Can I Survive 1 Year in Realistic Hardcore Minecraft?

have you ever seen a realistic one-year Minecraft playthrough the base and armor you wear dictate whether you’ll survive the record breaking heat with the hottest Sun ever where the game won’t even let you sleep or grow crops as all the water evaporated in the world I also have to prepare stocks of food and wood for the coldest freezing winter ever done in Minecraft if I walk outside I freeze in seconds will I survive the Ever Changing climates adapt so the uninhabitable zones or perish trying tune in okay so we just spawned in and we have to get loot quickly let’s place a crafting bench get ourselves a a wooden wooden pickaxe and we cannot get this and we don’t have any stone nearby oh and we even have gold okay that’s good we do need gold oh look at that we can even use cobbled deep Slade now that’s that’s interesting Got Some Coal which is super nice let’s get some coal oh no what am I doing oh no no that is not good nope we need a upgrade an upgrade an iron pick okay there we go now we can get the gold okay so the gold basically will allow us to get a ther therat which we do need I’m not cold yet but I will be very soon oh let’s go we got diamonds we we got one Diamond okay that’s good really good and get some more Redstone we can see that um night time is upon us so we are getting a bed but I I don’t think we can craft a bed with different types of sheep but there we go we got two white more sheeps let’s get them oh two in one go that’s nice maybe I shouldn’t even have been ground in for a bed okay wait wait wait wait is there any furnace nearby that I can maybe cook up oh let’s go we got armor I am being literally Frozen that is not good not good but look at this nice we have chain mail armor which is um a good beginner’s armor and they do have anvils here that we can enable and then maybe smelt up some raw gold and also maybe smel up some let me see Iron oh yeah there we go this is amazing okay heat up okay now I have to craft a therat ASAP okay let’s actually cook up some meat as well like this of course we will get a bed going as well place the bed and luckily oh there we go sweet dreams let’s go this is our very first night I think we are wild in in how good we have it yeah I I think we’re I think we’re doing pretty good for ourselves okay there we go going to get some steaks if I’m not mistaken a thermostat is crafted like this no I think it’s crafted the other way you do this and then around it you put the gold that means we need more gold and iron so this is how you craft a therom thermometer um basically a therat kind of vibe let me see we have 5° I repeat it is 5° outside it’s an early morning early rise and look at that why is he making a circle well we are in some kind of Village which we will loot up and get a lot of good loot but it is realistic one year of realistic Minecraft so we should probably get a base going ASAP okay just going to get all of this stuff and you know what while we’re here let’s actually also get a furnace a blast furnace because they are very very quick and very good let’s also get these ones we’re going to be building a future base very soon so we might might as well take take everything that we can I’m pretty sure this is coal yeah it is coal blocks okay well we are we are getting a very easy and good start I like the way this is going get the Buddha statue okay we we can see that there is an emerald traveler backpack a two potions of no three potions of instant health and the Divine Pearl that we will take for for for precautious method like Ray wool okay we we do need clothes that will actually fit the season okay guys luckily for us we are currently in what I believe is a warm climate a warm season as in a summer season and that means in the summer we need some light clothes and I believe we can get light clothes from hoglin hogland Skins so yeah U we should probably probably do something about that okay this Forest looks pretty good there is also a shade that will perhaps um give our okay so 74 Fahrenheit and 72 Fahrenheit okay um it seems closer to the water is going to be a little bit more cold but for now as we can see our um drinking drinking water is going down that means I will have to purify water from the bottle that I current hold I have a few potions which I can use the bottles of to purify water on a campfire or in a furnace for now we will get a base going the base will be very small because I will be moving depending on the seasons currently it is the summer season and there is only one way to do the summer season in the desert so let’s quickly just get a very little house but I will be focusing more on the progression of um just literally oh wait this is a little bit too small okay we are getting quite a bit of wood because that’s what we’re going to build a base from a lot of wood that’s right oh okay it’s it’s what is is there a fish oh there are flying fishies now here and there’s one even a Shore well I’m eating you that’s that’s for sure did you drop it yes flying fish okay we can cook it up eat it and that’s going to be that’s going to be fine but for for now let’s actually get a base going real quick we will be using Redwood from now on and we will also of course of course we will use the special windows I have a special uh realistic window scenario that I want to build and it’s going to be really really chill but this is kind of the beginning of the summer base summer camp now I will move when when seasons change and they will change and when the seasons do change I will move but I have to at the same time survive the summer and also get ready for a literal winter how will I get ready for a winter I guess Oak um logs um furnaces campfires and everything in between so let’s uh quickly get some stuff going like this it’s looking pretty [Music] good let’s quickly get a door going okay let’s close the door but first of of all let’s Place some lanterns um maybe not really okay you know what for now for now a lantern will only go on okay you know what maybe we’ll just sleep the night okay so this is our current base and it’s looking pretty good already look at this Suns out shining thermometer oh look at that another fish seems I’m getting a supply of fishies all all by themselves I don’t even need to hunt them this place is uh a compl beast and look at all of the wood over here we will really enjoy the winter season when it comes but for now the summer season does require me to get some hogland skin and that is because look at this armored softness cold sweat hogin headpiece and hogland um armor if I get this armor I will be even more prepared for this summer and I won’t be overheating and stuff like that but for that I do need I do need to um build a portal to the nether and before that even I think I need to get some sand and uh get my base in order okay it’s really bad guys there is only dirty water from the unlimited water source we have created in the desert and the dirty water is not good we need to purify the water but even having two buckets does give us an unlimited supply of water which is uh probably pretty good and my water levels I’m pretty sure are increasing if I stay in the water or do they not well either way it is 83 fahit I will get burned burned alive if I go out but um I think we have to okay um let’s go into a pyramid that I know was right there 1 2 three go oh dude I think the temperatures are dropping that’s really good okay I think the lower we go the lower the temperatures go okay we’re going to go into this pyramid real quick quick check out if they have any prestigious loot for us and if they do then that’s what we’re going to no no no no no holy holy you kidding me no way come on dude it can’t it can’t be happening oh no no I am I am completely overheated I am completely overheated guys 31° I will perish if I continue like this I need to go into the shade into the shade come on dude oh there we go the shade is better but there are damn bro that’s not good going to a building a building to three Health but I think I think I’m I think I’m good I think I’m good I’m chilling okay hello hello I am here so chill with you let’s um purify the water bucket at least um let’s get some coal 37 coal let’s do this let’s get some coal going and get a water P purified let’s actually regen the health a little bit as well guys look at this it’s 100 and what 105° outside how can I go outside I can’t do that okay there we go we got a purified [Music] water oh yeah baby that’s good that’s real good let’s actually get an unlimited water source here going and get some more [Music] water I’m pretty sure I can also purify this water over here dirty water so I guess that’s good as well let’s drink up oh yeah I am not getting thirsty at all which is amazing there we go acceptable water dirty water come on dude I need some more water it is 100° outside how is that possible oh it’s because I’m beside a furnace okay don’t be beside a furnace guys acceptable water quality let’s just get some more water and then head on out [Music] iron Claymore Frost aspect 2 okay you know what this is this is pretty amazing we did get a pretty cool sword from this chest Warg glaive gold great hammer you know what an iron Claymore sounds a lot more a lot more enchanting you could say a lot more normal and uh any any loots okay I see I I have a question why are there literally three statues we have two normal prank statues and we don’t have unfortunately any Spirit orbs yet but we will get some but even this devil statue here they’re a little bit too stacked up if I say so myself okay there’s a spear but nothing really of importantance let’s sleep in some high Tower Place oh is it is that a friendly guy I I hope you I hope you is I think it is a friendly person person animal little squirmy thing okay it seems the bed is taken but there’s a second bed that I can take that’s good no way that’s a hogland tunic okay chain mail is getting swapped out guys so how does the hogland tunic look guys I don’t even need Su it seems go to the ne but I will I still will oh look at my coldness I am freezing that’s not good you you may not rest now it is freezing holy you kidding me are you kidding me it is freezing outside okay it seems guys I have to get um a little furnace going which is totally fine a little furnace never hurt nobody let’s get some coal and get some hm well can’t really get wood we could get I guess this some planks heat me up heat me up baby let’s let’s go yeah I I don’t want to be freezing it is 52° 5050 come on come on dude 21 there we go let’s go baby let’s go that’s it we’re sleeping through the night and that’s another dub okay the seasons I’m not sure when they will change but they will change at some point and it’s going to be a pickle a really really big pickle okay we can see there is a castle of some sort here and luckily I don’t see anyone inside but I do see um some I see some Marauders some Raiders seems oh even down there as well okay interesting interesting well that means at least that means I will get a lot of loot let’s equip the helmet I mean not the helmet but um oh damn we can’t really use the shield with uh with the two-handed Claymore okay there we go monster hunter can’t believe that’s my first Monster can’t believe that actually really well okay there we go I I I I played for so long and this is my first monster that’s crazy okay hello anyone got any good looking chests that I can um loot up yes sir oh my goodness horse I can summon a horse I can get arrows that’s insane that is insane for we got like a lot of diamonds which is sick okay use up the XP hello else do we have okay that’s a dead end can we climb okay we can climb here it’s like a little dungeon that you can loot up for some good loots oh look at that okay I think we need to climb up and see what we have up there in store for us cuz it’s going to be I’m pretty sure I smell a quite quite a little bit of flu open up oh damn it’s raining okay in the barrels we have some emeralds for trading even more emeralds some XP potions like some candles of course oh damn actually quite a oh Great Horn dream okay you know what let’s H let’s get a Great Horn I’m pretty oh wait hold up iron ax let’s go let’s go oh a crossbow even let’s go let’s sing the Great Horn I don’t really know what I did but I did do something throw it out get this load up the crossbow okay I’m looking good the seasons it’s raining maybe that means that the summer is oh no oh no yep the summer is definitely coming to your close we can see snow beginning to Pile in that zone that can only mean one thing we need to go back and prepare for winter because it is going to be a full year span of seasons and monstrosity is coming at me look at that fellow raccoons okay well you know what guys hopefully hopefully these raccoons won’t steal like they do in real life cuz in real life they uh we have some funny videos where raccoons steal all sorts of stuff and that’s uh that’s going to be a pickle okay I have my crossbow ready I’m going to hunt any fish that I can I’m not going to get the turtles there’s like a few fishies floating but you know what I am not that desperate for food and I believe my base should be literally right here and there there it is that’s my base I knew it was right here okay good good we are finally back we made it okay now that we made it before the seasons come here we kind of outrun the seasons I think it’s still summer here let me see it is 95 fahit 95 is a little bit too much for my preference I can assume so I would really prefer not to have it if I took off my hogl unic perhaps I would be really messed up but luckily for me we do have a hogl unic which keeps us um sane away from the crazy heat okay guys seems as the winter is coming I should