#2 Stardew Valley (New Slow Farm!) w/ Bryan & Amelia of Dechart Games

hello good morning is anyone alive out there my brother and I watched the VHS of Titanic which is arguably one of the more influential films of our childhood it had two vhs’s and in this VHS you could also for the first time for many of us see a breast or two a breast or two you could find it if you knew the time you didn’t even have to watch the whole movie but it doesn’t matter even with that and the sinking of the greatest ship ever built apparently not the favorite line the best moment of the whole thing that we just loved for ourselves was the guy on the boat at the end who was yelling is there anyone else alive out there and the orchestra and the bards we need to slow down I need to slow down I’ve been awake a long time but I still feel asleep and unslept that’s right can you imagine being someone who’s search and rescue like what a heroic I mean is there anything more heroic than search and rescue maybe being a paramedic but that’s right there you know an EMT or a nurse um anyway I don’t know why I’m thinking about this but is there anyone else alive out there I just really am grateful you know what it is I got to get all the chats up on the big monitor is the feeling I want you all to be enlarged everyone press X to enlarge yourself would you would you enlarge yourself enhance take up more space in the universe if the universe is expanding then expand with it poets like E Cummings used punctuation and spacing or lack thereof to emphasize the way they intended to speak the words written on the page this is a poem by E Cummings I will wait out I will read this poem to you if you will receive it but mostly for myself as we go into our peaceful playthrough in stardew we are going on the most peaceful we are protesters we’re peaceful protesters our name is slos SN we we live in the wilderness we read poems peacefully to protest anything that’s not peaceful anything that does not bring peace anything that brings unrest and UNP peace I don’t know we’re still working on the phraseology you know and we’re working on the goatee it’s it’s a rough draft as I see it on the on the camera you know it’s for it’s for it’s for DN D reasons we’re playing balers gate three and I’m and I’m I’m kind of on the fence honestly I don’t know if I want to have this cuz I have a baby we have a baby the baby is sleeping obviously amus should we would you like baby Vader would that be all right can we bring where is uh uh just a just just a moment there you go everyone say hello it’s better with the music he seems so small I don’t think I want to raise him up by keep I want to keep him a little lower he’s a baby Vader do you want to see up big up uh maybe he’s cuter if you can see his buttons okay poll in the chat Vader down low for the for the entirety of the stream or do we raise him to see his baby Vader buttons one in the chat for low two in the chat for raise him for the baby buttons down low baby Vader stay down low you have buttons in the wide shot uh you do have buttons in the medium but in the dead pan shot I don’t think that involves you where’s Amelia well let’s deduce I have a baby Amelia is my wife it is her baby where is Amelia where is Amelia I don’t know I can’t I’ve been thinking about this since I woke up this morning I was trying to figure out where is where is Amelia I mean I don’t know we got to find her we’re going we’re going to find her in the wilderness but we’re peaceful protesters protesting with the with the baby with the baby is where Amelia is you’re Pros you all detectives I accuse you of being detectives uh Eliza France thank you okay right now right now in those glitchy terrible Sparkles that do not represent the quality of work that I would like to put into the world those need to be dealt with and I need your help because I have all these frames and all these things like game recaps and like chill out there we go we need to chill out cam there it is Bri why don’t you know like it’s too quiet there he goes oh the mood of slow in the mood of slow baby Vader I got to talk to you baby Vader I’m going to use you at let’s do theater therapy and it’s very thinly veiled a man newly a father reconciling this concept by talking to Darth Vader oh my gosh the music is just a little louder you know he’s just cute sitting here like here let’s talk it out with Vader Vader we’re going into the woods for stardew chillness okay you and I we’ve been stressing listen we’ve been fathering but we don’t know what the that is what is that what is that don’t ask Vader for parenting advice I don’t know but but but but Vader sought parents he wanted Quon he lost Quon and lost himself self be he the force was his father he was really begot by the force I don’t know I just don’t know I don’t know but anyway do you know do any of us know I mean the Miracle of Life can you imagine there was a time or was there before you were born that’s wild to me what were you doing then people people won’t talk about that that much but I’m thinking about it a lot right now because I got a baby around this baby is making me wonder like you were born and okay you may this is the music is looping so let’s just just F I don’t know about their wor of before but they like this baby arrived from you know like there you have like a you have like a self an entity coming into this plane like Earth you need he needs to have a smaller chair you make an excellent point I have a short attention I was going to read a poem he needs a I could make him stand is that wrong I mean I get to sit he should get to sit I shouldn’t make him stand he would be very small but do you want to see what about how high he he he’d be about could put him on a trash can he could be like here but then you know oh no he’s so small we could put his arms so he’s being big is it too small you want to decorate him look we got to play some stardew I it’s really important to me to play stardew but this is actually uh for those of you who might just be joining we’ve decided this is going to be the slowest possible playthrough of stardew Valley my previous game on stardo I played for four years not in real life four in game years which was like 150 hours or something oh nope not Spider-Man uh you might wonder like are my reflexes bad bad or better because I’m a I was going to say Dad better because I’m a dad are they bad or better because I’m a dad um they I all I noticed is that like in being a dad you’re always like kind of dropping something that’s not the baby that you’re always sort of like the the burp cloth is here and it’s always and it’s like caught here and you’re holding the baby and then you’re dealing with like wanting this to fall on the edge of the chair instead of the floor that’s what being a father that’s what being a father is I don’t know I just I just want you all to know that I don’t know what anyone’s relationship like is with individual people you know the people that raised us but whoever took you from being a baby to being like able to like move around and stuff and like take care of your own self at least on a basic level like some people did a lot of work work for us for me some some I didn’t have any idea I didn’t have any con I was like I was a baby and then I was like a kid and I got a couple of like early early memories of like things that happened when I was like three or four years old maybe or maybe they’re just things I saw on videos and so I you know made a memory for them or just picture them I don’t know you know um and at the end of the day then you kind of like start to like kind of come out of it and you’re like a sort of like an early teenager or something is maybe when I like really remember a lot of my life I don’t know I don’t know when when was your earliest memory but it certainly wasn’t of this time where I was like two months old and just like everything was being done for me it’s like it’s like getting like a pet uana or something it just is like it’s getting cuter and cuter but he just kind of like you know even though iguana is more self-sufficient uh I just you get what I mean right it’s just you got to really help someone a lot and some people helped me a lot lot that my whole life I didn’t even like know I wasn’t giving them credit for like as parents parents start off at at a at a deficit of like a bunch of things that you’re like I’m I made you into being you know we had to like we had to like do this thing right Vader we had to be like dads you were you okay so so you and Padme you made some children man you got we we got to talk about Ang anger there’s so much stuff fear aggression pass to the dark side obviously uh but we’re going to have a chill stream Luke lemon Art thank you thank you for the love Darth Vader appreciates your support and so do I um raising humans looks hard I don’t know I just I I’ll tell you what team I I’ve I’ve let’s get beta right I newly know that I know nothing I used to think I knew some stuff I used to think I could f figure out what time things are going to happen I used to think about just like having some kind of idea of no it