This is a TOP 3 Terraria Mod That YOU’VE NEVER PLAYED!

this might be a top three Terraria content mod when it comes to visuals bosses shoot pretty much everything and you honestly probably have never heard of it let’s hop in game and check out the Luna Veil mod I am excited checking out today’s mod honestly might be the most slept on big content mod that is in Terraria today it is the lunar Veil mod we have checked this mod out a while back and there has been some big changes since then again if you guys don’t know this mod it’s a pretty big mod look at me zoom out look at all the new areas on the map crazy some of you don’t even know this mod exists well some of you don’t know that other mods besides Calamity and thorium exist but look at this there’s things in the sky there’s things underground there’s all kinds of stuff like what is this magical engineer down here there’s a lot to check out so let’s get to it we’re in this little town near spawn to the left of Spawn and we got is this an enemy natural witch are you an enemy I don’t know maybe they’re just a homie yeah we got this little town here and we got this person zoie The Traveler and apparently she got some Quests for us and this mod probably has a good bit of quest that we got to do we got to fill this up with flowers is that what that said and then she also has a little shop on her too my favorite weapon from the shop being this little Pikmin item if I go ahead and buy it check this out look at Pikmin actual Pikmin if you guys don’t know I really love Pikmin there’s also items for this Pikmin thing where you could upgrade it make it a little bit stronger now look way stronger we see all the colors of Pikmin in there yeah let’s hop into it this mod has mini bosses it’s got regular bosses like I don’t even know where to start let’s let’s just look at this and we’ll go from here stone guardian so there is a starter bag the mod gives you when you make a new character and then in this starter bag is this rock if we use this rock we teleport to a little area underground and in this little area there is a boss that we can fight let me go ahead and light it up I think my favorite thing about this mod is all the new structures and decorations it could be a little bit of a clutter sometimes little ual clutter but some of it does look really good so I think we just right click on this boom stone guardian look at this thing I remember this dude from the original version this dude is sick though hold up let me take out a weaker weapon here I guess the terrarian is my weakest weapon hopefully I don’t insta kill that or maybe I could use this solar flare ax let’s use this ax maybe this is a better thing to do yeah yeah I think this is a a mini boss I don’t know if this is a regular boss I guess maybe it’s considered a regular I don’t know it’s got a blue name but looking at the wiki this is under preh hard mode boss and as you can see visually looks very sick he got the little spin move little teleports he does he calling me weak hold up I don’t know if I can let that one slide big bro I do have this on Master mode so this is going to be the hardest and craziest fights that we can see and expect unless this mod has its own like harder difficulty but there you go he is dead now I also believe killing that dude is supposed to activate another event randomly each day if you have three NPCs and I’ve killed the stone guardian an army will rid you so that’s just a little little Raid event but after the stone guardian is the sun stalker use a Sunstone at an altar in the desert got it an altar in the desert okay we got to figure out where the desert is there it is and now we got to find an altar here y’all got an altar here dang y’all got this big ass painting there is probably like so much lore in story in this mod that I don’t know yeah where where is this alter at I am not seeing unless this whole thing is considered an altar then I have no clue where the alter is at okay I think I found the altar as you can see it’s in a little bit odd place it’s not exactly the desert I was expecting it to be in but I guess it is a desert let’s bring this dude in let me make sure that it is daytime here Sunbird star bird sunstalker there you go okay if I had a dollar for every time I seen a desert bird boss I’d probably have like $10 maybe a little bit more he’s not doing anything run it back let’s see what happens ow 100 damage Master mode damage is why is he not fighting me is he a night time boss oh here we go it’s actually doing something okay so it’s got a little things that spawns and drops on us got a little Dash like I said I’ve seen a lot of desert birds as bosses I don’t hate it but there’s a lot of Egyptian SL desert creatures that definitely could be use as a boss instead I don’t hate it though I really have not seen any bad bird bosses in terms of the desert maybe I don’t know I got to I got to go over all them one day yeah this is a pre King Slime fight I don’t expect craziness it does have a little bit a couple attacks here that are a little bit like you know okay they got a little heat to them they got a little power behind them but nothing too crazy this is