then returned to the spider cave from earlier and stumbled across two heart crystals finally something helpful there was a glowing Mushroom in my Max health is looking better but I still have only one accessory excluding a depth meter a bat drop but that hardly counts I even found another golden chest but it’s got an extractinator there was another chest which was trapped so I removed the traps and opened it there was another explosive gosh darn it I jumped down the elevator to get the chest darn it and the next time I used the umbrella in my hot bar smart and then finally open the trap chest with hermes’s boots okay finally something I can use and because everything has sucked so far I drank a teleportation potion to see if maybe I’d find something oh sweet right next to a jungle house epic what a good po mace what a half decent potion I tried exploring but was quickly overwhelmed with enemies it’s too bad I didn’t get to do too much in the jungle but I do have another teleportation potion which just so happens to bring me back to the Jungle next to a heart Crystal with an ivy chest with a sta for regrowth which is okay I guess and thankfully there were other chests one with a feral claws there was a life crystal in a lake and two more living mahogany trees the first had an inklet of wind a golden chest outside of that one had another extract Ator and the other tree had another feral claws we’re finally finding treasure and getting on a roll another tree had a Boomstick a golden chest with a pair of hermus boots and two more hard crystals the amount of loot here is actually kind of insane and the eye is primed to spawn without a cloud in a bottle or any Arena to speak of I’m not sure I can beat it I figured I’d give it a try but only after checking this last chest with yet another pair of Hermes boots man I could have used a cloud in the bottle I teleported home healed with the Nerfs and to my utter shock and amazement I am able to actually beat the I cthulu giving us our next pair of potential mutations one increases boss health and defense by 10% and the other allows regular and boss enemies a chance to heal for a percentage of the damage I deal to them I allowed chat to choose all mutations from this point forward and they selected bad server in the end both of these have a very similar effect but the bad server one heals all enemies as opposed to only affecting bosses I think tough guys would have actually been a bigger buff but now I got to deal with Annoying enemies healing themselves and now it’s the part of the show where I come outside with a grab potion and explore the skies for every possible Island which I did have enough potions to actually do so I got all the things and I enjoy wrapping up these searches by seeing if there’s water walking boots in the water chest often found at the bottom of the ocean kill the shark the shark D faster faster faster please kill the shark D kill the shark faster please I need the ah get the get it get it get it get it ah there we go very nice very nice indeed okay hold on we need to take some time you know organize what we’re getting here very good got to mine up the chest awesome now I’ve killed the ey so I might as well kill King Slime now so I crafted a slime Crown watch me lose it’s going to happen I should be more than capable of beating this boss but it would seem that I jinxed myself oh wa wait wait wait just a second I did end up winning okay I I I I won I I didn’t lose okay don’t don’t make fun of me and I’m presented with two more options unhealthy diets and sticky slimes either my health will be reduced or slimes would become much more annoying I was convinced my chat would vote for lowering my health but they actually went with sticky slimes instead so now I can’t jump and my movement speed is incredibly reduced when close to slimes I test it with a green slime and I have to be really close for the mutation to take effect I’m convinced this won’t be an issue at all but slime rain could be a problem for sure with slimes figured out I got to organizing my chess always organize your chess kids and to reinforce this I’m going to go into depth about my every decision on how I organize chests I leave and blow up a crimson heart you didn’t actually think I was going to explain the whole process right right that was obvious right and this is the point I added the mythical modifiers mod there’s a lots of changes made so we’ll get into them as they appear oh you can you can already see it you can it’s tin little squirel explosive ladybug wait hold up oh look at that okay so we’re already seeing some interesting changes but there is one in particular I am just uh dying to see I call it the horde modifier we’ll we’ll find it eventually for now I’m mining for platinum and found myself in the underground Tundra where I farmed a few flinx for fur I’m still in need of a double jump and so I figured I might as well search the tundra to see if I could snag a quick blizard in a bottle oh my good no no no no no no no oh I don’t like this oh I don’t like this your projectiles are still the same okay okay we’re fine not a fan of these tiny enemies but I did just so happen to get the blizzard in the bottle already and right next to it is a pair of ice skates so who needs a tund anymore I was going to leave but a massive vein of platinum kept me there for a hot second as well as other interesting happenings what the heck we found a first case of gigantism oh that’s so cool wait does can I hit any of it oh that almost makes it easier now I can hit any little part of it and it works it it dies back to the surface where the Goblin Army was approaching I was B to make full Platinum before they arrived and considering how this is an event with a lot of enemies it was inevitable that a lot of the modifiers would rear their ugly head oh oh now that is a goblin Warrior there we goo that was kind of actually underwhelming but it was cool to see also oh what the oh oh they’re invisible oh oh what is happening oh oh no oh that one’s explosive okay hold up hold up hold up oh oh it’s not that it’s invisible it’s duplicating oh oh oh no oh that is very not good that is very not good we have so many warriors um okay we have only one option carpet bomb carpet bomb carpet bomb carpet bomb Oh okay there we go we slowed him down we slowed him down holy oh Boulders they can drop Boulders that was the first duplicating enemy we’ve run into it looks like oh oh oh wow that that was actually kind of helpful thank you for that knock bag oh I just saw one of them heal I think they got a Healer what’s this dark one black hole what does that mean what’s the black hole one oh that’s the one that summons The Boulders okay now I know I don’t even know what all these mutations even are oh that’s okay so they can spawn Giants projectiles too good to know oh oh oh the bird the bird’s explosive the bird explode the bird the bird got him goblins dead time to find the tinkerer what different Sigma oh it’s different segments can be different sizes thankfully it was pretty easy though I did just about miss him tinkerer oh there he is why isn’t he glowing I have a potion he is glowing his name is nort all right guys how to thank today’s sponsor nort when I returned home a fantastic surprise arrived bunny massive bunny chunky bunny he’s as big as I am he’s also glowing as a hunter potion boom look at him he’s my new best Palo here get get inside get inside come on go go for it come on I know you can come on there you go good boy good boy good boy now his name is Jared and he is mine all right Jared you put him in a ug net I mean yes but I don’t actually wait I catch him really maintain the mutation I don’t think he’ll maintain the mutation all right Jared you’re getting in the net wonk and will he still be Giants oh it’s too bad that he isn’t giant at all times but this also has me curious that if I catch a bunch of these passive mobs and start releasing them would they all have a chance of spawning in with a modifier could I get a box