probably get some more um logs to oh look at that I think there’s more of them now I should get some more wood because wood is what we will be using to um gradually keep ourselves warm during the night time we’re going to have a lot of furnaces running campfires and stuff like that and they will really really help us by uh having our temper at a very normal level and uh winter is going to be it’s going to be bad not going to lie it’s going to be very tough but I I think I’m up for a challenge and that is that is the literal point of surviving for literally a year in Minecraft to survive all the seasons and see how you how well you can manage we can get some glass but we don’t need a lot of GL okay you know what I think maybe glass paints would be better yeah yeah okay it seems glass paints it is we’re not building an old school house we’re building a new school house so so sort something like this something to keep the mind at ease and we’re going to do this a little bit up top like that a little bit down below like this and over here at the top I’m not sure what we’re going to have but definitely not something like that we’re going to wait a little bit and see see what what we feel like building okay um just going to get some glass maybe if I get my house to be insulated that that will save me from um very very humid summer heat which is going to be pretty bad oh no come on glass don’t do this there we go that’s good now the roof rooftop okay Sun is setting down we need a pretty cool rooftop hopefully you know what let’s make it Stone but for that we do need to go Stone mining okay there we go we’re getting a lot of stone now and by getting a lot of stone we will surely well hopefully um get a base that is not going to be hot in the summer and I did not forget about the hoglin armor skin we will go and get some more hogland hoglin loot huglin armor keeps us um not warm you could say um it’s going to keep us pretty cold during during the summer time so there we go with says uh the red marker on the hogl tunic damn I can hear lightning it signifies that we will be safe from extreme heat and luckily for me we do also have water around us and a good water supply and as long as you keep a bottle of water around you you’re chilling but I I I think there’s a little little better even way to store water if we go around the rooftop maybe it’s going to provide even more installation away from oh away from the Sun there we go a Bas is necessary we are filling up ourselves on logs and in fact I should probably get even more logs at the moment I have maybe like a little bit less than a stack so oh I don’t think we’re going to have enough damn damn it damn damn damn Dam it Dam okay guys let’s do this I think this is a I’m going to fix it what am I doing I’m going to fix fix it oh I can just do it in my backpack don’t even need a crafting table don’t even need a crafting table you know what no not going to do the edges I think it I think it looks fine as it is look at that oh yeah and about this I was going to do this and even more like this yeah there we go some interior design type of things going on here that’s that’s what I’m going for do this this this this okay and you know what let’s actually get these two parts a little bit higher like that and now let’s get we do have I believe some lanterns like this like this ooh looking homely already don’t it it does look homely and inside in fact it is very much so hely let’s get some torches like this very lit very lit not going to lie and let’s uh put some Redwood over here to kind of be here and uh wait cuz that’s what it’s going to do hopefully I can sleep in this bed just fine with this furnace being here but I think we should probably head on out and oh ominous Banner should I throw it out I think I I think I’m just going to place it here yeah like that okay I think we should probably go and get a little bit more obsidian we currently have three obsidian and we can always get a flint and steel easily but I think we need a little bit more obsidian before we can head into The Nether and upgrade our hogland tunix and even a water supply because I believe that we can use something a little bit better than water bottles so you store water and look at that even more food yum going to put in my backpack for for a hungry day using the Claymore to get the zombie there’s another zombie okay where are the Torches sadly the Torches are not visible with uh with the Claymore luckily for me I am very strong with the Claymore okay do this there we go finally getting some spear bombs healing Circle scroll oh I think yeah saddle let’s get a saddle we will need a saddle chanted book Arcane Essence let’s actually get a lead and some bones in case we do get a dog nearby somewhere that’s going to be the bomb okay we we are supposed to be going down not upwards get this zombie few times like this and like that and that’s what you get okay now um let’s thr out some stuff that we don’t actually need no we don’t need this that’s a don’t need chain mail I I think that’s going to be extra for us if we keep it around now let’s finally get some some obsidian look at that beautiful beautiful is it not oh damn oh okay I brought some diamonds with me that’s so good I found the three diamonds in the chest H it’s good that I didn’t waste the diamonds on something stupid and and I did save some for a pickaxe because now we do need to M the diamonds on our own damn what was that oh damn oh damn oh no that’s not good okay quickly get a hole going get a hole going like this more water baby we need more water then just get a little bit more water like this okay now we need to regen the health okay guys it seems something is not good I think it’s a a little bit too hot I think we are way way down below the level where we can survive normally so the hogl tunic is not really helping out let’s see it’s 95 fenhe I think we need to do a little bit more a little bit more work okay let’s go let’s get just get this obsidian really quickly okay that’s one good just got to be really careful not to get burned and that’s another one let’s go good unluckily for us it is raining but luckily for I guess so oh no look at that why are there zombies oh we have some spiders and some zombies okay well these zombies don’t look like regular zombies so I think they’re coming coming maybe with the seasons I think that these zombies are like burned and yes my sword does do um let me see um Frost damage so it does slow them and cause them to also um there we go have uh suffer from uh I guess I guess some sort of frost disease yep it’s a pretty bad disease wouldn’t want to get that look at that look look at him St stuck in the trees don’t you hate it when SP you know what guys i’ I’ve been in the forest and in the forest it’s actually a misconception spiders don’t chill on the trees spiders Chill on literally um ground on ground level that’s like so messed up I did not expect her spiders to chill on the ground and they do you can ask I don’t know someone they do chill on the ground and that’s like it blew my mind when I saw it first okay let’s H get some torches like this get a flint and steel going very quickly like this and look at that it’s going to be beautiful that’s our nether portal ready to go and get that hogland SK skin hogland tunic to get ourselves an armor set for the summer cuz we will be eveloping eveloping we will be leaving we will be leaving when it gets to cold we will be leaving because burning wood by in a furnace can only make us warm so much so so the winter is coming and maybe we are not ready for it but maybe we are get the spider no no there you go okay um slight little problem guys the the winter has come and that is not good so we went through Autumn winter okay now we are here and that is uh zombies okay okay going to place a torch going to get these spiders okay I don’t I don’t know how effective my sword will be my Claymore seeing as it is like a winter Claymore it does give an effect uh that freezes them but maybe they’re going to be Frozen passively from the winter I really hope so because that would uh really really ease out my survival uh oh no oh no and me surviving literally a whole year okay um we have these trees that means my base is around there oh no wait wait wait wait wait oh damn damn damn oh we got the necro monster let’s go we go the necro monster into the house close the door you know what should we barricade it no no I I think we’re good we’re good okay let’s drink another potion of healing and let me see okay we have a ther thermometer and it’s not really displaying for some reason the well I guess I’m frozen I guess that’s what’s happening okay if I’m frozen I need to cook something up let’s do this and let’s cook up oh damn we we can’t even cook nothing okay we can cook water we can cook water that’s one okay I should be getting my health back up very very Su okay acceptable now baby we need to up up Notch make it a little bit a little bit better okay dude so uh thermometer charm okay well we can see that we are freezing winter did come and the furnaces are not really helping not helping enough at least I did also get all of this Redwood that I will now disperse like this yeah there we go there we go let’s get the furnaces working that’s what I’m talking about hell yeah okay good good good good hey is my temperature decreasing um or increasing oh what was that I I really hope I really hope that my temperature will be just fine by uh smelting a lot of charcoal using the Redwood logs that we prepared dur during the summer days and I can see that there are pests and they don’t even care that it’s snowing well we do care okay good good good as long as we can regen the health and we can be healthy and we can survive this I’m chilling oh okay we came by to a water stream we do have a glass bottle that does remind me that we could actually okay well first of all what is that bird second of all let’s what is that bird actually I’ve never seen these kinds before it’s like a duck okay I might freeze a little bit but please don’t let me freeze too quickly please don’t let don’t let me freeze too quickly I really really want to maybe make it to a house okay we have some buffalos or um whatever they’re called okay just make it to your house and we do have also a statue which is a good sign oh there we go campfire baby let’s go let’s go okay that does remind me u i did also take off my hogland unic because I don’t think it’s a pretty good armor set for for the winter but here we go I did notice that I can probably craft yes I can I can craft a water SK skin it would be actually a lot better than a water bottle a water skin really works like a like a water bottle but better okay you know what guys I think we’re going to do this real quick we’re going to create an infinite water source inside of this house yep there we go that’s that’s that’s how that’s how it is okay now let’s get this water skin beautiful get this you know what guys we don’t prob probably need um we don’t need this fur boots ooh ooh chain mail okay so fur boots wait I think they protect me from oh yeah they do we can see that the fur boots do give me protection from how do you call it the winter which is nice oh and it did stop also oh look at that rainbow it did stop um snowing which is really nice I have no clue how the horse and pigs dude and Chuck BOS even I don’t even know how Chuck BOS live in this in these conditions but here we go uh it is dirty so we should purify it with a furnace that we can probably get if we go to a blacksmith somewhere because this is a big city there should be a blacksmith at least somewhere here any blacksmiths no but we do have a chest with a fur cap seems our loot set is actually getting switched out which is pretty nice I like the way this is going okay hello is uh anyone here okay guys let’s see let’s see what we have here it’s weird where are the villagers no chest in this one wait Pillager no wonder there are no villagers it’s a Pillager they captured it oh dude no what it’s a massacre out here oh no okay um how would I proceed about this there he is he wants a little pie of me there we go there we go woo go in where you at oh there he is there he is okay um go oh damn damn three hearts three hearts okay guys you know what maybe oh damn maybe I should sleep I think I’m going to sleep the night somewhere okay uh here can’t can’t rest monsters nearby okay guys let’s actually regen the health a little bit drink some water maybe purify it and uh get a furnace going we do have enough for a furnace like this I bet it’s going to be pretty quick if we just do this and then put some water in here wait we can’t purify it why can’t we purify the water oh I have to put it maybe on a campfire oh look at this look at this yeah there you go look at this look at this guys C fire we’re cooking water well we’re getting water ready near a count fire which is pretty sick this is amazing okay purify let’s drink this water let’s put it like this and let’s regen some health before the the the the kind of the pillagers get me book bread oak sapling this is literally the same house it’s like it’s like a same model house okay there we go there we go we finally are at a blacksmith and they have Saddles obsidian and also fur I was going to say tails but it’s fur let’s get the fur hold up I think it’s uh fur boots okay is it as easy as doing this yes it is in fact holy okay turns out we can even get some armor okay okay how do we look how is it I look very much ready for winter don’t I it’s amazing what winter can do to you I mean it is a beautiful morning at the end of the day so I can’t complain about that and we can see that the oh look at this let’s go baby let’s go this this is some good loot not going to lie we do also have