Minecraft but I Open an Airport!

this is Minecraft but I open an airport today I’m starting a small airport and trying to grow it to be the biggest International Airport around from commercial planes to company planes to even fighter Army planes my go own a monopoly of all the airports in Minecraft but the competition is ruthless and can fly so who has the biggest airport and how do I even buy a plane stay tuned to find out these are all the airports of Minecraft and these are the passengers trying to ride the planes and then there’s me with $15 I don’t own any of these but luckily we can buy a hanger for five emeralds and maybe a pilot license too so let’s go real quick up here buy that oh it’s building up there it is and of course I am now a pilot and we even got a fake pilot license so let’s put this guy right here and now we’re official but now we actually need a plane and equipment and that’s why we have the plane store right here it’s literally a plane and don’t worry all the competition right here will be owning it very soon all right let’s Bard the plane real quick and oh my gosh that is something else how’s it going buddy all right so we need the cheapest things for the store including the cash register the open sign of course our official business sign a flight board to say all the flights coming out and some flight attendant contracts we’re going to have three of them and now with our $4 left we can I guess buy these next two things which is the pilot contract got to get someone find the plane and of course the sketchy plane oh my gosh is that think it made out of wood you know what we got to start from somewhere all right let’s grab that guy and we have the plane in our hand time to place Us in the hanger okay right by our certificate totally real let’s go and put down the open sign that’ll be important and of course the business sign which can go right up there there there we go exoro International Airport I love it though that’s not our plane maybe we can get one like that later and we can’t forget about the departures board right there pretty much we have only sketchy plane tours which is boarding at 8 I got to speed that up that soon and because we’re starting out our cash register is going to go maybe right around here yeah I think that works but now it’s time for the sketchy plane and I guess let’s go ah and put the sketchy plane right here oh there it is Yo it actually makes plane noises honestly I would not go on this thing I’m probably going to have to end up going on this thing anyways now we got to hire three flight attendants maybe in this Village I mean there’s a blacksmith oh and that might be an unemployed villager how does a flight attendant job sound oh and they’re in all right we got our first employee let’s go ahead and name them in the comments down below all right before the next one is there any loot in here oh apples yes and and some iron boots okay got to wear your shoes on the planate of course next un employed villager right there would you like to join oh yep that’s another one oh and I like your suit and that should be the last one we need all right there you go and we got the flight attendance and so next up is the pilot is there a pilot around here can he be a pilot no it’s not letting me with the cow oh tip Place hiring sign to get Pilots to hire oh okay so what we can do then is real quick make a sign and then we’ll just place right here hiring okay now do we just wait right here I guess I got to hire my first pilot oh wait that might be someone unemployed pilot and they gave me a piece of paper it says resume Joshua s experienced 10 years 500,000 Ember will pay huh I I’m so sorry it’s going to have to be a no oh oh and they are gone guys we have $ Z share a name I don’t know how we’re going to hire pilot the sign works though is there anyone else oh another one oh gosh please don’t be an insane amount again all right unemployed pilot again let’s see your credentials quinnn 7 months experience 12,500 that’s still a lot more than I can pay I I am so sorry Quinn I should have gone the cow okay um it’s going to have to be a no again oh oh oh this guy is extra sad I am so sorry and they’re gone again any of you customers want to get a job no no no I guess we still got to wait here wait where did this guy come from unemployed pilot it’s a piglin okay does he have credentials Gerald 3 days 500 emeralds I don’t think I can trust this guy you know what you seem like a great guy Gerald I’m going to give you back that and just to be nice have a piece of bread but sorry no I I only have iron boots I think this guy would kill me and he’s off okay um so this is not working out could I technically hire myself what if I just right click the pilot contract on myself can I do that oh new plane fly plane yourself okay I like that so now let’s just press the open sign and do we get a customer now oh gosh our first customer who’s it going to be any of you wait is it this guy new customer has revived oh gosh oh gosh is everyone ready five attendants are here where’s the customer though oh there he is he has a suitcase and everything all right straight this way buddy come over here this will be the plane we’re boarding oh and he’s in oh gosh guys I did not think this through I don’t know how to fly a plane okay so did I just board this yeah this works let right click the door oh my gosh wait what’s going on guys I am on the plane I can move the plane wait we’re just taking off okay attention all passengers we are about to uh take off here and go through these little white Rings