I got this beautiful Red Bull blue Edition so I’m feeling good so we’ll start this thing Aang up apparently Terraria has a Rog like now it looks like it’s going to be interesting we’re going to try and do this it’s called ter terog like terog like so I think it’s going to be I think it’s going to be fun I’ve played a couple of Rog likes before played a one called skull the hero Slayer and it was a uh Nightmare made me really upset I never made a video out of it because I got a little too upset that was like 3 years ago probably I recorded that thing look at this waffle Rogue like what are we supposed to do what are we supposed to do classic probably the intended toog like experience decreased hurt immune time bosses attack more often the real question is do we do blood moon full moon we’re not doing New Moon all right I haven’t I haven’t tried this at all yet all right I’ll do blood moon I’m a goddamn man well we’re fast as oh oh oh oh oh oh [ __ ] what’s hitting me what hit me I would love to know do I have uh any health regen my God yo this is [ __ ] crazy this is actually kind of wild sanguin orb 8% chance upon hitting an enemy to inflict bleeding deals 240 base damage in total over a duration which could be extended by inflicting bleeding again do I just hang on to it I guess God damn can be messed with in countless Ways by the items you may find kind of just rocking with the gun all along a wrathful route you seemed fine to me truly this is [ __ ] sick so far plus 3 HP after avoiding damage for 7 Seconds extra copies of this item increasing do I have to equip these somehow or do we just keep them in the old inventory and that works for us I don’t I don’t really know nice nice we’re sick with it this is actually really cool oh my God I just [ __ ] jumped right into it this is super interesting dude what is this Elden ring reference perhaps plus 50 Max life could be a good way to test okay yeah yeah yeah okay so we don’t have to equip anything that’s interesting this is a lot of fun I had no idea I had a double jump this entire time what a game changer it’s looking kind of rough for us but the Glock is doing its thing so all we have to do in a Rog like is just let the goddamn Chopper whoa wayfair’s waste cloth 20% increased movement speed after running in One Direction could you oh [ __ ] I didn’t even realize that where should I move the face cam you think to the bottom left my bad dude I didn’t even think about that we could go down here is that better we can go down here on the left create distance we almost lost it all right there didn’t we we almost lost it all running Sho more movement speed cool love to see it how long is this I wonder in instigator Gauntlet enemies take 75% bonus damage when above 90% life Wow seems pretty [ __ ] nice dude oh oh [ __ ] me to tears okay are we are are we okay oh Jesus Christ he’s coming this isn’t so bad so far just got to watch out for a second phase brother am I uh cooked am I dead this is this is it what the [ __ ] am I supposed to do about that that’s insane hopefully we [ __ ] squeak out this squeak out this battle now I don’t I’m not sure if we will oh wait dude we might be back actually our HP is back got the Strat down shoot these idiots a little bit got them got him got him got him got him I think I think we got it yeah yeah wow look at that [ __ ] that is a goddamn first try gamer du by the way Jesus Christ am out of my [ __ ] element here what’s his problem why is he able to do that okay let’s gather our bearings is this really an ultra kill soundtrack I’m getting this [ __ ] down now he hey hey hey I still haven’t played Ultra kill heard wonderful things though Adrien played it oh yeah dude give me the trash can coolant Barrel 10% uh increased attack speed okay there’s just not a lot of room to [ __ ] work in we’re just getting started ladies and gentlemen we’re just getting started was killed by that [ __ ] guy I guess that’s great that’s just wonderful it’s joyous I’m not mad I’m locked in I’m ready to go do I keep this quick restart right a way to do it okay what is Rog like about this though do I keeping health or like what’s the uh I didn’t see any permanent upgrades I’m not a big fan of this why is this happening I’m going to have to go stupid crazy mode so forgive me if I’m immeasurably locked in you guys have never seen a man as locked in as me huz huzzah dude the sword goes [ __ ] crazy actually I got to take a this is where we Thrive this is where we [ __ ] Thrive right here am I dying am I dying of dementia right now what’s happening so to speak we got to kill fuing morning wood all over again is just great it melee does go kind of crazy though so I might I might try and do a little investing Jesus Christ this is a joke get my ass whooped no matter what I do I guess I don’t know how you could possibly do melee in this and and get away with it I will take it out of my future children and wife yes it’s their fault what is that thing ancient twig if an enemy has been hit in the past 5 Seconds this item is active when active gain five barrier every 1. 