more than doable even in master mode Let’s go ahead and finish bro off though unless he has like something crazy he’s saving up for the end it doesn’t really look like it all right well hold up wait smoke too soon no he just did like a little teleport move and made a weird noise get him out of here though Little Death animation I love me some death animations straight into the next boss Jack use a Wandering Essence at a post in the Fable Castle to the right at night damn that was a lot of words fabled Castle I think this is the fabled castle cuz look there’s a jack Shrine here wandering Essence and it has to be night time let making night time uh please Mr Jack do not give me any troubles unless just just spawn in right away please is that is that it Mr Jack oh there we go hey my boy what’s up I like him I like the little pumpkin theme the little Jack lanter theme his name is literally Jack I’m liking the visual effects from this mod like I said there’s a little bit of visual clutter here and there like there’s some things I’m looking at and I’m like what is that is that the background is that the foreground is that the for skin I don’t know I literally got something called Stand n what’s the nend stand for I don’t think I want to know yeah yeah Jackie another early game Boss this is post King Slime now so there might be a little bit of extra Firepower as we can see from some of these explosions he’s doing but I’m messing with him in terms of visuals I’m messing with them I like the little explosive pumpkins he throws out that explode to a little bit more projectiles he’s got a lot of attacks honestly for a bosses early on in the game My Boy got a lot of attacks but Jack we got so many other bosses to see so I got to get you out of here Beautiful Death animation per usual I like how his head pops off is that an item that you get from him his head what I want his head not like that though like a placeable pumpkin head so after defeating Jack we have to head down into this little biome right next to where we killed him and I believe this is called the morrow and cool looking little biome here again it’s kind of hard to tell what’s like in the background what’s in the foreground that really is my only complaint with this mod so far but deep within here we are supposed to find the next boss let’s keep going deeper and deeper I believe it’s this little circle down here at the bottom disturb ruin tablet let’s do it I’m not going to touch Too Many Lights oh I guess we place a couple torches cuz we need to be able to see a little bit but I’m liking the ambience down here let’s touch it oh shoot hold up datus the Forgotten this looks like something we would see in like the Elden ring DLC or the catacombs in Dark Souls 1 what’s my boy datus got though hold up you got a bouncing axe I like that using the arena for the move set what else is that okay what do those do do those explode no they just kind of shot upwards let’s do some damage though see if he get some new attacks popping I think easily my favorite attack is this bouncing axe whoa that was sick music is bumping from this mod I got no complaints with the music I usually don’t have complaints for any music what is that solar Singularity is that just going to spawn like projectiles on US during the fight should we take that out or should we just focus on datus I don’t know let’s take out the singularity look been defeated actually gives us a message and everything let’s do some more damage I I think we’ve seen most of the attacks this seems like just a little tinier pre hard mode boss here and by killing him that gives us govia seal take it to the depths of the V virulent virulent there lies a castle awaiting your arrival I don’t even know where these areas are bro this mod is so big but who is after that dread Meer R is that a mini boss destroy three dread monolist to create a dread Medallion and summon her during night okay dread Medallion I think let’s just spawn it in let’s head on to the surface I feel like the corruption would be a nice place to fight it if you guys are noticing there is some custom textures for vanilla blocks you can turn those off but for the sake of the mod I’m going to leave them on so that things blend in a little bit better but if you don’t like them you have the option to disable but yeah let’s bring in dreadmire oh is just is just a person nothing to be scared about just a person that knows blood magic another scary [ __ ] she looks like she would fit in with the Dark Brotherhood and I respect that honestly I like the dark brotherhood a little freaky sometimes especially in Oblivion but I respect it the attacks are sick these attacks are sick when do you fight this this post eye pre-rain this is lowkey some insane attacks for OSS around that time oh my God the pentagram maybe she’s into Isaac what was that dread me’s heart what the heck am I just fighting the heart now yeah so she turned into a heart interesting he’s got a little little Dash attack with it and a couple of projectiles here and there now does killing this heart end the fight or is there a little bit more to it yo the heart has a mouth this is terrifying this is