We are NEVER going on this BOAT again…

guys you excited for our boat tour today oh yeah I’ve been waiting for this yipp the ocean this is going to be so epic and O guys I think that’s our tour guide right over there wait why doesn’t he have any sleeves um I don’t know that’s a good question maybe we’ll learn on the boat tour today here we should probably go meet him though hi there I’m pretty sure you’re our captain we signed up for a boat tour I think it’s today oh yes you must be my hearty crew welcome to my ship and O guys he called us his crew you know what that means that means we’re like Pro Sailors oh we’re like Pirates almost ooh yes sir we’re like pirate wait what is being a hardy mean I don’t know but I guess that’s just how like ocean people talk but anyways uh sir we’re excited for this boat tour is this what we’re going to be taking is this our um seaworthy vessel Yep this is me ship should help you sail across all the Seven Seas ooh okay okay this thing is looking fancy all right well guys what are we waiting for let’s hop on this guy looks pretty trustworthy o I want to sit on this side oh yeah I’m so ready all right we’re ready for take off and oh oh we’re taking off oh this thing a sake and we’re off time to sail the seven seed so what do you guys want to see first H that’s a good question guys what do we want to see first I haven’t been on a boat like this in a while I don’t know I just take us to like your favorite spot yeah yeah where do you like to go to Captain James well my favorite place to go is the island I’m about to show you and wo whoo wao wait hold on why did the color of the water just change it’s like much brighter now wait yeah it looks so tropical oh that’s because we just entered the second sea and wait what the second sea oh wait hold on is there actually Seven Seas I thought that was just like a m no that’s actually what the sailors mean when they say they’re going to sail the seven seas wo that’s awesome wa wait is that a coral reef can we see bugs wa wait this spot actually looks awesome wait wait hold on what’s in the the third Sea and the fourth sea oh I’ll show you later whenever there’s a sea you get to see the sea oo cool that sounds exciting okay okay but hold on where are we heading to right now you said we’re about to head to an island yes we’re headed to me favorite island across the second see I hope there’s a lot of cute animals well there’s a few cute animals you’ll see whenever you see it okay okay this sounds interesting wait are we going to see like a like a buffalo or something I really want to see one of those no no Buffalo around these parts oh all right well this guy really knows his stuff wait what about a water buffalo aren’t those an animal water buffalos are buffalos buddy I thought they were fish nope water buffalos are like buffalos but buffalos I thought they were like water cows or something I don’t know anyways how close are we to this island we’re about 10 clicks away from it 10 what did you just say 10 clicks yeah it’s like pirate lingo buddy wo oh look over the starboard side there’s a shark cheesing after us look its head looks like a little stump who wait hold on is he going to eat our boat he’s going to try but I’m the best captain in this Sea’s ever seen oh he’s playing tack with us oh that’s kind of cool isn’t that a hammerhead shark aren’t those like really dangerous yeah but it doesn’t matter for me cuz I be the best Captain they ever see anyways are We There Yet we be almost there you can almost see it in the Horizon ooh wait wait hold on is that it over there is that the island you’re taking us to wo all right um it kind of looks like a normal Island I can’t lie wao look at that mountain this here be Axel Island if you take a look you’ll see a bunch of axotal what the heck wait wait wait wait hold on hold on hold on are those axotal walking on land I I thought Axel could only like swim in water and stuff I didn’t know they can walk what the heck they’re literally walking wait I want to go and pet them wait wait hold on is that smoke that I see over there those oxel figure out how to make a campfire these be in evoled form of Axel that learn to walk and act like humans that is insane wait wait hold on hold on so if these aelott know how to act like humans does that mean they can like craft stuff like can they craft swords and stuff well they haven’t got that in far yet but as you can see they learned to craft some things like a camp wa that is actually insane can we go like look at the island yeah yeah wait can we hop on the island can we get out of the boat and just like walk around there yeah sure I can drop you off and let you see it for a second ooh okay okay guys we’re about to go mingle with with the Axel let’s go don’t use that word bro all right all right well anyways let’s check it out ooh guys look there’s a gang of them over here hi there axelos how’s it going going good nice yeah do you understand what they’re saying guys I think this one’s my friend look look are you talking to the Axel