2/3 of a second and reduce barrier Decay rate by 15% put it in layman’s terms for you all right think about this fortnite Shield pop a couple minis get the party started okay I’ll just say that this is so [ __ ] frustrating I can’t get it down all right here we go the pocket spotter we’re going to pocket watch these bastards 10% increase crit strike chance M okay okay okay this is super cool this is a cool ass idea very fun what I did see was uh that you guys might want to check out is sorbet Cafe ising like expanding on this [ __ ] I just I just watched this video like today plus 30 diminishing Dr Pepper after avoiding damage for 7even I have to lock in I can’t let them get close to me 10% that increased main attack size big ass bullet God damn oh ooh I needed that ooh I needed that yes sir indeed and now we got a bouncy ball plus one bounce for main projectiles plus 15% projectile damage after every bounce we’re [ __ ] bounce maxing this stream baby okay we got to take out his little foot warship and minions otherwise we’re done for just try and Ricochet it get a little bit of extra hitting in yeah let’s keep staying outside the ramble our problem was we would get stuck on the inside a little bit uh-oh Now The Middle’s probably the best place to be where am I supposed to go Jesus Christ where am I meant to be where the [ __ ] am I God damn it dude this Blood Moon is [ __ ] it’s the only reason why we’re losing I don’t know how we’re going to do in here man cuz this this this place whooped our ass earlier so the enemy AI obviously obviously it changed I don’t know exactly how anything works anymore why is there so much God those things are they don’t miss they don’t miss but now fungus spawn healing fungi while running on the ground oh that’s pretty neat it’s actually really helpful I think I think we can kind of cheese these guys a little bit if we go up and down they got to like recharge Amber bead little booty beads all right cool I’m really liking this Soul steel [ __ ] this is nice and what’ we get bunny Hopper better jump speed can’t shoot through blocks dumbass nice try nice try buffoon starting to get the hang of this a little bit oh [ __ ] just brought the blicky out on us and what do we get we get more sentient putty cool holy [ __ ] Jesus Christ oh my God this guy ising stacked all right Le we have a ranged weapon not bad not bad so far I think the arena is definitely helping helping us out a lot Jesus oh my God run okay not bad not bad not bad I think we got him I think we got him we just come up here give him the old reach around narrowly [ __ ] Dodge those Boulders that was close he’s coming right back to the middle we almost got him nice nice nice nice nice nice oh backup dagger stock up to four daggers while attacking stop attacking to release a flurry of all stocked daggers daggers home in home in on enemies deal 100 base damage on hit and inflict bleeding on hit [ __ ] I don’t know what to choose bouncy ball you guys think what is this mean dice my sword dude a cool on H an enemy a healing orb is shot out from the enemy plus one HP upon touching the healing orb iore slime oh [ __ ] great oh Jesus Christ great where’s our item I know it’s up there some yes yes yes yes indeed steam engine Steamboat Willie plus two Max life for 2 minutes upon killing an enemy ooh there’s no cap on how much Max life could be gained from this okay these guys aren’t too bad Crimson drag they all have new names and [ __ ] too this is crazy I’m doing kind of a wild little healer build right now and I like it I like it a lot we got more benign fungus amongus dude let’s go this is big time I think the little mushrooms are big time these small rooms are the ones that me up the most I think oh my God no no no no no Brazen nunchucks enemies take 20% bonus damage within eight tiles of you that’s actually really nice Barbed lasso a steal life from one enemy within eight tiles of you this goes nice with the nunchucks I feel like we’re just taking just withering their life away and brother it feels great that’s really nice I like this living Crystal plus one HP per second I’ll take it I’ll take it very cool remedial tapeworm why the [ __ ] would I want that oh I already have that okay I have one more O Okay distance is the key with this one holy [ __ ] okay not bad we’re able to heal a bit Jesus Jes Christ what the [ __ ] is this I don’t know if we’re meant to take these guys out first I don’t know if he’s still en rages or not oh no yes we are supposed to take those guys out can’t quite get him okay cool cool cool this one is rough this is a rough one for sure Jesus Christ he has a lot of Health I think we just put all of our focus on this guy cuz those guys are going to keep respawning in no matter what are they healing him how are we going to do this this is a bad bad look ladies and gents I think we’re cooked oh melee the answer we’re playing the long game do we get these goddamn eyes out we’ll we’ll be okay okay okay I can see how that’s to move perhaps we’ll just keep lighting them up lighting them up try and soften them up like butter I used to pray for times like this we almost got them I did not think we had that dog in us like this but I guess we do do we holy [ __ ] okay yeah I think we got it woo God damn dude the fungus was carrying plus 20 diminishing Dr Pepper