we need your help W and I were messing around with potions and look what happened is that an evil vooodo what have you done let me out I’ll eat all of you and destroy everything you love oh no he’s breaking the cage what do we do now it’s okay guys we’ll just have to defeat him somehow how about we use this house over here this house is so small and it’s made of dirt we won’t survive here but if we set up defenses and change the dirt to be something super strong then we’ll stand a chance against evil woodo we need to be quick I’m going to place that obsidian over here oh wow axi obsidian is one of the strongest blocks in the game evil woodo definitely won’t be able to break through this that’s right guys but be be careful evil wodo is really really powerful and strong just like me okay wodo you’re super weak and I bet evil wo’s super weak too I’m not super weak I’m even stronger than that puny Turtle wo himself he’s telling the truth that guy is really messed up and evil we can’t underestimate him oh my gosh this is really not good come on guys what I’m I’m going to do is get this thing called the keypad door that way evil woodo won’t be able to break inside good idea let’s make sure that this house is super duper secure a keypad door is definitely not going to be enough here I’ll also place down some cameras on the outside of the house so we can see what evil woodo is doing from the inside I just need to grab a camera Monitor and check it out guys I can literally see even a woodo right there oh my gosh can you really see him make sure he doesn’t stare back at you I don’t know voodo he seems to be moving around so what we need to do is get started on the defenses guys what’s one thing that woodo loves well I know woodo really likes swimming because he’s a turtle oh gosh you’re right what if we set up some water but this water won’t be normal water it’s going to be fake water actually try to get inside of this water real quick uh okay let me just go in here and ouch what’s going on axie are you okay no oh my goodness axie you need to be careful this water is basically like lava and what we’re going to do is create a huge pull of it so evil voodo can just jump inside this water might even be more evil than evil voodo exactly hey w woodo don’t jump in this water thinking it’s normal water okay I know but I’m more worried about evil woodo will he fall for it well wudo even if he doesn’t fall for this we can have a backup water trap what I’m going to do is grab some normal water and I’m also going to grab this thing called the shark who knows what a shark is I know what a shark is they’re super scary wait I thought a shark was a kind of ice cream axie are you serious you’ve definitely seen a shark before look I just need to place down water like this and what we can do is have the Sharks spawning inside oh my goodness they are so deadly I heard that sharks eat turtles for lunch what do you guys think you’re doing setting up traps and putting down scary mobs did you forget that I’m evil woodoo nothing can scare or stop me oh gosh guys we need to hurry up this guy is too evil wo’s supposed to be happy and like cookies but this guy wants to eat us exactly oh my gosh he’s so scary don’t worry guys with enough defenses we’ll survive right well that depends axi we need to make sure our defenses are super duper strong what I’m going to do is add some lily pads so we can actually walk over these traps ourselves because we need to be able to go into our house oh yeah you’re right but speaking of the house I was thinking we need to be able to look out and see when evil woodo comes to attack so I figured that we should add oneway glass W woodo that’s a genius idea with oneway glass evil woodo won’t be able to see us inside but we can see him from the inside exactly hopefully evil wo’s com up so he doesn’t know that well evil woodo is just another version of you wudo so I bet he is pretty dumb yeah I bet he just thinks about cookies all the time oh no that must mean evil woodo is a Super Ultra Mega genius are you serious we all know that’s not true voodo come on we need to work on the inside of the house too it’s completely empty okay fine I’ll handle the inside B go going outside’s too scary I don’t want evil voodo to look at me oh my gosh are you serious wudo okay then while you’re working on the inside me and axi can just go on the outside and finish the defenses that sounds like a good idea that’s right but aside from defenses maybe there’s something else we can do to try and stop evil Ludo oh gosh you’re right axie we don’t know much about him other than the fact that he’s just another version of voodo so how about we go talk to him yeah we can learn all his weaknesses hey evil voodo what you doing over here buddy I’m getting ready to break this cage and come eat you both I don’t know you don’t sound that scary to me how can you eat us when you sound so silly exactly you’re literally a turtle what could a silly little turtle do huh I’m not just Turtle anymore I have evil powers that I can use to suck you inside this cage and Gobble you upo oh yeah I’m not scared I bet you don’t have any powers aside from eating