bro yeah wait hold on he’s trying to sell me something what the heck guys he’s trying to sell me Triple Fish sushi he’s trying to help you he thinks you look hungry a that’s so nice of them wait Captain you didn’t tell us that these guys can sell Sushi oh yes I be buying Sushi from these fillers all the time what the hey okay this is actually insane I did not know this stuff even existed well you’re dropping all your food everywhere when you eat this will be the best sushi you could buy in a thousand miles who okay okay I guess I’ll save this for when I get home I want I want to savor this I I want to put it on a plate and have it with a fork and knife and what the heck they actually have a campfire here too that is insane they have an anvil how did they get an anvil do they even have fingers no they have their paws which have like little fingers on them W all right well we should probably get going if we stay too long they might think we’re Intruders and trying to invade their property wait what are they going to do if they think that we’re Intruders they’re going to spit roast us wait what what does that mean I think that means they’re going to barbecue us yeah that means they’re going to put a stick in your mouth and then rotate you over a fire for a very long time not Co oh what that sounds gross okay okay well let’s get out of this place I guess I’ll save this sushi for later but hold on a minute I didn’t even know that axelos could walk around like that do other animals in the ocean do that too oh yes just wait till you see shark Island are there walking sharks on shark Island there’s some walking sharks but you should see the flying ones flying flying sharks exist okay take us to the shark Island right now this is crazy we need to see this that sounds terrifying why should we go to shark Island hello K I need to see what a flying shark looks like okay this is very important well this is a once in a-lifetime experience you guys you guys this is so awesome I’ll take you there but you’re going to have to be careful they are dangerous we’re about to pass this place called pufferfish Island but it’s pretty boring so we don’t have to stop and who wait wait hold on is that Puffer fish Island this place is huge yep pufferfish island is the one to the right are you see puff fish Island pull over now oh gosh Cam’s obsessed with pufferfish you guys oh yeah Captain uh we forgot to tell you that cam is he has like a unhealthy obsession with pu fish now now now pull over all right mey call me down I’ll pull over for pufferfish Island oh man cam are you really making us stop to puffer fish Island we want to go see flying sharks not puffer fish I want to see puffer fish Island you guys get to see flying sharks I get to see puffer fish Island where they at J did you bring a rope I think we need a keep them on a leash what the no I didn’t bring a rope but okay you know what fine fine I guess we can check out this pu fish Island for like a few minutes but then after that we got to go see these flying shars he’s going to get himself killed all right this be puff fish Island I’ll stay here and man the boat you guys can walk around and explore the island ooh okay we’ll try not to get lost yeah come back here whenever you’re done and we’ll head off all right all right that sounds good but anyways what type of puffer fish even live on this island is there going to be flying puffer fish and stuff oh you’ll see whenever you see them oh um all right right well uh cam let’s get this over with quick I want to go see flying sharks more than flying puffer fish they sound more interesting puffer fish puffer fish where oh gosh he’s going to hurt himself he’s going to hug a puffer fish I tell you I’m telling you right now oh puffer fish wait a minute guys hold on we’re kind of looking on land right now for puffer fish shouldn’t we be looking in the water it’s puffer fish Island not puffer fish water around Island well the name puffer fish Island probably just means that there’s like a lot of puffer fish swimming around it not on the island puffer fish can’t walk the last one we were at was axel Island they were literally walking they had an anvil and they learned how to crack okay true that is a fair point but puffer fish aren’t that smart axelos are like really smart I think hey puffer fish are very smart they’re like uh like three smart you know um I don’t know about all that can puffer fish can kind of only puff and like huh what’s that reaction oh my gosh guys look at this guys guys guys guys guys what the heck are those things over there why is he freaking out is that a flying puff fish oh gosh guys the flying puff fish are real yo yo why is this one getting closer to us wait this one looks like a villager is this the one that has the Boss Bar oh my gosh yo it dropped TNT on us what the heck um I’m going down the hill what the heck yo why is there a flying puff fish dropping the TNT and another puff fish I think I just saw it poop out another puff fish yo this is so cool there’s one flying around