Terraria’s NEW ROGUELIKE Game Mode is INSANE…

Terraria has a new Rog likee game mode and it’s actually insane with over 11 different floors to play through 60 unique enemies to fight and 12 unique boss fights this might be one of the best mods that you got to check out right away let’s H in game and check it out I am so excited to check out today’s mod it is tur Rog likee AKA Terraria Rog likee now if you guys are big fans of Rog likes like I am some of my favorites being Binding of Isaac gunon spun just to name a few then you might be interested in something like this now this isn’t a mod where it’s like hey there’s a couple changes you get random weapons you get random skills now this is straight up a whole entire new rogue like let’s just hit play let’s hop into it we got to make a character I’m going name him rogy let’s go ahead randomize him to of course boom he looking slick looking like a tunnel snake yo and there’s difficulties at the bottom the intended regular experience we got blood moon that turns it up and then we got one that turns it down let’s go with the default one look look at this we are actually in a whole new generated area this is actually a Rog likee it’s not just like some random Terraria stuff yo they got me fighting ballistas what the heck they got the bullet Hill aspects of some Rogue like this is actually crazy I do have infinite ammo oh I could just hold left leg thank God but this is already sick this is exactly what I would look for when it comes to a rogue like anaria cuz we’ve seen things in the past where it’s like it just changes a couple things here and there still cool but this is something that I’ve always wanted what is that slime right there is that slime something I’m supposed to kill is he like a treasure I don’t know but I am getting my ass beat I have no idea how the healing works so I got to be a little careful oh I am lowkey getting beat the hell up oh okay we’re good we’re good we just got to beat the beat the the room let’s look at the items though antique lens increases main attack size extra copies of his item also more damage and then we get uh what was that Dr damage resistance do I equip these or do I pop these or if they’re just in my inventory I’m assuming that’s how they work yeah we start with this gun and we start with a sword hold attack to charge up the blad so we could charge up the attack and then we can also just click to do a quick swing but let’s keep it going I wonder how hard this stuff gets I don’t even know if I should use something else besides the gun it seems like the gun is the great whoa I didn’t even see the dude with a shotgun buddy with a shotgun could have destroyed me let’s let’s get some sword swings though let me get a fully charged sword swing okay I don’t know about the sword bro there’s not too many times in Rog like games where I’d want to use a melee weapon especially range rugle plus 3 HP after avoiding damage for 7 Seconds yeah I’m assuming we legit don’t have to do anything like it just sits in our inventory so I’m not even going to worry about it why is the Slime running away I don’t know if that slime is like a treasure slime like killing them gives us extra something I don’t know it’s getting a little hectic though the rooms are getting bigger but so are the amount of enemies so it’s kind of scary I don’t even know where the bists are they’re just shooting at me from somewhere but this is so sick I’m so glad that there’s a full mod that has done something like this cuz like I said earlier I’ve seen mods that have tried to do this idea I even did a stream on the channel this YouTube channel instead of twitch a while back checking out something like this it was a little bit more tame it wasn’t as cool as an idea as this still cool but not as big as this how do I get this thing do I sneak up the Rope like this boom yeah try and give me yo we have a double jump I didn’t even know we had a double jump what do we get this time sanguin orb so we get to do some bleeding damage or C you now I’m very interested to see the bosses in this cuz I have a feeling the bosses might be crazy in this these ballistas are low key scary just because the way they got them set up like look at this this is a great location for a Ballista he has a wall in between us Oh look The Bleeding yes sir hold up that bleeding might actually be kind of nasty now that I look at it I can’t wait till we get like some crazy type of passives going some crazy synergies cuz that is 100% my favorite thing about rogot games once you start the crazy synergies popping especially Binding of Isaac that is my favorite Rog like and you guys probably know that cuz I’ve done a bunch of Isaac stuff on the channel main projectiles G slight homing okay this is a little ass room this might get dangerous bro this might get dangerous oh my God I’m almost dead already I wonder what happens if we die is it just like over just straight up just done oh shoot