cookies exactly your little Flames around your face look fake too what hey these Flames aren’t fake how about you take my fire breath oh gosh he has fire powers AI that’s not good that means that we need our own fire powers you know what they say Fight Fire with Fire exactly water won’t be enough to stop this guy come on axi what we can do is start off by having some different fire pets fire pets what kinds of pets have fire are you serious axie there’s so many cool fire pets starting off with the magmas magmas I like Magma Cube that’s right look at these things they’re super duper dangerous cuz they can turn you into Fire Tacos W they’re kind of cute though I think I’m going to keep this tiny one actually I wouldn’t get too comfortable with them those things will literally turn you into burnt toast and what I’m going to do is also add these defenses over here check this out axi wo what are these going to do well they’re going to have a very good purpose and that’s to totally destroy evil wood over there I just need to put these Redstone repeaters behind them then I can just connect all them with this Redstone over here and axi whenever we pull this lever right here these dispensers go off wow but there’s nothing in them well that’s because we need to add the stuff in them axi check it out all I need to do is search up a fire charge and if we just put a single fire charge in here here it goes off oh do another one hold on let me fill all of them up this is going to be the coolest defense in the world I can’t wait to use it against evil woodo and survive you can use all your little defenses and traps you want just wait until I get out of here I’m going to destroy all of them oh gosh this guy is so scary how did you guys even create him well it’s all ai’s fault okay I didn’t do anything wrong so blame her hey it was your fault for wanting to experiment with the potions woodo why don’t you tell about that huh okay fine I figured that if we have another woodo play with us everything would be so much better all our games would be more fun we’d be so much more rich and we’d have two super strong rudos with six packs and biceps the size of the Earth so I might have stolen some potions for your house to do that oh my goodness never experiment with potions again guys this is turning out super bad but luckily with these defenses we should be able to take them out look at this fire dispenser it’s so awesome if you guys think this fire dispenser is awesome hit that subscribe button right now we’re getting really really close to a million subscribers subscribe and to finish off this area I’m going to add some lava monsters wo those lava monsters look so sick what I’m going to do is add some actual lava over here as well axi that way evil voodo is not going to only have to go through water but he’s also going to have to go through Lava as well W no way evil Wood’s making it through all of this exactly he’s going to be too weak to do all that stop talking about me right now no oh gosh he’s still charging up his fir Powers he’s really trying to get out of that cage as soon as possible axi yeah and I think he’s making some progress this isn’t good come on let’s go check on wudo to make sure that the inside of the house looks good too hey wodo we’re coming in wait I’m not done yet guys what in the world is this wudo why is there a bunch of cake everywhere well I thought it’d be a lot more exciting if we had cake on the floor so we can just lick the frosting off our toes lick lick lick I agree are you serious this is not going to help us against evil hoodo guys we can’t just have a bunch of cake we need a place where we can have all sorts of weapons and armors weapons and armor okay fine I guess we can have some of those things why don’t we put it over here here in this side so we can quickly take it and go out and fight okay voodo I’m going to put down the first weapon and it’s going to be this super duper cool flamethrower over here a flamethrower this thing looks awesome B the only weapon I need is a full stomach so I’m going to eat the floor bye no ax we don’t have time to eat we need to handle evil woodo look he’s trying to get out as we speak oh gosh hurry up what other weapon can we put here wo I’m going to have to let you figure that out me and axi need to go back outside and continue the defenses right now this entire side is still empty do you have any idea of what we can add well I love sweet things so why don’t you add something super tasty outside oh gosh that’s a great idea ax what if we build a poisonous can area that way evil woodo thinks he’s going to get some candy but instead it’s going to be a bunch of poison instead that sounds like a great idea come on we have to pick out all the best candies that wood can’t resist exactly come on what I’m going to do is first start out by getting some chocolate and what we could do is build a giant chocolate fountain over here axie let’s do it I’m going to grab the chocolate oh my gosh chocolate is so awesome no wonder evil woodo loves it so much hey I love it a lot too well that’s because you are evil woodo woodo oh yeah you do have a point oh my goodness let me