while utilizing a melee weapon what are all of these bro what does this and this do we’re using ranged anyways we’ll see how this goes Air Canister plus one double jump that’s nice let’s go on ahead ice biome try back to lick my balls blood orb very nice very nice the cool thing is we could always just keep our distance just a little bit and I I think we’ll be okay oh Jesus Christ okay idiots can’t get up I don’t believe if I just shoot straight up am I going to get some Ricochet in action HH Ricochet and action in the chat cool stuff kind of telegraphs its attacks in here too when you [ __ ] up it’s it’s really on you hot Peppa enemies ignite other nearby enemies on kill okay okay Bassy trying and take shits on your heads do you guys like the brief front facing bats the gun’s definitely the way to go I feel like it’s rare I need to melee I think we’re about to run into a boss right now so I’m we have to lock in we have to lock in a smidge oh my god dude cut me a piece okay little bullet Hill dude the stairs are kind of [ __ ] me right now however we have a nice wide open arena which is real nice so we can just take a hit run back heal right around here okay not bad not bad this this this fight isn’t too bad so far I don’t think doing okay lock in lock in we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good I think we got it round 50 more hits [Music] approximately no [ __ ] God damn it my God I can’t [ __ ] believe that I kind of want to try it on the regular difficulty first see how it goes do I switch do I switch to try it out now let’s see what the uh see what the leap is like all right let see if it’s it’s much different seems a lot easier so far God I want to do horrible things to the ice queen now on taking damage manifest up to three fists over enemies within 12 tiles that’ll be nice we do be taking a lot of hits so [ __ ] it summon a pulse that heals for 30% Max life all right hooping Jacks whoa hot Peppa I’m going to defile this guy real quick I think I want to keep his little minions in I I don’t think he can summon more than two if I’m not mistaken I think we just got to get used to the fights they have a [ __ ] stupid amount of Health we got to shoot him 250 times got he ass let’s go what is this thing is this a bullet casing a spent shell plus one main attack per weapon use holy [ __ ] look at this thing damage Max let’s go I kind of miss our healing damage max hardcore ooh we got the nunchucks again I love this thing attack plan on entering a room deploy eight homing Rockets from the center of the room God damn holy fing damage Max please I love this I love this very much Amber bead okay he’s a little [ __ ] hard to deal with oh my God I’m a little trapped in the middle okay I think we just got to keep jumping through what is this what are those get a little Health from them that’s cool that was close I think those Rockets really help us out in the beginning damn almost got it he kind of switches AI on us nice nice nice nice got him that’s [ __ ] sick oh we got the sword again the backup dagger is really nice I don’t want to be here I don’t want to be here at all this place is meant for another double jump I Think Jesus Christ hey shouty this is not looking good for us got more hot pepper youd love to see it okay these guys are in trouble so we got to be got to be extra mindful of them I feel like I want to get all the range people out of the way thank God for that heal seriously Jesus Christ instigator Gauntlet we’re back I believe if I do feel so inclined to say so more running shoe action good good good we got to get these guys out of the way their projectile hell is just insane a lot of it’s manageable but it’s just okay looking okay these guys aren’t too bad they don’t do a whole lot of damage I don’t believe looking good we’re doing a stupid amount of damage right now I love it it’s a goddamn baddy is what it is we’re going to keep distance I don’t know what she’s capable of not too bad so far but then again the ice queen didn’t feel all too bad probably got to take these guys out so we don’t get what the [ __ ] is this run out oh my god dude we got put on R34 for a little bit that was insane okay lock in lock in please not getting put on R34 today buddy been on there a few times now this is the time to Soaker and [ __ ] damage right here do you see the pharaoh’s curse dude do you see the [ __ ] curse of raw hitting us good good good all good this is cool ass little Arenas too get this guy out of the goddamn whoa whoa whoa whoa what the oh my God almost got her almost got her almost got her come on come on come on come on come on oh thank God God thanking God ooh disposable turret 25% chance to spawn a turret on kill turret automatically fires bullets at nearby enemies for 100 base damage the turret leads after 20 seconds pass that seems pretty nice dude I don’t know if the swords are doing too much for us so we could maybe exchange the sword evil eye 5% increase crit strike chance crit striking grants a stackable attack speed buff each stack lasts three seconds and grants 10% increased attack speed however the amount of stacks is capped at five what is this jeli we have we have nothing red I guess we