JJ and Mikey Found SECRET VILLAGE under BIGGEST TRAPDOOR in Minecraft Maizen!

hey JJ JJ H you’ll never guess what I found here follow me huh hurry what is it come on okay yeah that’s it see what is that wow I wonder what’s inside there’s definitely treasure somewhere inside want to check it out yeah okay I’m really curious let’s go in oh is there even a way out what’s down here let’s move oh that’ll hurt yeah oh W huh it’s bouncy that’s weird let’s keep going let’s move we need to focus on escaping from this Frozen world it’s cold what’s over there be careful wo cool woo there are doors here open up what a thing what’s ahead h what’s this oh stairs hold on it looks like we have to jump down but there’s no way back up should we let’s do it yeah first what’s this place oh they’re boats yeah hop in a boat all right let’s see where this goes okay this is nice wo it keeps going oh it splits I’m going left uh-oh now I can’t go back lava Mikey JJ JJ I fell in that was crazy I’m going to the right are you okay JJ this seems promising okay I’ll be right there make sure to go to the right I will Mikey caught up and we’re ready to rock and roll let’s go all right where are we going riding a boat over ice is super fast wo we’re really traveling in Stu St huh this is cool uh oops my bad it really is a frozen world is there any way to escape M we’ll find a way out we have to I see the end wow really nice careful I see two chests let’s open them I call dibs on green I’ve got red 3 2 1 wo woo an iron sword and some apples me too feel a bit better about our odds now let’s go be vigilant what else is out there be cautious hang on what it’s just a house treasure we came all this way for a house I guess well let’s go in open the door okay I will wao back up why weird what now that’s a ravager eat your golden apple Mikey snack time get him let’s fight it’s strong go netherite swords ouch I’m hit w we did it yay you’re amazing JJ yeah we got him wow it’s a maze I want to get out uh-oh zombies oh let’s get through this okay Maze time and this is how you handle it nice yep another one nice let’s go sounds good oh watch out Mikey it’s a new enemy it’s tough got it sick onward what’s at the end of this maze is this it not sure the endit I’ll try this side enemies ignore them and run okay oh it’s the exit really I’m coming you okay it hurt I’ll help you please I can’t take it I’m running I gotta thank you let’s go got him you saved me all right now we can move on ready oh yeah let’s go I already see two chess oh what’s inside wow let’s check this out what’s this it’s a gauntlet it looks really powerful oh huh those are hust coming can we beat them just by punching with these on yeah waa oops sorry these punches knock things back wow hey Mikey run just leave the husks let’s keep moving there’s another one wo it’s a husk wearing armor punch it off sweet these husks are trying to follow us I’ll take care of them defeated ha we took care of all the husks with our punches we’re strong yeah all right let’s go what’s this H another high wall it’s even higher there’s no way we can jump that it’s impossible what do we do now look at this Mikey is it some kind of weapon ah wait it’s a Grappler it shoots a long cord and pulls you up we can use these to keep going it’s super easy if we use Grapplers let’s go here we go pizza cake this is pretty fun woohoo go wow this is fast y you’re good at this cool [Music] thanks oop than on are you okay did you fall just a second what happened no Mikey I thought it was easy it’s a little tough I’ll give it a try it’s seriously harsh who now I’m dangling uhoh now what go okay here I go I’ll try again [Music] I made it let’s go inside 3 2 1 open well what is it oh the treasure is just sitting out in the open this time what could it be let’s check it out wo oh a mining charge nice where should it go maybe on this wall sure let’s go yes wo it worked how’s it look it looks like what’s this it looks like a parkour course to reach the other side just like that looking good yes awesome careful that went well I made it cool there all done now we can finally open this door and move on to the next part oh I can see outside we’re almost free yay let’s go no pit stops Straight Ahead come on keep going oh a chest 3 2 1 no way what for real crazy there’s more here Mo found some guns open golden apples wo awesome huh watch out guards yes time to try out our new guns wo they’re down w i found another one nice job I took him down okay what wo it’s a potion of regeneration this will enhance our healing abilities that’s amazing this is really big I want to move on but that steel wall is in the way I think it might be unbreakable look out there’s a path over here you