Stardew Valley 1.6 – Let’s Play Ep 114

good morning friends and fellow Farmers let’s get ourselves some coffee beans coffee beans coffee beans then let’s go and um let’s go see if the Ron found a friend let’s get some coffee in our system and we can finish these Sunfish today I think cuz I think it’s nice and sunny out so let’s go do that now the bait may have worked in the rain I don’t know but the you know with the first two being a cat fish and than a CD I was like I’m not going to waste any uh resources on that uh weather P okay that’s whatever Spirits are somewhat annoyed today they just need to they need to have a some needs to have a comforting talk with them let them know that hey they’re appreciated they’re imaginary and uh we’re rooting for them are we’re going to have to do house upgrade soon I think is the next thing cuz if I’ve got one barn and one CPE is it recipe dear Hodge thank you so much for the leaks they look fresh and delicious George will love them today I’m going to surprise them with 12 little gift wrap Treasures thanks to you stop by if you want to be there Evelyn please accept this gift I think you’ll enjoy it oh my gosh Evelyn uh you you know the key to my heart is here let’s put it right by the door so it’s like our as we’re heading out we can grab a cup of java I love it forgot about that we get a delightful uh coffee maker from her that’s pretty sweet okay now a catfish uh I don’t actually have one of those here okay that’s good well catfish it is um let’s now go and load up okay I’ll take the ferns sure Fern singular okay so let’s load these up and then I’m going to we’ll work on this uh I want to go get [Music] Critters the uh the Sunfish first I think that’s my focus for the morning okay let’s see here how do I do this let’s put this away let’s grab this and this and let’s go and say hi to all of our critters okay and then okay that’s that’s cool Hello gang okay for tastic okay uh let’s dump these things buddy there we go thank you [Music] hey kitty cat uh let’s let’s not walk past all the machines again don’t ask me why my brain just does that I’m like well I’m done here no idea why I want to walk right past them okay got some glasses oh I didn’t even go and collect the eggs okay let’s go do that there might be a duck feather no no duck feather also uh I’m waiting for our Dino to hatch that’s an exciting one definitely I I’m appreciating playing this in like a a not monom maniacal mode like I in the past I because we’ve we’ve taken things oh look at that we got ourselves a carp we’ve taken things so far in this game that it it you know we’ve gotten to a point where it was just like excessive um which is interesting to take a game to that place but it’s also uh let’s we can smoke this carp actually um it’s uh it’s a different mode you’re on a it’s more of autopilot at a certain point um whereas this is uh very much not I don’t know if I’ve sold a fern yet for that I’ll just sell those things um anyway yeah I I like this uh diversity and what we’re doing it’s uh cuz everything’s moving along at a decent pace it’s not like yeah I don’t feel like I’m I’m going too far in One Direction it feels like everything’s sort of spaced out and that that seems about right okay let’s go fishing here soon enough we’re going to get another possible thing on the messaging board too but I do like that we’ve been able to finish a lot of these um and this beats coming that’s going to be good a little things like that that rainbow um pot of gold that was a surprise that was kind of a a neat thing to so it’s a lot of that stuff that I’m like and that’s that’s just chance I walked by there when there was a sunny day like I don’t know do you always so we got another one of those fish finders I like those those are handy we’re trying to catch just that special fish for the first time saves me wasting a bunch of my day I think we need one more come [Music] on all right there we go and we got some geot 370 well that’s good so uh was that for Demetrius so if anything I’m imagining we um maybe earned a few friendship points with him there that’d be good I should be looking out for tasks for um mie and Jody I like living on the farm my favorite is the fresh ice cream for the cow’s mou as Penny says I have to read this book before I go play hey Penny and I don’t think I have anything to give you no okay so let’s now go into the forest I think I want to go check that out um also C oh we got a very good we got ourselves our red ticket let’s go spend this yeah I love these PR tickets five diamonds hey right that reminds me I’ve got to go make crystarium so now we got friendship tea coming again so we got um some mystery uh whatever those Geo things are I was trying to remember too at what point do we um do we get uh the island ah do not get too close to my hair with a torch oh dude I have no interest and old willhelm here let’s go and say hi okay Willie if you really want to get the fish biting make sure to put some bait on your hook good stuff what is your what’s your desire here Willie we don’t even have I not gifted him yet okay uh if I just give him a fish a gift thanks no that was like he likes that I guess I I don’t know I don’t remember Willie at all that’s just a normal gift he’s like me you gave me a thing okay um how about I sell you oh you know what no I should be smelting those sorry buddy what do you have here fish smoker recipe oh it’s 10 grand for the fish smoker uh no I want to do house upgrades that’s what I want to do oh my gosh I didn’t need a coffee I sure felt like I did real life I need a coffee um 1:30 we could Friday I don’t know I don’t remember what time she uh stops work at cuz I feel like we could do the first house upgrade at this point the barn Coupe are fine um I’m going to need a shed soon no big deal I’d really like to get the horse that would be really nice but I do think I’m going to get the house um no I don’t cuz I do not have like any wood oh my gosh really that is it wow right I spent it all on my last thing I don’t think I can uh order an adequate number of trees in the amount of time I have hey kids all right okay worm look might just be money I feel like it’s wood though let’s go talk to her and find out before I waste any more time oh dude Robin upgrade house oh what uh the size of your house and add a nursery will cost 65,000 also you need a piece of hardwood 65,000 really was that always the case that feels different I don’t recall it being that brutal oh my gosh okay [Music] um uh uh like a stable I need 100 hardwood for that I really want that I guess okay my dude if you get my get my mom uh want my mom to like you give her Peach