I Survived 100 Days on ALL IN ONE Modded Skyblock in Minecraft

I will be spending the next 100 days on this floating piece of land struggling my way through multiple multiple different mods with varying difficulties and also losing my mind yes that is that is that is what this video is about I will be losing my mind so anyway grab some popcorn grab a drink and enjoy as I struggle in all-in-one Minecraft sky block Edition here we go ah yes I’m on one well not quite one but almost one block that’s beautiful anyway this is somewhat of a new experience for me I uh this is one block yet there’s many blocks I’m confused anyway I guess we’re going to go ahead and start digging at this block cuz cuz that’s what you do when you’re playing one block this is no regular one block no no no this is not regular Minecraft this is special there’s special I just got dried kelp there’s special oh hello piggy um I’m not ready for you yet uh um sir I can’t mine that I can mine that though can you hold on a second please sir I’ll be right back anyway if you’re new here welcome today we’re doing a 100 days of allinone Sky Block and I by allinone I actually do mean allinone the the main goal obviously as you can tell is digging at this one block that that is that is the main it is the big do you know what happens when you don’t press like yeah that’s right Shame Shame happens okay so anyway this this a little bit a little bit of a different one block experience there’s quests we have quests aha actually let’s do these aha we’ve already done a quest here U uh we have a few stages already we have flat land underground so we have a few quest lines already we have flat land underground ores oh that’s a lot of ores okay astral and Abyss all right well oh okay now supposedly I’m supposed to collect what uh I need some clay okay let’s do it Aha and it loocks a whole bunch of other things we need 10 sand for some Sandy bricks and we need 32 clay balls for a pot a pot that we will be able to use further to grow some trees a friend okay you move your way there okay I bit too many friends bit too quickly okay did you man just mind just exploring please I I can’t really make any kind of fence for you guys yet so dude get get lost I I understand you’re lacking space I I understand man calm down a little bit oh what is this a dirt chest 9,000 I didn’t get 9,000 dirt though but I did get a bunch of it so I’m actually going to do a little a bit of um expansion so what I’m going to do is I’m going to expand this thing it’s going to be a little FL a chicken oh my God another dirt 9,000 chest ooh Some quests okay you messed it all up I oh what is all this sunny Blossom sapling okay oh I think I did another Quest hold on aha finally I’ve gotten the botney pot okay this is very important because now I could grow this tree and hopefully it gives me some wood sooner or later these cows are menacing oh a sapling now to make a botney pot I actually need terracotta which means smelting clay blocks but I don’t have a furnace yet so this is going to have to wait finally got the 10 sand sand Quest I need to somehow get a hopper how am I supposed to get a hopper ah I need to breed some animals as well M interesting okay uh I don’t have any type of wood really crouching doesn’t work okay move it soon we’ll be able to start expanding I just need some wood my prayers they’ve been answered why is the chest glowing I like it though the chest is glowing oh Farmland okay we’re on to the next thing now I need these oh I can’t undo that anymore wait okay that’s fine I’m just going to expand upwards a little bit oh that didn’t work oh that’s a shame oh that’s a sh oh man how do I I can’t it will place it there again okay whatever you know what whatever how high is this full block nice now the problem there is I don’t want to use the same stuff anymore going to place this down here just for some safety and yeah yeah you guys you guys you guys have fun onion crate oh you know what I want now some wheat Farmland ooh ooh very many things grows the plant above it faster interesting can I place it under my [Music] uh oh that’s not ideal boom could I possibly place it uh somewhere here I don’t know if I placed it under where I should have I probably didn’t definitely didn’t now I should be able to place there and hopefully that actually makes it grow faster now I need the other one back give it give it back can I even get it back oh no oh no well that’s unfortunate where are you guys what are you guys doing you stay away from the edge sir I think I already lost a chicken and a pig already oh my God there’s the wheat okay there we go they should be enjoying themselves and I will be enjoying retirement ooh hello this is grown didn’t give me anything wonderful six saplings I don’t even know if that’s growing probably not well that’s wonderful isn’t it oh my good God guys guys chill out a little bit okay you’re going to have to you’re going to have to follow my rules if you’re going to live here okay build composter with leaves get bone meal I think a composter is just a bunch of slabs there it is and for now we’re going to put it here it doesn’t matter what are we putting in the composter though and that should finish the quest huh dirt seeds if I can just grow dirt very nice also this one bone meal is probably not going to yeah ooh I got some wood yes the day has come I’ve gotten wood and some starter tools baby and we’re pretty quickly going to be able to start uh botania so that’s a good thing uh I’m unlocking a whole bunch of these pedals that I will need for later also white petals there we go uh but I do need to get to the next stage for that so that’s all right and I’m quickly running out of storage space which is not all right you know what I’m going to have to do I’m just going to have to make a chest I have to a different chest okay I don’t get it I don’t actually get it I don’t know at least I’m unlocking all these pedal blocks ooh the underground yes I want to warn you guys throughout this whole thing throughout this whole thing you’ll be seeing and experiencing me failing at mods many different mods uh but it is what it is Cobblestone oh shift plus right click I forgot you could do that that is intriguing okay let’s um let’s spread some [Music] grass I forgot you could do this I’m going to I’m going to need some Cobblestone I just I just I’m just yeah I’m just smart like that you know I could have had Cobble this whole time oh my god oh pain I could have done it the whole time I could have had this I did not mean to do that that is sad and that is sad as well okay oh and that’s even more sad what do we have here we have marble can I even M that with the wood pickaxe probably not probably not oh that didn’t give me anything you see the thing is I’m going to need a lot more wood and I don’t think the growth accelerator block is working there so uh yeah problem marble yellow Rite Amber that I can’t mine cuz I don’t have an iron pickaxe Prosperity ore Stone there’s a whole bunch of stuff gold or okay this is a problem I don’t have oh the tree it grew oh wonderful wonderful stuff saplings plenty of saplings I need you craft these inferium Essence inferium gemstone Prosperity gemstone okay what do we grow we should grow something I don’t yet know I have no idea I genuinely I have no idea goodbye goldor I never okay you you are getting slain soon that is torture that is tor torture oh but if I mine it I should still get the diamond yes yes there we are diamond ore terracotta I did oh I need a terracotta for um the pot but I don’t really am I doing it wrong probably okay what what happened I think a cow just disappeared iron ore there we go and we got another one for it which means I already have two I need one more for a pickaxe come on give me it yes yes one more perfect and I got a diamond as well I have what I need and there we are yes baby oh yeah here we go this is speedrun time I’m speedr running this inferium Essence perfect perfect oh spider spider spider that I didn’t expect that that was personal with me and that spider bort what the hell is a bort oh it’s like storage is a real problem right now what wonder if we can complete 100% of this in 100 days and ores nether ores uh underground two iron ingots yellorium yellorium whatever stone sword water wheel so there is the create mod in this good to know oh a freaking big turtle big turtle in the building what the hell I think this pot is in the wrong spot I should move it hello tortoise tortoise I think I need to expand a little bit more this is getting cramped already um hey there buddy pal going need you to move a little bit need you to keep moving gosh darn you’re a big chunker why are you so darn Giant one two three this way I have no sheep I just realized where are my sheep at don’t worry about a thing chicken wing the cow’s going to push the turtle off oh my God and that’s the skeleton gone okay I’m running out of wood well I’m already out it’s kind of yeah I’m already already out so it turns out bad mobs also can spawn trouble in Paradise oh Diamond nice oh and I just hit the cow okay and my turtle’s gone okay this just this is going south there’s been worse you know there’s been worse I’m most scared of a creeper spawning do I even have any wood oh I do I gu yes it’s time for diamond pickaxe here’s the thing I need here’s the thing I need okay I I forgot about this I need seeds um I need what kind of seeds can I have what gosh darn it I don’t have regular seeds I can grow melons but that’s like bad carrots I could do carrots why did I need that oh yes to make bone meal okay so we have tomato maybe tomato works good Tomato’s pretty good oh my God I don’t have I don’t have enough wood oh I don’t know what to do wait do I have no wood oh I have two oh my God I have two yes yes yes yes where is my iron I’m going to need it to make a one of these I don’t need an iron one do I hold on then I need a water bucket uh somewhere I need water to Just Vibe somewhere I need water to to absolutely Vibe soz I’m about to do some stuff so here’s the thing I need to plant stuff and things somewhere nearby big tree that is beautiful some one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen okay but here’s the problem I need to plant something and I need to put a growth accelerator under it so here’s here’s the issue I need to go up with this Farm need to go up a level so I can put a growth accelerator hello on top of it or under it I mean so what H okay so what I’m going to do I’m going to put one right here I need to know it’s under this block so I’m going to mark it with that there uh and then I’m going to place some water [Music] I’m going to place some water right here so a little Pond of water right I hope this freaking works oh no it doesn’t the water needs to be same level okay okay understandable understandable no it’s understandable I understand this water should do the trick I hope I don’t know I don’t know what I’m doing why is it not watering it maybe tomato was the wrong thing to do oh I don’t know I don’t know either way I have a big tree yes oh and it’s working I think I don’t know I don’t know but I think it’s working Bam Bam blam I’ve got chest now it’s not all that’s not all a little bit of expansion is needed here I like it oops I thought it was the right level I I was wrong I was wrong I I I admit you know I admit my faults let’s make a designated chest for ores and other things of that nature here we are that’s our ores all done and we have our blocks we need to get out of this phase here I’m tired of the ores they’re not growing much faster unless I’m using it wrong oh Jesus Christ on a bike okay one of them fell off okay okay that was scary and I got scared it’s a bit sad oh I destroyed my light source as well oh man there’s a little light source thing that spawns but oh come on now I need to get light the oldfashioned way well then I guess that’s how we’re going to do it where’s my slabs at I’m mining right now look at this woo this is ah yeah see it’s growing faster than the rest of them fair enough not much faster though thought it would be more significant but guess not no matter of fact I probably should do some of the quests here because I mean who else is going to do them you know a cabbage crate that’s random underground underground cabbage darn I should have known wait do I only have one cow left oh man that guy didn’t give me string I like rainen it’s a little it’s peaceful it’s calm it’s it’s nice it’s nice oh blueprint ah got some blueprints I don’t know what’s for small spoon all right mie just you and me classic set well I completed something something significant wait hold on this this uh okay now I need everyone to know that initially I I will have no idea about most of these mods I got I got grilled in the comments uh in my what’s it called the um project overpowered video and yes it will be just as bad I promise if not worse have I done all the ores I’m missing three I’m missing Arcane rock crystal and star metal I can’t I can’t be poisoned again again oh pain get some of these tasks done so time to make a stone sword and a shovel aha there it is skeleton seeds I’ve already killed some of these things man I need to make iron versions of those same things there we are advancing yes aha the next chapter also known as the Overworld oh don’t care oh a villager a villager oh he’s a farmer I got to put him in a boat Mr where do you want your boat to be matter of fact just get in just get in there you go good job Mr villager you’re going to be stationed right here perfect perfect sir oh and the cow’s in the boat a be it’s already gone it’s already gone no you know what I need I need to expand this and this is the farming section and here we’re going to put uh utilitarian stuff stuff we don’t need right now but could come in handy need to expand my farm yes very nice hello and goodbye another villager okay well sir I’m going to give you the opportunity to work alongside your brethren just on the other side you going to go this way there you are uh what job could I give you I could give you a could I make him a Fletcher so he’s going to be a little Fletcher boy yep good for you man you now a Fletcher what the hell is on your head I could maybe Begin work on some pure daisies AA wait I have I have bamboo hold on there you are just going to move you there okay look at looko a llama I don’t like llamas another Panda oh my God oh my God it’s another Panda oh my God okay A bit too [Music] many what the heck it hurts that guy okay how many there’s only enough room for one it is what it is it had to happen oh hell no darn it I’m going to die again all right come at me ow what am I supposed to do what am I supposed to do too many of them there’s too many ow this is insane leave me alone freaking that’s insane it’s a lot of obituaries okay well I got my stuff back oh God why why was that necessary no oh my God how many pandas a mushroom there you go two mushrooms in a in a boat and a polar bear apparently I I don’t know why there’s a polar bear goodbye no my torch what the hell is that what the hell was that a no frog what what what was that oh sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry ow ow darn it okay you you have literally nothing did you see that you didn’t see that good why am I running on three hearts gold pants [Music] yes the crab moves so weirdly I don’t like it can I cook these things I think I can crab legs crab legs soup ooh big that is a great thing to have look at this oh my what a food item can I breed the mushrooms I guess I can and I almost forgot I have infinite infinite