a water skin well s water skin which have very very might I say um strong uh strong um what is it called temperature increases they can really increase my temperature cuz I did cook them up well heat them up and purify them I believe at the same time Thea Thea um I can’t fire so I guess we’re good okay we have some sheep don’t need these sheep but look at this this Village is looking pretty nice hello anyone here I need your loot and I need it now cuz we are making it to 100 days potions heal scroll okay guys you know what heal scroll I think I need to maybe get uh an enhancement or enchantment table yeah oh my goodness like this inscription table my bad okay well after the inscription table uh before that I do need to craft myself some sort of uh book that I can use to uh get my spells on the go oh my goodness guys that’s that’s amazing that’s we’re really lucky with this one okay let me see there should be like an easy book that we can craft like a very easy one not Ancient Ancient codexes with blood veils and R books no no like a simple one like a flimsy Journal copper Ingot Ingot and string and paper okay we can definitely do this you see that that little thing flying up in the air that is exactly what we need that means somewhere here is an e evoker but where where is he at there he is okay we can see an evoker hit him oh damn he hit me too know what screw this let’s go in eat the golden apple now we go that’s what you get he doesn’t have a lot of Health he is healing but we can probably get him we can probably get him n health no I don’t use the SL Golden Apple I can’t use it can’t use it okay let’s just keep the health up if we can keep the health up then I think we can get the little birdies that he that he left behind Okay the little wing what they called Vex Wing okay the little vexes we can get get them we can get his loot okay don’t attack me no I am friendly okay is that firecracker okay he he dropped a spell that’s nice firecracker scroll okay of course I got the water skins evocation run Vex swing that’s nice let’s throw it out like this firecracker scroll okay hogland suic evocation Rune we can see that also my literal let me see my literal um freezing point is going downwards that means we aren’t in the winter no more and uh we are kind of in the winter but it’s not super super snowing right now so we are kind of chilling in a way and that’s good that’s really good okay you know what I think I think we’re going to maybe uh oh yeah we need to check out some places definitely get this guy get this guy guys look at this we are are literally fighting with literal holy Warriors okay let’s go let’s get them boys let’s get them you you clearing out their camps I can help out everybody go back go back to safety oh there we go we have some more that means they’re fighting one yep there he is let’s go get him hopefully they’re not going to shoot me oh there we go good good good good okay so they they do have have kind of the control over the village which is uh pretty even though there are many now spawning in so we fight them I’m just going to maybe loot their loot their thing do they have anything you know what inscription table that’s what we will take away from them an inscription table I’m sorry little Fellers but I do you need your inscription table there we go it’s pretty easy to craft but we can always take it back back home look at that oh no I I’m I’m not going to interfere it is snowing but look where it’s snowing it is snowing literally on um this thing in the middle of a forest what is this oh damn oh damn okay get this guy get him it is getting a little bit too cold on the outside as we can see the snow is starting to pile on so I should probably most likely uh maybe chill out in the underground mine a little bit oh also this reminds me this is uh I’m pretty sure this is um what is this this is copper or or what is it wait where raw copper copper okay yeah yeah it is flimsy Journal does require copper and we can smell it and get copper ingots but also down there we can see even more copper which is uh wonderful okay the question is where oh damn okay I should probably craft a crafting bench and then also will craft a little furnace but how deep should we go into the cave through this okay you know what let’s H just go this way and see where it kind of leads us we do have some coal which is always nice a chest with slime 20% explosion resistance and 25 bounce bag it’s a slime chest piece that’s pretty crazy okay get this finnally they didn’t spawn okay another Golden Apple for the win wait I just had a lot of golden apples well that’s another one for the win which is pretty sick and let me see what else any other yep there we go that’s a spawner get a spawner here we go got some spiders it’s pretty dark out here I’m going to have to get a torch going real soon like this oh yeah the the golden apples are in my hand no wonder no wonder they’re missing okay let’s s just place a crafting bench over here get some Stone get a little little furnace going and maybe I think I saw furnaces already somewhere anyway Let’s uh just smell something real quick and uh let’s smell some raw this wait where are my coals there we go that’s the coal that I need okay while it’s smelting we could perhaps Mana in a bottle it hasn’t acquired taste wo wo wo wo Mana in a bottle huh that’s interesting where is this leading to okay just more mazes it seems we are in a very big maze and that’s that’s going to be pretty interesting in the long run cuz we’re going to have to find out how how far we can go okay you know what guys let’s just put here we don’t need it okay wait paper we need paper I don’t know how much paper we need I hope this is enough I hope this is enough paper and we don’t need more okay and one string okay one string you serious I do have one string here look at this guys we can finally craft our first flimsy Journal now is it cool yes is it op and does it hold a lot of spells no but is it pretty cool that I do have one flimsy Journal that I can put um spells in yes it is pretty cool now I can finally use the Spells which hm if I use a fire spell will it keep me warm cuz look at me I am trying to warm myself up in the mines because we all know how how it is on the outside it’s it’s literally a ban ttra it’s like snowing heavy heavy heavy okay well we’re not going to take this we’re just going to travel light for now is there any way that we can go down another spawner no quickly go oh we found some sort of cave it seems wellit well not a cave really but more of uh let me see okay we have some golden carrots and also let’s get this potion of regeneration of course that’s the best one okay hello anyone here okay before they spawn in let’s quick quickly get rid of them we have let me see how many points oh eight Spirit orbs that’s good oh no we’re attack oh that’s skeleton get this guy I’m looking for wood for coal I’m looking for anything that can perhap ooh perhaps make me um a little bit what do you call it a little bit more um regeneration again yes sir slow falling not really but I’ll take it I’m looking for anything that can maybe perhaps make me a little bit oh weakness okay that’s a bad one take care yeah we we really don’t need this one okay you know what guys I think I need to heal myself up a little bit oh no okay hopefully this one skeleton won’t completely obliterate me I can finally drink up throw it out let me get some food wait do I not have any food oh yeah I do have golden carrots well don’t eat them let’s actually drink a water skin dude drink a water skin am I not thirsty okay let’s drink another one there we go oh I’m becoming more H wait hold up I don’t think well either way can I drink a water bucket or is that not a possibility no you can’t we have a little house oh what is that wait that’s not a pig no oh no that’s a mushroom oh but we have a chest we have a blood SL scroll okay we are getting some good loots here which is pretty nice does this um cabin cabin in in the PLS um belong to someone is there maybe like an ark Wizard or someone nearby okay you know what guys I think we need to maybe finish up farming up on the fur kind of what do you call it the fur for armor sets I think I I think I need to get the goats goats spawn in in snowy regions so we should probably find a snowy region get this let’s go Go goat identity oh yeah let’s go they’re dropping me some good good fur which I will use so you craft myself some better armor to prepare better for this winter now I am literally gaining the greas because I am standing on ice and snow I came from the forest which was a little bit better so I don’t think I’m going to stay here for long let’s just get them quickly okay you know what potion of regeneration oh dude this is bad this is really bad okay was that oh okay let’s just get a few more and then go back I guess I canot venture out without a full armor set and I do have campfire so I guess that could be it oh look at this oh oh no dude 63 temperature Fahrenheit oh I am I am going to be I’m I’m a goner I am freezing I am literally freezing I’m shaking I’m shaking that’s a that’s it please go down okay um you know what let’s get a count fire no no don’t get a count fire don’t get a count fire yeah no I I I should I could probably survive this I could probably survive this okay let’s go uh what piece are we missing chain mail fur fur fur there we go that’s the fur come on baby please please please there we go boom boom look at this look at this 81° 81 Celsius no 82 okay let’s go back to the B base real quick okay close the door okay um any furnaces or running Let’s uh do this like that and also this and let’s uh get a little bit more coal over here okay let’s get some Stone let’s get some sand do this do this am I being heated let me see 8370 80 80 fah yes sir I’m being completely heated very nicely heat me up baby let’s go Heat me up heat me up okay now let’s get an inscription table place it like this let’s get a flimsy Journal we could inscribe some spells over here now let’s equip it well not this one there we go majy okay we have a blood slash and a firecracker level eight level five okay let’s let’s do a blood slash okay boom blood slash it definitely works but I do have to rebind my my uh some of my settings but look at that it’s uh daytime is uh being finished as we speak so that’s good and also let’s get a campfire going for even more heat around us there we go yeah yeah yeah baby look at this 100° no I am burning up I am burning up that is that is to much and my fur armor is really really potent and strong but but here we go we are surviving somehow this winter it’s rain which is super nice I’m I’m really chilling even though I’m very chilly okay we still didn’t go to the nether because we do need to go to the nether to get a Summer Set we all know what comes after a winter especially after a storm like the winter we had a very very hot summer that’s that’s the scary part a very hot summer is what I’m most definitely scared of okay look at this leather tunic oh no and the leather cap I don’t know why I got it but I do I don’t know what the leather does should do something at least I guess I reckon okay let’s do this okay okay looking good okay we will sleep the night can we do that yes we can let’s sleep the night and go into The Nether the nether will be very very nice oh look at this beautiful day but why even bother sleeping if we’re going into The Nether by the way okay and also I did manage to find out how to purify water without purifying it you put it through um through the backpack and then you just get a water bucket and the water is not contaminated so uh that’s a little that’s a little cheat that we found which is super nice okay um you know what you know what take this out take this out like that there we go go and you are done as well and a blast furnace and also let’s get some health there we go go some health okay boys I think we are totally ready to jump in into The Nether I am not ready I’m not going to lie I am not ready but we will we will see what we can do oh water skin I’m going to load up in some water skin and then we’re going to go or wherever we need to go okay just uh put some water skin over here you know what maybe I should get another water skin yeah I do have the necessary equipment to craft it so what let’s do this do this like that and like that and there we go two more fill them up fill fill them up fill them up fill them up place them like this there we go baby looking good looking real good fur do I need more fur I don’t think I do so let’s say just put it here Diamond I already have some diamonds okay you know what we have some garbage that we don’t really necessarily need in in our backpacks let me see I can just throw it out here real quick okay okay there we go I think water breathing there’s no water in the nether is there now but we will use it at some point there we go boys I think we are pretty much ready ready for lift off just going to wait wait up on these um scks you finish that’s one water skin all heated up that’s another one now let me get S more please look at them they’re being heated as we speak just get these ones come on boy I I I know I know you want to 110 110 Fahrenheit that’s crazy okay let’s close the door maybe it’s going to increase a little bit that’s one more two more 11 that’s the max that’s the maximum temperature we can get that’s amazing okay you know what I did also so actually think that we might need some water a little bit of water 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 okay there we go just going to get some water bottles to uh kind of uh drink from them like that and uh let’s uh purify this [Music] one and this one as well like this like that like that and also like this let’s get