with sunglasses look at that K I don’t know if I I’d really describe this as cool they’re trying to bomb us dude they’re literally dropping TNT oh gosh guys if you usually see tante the your first instinct should be to walk away not get closer yeah yeah cam I think should probably run this was not really the best idea to come on puffer fish Island I’ve literally got puffer fish fragments on me ow they’re trying to attack me this is so cool what is going on right now you know what we got to beat it up we got to beat it up punch it oh gosh it just dropped more TNT that was not a good idea that was not a good idea why are you trying to fight it dude it’s like looking at me funny oh it just plays more TNT no I’m going to blow up I’m going to blow up let me run let me run oh you’re literally on its Turf all right guys I think I’ve seen enough of pufferfish Island we can leave now all right guys everyone run back to the captain we got to go back to to our boat Ash are you okay you look kind of green wait do I wait what do you mean I look fine I don’t know about that oh wait uh here let me let me see your the inside of your ear uh it’s kind of green what are you talking about okay okay guys let’s just go over to the shark Island I think that’ll be wait hopefully it’ll be safer than the Pu fish Island I wasn’t expecting the puff fish to be so dangerous next time we go on an island I’m just going to stay on the boat yeah honestly same here I don’t want to get attacked on the next Island what if we get attacked by like a flying Chuck or something and it like eats us and wait a minute hold on why is there three people over there wasn’t there just like our captain earlier you’re coming with us buddy are leave me alone I just want to Pirate my hearty crew wait what’s going on over there I’m going to use this telescope wait wait R give me a spy glass I want to see okay okay here take it wait are those pirates wait hold on I think they might be okay I’m zoomed in what’s going on over here bro those guys are missing eyes you’re coming with us you know what let’s take him over here and huh huh wait wait where are they going guys I think our captain is getting kidnapped by these Pirates oh yeah one more thing let’s break boat wait what wait that boat was our only way out of here um guys what do we do what do we do I don’t know I don’t know how are we supposed to fight Pirates um I don’t know this is kind of scary they’re they’re running off with our captain guys we got to come up with something to do quick do we rescue him or or what’s the plan I think it’s too late he’s already being taken away oh no where are they taking him to I don’t know maybe we follow them and try and get like a jump on them or something I don’t know actually wait that’s not a bad idea I think that might be our best move you know what hold on we have to follow them guys let’s sneak up on them make sure they can’t see you though cuz uh I’m pretty sure they had swords oh wait how are we going to fight them if they have swords I don’t know but wait they’re right over there okay we just got to follow them we just got to sneak our way over okay but I don’t have a good feeling about this we don’t have any other choice Ruby how else are we going to get off of this island without our boat and our captain um we can swim yeah that’ be a good idea what swim across the ocean there’s sharks every and there’s flying puffer fish we’re going to get destroyed well I don’t have any other ideas I don’t think we can save this guy guys wait did anyone see where the Pirates just went I kind of just lost them this is not good I don’t know wait I think I see them near that rock over there and oh oh there they are there they are okay okay we just got to keep our eyes on them we got to make sure we can’t lose them except we can’t let them see us either okay they’re walking forward and they’re taking a left come on let’s follow them let’s just run and hide behind the trees okay okay that seems like a good plan but what the wait guys look there’s like a house over there are they taking him to this house I don’t know use a spine glass I can’t see anything oh yeah hold on let me grab that thing and whoa wait a minute guys hold on it’s a lot more than just a house over here it’s two houses what the what is this what it’s not just two houses bro that’s a whole village who wait yeah there’s like a bunch of houses here what the oh gosh guys do you think that maybe this is the pirate Village look at them they’re all running towards it with our captain Oh no I think it is their Village what are we supposed to do now they took them home guys I think we have to get closer I’m going to go closer that’s kind of our only move right now but Ruby be very careful where are you Ruby where did you go oh where did you guys go oh no I lost you in the jungle wait Ruby we were ahead of you we were right over here oh wait what I thought I left you guys behind cuz I was so cool what ruby we were literally ahead of you but um guys there’s the pirate Village right over there