fill it with bunnies and get a bunch of different mod on them I don’t know all right hold on we need to carry Jared with us all right Jared let’s that actually start me he’s not even touching the ground here comes the squirrel you want to do anything no no all right Alexander you’re mine we have an Alexander and we got Jared remind me of these names I will forget them Jared and Alexander let’s go these two mobs will never leave my inventory now I headed to the Crimson to set up an arena for the brain cthulu did that blood crawler just teleport oh it’s a teleporting it’s a teleporting spider let me know in the comments below what are your thoughts on teleporting spiders how would you like to see these things in real life and if not teleporting spiders how about one of these oh my goodness that is die oh they’re duplicate oh oh that is so so many spiders oh there’s another giant one why are there so many giant spiders I was finally able to set up the arena made a blade of grass and Jester’s arrows to prepare for the fight and broke the last of the hearts to spawn the brain um Mir little buddy oh look at all those normal oh we even got an explos oh my goodness I was really worried that the creepers would start duplicating but thankfully they did not however I did want to mention one thing with the brain and Eater of Worlds there are a lot of separate entities as we saw earlier different segments of worms can have different modifiers that applies to the Eater of Worlds of course and the creator of the mod showed me that while play testing if the Eater of Worlds got the duplication modifier then the boss would replicate so many times that it took several minutes to kill it with the Zenith and God mode enabled that won’t happen anymore but he left a config option to turn that back on so if you’d like the ultimate eer of World battle that is an option of course once the brain died we’re facing two more mutation options we got tough guys again and small annoyances which doubles the health and damage of all enemies with bat slime and piranha AI it also would seem to impact Hornets what did chat vote for small annoyances it would seem they want to make all the regular enemies much tougher but they aren’t touching the bosses which as we low key relieved but if regular enemies become too powerful then I could run into a problem like with slimes they now deal double damage have twice as much health and just about remove my ability to move while near them that did have me wondering if King Slime counted as one of these slimes that preventive movement as well as double health and damage so I summon him and turns out he doesn’t count only the regular slimes do but there was a problem because once I killed him wait what it’s supposed to be only the first time you is it every time oh no if I have to farm bosses am I going to be oh no evil presence makes me weak in the crimson and bullet hell turns all underworld enemies in into imps basically chat voted for bullet hell of course since I’m basically done with the Crimson at this point and haven’t explored the underworld at all yet a kill King Slime again to verify if farming bosses result in mutations but then I didn’t get a new one so I had to conclude this is likely a bug but for my purposes it just means anytime the world resets the first time I beat a boss I’ll get a mutation so I’m going to have to make sure I get everything I need before ending a session or else this could get out of hand really quickly especially the mechs I cannot Farm the mechs after coming back onto this world glowing oh glowing teleporting I guess chaos zombie oh no now we now any enemy can be a chaos Elemental oh he won’t stop following me leave me alone Jeffrey leave me alone Jeffrey ouch don’t make me kill you Jeffrey I love this zombie just following me across the world ah he got me no leave Jeffrey alone no don’t kill Jeffrey no oh flinks why’d you do that I set up a desert house next door to the dungeon which is super convenient and then I visit the desert to grab the con really quickly I was talking with with chat while I was doing this and I’m just going to leave this here out of context the time I got reincarnated as a slime and beat Terraria I found the Conch and the main reason I wanted it was to teleport to the ocean so I could start the Shimmer search and I’m also going to try and find the the Shimmer here thinking it’ll be like right [Music] around right around here and so I started and so I started tossing dynamites did I not tell K you did I not kill you right below me let’s go and there’s a crystal right here for my convenience Kaboom I am stupidly proud of that anyways I set up the Skeletron Arena and killed the spinny skull we have martial arts and weak stomach increased potion sickness or increase the health of all enemies with the fighter AI by 20% we’ve already increased the damage and health of a bunch of enemies with minor annoyances and so of course chat voted to fur buff other enemies we’re just making this into Master mode at this point and we haven’t even killed all of the prehard mode bosses yet what enemies have fighter AI anyways well here’s the list it’s a lot longer than I thought it would be and of course it includes the dungeon the place I was just about to explore curse you chat I love that we buffed all dungeon enemies by 20% immediately before going into the dungeon that’s my favorite I am big fan what is happening with with that skeleton what the heck is he cated this guy’s acting like a bon Le oh wait a minute a caffeinated bone Lee caffeinated isn’t a mutation it’s part of the randomizer and I genuinely have to find a caffeinated Bon Le or else I will not be happy the thing will probably Move Like The Flash this dungeon also has awful generation and by that I mean it generated like a real Dungeon so I love it and I hate it the dungeon slime down here also got 600 Health they’re tanky as all get out and there’s a bunch of Choke points in this dungeon where all the enemies whose Health were just increased won’t stop spawning it took a solid 10 minutes in the dungeon to finally reach my first golden chest and just look at this world gen this dungeon is so hard to navigate Relic can we make more dungeons like this this is genuinely fun and is much more Dungey than I feel like most dungeons are anyways the high enemy spawns meant l lots of modifier possibilities oh my goodness why are there so many skeletons why leave me alone I want to get the chest up there oh my goodness oh star Fury Yes mine up the chest oh of course it drops a boulder treasure chests can drop Boulders sure why not I got everything I needed so I returned home and I got to be honest I got real excited here but I’m not sure I actually heard it right see owls and ducks have a chance of a human voice saying quack or who and I have been waiting forever to hear them so let me know if this is actually it the owl said who it actually said it it said it said a it was a voice it was a voice all right come here you come here you guys do you can you believe that this owl this owl right here said can you can you believe it guys wow that’s that’s crazy man look at that see there he is the one who ho and you just can’t ask for such a perfect coincidence the giant owl looking after his pupil the tiny owl the one who totally said who the owl big this is kind of wonky looking look look at this do you know how many licks it takes to get to the center of a choie pop let’s find out one two a three how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop the world may never know okay that’s enough of my craziness this series will continue next week and this was the easiest section by far because I have decided to kill every boss and the bug that allows modifiers to repeat with previously killed bosses after reloading the world who knows how many mutations will happen and how detrimental they will be to me this world only gets more difficult the more we play so I’m nervously preparing myself mentally for the coming [Music] disaster