just is we’ll see everything’s we’ll see there’s nothing like anything’s not going to happen next it’s just you know I me anticipating that yay I think Vader looks enthusiastic in this position uh I don’t know I just I’m just trying not to believe too much right now trying to just take it one actual second at a time uh thank you for hanging out with me thank you for your patience as I put up too many different things on a monitor uh for for me uh a reason why we’re going into the Wilderness even though I’m surrounded we call this place here uh Starship friendship I could uh show you perhaps the um the the setup you’ll see what I’m talking about there’s so many monitors and things up and typing and things uh but the reality is uh going into the Wilderness we would be away from lights and cameras and and um chats and things and it’s just it’s hard to go and Stream in the world and need all of the akuta all of these things that plug in uh you know to make it go and I’ve been thinking about like how can I work around that how can I do something different so I’m curious as a poll I’m going do like a formal poll about this as as someone who joins on Twitch because what okay uh man okay multitasking is not my thing uh short attention span is this thing is going here team uh everybody could you help me count to 10 in the chat let’s do it how am I doing eight nine all right so my 10 I made it thank you so my my my sad tale is is coming upon my uh ding ding ding laptop over here I got to turn this down the volume is so loud in my ear because I was listening to the chill out music um yo Lily pedals welcome back for 38 months though welcome and a loud shime accompanies you um here we go beautiful coming upon this laptop the uh whole shebang is updated and needs me to log back in to all of the different things so I’ve added a laptop in the place of where another computer would normally be and I am now feeling confident in the setup thank you for being here with me Vader I have to say well Amelia is far more beautiful charismatic um empathetic patient kind romantic than you um she’s so many I don’t want to I don’t want to say too many things because I think it would make it awkward between us and I don’t know what you’re capable of but uh Vader is beautiful Vader is more tiny Vader is um you did uh you were the uh Emperor’s hand which is a thing to be you were the number two the whole time number two ambitious to number two that’s a good way to check if the mic Peaks was that too loud did the mic Peak uh Vader we gotta center ourselves over our hips I can’t tell if I’m speaking extemporaneously or uh what all but okay here’s the actual poll and then we’ll go into the woods then we’ll go into the Wilderness really thank you for being here and God bless you and universe bless you and whatever else bless you for just being alive at the same time as me and in this imaginary space with me so so here here’s what I here’s what I believe um I believe that when you open a connection between people you create space so space this is my the underlying principle of my attention the internet came to my brain as like a eighth grader and I was thinking about aim and chat rooms and like real time messaging online connection than this right that when you open up a chat room or you open up a Lobby in a game or when you open you know like when you when you make these connections with people MSN Messenger for sure those had some very memorable sounds for me and like its own aesthetic you know and then of course things like you know Napster and lime wire and kazah and Morpheus and you know icq yeah yeah you all that kind of stuff you create kazah yes yes you know this is this is a new space and so now if you like live in a cold environment like say in Michigan and you want to go online into like a Diablo 1 Lobby in the middle of the winter you’re there with your friend it’s like meeting your friend in each other’s imaginary basement you’re like hanging out together in the basement but you’re in the same room because you’re in the level four of the dungeon you know killing noobs or whatever like that’s just what we did to survive at the time looking back on it I killed too many noobs and I’m paying for it now I’m doing my my my what do they call like a retreat to reflect in stardew Valley so we’re going into stardew Valley and all of the streaming stuff the games I love the most are replicating things that I also love in real life like being outside walking through nature looking at how beautiful things are photo mode uh you know just like kind of going to sushima and staying there because there’s no covid and there’s no social distancing and you just different stances are cool I don’t know anyway there’s the whole Escape into a new digitally created and a lot of times digitally enhanced space is fascinating to me and I’m observing that as a general rule part of what makes me most excited about most games is the environments and exploring and going to these new like you know going around in Uncharted or uh you know in moving through um uh Tomb Raider games or like games where we’re like moving a mass effect from different planet to planet like what’s the terrain like and you know the Star Wars um uh Jedi Fallen order uh like all the different planets and the different environments like I love water world as a movie I don’t know I just to me the going there and being somewhere else and exploring and doing stuff is the thing and so what I like to do as a person what I really love to do is take care of plants and like be outside and like you could call it Landscaping you could call it gardening you could call it uh just digging and moving dirt and rocks but like I like that that’s what I like to do I would like to be doing more of that and I notied that that’s a lot of what I’m doing in games when you’re just like grinding and crafting and like uh you know just dealing with materials and like uh being outside or moving through you know seeing the rise and fall of the the day and so I’ve been daydreaming about this and like the whole idea is that we could go to some real place like say some place that like say an orchard or not or someone’s backyard that needed like uh their their five fruit trees pruned and you can have uh uh glasses there are like Rayban glasses and there’s other cooler ones that are like more obviously a camera like if you don’t have to hide that it’s a camera um but you can stream from uh a POV and like I could be Avatar creating a space and doing like just stardew Valley in real life it’s super hot outside it is going to be a heat wave around here like 90s the temperature would be very hot uh so I wouldn’t want to be doing this now stardew Valley is the better way to Garden for now but like I don’t know that’s I just want to throw that out there that that’s sort of like a gardening simulator but you would be you know we would share a POV and I would probably have to have chat up on the inside of the glasses this is what I want to explore so anyway if that seems like something you’d be interested in hit me with an X in the chat uh let me give get a little gauge of your Vibe on that and just let me have planted that seed because to me I want to do new things I want to always be doing something new when I came on to Twitch it was six years ago and I was doing it in a lot of ways before a lot of people were doing what they’re doing and uh you know I was blessed to be introduced to a lot of people who had been doing it a lot longer than I had been doing it so I’m just thank you okay I this has some good interest um I’m doing all right uh rainbow wolf try to keep my train of thought but um we’re going to load back into our our game here our first game our first playthrough of stardew Valley was very long four years and now we are slow SN on slow but risky farm and it’s a blessed place um we’re all doing well family is happy and healthy and in my case I can speak for my myself a little sleepy rainbow wolf 66 welcome back for two months and broco 22 welcome back for two months appreciate you BRZ DIC thank you for being here and subscribing welcome aboard little Vader a little ep2 um how’s the game volume for my friends do you like the the level of the the music and the microphone does it work okay sounds good all right well I’m gonna before we um before we jump in I’m just gonna share this poem because it’s in my heart to share it I will Wade out till my thighs are steeped in burning flowers I will take the sun in my mouth and leap into the ripe air alive with closed eyes to dash again against darkness in the sleeping curves of my body shall enter fingers of smooth Mastery with chasteness of seag girls will I complete the mystery of My Flesh I will rise after a thousand years lipping flowers and set my teeth in the silver of the Moon ah I just love this poem anyway we’re G to read some poems if you have a poem you really love let me know this is uh I will wait out that’s E Cummings poem and let’s go into slow but risky Farm slow snos here uh it’s spring it’s been six days six peaceful days on slow but risky Farm where we do everything