we have to go rescue our captain somehow ooh maybe since this is a pirate Village they have like other boats maybe we can steal one of their boats and use that to get out of here okay okay but stay hidden you’re not behind a tree dash they’re going to see you that’s a good idea yeah yeah let’s just sneak around the trees until we get closer just got to go around here okay I don’t see any Pirates I think the coast is clear yeah I think we just got to book it to this tree go go go go go and uh wait a minute guys what’s that thing over there is that a boat looks like a house that is a giant pirate ship what the heck okay this is um definitely the pirate Village how do they even get all this stuff on this little island they must have stolen it you guys oh gosh yeah you’re right they’re Pirates they’re literally like the thieves of the Seas yeah this is probably some random people’s Village and they probably just took it over cuz they’re Pirates and they’re evil holy Pirates okay okay but guys guys we got to keep our voice down we’re kind of like in the middle of their Village right now our captain is somewhere around here we just got to keep an eye out and look for him guys I think our cover is blown that cow sace May that’s just a cow it’s not like a pirate cow we’re good I don’t know it looks like pirate cow to me as long as the cow doesn’t have an eye patch then we’re good okay if you say so um I’m looking inside this house guys I don’t see none no Captain in here oh there’s not even any pirates in here okay well um he’s got to be around one of these houses we just got to look around maybe we can go search that house I can’t believe we’re infiltrating a pirate base we have to we have to save our captain how is are we supposed to get home oh my gosh guys what if we get kidnapped by the Pirates and then we have to live on this island for the rest of our lives what if they make us like do chores for them oh no we’re going to be fine we just got to make sure we don’t get caught okay okay let’s just sneak over here to this house is there anyone here hello Captain are you here huh wait there’s not even a single person in this house over here not even any Pirates this kind of strange this place kind of feels abandoned nope no no no no no I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m leaving BR be careful there could be Pirates everywhere you’re just running around in the open okay okay well um let’s go over here then there’s still a few houses left let’s search all of these houses until we get to the bottom of this okay anyone here hello what the guys this house is also empty why are all of these houses empty maybe they just moved here probably because the people that did live here took all their stuff and ran cuz there was Pirates oh gosh all right well let’s keep on looking around there’s still a few more houses I think there’s one over here that we missed yeah yeah there’s one right over there all right we got to go check that one I think that’s the last house that we haven’t searched so far that one’s got to be the one with Captain James in it all right I guess our only choice is to go in and looking never mind hold on hold on guys there’s someone right there there’s someone right there all right every everybody’s ready to go ship leaves in 1 minute huh what does he mean by ship leaves in 1 minute wait hold on guys I think I know why all those houses were empty I think everyone’s on the ship wait what that means our Captain’s probably on that ship what are we supposed to do oh no guys this is really bad this is really bad we have to somehow sneak onto that ship okay um well it looks like the back door of the ship is still open right now maybe we can just sneak on through there dude he said it leaves in 1 minute we have to make up our mind well either we stay here with the puffer fish or we go on the boat I the boat yeah honestly I think going on the boat is better otherwise we’re going to be stuck on this pu fish Island Forever Wait guys come check this out huh what is it K we don’t have time they said the boat’s leaving in 1 minute you heard them look look look and oh wait hold on I think all the Pirates left their gear here wa wait guys I just got an idea wait you did what is it you can use this pirate gear as disguises and then get on the ship wait a minute that’s a great idea we can blend in with the other Pirates okay okay well um if we’re going to be putting on pirate gear dibs on this one over here yeah I call dibs on uh this one it’s got a bunch of yellow on it wa guys do I look like a pirate with this on what the no not really you you kind of just look like you have a blue skull on a man Ruby I think this red one fits you pretty well oh wait guys we better hurry up you heard them they said the’re both leaving in 1 minute all right everyone grabb your stuff I’m going to grab um one of these hooks yeah look at me I’ve got a hook on my arm now what the heck oh guys look there’s swords in here and everything o okay okay everyone take a sword we’re going to need some