I give it to her one year and she wouldn’t stop talking about it I like that now my question is did uh did it add Peach to her yeah oh maybe I already knew that that I don’t know all right and Woody secret beld trees have a 5% chance to yield double the wood if I give her Woody secret have we already read Woody secret um we haven’t but that’s interesting okay here’s some more wormy worms Got Some Coal all right I will cut down some more trees here while at this murdering of full the Forest cuz I am going to need some probably for something so I’ll take them and then let’s head back and check on I think the beads probably have at least another day but we go check on those all right and let’s go um quickly check on that stuff okay K did I go in I’m I did okay oh look the way the dock hops out of the water that is so cute oh my gosh uh hold the phone the beats are in okay well that’s a thingo I’m going to also uh we’re going to murder some Forest here no we’re just taking out some uh Moss hey buma what you doing okay so I’m going to Boogie here is what I’m going to do uh let’s put some stuff in here I don’t need to right you know I’m going to keep a couple of these on me just to remind me that I do want to make some things and then also get rid of some stuff here [Music] um that’s seven oh my gosh okay go ahead we left them in the shed didn’t we I I I really I need a Teleport one that just lets me pick a spot on the map and fly over to it okay and then we’ve got some extra beads that’s nice I guess we can got 12 all right let’s go over to town this time I think that was genuinely quicker excellent 7:00 it this is nice so I don’t remember what the next step maybe it’s the thing on our porch is that what it is you quickly place the beads in the fridge wait a sec there’s a note tape to the milk it’s addressed to you like the mayor just doesn’t notice this good job kid your final task give the sand dragon his last meal Mr key so we need to get the uh that bus opened up again now I don’t remember if that opens up the bus or what the deal is [Music] um yeah we’ve gifted Pam we Max Pam out um okay so Sebastian’s good he’s almost there there we go once we get it down to like one page it’s a lot easier to focus if I got four or five people that you’re really really focused in on I find I think every time I I focus in on a couple people at a time it just takes forever to uh to think about a giant list of eight people there’s a few days where I can do it in the middle when you’re like wrapping up a bunch of them but or when you’re just giving everybody coffee that works really well you don’t to think about it at all have a thing have a thing oh I’ve given you seven things this week that’s all right um so just a remember here so what is glittering Boulder removed okay Bus Repair is the Vault oh okay oh right so we just got to basically buy away it now now this makes sense for us to do it okay well that’s fine I was like $60 some th000 away from the house anyway so you know what that’s that’s cool it is amazing I I forget how it how kind of um without going the other path like how critical the finishing the things up in here are like I kind of put off a lot of these things till later just make sure we didn’t have anything here right I should have brought some stuff but you know not thinking cabbage we got to work on okay so we’ll wrap that up we got chocolate cake 5,000 purchase we got ourselves some quality fertilizer 10,000 we got ourselves a lightning rod and 25,000 I got to work on that one I guess it’s good that we can like buy our way to the end and these fish uh the one we get the one in the desert that’s good and then this ocean fish um I got to get that fish um I should be probably trying to get it now like seasonally I don’t know when hey gang what’s up I found an ashy in Sebastian’s room and it smelled really weird should I be worried about this yeah yeah probably it’s Sebastian or I don’t know I have no idea what am I going to throw under the bus I’m from the West Coast so yeah you should probably has fentel in it like just don’t whatever throw burn the ashtray in a in a fire somewhere h i I don’t know what what we uh we tort Robin it’s okay I I don’t think you know this kind of town I feel like you’d have be a lot of like people who’ve sort of just dropped out of you know big city Society this not sounds like a negative phrase not not dropped out but like retreated from no that also sounds negative who’ just decided that they don’t like living in cities cuz I think we think living in a city is the best thing but I don’t know I got most of my family lives in nowhere the middle of nowhere and they’re all very happy there and that’s a that’s a choice I like living in a city but I grew up in the middle of nowhere and I appreciate also that part of me often thinks it would be lovely to go live in the forest again um okay hold up I was using the wrong bloody bait you know what let’s put this thing [Music] on [Music] um but yeah it’s uh I I would imagine that what I was getting at is I think there would be a lot more hippies living here or whatever the word we would want to use now okay so I don’t want this [Applause] fish I just like fishing at the Rock there’s no no good reason now we’re not going to last much longer but I don’t know what time of day I don’t remember anything about that fish that’s nice that we can yeah this definitely helps it cuts down a waste of time when you’re really trying to zero in on a pish so I’m guessing I it might just be a time of day we’re not going to see it try one more one more legitimate oh I’m who we’re getting tired [Applause] all right that’s fine it was keep getting hering or whatever that is we are pretty wiped it was all the tree cutting tuckered us out today hey buddy I uh let me just make the can imagine the mine carts are really loud that’s another thing like this wouldn’t be like be a Gunk G junk G chunk it be like a a 1950s roller coaster like everyone would be like oh they’re they’re traveling through town again G junk G junk G junk G junk G junk be so violent okay so yeah and then the other beat uh guess we’ll grow that as well okay now I where I put my lightning rod guess put one there um let’s get inside cuz we’re about to black out all right we will see you all next time till then bye-bye

It begins!


  1. I never knew u could put a tapper on the fern tree. Learn something new every day 😂 although what do we need them for? I don't think I ever had any use apart from that 1 bundle in CC and maybe a recipe.

    P.c. Willy loves diamonds was screaming GIVE HIM A DIAMOOOOND PLEASE 😂

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