oh my God clutch it out clutch it out we’re good we’re good we’re good okay we have an item where I could possibly ignite some enemies let’s just just chill over here oh my God I keep forgetting that guy shoots projectiles I got to get used to the enemy types now what I’m wondering after this not only I’m wondering what the bosses are going to look like but I’m also wondering if there’s different variations of enemies or is this all is this like a fully complete mod is there a bunch of stuff we’re about to see spawn healing fungi while running on the ground okay oh oh my God this is sick bro this is actually so sick I love this can he throw his hammer through the wall okay he’s got got a little Dash so there’s custom AI oh The Boulders bro I was not ready for that hold up we got to hit a little Shuffle we got to hit a little Shuffle pick up the little healing on the floor cuz that is literally our only source of healing he’s spawning in some dudes kind of getting dangerous do I have a dash no I do not have a dash but we could use the room this is a great room layout for us he can’t even throw hammers that far weak ass arm little arm weak ass arm oh we chilling though this dude is not that bad it seems like the only attack that’s really scary is that Dash and the Bol cuz the boulders can catch me off guard easily but it doesn’t seem like he’s even pulling out those attacks bro this dude just wants to spam Hammer throws and spawning oh where’d he go you hear me talking [ __ ] he’s doing new stuff oh The Boulders that Boulder attacks oh does he do like a little sonic wave on the floor I did not notice that if he does that oh my God he heard me talking [ __ ] he heard me talking [ __ ] okay we’re good we’re good we beat him that is sick though there’s custom animations yo what is this 10% chance upon hitting enemy to fire a lock on Missile yo I KCK get down some missiles all right is this a portal to the next area oh my God so there is other levels I’m wondering if there’s new enemies and yes there is oh my God this might be a top ter mod this might be a top ter model who shot me with ior the iore stickers do you know how strong these innings are oh my God and the Slime shoots iore too I don’t know about these layouts this is a tough layout bro this is scary what is that helium Air Canister o I got a little extra double jump these rooms are terrifying though compared to the last rooms I don’t know bro we got to really play it here play it safe oh my God these tiny ass rooms are making it a little hard to run around especially that most of these enemies are projectile spamming enemies or they shoot projectiles like that [ __ ] just hit that we just got to actively be moving but not moving enough to where we just start running into stuff let’s start with a sword boom we start with a nice Hefty hit okay dude that see that’s an enemy I don’t expect to have an attack a projectile attack just like a regular ass pra hell no I don’t expect that that’s hit me almost every time hold up hold up get him to spit boom he spit yep yep yeah get in there I really don’t know how good the melee is compared to uh the gun I just feel like the gun makes sense to use right now Amber ring gain five barrier upon hitting an enemy okay I noticed we do have a barrier thing which I’m assuming is just a shield what is this y’all are spawning these dudes close as hell look at this room this is terrifying oh my God hold up get the charge off boom get him out of here before he even spits yes sir I wonder if there’s new weapons in this at all I feel like we need to get our hands on some new weapons or something because feel like uh using these same weapons get a little stale even with the abilities that we’re getting I just I just feel like we need a little little bit more something something produce an item upon entering a new floor interesting my boy chilling at the bottom what’s you doing out here you missed out on everything don’t forget to go up here and get the item I almost forgot oh it’s red become immune to being here for 20 seconds it’s not bad but it’s only when you enter a new floor I’m kind of scared to see what this boss is on this floor I feel like it lowkey might be like a actual bullet held type boss okay we get this little soul of Lena this is probably from a game somebody tell me in the comments some of these are all probably references uhoh the brain pulling up he knows I just talked [ __ ] about him in the recent challenge run I just did yo he got new attacks this is sick oh my God like I said bullet hell knew it was coming knew a couple of extra shots were going to be fired because the Paladin was was too easy too simple they have to Spruce it up a little bit here they got to make it a little bit harder oh my God I don’t have any type of uh horizontal movement I only have vertical so if he does anything too crazy too spread out I don’t have much of a counter he just respawns all the creepers back again