weapons in case uh things go wrong and all right I think we should be good to go we better hurry up though guys they said the boat’s leaving in 1 minute that’s probably like 10 seconds now oh yeah yeah let’s let’s hurry let’s hurry I’m trying to hurry okay Ruby make a run for it and guys we got to put on our best pirate voice um hold on my new name is going to be pirate Dash and my voice is going to be ar mate I’m a pirate o that’s pretty good yeah that’s pretty good that’s pretty good uh my name’s going to be pirate uh pirate Cam and I’m going to have my voice be y you didn’t change your name dude neither did Dash it doesn’t matter guys we better hurry up we can get this started out once we’re on the actual ship and um okay guys there’s someone there we we have to we have to act like Pirates AR hey there my name is pirate Dash we’re here to board the ship are you be ready to board the shiping and yeah yeah we we uh we ready to board the ship we’re going to do lots of uh pirating and lots of stealing from other people yeah well you’re late so hurry on the ship yeah yeah yeah don’t worry don’t worry we were uh we were just doing some last minute preparations wait a minute what’s your guys’s names again I haven’t seen you around here before uh uh what’s our names my name is uh pirate Dash yeah pirate dashy never heard of you before Oh yeah and U my name is a pirate Ruby cuz I like treasure and rubies are a treasure yeah and my name is pirate cam cuz Cam’s my name and yeah yeah we we all live on this island we we are we all we actually live in that house right there you see that house with all the armor in it that we live under that house yeah we just moved here uh you must be the new Pirates or something we’ll find a seat we’re about to leave and oh yeah yeah yeah we’re the new Pirates all right thank you very much I guess um we’ll just uh take a seat um right up here and okay guys I think we’re on I can’t believe that actually worked man these Pirates are lower IQ than I thought E I didn’t think we’d make it past the first step well I mean we still have a lot of steps like we have to find our captain yeah yeah you’re right we need to find out where Captain James is but we already have the hard part done we’re already on the ship so uh the rest should be pretty easy we just got to look around and uh let’s try to avoid any other Pirates we don’t want to be questioned again wait wait wait does my hook hand look better on this hand or this hand um uh I don’t know I guess you’re you should probably have it on your left hand I think that’s what most pirates do since they need to like I don’t know most people are right-handed so they like write with their right hand oh yeah it would be hard to use a pencil with this but let’s go find our captain and yeah yeah we got to look around all right let’s just look around the ship this place is pretty huge so um this might take a minute where is our captain um let’s just look around and oh wait guys the door to the ship is closed there’s no going back now waa whoa I think the ship’s moving oh gosh I think we’re taking off all right all right well um at least we’re on the ship we made it on the ship that’s good that’s good now we just got to look around for our captain where could he possibly be look over there there’s a cage wait a minute hold on is that our captain over there wait wait we got to go talk to him Captain James Captain James is that you we’ve come to rescue you if don’t be me hearty pirate crew but uh what are you doing here well um like I said earlier we came to rescue you we saw you getting kidnapped by those other Pirates so we followed them and then it took us to this pirate Village and then we saw everyone going on this ship so U we figured we’d sneak on man you look terrible do you have less shirt than before yeah we’re here to save you don’t worry about me shirt but keep your voices low there’ll be Pirates about oh gosh do you know how many of them are on this ship we looked around the village earlier and there was no one in the houses so I’m guessing they’re all here yep there’ll be at least 30 pirates on this ship the 30 Pirates oh gosh okay guys um we got to keep our voice down we got to we got to be super sneaky but anyways uh Captain do you know how we open up this door how do we get you out of here this here cage can only be opened by the master key okay okay where’s the master key do you know the last time I seen it I think I seen one of the Pirates throwing it around like it was a baseball oh gosh well um was it in this room yep it was In This Very Room but I don’t know where it went they lost it we’re throwing it around somewhere wait guys hold on I see something yellow on the floor over here I think this is it that looks like a key all right let’s go ahead and grab that and okay um hold on do you think this is the key Captain you’re that be the key now let me out okay okay well here let me go ahead and just open up this cage for you real quick and yes it worked you’re you did it you set me free what are you three