i’m soooo happy! and i’m excited to finally be able to unmute this sub once i start playing lol. i usually play mobile or on my switch, so i’m experiencing 1.6 for the first time. idk why the thought to buy it on mac didn’t occur to me earlier lol. i’m also super excited to start playing modded stardew. -^ best game and community ever <3

by st4rblossom


  1. Previous-Jellyfish-9 on

    how did you get it on Mac?? I haven’t been able to access Steam on mine!!!

    I’m dying to play 1.6…

  2. mrdankhimself_ on

    I did the same thing last week and have already had multiple WHOA! moments😁

    Stardew Valley Expanded is a great mod to start off with if you’re already familiar with the base game.

  3. You champion. If you were going to live anywhere in Pelican Town, where would it be?

  4. I’m personally at 4 copies now.

    PS4, Switch, Mobile, and PC. Worth every penny. Especially on PC where you can go crazy with mods.

  5. animalstylenopickles on

    I did the exact same thing you did like 2-3 weeks ago! I’ve already got over 200 hours invested in a new play through, don’t judge ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51697) I’m on summer break! I love modding! It’s my first time ever doing that and it’s a game changer after years of playing this and grinding so hard. I refuse to get the cheat mod but so many of mine are “quality of life” my husband calls them. I’m so happy for you! For us ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51693)

    What kind of mods* are you into??

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