slowly risky we have one good rule which is that we will not chop a tree and we’ve been making a slow path so that we can go and visit our oh I sounds like a r day everywh let ywn June McGee I see you 67 months looking for a chill place to hang out while side questing Final Fantasy nice well welcome should we check some mail let’s do some yawning no we should yawning I learned last week is not the way to Hype a stream up we do want to relax stream we like relaxing streams what about this button don’t hate it uh so happy together no what’s the right what’s the right way this is the way let’s check our mail I don’t want to I don’t want to hear from the outside world we don’t check our mail that’s the that’s the other rule we don’t check our mail we we use the right tools let’s use the right tools I got to move my mic a little bit M handling noise headphone warning yeah we can’t do yawning ASMR cuz it puts everybody to sleep rainbow wolf welcome back for two months but I do encourage you to get comfortable can I ask everybody are you like as relaxed as you can be no we do take um we take Fallen branches I realized I just harvested a little seed there that was antithetical um we don’t need to clear too much of that just just a just a sco um we’ve been doing this we’re going too fast slow down man slow down man sit in the flowers everyone sit in the flowers press X to sit in the flowers sit the down wake up out of bed on a rainy day storm out of your house start doing some work no you just sit in the mud with the flowers look for the lotus in the mud oh lotus in the you can press Circle if you want to yawn if you need to yawn you can you can press circle circle to yawn but mostly ex to sit in the flowers in the rain this is a nice place I like it here should we enhance yall want to enhance no let’s stay here I want to zoom in that’s what I want to do um I don’t think I can all right so we got to craft some lovely oh we already we already made them we got rustic Plank Floors I’ll show you around I think you’re going to like it so we made a long path a long path a long path that goes from our door here where we don’t we walk out we don’t check our mail we don’t need to sell sell any of these things this is a nice these are these are not just it says Stone but these are five of the nicer stones on the property I’ve been I’ve been pretty selective about it solar Haley thank you for being here with a gift sub to Loria thank you thank you a Lula The Lunatic thank you for a dad joke uh saying how did Sushi a greet Sushi B Wasabi uh cat cat I8 thank you for the sub I’m glad you enjoy thank you for being here and Luke lemon thank you all right so we’re just kind of walking slowly we made a long path it was indirect I’ll show you where we’re going we planted some parsnips which we do have to go check on I guess um but we don’t have to do it quickly oh our bucket is filling press uh triangle if you’d like to take a little sip of rainwater out of the um bucket okay got it got it why not have a little sip there you go all right last call all right we’re moving on and a little sip of rain water never hurt anybody or so they thought uh now wouldn’t it be cool if I made a I guess it would be like an extension it would register your would let’s go in the cave and talk about it a little system that would register oh it’s much drier in here oh press square to shake it off if you if you want to get some of that rain water off you I feel a little bit damp and cold in this cave but oh this could be our this is a nice cave this is going to be a good cave we’re going to make good use of this cave last time we had these bats that brought us snacks here in this cave uh but that’s sort of beside the point immediately yeah everybody’s dry now just about some of you choose to sit in the wetness but that’s that’s for you know yeah this is uh um this is sweet fungus it’s a private club um sweet fungus is a private club or we grow mushrooms I guess uh it’s a batcave it could be anything it could be a home uh I would think about an extension that could take your input and then over the course of the game could register different effects on your roleplay of our stardo experience so like you know by the end of the thing you know by the end of the day then I could put in a couple of things if true that uh you know someone pressed Square to shake off the rain then they do not you know get uh hypothermia we’re in the wilderness team we didn’t choose the regular square oh man this keeps happening you know these these these paths are not maintained the way they used to be now that there’s only one park ranger so this is the long path we don’t cut down trees and oh we do gather wood just have a little wood oh that was a special Rock I wanted that rock extra we [Music] need this inventory full we do not need this clump of clay probably right does anyone need this will someone take this will someone who who will take this it’s a Lumpa clay used in crafting and construction does anyone know how to do Pottery or something here can you take this from me how do I get the how do I get rid of it can’t I just toss it remind me how they just toss this thing ah right no no my favorite Stones all right well this is going to the trash can a AKA to all of you who will take it thank you all right so each of you who just chose to take it have obtained uh a nice um clump of clay let me know when you finish your piece okay uh this is Grandfather well that’s not grandfather this is the place we think of grandfather and nowhere else and and elsewhere too if you want if you want here you you ought to if you’re here and you’re not thinking of Grandfather this is you know what are we doing but if we’re elsewhere it’s up to you if you think here we’ll build build the path right here oh it’s nice to see you you stop off you drop off some you know he liked what were some of what were some of the things that Grandpa always liked so much do you remember tell me the story of what he enjoyed I think he enjoyed cranberry relish and uh honestly oo we’re kind of we got to go down we got to let’s do a little little treal Lum lumps of clay he always loved them he he loved lumps of clay and we think of him when we make our clay projects so we are going slowly it is a beautiful place to be in the rain it is not the case that we have a coat or an umbrella I’m leaving these little Corners because I think it’ be fun if things grow you know we want our our does anyone else kind of hear like a haunted sound every now and then is that a person or a demon or something I don’t remember nah it’s scary it’s not Grand that’s not grandpa is that Grandpa no Grandpa didn’t sound like that to me when I was talking to Grandpa he didn’t sound that way all right now we got to go we got to can craft we can craft like one more of these beautiful rustic planks and now we got to go on the rest of our path to um to find what we can find I want to show you all the the way oh but it’s not this way this is this that that would be the direct path and this is slow but risky where we spend our whole day walking in circles in meditation uh soon there’ll be a tree here see a baby tree there and then it grows up into like this one and it gets like bigger and bigger depending on its species it looks different oh oh oh I don’t know if I noticed this before we have two different bodies of water here like this I didn’t notice this one thought it was all just one or what’s going on huh so the one that’s immediately south of our house and then there’s a little break what are we going to do with this little aisle in the middle this is cool wish you could jump in and take a swim all right let’s jump in and take a swim hit me with um I guess it’s going to be triangle triangle to jump in and take a swim for me personally it’s a little too rainy to jump in and take a swim but if you’re adventurous like that go for it oh wow a lot of you would go swimming all right well I’ll tell you what you keep swimming here I’m going to just do a little walk around the edge I’ll be your lifeguard who prefers not to swim but would swim if he had to that’s that’s how it is for me um just Moshi thank you for the raid earlier appreciate that and Susie the know thank you for the gift and sub to Baby Vader appreciate so this is nice and there’s this little like ledge okay so we come down here oh yeah okay and then we go over here oh our look at our dudes these things are ready parsnips our parsnips are ready we’ll survive after all we should do it slower we should look at them each oh that’s a very nice parsnip that parsnips name is jener Jaden say and when I when I hold it to my head it says what’s up party people glad to be here zanger Jaden What a fine parsnip you’ve become what about this parsnip what’s this parsnip name oh Kim cheese I’m going to hold this Kim cheese 28 parsnip up what does it say love you guys a thanks Kim cheese oh here’s another parsnip I’m going to get it what a beautiful parsnip this parip is called so Kayla who says uh being a responsible adult love you so much heart heart so Kayla sending you good vibes happy birthday and