soup I might put the parot in there on accident but that’s fine two two birds in one boat there we go but just jumped off evidently I was trying to kill it so I guess it did the right thing a sheep can I get some sheep that’s all I ask no no no no no move move move move oh you I don’t need you but I need you nice do I have I guess my prayers were answered you know my prayers were’re heard I guess it doesn’t heal itself with my new found luck make a bedington soon not yet soon sheep soon why is there a Vex not again oh I’m G to keep it loser I can’t believe it what a loser look at this guy what are you going to do what are you going to do loser sorry well this place is coming along nicely I need to start expanding the other way though all right I’ve had quite enough I have had quite enough of this island being tiny it’s time to expand now how much am I going to expand I don’t know I should try to make this somewhat symmetrical I think I need to go up here and take a gander right okay I think I nailed it now I want to actually put two blocks here just so I don’t walk off the edge and we’re going to make it look a little bit nicer and not just that we’re also going to make a little fence I don’t want to lose any of this but what am I going to make the fence out of I might make a stone wall actually right there we go and then we’re going to proceed with the same design that I had on the other side oh no the Parr no there’s so many fish in that water all right let’s continue mining for a bit hello oh Jesus little zombie I do need to worry about all my pets hell no don’t go for my villager maybe I need to make a fence around this place h i wonder right so I’m going to replace these with a nice roof over the top why can’t I place this here we are actually I need to let my sheep out but I can’t do it unless I have a fenced off area for it I really need that gosh I really need to let it out but I can’t just going to walk across all my stuff so I have one side of the fence I I don’t like this design now I’ve grown to dislike it need to fix it but I don’t know how that that could do okay this place is starting to really come together now all I need is more wood I could grow some bamboo actually to use his sticks cuz I don’t want to be growing trees all the time but I will have to grow some trees right about here and right here as well the last problem would be a gate so what kind of gate can you place well you can’t really place a gate oh no oh I just keep hurting the Sheep oh that’s bad just have a little snack little num nom have a little num nom sir eat the grass oh it works oh and you ate the grass thank you we have a bed I’ll make it blue yes perfect my bed will be right here nice little cubby for my bed how did you get in there actually that’s fine nice and boom okay the first thing I need now is a bow I know I can make one because I have enough sticks I mean wood I just have everything I have it all I only thing I don’t have is a bow I mean arrows I’m not going to have any arrows for a bit this looks off now I need to add another little thing o a tree a tree iron mob farm H generat flute every 30 seconds where am I supposed to put it okay entered alasso uh I need to make a lead oh I don’t have have enough string but maybe I can make some string do I have enough rope I might have enough oh my God wait no how do you make this oh you just need rope okay nice and then I need two diamonds which I have there we are am I supposed to um oh so what what does it do just generate a cow wait no way it actually does hold up I think it might actually oh this would be funny hold think it’s going to make a cow spawn right here that would be funny oh okay it doesn’t nice I’m glad actually okay interesting what if I just get a skeleton in here you know I need a hopper for this where oh you know what I need wood as well oh I’m sorry Mr tree I’m so sorry and There She Goes then I need to make this chest into a hopper which will then feed into another chest that I also need to make so the leather is stuck in there um how do I get the oh I almost fell off okay so we put the chest right about here here Hopper here mob farm here lasso in the mob farm now we should have infinite cow very nice it works it works right y it’s time to sleep for the first time ah yes I’m well rested hello ocelot Ami oh I should have trapped the guy ah whatever should have trapped them in the lasso I didn’t have a lasso but next time why why where’s my [Music] bucket okay how many villagers are there going to be oh my it don’t stop a diamond mob farm listen aha that is pretty expensive to make four nether starts to make an emerald one Inferno what ultimate mob farm wild where did you get stuck ow how are you stuck in here sir sir okay he’s actually stuck what are you doing where you going where where you going go the other way oh you know what I could do I could make a hopper botney pot and I can finally make the good stuff with this s I’m obviously going to make a little chesty poo little Hopper and a little Hopper pot this should give me I think wheat seeds is the best one so wheat seeds and then I’m going to take this farming tool right here and simply go ahead and farm up some wheat it should give me wheat if it gives me one wheat I’m going to be a bit upset it gave me one wheat I’m a bit upset well that was an Uninvited Guest okay guys guys guys there’s too many of you donkey donkey need to make some armor for for the first time ever okay can I breed you two one more time there it is Quest finished oh yes I got all the spawn eggs this is perfect I will be actually using those later on so I don’t have to keep around random sheep like this that was this one doing oh my I might as well make a cutting board so I’m going to need a tree bark I can’t really make tree bark okay let me put the cutting board down here and the only problem now is I need to actually cut some on it how do I make a knife let’s make an iron filet knife I know I need this one probably it gives me bone meal this bone meal will help me grow this hopefully soon it’s either fish or chicken that give me bone meal um so theoretically I need to make a a new lasso for where’s the chicken there was a chicken man I need a chicken an incubator I had to grow chickens how am I going to do that if my seeds are in here oh no can I get the seed back yes I can that’s actually really good okay cool I got my seed back I need to double it or triple it or quadruple it does not matter I just need a back how am I going to produce bone meals hello wolf goodbye wolf a tree a tree okay hold up do I even need the bone meal that bad let’s be honest I just need to grow more trees that’s the real problem got to grow more trees baby all right now we put this on The Cutting Board they make the tree bark to make paper that’s our goal a little bit of paper mhm get a book for it oh yeah oh yeah 16 andesite I have that 128 Cobble I do not have that 16 Granite yeah diorite yeah I just need this diamond here I need way more Cobble though time to spam click I’m farming Cobble I’ll be farming Cobble this is the most brain numbing thing I’ve ever done and there we go we finished the quest get all this good stuff now I presume my next item of business would be this oh boy now this is going to get confusing how to get into the batania part I’m sure I sure know what I’m doing let lasto is about to run out wait where am I going to do the batania stuff uh I’m thinking this direction oh the lasto is gone so I need to create this which means I need runic alter a Mana Diamond all right it’s time to time to get myself a a daisy if you will only way to do that is to make a pedal Apothecary so do exactly that make one of these these then we’re going to place it down doesn’t matter maybe here add four white mystical pedals all right I need water first hold on plop and then b b bing bing and then I need a one seed H that’s the worst part I don’t know what to do there is hello big shroomy now we add a seed and we have a pure Daisy very good I might keep the pure Daisy around somewhere right here now let’s begin making living Stone wait wait wait wait I forgot I need Stone not Cobblestone right so what we can do is put these around let them start doing their thing they will slowly turn into to living Rock which I will then use to make a whole bunch of Mana related stuff this looks really nice look at this Majestic even Majestic and meanwhile going to go back to smelting stuff ooh yes there it is living Rock wonderful stuff okay then I will need one of those Mana pools sooner rather than later so let’s get ready for that however first we need to make a rune of Wrath which is going to be very difficult as well as a Mana lens and to make to make Mana steel we need a Mana pool which obviously we’re going to make right now here we go and since my botania stuff is going to be that direction I need to slowly expand so what am I going to use for expansion here uh o all my trees have grown this looks so pretty look at this ah wonderful I guess Cobblestone is the most easily replic block I think Mana asks for respect therefore I’ll be using wood right y going to lead to a semi large platform cuz this Mana stuff does ask for it this is going to have sort of like exits I don’t know how to explain it it’s going to split off into two right right here this way we’re going to have our dirt we’re going to grow or rather produce Mana anyhoo we’re going to need to place down this Mana pool somewhere right around here what did I require dirt dirt very much dirt also I might need silk touch here I don’t think I have any grass blocks left I kind of want to make this somewhat natural so here we are how to make this grass do I have any grass it’s not ideal we need some silk touch oh how am I going to get silk touch I don’t even have obsidian okay well let’s just not going to be it’s just going to be as it is unfor forunate all right next up we need a Mana spreader so going to need some Living Wood for it you already know all right I need to make some Mana generating flowers and not just that I also need a Mana spreader so I need my Living Wood now now I need it now oh it’s happening hold on it’s happening Bing Bong bang I need one more all right give me give me one more so it seems as though I am out of saplings again well not out of saplings I’m out of wood and this whole place needs grass I don’t have grass a real shame okay uh beautiful what do we need what do we need for this uh we need a petal and a crafting table and we do a little bit of this yeah buddy yeah buddy we’ll place that thing right here now we need a few more things regarding bot we need a wand of the forest so we need Living Wood Twigs oh God we need a lot of them need a lot of those Twigs so simply we take the wood we make the wood into Living Wood and live Happ happily ever after oops bamboo oh Quest complete there’s a bamboo Quest I know there’s a bamboo Quest but I got it make some Twigs how many Twigs do we need three beautiful then we take two of these and then we take this and we make this now we have a Mana spreader I mean not a Mana spreader but you know that should be connected now good now I also need to make a few flowers which is going to be the hard part oh the endoflame right so I need two brown petals one red one and one gray one where did it go I just lost it again there it is light gray need light gray petals I need brown and I need red I don’t have red that’s unfortunate really did I not get any red petal blocks that’s that’s kind of crazy I guess I need this uh floral fertilizer there is one issue with that I don’t have bone meal I think a quick chicken farm is in order uh oh I think here’s the place need a bunch of sand I think I might need all of the sand that I have and and I’ll use this to smelt said sand and here I’ll have a chicken form form oh ooh H I need a hopper right in the middle that I can collect from because I will be using it to collect eggs to make new chickens and then also I’ll be feeding the chicken seeds that I hopefully get somehow uh and it’s going to be great great it’s going to be wonderful so I’ll need a hopper here dispenser here okay this is all coming along very nicely need to make a dispenser dispenser need Cobble red stone and a bow so I’ll have this dispenser boom this here and then there will be a hopper here and all that I will need for the dis enser is a little button and some eggs in it so oh this is going to be my little chicken farm it’s going to be very simple very simple but it should do the job I’m going to put the button behind the dispenser yep and the hopper is going to go oh guess it doesn’t matter I just access the hopper at any point and do that that should work now if we place in these two and we Spawn Two Little Friends I can access them here with the seeds o yes yes yes now what the hell is this what what dirt Essence fertilized Essence what do I do with this mystical fertilizer instantly grows a crop or sapling oh it’s a diamond each Jesus Christ dirt Essence what do I do with dirt Essence ooh oh fire Essence how do you gain fire Essence fire seeds how do I get these seeds whoa whoa fire seeds how do I get them okay infusion crafting okay uh ooh that is awesome wait I need botney pots I need a bunch of them hold up that’s a hopper one I guess I shouldn’t oh I almost lost it put a pot right there and I think I’m going to start growing dirt seeds I guess that is so cool I need Farmland right let’s see if we can craft Farmland inferium Imperium Imperium Essence I guess all I could do is inferium Farmland so what I need is a inferium Essence and some dirt and I’ll put it in the botney pots I’ll plant these seeds nice they should go right into here oh another big tree okay all I need is a little bit of bone meal for now so oh that’s so cool what the hell now I need a little bit of dye what oh dirt Essence let’s go what what other seeds can I make this is actually very important obsidian seeds you you know I guess I need an Infuse infusion alter and also I need infusion pedestals so I need to farm some sheep I guess it’s time for another last so two diamonds uh a lead so I need some rope again I need one more rope do I have any straw I don’t I don’t have any string either any eggs no eggs do I have any eggs in here four okay let’s put those to good use pop them in here damn it so just dirt Essence I can get dirt which is nice I can get grass blocks if I have a nature Essence Pentium Essence infusion Crystal oh that’s expensive but it has a th000 uses so I guess that’s fine need start work on the alter then but I also need this so time to fertilize some stuff I need a red need a red flower there it is that’s the one I needed there it is again all right I think that went pretty well so now that I have these I can make them into petals and I can I think I can make an endoflame two brown petals some light gray ones all right let’s see oh I need water in there hold up so let’s do two brown petals one red one and one of these and we have an endo flame baby we’re going to plant it somewhere here and the cool part about this is going to connect those two now all I need is some coal there’s a big problem though I don’t have charcoal might be a bit of an issue oh this tree yielded great things oh yes two eggs nice let’s get a new chicken darn it a dry plant fiber used in crafting obtained by cutting grassy crops and plants with a knife charcoal wood Essence and coal Essence okay darn it I need I need this stuff I need it I need it I need it so let’s start with the infusion alter I need three red carpets four stone and two gold the gold here then we