just add all of the different chocolates over here and wo axie look at this chocolate fountain it literally looks so good maybe I’ll just take a little nibble myself hey wait a second no you can’t drink drink it yet axi what I need to do is add some toxic water on top of it as well oh you would why would you ruin this beautiful Fountain well axi remember we’re trying to get evil woodo to come here and try to drink it but instead it’s going to be poisonous water no my sweet sweet chocolate don’t be sad axie well at least survive against evil woodo but will we survive against my Hunger axi don’t worry we can just feed you afterwards come on now that we’re done with the chocolate fountain what we need to do is build a bunch of candy canes but we need to make sure these candy canes have a little surprise at the end of them wait what do you mean what’s the surprise going to be a what I’m going to do is literally put TNT at the end of the candy cane look you can’t even tell the difference between them so whenever evil woodo goes to eat it he’s literally going to explode huh that’s actually a really smart idea I know axi they don’t call me a genius for no reason I don’t think anyone calls you a genius but I will from now on are you serious everyone watching the video knows I’m super smart axi okay well if they know that then I’ll I’ll comment it right now okay everyone comment smart right now if you think I’m super duper smart please comment it as many times as possible I need axi to think I’m smart guys you should actually comment that axi is smarter than no one’s going to comment that axi come on we need to finish this candy land area now that we have the candy canes we need to make this area look a little bit more fun so what I’m going to do is search a pink and we can set the entire floor to be a bunch of different pink blocks I love pink blocks I knew you had some taste mango actually I don’t really like the color pink all candies are kind of pink though that’s why I’m adding this floor exactly the best things in life are pink okay whatever come on we need to ramp up the defenses in this Candy Land so what I’m going to do is search up this thing called the spring pad a spring pad that doesn’t sound so scary and wo be careful axie if you land in the wrong area it’s going to be some really bad news I’m going to land in the chocolate Val oh my goodness that’s an epic area to land at but evil wudo is going to land on his butt and then he’s going to get hurt hey no one’s hurting me only I’m hurting you oh gosh this guy is getting even more mad axi come on we need to finish this quickly you’re right let’s pick up the pace now that we have the spring pads what I can also do is search up speed and actually we can add some some speed ramps as well speed ramps what is that going to do I don’t want to make him faster don’t worry axie these speed ramps won’t just make him faster he’s going to be super duper confused and he won’t know where he’s going when he gets on top of these oh let me just try one of these and check it out axie you go super duper fast and then you launch straight into the air isn’t this a genius trap idea yeah oh gosh I’m kind of dizzy now oh gosh get up axie we’re not done yet come on we need to add a bunch of candy ballls that way evil woodo wants to come to this area even more oh that’s a great idea mongle add the best candy in the world and then feed me some no wait what this candy isn’t for you it’s for evil voodo silly oh yeah well it’s stopping me from taking one hey did someone say candy you better leave all that candy for me huh you wish that cand is going to be mine evil woodo no axi the candy is supposed to be his look by the way he’s talking he really really likes candy so this is going to be a perfect trap but I really like candy too oh my goodness axie we can save some extra candy for you just don’t eat the candy over here they’re going to be super poisonous M go oh I can’t look at all this candy anymore it’s making me so hungry can’t we do something else to try and poison evil wood ax I’m literally putting poison on every single one of these candies how are you still hungry from them you think poison affects me I eat things off the ground every day my stomach is immune wait a second axi if your stomach is immune does that mean evil voo stomach is immune too well voo also eats a bunch of random stuff off the ground we might need to make a more extreme form of poison food oh gosh what if we make a poison cake and take it to evil woodo to see what his poison tolerance is oh yeah that could be a really good idea oh it’s going to be hard not to eat the cake though actually I have no idea how to make cake do you have any idea on how to do it well it’s pretty simple you just get all the random ingredients you find and you throw them in a big bowl and then you put the bowl in the oven and the bowl melts oh my goodness you are a genius come on we need to do that right now let’s add a giant bowl over here okay let me grab all the random stuff I have in my pocket so that’s some kelp some cod oh I think I have some sugar too hey rudo you hear that we’re literally making poison for Evo woodo