What would happen if the world became stronger after every boss you killed? Well, that’s what I aimed to find out. Every time a boss dies a new mutation will be added to the world which can have a range of different kinds of effects. I’ve also added the Mythical Modifiers mod just to add a little more randomness to this ultimate Terraria challenge.

*Mods Used for Mutations*
Mythical Monster Modifiers
World Mutators
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*Terraria Original Soundtrack:*
*Terraria Otherworld Sountrack:*
*Calamity Mod Soundtrack:*
*Mod of Redemption Soundtrack:*
*Core Keeper Soundtrack:*
– Axolotl Pet, New Animations, New Shields, Shadow Armor Revamp, Color Buffs, Colored Emblems, Chinese Moonlord, Tomes retextured, Desk dragon, Better World Icons, Colored Boss Relics, Pylon, Crabby Angler, Dryad Deer, Eevee Fennec, Cyborg, Clockwork Dragon, Kobold Invasion
#terraria #gaming


  1. hey throarbin, what do you think is a good way into consistantly uploading videos, i wanna be a terraria youtuber!!

  2. ‏‪3:49 the bone pickaxe is actually way better than the gold/plat pickaxe, being the fastest pre hardmode pickaxe with a mining speed of 11, compared to gold pick which has 17 and plat with 15

  3. I doubt you will see this, but if you do. You can hold down with the umbrella and fall at normal speed, but no fall damage. It makes going down a hellivator way less stressfull

  4. Oh my god this is exactly like magic survival i love that game. Once you get enough mana from collecting or killing enemies you get to mutate yourself and in some rarecases mutate the monsters arround you. Its a steady evolving game

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