need Stone four of that we need Prosperity seed base so we need one these and then we need some Prosperity shards make a Prosperity seed base well since the Sheep has given me two wool I might as well make it into red wool I forget how to craft this uh there boom Prest and martar and then I need one of these to make red dye I think I need two actually make even more then I’m going to color this wo and I’m going to make two three carpets nice exactly what I wanted oh the chickens have laid two eggs here we go darn it darn it if I had seeds I could feed them but I don’t right now so instead we’re going to make an infusion altar uh and that is going to go somewhere here Beyond this point going to place it down for a second uh this is not where it’s going to be but I will leave it there once it’s ready I’m not I’m not going to leave it here okay I’m I’m going to move it a little bit further but for now it is staying there chicken still not generating anything okay whatever that’s fine totally fine okay first of all I want to start generating some Mana here cuz I need it yeah so I’m just going to need this to start generating some man there we go um as part of the quest line a black Lotus huh all right I need to do that what is this or kid generates ores with stone and Mana what that’s interesting anyway this is kind of what I needed so I need some Mana steel I think we’ll start with that I need four Mana steel ingots oh wait wait wait wait wait one more okay boom Going need I need a better way of getting coal this is not helping I need coal I need coal seeds which means I need Pentium which means I need an infusion Crystal first of all let’s make an infusion Crystal how about that let’s boom boom uh what else do I need uh this stuff and then we make infusion Crystal has 1,000 uses which is good that’s not all we need we need also other stuff so the eggs oh yes hello actually I just need a lasso is that all I need okay just dude there’s too many of y’all I just need a lasso now that I think about it I might Parish here darn it where’d he go come here gosh ooh a totem of undying nice okay I have enough for something here I don’t recall what I needed I think it was made like this a Mana lens okay and then we need a rune of Wrath uh this little guy I can’t pick him up so I don’t really know what to do with him he boom seven seeds I can feed these guys how do I do it darn it they’re inside of each other how am I supposed to oh they almost just got out and this guy this isn’t working I’m sorry you need to go it didn’t go as planned okay and you sir I need you on alasso is what I need also it’s time for me to block this off hey little guy can I put you in a boat chicken essence I can make chicken essence oh dude I need these pedestals to work the thing is I want to keep this cow around then again I don’t so I that’s not good so here’s the thing I need the Sheep I need the Sheep to just walk around dud this thing can I get the cow you just stepped all by crops you just TR trampled my crops you’re going in the boat get your ass back to where you’re supposed to go oh my God you stupid animal I wish I could carry you there we go and you give me your stuff just ate the gr man no how did you get through how did you get through oh my God he trampled my crops again come back that didn’t work out unfortunate um I need to go set up the altar now cuz it’s soon time for expansion if I place it in the middle right about here that works almost nice problem is I still need a bunch of red carpets for that I need how many of those pedestals 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I need eight pedestals which means I need 16 carpet 16 gosh darn carpet and I need to make some red dye oh I have beetroots right I forgot need 18 of this 18 red caretos that’s quite a bit of carpet you know I need to keep shearing this sheep I’m getting closer and closer but I’m still not there oh I need three more come on do I have one more beetroot I don’t oh that’s actually tragic I can’t put bamboo in there no wait I have bones oh oh my God I need to use all the bones I have okay now I need to smelt a whole bunch of stone rather Cobblestone did I even need 18 am I tripping I needed 16 didn’t I yeah whatever yeah I need 16 and I need a bunch of gold and now we just wait for 16 Stone this chicken I need I need this chicken plus I think I have yeah I can’t get rid of the chicken ever I have two Pig spawn eggs two cow spawn eggs and two sheep spawn eggs which is good I need to keep those for when I make farms for all of them so this is going to be ready soon which is nice I need to make coal Essence and grow it in here I will need all of it so I think it’s time to make those altars and once we have those we just place them down like this simple dimple and then I need Redstone I think just take a block of it I think I just place it under this actually so now I should be able to make let’s say Some Coal Essence all we need now is four coal and a bunch of Pentium so we’re going to make some Pentium now four of those and we just need four coal so I’m going to try to mine up four coal if I can you my chicken I will never forget this you you’re you’re from the same line you don’t deserve to live are you kidding me just ruined everything that was my only chance at having chickens okay I’m going to need more coal please two more coal I could soon get a diamond mob farm where was the mission right so I need 22 more mob slain what do you offer me CA that’s a pretty good thing to have actually let me get that and a brown mushroom of course rice I don’t need I’ll just take more mushrooms thank you two more coal come on oh astral what wait am I going to get no coal now oh no oh that’s actually kind of sad unfortunately I don’t care much about this what on Earth is this rock crystal so a lot of rock crystals um okay hello I don’t have where to put these I guess I’ll put them here I shouldn’t have wasted my coal now how am I supposed to get coal again I can only get charcoal oh no yet another double chest for blocks oh my hello what is all this I just need to get through this Dimension really quick I am however interested in not this but this an orchid generates ores I’m very interested so I need gray petals yellow green and red gray yellow green and red I don’t know where that guy came from but let’s make an orchid huh can turn Stone into coal wow okay two gray two yellow two green two red an orchid freak yeah dude plop this thing down wait no plop it here so all I need is Stone I’m guessing should I make some I guess I should okay we’ve got the axe we’ve got the tree we chop it down we plant it back I guess we should take on this tree as well now I I I mean I could be able to reuse this since it was kind of a failed project I could reuse it for a different kind of farm maybe a sheep farm I could I could try doing a sheep farm well there it goes can I get some grass oh gosh I can’t can I those gave me stone I’m kind of kind of a doofus so how does this work oh that’s instant okay uh did it just well how much Mana does it need oh my that is why is that so scary the scary sound it’s going to happen again hold on yep very interesting however they did give me enough coal start making some coal seeds we’re going to put our prosperity shards right here and then we take this here here here and here as well as this here here here and here then it makes something taada coal seeds yes yes yes yes how do we plant them aha I need a tier 2 Farmland so I will be taking this and making some better Farmland Pentium Farmland it is and we make ourselves Pentium Farland can we make oh yes we can yes we freaking can we can make much better Farmland here we go I want to also add a hopper to this because you know it’s easier that way and we’re going to put it right here this is where it’s going to go and we’re going to make the special Farmland like that and put it into here put the coal seeds in there what is next on our list oh this is about to do its thing let me see let me see what’s going to happen he come on show me the good stuff oh there it is the coal Essence yes very nice make a little one of these take some terra cotta and then combine the Terra Cotta with this to make a botney pot again very good very good we have another mission that’s to figure out how to do the unthinkable and get grass over there apparently I have no idea actually zero clue I need grass ah nature Essence okay nature seeds o Cactus Sugar Cane potato and pumpkin very annoying I don’t have sugar cane I guess I O man infusion okay hey Bale can give me one sugar cane that sound scares me every time hello interesting what’s all this I got a source gem what I just want to get rid of these I will not be using them and let’s turn this hay bale into some sugar cane nice soon I’ll have my diamond mob farm oh I can’t wait oh good God I just took out my sugar can on accident that was scary so how much Ence do we need eight okay I’m almost there I almost have coal wonderful [Music] stuff where did this guy go he just dipped there it is yes I have it I have the diamond one this is magical oh that’s beautiful that is beautiful now you to start thinking about Mana production lots of it this is getting really close to giving me my first first taste of Freedom still missing some straw which is unfortunate what the hell was that even H magic bundle and there goes my diamond pickaxe okay have I got enough coal Essence now I have my first coal craft here we go oh that was beautiful that was that was beautiful and I’ve got coal seeds so guess what I’m making I think it’s time to grow some inferium seeds actually so yeah it’s probably more important cuz I’m going to run out of inferium before I even before I know it inferium is tier one but I still would rather use a tier three soil if I can afford it let’s see if I can what can I afford that’s all I can afford that’s crazy uh make a hopper botney pot and plant this stuff right in there I just need to make some better soil some Farmland if you will and plant this bad boy 50 seconds to grow it should give me pretty good stuff just make a separate chest for just inferium make another bony pot and have them start working well you know what I actually need actually I need more of these gosh darn it man I need more chests for The Hoppers man this is going to be my best work get some more of this stuff this honestly you know what’s pissing me off I don’t have a crafting table near me so I’m going to need to fix this uh oh that’s not it there we go okay make some more Pentium Farmland put the Pentium Farmland in here as well as an inferium seed now the last thing I need is another chest bing bing combine it with this make yet another inferium seed thing as soon as they start producing me good stuff I’ll be happy oh there we are there’s my inferium Essence Farm oh I have a lot of dirt Essence um do I have any use for it I could make sand if I had fire Essence I could make red mushrooms blah blah blah and grass I still can’t get any nature seeds because I’m out of essence and I’m also not rich on any of these things and I don’t really want to grow Cactus right now maybe I can just do with breeding the sheep and not have any grass there but I would need grass I do need grass let me make four of these I need four sugar cane I need four pumpkins I have two I need fertilized Essence huh I’m pretty sure pretty sure that means I can instag grow this pumpkin hold on um where do I grow it where do I grow it uh I’ll grow it somewhere somewhere here here I didn’t do crap and then I also need some sand on this side that’s not going to work Cactus well then I need this back here okay cool hopefully that should grow the pumpkin should grow uh and then I will simply make some grass later on but we do have to forget about it for now so next up we still have the first first x n generator so to make this generator the Mana lens is the biggest problem cuz I need the Rune of Wrath okay let’s get let’s get working on the runic alter the runic alter need to make a Mana Diamond which is kind of a problem because I’m running out of diamonds and that’s not good can I even make it let’s see do I need more Mana I do need more Mana let’s make another let’s make two more Endo Flames they will come in handy two brown one red one light gray and there we are two more Endo Flames for the gang going to put them right here then of course we have to connect them okay wonderful now since we have a whole bunch of coal coal is no issue plus we can make some more we’re going to just provide these guys with a bunch of it yep maybe we can even make not just the Mana Diamond but also regular diamonds cuz I’m running out wonder how much Mana this thing needs aha there it is Mana diamond and with this Mana Diamond I’m going to make a little runic alter going to have to place him close but oh that’s that’s not where I meant to place it have to place him close by probably right here and now we need to make two runes the Rune of Earth well actually we need to make more than two runes um to make the Rune of Wrath we need two more Mana diamonds Rune of winter which is probably the hardest one to make oh my God I need so much stuff gunpowder okay never mind Rune of Earth I think is the easiest one so yeah no pumpkin has grown yet that’s unfortunate the cactus isn’t growing either this is unideal this is not ideal oh the cactus didn’t even need water I just remembered oh whatever let’s put down more of the sugar canane maybe they grow faster I’m also out of iron you know what I need to start getting some iron so I guess I will have to use my mana and this iron will come in very handy this is pretty good right how many iron do we get five five iron not fair enough it’s a fair number not a lot but it’s a fair number how about some iron seeds H TM Essence e that’s a bit expensive what can we afford you know what almost we almost could afford iron seeds we need more pots we need better so soil and we need it to grow oh a pumpkin how make stone stone Essence and one coal Essence a but Stone Essence is pretty easy to make we can pretty much make iron seeds so just some shards and some seeds Okay let’s going make it plop that there then let’s pop this here here here and here and iron here here here and here and this should give me exactly what I need oh yes iron seeds tier three baby need a tier three Farmland so we do need a tertium Essence which just means I need another tertium Essence which will take me quite a bit to generate we’re getting closer the cactus is not growing for some reason so what I’m getting at right now is the fact that I need I need to start bulk blasting um I need the encase fan I just need it so I think it’s time to start to make a water wheel I’m going to need some andesite Alloys it’s about that time eight buttons and some planks let’s make a water wheel shall we it’s water wheel time now where am I going to put this I have no idea I guess I could do it somewhere here cuz I want a bulk blasting station I will put the water somewhere here just just need to make sure the water flows and I can pretty much put this thing in wherever I want like right here for example now I can start to figure out how to make the encased fan it’s not going to be as simple as one might like unfortunately I need a propeller and unfortunately that also means I need a freaking mechanical press oh boy I just don’t have iron for this that’s the big issue so it’s time to make iron need some better soil now I do not have another Hopper I don’t really care about this one so I’ll take this thank you oh gave me back the Farmland okay I did not know so