so should I even focus on him the creepers should I just focus on him oh my God he’s dashing now this is what the brain fight should be though for real love Rel logic takes some some notes here this is actually a very good brain fight I wonder if it has a phase two I’m hoping not because I’m kind of scared what it doing he doing some lunatic CST type [ __ ] what is it healing what the [ __ ] this dude has so much health this is like an actually hard fight okay the fight is pretty much over this was a long fight and I think it’s mainly because it heals that actually made that hard I switched the sword for like a little bit and it was doing pretty decent damage but it’s still scary to use yeah that’s the item we got let’s see what’s up next oh shoot oh my God a marble area is what it’s looking like that or I’m just here to choose an item is that what that said what do we got here I don’t even get to see what they do that is a shotgun I’m choosing the shotgun wait hold up what does it do oh I don’t know what I just did four times main attacks per weapon use attack speeds decrease so what I just get straight up a shotgun okay wait how does this stuff work I don’t know how this works can I get like all of this stuff I don’t know do I even want to get all of this stuff probably not oh so we can switch an item that’s what it is okay so what was our most useless blue item maybe this one the 8% chance to block attacks let’s see is the chili pepper good enemies ignite other nearby enemies on kill okay and then what’s our most useless green item this one gives us barrier let let’s get rid of uh this one this looks like a flail so what is this do slow enemies okay desert area all right I see him let’s do it I feel like I’m going to be way stronger I literally have a shotgun now like I should be way stronger this exactly what I was looking for though was a little weapon upgrade cuz I feel like our old weapon was getting a little stale I wonder what the boss is going to be for here because we don’t really officially have a desert boss in Tera I wish we did we got a mini boss we’re just a harder enemy in the desert Elemental so I’m interested to see that’s if we even get that far upon into your room deploy eight homing rockets that sounds amazing eight homing Rockets hold up we got a big boy worm watch out now yo the ant Li’s actually like teleport around the room that’s kind of cool so I’m assuming red items are the best that’s what it seems like at least the red items I have have been all really decent that rocket attack kind of nice bro kind of takes out like a handful of enemies right when we get into a room yo we got another Chili Pepper what what happens if I get multiple increases the radius pretty good our crowd control is going to be decent I like how they updated some of the attacks of these enemies like the ant lions are shooting like big burst of SS Sands balls sand undertale so could be very nice nunchucks enemies take more damage so closer I am more damage I’m about to hit this [ __ ] with a burst to the face oh it actually shows me the radius too now another thing I wonder about this mod is is it random every time in terms of you know you go through the stone area the crimson and then the desert or is it different every time like I could start in the desert I have no idea it’s probably you starting the stone area no matter what cuz I feel like starting off with that uh brain a cthulu fight as the first fight might be a little tough oh shoot is this the boss already or is this just a big area Oh shoot what do we got oh it’s the desert Elemental okay so just a stronger desert Elemental let’s see the new attacks yo that attack which 3D sick looking attack I like this though Relic come on take some notes Here some of these attacks are crazy maybe some of these bosses can use a couple of these taxs IRL man desert Elemental Ain’t a Bad enemy though I do like the desert tornadoes little sandes hold up she spawn in little enemies probably take those out oh I’m in the corner how do how do I get around the tornado okay never mind went away we got to actually watch our space in here because I cannot get caught in a corner like that cuz that low key could have been the end of the fight getting caught in the corner like that I’m not doing too bad there have been a couple of close calls but we’re managing we’re managing oh what are these like tentacles hold up freaky ass boss get that get that away from me hell no she was trying to get freaky hold up a sword what this stock up to four daggers while attacking stop attacking to release a flurry of all stock daggers can I do it right now I don’t know oh yeah there go I honestly might just be too good is that a Gatling gun yeah get rid of whatever the hell I have no not the shotgun I [ __ ] up y’all I [ __ ] up we could have had a shotg oh my god dude imagine this with a shotgun oh my God I’m angry at myself I’m not going to lie y’all okay jungle area all