some water 15 maybe that’s a little bit too many you know what you know what screw it right screw it as long as we can get it we can get it let me see acceptable acceptable quality can we actually get some in this Blast Furnace can we get some in the blast oh maybe not maybe we can we can get some in this other furnace there we go they do stack which is um pretty amazing I like that okay just last preparations before we head on into The Nether and get some hogland skin to get ready for the summer heat and I might have to take off this armor seeing as we are going into The Nether here we go okay oh I I’m already getting heated super heated okay let me see oh no oh please don’t say please don’t say that my world is GNA end that’s not good guys please please please no no no no okay there we go good good okay weird weird but okay I’ll take it the nether here we go I am getting extremely heated already which is uh not good not good at all not the good M hogland let’s get some huglin armor oh dudes oh it is stupidly hot here I I think I’m going to get some water on my skin oh dude I’m losing vision there we go oh damn is it not enough dude it’s not enough bro go back go back it’s not enough go back through the portal it’s oh my goodness oh no that is not good go and through the water no am I going to have to eat an Golden Apple dudes I think I might height come on dude my f height should be decreasing there we go good good good it’s decreasing rapidly okay what what happened what happened is the nether too hot for me bro I I I thought I was good seems I’m not really good maybe I should get some more um protection in the other in the in the normal world over here we have a canyon of some sort I could literally ride my plane down there or I could land it actually on this Castle okay is this a castle keep are they friendly I don’t know they’re friendly okay let’s uh drop it down a notch let’s Glide down like this all the way here like that boom easy now let’s uh remove this okay hello anyone here I do have my let me see spells which uh which which will prove pretty useful when uh oh okay um damn can we go down here there we go we are going down somewhere for sure okay go down here we have some chests and armor pieces in the chest we have some iron you know what let’s take the arrows and you know what we do need chains we’re going to take three chains because if we’re going to upgrade our um spell book we do need a little bit more now I do want to find maybe some sort of Fire spell cuz currently I I have a blood slash and a firecracker I don’t know really how a firecracker works but but we can try it on maybe on this horse oh works pretty damn good pretty good and yeah I did get rid of the horsey sorry for that little horse but it is what it is it’s tough world out there tough World indeed Let’s uh get a golden c yeah golden carot seems good anything here hello okay okay looking good there is oh down okay where are the Torches come on bro get the Torches out Place him let’s go boom scle scoodle okay the firework work now let’s do this boom that’s that’s what I’m talking about as long as we can survive this horde then we can survive any probably any winter Invasion oh damn okay let’s go let’s go boom okay there are quite a bit of mobs spawning in here why I wonder is it they’re fighting each other that means I can get rid of the spawners get rid of the spawners boom that’s one another spawner let’s go s spawner is here ah yeah there we go okay now we can finally come on bro place the torch there we go let’s use some spells don’t want to lose a lot of Health okay what do we have we have some Spirit orbs we have some bottle of enchanting oh I think there’s another spawner somewhere maybe here in in this part somewhere there should be a spawner somewhere right what is this yeah definitely definitely but I do need to maybe heal up myself a little bit beforehand because I don’t want to um you know get ruined by these by these creatures no that’s a slow falling potion I need a potion of regeneration yeah there we go throw this out don’t need that many Let’s uh four Spirit orbs hold the phone are you kidding me what was I doing all this oh diamonds what was I doing all this time not collecting Spirit orbs why did they not pick up there we go I got six Spirit orbs that’s good real good no way okay Diamond Helmet Diamond chest plate and they’re both enchant okay now that’s a that’s a win okay let’s get this for about some stuff that we don’t need we do need this there we go look at this golden armor baby let’s go this is amazing okay let’s take off this and that and get some diamond armor on now we are still looking though for um okay well let’s throw this out we are still looking for something in regards to a um let me see um something to cool me off in the nether that would be that would be what is that oh that’s a monkey never mind monkeys are okay they’re not harmful I I think the armor the fur pants that I’m wearing is keeping me pretty sane from the 83 firit which is staying at a relative 82 883 at the moment uh degree which is uh pretty good if I go in the water I will lose and I will cool off yeah I will okay good good that means the clothes is working but you know what isn’t the nether I really need to find out how to get to the nether before before summer hits because I really do need that huglin armor okay get get get the piglins pigs get the piglins go as long as we can get these little piglins we can actually get a ton of cool loot we do this now get some water along the way drink up some water there we go going to keep myself hydrated as they say and I also eat one of the Soul Sprouts to get my temperature down it is like a pretty big job in um getting the hogland armor but um as long as we can as as long as we can manage we can manage oh damn don’t want to get him too close to me actually I’m looking for I’m looking for the little one eat up a little bit okay there we go let’s actually put some stuff over here in case uh in case can go like that there we go now let me see okay the water supply is not unlimited so I should probably be wary of it just don’t want don’t want them to actually attack me and get my health down because I am not looking forward to that okay got to do this drink up we are literally un limited time I should probably get a stack of water that way I can really explore the nether in hole instead of uh just diing my toes in here like this oh I think I actually Lo lose quite a bit of uh water when I do actions like swinging my big sword so maybe maybe maybe I should not swing my sword as much these days I’m not that hot it’s that flower that flower is the rot of Co is the to fall evil the temperature is 170 F guys 160 it is wild in here I have to maybe turn back like I have only one water and one Soul Sprout I think I I think I have to go pack like really soon really soon I’m going to keep this one for myself and we can probably maybe even hold up F fur F okay we have nine hoglinger one final time okay there we go finally we are going back okay that was a pretty good nether Expedition oh look at this beautiful weather cooling me off right away I didn’t even need to use my water skin okay good good and we have let me see we have some hog skin hoglin hide hog hoglin hide and even more hogland hide okay looking good looking good now we can probably let me see if I can okay well first of all we will sleep oh no oh no oh no my health my health I really hope my health will not the seriate rapidly let’s um actually drink some water yeah let’s get some purified water okay there we go we have three here we get some more there we go we get even more nope I need see fill it up fill it up to the brim just like this and we can put it in like that drink it up and let’s re re regen the health now I do know that um oh damn uh I did notice that my literal um let me see um oh yes summer is here guys look at this look at this look look at the fahrenheit when I go in the house I can’t stay in the house it’s too warm in the house that means that’s it that’s it it’s too warm to be in the house that’s not good that means my the summer is literally blasting it’s not the highest it can be yet but it will be super super quickly super bad super quick okay just get one more heart let me see okay I do have a water skin so let’s just get another water skin and I will Splash it on myself to cool off myself that way I can really really get myself nice and cooled now about the armor let me see I do have a chest piece but I don’t have any pants don’t have a helmet nor do I have any shoes Okay so is this going to help me out let’s see let’s see it doesn’t really give me a lot of protection but maybe oh dude holy I look pretty cool look at me that look pretty cool why do we why why do we still have snow oh is it disappearing I think it is disappearing oh yeah it is look at this snow is disappearing it seems we are going into the the Summer Waves oh look at this I am not gaining any um any heat stroking kind of temperatures it is 105 106 and I’m only now be beginning to get a little bit of um a little bit of a too hot resistance that’s really nice does that mean if I go into the water I will be like super cold I don’t know I I don’t want to test it out yet but um we will we will will find out but so far surviving the one year in in Minecraft is pretty interesting it’s a it’s definitely a different way to play the game something I’m super not used to but I really really do appreciate how it is okay let’s H get the plane out and we could probably fly out and uh meet some maybe meet some Traders for that I do need my emeralds which I think I have over here my emeralds hm where my emeralds at where my emeralds at okay well at least we can maybe go and get some spells that do a little bit Frost damage so uh we could use our flimsy journal and get some really classy spells instead of just a blood Splash and a firecracker warm River did we just fly into a warm River you kidding me okay um we have a hm a settlement in the desert desert ooh okay okay so we are nearing a desert well I mean we are already in the desert oh look at that okay you know what I think we need to go in here volcanic PLS desert my temperature is going to literally destroy me this canot be happening okay let’s do this get out break break store it okay what do we have here a broken nether portal no chest desert PES Zone okay well we are looking forward to go into this um let me see oh dude 140° no sir break it I need to go go in okay okay I I think wait this is a normal spawn okay that means this is uh it’s not one of them cool ones okay there’s no way okay um I have no clue if that thing is friendly or not but we can definitely try Okay um I will keep my hoglin armor on in case um cuz I don’t want to get overheated okay let’s drink a bottle of water there we go to oh no they were oh no one of them wasn’t wasn’t clean that’s not good I have parasites oh no more okay um hello wait is he flying away okay can I mount him or do I fight him for loot is this a pet or is this this no no no it is not a mound run away run away it is not a mound definitely definitely not a mound okay well maybe I can then well hold up you sure okay I do have a saddle I don’t have it with me I don’t have a saddle with me okay well let’s hope for maybe some loot that he can give oh damn damn damn okay back off a little bit I’m going to eat a golden apple that’s not good the desert he is literally destroying me dude I need to somehow defeat also a dragon okay it also looks like a waterbased dragon or maybe an ice dragon oh damn damn damn bro damn damn damn damn damn back off back off back off okay what’s what’s the degrees on this one 115 114 Fahrenheit not looking good guys not looking good um let me see I could could maybe get him from a distance and not really waste any of my um okay let’s do this did I hit him no I did not I’m trying to not lose a lot of HP because it is a little bit harder to regenerate these days okay he’s right there got him once got him twice oh let’s go let’s go Dragon identity unlocked dude let’s go we have an ice dragon egg that I can place back at my base uh Le viadon Frost shatter chance on hit increases nearby enemies in Inc cases nearby enemies in ice causing them to take no damage after 4 seconds the ice shatters causing 18 damage okay we can try this one we can try it it’s it’s not a big deal also a cone of cold scroll legendary ice dragon egg okay okay I I think I think we got some good loot is is is there a cool animation on this one oh yeah there is sure is it’s pretty badass not going to lie and it’s a one-hander let’s go it’s a one hander wait how much damage does it do 10 ooh so this is like an overall big upgrade upgrade like big time upgrade that’s amazing I can finally fight like a champ that’s that’s awesome I think I can go and fight them pillagers now that’s going to be amazing the Marauders the Raiders they will get the raap my raap and especially seen as night time is coming in hot sugar canes night time is coming in hot that means we can actually go under offensive and attack them bit by bit without worrying about being uh too hot or too cold uh too bad that my body doesn’t regenerate water element while I’m in the water I guess it’s not good water only purifi water oh again look at this it’s acceptable so uh but I still got poisoned it seems that if you drink a lot of acceptable water you will still get um worms and diseases and that’s not going to be really good for you they have they have like one of them one of them flying things and caged up oh there we go that’s one there we go not not today can’t believe that’s the first time using this Shield there we go let’s get him oh there we go yeah yep there we go place the banner like this oh damn where are