what do I need now I need iron right put this here and then the iron seeds in here 2 minutes that’s kind of a long time oh my God the cactus grew yes it only took forever now there’s some Mana in there I may be able to get some iron to help me out because I will need quite a bit of it or not or simply not oh there’s some iron in here I didn’t I didn’t even know bang bang bang ooh inferium nice there’s only an 81% chance it actually generates anything that is sad that is so sad I don’t have the means to make another iron seed unless potentially I start growing a crap ton of inferior ium seeds everywhere sacrificing this stuff for the greater good where’s my terra cotta oh darn it I can’t even make it I might need water seeds too oh good God cuz I need to make clay to make terracotta which means I need water Essence all right that has to be done we need clay balls uh I’ll make sure to do this right and then simply I will make a water seed for some water Essence plop plop plop plop and boom all right and I need some decent Farmland I might use inferium though cuz I think I have it here still Yes okay the water Essence will be going into this one there we are oh my first Iron Essence a magical time it really is Magic and there we go now let’s make another inferium farm right here but for that we need you guessed it better soil I’ll use this one cuz I’m feeling feisty and hopefully it works faster so and let’s go seeds bam 50 seconds to make one it’s good oh two iron Essence it’s happening it’s happening it’s happening we’re about to make millions Millions so once I make this encased fan and I have this whole operation running I’ll have grass over there with my sheepies pumpkins I almost have enough of all I’m missing is the cacti and then I’m ready also let’s place these around here because I’m kind of tired of walking over this water there we go all I need now is some kind of cobblestone production or stone production now Stone there’s this thing there’s Stone Essence Stone seeds another thing I could make I’d love to make some Stone seeds so matter of fact I’m going to do exactly that going to make yet another seed and this is going to be a stone seed just going to be simple simple stuff it’s going to make me bloody Rich bloody Rich yes Stone seed nicely done we have enough sugarcane and enough pumpkins and enough potatoes cacti please start growing I need you I have no iron this is absurd how else can I make iron not many ways you know let’s get this cooking and let’s get the flowers cooking as well let them cook I’m going to use this Stone to get more iron to get more everything just make it run out of mana and then see what happens we have forest and so already oh my God it’s happening it’s going to happen all righty let’s make this hopper for this botney pot which is going to make some stone for me need some good soil right that works works for me put this in here and then put this in here 50 seconds baby let’s go that’s going to generate me stone Essence which I’m going to use to make more Ores which of course I’m going to make use of and yes never ending cycle of more seeds and more pots I still haven’t used this because I can’t get in like I can’t I haven’t found any string or fibers I need fibers all my tools are going to break soon there goes one oh no I needed that axe another pumpkin hello Pumpkin how is this still at four dude has it been like the unluckiest drop chance is that there’s 20% chance that it’s not going to drop something it didn’t do it again what the man another Cactus though always welcome I need one no two more just two more cacti I’m out of tools as well what do I do what do I do it definitely doesn’t have much Mana so just give me a diamond give me like 20 diamonds just give me diamonds and iron that’s the only two things I [Music] need nether what Mal what give me a a nether ore is it giving me so much coal for but why oh man it’s out oh what the what just happened it just long ranged it that thing turned Stone into ores like 50 m away what why getting close to grass seeds imagine that I guess I need to save up this iron cuz to make an encased fan I’m going to need a whole lot of iron oh I could just use an engineer’s Hammer if I had one string I don’t even have one string I’d love to use a hammer instead but someone decided to use all the string and I know who who that someone is it’s me ah some quests thank you for the malachite andite Alloys actually I do need that all this all this to do this wait what was if wait can I do this one snow block wool cake I need make cake milk sugar egg gosh darn it I don’t have a a chicken I don’t have a chicken that’s really bad I don’t have the chicken my chicken dead my chicken dead I killed my chickens why did I do that why did I kill my chickens I’ll start with two Mana diamonds I only have two diamonds left so I may as well I may as well make these into oh I don’t have enough Mana in there woo get it going I need two of these Mana diamonds come on uh come on a rune of Wrath is actually so hard to make Rune of water Rune of water really come on man yes one Mana Diamond thank you very much I’m going to need more Endo Flames cuz this is taking forever this is taking forever need Reds I need Browns and I need light Grays all right two more Endo Flames coming up coming right up I need the two tool gosh darn it connecting tool connecting tool where is it maybe I’m doing it wrong oh my first Iron Essence craft ta wonderful right we need more coal that is a big problem right now I’m just I’m lacking resources I don’t know what to do I don’t know what to do how much mana’s in here you know what forget it I don’t care I don’t need to know I’m going to I I let me make a cobble Cobblestone axe yes that’s right Cobble Stone oh this we’ll have to do it’s sad but it will have to do does the growth accelerator work on the botney pot you know what I mean does would that make sense I have a feeling it works like that hold on do do I have another growth accelerator I should okay how do I make this uh need a diamond oh no I need to find another Diamond I have a feeling the growth accelerator actually accelerates the growth oh it gives you three M Diamond Essence okay let me know how does this made Four Diamonds supremium Essence okay right of course of course no that makes sense that makes a lot of sense you know honestly I’d rather go to the Nether biome like this is torture please get me out of this one please I want to leave it’s made a bunch of stone Essence that’s nice I can combine it with this to make stone which I will later be using of course to do something like this pretty simple So in theory I don’t even need the bulk blasting I don’t know why why did I even bother with that I did not need to bother with the bulk blasting oh my God yes another cactus cactus cactus got three cactuses I’m one away from having it all like honestly honestly one away from having everything I just need this to generate coal Essence a bit faster maybe I need to make another pot for some coal cuz it’s it’s it is taking its sweet time could I put a pot above a pot got three iron in here I got start putting it in here Bow Bow Bow Bow it’s so loud bow bow I love the the bows I could make some I start making some charcoal though that would that would be a pretty good idea like getting a bunch of logs all right let’s uh let’s keep farming this I need to get to the next stage this is I don’t like being here dirt 9,000 okay I actually need a chicken to spawn I had the chance I had the chance to keep chickens and I killed two of them for whatever reason decided to keep one that got eaten by an ocelot what the what was my what was my plan what on Earth was my plan what did I expect to happen I want to start expanding my Island but it’s it’s so impossible right now these crystals honestly I might be throwing away like something very very good I understand that that but I don’t care give me to the next stage please game that is is not a chicken I need the chicken for the cake man I need it I guess I could do a farmer and trade him up to a to a cake it’s also a possibility maybe that’s actually smarter to do cuz I don’t think I’m going to get a chicken here are you kid man well this phase is lasting seemingly forever please let it go make some of this let’s make some Stone 40 Stone that’s pretty good let’s get some ores ooh Diamond yes gosh that’s what I needed for so long see what if I make like a like a load of endo Flames like I mean like like seven I just plop them down all over the place that could be pretty use I think need a lot of these a lot of these a lot of these but I actually mean a lot let’s get some water start making these things some seeds oh we’re making all the we’re making all the Endo flames and that’s all we can make we can make six I think that’s a good Improvement and we have our final Cactus that’s actually goated that’s actually goated timing okay here we go let’s put these down two 3 4 5 six get the Magic Stick of Truth and connect these bad boys up hopefully that works and before we do anything take this four of these four of these and four of these and make ourselves four of these what wonderful okay we need Pentium and a Prosperity Shard seed thing which we will get quickly and then let’s go make it finally going to be able to get grass that there put this stuff here and this stuff over here now I should be able to get Nature’s something something Nature’s Essence from these seeds so meaning I’ll need another Bonsai pot it’s going to give me grass I’d love to have some grass over there i’ love to have some grass over there so simply I’m just going to be bo Bop you know what I’m saying quick little craft and I should have enough iron of course I do yep Bing Bong Bish bash BOS simple simple stuff and I’m going to put it right here going to get myself some decent Farmland now I wonder what kind of Farmland I’m going to get get for it it’s a tier two so all it needs realistically is regular old Farmland but we’re going to do tertium ter Terrace something something we’re going to do this one tier three put this in here and put these in here grow time is quite a bit we don’t need many of them we actually just need like literally one one piece like actually does not matter oh we’re gaining back the iron pretty quickly I like the sound of that oh we also have this our first nature Essence we get 20 grass blocks that is amazing we’re going to do is start the spreading of grass so I’m tired of this place looking absolutely horrendous all right now I also want to put some grass down here because we’re going to start a little animal farm it’s going to be actually tiny but that’s all right we don’t need much just so these guys don’t try to escape all right all right all right how do we get string again I don’t think we can get string how do we get rope is there more ways to get the straw grassy crops could that just mean cutting grass got pumpkin seeds for that oh my God I actually actually got I’m I’m upset I’m upset I need rope I need more fertilizer now oh my God I need to fertilize something now like a sap half the potato Supply half of the wheat Supply I don’t need the pumpkins anymore I don’t need the sugar cane everything’s going in here oh my God it actually gives me that is absurd this whole time this whole time I could have made rope all right alasso I need two diamonds two slime balls I only have two diamonds left I don’t have any slime balls left either slime Essence Soul jar how do you collect Souls soul extraction oh wow I need a lot I need to get a lot of slimes to get get that yaa okay that’s not going to happen but however we can make a lasso do we need a l Hold on let me think now see now the question is do I even need it you know what let’s let’s let’s set up a farmer here and trade with him until I get a cake cuz I need the cake well the ore generation sure is under control now the real question becomes what am I supposed to do next I need to automate coal production I guess but here’s the thing I need eggs without a chicken I can’t get eggs so farmer it is all righty I think think I’m going to start trading with these villagers so I need to make a little trading station bing bong and I’m going to put it somewhere nearby take this guy put in there let’s see what we can get we can get an emerald for bread I guess I need to make another one actually I don’t have enough glass no shame trade this guy’s trade the only way to get more emeralds is to grow more trees means I’ll need more bone meal or a tree farm or both need a little bit of this a little bit of that and I did it the wrong way around what the freak am I doing okay nice we have another Traer right next to this guy and it’s going to be the fletchy FY boy py boy why are you turned this [Music] way okay sticks I love love sticks this guy loves emeralds and I love sticks and that guy loves emeralds and I love sticks cabbage and potato okay ooh you know what we have actually we have fertilized Essence and that is like the ultimate tree growing tool what hey hey it’s supposed to instantly gr what the what what oh never mind it’s the mystical Essence is the one that that instantly grows crops okay I need potatoes and lots of them I need this guy to level four that is going to take me forever I need ters lots of ters can I put like meat in the composter I need another composter uh you know what guys I think it’s time I think it’s time for it to happen I think it’s time I need to make a mob farm you know honestly I thought the day would never come also Let’s uh grow some sheepies real quick I think I know exactly where I’m going to put it needed a quick little ore Expedition but I think I’m going to have the farm right there yep that’s right right there pumpkins that’s pretty good I’ll just make a bunch of pumpkins and sell them he nice what the how’ you what how’d they get out I realized I didn’t block them in did I right that’s a bit of a problem and we’re going to have to fix it how did you get in the boat and you’re staying that’s right that’s right now you’re staying s sir what do you think you’re get in the boat my guy thinks he’s the owner of the world it looks like yeah not happening you you you and you are going in a chest okay good good glad we got that taken care of I’m going to need a lot of freaking blocks what the hell am I going to make it out of marble make marble slabs that’s an option I guess I’m going to have to do that also we need some sort of slabs under the whole thing what am I going to use I don’t know probably these bad boys give me my dirt back gosh darn it the worst part is I need to make it a 2X two and this doesn’t allow for it so I need to make it a 3X3 oh God why did I make everything oh why did I do that pain pain okay then let’s get this show on the road now oh boy I don’t know how this is going to work wait this isn’t going to work I don’t have enough dirt this oh this is going to take me forever I have nowhere near enough what am I doing why did I decide to do this there needs to be like a a significant fall of many blocks for these mobs and currently it’s not looking too good and this is the part where it doesn’t work anymore okay well it looks good without the dirt also I need to make sure no mobs spawn on it so currently I have um not many blocks for them to fall I have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight is eish blocks okay this still works I guess I need a stone cutter potentially I’m going to keep going up as far as I can until I have to switch something up I’m building a tower death cruel cruel is the world cruel well we made it this high oh it