doing here what was that oh no I think we got caught guys oh gosh okay guys we just got to play itoff just got to act cool and uh normal remember we’re still Pirates um hi there uh pirate Billy Bob we were just uh checking in on our prisoner yeah yeah we’re just checking in on on the prisoner we we got told to do that got another prisoner I don’t remember my duty being transferred to you oh gosh wait this was his job um um well actually we we just got orders from the head captain saying that we were supposed to check on the prisoners so uh yeah we just figured we’d um open up his cage and let him walk around for a little bit yeah we were actually sent here to help you yeah well you got orders for my dad D and wait your dad is the main Captain uh uh yeah yeah we got orders from him oh I can’t believe he didn’t tell me it told you guys well I mean if he told you guys that’s okay yeah yeah I I I think you can just go we already got this uh this under control you can just head out now um yeah oh okay I’m going to go lick the poop deck and oh yeah yeah you have fun doing that um good luck with that and what the heck who was that guys dude I’m I’m terrified I’m so I’m so scared well um we should Escape now yeah yeah I think we should get out of here all right well Captain James do you know how we can get out of this place we’re kind of still um stuck on this boat wait wait hold on where even are we right now uh wait guys hold on I think we’re in like the middle of the ocean look outside I can see a little Gap through this window right here wait if we’re in the middle of the ocean then there is no way out we’re stuck oh no that can’t be that can’t be okay well Captain James do you have any ideas well I have one idea okay what is it well I’ve seen some lifeboats on the side of the ship but in order to use them we’re going to have to get past some pirates wait a minute that’s a great idea we can take the lifeboats but um wait you said we’re going to have to get past some Pirates yeah we’re going to have to get past the pirate Captain and the people washing the poop deck and it’s going to be complicated oh gosh okay okay well um hold on where are these lifeboats at I’m guessing they’re going to be on like the main deck of the ship Yep they’re on the starboard side guys this sounds impossible I don’t think we can get past all those people well hold on we’ve already gotten past two pirates with us just pretending to be Pirates we got this well those pirates aren’t really that smart but the captain’s got to be smart I don’t think we can get past him like this wait guys I got an idea wait you do what is it why don’t we distract them with this and huh what the heck is that is that a puffer fish why are you holding a puffer fish in your hand dude that’s not good for you dude what what what if your hand gets injured there’s no way you’re going to be able to like fix your hand on the ship guys guys relax look it’s not an actual puffer fish I found this on puffer fish Island check it out what the what is this wait a puffer fish grenade what okay I am not holding that wait no Ruby it’s fine it’s not really sharp or anything it doesn’t have like the puffing things aren’t sharp but what is this what is this going to do oh uh whenever we throw them they kind of release a bunch of puffer fish so here I’ll give you guys a few each how many of these did you grab I have like 40 what the heck this should be exactly what we need okay okay so what’s the plan we’re going to use these to distract the Pirates and then we get to the lifeboats that actually seems like a pretty solid idea uh but there’s still one problem all we’re doing is distracting them if we get away they’re probably going to follow us and oh gosh yeah you’re right you’re right that is a good point they kind of have this big ship that they can just use to follow us again I don’t think that we can do this you guys that’d be a good point give me one second I smell it nearby what are you doing right now is not the time to be sniffing stuff Captain James yeah James you don’t smell that bad you’re fine what is he doing what are you looking in their barrels there’s probably just like random pirate stuff in there no I found it the gunpowder wait gunpowder what are we going to do with that well uh don’t you know what gunpowder can do wait a minute are you saying that we blow up this pirate ship that’s actually a genius idea hold on hold on how do we just use gunpowder though don’t we need sand and stuff to blow it up oh there’s sand right over here this is actually perfect yep every pirate crew at least has some TNT or explosives on their ship wait there’s some flint and steel in here too oh heck yeah all right all right everyone grab some of this gunpowder in sand we’re about to make this ship go Kaboom y this is going to be quite the explosion oh heck yeah let’s go this place is about to blow I have so much gunpowder and so much sand this is going to be insane wait is there a crafting table around here that we can use to you know craft this into