right now wait what poison don’t poison me well woodo it’s not actually you it’s the evil version of you Mong go we’ve got to add the fire and add some ingredients too fire is a great addition axie come on what I’m going to do is literally add some toilet this should make this super duper poisonous oh my gosh that’s not even going to be edible anymore wait a second is it working actually where’s the poison cake I think it’s working wa the cake is right here wait what it actually worked are you serious come on axi let’s go hand this to evil woodo right now this cake looks pretty dangerous I wonder if he’ll like it hey evil rudo guess what we have a present for you you said you have what a present that’s right evil Woodle we decided you were super cool so we baked you a cake take it oh okay let’s see but if this cake is bad I’m going to use my Super Evil sword to kill you both wait what he has a Super Evil sword oh gosh let’s hope that the cake works let me take a quick bite yum and oh gosh what happened to me I’m bouncing everywhere and all my facial features are broken I’ll kill you oh gosh did we give evil woodo an allergic reaction oh my goodness it worked that poison cake totally got him axie die Mortals die oh gosh oh evil woodo this isn’t making you want to kill us more is it oh it does so much in fact that I think I’m about to Blue oh gosh come on axie what we need to do is put a bunch of the cakes everywhere because clearly it worked yeah who knows what will happen if he eats another one maybe he’ll explode that’s right come on let’s go check on wudo to make sure he’s building the correct armor and weapons that we need I just need to put in the password and hey woodo oh hey Maro you’re back inside did you notice the amazing sign I had outside a sign outside what are you talking about and wait why why does this say wo’s Mansion because I decided that now this is going to be my Mansion no come inside as you can see I have wo’s kitchen over here where I’m baking us lots of food where we can eat it at my super rich dining table with a self-portrait of me wo I really love what you’ve done with the place you even have invisible armor and weapons oh yeah I kind of forgot about putting those voodo you only had one job who in the world Builds an entire kitchen and a dining area when we need weapons well I can’t get hungry I don’t know how long it’s going to take to take down evil woodo but if I have a kitchen I’ll know that I’ll be at least be full woodo I fully agree with you maybe I’ll just stay in here while fights oh my goodness this is the worst situation yet we need to add all the armor quickly before evil woodo breaks out okay what kind of armor should we have I’m thinking maybe cardboard wait what that’s literally the worst armor of all time axi we can’t have cardboard armor we need to have armor that’s super duper strong and can’t take down evil voodo oh I see well then I’ll add my favorite weapon ever wait what what kind of weapon is that it’s a my favorite weapon is the sugar cookie sword it’s delicious and it’s powerful are you serious axie that’s not going to take anyone down I’m going to eat it oh that was really good I know right wait what you’re not supposed to eat your swords guys come on I need to add a super duper good sword that way we can fight evil woodo with it check out all these super duper cool swords that I’m getting over here they look so deadly hey hey axie come take a look at this instead it’s a picture of me and you really w we look so fashionable and Rich you guys are fooling around too much are you not taking this serious I’m taking it super serious come on yeah can’t you see how serious our faces are oh my goodness well there’s one thing that this house is missing and that’s a giant bed just just in case this fight goes on for a few days we need a place to be able to sleep oh you’re right let me put my extra extra extra extra large bed over here let me put mine too hey you guys don’t need a bed that’s that big yeah we do yeah you just don’t understand okay whatever guys come on now that the house is done we should add some last minute defenses because we still have a lot of empty area oh yeah you’re right what a evil Woodle walk straight through here well don’t worry axie I have a great idea for that section all I need to do is go into the creative menu and get this thing called lasers lasers oh that’s awesome I’m so scared of lasers but I bet evil woodo is too exactly come on guys we need to add as many lasers as possible over here that way we can scare evil voo and then maybe we can just walk home yeah we could really walk home wait how far is home anyway isn’t it like 2 million miles from here I’m not really sure axi this security house might be our new house forever I don’t want to live here forever it’s full of wood cooies wait what no it’s not well it kind of is wudo we need to make sure after we take down Evo voodo we get the heck out of here a but my mansion voodo that is not your mansion that is a security house bro come on we should add an electric fence defense guys an electric fence do you really think an electric shock will work on evil vooodo of course it’ll