looks lovely look at this I think I missed the spot how did that happen how did that happen I don’t I don’t have any more marble I don’t I could have made marble Essence I could have maybe I still can hold on no I can’t I used up all my regular marble like a doofus I didn’t do I make marble essence or do I just go higher you know what I’m going to leave four I’m going to leave four six fine I’m going to leave six of them intact now let’s go use up the rest of this problem is I’m still going to need more marble Essence because I don’t have enough blockies yippee I think I might make them fall 25 blocks cuz I don’t feel like Gathering anything it’s actually my reasoning I have no idea how high I am at also like absolutely zero clue as far as this marble gets me I’m going well let’s see 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I need what three four more layers probably four all righty I’m going to need some Essence aquamarine Essence oh I need turum 3 minutes to grow one Essence 3 minutes this is 2 minutes oh my God well let’s see let’s see if we can do it going to need two of these that is going to be for the aquamarine which we can go make right now yes one of these oh I think I did it wrong boom boom boom boom aquamarine right here very nice and we have an aquamarine seed now the next one is pretty simple it does need the other Essence let’s quickly make that and of course we need two more Bonsai pots or to use some other Bonsai pots that we don’t need anymore I guess I could just make a new one H we’re going to need quite a lot of marble pots unless maybe we decide to use wool up top I might use wool I can make a lasso though huh if I make a lasso and I have this the diamond mob farm yeah I think I’m going to do that I think it’s time for the lasso come here sheepy however I need a a white one let me paint you let’s see let’s see what it makes wool there we go that’s exactly what I want and we’re going to make a whole lot of wool now you know what I might not even use these two I might not even use them to make marble because I will be using wool from here on out so I’m going to hold on to these pots but I’m not going to use them I’m going to go up a few more steps give me it oh thank you there we are this is going to look quite peculiar but it’s part of the process this will be quite a big farm it’s going to be one of my favorite builds why did I not bring a shovel why is that I’d love to have at least one shovel you know that would be wonderful I shall bringeth my shovel ooh trees I think this guy really does appreciate my pumpkins so luckily he’ll get some oh look at that 38 wool already oh this is going to look great I actually can’t wait meanwhile I’m going to go make another one of these guys you guys have fun there all right all right soul jar of sheep I could actually make that I think I can always Shear them simply is probably the easiest way to do it now that I think about it but like there’s not a lot of them in there that’s the only problem and not a lot of grass to eat either so shame sh shame shame shame how do I make Soul jars Soul glass Soul dust uh okay Solium block Solium Dust how do you make this stuff oh it’s an ore It’s actually an ore I’m going to need that ore can I please get out of this freaking oh and there’s another random oh my God there’s another random freaking what is this what so this is just prismarine and stuff like that okay sponge did I get I I did get a wet sponge look at this the start of my amazing thing yes do need a lot more wool and that seems to be the biggest issue so oh yes that looks wonderful yes it looks Majestic and hopefully it works that though I don’t know but I sure hope it will I will need some light material up top too though and I have no idea what that will be oh this lasso is almost about to run out that’s a shame but I will not be needing the lasso anymore I hope once I find Solium I don’t know if I even can find Solium I wouldn’t know where to look I don’t imagine this is going to last me uh until I get all the blocks that I need for the bottom there so what is my backup plan I’ll have to come up with a solution or maybe just expand this little farm here you know what I’m going to do I’m going to keep this lasso around just in case I need it and I’m going to release this sheep there you go sheepy good luck wait matter of fact I could have sheared it come back an expansion is necessary where’s my dirt that’s all my dirt I’m out of dirt I’m dirt poor so now I need a cobblestone wall wait wait wait wait wait wait actually actually let’s terraform a little bit let’s make it nice want it on this level then to come down to this this level gosh darn it oh I just realized what the problem is this should have more dirt under it okay gosh darn why does it keep placing it like that stop it oh no ah oh perfect yes okay I think I can release them no I can’t what am I saying now I can think about releasing them they shouldn’t be able to get over anywhere enjoy your semi Freedom not for long though okay thank you [Music] they should experience full Freedom right now this is what freedom feels like go have fun guys enjoy yourselves okay how did you get up there how the how the hell did you get up there no come down they can get on the edges I’m kind of sad I did I don’t know I can’t tell they shouldn’t be able to I’ll just put posts down in these corners and hope for the best snip all right have fun guys 20 iron Essence wow 23 coal Essence wow a bunch of nature Essence wow all right guy melon melon melons are kind of lame you know it’s not lame sticks sticks are not lame give me all you can okay cookies uh cookies give me pretty good uh returns pretty good returns there for the I thought I saw a creeper I was terrified I was mortified the second I see a creeper on this thing I will I will scream for my life I’ll be absolutely mortified the only way to mass produce slime balls dough and lime dye huh wait a second we can make more lassos I just realized how do you get lime dye green dye and white dye or lime petals I have quite a lot of lime petals 63 okay that’s a lot of lime petals there it is 32 lime dye that was way easier than I expected this just means I can make infinite lassos the only problem really are diamonds supremium Farmland yikes diamond seeds which which needs Four Diamonds itself that’s the hardest part maybe we can get some diamonds can we get some diamonds please yeah diamonds really are the only problem come on give me just give me just one I just need a little bit of diamond I will have your wool soon okay now that I’m done being super creepy let me make some dough for that I need a millstone which is quite easy to make get close get close yes yes give me the walls yes thank you thank you so much delicious let’s get a little Cog wheel all right a little Millstone there this will be used for very simple things and we’re going a hand crank here unless actually I’m going to use the power that I already have coming from this wait need shafts you know what I need I need a gearbox a vertical gearbox okay I just need a gear box that’s all I need so and aide casing make this what the why why is it like that gearbox it is glad I have that under control what I need h no I need a ver vertical one hold on vertical gearbox there it is now can I place hold on uh what’s what’s what’s the deal here can I I can place below it do I want to why would I want to I don’t want to what am I doing uh boom and then actually no we’re going to take get rid of this going to put a little uh large little large Cog wheel and set this Milling station right here and we’re going to put some wheat into it did I miss oh never mind there it is and that should give me some weak yes finally getting some wool here that’s very nice gave me seven wheat flour we CB it with light dye no we don’t we need I need water first and there we are seven slime balls oh my goodness I can make four of those things as what real Ingenuity looks like right there very good oh wait I don’t have any blocks with [Music] me I’m running out of blocks is the problem we sneak into here go up up little bit more now for the rest of it I don’t know if I’m going to be using wool I’ll be honest cuz waiting for it is not worth it it’s just not worth it ow I could wait for wool that’s one thing I could do listen oh there it is thank you video game I’m going to need more of those I just see one more guy like come on I’m going to use this wool to make like a load of carpets and put them on top of the base in turn still making it light I’m a G I’m a darn genius my genius scares me sometimes I get scared I get frightened by myself what would anyone do without me realistically I could make loads of clay maybe I just make clay as the bottom yeah that sounds about good my God how much Clay did I just make oh Lord Oh Lord that’s a lot of clay that’s a lot of a lot of clay there I still don’t think it’s enough but I need to try it surely they can spawn on Clay right if not I’ll actually be so upset I don’t think you understand understand how upset I’ll be if they can’t spawn on Clay uh they better be able to spawn on Clay I swear oh this is oh this is so easy oh I love this this is amazing I don’t think I’ll have enough though but I I came close for sure do I actually have enough oh come on I was I was close I was really close that’s beautiful I need to make more otherwise like what am I doing with that water Essence I have so much of it I need to make more clay clay clay clay cl cl cl cl cl clay okay boom holy a lot of clay is that all the dirt Essence that I had no way did they actually I didn’t use it all did I huh I guess that’s all the dirt Essence that I had real shame isn’t it well I guess I’m dirt poor as they say oh by myself need something to Tower up with cuz this is not going to cut it hold on di it is baby di it is all this to get bone meal is insane right um oh did I I wanted smooth Stone didn’t I darn uh um can I make it to the water oh it’s unlikely uh you know what I might bite bite the bullet here put one layer of clay around the whole thing no one’s ever made a freaking mob spawner out of clay no one I can promise you that I can actually promise you that it’s beautiful it’s act I’m I’m I’m shedding a teer here lovely stuff lovely stuff let’s go get some more carpets hello carpets do I try to make an encase fan I can make senu fiber wait a second wait what how do you make dried senu okay I need to smelt the sinu the senu must be smelted turns out I could have made senu fiber and it acts the same way a string and I am sad I sad cuz you can get senu from freaking sheep bam there’s the string okay now the engineer’s Hammer is very easy to make so I’ll just go ahead and make it and I can pretty much use it to you guess it make plates oh my God it’s all I needed that’s literally it that’s pain and suffer again pain make a propeller get my encased everything and there’s the encased fan wow it’s really unbelievable the stuff you can do you’d be surprised and then I can also put the encased fan literally right here only problem is I’m missing lava what just something just fell those are bones the mob spawner is working yes I have bonesy I got bone meal look at me go the one thing I never had all this just to trade potatoes is insane I forgot that I was trying to trade potatoes you know what you know like I actually forgot also the fact I could just made senu fiber it’s eating at me right now it really is I should have enough carpet now I hope I see that creeper hell no that’s not happening in my house where’s my bow I had a bow I’m going have to make a senu bow I can’t make a senu bow oh wait I can trade a bow oh but I don’t have emeralds oh that’s scary okay you you’re going to have to perish darn it oh this is dangerous stuff okay we should be fine we should be good can I cook slabs is that I thing are slabs cookable they’re not you I’m going to have to get the the the the the stone the oldfashioned way oh wait uh but I don’t have lava all right let’s let’s get through this maybe we can get to the nether the nether gives me lava I’m happy with it but like honestly looking a bit rough right now looking a bit rough and that’s only because I don’t want to make it out of cobblestone I’m kind of in two ways right now I don’t I have to bite the bullet I have to I have to do it I have to make du Cobell du Cobell I’ll do this put this in here and smelt that for the slabs and the rest of it is going to be cobble wobble Stone yep yep I can do this no bad guys no bad guys this will definitely not enough but a good start how how many blocks was this like a full stack and some more I guess I need oh that’s all I need actually how am I supposed to can I just that did not work oh that did not work oh well there goes my totem oh no oh no wait why did I make all those carpets oh I actually what am I doing I just realized I made like two and a half stacks of carpets and I can’t even use them but I also just realized I need to I need to I get like so much water up here why why did I do this why am I the way I am why okay I’m going to guess like 35 mobs are going to spawn up here while I’m gone but that’s okay I can handle it it would be kind of smart if I finally made a shield cuz honestly without the totem I feel naked and afraid I think he going to be done soon this could be pretty cool this guy I need cake from but I don’t know how to am I going to do that oh hello selling pumpkin pumpkin okay please give me the cake no no wait what am I supposed to do now he didn’t give me the cake oh wait is this level three what is a level what is level four farmer so the first level was these two things then it was these three I think I’m already on level four here that sucks is there any way I can get eggs not really I need to get a chicken make chicken listen up video game I’m going to need either a chicken oh a tree I’m going to sneeze you know it’s actually kind of tragic that I can’t make the freaking slabs back into or like turn them into stone I it’s insane okay let’s go back up let see what happens this might end bad but maybe not beautiful girl know why you’ll never work you know what I should have probably done there’s something I definitely should have done that is bringing water water oh I can’t believe this I can’t this two times two times happened two times already from the same build I can’t this is not cool and we’re simply not going to fall this time not going to do it I’m just I’m just not going to do it might have to go get the trap doors in the water right now honestly these guys are going to start spawning up here and I cannot have that three buckets of water and the what 16 * 4 40 4 * 6 is something so like wa wait wa wait you know out of all the things I could have made in terms of these little plants a wood wood seed was the first thing I needed to make I don’t even I don’t even have much to put into the composter 26 is just not enough how do I Mass produce this stuff need to fill this up bam I need it bread can I put bread in there yes yes I can perfect I have a way I’ve unlocked I’ve unlocked a possibility just put a whole bunch of bread in there just buy all the bread I’m going to have so much bone meal I’ve unlocked the infinite loop I sell sticks what the hell was that hello why are you here sir oh you didn’t even drop it anything that’s abysmal you could have done so much better meanie pants Oh that’s a creeper okay you know what I’m going to block this off for now hey buddy hey buddy pal just going to yeah that’s a problem they’re already spawning up there no it’s not what I needed right now how the hell