bounce oh no oh no God damn they’re strong okay start working our way over we’re in Hell currently quite literally oh that is going to be a problem I guarantee it guarant fuckinge it little more HP clingy grenade 5% chance upon hitting an enemy to stick a clingy grenade to him load in a small area for 150% total damage after a short delay wow I light this guy up see if we get some of that juicy grenade action I haven’t seen any turrets spawn yet I think our barrier is carrying us greatly right now more memory foam okay bunny Hopper that’s what’s up got to remember we can climb the chains climb the chains attack plan ooh we’re doubling up on attack plan attack plan is [ __ ] crack Dude where’s it at oh a turret look at that it spawned very cool I think the light homing is definitely helping us a lot too yes yes sir indeed oh my god oh oh we got to get more barrier build up quick otherwise we’re done for still not entirely sure how to dodge that one would love a heal a heal would be super cool I think nice just got to get underneath it okay nice the heal is clutch okay oh no okay not bad so far oh a grenade spawned on one of them you guys see that please end please end we’re not doing bad not doing bad not doing bad not doing bad I think the flame oh we portable generator clutch become immune to being hit for 20 seconds upon entering a new floor God damn that’s op 20 [ __ ] seconds that’s op as hell this is huge not the dungeon dude what the hell what is this not bad enchanting I 5% increased crit strike chance plus 3 HP upon crit striking enemies that’s nice we got to get the hell out of the way here not bad not bad what is that more running shoe okay why is ultra kill music playing I have no idea but it’s fun I like it oh my God he had a whole ass flail you see that [ __ ] no not bone Lees please anything but them Jesus Christ flimsy pauldron reduces damage taken by three that’s huge that’s so huge oh man those little swords are actually actually nice gift box produce an item upon entering a new floor gun it down turret do the dance oh yes oh my God this is good sometime soon [ __ ] Sand’s undertale okay not bad not bad don’t know what the I’m supposed to do about this oh my god oh my god let’s get a little HP from these guys please I think maybe best option is to just run back and forth a whole bunch oh maybe circles on this guy’s the way just got to run for it go go go go go okay okay okay okay okay okay it’s a lot of damage [ __ ] okay that that extra double jump is is coming in clutch hardcore oh wow oh he shut down he got powered down we’re good we’re good we’re good this is so [ __ ] cool I think it’s cool because I’m having fun and not losing super hard it’s not cool when I’m losing anytime I get hit this game is just not cool only there was some type of Dash option that’d be huge that’d be huge I think okay just keep going around in circles I think this is the method Jesus all right we almost got him we’re doing okay right now he just keeps hiding in [ __ ] blocks and that’s the problem I’m having let’s clutch up nut up or shut up yes yes indeed hurt him hurt him bad only a few more hits ladies and gents and we’ll be okay okay it’s a good thing we’re starting at the top here we’ll just give it the old reach around we’ll be okay got barely any health left yes yes yes indeed that’s what I’m talking about and from that we got an item potential meter enemies have a 2% chance to drop an item on kill wow small percent chance but still very good I believe are we at the end we can just stop here honestly oh he’s looking at me oh brother is looking at me not looking super great for a brother right now in fact we’re doing more damage than we normally do against pillers Piller doesn’t damage me itself which is good don’t want to get overwhelmed okay okay okay okay okay oh my God Jesus Christ okay hot pepper oh there’s another item up here whoa protective bubble what are you what what are you doing what are you doing what is he doing he’s doing something [ __ ] oh no can they stop making these please they have a lot of Health bro Jesus Christ that one wasn’t as bad as the Stardust I believe only one I sound greedy but only one what did we even get I think we got one of these I’m not looking forward to this one I mean these two are going to be like the worst I feel like uh-oh those guys are bad enough as is I God these are nothing like the normal pillars otherwise we would certainly be cooked Beyond human comprehension we’d be [ __ ] cooked well there goes another I don’t know how we’re going to do against the moon Lord nice nice more Health cool got to watch out for them CRA toped son we got to be careful [Music] why is he able to do that just heat seek wherever I go keep distance keep distance please quick get theing pillar I can’t have more of these things spawning dude it’s bad it’s bad it’s bad it’s bad it’s so bad I don’t know what’s damaging them like that but I like it the music stopped got to lock in got to lock in right now okay here we go he he’s certainly geeking It’s cool cuz he’s not really moving all too much right now oh my God I guess he doesn’t really need to now does he oh no oh [ __ ] do they all have balanced health no they