they coming from okay he did get encapsulated in literal ice that’s amazing who else wants a little piece who else I can I can give it to you like this okay let’s uh do this like that okay and uh can we regen the health a little bit I think if we drink a little bit of water like this and like that I do have bad Omen on me so um not going to be really good on this one okay hello anyone here I could sleep the night here because I do have a backpack I can always sleep the night over here and anywhere that I wish to but I really feel the summer season the summer is literally Upon Us Heat Surge scroll it’s a level two common spell and then a level two spell slow fall yeah I don’t think that’s what we need but uh let’s Maybe sleep the night here and then during the daytime damn look at me I look pretty badass with this new weapon dur during the daytime um when the sun is out we maybe could hope that the summer season would be pretty quick to change into like Autumn maybe maybe winter again but it is only a year so uh I think we’re going to have to travel a little bit I’m going to check out my base see if it’s still standing oh there we go that’s my base right over here okay let’s land this baby up turn off the engine landed Perfect Landing perfect now let’s break it we already have um let me see quite a few loot here which is uh pretty nice we got some more water let’s fill up on a little bit more water like this of course let’s put it in here let me see what do we have oh yeah I was going to actually craft a lot more water h a lot more and I mean a lot more like this there we go whole stock you know what let’s make it even more 44 more to go don’t care about it bro look at my speed look at my speed look how quickly oh oh well misclick misclick no no no no no no the plane no no okay get the plane get the plane luckily it doesn’t wait if I just hold oh yeah it’s it’s not as quick as fing myself actually there we go these fishes just really love to perish don’t they yeah yeah you know what buddy oh no I I wasn’t quick enough to get him into back into the water okay let’s see we could dirty up some of this water some of that water like this drinkable water what do you know what do you know let’s actually put some more coal in this bad boy like this and like this and like that and like this there we go we’re going to get a lot of water a lot of drinking water we’re going to get a little bit more seeds let’s actually plant the ice dragon hopefully it’s going to keep me a little bit cooler during the summer time and a little bit maybe warmer during the winter time I don’t know how he will keep me warm but hopefully his company will there we go look at that that’s a cute little egg just waiting to hatch okay let me see we have quite a bit of water I’m just going to get as much drinking water as literally possible I do have a lot of water skins I’m not sure if water Skins are even okay to use but I will I will put them here oh yeah they don’t go here they go like that no no no not like this they go over here no no no no no no no like this around the C camp fire around the campfire wait do I even need to put them like that I don’t think I do anyway I don’t mind either way if it do or don’t I don’t mind okay let me see um hogland full armor we could get a little bit like a stack of water bottles and then we can head back into the nether looking for a little bit more trouble because look at look at the gear that I got I know we’re surviving Seasons but nether does also have a season it’s called scorching Heat scorching heat and uh hell it’s called the other dimension not somewhere where you want to be we did also get let me see oh there we go let’s get these bottles we did also get a new spell a cone of cold Let’s uh check it out cone of cold 8.5 damage ooh ooh that’s a good one oh okay okay well a cone of cold probably will be my favorite spell during the summer days even though I don’t think it’s really hot 61° I think I’m pretty chilling I think it’s uh pretty normal weather that we’re having right now so I think the seasons that means the seasons are changing that’s uh that’s going to be a pickle I think I need to get ready a little bit more ready just a little bit more ready dudes if I can get just a a little bit more ready maybe I could get some wood some logs so you keep in the furnace for whenever we need to then I think I’m going to have a little bit more um easier time at keeping myself cool during the summer and warm using the these uh these wooden oak cloaks dur during um during uh the winter cuz in the winter you freeze okay we should probably get let me see Redwood log yeah okay let’s get the Redwood log get this as well I think it’s time that we get back our armor real quick yes something like this okay so we do have fur boots fur pants fur cap where is the fur armor piece there we go just going to throw this out like that going to wear this one when winter came by guys what does that mean no clue no clue what it means but it does mean something it means definitely that we are not alone here how about that water breathing don’t really need that for now let me see water skin well the water skin it’s good that it does um contain heat 91 and then 110 if we ever need to um Splash ourselves and uh you know what where’s the thermometer there it is let’s get the thermometer out it’s uh 45 45 F not good very cold let’s actually get some wood place like this yeah let’s get some wood plac like this hopefully I’m not going to get attacked by um any creatures anytime soon would not want that to happen just going to get this this this this like that like that okay now we will take the railings you might be wondering what I’m doing I’m making it right it doesn’t look right oh [Music] no I’m trying to make an aesthetically pleasing um wood little pile that way we can know that we are ready for winter cuz it is winter most definitely like this like that break this break this come on baby got to do this like that and we will uh do this and that and this and break break this we are trying to damn best to make it pretty is it good I don’t know I don’t know if it’s good I hope it is we got some logs that’s right we got some logs for the winter the egg is uh no taking its time not going to lie for some reason it’s taking its wait what’s happening oh wait I had to activate it oh there we go now now it’s being activated okay now I see now I see what’s going on okay um interesting interesting well either way everything is going pretty good and winter came back heavy heavy winter luckily for me I am super prepared with my winter clothing and my campfire so there is really no threat to me that could possibly come from this but there is one thing winter I can handle summer not really so in the winter it’s very easy to actually Traverse and maybe get sweet ass sneaky little dungeon that we can actually uh go ahead and loot up real quick what’s that fire hello hello oh it’s oh it’s one of these things I know I know this one I know this no put the fire out okay it seems uh I think I know what this is It’s like a it’s like a beacon for for the evil evil mod there we go we we can defeat this boss real quick I don’t think we have an Essence well Arcane Essence is not what we need no I think I left the only Essence that I got back Camp not not good not good at all but I will come back here I will come back here ASAP okay there we go we can see zombies already piling on top that is not good we’re looking for oh no never mind we’re looking for a tree that looks unnaturally that that what spider survived and Enderman and zombies okay not good yep yep there we go that’s the one yeah definitely there’s no mistaking it so here we go this is a secret tree why is it a secret well because it’s hiding a little secret inside of it I was wrong no no way oh yep there we go oh don’t want to Fallen there I do have a potion in fact of um let me see slowfall but um can’t really did I leave it at base as well that that is so unfortunate well at least I can maybe get a water bucket damn damn okay okay zombie I got that I got that um trying to push me down that would have probably game Ed me oh wait I can literally jump onto um let me see I can jump onto this uh thing here oh oh yeah baby let’s go boom oh there are even Vines I didn’t I I didn’t even need this the vines would have saved me already but you know what this is fine as well okay what do we have here hello oh looks like another deep cryp dungeon okay um I’m definitely ready for this luckily it’s snowing outside but it’s not snowing super heavily so it’s not a blizzard so I’m not getting Frozen toet death and I do have a full set of fur so I am keeping myself really warm during this weather trying my best to uh contain all the heat that I possibly can let me see what else we oh there we go we even found one room and a spawner let’s get rid of the spawner we have a spell of Ray of rust which we already have learned I think it’s uh cone of cold well I think it’s better either way okay what else do we have here we have a few more chests with Mana steel ingots blood needles already have blood needles okay don’t need coal already have a lot of coal but we will take uh this and that and uh what do we have here pumpkin okay so this seems like some sort of ritual and there’s a secret chest with diamonds so uh that’s what you get for exploring just a tiny little bit more just walking around the corner you could get diamonds or you could walk past them luckily for me I do scavenge quite a bit so I’m not scared of um of seeing things through okay what is this it looked kind of weird but maybe it’s a dead end if it is a dead end it’s a pretty weird one okay you know what just let’s go the other way green what’s this green oh we found is this is this is where am I okay I think we can jump this oh we are in some sort of we found something definitely I have no clue what this is hello any bosses want to piece of me I’m ready I’m ready okay it seems uh no bosses here but it does seem like they have a cauldron for um collecting whatever they want diamonds iron sword even more diamonds glowberries book oh O Okay clay clay okay okay yeah that’s looking pretty good and also a repair and disenchantment station okay is this really it or is there more to this place which seems like a pretty cool underground base actually I might say so myself look at it it is pretty badass and I will take some inspiration from it and maybe add a little bit also down to my base so sort of uh the the hanging lanterns that’s a good addition oh there we go an anvil yep going to get this Anvil there we go looking good but we will we will do this okay looking real nice real nice now about some I’m I’m I can assume that I am pretty much um at a bottom level if I found this sort of dungeon so I will just now dig to the side I have no clue if I’m going to reach anything but please please be on my side and help me out let me reach something I don’t want to do this for the next 15 minutes oh never mind about 15 minutes I think I think it only took a little bit and we are already out SE semi at least semi out oh we found a spawner and it’s a creeper spawner oh damn my health no no no you know what guys let’s eat a golden apple real quick that is not good sir that is not good let’s drink up in the water get these torches what do we have here um some gold well magic dust some of this okay we don’t need this pretty much okay how many how many we have eight Spirit orbs that means we can gain two more Hearts when we go back to the base just going to throw out some garbage that we don’t [Music] need what is this what is this this what is that we we have so many doors here and also a chest with coal and iron really this goes anywhere let’s open up the door open up this door we have another chest Man of Steel Ingot running tablet slowfall scroll hello what is this this like a prison they held they they held someone here that’s crazy just going to open up seems like there are some cascading dungeons in this area Arcane Essence that’s good stump scroll you know what guys stump actually sounds pretty unique and a gold tier upgrade traveler backpack we need a smithing table though damn now that’s lucky that’s something that I like actually I think I’m going through like a big big maze but I think I think I came to the end off it at least something oh well well I I definitely got somewhere what is this place seems like a seems like a like a lava or something Ty a thing what’s going on here we have some skeletons we have a lot of skeletons don’t shoot me yeah that’s what you get you have lot of spiders and we have lava that’s a different type of block maybe that’s a d diamonds diamonds baby diamonds we don’t have a lot of diamonds so it’s a it’s a good thing that we we found diamonds just going to go down here get it real quick now we can what the hell is that oh even oh oh damn damn D even lower it seems that there is an underw that I can explore and it’s pretty huge oh there we go look at that he’s Frozen ooh yeah that’s good one oh got to be careful about yeah let’s go baby I was going to say got to be careful about jumping into the lava but just going to get these diamonds real quick that’s last of them no more diamonds okay seems no more diamonds for this guy but still cool still cool oh oh oh no it’s too heated I am way too heated let me see I think this is going to cool me off oh damn oh damn I did not think who going down to such a St level okay um there we go got to heal out myself a little bit more I have to dig all the way oh oh there we go there we go that’s better okay seems this is literally I was mining down it seems Seems that’s a pretty instant instantaneous thing over there that really increases your um forenight I even had to use a water skin so you know