do I get up there 42 divid by 16 I don’t think I can divide by 16 so next I have like a bunch of sticks oh that’s not a lot at all yeah okay oh I have bread I have bread I have bread not the metaphorical bread as like money but like bread bread you know what I mean bone meal baby oh big tree big tree what can I say what can I say except you’re welcome the sky the Sun the trees I don’t even know if that’s how the song goes but you know what that’s this is all I needed right here there oh I needed 64 oh I’m stupid okay that’s fine that’s all right oh I see arrows any bones no how do I do this without perishing that does not sound too good you know what I’m going to go up from the top I’m going to not do that nope nope nope nope nope not happening I’m just going to get up there some other way I guess I’ll use some sand I hear a multitude of things hello hello there’s a witch there’s a creeper okay you know what I need actually I just figured it out I need my bow otherwise this thing runs so badly I swear I had a bow oh I know exactly where I put it it’s in the dispenser yep it’s it’s in there oh right I can buy one from the Fletcher what am I doing two emeralds say less I’ve got zero thank you do I need more arrows no all right let’s try this again this time but this time I’ll be the one laughing all right listen up get lost okay okay we’re doing good yep very good also that spider just dropped some string oh yes oh yes it dropped two string I probably need more but that’s all right that’s okay so what we do is we take a bucket of water and then we take another bucket of water and we get infinite buckets of water what can I say quite the smart guy once we have this stuff set up oh my rocking and rolling apart from the fact that I don’t have any and I actually oh what the I don’t have anything set up down there so I probably should have started with that okay almost done now this place is finished all I have to do now is get the oh I almost fell down all the way you know what it’s kind of bad I don’t have a shovel there’s going to be mobs falling on my face in a second I just got to hope for the best and just dip as soon as possible just going to do that okay I got to go back up though hello creepies goodbye all right I need more stone slabs what am I saying huh I’m not quite done yet I’ll put this on the outside though I just realized half of the freaking roof is open so now I need to set up Hoppers I don’t yet know how but I know I need wood for some chests so I’m just going to get to it crushed ores can be turned to nuggets using a fan with water okay why would I do that crushed iron ore okay it gives me one crushed iron or what the flip am I supposed to do with that it gives me 10 nuggets a 50% chance to give me 15 nuggets which actually means I could start doubling my iron ah but I can’t do it with diamonds unfortunately but apparently it sounds like to me that I could potentially make a whole lot what oh I need iron ore oh okay bro just flew down what the the zombie soul gem I don’t know what that mean what if I put it right here ah it works okay cool so that means oh what am I doing I need these take these I need the water to just stay here why am I hearing a fish so anyway if I with this I okay got it problem is I need it there how am I supposed you get out okay there we go flipping down the design now all we need is some crushed ore problem is I don’t really have uh I don’t have that so I don’t even have any ore on me right now so getting that is going to be a bit of an issue but it’s looking good maybe we can get just one iron here yes we can so what we do is we put this piece of iron in here starts Milling it once it’s done Milling I should be able to get the crushed version of it I guess you know what I don’t know what I’m doing simple as that I I have no idea there it is and then apparently we just throw it in there okay apparently we don’t I don’t know what I’m doing needs to be higher and that should turn into 13 nuggies which okay it gave me like a few extra nuggets of okay that was waste of my darn time mil I have a millstone what are you doing what are you saying video game it’s right here all right and I get two of those so I’m just going to flop them into here hello you start getting some Hoppers set up going to need nine of them so I guess that’s quite a bit yep okay we can make a little bit more Stone maybe that should be enough actually hello gosh darn it give me the loot oh look at that 25 25 that’s a whole lot let me tell you it’s a whole lot nice hello Mr skeleton oh he shot me through the freaking wall what the what the hell is going on D stop shooting me through the wall ah ah ah ah ah problem I’m mortified if I fall into there it’s over for me I don’t have enough I don’t have enough no oh no I didn’t get it okay I could make an information sign what is that what okay no I’m not doing that and I still don’t have a shovel with me this is okay I’m losing my mind someone in the comments please remind me to make a shovel oh no not the Mini Zombies nope get out of my sight oh my God 33 B me I’ve never been happier I finally have infinite infinite wood truly a blessing no no no no not blowing okay you know what I have to make sure I have to make sure the creepers don’t blow this stuff up I had more marble right ah not really goodbye okay I might replace these blocks it’s working so well a bow a better bow powered to I’ve unlocked infinite loot shovel did I have a shovel this whole time I swear if I had a shovel okay I need Hoppers now now I guess what I could do is actually do this and make S marble slabs yes okay now we have the chance to do what we wanted to do in the first place oh looks dangerous that looks dangerous right there oh my I can only make six oh boy I can make that work yeah I’ll make it work I’ll do three chests in the front this is the most annoying part these guys they don’t take much damage when falling down or any for that matter they just fly down okay we’re we’re good we’re good for the most part I guess that’s uh that’s that I have infinite bone meal oh wait wait wait wait wait what what was I supposed to do skeleton seeds ooh now I don’t even need the whole what the Slime seed oh I wish I I wish there were more slimes right well we’re still missing a few things here right still missing a diamond but now that I can grow infinite trees that dude just shot at me wait no no no no no that’s not happening no sir who you think you are what the bro just floating wait wait wait you see that oh no he’s just floating bro just floating oh that’s absolutely hilarious I should be able to get like a insane amount of sticks I do need them of course because I will be trading with villagers to get myself emeralds to then get my cake again cuz I still don’t have the cake hav’t fixed up the roof yet but I don’t know if I need to I’ll just leave the eye up there doesn’t stand for anything but I’ll just leave it there wait do I have that lasso on me oh I do wait wait wait wait wait wait let’s generate a whole bunch of like good stuff here hold on is this skeleton it is gosh darn it I got the wrong one chilled I’ve been chilled I’m very chill that’s true okay I’m going to need to clear you guys out too many too many I need the skeleton got it yeah boy yeah put that in there then it generate some skeleton stuff should just give me a whole bunch of Bones and arrows and I’ll be a happy little camper oh yes it’s working it’s freaking working oh yeah I don’t know what I’m going to do with all this but it’s definitely helpful it’s not helping me get no diamonds okay how do I do this how do I get more how do I just get more I need to somehow speed up the process my pickaxe is about to break anytime though I need to figure this out ah I have an idea actually it’s probably not a good one but I have one all right so what I could possibly do is get a little Lecter villager get mending from him hopefully somehow have enough iron I don’t know how I would get enough iron but I’d love to have enough for a whole thing I’m probably not I probably don’t have enough iron that is not good we’re back to the iron problem it wasn’t a problem for a little bit but now it’s back I have 12 and I need like a way more make one block oh pain pain pain pain pain pain B I have so many iron seeds I need to use some of this Farmland now that I have infinite wood maybe I can get rid of this for a little bit at least I don’t need it right now what I could do is put another one of these in here take a little iron seed and put that in there that should help me a little bit now I could do another one what’s this one doing Stone okay this one’s doing the nature one this one is doing inferium I might redo this one as well nice so what I’m going to do is I’m going to take this one put it up top this is going to have another iron seed in it and this going to have inferium all right I’m getting to the bottom of this this is this is progress is what we call it unless of course I’m lost and confused and don’t know how to get iron these days but I think I know what I’m doing staright infusion what the heck Celestial alter oh I do need the Luminous crafting table don’t I the nether I still haven’t gotten the nether I need myself an anvil two iron blocks two iron blocks is what we’re working with oh here’s a oh here’s a crazy idea here’s a crazy idea I’m going to make another lasso oh no this one’s all out I I probably shouldn’t have done that I need I need another Diamond okay I’m going to make another lasso and I’m going to make an iron golem I’m going to put the Iron Golem in the mob farm and see what happens this is genius this is something unnaturally genius I I get 60 chances 60 chances to get diamonds right now oh come on it’ll happen I don’t know when but it’ll happen I need this thing to make is there is there a better furnace let let let me check oh there it is cooking speed I need to make an Imperium furnace right now okay how do I make this Prosperity Ingot with okay I need two of those then a block of this and some Essence and also the previous one and also the previous one okay okay okay we can do this I need better furnaces I didn’t know that’s a thing my god I’ve used that way before so how do you make us okay we’re already stuck cuz I don’t have freaking Cobble oh my God how does this happen I could just use this yeah I’m just going to use this one so we need to make an inferium block then we need Prosperity Ingot I don’t even have that much Prosperity shards how do you make a Prosperity Ingot I have to surv round iron all right and we’re going to make one of those I I need two okay we got that and then we make an inferium furnace nice time for the Pentium one I need more Prosperity ingots oh boy I’m going to run out of prosperity shards to make the block of this uh and then I also need need one more that and all together that should give me a Pentium furnace wow beautiful stuff can we get to the next level that is the real question I need one more iron ingot we’re sacrificing this I don’t care and we’re doing this I need more oh good God this is getting expensive already okay we have that now we need two three four 5 uh how much it was actually all that I could make wait I need to make one more no oh my God I did it I did it this furnace is the best look at how F oh my God yep it’s almost smelted it all and with this what we’re just going to keep doing is this pretty much until we get that diamond and make some more Stone none of this is diamonds guys what’s happening this is like torture it’s just like torture is there a way I can generate Cobble without having to spam my Mouse ah of course a containment chalice if you will oh you know what I could make a mechanical drill Ender air bottle what the freak is that what I need that’s absurd I’m sad how much Stone Essence do I have stone seeds there we go uh oh I had way more inferium interesting put this here Bam Bam this is also an inferium one so I don’t really care therefore I’m putting this here bam and we’re getting Stone which then we’ll turn into ores ideally and all of this is just to get to some cake not not kidding by the way for the lasso I would need diamonds if I can find one more Diamond before all of this happen yeah no I don’t think this is happening wait I think I can make a Golem and if I can make a Golem that means it’s time I just I just need one Diamond that’s it that’s all all I need I need one freaking Diamond okay what’s the chance that this gets me two iron right here is the chance good or bad let’s see that’s all I ask all I ask two two nice I hope that equals 25 iron right there 26 wait that’s actually two iron that’s almost three iron oh yes I think I need three iron to make one of those Whatchamacallit not one iron not one there boom right there is that all I needed no I need three okay that’s one more nice and that should cut it beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I behold all the beauty give me the iron and with said Iron I will produce another trading station for this fella T cool cool stuff my friend cool stuff have have more sticks yes give me a whole bunch of these that I don’t need I’m not going to throw them all out because actually wait I might need them uh yes and then I take this start farming this stuff I need all this sck baby two heck no what do you think this is fire iron you know what’s funny you know what’s actually super funny i i c this guy to not have to give him iron but funny enough I have to do exactly that I’m going to keep putting coal onto there continuously until I literally will get two diamonds yes what do we got what do we got what do we got uh no diamonds no diamonds I’m running out of tools oh this is terrible I just need to make a lasso that’s all I want I just want a lasso is that too much to ask Chuck all this in here again yep finally make a pickaxe start chomping at this stuff there’s too much too much going on here I just need one Diamond I I actually just need one you know it’s it’s that insane 60 ores one of them has to be a diamond this is not happening right now I will lose my mind I will lose my mind yo if I don’t get one holy oh my God I got one that took so long for my plan to not work I’ll be oh I’ll be upset if that doesn’t work I’ll be so upset we need to make a lasso right now oh if I don’t get get a freaking lasso I am going to lose my mind got 11 straw which means I’m going to craft enough rope to make a little bit of this and a little bit of that and then where’s my slime balls I have them here oh yeah baby it’s time to make this thing happen please please work please for the love of God the love of everything just work ow oh my God I jumped okay here here we go yes it works oh my god it works give me iron please please please please please that’s all I want that’s all I want it works I can’t believe it oh I can’t believe it oh these iron seeds are useless now yes yes oh why am I so happy about this oh and it works really well what a blessing I’m going to start using something else for the iron now cuz I do not need iron it’s done I have infinite everything yes yes there we go can make an anvil which means it’s time to get a lecn villager set up and ready to go now we’re going to have we’re going to have the lecn here viant do I have a book I know I had a book I do need more than one though so sugar cane and not just that I also need cows what I’m going to do oh this is a brilliant idea actually I’m going to make another lasso because I recall having the things necessary have another one of these yes oh well never mind I don’t have diamonds what am I saying how do I get leather though