right now how bad does it get does it start getting like impossible you know how is a Rog like you start getting a little deeper it’s a little tough like you actually got to play the game a bunch and learn everything one Rog like that lowkey always beat my ass when I got deeper into it gungeon definitely one of them but you learned with the gungeon but a Nuclear Throne I remember every time I got super deep into Nuclear Throne those later levels were just tough I need to play some more Rog leges but I feel like the amount of Binding of Isaac I played is like Rog likeed me out that a word probably not Rogue likeed me out I play Too Many Rog likes that it’s hard for me to get into new ones but like one that do want to play is vampire survivors that’s definitely a newer one newer title that I want to play It’s not that new anymore bro is another one bro’s art style reminded me of like OG Bing so far this jungle area is kind of terrifying like I’m taking a lot of damage when the enemies do hit me here we have 175 Health it’s not that much slightly better than what we were dealing with earlier but imagine if I had a shotgun machine gun bro I really fumbled at least we got the bouncing bullets to make up for it kind of terrify about what the boss is going to be is it going to be like planta is it going to be a little bit easier and be the queen bee I don’t know especially with the fights actually like customized and different kind of terrifying to think about I wonder if red items are rare or if they’re like guaranteed per floor I think we’ve gotten one every floor maybe it’s every boss oh shoot it’s the queen bee no not as scary as planta but if she has custom attacks it might be terrifying actually here we go what do we got from the queen bee oh great damage off rip look to see it I don’t even know where she’s at I’m Legit just firing I can’t kill these bees kind of scary cuz she’s legit just firing off a th000 bees on her ass oh jeez big ass Stingers again I don’t have a grappling hook I can’t really move around that well our movement is very impaired compared to regular Terraria like we got decent just walking speed but like I really need some horizontal speed with a grappling hook or a dash because there is only so much I could keep up with okay if we’re behind the wall she can’t hit us with the little shotgun Stingers that’s actually good enough she’s shooting like honey on the floor I’m assuming that would slow us if we walk into it this attack we kind of got to stay with her is lowkey like a laser beam attack instead of lasers it’s just a bunch of little bees this actually hasn’t been too bad though I think the hardest fight has been easily the brain of cthulu who would have thought one of the top three worst teral boss fights actually insane in the Rogue like mod maybe I just got good accessories and that’s why this doesn’t seem too bad and when I fought the brain I had bad accessories I don’t know damn by her own children that’s wild nature is scary y’all watch out I think I’m too good I feel like this video is going to be too long I’m just too good at the game I think we do one more floor and then I call it cuz I think there’s eight bosses so I think we’re like halfway through this would be just too long of a video I might have to play this on stream hold up lizard construct we got some custom enemies coming in kind of sick I know there was custom AI but custom ene enemies themselves is pretty dope we also have the white lunatic um cultist Archer which lowkey he does fit in this uh gold area dude this is terrifying there’s so much going on now I should have never fumbled the shotgun machine gun build I could have had greatness let’s see if I can kill these dudes just pure Ricochet yeah look at that I don’t know if I can get this one we got a lot of room to operate with what is this pun taking damage I want to get some more synergies man it seems like the red stuff is the real synergy stuff everything that is in the red stuff is a little bit it’s like getting bad space bar items in is I need more very cool stuff and not this mess stuff notice I’m starting to get a lot of duplicates too so I wonder how many items there are I might have to pop open in a cheat sheet to see how many custom items are this is a bad area to fight something that throws a boulder Indiana Jones ass moment got me trapped in a corrid door with a boulder I think we already know who we’re fighting yep is it just his head is just his head this is interesting oh [ __ ] okay I have to run away from that I can’t just hide like how I was doing right there yo this dude got the whole Arena set up with traps oh God how do I dodge some of this oh my God I don’t know how I didn’t take damage I might have okay let’s see if we could pull this one out looks good damage I told you our damage is solid let’s watch out for that flamethrower attack that flamethrower attack is terrifying oh is that it all ready my God I thought