definitely some HP Lovecraft Cosmic horror type [ __ ] right here yeah killing the heart did bring back the original dreadmire boss okay so I’m wondering if it has multiple phases okay we did more damage back to the heart okay I see him so this is like a oh my God was that a lizard this boss a boss post IU has lasered droing from this guy insanity but I respect the boss fight I like that it has multiple phases it’s probably the best boss fight from the m so far and Visually looks amazing o i shouldn’t have killed her oh never mind we still saw the attack I was about to say I should have left her alive cuz she had something building up right there it was just a bunch of lasers sick fight though who’s after that Singularity fragment this is postbrain I think we know this boss this was from the original video and I think this was one of my favorite ones from the original video where do you fight this thing at in the aelius aelis deep in the ice thank you for giving me a location is definitely right here oh my god dude I can’t see anything down here I’m also burning up something has a grasp on your eyes I’m pretty sure this boss fight supposed to be very ambient or super dark I don’t know I really can’t see anything down here it’s fine let’s just fight it how do I fight it I press on this oh here we go oh shoot we got a literal Singularity fragment popping now to attack us now I don’t remember this boss fight exactly so I don’t know if there’s going to be new attacks or what but I do remember it being pretty cool let’s start it up so this thing has little little dudes orbiting around it to block some shots I don’t know if we got to kill them or not but those are dead now let’s hit the one in the middle shooting those little burst of stars at us oh okay my boy got the fully auto hold up he put a clip on his Singularity I didn’t even know that’s possible I’m interested to see if there’s multiple phases in this fight or not cuz it looks like there’s definitely going to be there has to be once we get to how felt there’s got to be some crazy stuff that goes down even though it is insanely dark and I usually like to see where I’m going I do really like the ambience down here I like the Ambiance from the whole entire mod oh my boy got a laser how do I even Dodge that I can’t go down is there a hole oh there’s a hole over here so that’s how they expect me to get around that laser okay okay got to use a little bit of the Arena which I always love staright river is one of the best mods that does stuff like that let’s see if I can make it around I obviously won’t have the speed in preh hard mod but I did make it around it’s doable you just got to get some good grapple hooks in there some good dashes too you can’t hit it when it goes into its laser mode so you actually have to dodge it to get a hit off but I think we have seen it all from the singularity I think we could take it out I’m expecting a crazy death animation like a s oh I guess not I was going to say killing a singularity like it’s got to be a crazy death animation so the next boss we don’t have to actually go that far at all it’s just above us wao look at the background that is sick little bit weird how it’s like floating but there is a altar up here and we’re supposed to use this Lantern at the altar it has to be night time so let’s make it night time boom night time I like the little blue glow we got going here oh is that alter no that’s just a random object where are the altars at feel like I’ll know what it looks like when I see it there’s no way I can miss it that’s definitely it right there ver Shrine all right ver what you got for us this is the last boss of prehard mode not including mini bosses let’s see Veria has been freed from her Lantern oh shoot oh dialogue I’m finally free this is so exciting thank you you’re welcome wait what are you doing with that Lantern you shouldn’t have that oh [ __ ] is it too late to ask forhead you’re definitely here to kill me aren’t you working under Phoenix I assume no matter I’ll finish my business here and go find my sister you have my things but you will not be finished me off uh-oh dude that looks sick what the heck that was dope this boss is probably going to have the best visuals I feel it with all the stuff it has shown us so far it’s going to have the best visuals low key reminded me of like ranala or Rana whatever one you want to use just because it’s got Moon attacks the music is bumping yet again might be a little bit quiet but I have it turned down so you can actually hear when I talk she talking did she just say something no way the boss talking [ __ ] too yeah let’s do some damage her attacks don’t seem too bad so far but I have a feeling she might turn it up in a little bit I don’t know if when you fight these bosses you’re supposed to like set up your own Arena or if you’re just supposed to fight the bosses naturally in these areas I’m assuming you can do either or yo she’s spawning swords to attack me okay let’s do some more damage I want to see if she has some other attacks that she pulls out of her sleeve what is that oh music notes so she’s making like a little barrier with music notes I’m assuming