Every Minecraft 1.22 DESERT UPDATE Hint + Teaser!

how you doing everybody it’s me Rebecca with Minecraft 1.21 the tricky trials update officially done and dusted and in the bucket it’s about time we set our eyes to the Horizon what comes next now I would say I’m pretty in tune with and active inside of the community over the past couple of months I’ve seen theory on theory on Theory today we’ll be zooming in on the dustiest Minecraft biome of the home tap that like button because here is every single potential a desert update hint the obvious one 2018 which on a side note isn’t it kind of insane that the whole wiki page for the 2018 Minecon Earth ceremony is like so small as a side note main note the biome vote for that year had a total of 54,000 votes on the second round that is that’s so small ah but of course yes the biomes that we were voting on in that year the savan biome the tigga biome and the desert biome now pretty famously that year the tigga biome won the fan vote which meant inide of the 1.14 update of the time that feels like a million years ago inide of 1.14 the sweetberry the fox and well something else will’ll get added to the game not just for research purposes sliding things ahead one year 2019 they did a biome mode again this time biome vote numbers got a little bit larger inside of that vote thankfully the mountains biome one which led to the caves and glyph update a little bit later on in the future 1.19 the Wild update updated everything they said they would add if the swamp one so that right there establishes all of the precedent that we needed for this one to dive straight into the desert update first things first of course the desert update itself whenever the desert does get an update we know for sure we’re going to see three things locked in Mir cats palm trees and Oasis whatever that means but you know I think we should rewind things a little bit and take a look at Minecraft biomes as a whole so taking a look at the Overworld of course all across it we have tons of different stuff going on to knock out like half of the Overworld real quick we’ve got oceans now the oceans got a whole update at 1.13 kind of funny at least nowadays compared to what they’ve done more recently the oceans again feel empty then we’ve got other biomes like for example the Tiga that just got a small update the forest biome the Plaines biome the Savannah Biome that also just got an update and yeah other biomes on a biomes now it’s not to say that the desert biome is the only biome that needs an update because uh yeah from the look of this art and the looks of this nightmare yeah there are some other biomes at least one that needs an update but by taking a look at a lot of the other biomes in the over world and what’s going on inside of them a very glaring thing pops out about the desert so the desert biome is one of Minecraft’s oldest biomes in fact this biome was added way back in V 1.2.0 of the Alpha version of the game the desert was actually first added as soon as a biomes were added so it’s essentially been here since the start since the addition of the desert biome so many things have been added to the game including well practically the entire game itself however almost the entire time the desert has remained essentially the same empty time jumping ahead to last year Minecraft 1.20 update inside of the amazing 1.20 update a brand new biome was added to the game the Cherry blot some biome this thing is beautiful it’s great is wonderful fast forwarding even more to this year inside of tricky trials update for the first time in a long time not a single biome was added to the game now you keep that in mind for a minute because we’re going to come back to why that’s so significant when the desert gets updated we’ve got palm trees we’ve got cats we got the Oasis B for this potential desert update I believe that Mojang will do something probably pretty similar to what they did in 1.9 with the swamp updates instead of just taking the old swamp and slapping a bunch of new trees in they actually came up with a brand new biome the maner of swamp biome the biome is insanely dense with all the new trees it’s got frogs like they said it would and of course you can ride chest booat inside of it the Minecraft 1.20 added the cherry blossom biome and the developers like to try and keep a Minecraft updates balanced so for example Maybe One update is all about farming You could argue with those brand new tree mechanics and definitely the addition of mud that 1.19 is sort of like our farming update next up we’ve got Minecraft 1.20 which is obviously very clearly with all the additions to the game we’re talking shs we’re talking trims we’re talking everything that was added in 1.20 it’s very clearly sort of like mainly an exploration update and then most recently I mean it’s front and center they called it it from the start a technical and combat update now each Minecraft update doesn’t only lock in at one thing of course they add a little bit of something or try to add something for everybody in the game but it’s been a minute since they’ve added a brand new biome to the game now almost for certain whatever 1.22 does end up being it’s probably going to add a biome to the game and if we want to talk about upgrading current things in the game the desert is clearly the most glaring opportunity but will they actually update the old desert or just add a brand new biome variant to the game The Oasis biome with a brand new wood type another thing that would make perfect sense to be inside of a Minecraft 1.22 considering the fact that this wasn’t inside of a Minecraft 1.21 I mean it’s got to be coming to the game at some point and what better opportunity for a brand new wood type than a palm tree a type of tree that players have been asking for dreaming of for essentially Centuries with coconuts potentially a brand new drink or food now I don’t want to get too hopeful here but drink or food depending on what the devs are planning on cooking up I look I’m over it the frying table I’m so over it right it wouldn’t actually be a thing but what if it was M yes Mir cats Mir cats are the really interesting thing it kind of almost like a a little curveball look at this so adorable the mircat does anyone know what these things actually even do when the Minecraft developers added the armadillo inside of 1.2.5 they noticed something very interesting that this was the fastest mob that they ever developed developing it in the span of like 4 months that mob is also super high quality which makes me wonder if maybe the armadillo in this whole year everything that went down is sort of like a test run a practice if you will what if maybe oh sorry about that little buddy was the armadillo all a test run for the idea of adding more other mobs maybe mobs that have been waiting years and years over into the game finally at last and maybe the mircat will be the big dangerous bad guy in the desert please I’m so sorry I was just mining no not at all one oh more everywhere get me out of here okay so we got the framework there brand new tree maybe a food type the mirat all inside of a brand new biome this biome just like how the swamp update did would probably spill over into the classic desert as well I could see a palm tree scattered across the desert every once in a while and Mir cats definitely for sure and the devs haven’t really upgraded the desert in quite some time aside from some minor structure adjustments inside of 1.20 I’m over it I swear I’m over it it’s so over it s to the Past what in the world is that what is that I’m not over it what was that then Bon said it was like hey it’s just nothing but that’s what you would say if it was actually something and you accidentally leaked something our next big hint or reasoning that 1.22 could be the desert update it has to do with that image from nbon so from taking a look at that image it definitely looked like they were messing around with layers inside of the desert except this time the layers didn’t seem to be 1/8 of a block instead they seem to be one quarter of a block that would lead to basically three different layers of sand being possible and then the full block itself now different layers inside of the desert there are so many different ways the devs could tackle this one but it kind of all fits in perfectly with the dev statement of wanting to eventually improve the Ambiance surround the Overworld but here’s the thing the idea of taking the desert and really over complicating it like making every single block not a full block anymore that doesn’t exactly make sense instead how I I think a sand layer thing might be done if added to the desert might be in some sort of bran new weather thinking about other things in Minecraft that are so underappreciated I mean weather three systems but it’s really just two even more insane though when you want to talk about the desert weather there is literally one weather system that exists inside of the desert is still to this day 2024 when it rains it actually doesn’t rain inside of the desert or any other warm biome the devs have to see this as like maybe at least a small issue small problem decently recently Jeb was also talking about how it’s so annoying to exist inside of a snow biome and try and like do anything because of the whole snow layer stuff that goes on maybe does all of this amount to some sort of reworking of a weather systems across the world including inide of the desert biome like nen bomb seem to have been testing quite some time ago now now for this next part of the theory let’s go big and go home there are many things that have gone down that point towards a desert update eventually being in the cards but thinking back to the beginning of the video and we were talking about the different biome Chooser biomes that are due for an update I I I mean they’re all right here and almost always they’re all right next to each other too you’ve got the desert biome you’ve got the Badlands biome and you’ve got the Savannah Biome all three biomes still doe for an update this was a theory that I talked about quite extensively leading up to the announcement of I think it was either 1.19 or maybe 1.20 I don’t remember anymore the specific update but I know that it’s been a while let’s say the devs wanted to do a biome update sort of like they did in 1.19 except in the modern era 1.22 they’ve sped up their development speed it no longer is going to take them essentially an entire update to add a brand new mob to the game instead they’ve showed us that they could probably do that in like a couple of months especially if the mob doesn’t have too much depth to it well if that’s the case then why would they spend a whole year update in the desert when they could probably spend the whole year updating three biomes instead three biomes to fit in the perect ly with each other if you want to talk about clearing up that to-do list I mean this one is a no-brainer the potential Badlands expansion would see brand new tumble weed plants adding to the Ambiance a new type of cactus and sometimes from time to time in the sky completely empty right now the vulture meanwhile the Savannah update we get another brand new tree we get the ostrich and we get termites potentially great for Farms I don’t know if this one specifically counts as necessarily a desert update hint but I feel like it makes a whole lot of sense so we’ made it almost all the way to the end today if you could update any biome inside of the Overworld in 1.22 what would it be and do you think there’s any chance the desert gets updated in 1.22 tell me all about it all down below in the comments the very final hint that I would like to talk about and don’t don’t take this one that seriously please don’t but the very final thing that I would like to talk about today is the one thing that kind of inspired this entire video it gave me the idea we took Jeb from Minecraft to meet some Australian mobs at the Tona zoo in in Sydney you say all right now before we talk about this one right here friends this isn’t a hint we just took our mate to the zoo hope this helps it’s not a hint so they said it’s not a hint but that’s exactly what somebody would do if they realized maybe they messed up and needed to cover their shoes now would a kangaroo go inside the desert biome or would it go inside of the Savannah Biome probably more like Savannah or even Badlands biome however they did kind of just update both of these biomes with the brand new M the armadilla so maybe desert all right I’m maybe what we learned today is there’s actually a solid theory for all three biomes getting updated at the same time for more upcoming Minecraft updates check out this video next tap like subscribe it’s Ben me Waddles and I’ll see you all tomorrow thanks for watching hope you had fun [Music]