there was going to be a phase two I beat the [ __ ] out of him enemies released clusters of bombs yo I might be too op y’all I might be too op whoa what’s going on here what is going on here I don’t know we got some uh lunar stuff popping this music bumping though Persona ass music what happened where’s the end of this here we go oh my God that is the moon Lord are the eyes staring at me this is scary yo dude imagine if the moonl is actually like set up like this yo they got his ass chained down this is sick what the heck this is way cooler than like the regular lunar event I hate the lunar event so what happens we just got to fight the pillars yep oh man so this is I’m assuming going to be like a more personable or personal Moon Lord event or lunar event I don’t know seem kind of regular so far maybe less annoying doesn’t seem too crazy there’s that giant portal that was trying to hit me honestly this is more calm than the regular lunar event I like it I tweeted about the lunar event and how much I hate it because it just is one of the most repetitive things in the game I’m fine with the game having repetitive moments there’s no problem with that but the lunar event bro it’s just I don’t know man it’s not cool enough of a thing to Warrant doing it over and over again every play through like you have to minimum kill 100 enemies per pillar it might even go higher depending on difficulty so you have to kill 400 enemies minimum just to get past and fight the moon I know it goes down to 50 once you beat them the first time but still doesn’t mean it’s not repetive up I like though how every time we do break one of the pillars the chains are popping off of them all here we go solar time I’m going to keep my ass on the floor I do not trust them okay maybe I don’t keep my ass on the floor maybe he doesn’t get that bad though dude I do a lot of damage but imagine if I did this damage with a shotgun that’s going to be my biggest fumble 2024 not picking up that damn shotgun upgradeing all right all pieces have been broken let’s do it y’all I’m ready it is Moon Lord time I might actually beat this challenge I beat this uh mod I don’t know if there’s any more content I don’t know if there’s any other like varied content cuz I thought it said there was eight bosses or something so maybe there was like other variations we could have ran into I don’t know maybe there was a crimson oh my God maybe instead of the Crimson there’s a corruption version I don’t know if I should break all his eyes at the same time or if I’m trying to focus on one who knows probably like regular Moon Lord it gets insanely hard depending on how many oh my god I think I’m just going to have to take the hit on that I was not in a great area to not get hit oh [ __ ] we’re good we’re good bounce the shots bounce the shots I’m trying to get the circle going I’m a Terraria player I Dodge in circle that’s just my natural instinct but it’s seeming like dodging in circles may not be the greatest let’s take this eye out right here this one specifically got to go I’m sorry I always hated the top L enemies let’s stay Nimble though we don’t want to we don’t want want to get caught lacking let’s move around a little bit oh see exactly what I meant exactly what I meant we might as well just take out each eye one by one oh I’m taking a little bit of damage as long as we keep building the barrier up we don’t have to worry too much the barrier stuff actually becoming insanely clutch that is what’s keeping us alive oh yeah oh yeah can’t hit me slip underneath them this is usually something you don’t do against the moon Lords slipping underneath them like this we can do it y’all we can do it I have faithed in myself I’m just going to stay down here I feel like this is a safe area to stay oh the eyes are dashing towards oh I don’t know about this what the [ __ ] the eyes are terrifying like I don’t know what the eyes are about to do let chill chill chill we got a good angle get an angle just get our health back up by moving back and forth with the little mushrooms on the floor that attack right here is actually terrifying because it homes in and it leaves like a streak where it came from you can’t run into the little streak oh we good we good oh no way there’s a oh okay I was about to say who whoa whoa there’s a timer what’s going on 5 minutes that isn’t a lot of time that’s usually like how long takes me to take a [ __ ] maybe a little bit less depends what type of [ __ ] you know I am moving though I’m not going to lie yo look at the melee attacks fast as [ __ ] maybe I should have been using this oh man broom’s actually shaking he’s about to knock this whole place down I wonder if there’s a third phase oh my God we actually have to go all the way to the the end this is crazy this is crazy it’s kind of sick at the same time I usually don’t like stuff like this but this is kind of sick little dangerous though I’m getting my ass be I’m not going to lie