if I walk into these they’re going to hurt right yeah they they they hit me I don’t know if they do a lot of damage but they definitely stop you from moving in that direction she hit me for 180 though and uh I have a pretty decent armor on so her hitting for 180 in master mode preh hard mode kind of crazy I know she’s late game pre hard mode but God damn 180 with hard mode armor on she’s getting a little crazy with her attacks she heard me talking share earlier saying that it looked a little calm but now she’s like yeah good luck cuz you’re going to need some hard mode type movements to stay away from some of these attacks or just some great dodging she is talking not too many terrar bosses actually like have dialogue when they attack or do anything there’s a good handful and they’re pretty good those handful or they’re insanely corny SL cringy this one’s on the cool side what the hell what is this am I supposed to hit her or am I supposed to wait for the attack to be over I don’t know I feel like I could have hit her but I wanted to see the whole attack this easily has taken the spot of the best boss fight oh my God death animation insane yo that star almost fell on her that was my favorite fight so far so we have our first hard mode B here took me a while to find where to go doesn’t help that the wiki is a little incomplete but as we can see what the heck was that we got a little dude floating around here Havoc okay and then in the middle question marks we will figure out who these question marks are in a second what are you standing on do let’s talk to him show them the the The Bravery whatever we have the item and boom we get some dialogue what that’s Veria Soul what did you do to her man I hit her ass with a little god mode cheese you know how it is no no no not like this not from you of all people is that racist that might be racist I’m just trying to fight forget the dialogue let’s get to the hands so we got Aradia and Havoc so the little dude that’s flying around how do doubt the little dude that’s flying around he’s about to play a part in this fight orstein and SM type [ __ ] let’s start doing some damage holy big ass laser hey I was a run that right there okay come out no ready this time yes sir can I hit Havoc I cannot hit Havoc so I’m assuming we just focus our fire on Radia then for the time being she is spawning in like these little boxes that kind of just float around I don’t know if they’re supposed to Agro on us or what or if God Mod’s affecting that but who knows they seem a little dangerous though just having any random spikes float around could be pretty bad for a boss fight especially one where you actually got to move around when giant lasers are popping out what is this they’re creating like little tethers to each other that’s lowkey dangerous too that’s making it even harder to get around let’s keep on doing damage to Aradia though what does that mean exclamation point oh does that mean he’s just dashing at us I don’t know but they give you a pretty decent size Arena to fight this boss so there’s no complaints for me like I actually can dodge around and move no problem without bumping into things I don’t think I bumped into anything yet this boss is pretty sick though I like that it’s a little Duo she has her little machine or whatever the hell Havoc is now my question is do we ever get to fight Havoc or is he just more of an obstacle the whole fight let’s see let’s finish her off get her to her last little quarter of Health that attack right there seems dangerous how do you dodge that that might be a a Discord move unless there’s something I don’t know how to get rid of those lasers I I I don’t know man those look kind of hard to dodge but boom she’s dead Havoc what what you doing Havoc what’s Havoc about to do hey the boss fight’s over bro somebody tell him let him know boss fight’s over is he just chilling here oh they’re all just chilling here now it’s like nothing ever happened so I believe this is the next boss it’s called radiated nest and we had to buy a controller from somebody and use it over here luckily for me I’m don’t have to spend a dime on this controller this is is where I use it touch unknown circuitry whoa what is that that really is a radiated Nest we had all these cool Boss Designs and then now we just got this dude he looked like the spike traps from Plants versus Zombies hey his fight doesn’t seem bad though he’s got a lot going on he’s kind of like a senty that’s shooting out like mortars and stuff what is that jelly glow that enemy look cooler than the boss but this doesn’t seem too bad it seems like a little intermediate fight from all the crazy stuff hold up you got to face too what’s going on significant damage detected deploying damn I can’t read that fast my boy summoned somebody was what’s he doing I’m hearing birds and [ __ ] transmission successful oh my boy called in the homie he called him big bro this is like when the little brother gets beat up and he needs big bro to help out but the thing is I’m about to beat up big bro I’m about to do work on your whole family tree you can bring your dad your big brother your grandpa whoever I’ll even smack