no Veil actually so how about that that’s interesting no no you wizard no leave me alone leave me alone you wizard no we got a dragon and we got zombies chilling every wait that’s not even a zombie that’s an evoker that’s that’s an oh D got to be careful oh wait am I poison I think I am okay let’s go might time to shine baby let get I remember when they used to be strong but not any oh damn oh damn there we go we got him good hey come here little boy look at him look at him that’s my little pet that’s my little pet guys look at him 60 Health do you eat boy you you eat anything like anything at all interests this fell or where is he there he is huh I don’t even know what what interests him well definitely not whatever I have definitely not golden apples well seems that he’s just wait do oh oh no you good oh no no well just going to pull him out from the railway and there you go that’s a dragon hopefully he’s going to eat these power sights and look at this it’s pretty cold outside still 50 Fahrenheit 40 even but it’s actually freezing outside but oh damn even the ocean is being frozen this time it seems the winter came came big yeah the winter came real big that’s interesting because uh for myself I was expecting a pretty cool a pretty cool summer but it turns out that a pretty cold winter came so uh yeah it do be like that Holy look at all the water look at all of the water dudes that’s insane just going to do this now what going to drink one going to put one in I not put one in more like do this damn come on bro going to regen my health a little bit not good the fire it’s like not really helping out okay let’s get an anvil place it here oh I am I am literally making myself a grave aren’t I okay let’s get a backpack and an upgrade hold up black oh oh smithing table oh my bad I knew that I needed a smithing table but um seems that’s how you make it I just forget every time I do have a lot of materials forward okay let’s do this let’s actually put the wood back in like this get this get two pieces of iron two pieces of iron like this not three two and uh let’s actually make ourselves a little smithing table like this smithing table here we come I am literally oblit obliterating my base oh no don’t tell me that I need that I need um backpack tier Le leather combined with iron tier traveler backpack okay gold what iron iron sear can I craft it or is it findable oh I can craft it oh I oh I craft it just like a backpack oh I see leather backpack tank trap chest or a chest leather backpack tank okay I can actually literally literally craft it like right now I can literally craft it right now which is actually pretty insane so let’s get the glass we need glass we also need leather that’s not all the leather I have is it that is all the leather I have okay it seems we’re going to out on a hunt so let’s actually put the backpack on to get some space seems we are going for a hunt what’s that man a steel ingots oh oh that’s me that’s me okay I I I thought my dragon got perished for a second it is 107° let’s go and see the water it’s going to be a little bit cooler yeah there we go the water is a little bit better maybe maybe I should maybe um switch out my armor set no don’t tell me the armor is back home I switched literally Seasons into like a different Zone and it’s a Jungle Zone so there’s like a pretty severe heat wave I think it’s better if I just take off my armor in general I think that’s going to be like a little bit better for me we can finally wear a diamond armor for a little bit at least okay get some get some fresh breaths of air put on some armor okay there we go there we go okay go some fishies okay we can see that there is oh an aen tribal pyramid in the jungle that’s nice that that is good that’s what I call a native n native infrastructure we can really get in there and uh check the place out maybe loot it up it’s going to have some fine loots Also let’s also get some melons you can never so say notice some melons and the scorching heat look at the look at the Farenheit 104 105 Farenheit I am I am burning up strange how I’m actually not burning up hello oh it’s still pretty uh pretty warm here maybe if I go downwards it’s going to be like a little bit better just going to drink up some water to cool off myself we got some emeralds which is always nice oh there we go that’s what I was looking for melon seeds yep there we go oh fertile seasons summer summer summer okay well it’s still good still good still pimping let’s get some sores out hello oh no no go break it break it break it holy holy okay yeah these these bases are booby trapped that’s that’s stupid holy I I’m going to regen my health I am not ready wait wait what’s my 140 de I think I need to eat this okay I just got to watch out for more trip wire oh dam is that like normal can I jump down it is okay seems oh oh oh oh damn damn look look at the thing degrees look at the degrees bro 300 300 it’s it’s literally 370 fenhe dudes no go up go up that’s insta Karma no no no no no no no I was wondering why why it wasn’t getting any any Chiller the lower we go that’s why this place is insane I really need an armor set to get back here that’s crazy I mean I really want to explore this more can I can I do that I don’t I don’t know booby traps actually so got to be real careful here okay it seems that see seems uh this place is uh this place is uh pretty okay apart from that one part where the fahrenheit goes up to 4 100 and this booby trap right in front of it okay so we are finally going back to the base that means we can finally increase our health Hearts that’s looking good okay let’s actually um get some armor off okay it seems that we are back in a in a hot climate yeah we are it is a hot climate right yeah yeah it is I think it is is this oh well we do have fishies back okay let’s see yeah the snow is decreasing that means we can get our set of armor on for um well hogland armor but let me see let me see one thing I am maybe looking forward to uh something a little a little bit more um different this time okay stomp scroll let’s actually insert another inscription and let let’s see stomp let’s try this stomp method oh okay if they can get stunned from that and stuff like that that would be pretty sick okay so one thing I want to make sure that I do make myself clear with is uh this right here okay guys so listen listen listen listen it’s very important we have I’m going to put this back here and you know what while I’m here I will get a little farm going just a little one just a little one one two three no one two yeah just like this just a little farm nothing much completely nothing much guys just going to get a hoe out going to do this this going to get the nearest nearest bro bro okay you know what oh there we go yeah like this like that and let’s uh get some seeds plant them like this and like that and uh yeah yeah I I think I think I think I’m going to be the first man ever to have a have a thing like this there we go looking good okay good good good now we are finally finally ready to roll I have let me see I have 63 water bottle botles 40 sprouts and you know what let’s even get more water bottles another 42 why not why not like literally why not we will get the essence well not really this time okay I’m not going to I don’t need all of this I don’t need all of that all of this don’t need this okay I think I’m pretty much ready to roll in the nether you ready to head into the nether I think so D get my shield out there we go got my shield out out okay nether here we come it is scorching very scorching out there but you know what before the nether the weather kind of cleared out I’m feeling a little bit a little bit adventurous let’s actually go and check out that finally um upper dungeon since we do have a plane nowadays we could always pop in and go to a flying dungeon like this I really hope this sprain doesn’t mean that it’s going to snow and change Seasons real quick cuz the year does not work like that oh oh another dungeon okay it seems uh seems It’s a pretty chill like that okay I can see that I need some sort of uh Power Station to power on the boss room okay it seems that we’re going we’re going into The Nether right way can we fly into The Nether let’s fly into The Nether oh damn well didn’t work out didn’t work out let’s get this let’s let’s walk into the nether walking into the nether is always going to be a little bit easier let’s jump in oh we have an open lava pool is this a safe oh look at that I think we see oh netherite monstrosity appeared it seems Seems it’s maybe in that Arena that I just noticed right here is this an arena nether right monstrosity are you here I think he is yep there he is okay um let’s uh stop the car oh damn oh damn okay let’s stop the car like this this do this oh damn what’s happening get this get this thing off me get the bip plane go the crossbow where that man at there he is he doesn’t take damage with a with a with a with a this and that okay it seems I’m going to have to do the old trick in the book like this okay dudes I’m ready I’m so ready for this I don’t even know okay ready like confetti never being more steady I keep it steady you know I’m him let’s actually go down with a with a plane can we go down with a plane I think it’s going to be like a little bit safer if we go down with a plane come on bro and we jump with the plane a little bit lower now we get off but I do need the plane back now we can fight this guy let’s go let’s go dude oh damn he he crazy strong bro okay now we eat now we eat get get get the health down get the health down oh Dam bro eat up eat up eat up Dam dude Dam okay not good not good holy no no no eat eat bro go up go up no um netherite monstrosity is proving a little bit more difficult that’s because I don’t have any fire resistant potions okay um is there any possibility of me ever like somehow leaving this place or maybe getting his loot without um disturbing his uh quarters so I think he’s the one who drops the loot what am I supposed to do if he doesn’t want to drop the loot okay let’s uh decrease decrease this a little a little bit let’s get the plane out there we go okay netherite mon trusted can I do fly by on him is he still on that side of the window yeah he is let’s actually try and hit him oh Dam oh oh damn even mosquitoes are trying to get me oh we got lava spawning in but you got to be careful with the lava in case it goes down on you that would suck what what is this what is this monstrosity okay I think I need to check this place out we will check it out by landing on the the very toed top so let’s do this there we go get off break it where you at where you oh oh o o o damn okay block off a little bit I think I hear one behind me yeah I do no wonder yeah I do of course there we go oh down go in go in what do we have here is this their literal lir bro that is not good wait I don’t have any more wood no no no no no no no no I don’t have any more building blocks seems I’m going to have to get building blocks from netherite scrap netherite scrap let’s go baby let’s go Spirit orb that’s what I’m talking about get some slime F Ward scroll it’s a cast H it’s it’s a spell it’s a rare spell okay we’re going to get it because we don’t have a lot of spells in general so we will get it and we will do this and that just going get some nice things along the way while we’re here okay let’s actually drink some water we have an abundance of water so it’s always good firework star I have no clue what that is look at that look at the blaze rods I don’t even need to get blazes no more I can just get this flaming strike level no I mean I’ll take it I’ll take it guys cuz uh you can never say no to some good good you know what how can I go down fight that guy yeah there we go that’s my my first Blaze what’s that what’s that it’s like a it’s like a thing that go wait wait I think I was supposed to go up but I have a plane so I’m like chilling are there any more secret chests anywhere here that I should be um warry off because I can actually get them guys but only if they have good loot we have two chests here and then well we have a blaze he doesn’t want to he doesn’t want to get down here okay we have two chests what else we have we have uh wither skeletons down there let me just get my little binox out they don’t Zoom can you believe that Grace I have Grace all the time and I’m not sure I’m not sure uh why it’s given to me and it kind of makes me not be able to zoom in for something reason maybe I’m too hot Let’s uh drink her up like this get away from there we go so uh okay looking good looking better looking better at least okay let me see um you know what there’s no way we are we are already up so let’s actually just go down here oh damn okay got some blazes hell no hell no that’s out of me bro Swing Swing Swing like a oh there we go let me see let me see okay um going to get an a pickaxe going to jump here wait I still don’t have any um okay can I reach it no I can’t I can easily do this though I can easily do this that’s one that’s one block dudes one block let’s get another one that’s another block right here boom what do we have iron chck nice magma blocks for protection against the invasions some Magma Cream Spirit orbs that’s nice fireworks oh netherite okay dudes that’s it that’s it that’s it I have fire breath scroll I have a I have a ice breath now fire breath level seven by the way it’s a rare scroll it’s a very good one so we got very lucky with this one that that’s amazing this is exactly what I came here for just like good loot pretty much and we are getting it that’s nice okay so there there’s this one chest and then we have oh we have some wers keep the distance keep him on a distance on a leash don’t want them attacking me oh oh oh oh okay okay go oh oh