don’t okay I’m just going to have to keep launching in each Direction I don’t know if we should take down certain hands at a time or I don’t know I don’t know what’ be best oh my God the hand eyes have aing crippling amount of Health I guess just the top eyes is maybe just easiest to hit maybe that’s why we’re doing so much damage against it what the [ __ ] is going on right now what’s happening what is happening oh my God Jesus Christ oh no okay as soon as those things start going I’m running I’m running oh no his attacks are getting faster is his top highe out I think it is extra damage extra damage extra damage come on sit it in sit it in sit it in okay not bad not bad ooh we have a turret over here fing lighting up that hand that’s so good let’s try and put some extra work in on this hand get Balan with it you know what I mean come to pop pop oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay got a little bit of extra HP okay nice we’re healed we’re good almost got another eye nice not good not good there’s a [ __ ] eyeball following us around now oh not good oh not good at all in fact Jesus Christ okay heart’s open going try and just Bob and weave bob and weave with it just keep to the perimeters whenever those guys spawn in I think we got to go down okay we’re locked in we’re doing okay we’re just doing noing damage whatsoever mhm okay we’re good we’re good we’re good we have a turret right there oh Jesus Christ oh good Lord in heaven I don’t think I can touch that nauseous gas without passing away oh Dash please do something we’re so close not looking good okay run through run through what is that what is that times have been tougher 8% chance to block an incoming attack oh interesting okay okay okay wait a minute what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean oh no what do you mean what do you mean I have 5 minutes what do you mean I have 5 minutes run run now I don’t know what this is I don’t know what’s happening something bad is happening right now I have to run back through all the levels okay I’m not getting that I’m imagining we just run from these buffoons right oh my God oh my God okay this one’s going to be a little bit tricky I can’t okay I’m getting the lock on Missile I don’t care if I die go go go go go go go we’re just too fast with it we’re good we’re good we’re so good I think okay we have to go through here right boom like that and then Dodge through here all right all right all right all right we’re good we’re out of hell we’re out of hell what is this climb climb oh my God go please I have fuing 3 minutes oh Jesus Christ go go go go go go go go go go okay this one shouldn’t be bad to get through we just run through we just run through I think we have 20 seconds of invulnerability so if if we’re able to just haul as yes yes very nice what is this ball in chain what is that what is this Crown I guess we’re all the way at the end of the game pretty much so I guess we could switch that out see how it goes ceremonial Crown enemies take 10% bonus damage for every vulnerable enemy alive I think we’re good other than that we already have one of these so let’s just I thought we were done I thought we were done I wish we had that mushroom healing right now brother I truly do we’ve got to go baby okay the key is we keep moving that’s the that’s the true key here I don’t know what all those other brains are supposed to do great heavens we’re doing okay what is this okay okay okay okay we have to dodge within that small confines of a shitty little pyramid okay o we are so lucky we blocked that where is it okay nice nice nice nice nice Jesus Christ he does a lot of damage okay we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good unless he has some insano mode second phase I think we’ll be a okay if we just stick to this this oh my God the true brain of cthulu huh just one of them wasn’t enough okay where are those eyes coming from okay nice nice we got lucky with a block right there oh no all right here we go okay we’re good we’re good we have our lock on Rockets we’re [ __ ] good no we’re not get a heal please please please please please please please please get a heal okay now nice we might have this [ __ ] yes indeed maybe maybe then we have to go into the super super moon realm and and do it again what’s what’s next we did it oh we did it baby oh my God that’s what I’m talking about oh that’s what I’m godamn talking about wowe now we’re doing on blood moon oh my God and we bask and we bask in our Victory we can try the blood moon difficulty see how it goes and we’re back at it like a correct addict we’re on the blood moon difficulty now as you can godamn tell probably but the good thing is we’ve assessed attack patterns unless anything crazy changes God damn man get off my testicles how about we get some goddamn damage going how about that huh okay God damn what that do again M I like those I like those a lot oh a red thing what the [ __ ] is that that a salvaged minigun okay okay I’m ready to freak it I took her to my penthouse and I freaked it I don’t know how I feel about that one I’m just being entirely honest here I don’t know how I feel about that one it’s more than Hales our damage we