your grandma around why not I do remember this bird though I think this bird was the thumbnail for our original video so I actually do remember this boss come on come back down over here so the turret is still doing his own thing my bad I call him a turret The Nest is still shooting his stuff but now we got the bird to worry about he’s got a lot of projectiles as we can see and he’s got a little Dash that he does if you know and then little sonic waves and stuff too okay it seems like a super hard Queen be boss it’s got some aspects of it but let us finish fin off this fight I’m interested to see the death animation come back in boom do you die now oh he’s got 1,000 Health do I hit him I hit him get his ass up out of here on to the next one who’s next this video about to be long as hell so I don’t know if I’ll do mini bosses we’ll see Celia interact with the strange anomaly that lies within the underworld ruins okay now there’s two underworld ruins we got this over here which is a rift and then we got this over here do you sound like ayia who are you ordine no you don’t sound like ayia then I’m expecting the rift let’s disturb the rift that’s something you probably should never do okay I like the little spawn animation little subtle little simple little quiet but still sick so this is like a rift type boss like a portal opening type boss that is what it’s looking like Rick and Morty ass boss very quiet compared to the last couple bosses the last couple bosses were blowing my ears up but this one is so nice and peaceful it might be because I have my volume turned down but this seems like a sick boss fight again another decently sized Arena here to help you dodge around which is nice cuz I do get a little tired of building mil interor Arenas even with like Quality of Life mods there’s still like some minor things I got to do here and there and it makes building Arenas annoying especially plant ter Arenas what’s going on what just happened I have no idea what just happened what the hell she done turn into the wall of Shadows if I had a dollar for every wall of Shadows boss I’ve seen I have $2 this kind of sick though like she legitimately turned into or she just has a wall of Shadows behind her she’s still here fighting us so what happens if I go into this I just get pushed around wa what the hell is happening this is a crazy fight this might be my favorite new fight I can’t even see her you’re definitely going to want some homing you know what I think it might be time to switch to the Zenith bro I think it’s time for the Zenith these bosses are just eating my weapon up a little too much but there we go cyia is no more where’s the loot oh did I pick it up already I didn’t even see that all right so after beating planta zooie here will sell us an item that allows us to fight her is it this one highly recommended to have Steely or higher I don’t know what that means but less fighter oh my God emess a light type fight she has big ass lasers that she’s shooting out us off rip yo it seems like a good nighttime fight let me make it night time did she just grab me she she just grabbed me and pulled me and then blew up an attack in my face that is disrespectful I like the sound effects of these attacks though I feel like that’s been missing a little bit well they’ve been sound effects but after fighting that like Nest boss with the bird my ears hurt so having nice quieter noises is honestly amazing you know what I’ll take you I think I’m fine with no sound effects can I hit her while she pulls I like that attack though that’s easily her coolest attack kind of sick seeing a boss you know just grab you and manipulate you doesn’t happen too often with many bosses the only boss in vanill ter that I could think of that really does that the Wall of Flesh like if he touches you he pushes you but this is a sick fight especially visually at night it looks beautiful but zoie appreciate the fight oh no no no no no no no no no more but after her is super nova fragment go down to the cinder spark and nag Orton hey we know who that is who big ass face is that Orin ordin I don’t know what’s up this place is sick looking they said that I was supposed to bother you all right the next boss we’re supposed to talk to a bunch of people get a bunch of items and then we fight this thing hey get out of here what the hell we fight this thing yo sick intro super nova fragment so this is like the little fragment we fought earlier but instead of being like a little icy blue themed one it is a fire Sun one I think it’s kind of cool fighting fragments I wish they look a little bit different though but the attack seem kind of crazy this thing has like a little gravity if you get too close to it like it pulls you around but again this another beautiful visual fight especially at night oh shoot what we got going on base two got the little circle around us that we can’t leave literally cannot go outside of it I bet if you rot a Discord outside of it you just die am I supposed to dodge what am I supposed to hit I don’t see anything I’m supposed to hit oh the little or oh my God the little orbs on the outside of the circle that’s what you’re supposed