let’s see about oh Mythic cendy Mythic sendy thank you kindly appreciate you greatest stream ever y’all like pulling up the parsnips and naming them after the people who’ resubscribed to me it makes sense to me it makes perfect sense look at this part snip it’s getting dark it’s getting dark we have to go slow but risky oh my inventory is full all right well overall these stones are not no no no no no no you know what it is you know what it is we eat the daffodil that won’t kill us right that’s allowed everyone press X to eat the daffodil plus zero energy eat it if you want to eat it you get zero energy mie blue mku mie blue thank you all for the gift sub love appreciate you appreciate you thank you for being here thank you for being here it’s time to eat this daffodil whether you like it or not well you don’t have to eat it but it’s not whether you like it or not it’s not what I mean what I mean is you may or may not like it you may or may not like it but let’s eat the daffodil not bad oh look at this par snip it’s named uh adila uh uh Adelia catnip I’m not gonna eat that parsnip though no no no oh it’s a go it’s a glorious one it has extra Advantage all right what if I just want to look at this part snip is called Cosmic George Cosmic Georgie thank you and plague root uh oh plag Root’s also subscribed here we have no more seeds and it’s getting late we should head back home the slow but risky way I hope we can make it through here because there are some tall grasses and we said we would not cut a tree oh no let’s get back home to bed oh quick quick and slow but risky slow but risky thank you mugie blue and thank you Mythic cendy I appreciate you for for giving Good Vibes today oh we’re sleepy you want to sell our parsnips slow but risky to sell some parsnips we should sell our parsnips right why else are we making parsnips all right let’s get to bed let’s get to bed all right here we go good night everyone anything you like to do right before bed I’m going to just stretch my stretch my gamer arm and stretch my other gamer arm and slowly get into bed and uh quill starl Lord blesses this day and says good [Music] night congratulations everyone you’ve leveled up level one farming is a plus one watering can proficiency and plus one hoe proficiency but you all were born with that stardew Valley Vibes new crafting recipe scarecrow we got to put a scarecrow by our crops so we don’t have to fight off the birds who eat our crops I guess and basic fertilizer [Laughter] no okay cool uh hey I have good news for you all no none of you listen if you don’t want the hoe proficiency you don’t have to have the hoe proficiency water and can proficiency I think you’re going to need if we’re going to be working here um let’s see um I think we might have a special guest join us a special guest could could be here um we’ve leveled up just now would now be a dramatically appropriate time let’s start up the next day and then we’ll take a little hydration break and we’ll have a very special guest yeah perier understands the assignment um you’re all my star dues that’s so sweet janger Jaden you’re my stard all right press Circle if you’d like to join the circle of hands where people are standing together holding hands saying stardos just press circle into the chat that is adorable here someone grab my here you go there you go all right everybody’s grabbed around somebody else grabb baby Vader’s other hand complete the circle and look into each other’s eyes all at the same time baby Vaders he wants to see us with his own eyes but I don’t have one that can take the helmet off so he’s going to have to do it like this everyone look into each other’s eyes and baby Vader’s eyes and say you’re all my stardos you’re all my stardos all of you even even the couple even the couple of you that are like me really me I’m I’m your stard dece you’re my starters some of you are like actually too sweet for this plane of existence and I’m so grateful for it I just love the I love that image for those of you who were like you too yes even you baby Vader uh we have a very special guest who is quite possibly my favorite human oh that’s a major clue uh I’ll see you all in five minutes thank you for hanging out with me I appreciate you being here and Good Vibes to the people of the it’s Amelia it is it’s my stard dece uh I’ll see you all in five minutes most likely with Amelia cool you’re so detectives that’s the second time you detected today all right y’all are good news y’all are good news I really appreciate you squid fish and tomato thank you for the follows yesmin welcome and opa 6585 welcome to the spot it’s Olivia and foreign Bob and Crimson Lord 3 thank you for being here uh appreciate you hanging out if you’re here for the very first time type something in the chat let me know you’re here and we did we did well let’s see what kind of day we get should we see what what’s ahead we sold some oh almost 500 Golds worth of parsnips so nicely done everyone day seven and on the seventh day he rested sweating spreading weeds have caused damage to our farm great we love that we’re going to have a restful day would you all like music or the stardew valley rain for the hydration break you can have either rain music music music rain rain Tunes Tunes rains Tunes Tunes Tunes Tunes Tunes rain music I’m going to go with music that seems to mostly be the vibe um because a lot of people are sleepy and also when we come back it’s going to be raining so we’ll have the rain music first rain Vibe second thanks for hanging out thank you to our mods moderators tenants thank you for hanging out I really appreciate you being here let’s do this thing I’ll be right back with a special guest in five minutes BRB so unfortunately our guest wasn’t available to join it’s still baby Vader and uh hello I have a river a big reveal do you see you see it was Amelia the whole time it was me you thought that it was just baby Vader sitting there so still but it wasn’t it was Amelia puppeteering baby Vader from down below perfectly still was me she’s been here for over an hour like that new freaking way way hey soup dog09 thank you for being here and thanks for having your Prime and Amelia the chat is so relieved that we are having if you see Amelia here in this case like this we need to celebrate for sleeping babies sleeping babies sleeping babies sleeping babies sleeping babies sleeping um can it be real thanks so much like gift it’s up to yako yo thank you thank you thank you or no can of real welcome back Andy thank you for the gift guys there we go there we go see I’m a little ship we’re a little ship C because we are baby parents yeah we are in stardo mode Amilia we’ve been doing a slow but peaceful route and it’s the seventh day okay we’ve been doing a little slow path building slow SN well why don’t you can you uh give me a tour I would love to here’s a little light nice this is what we use at night to uh navigate which is why we’ll be blind by the time we’re 45 uh we are going like oh there’s a baby in this and and actually we we put like uh let’s yeah anyway I was just going to make a joke about how we put obstacles in the way we don’t actually put obstacles in the way but I feel like I always might my toes are finding the edges of things it happens a lot now uh Lula The Lunatic has a dad joke oh why can’t you hear a terod go to the bathroom because the p is silent wow I was even gonna make the joke why can’t you hear a pterodactyl I don’t know I I got to start reading these ahead in my in my head alone and then deciding if I want to say it out loud exactly but that is actually how you that’s pretty funny yeah but why’d you you hung back you didn’t really read it out loud for the class well it said a dad joke so you you are the dad that’s like a very targeted hand grenade you know it’s like hey this is for you all right what’s you good this is not really working it’s kind of a little triggly we’re we’re baby monitoring mhm Wiggles Wiggles Galore it’s a lot of fun soup dog thanks for being here with your Prime good to see you okay let me scroll back up so would you like to uh see the farm yeah let me see the farm take me to the farm Bry slow SN okay please refer to me by my given name SN of slow slow SN not SN slow okay we’re going on retreat it’s raining oh I like the sound of the rain so chill SN Soso is our evil twin okay that we do not enjoy being confused with okay because snow lives deep in the caves on the bottom level okay so this is our place a slow SN slow but risky Farms nice we just stand in the rain sometimes I feel that all right I’ll be right back everyone that was our special guest uh that was our special guest [Music] Amelia uh that went really well on a personal note we would like to thank all sleeping babies in the world all sleeping babies in the world uh thank you for being here glad that worked out so well power nap for the baby the baby sometimes likes to take one minute naps one minute naps I guess you could press triangle what do we no not the bottle what do we got to do now probably soothe the baby press square to rock the baby I’m G to go walk into the