need to get something that accents that like something like a per hit type accessory okay it’s actually kind of cracked okay actually kind of cracked just just a hair don’t want to die with I’m never going to see it ever again it does kind of stun lock enemies of hair which is cool attack plan I like that we’re getting some good [ __ ] he starts out with two of those bullshits are we doing good damage right now I honestly can’t tell okay very nice I think we’re doing pretty solid damage how rare is that bad boy Dudez this is a pretty pretty sick edition I feel like pretty good know what we need dude is those uh nunchucks again the nunchucks if we just get in close vicinity and start lighting [ __ ] up not bad I hope this is potentially the answer I hope that’s just it thermite powder every second ignite all vulnerable enemies so we just burning everything alive so everything’s just on fire all the time that’s so cool the remedial tapeworms are about to go czy he don’t want to pass on just yet try and grab some of these num Noms we’ll be okay the benign fungus I like those leaves the mushrooms on the floor we’re going we’re kind of healer maxing I’m hoping we can swap out some of our stuff for with some more damage based [ __ ] it’s kind of how we succeeded last time I’m not even going to NGL to you are we op right now times have been oh my God getting that early ising huge I feel what is this symbiotic fungus heal for 8% Max life every second after standing still for more than one second just got to plant our mushroom seeds all over his goddamn Arena I think we got him down about halfway we’re going to have to kill his stupid little eggs dude they kind of kill themselves which is really cool because of our combustion we could heal fast Jesus Christ down down down down down down down putting your goddamn oh new attack much what to deal with corruption food eh okay I think we got this in the bag cool cool what is the [ __ ] is that thing blood siphon 25% chance upon hitting an enemy to heal for 1 HP with this oh my God I really want the nunchucks dude I want them real bad we going a double jump a double jump would be insane especially for that Skeletron battle dude I’m scared about this ice queen battle though just keeping it a buck tbing it like we can honestly just chill right here they’ll slowly pass away which is really cool I think we just have to keep our distance from the ice queen and I think we’ll be I think we’ll be all right oh my God disposable turret that’s upon kill right look at all the turrets in our goddamn Arena this is beautiful light him up come on baby just her last attack got me Fu bad dude Thug Shaker activated okay cool let’s bring her down hair let’s go right beneath her for this Thug Shaker is about to be activated again ooh this is not good we’re kind of pinched down at the bottom so I guess we want to keep her a little bit higher oh we got a turret look at that oh we got two turrets what the [ __ ] we got lucky I think we got it dude I mean we’re doing doing pretty solid imagine we got the double bullet spread thing with this though bam garia see you later bastard what is this stim pack for 10 seconds upon entering a room wow okay okay okay okay what is this I think I’m going to get rid of that symbiotic fungus for this we got a volatile rocket original attacks explode for 60% total damage oh my God that’s actually insane I feel like I could cry right now I could cry right now in real life Jesus Christ what the [ __ ] was that are you kidding me lava down the just there just there I double jumped wonder what happened to that [ __ ] it right all good this is so stupid Oh a bunny Hopper a bunny Hopper that’s cool that’s great what am I doing with my life dude we will prevail once more oh a stim pack that’s great Jesus Christ I wonder how rare that was that was probably rare as right there’s no way no way it wasn’t my whole day is ruined my whole day is gone yeah sure give me a benign fungus whatever dude oh sentient putty sentient putty very very nice baitman I’m a broken man currently now we’re going to have to get the Paladin that’s just great at least we know how to get him kind of but we have nothing extra damaging at all this is a joke compared to what we would have done with our with our mini shark lowkey all right only 140 more shots approximately and we’ll have this in the bag about 80 more shots and we’re good 70 we’re down to 70 here we go please give me a mini shark again please we got the EXP loing thing which is cool it’s not anywhere wait that’s it right oh no no no that’s our ignition the dream Soul failed chance rolls are rerolled one time for a potential positive outcome hopefully we get something cool in one of these rooms now just more remedial tapeworms got to kind of lock in in this room dude this is bad I don’t know what that extra little 40 damage is coming from but I like it what is that a Barb lasso oh this is the life steal one okay cool cool cool okay bloodthirsty axe we’re like thirsty for these nuts so shut up not looking good for us man not looking good at all ooh yes attack plan I fuing I actually love the attack plan really good stuff that’s cool slime spawned inside of me oh my