to hit so you kind of got to dodge around while you break those I see them that’s kind of cool I like that can I hit you now did I miss one am I even supposed to be hitting this maybe this just a distraction no I can hit it okay my boy about to bring bring out some new type of lasers okay you never can go wrong with a giant laser during a terrar boss fight I’m going tell you right now that is the only attack I will accept every single teral boss to have and like majority of the bosses when mod have and they all look sick but it is time to get you out of here cool fight but again visually it’s a little bit plain I’m not going to lie let’s go on to the next one though I believe this is the last one in preh hard mode Phoenix she resides in the Royal Capital far to the left she may want to play with you hold up I’m down to play I’m guessing this is it up here this is another boss I remember this Castle I don’t think was on the sky or it was on the floor not the sky that’s the thing that I think is different here it looks very cool but let us talk to Phoenix what’s popping Phoenix who is this Marina the sorcerer what you doing up here I like how they got quests and stuff it’s kind of cool but yeah let’s spar with your new wife oh shoot we married can these damn probes get out of here these probes really want to be a part of the video yo her flash attack whatever this is is sick she has two swords literally doing like a spinning slash on us but yeah you get like a whole ass Island to fight her the Arena’s lowkey and the structures might be like the best thing about this mod apart from the boss fights and the weapons and stuff like these Arenas and structures are so cool probably some of the most unique ones I’ve seen since like Starlight River let’s get it though what am I supposed to be hitting do I hit these orbs or do I hit her I guess we could break the orbs so they don’t bother us oh my God is this a black hole D I can’t move I can’t move I wonder if if I had like a crazy Dash you think I can get out of this that visually might be the craziest looking attack but let’s keep on doing some damage we’re beating their ass she got to resort back to the slashing attacks which are like straight up hooked onto you so that might be hard to dodge outside of God mode hold up she got some wings now our new wife a little freaky I’m not going to lie she got the millenia Wings second phase I think we have seen more than enough in terms of attacks though it’s time to say goodbye of course she got some little laser beams popping out here in there you can’t go wrong like I said earlier but there you go gone that is the final boss of hard mode and the remaining bosses in this mod are all post Moon Lord so I expect things to get crazy hold up if only someone could have fun with me hold up what you mean by that all right the next boss the first one post Moon Lord is this dragon flying around her I don’t know if I’m supposed to hit it or what but let’s see I’m going to hit the dragon all yeah here we go wreck that is a sick name for a dragon I kind of like that you got to fight the Little Guardian of what’s her name govia you got to fight her little Guardian before you can fight her kind of sick and this dude also looks cool the next boss I think might be the coolest visually though we’ll see in a second I’ll say my next gripe with this mod is like trying to actively find where certain things are it’s very hard if you’re just trying to like find something and progress with the wiki not being complete it makes it a little hard to figure out what to do next cuz like uh damn the book here or whatever it’s called the boss checklist doesn’t really give you the greatest info and the mod developers I believe get to put whatever they want for the info and they kind of put some riddles I’m not going to lie some of them aren’t like directly telling you where to go which I mean if you like that type of stuff then there you go but it could be a little bit annoying for somebody that’s trying to just fight the bosses and progress through the mod yeah this boss fight seems pretty sick I like that what the hell even is this thing a dragon burning serpent burning serpent that reminds me of another boss or another one might be Shadows of abidon that had like a giant burning serpent at the end of it this dude is straight up like blurring my screen some of his attacks are like making a screen blurry look at that what the hell this dude got to be hot pause I don’t know damn especially attacks like that he got to be hot hold up we got the laser here you got to be careful with this thing so you got to dance around a laser beam hold up the eyes s you got to dance around this laser beam while fighting the boss this is a highkey tough fight I might have to watch somebody actually fight this dude yo he broke into a bunch of pieces that’s kind of sick I like that attack this fight is taking forever though you’re for real getting need some good damage and I’m assuming the mods got some great uh weapons in general I think we’re in a phase where we can’t hit his body anymore we can only hit its head Jesus what is going on with the screen these effects are