mines I can take a cart can I is there a bus that goes to the mines do you go to the mines this goes to the mines out of order a daffodil I think I remember the way we’re going to go this way for those of you who are curious what it’s like to be apparent here we are at the entrance of the cave let’s go into the mines like we thought we’re going to Amelia’s back let’s go back to the house and Shore around our farm we’re going the long way for everything Amelia we’ve been doing slow but risky traversal this is this is how it is to be us right now okay okay it’s very back and forth yes mhm I like the flowers we were saluting all the Sleeping babies Wild leid was found I like wild leak pretty trees so I heard that your uh your um Mission with slow but risky Farms is to not cut down any trees is that still correct yeah we don’t cut down any trees we only will chop a piece of wood like that that came on the ground okay but that’s the reason we do that is because we’re building a slow but risky path I can see that it’s got a lot of little like curves and edges yeah it’s um it’s really important that we don’t chop down any trees because we’re here in the wilderness but because we’re in the wilderness we’re having a lot of uh you know things grow up in the path and we’re going to rest today we were going to rest why are we working you don’t check the mail we don’t check the mail no we never check the mail we never check the mail because we think probably bills bills yeah if you just don’t look at it it’s not real if you don’t look at it it’s not real what about the stones I like them okay animals Stones can be moved if they need to but if they don’t mm do I have any animals it’s day seven if you don’t see it it isn’t there it’s day seven we’re just noobs seven we’re just having a restful day seven walking around in the rain I think everyone was going to press X if they want to stretch CU have have a nice morning stretch uh we ignore the mail we don’t check that and then so we go around this way we take the long way if we want to sell anything we can okay we do do s of leaks yeah I don’t want to be carrying that around it’s and and those rocks are the six best rocks we found okay all right so if you want um sometimes on rainy days we just have a sip of rain water would you like some sure oh great have some uh enjoy press uh square if you want to have some rain water lot of them are enjoying nice it was triangle last time wasn’t it that’s inconsistent we’ll have to decide which is better triangle for a sip or Square for a sip I mean triangle is kind of like as if you’re you know taking the vessel to your mouth yeah we’ve been doing Circle to yawn okay that makes sense um yeah okay you have a cave here I see here’s our cave this is where you know danger lerks in here sometimes we are going to make this um sweet fungus oh you know a mushroom growing uh private uh Club that’s exciting you like some Craisins yes sweet fungus that’s exciting this is our our grandfather’s Shrine that we visit daily okay cuz we take the long walk I can’t see it yeah because of the tree but we SAR we’ never could cut ton of tree so okay it’s a is a private place for for reflection I mean I guess you could explore this Environ yourself with everyone here everyone in the Stream can give you a tour okay be right back appreciate you oo a meadow I like the meadow running around in the meadow I especially like the little flowers you it it’s been so long since I’ve been in stardew valley I really like all the sound effects there’s another little field of flowers let’s let’s sit we sit and sit and sit and sit and that’s what makes a gum cat that’s what [Music] makes cat shout out to all my friends who like Cats the musical oh I see a baby tree and another baby tree okay lots of logs we have a big lake over here that’s nice maybe one day we’ll go swimming I will not Chop any any trees big or small is the exit of our fair farm lots of Boulders makes a little Tri okay I’m going to chop this nice we’re allowed to chop Fallen wood yeah a little difficult to here’s a little bit of a maze over here is that what is that what he’s doing making a maze that could be fun making a maze I’ll have to ask what his plans are for all these rocks nice big field over here I feel like we could do some fun kind of maze at the bottom what is this how goes it we’ll see all right so I have an idea for the bottom of your space over here you have so many stones many stones one could make a fun maze Stone maze a stone maze down here I like the idea of stone maze M Stone maze uh how would we um there would only be one path through yeah I mean we all other paths led to certain Peril or to just reflection like a like a labyrinth I mean I a labyrinth maybe yeah a labyrinth I don’t think we can place Peril here right you can oh you can I can how I don’t know yeah I bet you can Labyrinth is slow but risky yeah that’s Labyrinth is slow but risky cuz what if you got caught in The Labyrinth and it was time get to bed yeah Blind Bandit welcome back for 31 months it’s good to see you blind Blind Bandit welcome back and thanks for hanging out with us we’re this is slow but risky Farms where we go as slow as possible we do not cut down trees and um well it’s Sunday so we’re resting oh what’s over here are you going to plant something oh those are two new parsnips three new if you’d like to pluck them where oh here yeah we could probably tap the trees that would be harmonious mocking jay how how long no no no stop stop you’re chopping another tree what the [ __ ] I thought I was just tapping it with an axe oh babe there’s one we have one did we not introduce this place as you see what I’m working with I thought I was just tapping it with an axe okay tapping tapping with an axe is chopping so tired how do I uh how do I move the different um triggers the watering can just ax tapping he ran into my axe 28 times um you’re shaking the trees yeah that’s a tapping of the tree yeah that’s nice we don’t there might be like a pine cone that falls down or something has the pine cone fall up you never know does does it does that happen I feel like it’s happened I mean it doesn’t seem like a harmful activity but yes says scre and then he ran into into my ax he ran into my ax 28 times well that’s that’s what I said but with like a way more sultry Chicago kind of voice so it works a lot better yeah I when I said it was confused it’s dark why I’ve seen no success from this tree shaking wait you you thinking of chill things to do yeah pretty chill it’s pretty chill Itsy Bitsy batsy Spider welcome back for 17 months so we have to go back inside because at midnight something bad happens right no at 2: a.m. at 2 a.m. but Midnight’s a good time to be heading home MH uh ity Bitsy batsy Spider asks how’s life been treating you are you feeling blessed but exhausted that’s how I feel yes I feel blessed and exhausted I feel like whenever I wake up I’m always like I could sleep more no matter what like I could always sleep more yeah but things would never be the same no yeah I didn’t realize how good we had it before when we my life was so [ __ ] good man I just did whatever the [ __ ] I wanted to do I slept if you have the opportunity to sleep in I slept I ate I gamed I slept I ate I hung out with my friends I did whatever the [ __ ] I wanted to do now none of those things are true no it’s true everything that was so great was has been taken from me yet I am blessed how it’s a [Laughter] paradox I’m [Laughter] happy I’m perpetually respons responsible for survival of an instinct of you know that we can’t communicate yet but we it gets better every day it really does like there’s a lot of there’s a lot of optimism it’s a what are you doing throwing away our axes go just go to myself I know just get to bed get the to anter yes all right everyone going to bed we Forge 90 sounds horrifyingly beautiful yeah that’s it’s beautiful it’s wonderful it’s also totally exhausting but that’s okay cuz I’ve heard and I believe it will get better I’ve also heard that it could be way worse yes so it’s it’s hard for me to be frustrated I I get more frustrated with myself for being frustrated than I am frustrated in the moment yeah I’m uh that’s that’s how I feel about it is that I just wish I were some like I just I’m like I need like I need like Earth mother to like replace 40% of my brain you know the frustration is valid for sure it’s just I over antic I overestimated myself and that’s great pride comes before the here we are there he goes sleep deprivation that’ll be easy I used to pull all nighters on set yeah years ago what the [ __ ] man this is tiresome but then you’d be able to sleep for as long as you need it the next day yeah you get to catch up and just now we’re just sprinkling crains on the floor and eating them because you need the calories Cal kylo these glasses are uh lacost they’re great I like them however they have gotten loose and because I’m looking down so much they slide down my face and then I feel like a little old lady yeah all nighters in your 20s are different than all ighs in your 30s mhm I I am aware that