Minecraft 1.21 updated dungeons but didn’t add anything to do with a new wood type, biome revamp, or anything really on the surface. What is Minecraft 1.22 and could Minecraft 1.22 be a desert update?

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Minecraft 1.21 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0oJ2_Q2jPreZAKi368mI8SE5w8–bSJ5

if you read this comment “sandy”


  1. Still hoping for the End update. With how much of the community is asking for it it wouldn't make much sense for them to completely ignore them. The end update would be as big if not bigger than the nether update and could draw in millions of players like the nether update. I don't see it happening 1.22, but potentially 1.23 or 1.24

  2. DO THIS MOJANG. Shears on cactus block = cactus wood log. Axe on cactus block = stripped cactus log. You get where I'm going with this… green woodset, potential way to introduce having wood in only a desert 🤔

  3. hey wattles why haven’t you comment to me i love Minecraft I have played it 18 years hi I am gaster Wingdings Channel hi nice to meet you anyways do want to talk you should watch spider Henry and friends I created alot of characters

  4. A note for weather that could be added in by Mojang fairly easy would be:


    Drop the clouds during the morning phase and make them more transparent. Wala! Fog.

  5. They can put a mummy like mob for dessert temples by increasing the size of desert temple under the tnt trap. It can use warden summon mechanics and use charge mechanics to shoot air/sand

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