Dam damn Dam damn well go down here that’s it we’re going down here okay eat one of these to get the thing down to get the the stats down okay there we go we have one place world it’s frozen let’s finish him off let’s finish him off dude and there we go good are there any chest oh Dam okay I’m going to drink up in some water it’s good that water is running out because I do have a lot of water and I can always drink it I do have an abundance of water seems we came down all the way to the bottom level and there is something of oh damn bro no my health um let me see I’m going to have to actually play it really safe I might have to actually leave this place I only have two hearts which sucks not going to lie swee Hearts is not something that I’m really proud I think I think we’re going to have to go back home and uh recoup a little bit because I don’t have any food let me see I do have oh I do have flying fish that’s that’s good food I guess I’m not really hungry though let’s actually uh regen this a little bit more get get the stats down let’s regen the health a little bit because um it is it is pretty dangerous out here really don’t want to end it here I feel like we have still a pretty big journey to go and I I do want to check out that guy through the window can the Blaze Rod see me no they can’t good there are piglins piglins shouldn’t attack me because I have a hoglin fit on me so uh I should be good with them let’s I get some more water okay dudes this is uh this is looking pretty dangerous we do have 10 netherite scraps we don’t want we don’t want to lose that we have 42 magma we have 19 firework stars 18 magma blocks we have quite good gear we really don’t want to luse this and that means we should probably play real safe okay come on water come on water regen my health regen my health keep doing it and uh then we can go outside and uh maybe even Fly Away From Here depending on the situation I have no more golden apples to heal myself with it’s myself and I in this Zone oh y just like that trying to bait him in oh baiting him in let’s go dude I I know you want a little piece of me come come and get it then come on get it going to get some building blocks just in case guys cuz we always need building blocks okay okay there we go under growth is this a boat in the nether I’ve never I’ve never seen seen stuff like this we have to check it out but before that what is this feel like there’s weird architecture in the nether I feel like there’s a huge nether update that I that I sort of missed out well now checking out which is pretty badass I remember when we came here to get the hoglands now we’re here for loot Scavenging okay um I think we’re just I think we’re just going to have to do this up at them get them away from me get them away from me away from me that’s it that’s it that’s it that’s it that’s it there we go there we go that’s good that’s good okay now uh regen eat the fish okay now get this just in case okay back back away back away from me I am I am not comfortable being that close get the plane hello anyone here here oh ooh fire resistance o oh okay my temp temps are a little bit too high there we go with a normal level now okay um I think I might just splash myself with some water throw it out and um throw out Arcane Essence and uh get a fire potion resistance throw it out get another fire potion resistance and another one and uh oh down there are no wither wither resist distances though so got to be real careful on the Wither D come on dude can they even walk in here I don’t I I really don’t want them hitting me even once that would be really problematic okay get this get this also we go let’s get their banners we are literally demolishing them which is uh pretty cool get another banner and let’s get their chest netherite boots you kidding me bro wait netherite Ingot holy a what what it’s so easy to year these days nether fortress map I already know where the Fortress Is iron Seer upgrade let’s go baby that’s exactly what we needed holy guys that is amazing okay let’s get these boots let’s get these boots I said okay um let me see I have what can I throw out more like what can I coal I can throw out coal curse of binding curse of Vanishing feather falling for fire protection for soul Speed 3 we need to get this to an enchanter and de enchant the curses like get rid of the curses we need to get this to a to a specialized individual that can get rid of the curses and then it’s going to be the bomb it’s going to be a literally so cool this is like the best best boots ever I I have like literally a growing set of enchanted diamond armor and now netherite armor it’s going to be pretty amazing and I can now get netherite tools which is a going to improve my sufficiency skills quite a bit in terms of surviving the winter the harsh winters at least and the very harsh Summers there’s a little secret to all of that if you go underground you can survive any of those SE okay let me see hoglinger okay it’s good the final Embers of ice will dissipate and then well the garden is growing but not good enough we will get a better Garden going let’s um actually get some some dirt placed like this this will be my big garden of Eve that’s right for those who know they know but um The Garden of Eve will not hold apples so that that it will not have but still it’s pretty cool that there will be at least a pretty cool Garden that we have and we can actually get a lot of um food from it there we go just building a new sort of garden like this going to have to get my hoe out and uh patch patch up the ground I was actually thinking maybe I should uh not make it too big cuz if I make it too big then um maybe I won’t have enough seeds and I really want to plant something along the lines of a melon pretty much so there we go we have a hoe let’s get a hoe and uh let’s do this now I know we don’t really have any seeds at the moment but we will very very soon okay we will not actually really take these things yeah they’re just going to stay like this actually boom like that yeah perfect perfect perfect you know what you know what do this also let’s make it let’s make it correct like this yeah there we go now it’s looking good now what even like this yes sir let’s go okay now I just need the seeds for seeds we will go and find a a village that we will trade with the Villagers but before that we will upgrade the backpack because the backpack does require a little bit more space if I’m being honest I feel like it’s a little bit cramped so also we do have a few banners that we can place let’s place a bner right here and right here nope not like this not like this like this look at this that’s amazing we are getting some real trophies out here but let me see Iron tier upgrade and let’s get the backpack off and that’s a golden upgrade get the backpack off okay so there we go Travelers backpack combined with leather tier oh there we go it’s working and now combine it with a gold tier and the backpack should be holy look at the space look at the space look at this pace there’s so much space it’s insane it really is it’s amazing okay amazing like like actually super cool that we have so much space now we will though we will though uh get a few things that we kind of need so netherite scraps gold ingots a little bit more gold over here netherite ingots and also let me see okay there we have we got a diamond pick we got nine diamonds let’s actually see what armor we can enhance okay we need to get rid of the curses from the netherite boats but then we can also enhance these bad voice here okay let’s see night time is coming in as usual like this okay dude I am I am goofed up I already I can already use it so let’s uh enhance it netherite pickaxe take it I could also get let me see eight armor eight armor three armor softness three armored softness you know what that is not worth it we do have quite a bit of netherite scrap and all of the good stuff that we will put right here then come back to you real soon but for now we will close the damn doors and sleep you may not you may not rest now it is sweltering outside wait a second I think I need a shovel guys let’s get a shovel real quick one and then let’s get some sticks one two let’s get a shovel and we need a shovel cuz we’re going to put out put out the fire with it I think my other shovel broke okay there we go so is this uh yeah there we go it was a little bit too hot now the weather is just perfect for sleeping this beautiful morning oh they have a cat they have a cat in the village um do I have any fish I mean I do have flying fish okay let’s see if the cat will start flying come here boy you want it want it boy come take it is it is it digging okay you know what this cat does not want Flying Fish duly noted now you guys know that as well cats don’t like fly oh flying fish yeah everybody inside there is someone coming me I’m the Pillager okay let me see let me see do you trade emeralds no sir I am looking for a big supply of seeds okay well that’s a kid he don’t do nothing forested field what is this place okay this is a farmer you Farm bread potatoes and emeralds okay well not really what we’re looking for but maybe something closer that’s his house right yeah yeah that’s his house is there any other house that I can actually maybe steal some seeds from there are no chests in these little houses as long as we can get a lot of um grass seeds we’ll be chilling we’ll be chilling okay there we go how how many 53 53 now you know what if we’re back here again I think we’re going to fight him okay Essence let me see okay catel no we don’t need this okay there we go Essence so yeah that’s what you get that’s what we get get Frozen get Frozen where where we at that’s not him that is him okay wait I thought I had my shield open is this him yeah it is 76 Health why you running away don’t run away don’t wait dude I cannot hit him I cannot hit this guy okay here we go looks good okay there we go looking good looking good I call this one a boss oh dude oh there we go we got him break the block that spawn there to get the loot oh let’s go dread Slayer what did he drop he dropped cursed gloomy bone gloomy bone another one so oh oh what happened here oh my goodness look at look at all of this that’s what I’m talking about right click so we open oh dude I am on Ho Holy Holy what happened what temperature is it I need I need my thermometer back what temperature is it it’s a 100° oh there we go now I feel a lot better okay good good good holy that’s a little bit you guys saw that fire resistance I think I’m going to have to use that potion at some point because the fire resistance is uh needed in this situation okay we don’t need not of this but unreal ring and unreal gold we do need it because you can craft amazing materials from it but luckily for me I do already have look at this a netherite pickaxe so we are upgrading if only there could be a netherite of some sort um Shield that would be pretty badass we can actually Farm up on these um little things to spawn in the little bosses and I could also use my um use my magic which is probably going to be a little bit more potent over at distance than uh say using a crossbow crossbow is not as good as uh literal spell cuz I do have spells so that’s good okay there we go we are coming closer to the base and that is pretty amazing we do have um let me see is the ground still fertile yes it is here we go let’s Place some seeds like this I will leave some spots for um some some melons because I really do want some melons to uh be begin um being on my Farm cuz I really do like melons uh they’re easy they’re easy to uh manage what is this bone meal and flying fish that’s good I can actually use this bone meal on this and a flying fish now I have five flying fish again I just can’t get rid of the fish can I it’s just an impossibility it’s never going to happen Let’s uh get some wheat over here like this and uh also I did come back with four Spirit orbs that we can use to upgrade the health a a little bit so there we go we are very maxing out our health and look at this level two flaming strike fire breath fine Ward now we have a nature two spell which is a stomp we will take it out we will replace it with a fire breath and we have we have pretty good spells in general apart from Fang Ward scroll cast time fine Ward okay let’s just try it for the hell off it perhaps oh it’s this one oh I I don’t like this one it’s it’s really good but I don’t I don’t see myself fighting an AOE targets flaming strike it does sound interesting maybe it’s pretty ooh oh that’s a good one I like this one I really like this one but we do have a um let me see fire breath that’s a new one oh yeah no not going to use all of all of my Mana up but yeah it is pretty pretty chat actually I like it a lot it’s really nice really nice got my fire Potion of Resistance on the ready as usual summer is hitting but the blocks of ice just don’t want to the crease look at this it’s 101 fahit literally and I’m beside Water by the way if I go deeper into the jungle it’s going to be even hotter I can assume Redwood well not really it’s dropping all the way to eight oh 90 oh 80 high 80s 90 90 okay um seems maybe the summer is still the summer heat and there is nothing you can do about that okay um there are so many fish just wanting to be captured and I will gladly take them okay we got the farm set up we got everything set up we got the logs for an upcoming winter yet again but for now we can use the hogland tunic to Traverse pretty hot terrains okay get get even more flying fish get this one as well get this one yeah there we go okay we will oh oh no not on my careful careful dude you got to be real careful these fish they are something not going to lie I can probably oh yeah let’s go I firew worked it