uh I’m glad that I’m that we’re parents right now to be doing this in our 30s and not our 40s and so on MH but at this stage at this for yeah for this young stage but honestly we’re just grateful for slow moments of stard to Valley it just makes you really appreciate when you do have time to like I I appreciate the time that I do have much much more it makes everything like sparklier if that makes sense like before if you can play Infinite rounds of OverWatch right mhm it’s just like OverWatch it’s just OverWatch just vibing just like burning like like 40 hours of your life just like hanging out having a great time now it’s like Precious it’s like each round is like I’m I might only get like two of them oh spring oh nice it’s still raining spreading weeds have caused damage to your farm should we should we weed today Bri we can do some weeding we also if I may these the weeds since it’s Monday these are the weeds yeah you can get them with the ho yeah that’s a pickaxe but that still works that’s the sight this thing will go if you want to clear an area or if you want to get one in particular just the hoe is fine oh yeah you see what I mean oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah Lula The Lunatic coming in with some more dad jokes this one’s been pre-screened and does not include dinosaur bathroom humor although it’s pretty good though you would think I’d like it given how much dinosaur spinach butt makes me titter so yeah mhhm so it’s in the right it’s in the right world what do we do with this dead tree here it’s called a stump mhm just leave it oh how much there’s a dead tree yeah it’s just like maybe this guy we get can axe that little thing for our for our we don’t need to clear all the weeds what are we what are we really doing okay well this is the whole thing is that we’re in the wild okay so we we can clear a little if we must but not too much you pave paradise you put up a parking lot like those if you want to get rid of the weeds get rid of the weeds in the path not just the weeds that are just being weeds you dig you love this Labyrinth down here um there’s potential for the Labyrinth it’s part of the risk is having the weeds we the we babe I’m honestly I’m a little curious why you’re why you’re destroying Mother Nature so I’m not fervently I’m clearing a path we the we have a path we’ve been building one slow and risky path this whole time that I was going to show you and then our child required our immediate ass you see this path here okay this path we should take the whole we should start from the from the top okay the real slow way see there’s Mother Nature just uh [ __ ] us up there our path we could no no no what what is that those are those are along the path okay those are be beautiful mother nature time it was it said it was ruining our farm no I wasn’t talking about that all right we got to have better communication we got to wake up a little bit so just you know let’s the boulder you take the boulder out no you don’t got to take the boulder out if I mean if you can if you can you can if you can okay you want to put another one put a piece of wood put a plank put a plank on it put a plank in there nice so it is raining and I do think today would be a worthwhile day to get some seeds and stuff to plant to get the next crop going but here we go another another deal but see I why am I so why am I so focused on the productivity why why it’s like my it’s like my personal Purgatory I’m talking about in real life here you know like in game it reflects that right right now my brain is like bless you the uh the store is going to be open and we should get some you know seeds to get them in the ground to keep it going you feel blessed that’s I feel blessed good we can get some seeds cuz then we can grow new things now we just got a couple of Golds thanks friends and the planting things is fun yeah okay I’m going to sell some leaks yeah we have a lot of fiber we can sell the fibers and leaks parsnips what about the wild horseradish or we can eat it we got to save that we don’t need the energy right now oh a Dapo oh a dandelion good forage forage is slow and risky actually forage might be the definition of slow but risky it’s very slow you have to forage a lot to get any kind of sustenance and you could be wrong and die exactly so foraging is very slow but risky hey elid thanks so much for the gift it’s up to obscura thank you kindly we’ll name a parsnip after to you so remind me where we buy the seeds up there all right well there you go yeah that guy will help you bye everyone I love you press uh Square in the chat to be a parent all right let’s talk to Pierre oh Pierre you shouldn’t have come who knows what that’s from oh Pier you shouldn’t have come anyone yes oh no you’re I thought Singing in the Rain yes where guy Dracula yes mocking J yes scaia yes Hardy um if you have not seen the uh movie Singing in the Rain highly recommend uh it is really fun and uh Jean Kelly’s in it um so yeah uh okay so what should we buy we could buy um we have parsnip seeds we have a bean starter cauliflower seeds potato seeds seeds tulip bulbs uh kale seeds how much gold do we have we have gold okay um Jazz seeds that’s the kind of flower uh grass start I don’t think we need any grass we got grass sugar wheat flour so rice oil vinegar wallpaper okay let’s start with the which of these should we get we could get get parsnip seeds a bean starter cauliflower seeds potatoes tulips kale or Jazz okay I’m seeing love for potatoes and Jazz and beans tulips paw Snips tulips okay definitely potatoes um and beans my inventory is full we’ll start with the potatoes oh Magic chicken says Pro tip if I see things moving in the soil I can use a hoe and earn something we only got one seed it’s a special seed oh maybe we could get some more it’s been a long time since I’ve played stardew can we get more potato seeds maybe 10 potato seeds 10 potato seeds right I got us 10 potato seeds babe that’s so good when I can’t when I came back in here you know what I was thinking potato I hope we got at least 10 potato seeds I do potato things are working out tomato things are I was told the pro tip that I if I see things moving I should use the hoe which is this is this moving or is this just flowers those are moving oh here we go here we go worms this is a that’s a pickaxe this one here is the the yeah over two there we go Stone those are just the flowers wrong tool okay so where should we plant the potato seeds Bri done by follow the path until there is no path that’s how we go in the woods here what is this a baby tree yeah if you leave that there it’ll plant itself into a tree great up by our house there’s a path if you follow the path still there is no path yes Darth Vader wanted to evolve and turned into my beautiful wife Amilia lucky for me inside of Darth Vader’s suit behind that powerful voice and death grip and uh all the other bits there Amelia there a sweet there’s a sweet woman named Amelia would you like to repair that yeah all right so we’re going to open up the menu and the uh um bumper over to the Hammer sorry for the top maybe it’s trigger over to the yeah back the hammer at the top okay that you were there and then you’re going to grab your rustic Plank and every time you click on you don’t need to throw it away you just click on it back all you just do it just you just click it to make it there you go I can just take some getting used to there you go you can pick up that with your now we have full inventory you’ve been foraging so kindly yeah last jbird welcome back for 9 months you’re finally awake enough early to catch us thank you for for being here hello where is everybody tuning in from yeah where are you what time is it for you in the world so here’s the path that goes down now if you want to keep going we were going to make our path even longer and indirect but since you wanted to do some planting keep going south now go over there into the Obscure lands and follow to the very end you’ll see that was where we were having our garden okay it wasn’t a great place for a garden but it wasn’t a horrible place and it was far away and it was slow and risky so you got to use your hoe and we do have up one hoe proficiency uh if you were here no the ho is this one if you were here when we got the plus one in Ho proficiency can you type plus one hoe in the chat please let us hoe some people here are just slightly more proficient in hoing than others it’s valid and I just want those of you who are plus one ho the tool there you go you clarified I just want Mythic cendy in particular if you want to take the points you can take them if you don’t want to add that to your skill tree you don’t have to you do not have to hoe but we I have to Ho we’re hoing here yeah we must that’s a nice shape of a garden looks like a middle finger honestly what do you think of my garden all right it’s like you know what that looks like that Garden shape that looks like those those flacky hands like sticky hands you know those sticky hands you can throw and they go but this one’s shaped like a middle finger and it just sticks to it do