TNT oh I just found one piece of already crafted T&T y there be a crafting table over here oh sick okay okay perfect I guess in that case we should be good to go let’s do it let me go ahead and just craft a little bit of TNT real quick wait how do you craft tnt again does the sand go in the corners or like the middle the gunpowder goes in the corners in the middle the sand goes in the other places oh I see I see all right I’ve got 20 pieces of TNT wa this is going to be insane okay okay hold on let me craft some too I’ve got currently oh wait hold on I got the crafting recipe wrong x marks the gunpowder and then the sand is the rest wait wait hold on I’m almost done I just crafted um eight pieces but I think there’s still more gunpowder on the ship that we can grab I’ve got nine now should be enough I’ve got 20 on me as well wait 20 okay okay this is going to be a crazy explosion but um wait guys we should probably start putting down the TNT we don’t want to be caught or anything we got to hurry up let’s just start putting it down all over the bottom of the ship okay guys this is making me nervous so be careful oh gosh yeah you’re right there’s a lot of TNT hopefully we don’t blow it up before we escape from the ship that would be um very catastrophic I have to say yeah that would be bad um just make sure your flint and still is not in your hands okay yeah yeah make sure that is not in your hands but anyways I think we should be good to go this is a lot of TNT Captain James you think there’s going to be enough to blow up the ship oh yeah I’m just uh reinforcing this side this should be good enough we don’t have to blow up the entire ship just enough to let the water in oh perfect yeah once we let the water in it’s going to be over for them but anyways guys let’s go over the plan so we’re going to distract all the pirates with a puff fish grenade and then we’re going to light off the TNT and Escape yep I’m just making a trail of gunpowder so we have a safe exit oh excellent that’s a great idea I’ll light the TNT so you can run to the lifebook really oh man Captain James you’re the best okay okay but Captain James after you light the TNT you better follow us okay we’re not losing you again oh yeah don’t worry I got me Pu fish grenade okay okay perfect well anyways guys I think it’s time to put the plan in action so uh where’s the Lifeboat at we have to go up here I think so oh gosh all right well I guess let’s get down oh it looks like all the Pirates are up here careful don’t let them see you wait really let me see and oh gosh yeah they are all up here okay well um Ruby are you ready to throw your grenade we should all throw them at the same time guys this is a lot of people are you sure this is okay well Ruby it’s kind of our only plan it looks like the boat’s over here Ruby you should come to us wait the life boat’s over here where where I don’t see it it’s right there oh that one over there okay okay yeah Ruby pull up to this side we have to throw these grenades and then make a run to the Lifeboat and then uh Captain James you ready to light the TNT once we run to the boat you’re going be ready give me a countdown and we’ll go okay okay perfect well I guess in that case let’s throw the grenades in three two one all right throw throw throw okay I’m throwing my first one throwing my second one all right everyone to the boats to the boats run run run oh it’s over here it’s over here and why is there so many pu fish oh my gosh oh my gosh what the heck what are they doing here how do we make it drop how do we make it drop Captain to get up here you’re I’m coming quick quick quick run run run get in the boat and then Camp flick the lever be lit let’s go boys we’re dropping down go go go wait Captain James did you like the TNT we’ve got a 3C fuse keep her going go go go hey wait our prisoners getting away what the heck someone stop that oh wait hold on Captain James when do you think the boat is actually going to explode it looks like it’s about to explode right about now wa guys it’s exploding that is awesome oh oh oh oh it just really blew up wow that is a lot of damage well um guys I think we should probably get out of here it looks like our work here is done yeah that boat’s going to start sinking out any second now yay all right anyway what’s the next Island you want to see um Captain James I think we should go back home yeah I think this was exciting and all well did you have a fun day on the boat yeah that was um a pretty good boat tour I guess very realistic yeah it was pretty cool actually make sure to rate it five RS that was pretty crazy and if you want to watch the next video then click on the video on the screen right now

We are NEVER going on this BOAT again… (Minecraft)

This video Dash, Ruby and Cam are going on a boat trip! But by the end they are convinced they will never come back… What happened on this boat trip? Watch till the end to find out!

#minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash


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