oh no there’s oh no there is what happened the fireworks dispersed the water a little bit okay you know what guys I think we’re going to get the plane out and we’re going to go ahead and go look for something of uh of uh peculiar interest sometimes I feel like the plane is going a little bit too fast there we go okay um wait what is that building wait do you reckon we can fly in between these uh little things that that would be pretty cool okay the plane is like going super quick that’s not how it usually goes It goes like a a little a little bit slower sometimes I swear but um it’s still cool okay let’s SL this baby up here look at this emus emuse are waiting to you befriend me I’m pretty sure they’re friendly right yeah emuse should be oh even kangaroos wait these people live with animals okay well out here in the normal world we keep these well no no no no one keeps kangaroos as pets never mind never mind kangaroos can never be pets I seen them in real life they look buffed to buffed even for Comfort it ain’t cool and they like to box humans as well I’ve seen them box humans online that’s that’s that’s crazy okay we have emeralds bread mucus item mucus item listen I am here to pillage your wares and you better know it you better know it look at all this consumables wait oh excuse me nausea no no no no no no no we don’t want no nausea you kidding that’s not good okay well never mind can’t get potions okay this uh it’s pretty interesting that we can actually travel with the plane a lot oh and my oh okay got to drink up on the water it’s running pretty low and my Fahrenheit is a little bit high in the desert but as long as we can continue traveling I think we’re just going to be pretty chill about it and yeah being in the water does lower the temperature of course quite a bit I think it’s like the lower the lower you can go the better and also the water is pretty good but seeing this open desert it’s a rain do really remind me that I should probably beef up on some Loot and make no excuses to fight some of the strongest bosses in the game it’s not even about surviving one year anymore it’s about um it’s about actually progressing in one year as far as we possibly can we have quite a bit of armor sets Diamond hogland winter fur armor we even have um what do you call it um netherite armor that we can actually create and we do have quite a few pieces we have we have boats but we oh oh I didn’t even notice when night time hits that’s when you notice stuff that you don’t usually notice like uh lights being lit up somewhere but yeah this place is pretty damn High Yeah I think that’s lava that’s nether portal oh there we go that’s that’s a village that’s oh a combined Village called the Wasteland okay let’s uh turn off the plane a little bit Glide down a little bit and we’re going to sleep in this Tower hopefully hopefully we’re going to get a warm reception and everyone will enjoy us being there okay let’s uh do this do this I’ll break it take it okay what do we have do you trade do you trade eat your cake not hungry this guy sells meat this guy sells this okay what what else do they have in this Village it’s a pretty big one wait gold great Axe golden great Axe is it is it good it looks good oh I bet their reach on this thing knockback two attack attack range attack range 3.5 attack range is this like not far I feel like it’s really far away yeah look at I think I think it’s really far away okay that’s crazy that’s insane we have a lot of sugar canes and a cute little little everything actually we have cute cute everything that’s nice I like this Village I’m going to take some inspiration and going to steal some of their loot oh look at this a village you’re sleeping get up I need go bed the desert PLS really pain me they really do okay let’s switch out the weapon let me see what do we have here the desert PLS really hurt me quite a lot wait what is this what hello oh look at that I think he’s I think he’s an enemy he is oh he’s spawning in get him oh damn get him oh he he poisoned me okay we are in some sort of there we go drop on him oh yeah there we go that’s good that’s good there we go we got him yeah yeah what did he drop he dropped some puffer fish twigs and Rags okay interesting that’s an interesting very interesting in fact whoa whoa whoa whoa oh oh wo whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoo What happened oh D my water drink up oh there we go okay drink up some water the desert is really uh hot let me see it’s 160 uh Fahrenheit not Celsius Fahrenheit so we should probably maybe eat one Berry well not Berry but it’s called a s Soul Sprout and it’s B it basically hydrates us and removes 20 temperature while the water is just an acceptable Quality Water that replenishes our thirst so it is a pretty cool intricate system that I kind of dig oh where did you come from okay there we go go this guy oh oh is that like a villager settlement okay you know what I don’t need no villager loot I probably oh this world it’s pretty beautiful I should have built a base here but it is like 90° 160° no wonder no wonder I I built my base where I built it this place is insane it’s way too hot way way too hot for normal living look at this 130 140 it’s the higher we go the hotter it gets and that’s why I already said that it’s a lot better if you probably go underground when you can’t really handle the seasons get geared and uh somehow get enough water bottles and soul Sprouts to head into The Nether and then hunt some piglins hoglands I mean and get their get their Loot and that way you can actually survive the literal summer heat and the winter heat hold up hoglinger yeah yeah good good good oh oh okay I am definitely not going towards my base I’m exploring new land this cave oh oh let’s go let’s get these zombies okay you know what now going to use the fireworks let me see flaming strike level two Let’s do an AOE flaming strike good now uh let’s see what we can also get a fire breath okay let’s get these zombies out into into the open serin over here perhaps this one where where the other ones at there we go oh we only got three left okay come on let’s stack them up and uh use the Mana on them like this burn burn zombies burn okay good good good good I I’m I’m actually pretty happy that we can use um a lot of um spells oh there are spiders get these oh are there three spawners we have a golden apple we haven’t found a golden apple in a little bit actually so I’m quite surprised Mana in a bottle yes sir that’s actually what we need Mana in the bottle we don’t need actually this don’t need the oh lucky oh there we go it it used to break a maze block ah good okay super amazing actually let’s go cool okay now we just need to find a place that we can use it on and then everything will be perfect but yeah the maze system I was going to say that it’s actually pretty pretty cool looking like very cool looking it’s very nice very nice I really wonder what what um season we’re already having on the outside world cuz over here in the caves we’re pretty much chill wait what we’re pretty much chilling out in the caves here there we go get this without getting cobwebbed good oh let’s go another Golden Apple enchanted book Fast spin four wait wait increase the flight speed of projectile holy okay that’s good he searched no we do not need weak spells we only need good spells golden apple and another one and an iron sear upgrade another one for um for um for another backpack if we ever need another backpack we really could when traveling like uh with the base we could need like actually a little bit more space which is uh pretty good okay let’s throw out this what do we what do we have here we have a pretty big dungeon system let’s just travel a little bit but not too much like sort of like this dude what happened no no no get the zombie get the zombie get this get this I need this asy sap hold up hold up is my water okay yeah it is but my food is not okay I need to get the food up a little bit I’m actually freezing oh damn he nearly put me into some lava this place is going under it’s like two terrains combined we have the the the BL syrain the Jungle syrain the the lava serin and then we also have zombies and spiders at the same time it’s uh pretty crazy actually how uh how different it can be and look at this we’re like at the Forefront off it where everything is colliding and it’s pretty beautiful but either way I’m not going to make my base here I really like my space turns out that place that I found initially has very good heat kind of protection and then in the winter it doesn’t get too cold cuz you can always fire up a furnace with some wood and we are right beside trees so you can always always expect to get a lot of wood really here we have some oh oh okay get this guy that’s get for get for attacking me okay too bad I don’t have milk but I do have golden apples that I can always use but I won’t use them unless I need to use them for now I don’t really plan on using them look at this a whole house inside of okay I will I will use it poison 15 15 more seconds not good not good at all eat another Golden Apple drink a bottle of water regen the health hello anyone here is this a trap what’s going on here we have some ooh it’s a pretty cool looking building pretty cool looking building in indeed and it does have a staircase going up it has some cauldrons with no water it does have a barrel yeah it’s a pretty cool little Hut inside of a cave that’s really neat not often do you actually actually find builds like this inside of a cave which are really really um not cave likee material damn this cave just it’s endless we are using the boat which might seem like a waste but trust me it does have its perks cuz you can always keep okay well shouldn’t really keep um warm in this rain okay let me see hogland hogland armor fur armor set I did leave it back at the base luckily for us we are coming back let’s also get these uh star fireworks did they actually work or is that a burst custom Fade to custom Trail twinkle what well get this either way okay do this okay there we go oh we are we chose the wrong time to get on the boat oh look at this it it’s it completely scw you up that’s nice oh look at this even have literally a pumpkin took you long enough but finally here we go looking pretty Chad we do have literally a pumpkin that we can finally get let’s take it we are getting attacked pretty heavy with these things okay another one popped in get this one then okay another one no what happened with you is there any um supplements that I can give him did I not feed this thing with like bone meal and it didn’t grow like out of all of them okay either way we do see that um night time is upon us let me see where’s my fur armor there we go fur armor let’s take it out take it for a spin cuz we know that’s what we’re going to be wearing in this season in this climate let’s take it like this okay can we sleep you are freezing how am I freezing do I need a flint and steel do I have one I should have a flint and steel somewhere yes in my backpack there we go my backpack there we go let’s get flint and steel light it up I’m not freezing anymore am I you are still freezing am I how am I freezing why am I freezing that’s not good fur how am I freezing okay it seems we’re going to have to burn some extra extra um calories inside of the inside of this thing we do have a little bit of sand never never let me go yet 56 I’m not freezing still am I oh there we go good good good good now I can finally sleep and I’m pretty sure it’s uh pretty sure we survived the winter and the summer many times already and we achieved pretty much everything we’ve ever wanted from a little Independence take so you know what guys I think I’m going to take it as a dub I think I’m going I think I I think I think I won okay guys I think I’m going to end it right here after I get my garden and re replanted for a next playr but for now this challenge I think I’m going to have to call it call it success think I did it I completed all of the seasons multiple times by the way and uh I really did actually um did do a lot not going to lie I did quite a bit of things which is uh pretty amazing considering that I don’t usually succeed in challenges and uh you know that 100 days really took me quite a bit initially the very first video I died two times in a row that was two years ago by the way and uh I nearly didn’t even try for a third time and if I didn’t have if I didn’t try for a third time I would have never ever the YouTube and start started this channel so yeah um try and try again yeah try and try again take it from me don’t quit always try your best but yeah guys this is it for this challenge it’s been the realistic one year in Minecraft challenge and I did succeed so I hope you enjoyed watching it if you did make sure to smash that like button subscribe to the channel and of course please give me recommendations for the next video that you want to see I will be recording most likely with my buddy as usual and we might even join an SMP or a 100 days or even a civilization but we are leaning towards a super modded mod pack so whatever you guys you want to see next leave it in the comments down below and I say this challenge was a success thank you for for watching it

Can I Survive 1 Year in Realistic Hardcore Minecraft?!

This modpack makes surviving Minecraft ULTRA REALISTIC by changing the biome generation and difficulty, adding a extreme weather system and thirst bar, having a live weather cycle that will go through the hottest summers where all water will dry up, to the coldest frozen winter where my final battle for survival will begin to survive for 1 Year in Realistic Minecraft. Tune in to find out if I survive!

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