they make those I should look that up probably I don’t know if I want to type this into the internet I could get anything oh that’s perfect so should I water it even though it’s raining no I mean you can if you want because we do have for those of you who are here earlier plus one watering can proficiency if you have plus one watering can type plus one water or plus one and a blue emote give me some hydration looking emote um shiny Tigers thank you for being here for three months I appreciate you being here this is satisfying all right here we go last jbird welcome back welcome back for 9 months that’s a twitch baby for you yeah raise it up right and everything teach it to vote teach it to vote have in a moment here this is going to take us a long time to build this path but that is the slow and risky way I guess we could walk around looking for forage Andor branches like we do every day did you plant all your potato I did I did I’m sure tomorrow we’ll see some little starts we’ll see some little starts yeah mhm anybody sees any branches in this dim dim light we like to go walking in the dim dim light I see some Fallen logs press X to go walking in the dim dim light we have to get plus to our uh axe we have weak weak weak Boy axe here yeah we’re going to break it unacceptable weak Boy I don’t know why I said that but that’s what I meant if you’ve ever wielded an Axe and chopping wood you’ve felt the sensation of weak Boy acrylic heart welcome back for 42 months welcome back there’s not a single person on Earth who has swung an axe who hasn’t felt weak Boy about it uh who here has ever swung an axe yeah in real life who really has I don’t think I have actually you’ve never swung an axe in real life no you never swung an axe in real life whoa Mythic sendy says we have an A we should fix a professional Lumberjack and you did ity bitsy has and it’s a lot of fun axe throwing Daisy’s been axe throwing Jax’s chopped wood so all of these people at some point or another felt really weird about it axe throwing I’ve seen that uh but I’ve never done it why do I kind of feel like you’d be really good at axe throwing like I kind of think that might be like your weapon babe my hidden talent I’m just saying like if I really think about like zombie apocalypse circumstances is like well I don’t know I don’t know you have to get pretty close up in personal but the throwing and it’s it’s a mid-range throw but you have to throw in a way where the blade will land on the target not like other parts of it right but to be able to do that you have to be kind of exacting person who like gets like the technique of a thing down and I just think that you would except like I’m not saying right now out of the gate like you could ax wield through the apocalypse but I could learn but I do think that like you are of that metal and I mean that in a in a in a in a Dwarven way I guess but and also just like you seem like the way I could see you killing zombies with an axe and by throwing it thanks Bry yeah I love you I love you too you guys want to go to bed every press Circle the yawn if you feel like yawning I press X if you feel like stretching press square if you feel like turning off your phone and unplugging the alarm so that in the morning there’s no getting it h and press triangle to pull the sheets up real perfectly oh that sounds snug snug snug in nice snugged get snugged snuggled up so TS stretch up snuggle up do what you can all right let’s dip day out oo did some good foraging no mining no mining those days sticky hands I literally just type sticky hands into the internet and it gave me exactly what I meant M sticky hands middle finger let’s try that’s where I start to get afraid what is this that’s little that’s little tiny hands that’s little hands that go on your fingers little hands that go on your fingers get out I don’t seen I’ve seen cats uh people put those on cats you know what I don’t want that I don’t want to see that and I also saw one where they did with little arms on a chicken oh I don’t like that little arms yeah I don’t like that we don’t like that it’s unnatural it’s unnal some consider to be unnatural so when I was younger we had a rooster um that lived in our yard we had chickens and one rooster and our rooster was really really small and uh oh God what was their name rooster yeah what was his name his name was Cole he died in a truck sliding accident he had Fancy Feathers on his feet Fancy Feathers on his feet and uh he um what was his name I’m going to have to text my sister what was his name how can I know I don’t know but he had say some names that you think it might be in he had it was not squat nut that was the chicken squat nut was the chicken who was who was real it was not Hugo it was not Wina not fluffers no but he was real fancy and we thought he was a chick but then one day he went and he walked backwards and that’s how you knew yeah and uh he was real cute um but stayed real small so I think he was a runt chicken but he was a good runt chicken rooster and uh yeah so oh well that’s a great origin story mhm we also had a chicken name life Sabrina and oblina and squat nut and Miss Piggy it’s important to remind people that not assume animals genders either yeah people always are doing that with dogs just straight up get oh and cats or some people lump them all together I think my my grandma was kind of a like oh text Natasha what is find out all right we got a little baby tree growing here what was the name of what was the name our fancy of the fancy rooster rooster with fluffy feet I wish I I wish I just did have that information I was like oh yeah you told me one time and it was and it was obviously Rufus it was not Rufus we did have a rooster later named Rue but that was later R is a cute rooster name MH or chicken was a r or Ru is a r Ru is a rooster oh yeah look look a a stick oh get the stick big day so we live a very peaceful life simple a simple life I think we mentioned that we’re Mi seeds Bri nice nice plant those um we’re peaceful protesters who protest peacefully wild horse radish what are you protesting anything that’s not peaceful okay that makes sense if it doesn’t make more peace we’re not about it inventory fell oh I could eat the mix seeds I can’t get down there should we go down there how do we get there oh an old house an old house it looks abandoned it looks abandoned I never saw this in my in my long life have I I don’t know I don’t remember an abandoned house maybe eventually we can take it over take it over I mean yeah let’s do it I’m throwing those rocks away not because I don’t like those rocks but just because I might need to hold something else [Laughter] someday I can’t go to the beach we’re too little can I go to the beach I want to okay it’s a hot day outside would you rather go to the beach go to a lake or stay inside in the AC beach beach Lake depends how high how hot is hot it’s hot it’s hot yeah whatever hot is to you it’s that lots of people in the beach or inside or lakes do we want to meet this crazy wizard we can meet the wizard something’s going on in here it’s locked you can hear someone inside though it’s locked knock it down with our axe oh yeah or a pool okay um Beach Lake pool or inside beak Beach Lake pool or in well it could be a lake you mean Ocean Beach or probably I would choose the lake yeah that’s cuz I grew up in Michigan I think I would choose the lake too but I do like the beach do we want to meet that friend I kind of feel like a little afraid to to do this why hello hello 1 2 three 4 oh no I messed up again sorry see I just knew ah I knew I was going to interrupt oh this is where we could go fishing one day we socialized oh we socialized we did it we socialized foraging for sticks and forage you know mhm like a peaceful protester must who here has ever been fishing in real life and if you did did you catch anything and if you caught it did you keep it or did you throw it back I want fishing for the first time last year was it last year two years ago yeah that horse didn’t give us much MO it was emotional I don’t think yeah I don’t think Amelia really enjoyed the part that people are like feeling most successful during so I’m not really sure fishing is for you you know and everyone else is saying yay and you’re like ah yeah you know yeah yeah we did eat the fish though we ate our fish we ate the fish that we caught which was you know oh friend in a way a kind of a cool experience to be like a have a relationship with the food where did it come from oh my it looks wonderful that’s very kind of you you’re welcome Evelyn I’ll be back tomorrow with more potatoes live large we got rainbow trout that’s what we caught we did we caught rainbow trout that were in a stocked pond so their fate was sealed from the day they were born an egg Ginger Ginger was the name of our rooster our fancy rooster with the Fluffy feet cuz we thought it was a girl thank [Music] you nice cauliflower seeds we still have seasonal time for right boots with the fur yeah birs boots with the fluff with the fluff boots with the fur I got us some uh coliflower nice I like cauliflower yeah