insane I think it’s really green cuz we’re in this bi if we come back up here it might be orange again he’s kind of got like these eye cthulu eyes running around now the little eye of kind of running around shooting little lasers legit that’s the eye cthul the little servant eyes that running around but here we go fight is finished what’s your death animation look like what crazy thing is about to go down an explosion Fitz it Fitz its death animation I think now we can fight Gothia but I’m going to just stay away for now mainly because we got to fight this one first who are you what’s her name she has a name I swear it does where the [ __ ] did it go oh what the bro get out of here you are not the boss it’s nivy that’s the name and it says we have to deal enough damage to anger her you may find her flying around the great Ura or sleeping so she could be flying around that’s kind of sick but let us do damage to anger the dragon this is the the balers gate three dragon I’m ready visually sickest looking boss this is a dope looking dragon is that actually Dragon though I can’t tell if it’s a dragon or not does it have the 4 feet I think you got to have four feet to be a dragon right and it’s like two if you’re a wyvern so I think like all the dragons and Skyrim are technically WM if you want to be a nerd about it God damn I don’t remember the dragons and Skyrim doing that though so they’re definitely wyverns dragons easily got to be like a top five top three shoot might even be top two mythical creature cuz I’m trying to think like what mythical creature tops a dragon holy these attacks are crazy we are at the top of the Sky Box yeah I really can’t think of a creature that tops dragons can you come back down I really can’t hit you up there wa it’s got like these giant orb explosions followed up by little stars are spitting out kind of crazy the attacks have been straight insane this is legit a postm like the way it’s just presented like this is super theatrical feels like an experience more than a boss fight but also you probably get your ass die lot you’re going to experience death for sure this is taking forever I might have to pull out a weapon from the mod though cuz I am not doing any damage it has like high defense during this stage with the circle around it so I’m assuming you that’s a dodging type stage you know what this is what I’m going to do I’m scared to do it but I’m going to take out the to and I’mma tap once 70k damage was that too much she’s kind of tweaking now oh my God the lasers followed up by smaller lasers and she’s sucking me in oh my God that is crazy that laser attack might be one of the coolest laser attack up C let’s do more damage I don’t know if it’s going to pull out any more crazy attacks or what what is that it’s c a black hole hold up what is a Super Saiyan ass attack God damn are you supposed to Dodges this thing’s taking up 90% of the screen I don’t even know what’s going on is that a wyvern is he a part of the f I think we have seen like some of the craziest attacks that we’re going to see let’s see you got anything else hold up oh my God it’s building something up little black hole again yeah we’re stuck in this circle not really a black hole just another like barrier Circle where are these wyvern pulling up from w this is so crazy looking can’t even see the boss it like turned into like a black shade yeah it reminds me of like Duke Fisher on the end of Duke fishon fight I think we have seen enough though niy you got to go I’m sorry what you’re not dead is it dead I don’t know I can’t tell there we go last but not least govia the enrage now hold up before I fight Gothia is there like a crazy weapon I could pull out from this mod give me something crazy these things don’t even do that much damage I don’t even know what to use then theel this go B let’s use this against her all right what’s up I’m ready to fight you of all the people who could have it was you who tore down what I have built yeah I’d be doing that let’s do it though I expect this fight to be crazy already visually like the Bome we’re in is insane I’m going to use her own weapon against her D I don’t even know what’s going on I struggled dodging the King Slime how am I going to dodge this is this what she’s making the background look like yeah it has to be cuz we’re we’re far up in the middle nowhere so this is this might be a super boss I might consider this a super boss they are post Moon lord they’re all insane in terms of visuals and effects and attacks theia might be a part of the super boss area I don’t even know what’s going on with their attack so I can’t even really explain them there’s two giant orbs chasing us two balls trying to slap Us in the face and then of course we got her herself shooting out more projectiles and dashing at us let’s use the to I’m going to hit her a little bit hopefully I didn’t hit her too hard but I’m going to hit her a little bit that should bring her to half around half and her attack should start getting a little bit more wild I assume this is not the type of fight you want to see in the darkness and do this this is going to be flash banging the [ __ ] out of here let’s do