do I have a oh I I have a bunch of leather what am I saying books have books we have this which means we have alurn means we can get mending no no no I require mending you know if this villager was not in that box I would have slapped him silly I what is what is all this night vision though that’s kind of cool ice aspect yeah no one cares if it ain’t mending no one one cares my hand is getting tired of clicking I’m kind of losing it I’m kind of losing it oh 34 34 34 emeralds I need all the help I can get Jesus Christ 22 I’m not even close oh that’s so much lovely that is that is what we call lovely oh we’re going to get close oh my good we’re one away one 35 I needed 34 okay I didn’t know and there it is I’m so happy I got mending I got mending yeah buddy oh yeah look at that oh it’s mending nicely got my got my diamond pickaxe back in Action now I can try to get another electron guy and uh do the same thing again this time I could use Fortune boom you give me Fortune please and don’t be mean about it oh and then it gives me mending for a cheaper price I don’t care anymore I I just I I can’t be bothered it’s actually like 10 emeralds cheaper you can’t make it up you cannot make it up mending for 12 no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I have to I have to take it right I have to take do I have to take it it’s just three times less well then I have to repurpose this villager or I can make a breeder okay here’s the thing here’s the here’s the plan here’s the freaking plan time to get 12 emeralds pain oh my God it’s still going look at that my God my other villager is literally going to be just someone I use for breeding now another mending I didn’t see how much that was this is happening I’m getting Fortune Fortune three I could put an Infinity on a bucket that is funny scorching GE ah so I can make it auto smelt okay well there’s fortune 3 and that is a lot of emeralds yay industrial hemp seeds wait wait wait wait wait I think I need those I think that’s necessary I don’t remember I think it was something to do with string oh bees nest I mean I don’t think I have any bees there are bees in there what do I do I can enter the Bumble Zone you guys please leave I don’t need your help I know I could I could have done the whole farming thing without the botney pots I could have went with bees but you know I I’m I’m going to stick with the botney pots all I need now is Four Diamonds I could put mending on something again but do I the lasso dark it oh I could have done it on the lasso I could have put mending on the lasto 35 I need 35 I also need a freaking axe what am I doing what am I doing please rid me from my suffering okay boom I will need another Farmer for that cake cuz let me tell you it’s the most important thing so far Fortune three mending beautiful I need another Mana Diamond I need cake and that’s about all I need and the rest I can pretty much get Rune of Earth is easy Rune of winter is harder but definitely doable so I need two Runes of Earth the two problems is I need one more Mana diamond and I need a cake so I do need a breeder bam boom and here we have the infamous breeding unit now who wants to [Music] be in there I think it’s you two now I’m going to give you many potatoes many potatoes I don’t have any pot okay let me let me Farm them first or I can’t buy bread anymore because that’s the guy that was selling the bread touche I hope this works make the child make the child oh and then I also need an incubator but we will need it as well you already have a sh oh a little guy make more make more okay meanwhile we should have some Stone generated a good amount at that actually I guess I need more coal Essence but I don’t have the time is there a way I can grow these guys faster wood Essence gives me 16 logs if I just make like five of these it should be pretty quick I could I could make more pots it’s really easy to make them too so matter of fact I’m going to make a nice Farmland under them maybe I can even make an Imperium Farmland matter of fact also do this and put it all in here with a hopper on top feeding in more if I had any coal of course I do so I need another Hopper okay blow bing bing nice we’re about to go crazy here Imperium I can make another one well technically I need two more Yep supremium Farmland okay now what did we need where do we put it uh we can put it right I guess here now it’s time to make what I need wait what am I doing need logs [Music] so start with this then the inferium goes here and the logs go here give us one of these problem is I think I need two one might not be enough another supremium put there yeah little bit more Prosperity shards for the seeds and I’ll go make another one of those could have done coal the same way but you know I decided not to there’s my first wood Essence okay we have Fortune we have mending it’s time for this wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what am I saying not just that I need I need some coal there already four of these Birch I don’t want Birch I guess it doesn’t matter but I’d like not to use Birch what a shame the goal is simple I need diamonds two of them so I can get a lasso and I can start getting back to the mining the one block I’d like to at least get through all the phases it’s struggling to generate enough Mana H I’m going to have to start chopping at that block again get me a good trade aha that’s a good one you want bread and other things I’ll give you carrots there we are I guess I need more uh okay do apples I guess uh it’s either pie or apples I’ll take the apples uh any emeralds I have a few I think this is level three right here okay that’s fine more wood seeds M yeah you know what that’s a good idea I need more oh and I’ve ruined it and it turned into dirt nice okay I’m going to need some better dirt uh let’s get at least at least Imperium it’s the least I could do the wood seed gosh darn it again it’s supposed to darn it give me this I’m putting in another composter you’re giving me carrots okay no potatoes sorry unless I’m absolutely losing it and that’s not what I’m supposed to be getting it could be either way maybe it’s the next level after that that I get cake but you know what yeah we’ll we’ll give it the benefit of the D it has come to my attention that I should probably upgrade the Mana stuff but I can’t be bothered right now therefore it will not be upgraded no cake but I did get glistering melons I can’t do it anymore it’s so much work how much wood can a wood chuck chuck and whatever I need more I’ll be taking these and I’m putting in there and that will keep generating me Millions oh my I will not need any iron buy some cookies from this chap not that I want the cookies I’ll just throw them off the side yes let’s make one of these bad boys feed it into here and there we are the wood Essence the essence of wood you are a little little Chicken McNugget is what you are gosh darn it how long will it take me to get cake I need to try again also you guys I think you guys should leave how do I get how do I get you I feel powerless is there any other any other way to make cake slice of cake I can’t make that okay Starlight transmute ation I can make a pumpkin into cake what’s the what’s the chance of this what’s the chance of a farmer giving me some cake like come on bro sometimes you know I think maybe the cake is actually the friends we make on the way just gift me a diamond please it looks like I’m going to start digging okay there’s no point it’s just not giving me anything oh my there’s a lot of dicks to be made wait wait wait wait wait wait wait trading time trading time no cake huh how do I get eggs how do I get eggs I’m doing like quests wait I get seea lanterns oh that’s actually goated wait that’s actually oh no gosh darn it okay whatever I’d love some sea lanterns here yep I keep completing some kind of quests where gave me one pris rine Shard why don’t need one prism rine Shard P sponge nice I do like sponge that doesn’t solve my issues of no cake a goddamn cake yet please I beg of you it has come to my attention that this phase of the block is never ending oh I did just break a prison chest but I got a heart of the sea honey there’s a honey no no no no no no not like this well I got me a bunch of prism shards I can make a few sea lanterns very good very good and prising chest I um it is kind of cool oh my oh that’s a lot of wood well I’ll definitely be able make another farmer to get some cake cuz trust me the honeycomb biome or whatever the honeycomb thing what what is this why why why is it oh this mes so slowly too you sir are going to give me all your emeralds this is a robbery and then you guys you’re leaving and I’m replacing you you’re not useful to me at the moment all right this should be enough to level one of them fully level four cookies gosh darn cookies cake oh my God the day has come the day has arrived I’ve got cake I’ve got freaking cake I’m putting it all the on on the altar I’m putting it on the altar Rune of Wrath this is the Hard One to make right cuz a rune of winter asks for freaking cake now I need to make two Runes of Earth Rune of water so I need Mana steel I need bone meal sugarcane a fishing rod Mana powder let’s get Crafting crafting fishing rod uh this um Mana steel and Mana powder means I need one of these one of these and one sugar cane coming right up so we do we have to do the sequence do one of these do one of these and one of these take all the wood we have all the essence and start cooking a supremium furnace cooking speed is 4,000% hm currently it’s at 250 I could make it 690 if I upgrade it once but I would need Imperium Essence and I don’t have much all right so turns out I wasn’t freaking recording but hey that’s fun here’s the here’s the Rune of water I made it turns out I need to connect the Mana spreader straight to the thing anyway let’s move on oh pain okay now I think the next item of bnx is I’m going to put this back put this back so I have the Rune of water it just it simply it needed the connection from the Mana spreader straight to the alter that is all it took now I need to make now I need to make a I need to make two Runes of Earth so going to need two mushrooms um going to need two mushrooms two blocks of coal and I don’t have any that’s a bit of a shame what am I supposed to do about this I don’t know I guess guess I need to make some of these bad boys and just get a bunch of coal it is what it is we’re going to be wasting Stone now I already forgot okay I need I think I need regular Stone could work right polish Dark Void Stone Brimstone Jasper lime Stone marble slate I think I had myly yeah I’m going to use myly h two Mana steel ingots and two of the powers I just need to make the blocks of coal go darn it keep forgetting just like I forgot to press record okay here we go so up aha there it is yes all right we put this in here oh never mind and then what did what happened there we are got two Runes of Earth two Runes of water I need to make this snow I need two snow blocks and I need I guess any kind of wool yep I need okay okay okay this is doable it’s about time it’s about freaking time I can’t freaking wait cake is needed for this occasion o snow blocks do I have any oh my God I do o and then I need just one wool oh I think I ran into an issue I need one more Diamond no no no no no no no I can’t believe it oh no okay game I understand we’ve have I’ve understand we’ve had our ups and downs I need you to cough up a diamond right now I’m not playing around anymore this is not a joke this is not a joke please darn it man it has to happen it h i don’t care I don’t care it has to happen oh my God it happened it happened it happened and I got two we still use these up cuz I need them but that is good [Music] news did I almost walk off the edge of the map yes I did so simply I’m going to put this in here and let’s begin I need to make this bad boy so one Rune of water one Rune of Earth two snow blocks one wool um and a cake oh yes I love cake oh it is doing it I thought it had no Mana in it huh oh my God I need to make a freaking sword again this is it’s hurting my ear holes it’s actually hurting my ear holes shut up all of you okay one of these and one of these now I can make the thing I need Rune of winter R of earth oh oh yeah can it burn coal ore that was not coal ore that I threw in there is it definitely did not come on give me the stuff oh we’re so close we’re so close come on this is the only thing I’ve wanted since I started this it happened it happened it happened oh yeah oh he gave me back the Run of winter for some reason that’s not bad I I like having to r a winter back now that I have that oh the things I can craft Oh Me Oh my peace has been restored where is there it is I need to make this bad boy so where’s my Mana lens okay and I need an iron pickaxe I need to make a whole bunch of iron stuff now iron pickaxe a block of iron and four iron ingots wait we might have a problem what the hell is a guia spirit I’d like to mention the fact that I did not realize you have to submit the items in order to get the reward I did not need no Gaia spirit I just needed to submit the items I am very upset I’ve been I’ve been working towards a goal that I can’t finish in these 100 days oh wait you’re I have to actually kill the guy at whatever dude oh that is real funny that is real funny like I’m having a whale of a time right now got 40 dirt Essence already very good going to need more if I were to just keep mining right wait yes big villager big villager give me efficiency for you little village skin sharpness five wow I I’m going to get I’m going to find it it will be mine this video game hates me it freaking hates me okay efficiency is not that rare of an enchantment why is it oh there it is okay 5 57 emeralds are you joking I don’t have 57 emeralds what what do you expect of me oh but I’m about to have very many emeralds okay this guy you trade me trade me all the stuff that I 57 I need seven more seven more seven more please please please where is it oh yes okay where’s my books book book book book yes boom efficiency 4 fortune 3 mending yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes that is true truly beautiful okay I don’t know if that made a difference hello and I’ve been poisoned by a bee this mine faster with shears it would make no sense but it kind of would make sense oh my God it does I’m upset I’m upset this whole time I just needed shears I can’t believe it thanks to the invention of shears I’m a happy little man should get this pretty quickly what the hell sugar why I get sugar from a slime ah yes hard Netherrack really well well well I finally got an obsidian that didn’t take long at all how many blazes are going to be here I don’t know I’m afraid to find out oh yeah this I’m going to be unlocking a lot of quests here I need like efficiency seven and I’ve got my first Blaze run fluid tank what it’s just got a freaking create mod fluid tank why you know what I need a shield I need it now there we are have a shield ooh I finally have Solium dust do I have any of these guys who sell books I don’t all right okay I’ll keep that in mind I think I’ve completed every nether ore yep now Lots left is the end ones and then I get the Terra shatterer I have no idea what that means but I sounds freaking cool you know what let’s expand a little bit I’m thinking I’m going to go around the whole [Applause] thing you know what this will actually look kind of kind of good I think it’ll look good from up top wait wait wait wait uh-huh uh-huh got to add some dirt in there as well me some grass what am I