I really like cauliflower in this game because of the art I like how the little thing evolves um have you fun to get them have you ever made cauliflower wings so you take cauliflower and then you uh well we put it in a a air air fryer with bar uh buffalo wing sauce and it is so good all right magic chickens give me a pro tip that Pierre loves a dandelion so I’m gonna give a pier Dand land should we have friends in this playthrough it depends Pierre Pierre Pierre Pierre Pierre oh Pierre that’s very kind of you I like this no problem man I give you another one but I think there’s a limit on how much friendship we can build in a day I’m out of here I don’t want to over invest in your he is a love interest if we want oh who’s this who are you we just giving gifts to everyone in town you get a prize and you get a prize gross [ __ ] I haly does not like the fiber no that’s a horseradish oh I blew it yeah not a fan man I thought we were going to be friends not a fan you know what speaking of giving gifts Amilia I think we should give some prizes Aaron gray agrees Aaron gray today I was Brave good work yeah passing on bravery who to whoever needs it doing some tasks if you’re putting them off for a long time ni yo thank you uh that’s awesome Aaron gray congratulations um thank you thank you thank you uh for gifting this prize if you would like to enter to win it all you got to do is type the chat into the chat and will explain so we have a Mystery Pack right now of our past Legacy stickers so you will get three random selections of these these slightly less likely of this one much less likely get three of these randomly uh so type into the chat if you are interested in entering yourself to win courtesy of Aaron gray thank you Aaron gray appreciate the love and if you want more info on those it’s exclamation point gift prizes in the chat which will take you to deckart games.com and you can order them for yourself or gift them as a prize on stream thank you for supporting our Channel Aaron gray we appreciate you a lot um o o it’s sleepy owl6 with the Bert in the chat Bert is the goodly octopus check it out Whispers whisper we sent you a whisper with instructions on how to claim your prize please double check that your address is correct before before you could enter which will help you get your prize in good order and Amelia Bri that’s not all a someone else is out there doing something likewise Magnolia Sims Magnolia hoping everyone is having a nice slow day slow it down mag noi 0 [Laughter] than I don’t know every time I’ve done that where we go like really no notes anytime we ever have done that thing where we go like really really slow I’m not kidding you we did some sleeping last stream which was pretty actually we could do want to do a little sleeping no I mean you can sleep I can’t it have so I we got like four minutes the viewership skyrocketed [Laughter] really but we slowed it down so much that as I Clos my eyes and stuff I my eyes open again and I was craving OverWatch I was like I gotta go fast Magnolia thank you I I really appreciate the love uh and everybody body else keep typing in the chat for just a couple seconds and let’s pull two more winners for Magnolia and then we’ll go back to the slowest place on Earth slow and deviant Farms what is it called slow but risky slow but risky Farms yeah slow but risky Farms slow it down slow it down the winner is Daisy can’t eat bread congratulations congratulations Daisy can’t eat bread but Daisy can win prize prizes um Bread’s not all it’s cracked up to me he couldn’t say that he couldn’t say that out loud bread is really good but there are other things that are good too there are it’s not like chocolate like if Daisy couldn’t eat chocolate I’d feel it’s true can Daisy eat chocolate because if Daisy can eat chocolate I think she’s just fine Daisy’s winning yeah yeah yeah if I had to choose well never want to before well congratulations thanks for being here I really appreciate you all hanging out with us and it’s a lot of fun to see you be here hey speaking of a new friend we have very Vera 8 yeah very Vera eight thank you for typing in the chat for the very first time what a good sign for you nice you have one we will send you three of these stickers and thank you for hanging out with us should we get back to our uh friend that we tried to make who just called us gross yeah yeah uh deviant Jewels thank you so much for the cheers sending sending lots of of good vibes your way friend thank you for hanging out with us uh can everyone please look Haley directly in the eyes after she called us gross and say have a nice day she didn’t call us gross maybe she just called the horse radish gross I’ll give her another one let’s see you want another one no don’t waste your radish okay thoughts on horse radish horse radish are you a fan horse radish I’m only a fan of beautiful BB beautiful B beautiful BB will that BB continue the BB’s gone um I I like horseradish on a um oyster that’s the only way yeah it’s the only way I want to have Al like hor radish I used to have it on Gila fish as a child it’s kind of oyy isn’t it mhm it’s fishy happy time zone Happ a time zone I want roast beef one time I took a a whiff of some horseradish though just in the jar I was like oh what’s this yeah it gets you right in here it’ll it’ll it’ll mhm uh it could it could get you all right let’s go plant some more seeds we got to take the long but risky way how are you doing it’s doing it we got to take the long path oh nice everyone press Circle to yawn if you need a little yawn see there’s going to be lots of trees here it’s really nice here’s grandfather’s hidden Shrine where everyone everyone type their favorite thing about grandfather into the chat they gave us this Farm that’s your favorite thing it’s only because they gave you this Farm yeah only well I I didn’t meet grandfather so that’s true yeah that’s true you honestly I have no emotional attachment neither did we really we got a letter we’re assuming he beird he spoke very slow he spoke slowly you liked his slow stories he spoke a thanks to him I got my dad a he wrote us Le letters we never read he was oh we love you grandfathers oh how are the potatoes doing today let’s check on them with our hose no the they’re looking good they need to be watered probably let’s fact can dryan thanks for for letting everyone know nice Circle The Yacht again if you need it’s getting dark this is when things get dangerous remind me what happens someone steals her stuff monsters come out all right everything’s looking pretty watered should we head home yeah it’s 8:50 all right let’s see this slow risky way as we on our way to along the path it’s getting riskier every night because we have so many um I know it’s hard to maneuver oh here’s your labyrinth of weedless I don’t want to die out here no Amelia yeah do you want to um play some OverWatch I’m just going so slow through this grass so slow it’s making me crave running all right sounds good we’re going to get to bed early tonight should we sell these fibers let’s sell some fibers we can sell the fibers we don’t need those fibers no no all right brain too sleepy should we all press x x oh we leveled up oh well look at that you uh our plus one axe proficiency plus one axe proficiency trees sometimes drop seeds oh nice well when we chop them I think not when you shake them do we I don’t know I don’t know I think that when you shake them they could drop we can also make a field snack and we can craft some wild seeds wild wild seeds indeed the time is upon us time is upon us so shall I round things out yes friends thank you so much for spending time with us on uh slow but risky FS I will go engage mother mode um I love you all thank you Amelia yeah thank you appreciate you of course of course uh thank you for doing the thing I do the thing and thank you all for being here um hello little one we’ll be to you shortly oh team so slow so I just want to shout out to F oh my God all this yawning oh team this yawning oh I gotta wake up it’s really weird team it’s really weird to wake up so early but to think you might go back to bed so much but not so you’re in that like you’re in the false hope of sleep mode for so long you know um oh you know you heard OverWatch helps with the on we could play one we could literally play one round of OverWatch that would be allowed I could get I could get away with one round should we just win one round of OverWatch that’s hilarious um but I just real quick I want to say that I feel like for these Tuesday Morning slots it is more and more possible that they don’t start right on time so I’m going to ping you all on Discord but I’m probably going to do it more like all right we’re going live in like 30 minutes or 20 minutes or something because it’s too hard to hit a Target if I’m like oh this is what’s going to be happening an hour from now I’m always wrong I’m always wrong um yeah there’s a Discord exclamation point Discord come on over canid Ryan

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#2 Stardew Valley (New Slow Farm!) w/ Bryan & Amelia of Dechart Games