can’t shoot through this over here up the stairs yep what’s wrong nothing good job we have to clear out the enemies yes oh a chest over here huh what’s that open aha it’s another mining charge nice let’s go all right okay then the mining charge is set up perfect sweet that’s the way out wait there’s still more what’s this some kind of lab yeah I guess this place is half prison half secret laboratory what do you think they’re researching maybe they were studying us if we didn’t try to escape would they have experimented on us uhoh glad we broke out don’t go there it’s okay can you get through you just have to jump it okay go ow oh hot careful we can survive little mistakes but not too many of them right move carefully here here too okay nice we made it h oh W we’ve been sent somewhere again wow incredible this room is made of diamonds yeah that’s true but I’m still a little scared of what the book said huh look there’s a sign that says do not push oh H Mikey that’s awfully suspicious I’m definitely getting scared there’s a portal here so I think I’ll use that to go back back home a trust me JJ if we keep going together we’ll become billionaires oh yeah yep I want to go home though but I guess it’ll be okay H here goes nothing 3 2 1 Super Rich huh what ouch ouch what the floor dropped out huh is there any treasure huh what uh huh what huh no what is this place huh the what are those things there’s so many spikes H be careful go alies ow we need to avoid touching them we have to be careful H there’s a door over there so alies oh are you okay there’s a door so let’s get to it ow that hurts alies it’s hard to avoid them that hurts are we okay avoid touching them oh careful no ouch that hurt Mikey okay let’s reach the door over there let’s go ouchies ouch we have to force our way through W ouch W that hurt oh here’s a door huh but it’s locked it won’t open is it stuck why won’t it open no kidding it won’t open because it’s locked maybe we need to search for the key huh let’s find the key where could it be oh hang on right here OU chees huh let’s get whatever’s inside this chest here oh open what’s inside oh there are a few things inside look huh I got some kind of armor you can have that one thanks wo these are are they shoes we’ve got some kind of shoes I’ll try mine on too wo they’re nice also check this out these things in my hands they’re lockpicks uhhuh which you need to pick a lock so I’ll use them to unlock the door you can unlock it huh I might be able to just have to do these in order all right it looks like that’ll open wo like this oh it’s open and with that we’re through wo nice job wo ouch what’s inside huh what’s this H let’s open this chest over here wo swords so cool hold on a second I need to take out the creeper zap wow what a weapon Nice Shot well let’s keep moving yeah wait a minute that big creeper looks like the boss creep this looks like trouble yeah but we can totally beat it oh we won these Blaster rifles might be too powerful maybe let’s keep going it worked oh another dead end what is this place I don’t know maybe there’s more let’s check this chest elytra oh sweet there’s elytra and fireworks too let’s put them on and explore some more we can fly across this big cave sure follow me Mikey let’s fly well hang on a sec hey this is hard to control that really hurts ouch I messed up well hey get back oh no you’re being attacked don’t worry I can beat it oh what’s that weird thing that dropped what is it it’s an Ender Diamond it looks like we got a really important item what does the door say wao hang on a second Mikey we need to throw 40 Ender diamonds into the slot to open it oh time to hunt some creepers yeah we need Ender diamonds sounds good let’s get them all where are they they dropped them like loot cool take them out a nice I have six already we need a lot more so let’s try for 20 each okay on it how’s it going I hav’t caught in oh well just do your best wo 12 nice go W yeah get them I’m at 14 how about you six not bad I’m at 16 oh there’s some more now I have 18 you’re fast I have 10 20 crazy I’m 12 we only need 10 more yep hang on Mikey we have enough now we do awesome job let’s go back Mikey I’ll toss in the Ender diamonds I’m holding first okay put them right there I’ll add mine too sure bye wao look at that the lamps above are lighting up I’ll bet the door will open when they’re all lit what do you think Mikey yeah wo it opened it did oh wow awesome yay oh that looks like it could be a problem what is it waa is it an enemy what’s going on attack be careful JJ fight for the treasure yes we did it woohoo we got more diamonds that was crazy these Blaster rifles are really overpowered [Music] yay oh what do you see hm