more damage though I’m going to grab her again with the toome and hit her stay stay still just don’t accidentally kill her that’s the problem with the tone it hits a little too hard sometimes don’t want to accidentally kill the boss I’m trying to Showcase she’s insanely hard to hit and I’m using like a bow that shoots pretty much lasers waa what is going on what is that is that like a laser I can’t pass through she’s cating another border what the hell did she just summon the sun I can’t move bro I can barely move it’s got It’s like a Black Hole Sun ain’t there a song about that yeah let’s go ahead and bring her to her last little bit of Health if iuck can grab her struggling grabbing her I don’t want to kill her yet I still want to just bring her to the bottom damn I killed her whatever it’s fine we saw a lot and then she’s giving us some dialogue yeah we killed her whole family and who is this I don’t know they have we apparently we have their souls what she about to do explode I’m can’t I be feeling like that sometimes but yeah that was the lunar Veil mod with this latest update there is so much content in it this video might be like a 40-minute video I didn’t even touch the mini bosses which are all very very good fights let me see if I could just like do one really quick can I do one really quick I don’t what is that item I don’t even know what that item is I think it’s a Shard cers Shard okay I got The cers Shard where are you it’s jellyfish isn’t it yeah how do I know yeah there’s a bunch of sick mini boss fights that you could do that scattered all around in some of these dungeons but there is so much content in it like I really might consider this like a top three ter content mod in terms of just like how much content there actually is in it’s not just like fluffer content too it’s like there’s a whole story going on there’s a lot of stuff there’s a lot of compelling characters a lot of cool and unique looking characters like there’s so much I probably don’t even have to touch the weapons because we just saw from the attacks from the bosses like there’s no way that the weapons are going to suck like just me grabbing some random stuff like these look cool they look good they look unique that’s all I need to see from what yeah shout out to everyone working on it it’s sick is really dope it might be a top five terod out right now I might have to do a full playthrough in the future at some point to really see and cement that but honestly I might have it like staright River Calamity and then this mod up there because it just looks so good visually the boss fights are so sick is is it’s dope shout out to everyone that worked on it for real make sure to leave a like subscribe and turn on the notification Bell so y’all don’t miss future videos like this I will see y’all in the next video have a good one bye-bye

This EASILY might be a Top 3 Terraria Content Mod.

Lunar Veil –

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  1. yawn Why I dont sub to Terraria Youtubers. lack luster content. I have been trying to enjoy these channels, but they all seem to follow the same themes. Not that the content sucks, just its all the same.

  2. Yo gameraiders i liked the video also there is this new mod called terroguelike which turns the game into a roguelike i recommend watching the trailer

  3. This mod is a mess tbh, getting that Tremor bloat with the nonsensical edginess of redemption, about 100 different ingredients to make an 8 damage sword that does nothing special but play an annoying sound clip over and over when it doesn't even have any animations, that's just one example and they're all pretty much like that.

  4. Lunar Vein is style over substance. I respect that they put so much effort into it, but good lord do they do a lot of things poorly. Why are there giant moon lord lasers on EARLY bosses? Why do so many bosses have giant moon lord lasers? Why is one boss fought three times (the fragments, with one time being a minion to an earlier boss)? Why are these human-sized nobodies given so much dialogue and voices? Why are the cool bosses lacking in quality and art while the boring humanoid bosses get all the love? As you said when fighting the nest, that random passerby jellyfish was leagues more interesting than the boss itself. The mod has incredibly appealing visual effects, don't get me wrong, but man, the negatives are far more prominent. The first dragon boss, or should I say glorified worm boss, disappoints me the most since I like long serpentine dragons, but it's literally just a worm boss with technicolor laser spam. The wordy humanoid bosses are also pretty bad; they make me think "just shut up already" because their dialogue is not optional. We're here to loot and plunder, not read some delusional high schooler's edgy diary.

    I genuinely wish the devs success, but I sincerely hope that they take the time to polish the numerous rough edges that make early 2000s polygons look smooth. This mod is a gem, but it's a very, very rough gem.

    …Damn, I just became a garbage Terraria boss with that wall of text. Still true though!

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