work on evil vooodo I need to make it super duper huge just like this let me just select this block over here and I just need to go to the other side an electric fence does that mean I’m going to get zipped well you’re not going to get zapped but evil woodo is look I just need to do this Command right here and boom we have a giant electric fence over here what this giant fence is huge there is no possible way evil boodo could get past this but let’s say he can guys we need to have two last minute Resorts first what I’m going to do is spawn in these dark wolves over here they are going to be our friends who take down evil Muro oh there’s something wrong with these wolves that’s right axi they’re not normal wolves they’re evil wolves designed to take down evil people I don’t like them too scary well come on guys this is just one of the last two defenses that we’re going to have the very last defense that we’re going to have is going to be a very last minute Resort okay okay what’s that well there’s a TNT called the death rate TNT and if we use this everything around here is going to get wiped out seriously that sounds really dangerous how do we make sure we can escape in time well actually what I’m going to do is add some helicopters over here so we can fly away but if we don’t fly away fast enough we’re totally going to be cooked oh guys well let’s hope that evil woodo doesn’t get past our current defenses don’t worry guys I have a picture that will distract evil woodo it’s fat woodo are you serious you made a fat but you made a super cool painting of you and axi having fun uh yeah doesn’t this look awesome axie it does look pretty cool I’d say these paintings are super realistic wait a second guys we’re having too much fun have you forgot that evil Wood’s behind us I’m getting out wait what guys check it out evil voodo is breaking out oh no let’s get ready with our armor quickly put on the best armor you can put on what I’m going to do is put on the Samurai armor and I’m going to grab the super duper cool looking sword along with the flamethrower I’ve got my cookie sword and my cardboard armor I have my godspeed armor okay guys come on let’s go see if evil woodo can get past the electric fence I’m here to take down everyone in my way so I can eat woodo well can you get past this electric fence first evil voodo well let me try take this wait what he’s throwing fire at the electric fence guys but it’s not doing anything I think we’re safe why is this fence not breaking let’s go our defense is working everyone hit him with the flamethrower that just means I need to blow up a little wait what he’s literally blowing up through the entire thing I just used my Super Fart ability to bounce over that fence and now I’m here oh gosh evil woodo come over here don’t you want to eat some Exel all look there’s some candy waiting for you buddy I’m going to destroy everything yeah uh this guy is a little dumb why isn’t he coming over here wait what there’s candy and chocolate let me try to eat this wait what evil voodo went flying did he break his butd oh that felt good now I’m here and I can eat all the candy wait what he’s eating all of it and nothing is happening to him guys oh that was so good oh my goodness come on we need to take him over to the fire dispensers hey evil voodo Catch Me If You Can Wait who’s that is that get over here let me press the L hurry up press it right now what are these thingies why is it so spicy on my toes oh no it is not working axi come on we need to just have him get inside of the water next huh oh what are these giant pools of water I can just destroy them with my magma balls wait what the water doesn’t work axi this is really bad what do we do I don’t know we can go inside and cry or we can use our last resort wait what what is this painting up here is that a picture of hey that’s not me okay wait no it isn’t me evil woodo do you want it I’ll have sign it if you leave us alone oh really well you do have a good bargain but I want to eat him because he’s so fat no the painting oh gosh he’s too close guys come on I’m just going to get some flint and steel and I’m going to light this thing up and we need to escape via the helicopters come on get inside make me boo wait where do I sit get over here I’m going to destroy you both oh my goodness let’s see what happens when this death rate TNT hits guys and oh what is that what’s going on wait is it working my game is so laggy come on let’s go fly down there and see what happens to evil woodo there there’s no way he survived that right that was so insane look at work guys he’s totally destroyed so we did it are we saved I think so I don’t think so I didn’t die oh gosh gosh I think it’s time to run get out of here thank you guys so much for watching the video If you enjoyed did watch her video on the screen and don’t forget to subscribe bye-bye

Mongo and Wudo have to work together to build a the most secure house to beat EVIL WUDO! Do they succeed? Watch to find out.

This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip!

#Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod


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