what wow H wo that’s cool yeah treasure right there it’s got to be something good it’s just hanging from the ceiling up there how are we supposed to get to it Mikey do you see those three doors yep a water door a lava door and a rifle door huh I’m only guessing but I think if we pass through all three doors then we’ll definitely get the treasure in the end that’s a good idea which door do you think we should choose who’s first H well Mikey the water door is the only one with a lever next to it oh I think that’s the only one we can use for right now so let’s give the water door a try all right ready open no wait I’m coming guards this is bad they found us run away we can’t fight them they look way too strong where should we run JJ don’t fight with bare hands are there any weapons oh I fell hold on I see a chest open it quick I’m coming yes who swords nice take one Mikey here oh thanks now what now we can stand up to the prison guards and fight they’re below us here I go get them let’s go here a yes nice hit we’re doing good for the next part I think we have to make it through this hole like this nice okay wao cool hey good job I made it no problem Let’s Escape what’s next more guards in that case hey there’s a skeleton inside that cage take that behind you nice wa a guard guard hey ouch uh-oh one more careful JJ there got him let’s keep moving sure is this some kind of maze the guards are still attacking but we can take them out in one hit where where are they oh there’s one over there stay away I’ll take care of [Music] them what next oh I see Let’s Take a Ride on the conveyor belt Mikey it’s an actual conveyor belt it’s automatic oh we can move without doing anything wow that’s amazing sweet where is it taking us I got a bad feeling wao TNT explosive storage you’re right first let’s deal with the guards one hit Kos now look over here nice job there’s a chest up here oh a mining charge nice where should it go maybe on this wall sure let’s go yes wo it worked how’s it look it looks like what’s this H it looks like a parkour course to reach the other side just like that looking good yes awesome careful that went well I made it cool there all done now we can finally open this door and move on to the next part oh I can see outside we’re almost free yay let’s go no pit stops straight head come on keep going is this actually a prison looks more like a factory we were locked up someplace weird what’s this for h Huh let’s try this side Mikey all right it’s the guard area there’s so many take them all down careful look out I’m glad we have these swords I’ll fight too I’m so strong get him attack take sh yes nice look a chest What could could it be open it’s fish we found some more food and now oh a staircase let’s go up let’s hurry it looks like we’ll need a key if we want to get through for real H let’s look for it sounds good where’s the key is it hidden that’s suspicious oh is that a h it’s an air circulator let’s use it to get up wao up where here we didn’t need a key after all oh that’s scary huh what what is that thing do we fight it I don’t know guess not wa well then I’m still not sure if this is a prison or not there are monsters trapped in here too it’s kind of dark nice I guess we’ll just fight the guards H now what huh this way I want to get out of here oh Mikey over here wait what’s happening what huh are you okay is that the boss wo it must be the boss Mikey look watch out should I use my sword or gun gun use your gun this thing is too strong the gun should be huh what wow that boss was a piece of cake I don’t want to let this potion of regeneration go to waste I’m healing up now it’s time to open all the chests open oh oh it’s a lever do you think this goes on the second door that must be it let’s go yeah we’re ready to open the second door the lava door ready open let’s go huh hey look what’s that treasure what’s it do H H we got something wait I think it’s a crapp oh you’re right w we can climb with it no way I’m going to fall hang on wow this is dangerous let’s go coming wow JJ you’re good at this are you okay what’s going on hurry huh uhoh wa keep going Mikey yes looking good you’re doing great but it looks like you’re caught on something woohoo good job thanks you have pretty good momentum what’s that hang on I think that’s a clown it’s cute hey is it me uh-oh Mikey that’s not good I’m fine I found a treasure chest up here wait oh this way you can do [Music] it a good try ah this is tough did you make it this time no not yet you did it so fast JJ ah of course you should have a golden apple all right time to open the chest there I made it 3 2 1 open w h these items what nether blasters and golden apples wow we’re so strong sweet so much