God unfortunate but this is certainly it for us maybe I am stealing a lot of their life which is great nice try [ __ ] ass we got him down below halfway now which is really cool hopefully he doesn’t take the chance to heal like right away would not be epic at all did we get it okay we I think we got real lucky on that one that’s good okay he only G back a little bit of Health we might be able to get him on this run when they jumble up like that that’s that’s our time to strike I think I’m going just go straight for him yep cool got it there’s a stim pack wow no trading room that’s good Jesus CHR we have been hanging on by aing thread this entire run and I hate it I’ve tasted what greatness tastes like now and knowing we’ll never have it again it hurts it hurts me physically [ __ ] at least we’re locked in though we have Lis crippling cases of Lis locked in syndrome I hate how they they change where they are I hate that they dig around it pisses me off [ __ ] four four Jesus don’t like that don’t touch me so the thing is we do uh no damage so we got to uh got to be careful for that of course oh no don’t spawn in more baddies they my only weakness oh I shouldn’t have said anything now you know how to really get me don’t I would be so mad don’t get a little close don’t like that okay cool got it got it you don’t want to touch you with her Shadow fingers no no no no no no I want to be the one to do that okay ball and chain what did that even do slow enemies by 15% for 2 seconds on hit that’s actually really nice okay what the is that ooh ooh I don’t want to sacrifice either of these but what is that hand did anyone know what that does what is that thing it looks good it looks like it does something good heo kinetic grass place your cursor on enemies to steal life from them enemies take 10 times the amount of life you steal as damage does that work on bosses plant Tera den oh my God our damage ising insane now oh my God look at that I just do that and slowly kill him that’s nuts that’s really good I think it’s just more and more damage each time that’s amazing actually doing really good for be on the blood moon difficulty right now nice the life steal is actually nuts ooh and a hot pepper too that’s real good but this will be good this will be good here we go I don’t know how this shit’s going to go okay Duke fisheran [ __ ] calm down we’re doing a lot of damage to it I mean look at that God a grappling hook would be heaven right now I tell you that much o that’s a lot of damage steal some life back oh damn really like that Jesus dude tote that ass somewhere else the damage is actually crazy though I will admit almost got her almost got her nice nice nice nice we got her Thrill of the hunt gain a stackable attack speed and movement speed buff on kill each stack lasts 8 seconds and grants 15% increased attack speed and movement speed so we could go up to 75% increased attack speed and movement speed if we just kill five shits real fast kill kill kill that’s actually disgusting I love it God damn okay we’re looking real good for now we just got to make sure we don’t fall into lava God damn the extra attack speed I’m imagining is really good for Dungeon situations like this like level to level but I don’t know how it’s going to work for bosses I mean all them kind of summon little minions which is cool but not going to help us all too much reactive microbots okay we don’t have two jumps so we’re going to have to be uh just going to have to be careful damage is quite nasty we need to focus on survivability for now you just keep sapping life from him too which is real good might be able to just hang out down here o this is good this is good this is when we soak him oo that damage is sick Jesus Christ dude dude don’t do it okay almost got him we just got to lock in for the remainder of the I got hit by every single one of those that is actually insane that was that was was we should not have survived that [ __ ] there’s no [ __ ] way we’ve got this far right I miss having a double jump already I’m hoping we kind of get some real good [ __ ] from these pillars the Stardust was a bit overwhelming and so was the solar so maybe we could start with the vortex I remember this one not being super horrible we just keep suckling upon its life and we’ll be okay suckle upon its life nectar another jump would be incredible for this I feel like okay think we’re all good we can even bounce these into these idiots what do we get another grenade all right not not the best not not what we were looking for like you can see the amount of damage we’re doing to this pillar we’re going to be in pretty good shape okay predictor predict these nuts in your mouth maybe okay got that got to get these idiots out of commission and we’ll be okay stoping giving me clingy grenades I don’t want this [ __ ] I don’t want it I don’t like this I get flustered easily and I freaked it what is that we’re not getting anything anything else that can help us we do wind up doing a stupid amount of [ __ ] damage which I love but we are definitely not Immortal is that all of them what is this running shoe oh come on dude come on come on come on come on come on come on here we go we don’t have