saying now that I have the solm I don’t really need it anymore that’s the sad part I didn’t have it when I needed it get out of my lawn I I thought I heard another one you’re not sneaking up on me this time how many how many slimes is it going to take for me to get out of this freaking nether thing please sharpness 5 50 seven gosh darn emeralds must be joking now I can make a diamond sword at least okay we’re on we’re off to a good start we’re going to have sharpness 5 it needs to be good 50 something emeralds is not a light job luckily this is op oh yeah I need another Fletcher this is uh not working well and do it again I could cycle them through that’s funny wood Essence was such a good idea I can’t even lie all I need now is a book and put it on the sword I’m ready okay I need to put down this dirt first of all because it is taking up loads of space Oh my my God someone hit me if I get knocked off here I’m I’m going to be upset for a long long time so I’m going to I’m going to play it safe I’m going to get to the end dimension in no time OWI I’m burning I’m burning oh another brick chest I do need that oh that looks cool I don’t need is these oneoff ores I just don’t care o o the end that took a bit of time didn’t it on an end slime is what the freck I didn’t know end slimes are a thing Ender slime spawn egg huh interesting what else can I do with this Soul shell what are these used for huh you know what wait I want to make a soul gem actually I’m going to make a soul gem but to do that I’m going to need some a little bit of little bit of stuff going on here uh okay boom boom boom I need to make a soul shell like that and then I need enough Souls of the same stuff to be able to use that three B Souls I got to go see what we got in here well I’ve got eight Creeper Soul Gems I guess that’s all that there was in there so I can make either a creeper uh durability repair efficiency Harvest speed attack damage minus 10% range damage so this is good for a bow pretty much okay let’s make it uh and what else can we make durability armor durability repair efficiency har speed magic damage range damage so this is good for like armor okay sure have two gear Souls but apparently you can also combine to so I want to try that as well since I have the means I might as well try let’s do these two with these two derly Harvest speed attack damage 23% whoa I want that on my sword what and then we have this eh not too crazy what do we have here armor 10% uh armor durability 20% this is this is good for armor okay we’ve crafted a whole bunch of gear Souls now how do I actually put them on to something thing so can I apply wait let’s see um I need to make it a this type of sword and now it should have more attack damage I think now I can make my I can’t do it on a bow I’m guessing unless it just has to be full durability or close to full I don’t know but I have this and I could apply it to like one of these this should do good good stuff can I add something to my pickaxe Harvest speed – 5% but at plus 18 durability um nah let me just get through all the ores hello Endermans you give me an ender pearl actually that’s something I did not have before but now I do thank you bam oh my I don’t have any of this 64 Soul Sand I definitely I have any I do have okay never mind let’s Chuck these over the side thank you but no need I’m close I’m close to finishing everything I surely I’ve gotten all the ores right what am I missing am I actually missing an ore oh no I am I’m actually missing one any second now boom okay okay very good I want to see this I’m I’m actually super excited about this show me the goodies the Terra shatterer Is it better I mean it seems to be meh but nonetheless what am I supposed to do with it and mine’s mine’s slower than my pickaxe I’m probably just not using it right but I don’t know much about batan so I’m just glad I got got it you know oh my you can craft an end portal frame huh I think I made my sword worse by applying all that stuff oh diamond sword is now level two okay interesting I could have been leveling My Sword the entire time so it’s level two it’s got traits wooden tool Rod I this is a very rate thing this gear Soul crafting I not really sure what I’m doing but it sounds freaking cool I got to get through this I guy freaking hurts what the hell what was that it’s a big old flying frog okay get off my lawn there was a quest for killing 20 Ender slime really ooh Eyes of Ender thank you thank you 50 humus what the hell is a humus I don’t have 50 Yus 50 humus gives me 50 more Yus 64 endstone I have that which gives me more endstone wonderful stuff guys wonderful stuff okay this thing again all right come down here hello okay no no no I’m taking you out that’s it where am I where am I oh Jesus r on a bike freaking I got so terrified by that where is it going where are you hey yo come back hey come back come back what are you doing okay the skeletons are attacking me okay it almost pushed me off okay you’re not doing that no no you’re not doing that you’re not doing that okay okay this is bad this is bad this is bad uh-huh okay this is terrifying this is terrifying oh just killed a bunch of my sheep wait he killed my cows I killed my cows and for that reason I’m spawning in More Cows but they’re going in the Sheep pen and I’m not fighting that thing ever again what was that oh my God nope it almost knocked me off the whole map not having that it’s a scary scary creature okay dude okay okay chill out I didn’t even get time to react I didn’t no unfair mining the block mining the block oh okay I’m not fighting that thing no no no it can chill on its own it can Vibe I’m not nope what are you doing you you unsmart individual [Music] okay level three on the sword very good what was I going to build I was going to build something right running out of space here man I just got to the I got to get to the last phase guy hurts it hurts so bad do I have more sea lanterns I guess I wasn’t gifted any more sea lanterns was I ow okay it Fights Back apparently six end portal frames H intriging are you willing to give me six more end portal frames six Portal frames huh okay guess that means something is it is it going to give me 10 more I mean six more I only need that many to beat the Ender Dragon it’d be nice oh that that guy again I I don’t want to deal with that guy why are you attacking my freaking cows you little weirdo just sit down bro sit down and I will I’ll pay you a freaking visit that’s right weirdly aggressive creature where you go where you going you know what forget him vibing over there I guess I remember throwing a lot of those crystals away that I I’m pretty sure I needed no worries we’ll make it work all in one no it didn’t give me another chest but we’ve finally gone through all the stages of the block meaning I can get back all the blocks that I didn’t have or didn’t get to to even take how am I going to do this the sword has been made worse by the freaking the soul gem so sharpness 5 sword would have not done that little damage all right fine you got me what am I supposed to do how do I make end portal frames tell me I need a Celestial altar funny enough I don’t have a rock crystal anymore stard dust star Metal Ingot I don’t have those Starlight crafting all alter luminous crafting table ah this gives me a block need 20 star metal and I need 32 aquamarine right astral Tome I had one of those luminous crafting table okay so huh star metal at least I get a block of that I don’t have enough marble that’s for sure definitely should have enough aquamarine let’s get a liquid Starlight bucket okay I just need a rock crystal and a luminous crafting table this is some confusing stuff I could craft this I’m my ass is sweaty okay I need two aquamarine and one ender pearl and that should in theory give me what I need for a resonating wand okay one problem that I’m facing is I actually need that special rock CR Crystal thing so many different kind of blocks I just I 50 million different kinds of blocks and I’m just oh Jesus I’m so close yet so far what can you do with those these crystals uh I guess I need some sort of Starlight transmutation to whatever the whatever it sounds sounds absurd so I have a feeling that unfortunately because I got rid of the freaking Crystal that I was gifted pretty sure collector Crystal oh my God I have it I’m a doofus okay that works this is fine okay then how do I a linking tool well the pro the problem is I can’t really did it give me a linking tool oh it actually did well there it is fair enough all right let’s begin figuring out how to make this stuff first I need to make the Starlight crafting alter okay I still need the Rocks I still need the freaking crystals that I threw away like a doofus there’s so much loot here oh my God yes give me it okay I got two very good I can start work okay how do you get Stardust huh star metal cutting tool I guess I can get Stardust by doing exactly that all right so I do need to make the star metal cutting tool the only problem is I need to make the Starlight crafting alter I need chiseled marble and marble pillars I do need four marble pillars though okay that should do and then I need the liquid staright that I have here and we’re just just going to craft that what am I missing and of course I need it to be night time so I have to wait for that to happen fun fun times level three skull collector one it’s not the thing I wanted all right it’s charging up I don’t think it will be enough but it’s getting close gu it doesn’t have enough power oh diamonds okay ooh five diamonds yes very good am I doing it right oh huh I uh may have lost my crafting table now the question becomes what the hell am I doing wrong let me get back into the book here because uh so the problem is I need the Sy marble need to figure out a place to put this stuff I might have an idea what did you just take what have you taken bro took my clay he tried to steal my clay okay I think I’m going to do it right about here I wish I knew what I was doing but I I don’t let’s take all this back and this and most importantly this Crystal and we’re going to go build a little thing that I hope will work so I need the crystal to be somewhere in the middle and this marble is going to be all over the place hopefully in turn making it more easy for this thing to give me the recipe that I want okay in that’s all I should need well we’re almost there I don’t know how to increase it further it’s it’s like almost it’s almost there how do I do it I could try the same thing just up top though yeah let’s try it this is going to be the same exact principle I’m just going to do it up here oh look at that look at that I don’t even need the crystal oh my God it’s so bright so beautiful now I don’t know what all this is but I know I need this so I need infused wood planks star ingots let’s get to it can I make this jump what are you doing down there now what I need I still need the rock crystal I think let’s collect infused wood planks and other things oh I need a regular luminous crafting table gosh darn it okay it’s time to make one again there we are that should do what I wanted to do is go in the thing yes thank you okay did I not I didn’t craft another one did I H pain back down we go I need one thing one thing and I didn’t take it I didn’t take it with me can I need this with me I need the star metal block that I have somewhere and of course infused wood planks darn it wait I need oh my God I I keep freaking okay okay okay there it is crafting table very nice put this down here let’s put this here let’s link these okay and we need to make this into wood planks how many do I need two at least and it’s time to wait for nighttime here we are planks oh maybe a bunch of planks nice uh let’s do this one now what is this e it looks to me like I need to make a little bit of a different structure okay well then guessing those are marble bricks uh yep just tell me I have like a bajillion of them that’s not a bajillion that is far from bajillion I’m to get some more marble well after my tireless efforts I have a bunch of marble and I’m I’m praying it’s enough if not I’ll be very upset oh Rock OD okay I’ve been working at this for the last I don’t know how long oh this doesn’t even have to be regular marble oh wonderful oh great apparently I still need a lot of marble I’m in pain I’m in pain so much pain now it looks to me that I need marble arches here fair enough and then I need some chiseled marble and I’ll be done back to mining we go well while this was happening I upgraded my bow to Unbreaking one as well very nice and I got all of these things oop let’s not drop them got my chiseled marble ski and I’ve got just enough got my arches and I forgot to Stone cut them oh yes I also made a stone cutter I don’t know how many I need I have no idea but this should be enough hello thank you for joining us okay what the man this ain’t even enough that’s stupid are there supposed to be marble pillars I think so okay another one okay uh-huh oh darn it I is gosh darn it I need more chisel that’s it I have to have enough this has to be enough I will make this I don’t care beautiful okay can I do this now let’s go okay I how do I cut it how do I cut it aha how much of this I need H I needed two okay then I need a whole bunch of chiseled marble which I don’t have and then two acarines one more Crystal star medal beautiful stuff put that here put that here two marble pillars that I don’t [Music] have you know what’s funny I can’t even craft it still but we’ have gotten pretty far and I’m proud I am proud turns out crafting an end portal frame is kind of hard three creeper heads that’s kind of cool where can I put them oh why did I do this I need to replace all this back it can’t look like that it just can’t it it looks ugly no no no this is ugly this is not happening where am I putting these creeper heads right here little creepy Weepies there it is yep that that is beautiful I think I’ve done well and with that I want to thank you guys for watching this 100 Days episode I quite enjoyed my time here I hope you did too if you did of course make sure to leave a like subscribe you know all the regular YouTube stuff you have to do when you watch your channel and well you don’t have to do it but you can if you like and I hope to see you in the next video which will be sometime quite soon anyway peace out guys [Music]

I Survived 100 Days on All in One Modded Skyblock in Minecraft
Today’s adventure takes us to a skyblock somewhere in the vast void of this video game.. will we be able to thrive in such an ever-expanding environment or will our lack of knowledge lead us to extinction…
Find out by watching today’s episode!

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Business inquiries: muffinatorcontact@gmail.com
Inspired by: mozi, suev, forgelabs, lukethenotable, legundo

#minecraft #minecraft100days


  1. You could have knocked out one stone from the wall and placed dirt connecting your grass to the other area and it would have spread probably faster then it took you to make the seeds

  2. Hi you're one of my favorite YouTubers and inspiring me to become a YouTuber because I wanted you for a while and haven't had the guts to good video loved it

  3. I'm only about 25mins in but hoping you figured it out later. Anytime you have the Inventory Profiles Next mod installed you can use those up and down arrows to just dump any matching items into an already full chest of items. It will save your hand having to do the cursor wavy spam. Lol.
    Thank you for your content 🙂

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