power we can defeat anything now it’s called a nether Blaster and it uses power from the nether let’s keep climbing woohoo oh wait where’d you go I fell again okay let’s keep climbing there we go uhoh I took a bit of fall damage now I have to fight this clown good thing I have my NE Blaster coming yep don’t stop anywhere just keep heading up there you go you got it hey I’m doing it let’s go Mikey treasure come quick hurry up JJ wao Mikey look I’m stuck what’s wrong oh Dy falling wow yes nice thanks let’s open this chest 3 2 1 open golden apples again I guess we better eat them we’re still not at the top yet let’s go will we find treasure yikes a clown a big one wait a second this thing is enormous it’s on your tail Mikey hey no it’s after me back off clown take it down I’m on it JJ I’ll use my sword I ran out of ammo JJ reload hurry one stack good job bye-bye giant clown nether Blaster I’m out of ammo get it ow stop that careful oh no huh Mikey what happened are you all right yeah time to end this I’m back let’s do it wo cool entrance Mikey thanks come on nice work hooray yes we won that was tough yeah it was I think that means we finally cleared the quartz tower a chest let’s open it 3 2 1 elever wow nice this is our key to the third door ready yeah well we’re finally at the third door this one must have treasure the rifle door what’s behind it this will be our final challenge then we’ll get to see what’s inside of that Treasure Chest up there right yep okay time to go in open yay okay wo what’s this hold on the floor is lava yep see the steel frame I think we need to walk across it oh just don’t fall that would be bad be careful H go first leave it to me there must be a great prize for reaching the other side you think the goal is over there good luck this is easy I’m behind you go slow nope I need a running start to make it oh a ghost watch this yeah get it JJ nice sweet we’re close yeah I can see it what’s that that big enemy is menacing is it a boss yeah it’s huge I’ll take care of this ghost [Music] guy n it’s really tough watch this [Music] Nice Shot don’t let your guard down that was close wow I knocked it off but my health meter is low that Goblin is staring at me can we make it that far I’m going to push this ghost right off the corner no I fell how did you fall in seriously Mikey okay I’m ready let’s fight that’s definitely a boss let’s push him into the the lava first ready we outnumber him two people should be enough but it’ll still be rough try not to get knocked off stay close behind me Mikey okay let’s go let’s do this first we can defeat it hit it to push it back punch it and rush in go I’m right behind you hi it’s close to the edge push wow that was dangerous all right right we beat the boss nice job we did it let’s check out the treasure oh is there anything good I hope so huh isn’t that a trap chest there’s laser rifles inside huh zombies how wait laser rifles so it was a trap chest looks like it spawned those zombies but I think we can beat them with these laser rifles I’m not good with these so powerful wo so strong help Mikey these oh W these guns are really strong they are overpowered but now there’s no way to climb higher was this it no Mikey this can’t be the top yet oh is this the way yes but how up there I think the roof is just above us H let’s find out I think let’s go air shoots from these to Lift Us upward wo let’s go wo oh W woohoo you have to time it wow this is fast like an elevator wait for me I fell off the gusts huh are you okay Mikey wo this is hard what’s up here huh see something Mikey I made it what what what is it goodies this is bad Mikey hurry what hurry Mikey what did you find huh why are they all so big this is a Giant’s house giants live on top of the tower I think it’s trying to attack us at least we have our laser rifles not the horse go the horse the horse didn’t make it the chicken is huge too something’s wrong with that furniture thing why won’t it die come on what do we do it’s dead what the sweet we beat it it’s all taken care of let’s keep going Mikey I think I see the treasure chest behind this door oo can I open it sure careful not to let your guard down let’s go huh all right let’s open it 3 2 1 open oh a mining charge I’m going to attach the mining charge right up here oh and detonate it we can blast our way to the treasure what’s inside that chest wo wo awesome that was incredible so many diamonds wow stacks of diamonds wowza we did it hooray

in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: JJ and Mikey Found SECRET VILLAGE under BIGGEST TRAPDOOR in Minecraft Maizen!

👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial

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