Minecraft PE : FORBIDDEN INSIDE OUT 2 MOD in Minecraft Pocket Edition

what’s up guys welcome back to another video today we have the Inside Out 2 mod in Minecraft so if you guys enjoy this video smash a like button right now let’s aim for uh Mr pick how many likes 10 likes okay 10 likes uh can we hit that pretty please uh also if you’re new to the channel hit the Subscribe button and turn on those notifications so you don’t miss a video so let’s see what we have inside of this chest so as you can see we have some really cool characters right here we even have the uh the angry character and I actually use this uh GIF all the time with this angry character so um let’s go ahead and I guess spawn them in so first one we have is sadness so oh wait does does she cry I don’t hear any oh y actually sort of Tears oh she’s sad um that’s actually kind of sad uh what is this one oh my goodness yo why did it just spawn like that did you guys see that it just got like taller what the yo that’s actually pretty weird uh does it attack me and survival are you friendly oh wait why are you guys hostile wait what is that on your hand wait what is it what is it doing what is that in his hand I actually have no idea uh okay okay you guys need to relax a little bit scary still don’t know what’s uh in their hands but for the next one we have embarrassment and O okay this one does the same thing it just like gets taller somehow are you hostile like the others as well let’s see yes you are I don’t know why though sadness isn’t sadness is actually she is wait what why is she uh hostile too is it cuz I made her upset I don’t know but we have disgusted ooh dude these characters actually pretty cool and I believe if I’m not wrong there was like a new movie uh that came out not too long ago um it was in June I believe and uh yeah now we have it in Minecraft which is uh pretty cool so yeah sadness and all these characters very very cool back in Creative before they attack me okay you guys need to relax still don’t know what’s in these uh you know what let’s just see what is that is that a phone I believe it might be a phone and they’re texting yeah it’s a phone I believe okay so let’s just put these back right here just down the bottom in case we need to spawn them in again uh let’s see what else we have in mod so we have a rocket Bingo bong all right let’s see what that is oh my goodness can we actually hop in there yes yo that’s actually really cool um okay wait we can’t like can we fly this thing we can’t fly it and we can’t like do a a jump thing with it but still very cool we got like rainbow Flames okay this is definitely much better than a just uh ordinary mine car this is sick and it’s actually pretty quick as well so can we hit this pig oh the pig can wait what can we have another mob in here come on sadness join me okay you know what maybe uh I can pick up sadness with this all right here we go here we go just go next to yeah there we go now surely you’ll be happy now right she’s still crying is it cuz I’m going too fast is that why sadness I’m I’m sorry okay I’ll hop out y that’s actually really really cool she’s still crying don’t know how to make that stop but uh maybe if I give you a uh a little flower or something um do you like a sunflower you like a sunflower no she’s looking at me like what are you doing she’s still crying all right well anyways I you know what I I tried I definitely did try um what do we have here oh it’s like drinking coffee or tea or something like that okay very cool oh look at it yeah that’s a sick animation um next one I like how they just kind of get bigger they just kind of like yeah they’re like small and then they just grow a little bit okay interesting characters here uh we have anxiety this one I definitely do know these ones I haven’t really seen much of the movies but like the anger uh sadness anxiety I I know these ones look at the hair on this character very goofy I love it so back in survival are you hostile too oh you are dude why are all these characters hostile like they look like lovely friendly characters but um they’re definitely not when you switch back to uh survival they’re just trying to attack you get get away from me get away from me I actually might die here from anxiety uh I don’t actually have a sword here uh do we have anything nope just an empty room anxiety please leave me alone look you can just see the top of anxiety’s hair uh is it there we go that’s so weird uh do you want a sunflower too you you don’t want a sunflower come on I’m trying to be nice here we can be friends okay no no no no no no no Fusion D was Slam by anxiety well good to know uh okay you get back in Creative there we go yeah just stay on your phone and tweet something I I don’t know I don’t know what you do on your phone but uh let’s uh put these back here we’ll put the sunflowers back cuz uh these characters they don’t want it they definitely don’t want it and we also what what is this a b of fear Memories We got like different colors Let’s uh spawn that one in does it does it do anything or is it legit just a cube uh okay so all the memories of like anxiety we got memories of like anger sadness okay they do kind of like rotate I guess but they don’t really do anything crazy uh let’s spawn in Anger oh yes hang on is there going to be flames look at that that’s so cool this okay this might be my favorite character so far look at him go and of course surely he is hostile here we go yep he is and if you hit him there we go he’s getting all Angry oh my goodness let’s spawn in a few of them yeah look at that wait why is this following me yo wait what the I don’t know sadness could drive the uh the vehicle okay um maybe if we put anger in there hang on can we uh let’s get that and then we’ll do this anger there we go wait there’s two of them in there wait what yo that’s actually really really cool okay um it’s not cool that they’re all trying to uh attack me for no reason like I’ve done nothing at all but anyways uh we have Bing Bong oh wait hang on so is this your rocket this is your rocket hang on maybe we need to put you in there all right here we go here we go let’s get bing bong and there we go oh no okay you know what at least Bing Bong is inside of the rocket there we go yes that is perfect uh dude we have so many of these angry characters uh we have fear as well but I’m just going to jump back into creative because you guys need to like relax all right here we go fear ooh okay yeah I don’t mind it it looks like it has like a like chain armor or something but it’s just like a checkered like vest or something okay and then we got joy oh okay yeah this might be my second favorite character cuz I definitely remember the joy character and yo wait why are you attacking the memories wait she didn’t attack any of these ones just uh sadness yeah look at this wait why I could make a trail and She’ll follow this all the way to inside of here right let’s have a look Joy come over here buddy um okay here we go here we go she’s kind of following it she doesn’t like kill it instantly so it takes a few hits so it’s not like she’s actually following the uh entire Trail here but very slowly she is um we might be here all day come on go all the way inside of that house um anyways how’s everyone’s uh day going everyone doing good yeah not this is taking way too long it does seem like Joy is uh hostile as well I think just every single one is uh hostile did you is there a villager and a pigon this one what is going on here wait you can actually put stuff in here oo that’s actually pretty cool wait hang on so back in Creative if I was to just um wait how do I do that again again uh there we go and then I can just just do that I guess for no reason at all but uh okay uh what else do we have in this awesome mod was that all of the characters that was I mean we do have a few more of these uh memory ball things so here we go we got uh fear memories we’ve got disgust memories and then we got B of good memories well that is pretty much it for this awesome awesome mod definitely check it out for yourself and again this is my favorite character right here and joy is my second favorite so let me know in the comments down below which one is your favorite Inside Out character but uh yeah if you guys enjoyed smash the like button subscribe all of that good stuff and uh yeah I’ll see you guys in the next one peace see you

✔️FORBIDDEN INSIDE OUT 2 MOD in MCPE! Hopefully you guys enjoy this kind of video leave a rating down below 🙂
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✔️ Twitter: @FuzionDroid


  1. Hello if you want to know why joy attacks sadness memory becuase in the first movie they Did not like sadness and she would touch everyone else’s memories and turn them blue and they could not be fixed so that’s why

  2. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😂😂😂😮😮😮😮😮😮😮🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😅😅😅😅😅😅

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