to you get that barrier up ooh this is this is actually very dangerous I might have to like hide somewhere yeah I might have to hide somewhere hold up chill for a second chill for a second I know we only got 3 minutes chill for a second chill for a second our health is low we cannot just run through everything okay you know what these are actually pretty good rooms for this because these enemies got to try a little bit harder to hit us oh W oh oh dodged his ass yes sir we made it no problem we should be chilling from this point on 2 minutes and two more areas that I got across through we’re good we’re good made it through that decent amount of Health go ahead pick that up okay this area is a little terrifying too I’m not going to lie the ior stickers primarily are the terrifying things look at this hallway what is this they know what they’re doing with these damn hallways take the hits and go take the hits and go God damn slow down a little bit we got a minute we got a minute just slow down a little bit we know the layout we’re not too big of a rush here okay we’re going to have to take a hit here it’s all good because guess what we’re at the end baby oh my God don’t tell me there’s one more fight there’s actually one more fight all right let’s see what these items are we got this what does it do oh you can roll the item that’s on the pedestal I’m scared to hit that cuz I don’t know what the [ __ ] it does healing pass Max life heals barrier instead is that the reason why I have a barrier most of the time like I don’t want to get rid of it but what does this item do it has to do something I’m risking it for the content I’m risking it pwn taking damage receive 50% of Health damage reduce okay so it wasn’t that bad let’s do it true brain of cthulu we have a final fight here what is going on what the [Music] hell my boy is creating straight up Arena on us let’s get it I’m ready ready I hope I am oh my God was I supposed to dodge that cuz I don’t think I was going to make it our damage is solid though like our damage is actually really good as long as we just don’t get hit ourselves like we might be chill oh [ __ ] okay we’re good I’m actually here I’m actually paying attention good like starting area for that attack he’s right in the middle and I was right next to his ass wao whoo whoo whoa whoo whoo W I have something that’s blocking attacks and has lowkey clutch as hell it is saving our asses okay let’s get ready I’m ready for the lasers okay I was not ready for a dash again my vertical movement is terrible what the hell it’s the bottom one it’s the bottom one I caught his ass oh [ __ ] this is a sick fight again this is kind of cool imagine instead of having to do the pillars that you had to do this after the moon Lord just take out the pillars completely kind of sick I like it I’m sitting here waiting for him to do the uh the lasers again that’s really what I’m sitting here waiting for wait for it wait for it yep yep yep Home Free yes sir we’re almost there baby I want to jinx it I should I shouldn’t have said anything okay as long as we’re moving against some most of these attacks we can’t get hit which is very good it’s like most Roga games yeah you got to just keep moving you’re chilling it’s like most terrario boss fights you just move around you’re chilling please tell me his ass is dead bro I’m tired of him get him up out of here sick death animation oh my God sick everything I done turned his ass into a star beautiful beautiful oh my God that was amazing man this this is a top terrario mod easily right now this is a top terrari mod I’ve never seen so much well I have seen a lot of creativity but to change it like this look at the shout out to everyone that worked on it and as you can see the other top Tero mods external code Calamity and starlight yeah shout out everyone that worked on this Terraria Rog like mod man it’s it’s amazing again I love Rog like so having something like this in Terraria that’s this high quality inane so make sure to download it join their Discord do whatever show support to everyone that worked on it cuz it’s amazing external assets risk rain to ultra kill undertale undertale yellow there’s a yellow version of undertale hey Isaac armored Core damn they got some nice external assets here yeah I hope yall enjoyed the video make sure to leave a like subscribe and turn on the notification Bell if you want to see more hey if you want to see me stream this on my twitch we could we could do that I enjoyed this a lot I really want to see if there’s other synergies and also if there’s other bosses and stuff or other rooms that we haven’t seen But thank y’all for watching I’ll see y’all next time

This EASILY might be the Best Terraria Gamemode to ever come out!

TerRoguelike – https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3282694994

Join the Gameraiders Discord! – https://discord.gg/G7Fwd7GyRJ


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