a double jump so we’re going to have to be extra mindful of that we could do the old sucking eight or 9,000 on them what am I supposed to do about that goddamn flurry I don’t have a double jump we hitting it oh no oh no we took some nasty hits my god oh get up no no no no no no no no no no no no no we got to get we got to damage this top high more dude bad ah not looking good for some real ass Gamers [ __ ] me okay I think we got his top high oh no get away from you freak trying to touch upon me get away we take these eyes out at around the same time we might might be in business okay I think we’re doing good oh [ __ ] here they come no dear God oh my Lord all right I think we just have to keep going back and forth down here I think that’s truly the movement we’re able to regain our health back like real quick which is real nice oh no he’s doing like nine attacks at once now not looking great for us okay stay over here and then we Dash okay at least we got a running start on these guys now which is good they’re thinning out quick run oh my God oh my God yes yes yes yes yes yes okay nutritious slime whatever that means enemies released four slime Globs on kill H and they heal we’re not nearly as fast as last time dude and it’sing terrifying we have to try and get every upgrade we can on the way back otherwise we’re we are so done for on this last one it’s taking us like 45 minutes to get back right now oh my god get up get up get up get up get up oh dude this is not looking good for us we have a lot more biomes to get through can let me out of here now what happens if we don’t get there on time are we just dead did we just die automatically we have the most inconvenient [ __ ] Landscaping in the entire godamn Planet Jesus Christ run get a little bit of extra speed I guess yes jump jump jump grab the Rope grab the rope jump please and we haul ass we run okay this one was relatively easy to navigate through if I’m not mistaken have to make a run for it just try and heal up with [ __ ] as fast as possible right we made it I might trade the jelly cuz we’re not going to be killing a lot of stuff all right this could be it this could be it if I die right here I’m punching a hole through my [ __ ] screen not a great start okay not bad not bad just got to keep up the firing keep up the heals too kill his little foot worshipping minions over here anytime we kill these things we’re going to be getting extra speed and stuff too which is fantastic so it’s good he releases those okay not a bad look not a bad look keep stealing his life we’ll be okay not bad not bad old man we got him like halfway pretty much oh [ __ ] no okay oh he spawns two of them got to heal got to heal and get up to this goddamn second platform oh no come on get up there get up there get up there get up there run run run ooh close call come on come on come on come on come on home I think we got it I think we got it if we’re careful got to kill those extra little eyeballs we’ll be all right I don’t know where the hell they went oh yeah they’re over here nice extra speed extra shooting I think we got it I think we got it yes indeed yes oh my god let’s make sure it’s not a second phase God damn it yes I think we’re good I think we’re good dude oh dear God woo we did it both difficulties epic common collected W we’re good oh my god oh we did it and uh for anyone watching on YouTube thank you all for watching be sure to drop a like And subscribe for more content like this and leave a comment down in the comment section below to let me know your thoughts on this video oh yeah also follow the socials Instagram Twitter links in the description and also if you want to tune into to these bad boys live and watch me freak out live follow the twitch links down in the description as well I’ll be seeing you all in the next goddamn video peace out Waffle Time Rog likee Master Edition out peace out

Today, in our modded experience of Terraria, we play the newly released TERROGUELIKE! Which, as the name suggests, makes your Terraria experience into a full fledged roguelike experience. If we die, we are sent back to the very beginning to challenge each level of enemies, and each reworked boss until we complete the game in one haul. Will we able to get to the end and defeat the Moon Lord in one fell swoop? How many times will it take for us to beat it once and for all? Better yet, are we mentally capable of beating TerRoguelike on its Blood Moon difficulty?
Thank you all so much for watching! If you enjoyed, be sure to drop a like and subscribe, as well as leave a comment to let me know your thoughts on this video! Also if you’d like, follow the Instagram and Twitter for future stream and video updates, as well as my Twitch to catch streams like these before they become videos!

#terraria #mod #roguelike


All credits for the absolute BANGER tunes go to ULTRAKILL!

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  1. Waffletime. you’re already using the music. just go ahead and play Ultrakill

    if you decide to do it live though, don’t watch chat because for some reason the ultrakill fandom loves to tell streamers how to play the game

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