it looks like many years of experience so no worries oh gosh here we go in 3 2 1 here we go oh this works oh my gosh this is crazy wao wait wait why why is it going in circles what is going on guys I don’t know what I’m doing I don’t know what I’m doing okay we we are going through all these circles real quick okay it looks like I’m doing a pretty good job okay no don’t sorry sorry oh God this customer is going to not have the best time I think I’m going through all the circles though if you guys look to the left by the way there is a beautiful Forest right there uh nicely made by Minecraft itself you know this could have been a lot worse these controls are so sensitive oh gosh okay are we going through the jungle right now what is this oh no oh no oh no okay I got to be very careful with this I am so sorry this one customer is never going to come back again but hey I think they pay their porting path so we will actually make some money from this I mean low key if this goes well we can start sabotage in the competition oh gosh okay we’re now passing by the competition here we’re getting back as you can see on the left side that is a lot of competition we got the gold the diamond the Iron Coal all those places I’m going to be the leader of at some point okay it’s been a bumpy ride but we’re almost back let me just go a little lower guys we’re about to land let’s get the landing procedures going and oh we did it oh my goodness okay let’s get over here and wait did my flight attends not come with me oh no they ran away another satisfies customer is what I’d say you know what good enough and let’s see if we made some money oh we did $30 it’s something and now our mission is to buy student uniform wait why oh I think we might need to go to flights school for that makes a lot more sense all right you guys are in charge and it still looks like our departures are still going so we’ll see how much money we made while we’re gone back to the plane store we go where is the student uniform oh my goodness a chicken can is that much money yeah we can’t afford that and so we got to buy the student disguise all right let’s real quick right click this and we’re now in Disguise got to have the ties s on of course okay we only have $25 left and oh my gosh there’s so many customers in my place has none all good though cuz we are going to be taking down the flight school and maybe learning how to fly too all right let’s go in is a pilot instructor a Pillager all right the Pillager outs a flight for pilot class is five emeralds all right let’s buy it guess we just go in now in a 10 class is this the class right here I mean I hear the Bell or is this the right class which one’s the right class oh wait there he is oh and I’m supposed to sneak out of class when teacher’s not looking oh yeah you know what this is a good time to uh just scaddle out of here and now we got to break into the instructor’s office which I think is right here yeah office all right going to be more obvious and it looks like all the test planes over here those are much better than what I had anyways though looks like he’s not here and we’re supposed to steal everything oh my gosh wait they have Iron Coal all right this will be good for our store don’t worry we’ll put it back once we actually own the store ourselves and oh a hanger key oh that’s huge and no don’t forget to subscribe don’t subscribe to the store but subscribe to the channel right now go to click that button it’s completely free and so now with the key what do I do um okay it doesn’t work on this thing is it something over here oh use key to open storage where’s the storage wait is this the storage how’s this kid going to open that all right let’s be quick before the teacher figures out and oh that worked yo okay what do we we got in here then oh my gosh wait that’s so much iron some rope iron door okay I don’t know what we need the iron door for nothing in there uh nothing there and a booster W what do we use this for oh wait it’s now telling me to collect cows from the hills are we like adding these to a plane well we got cows right here so literally what I can do is let me throw away these signs and Mr Cow come with me there you go that’s two and now we can to attach the cow to the training plane one is this the one how do I do this do I just like right click the plane with the cow I don’t think that worked oh wait that didn’t work he’s attached okay he’s attached One Wing there and now let me attach the other Wing here and there they are oh so I think I’m sabotaging the class all right we got the clows right there now let’s real quick put the boosters on number two oh and there we go this is going to be a fast plane now let’s just get back to the classroom and see what happens okay let’s sneak back in and I think we’re good now time for the written exam wait what why why are we in here time for the written pilot exam what is the written pilot exam I didn’t study question one how do airplane stay in the air oh I got this I have my own plain sore uh lift magic wind Birds okay um it’s going to be with the lift okay okay we got it so far why do planes have wings to look like birds I like this answer but I think it’s to generate lift not to look core car luggage there we go but let’s see if you know this next one I was here in class the whole time so I will know how do airplanes know where to go the Stars it’s going to be the GPS all right keep giving to me I’m ready what do you do if you encounter turbulence challenge it to a duel you good dance but you got to stay calm oh final question why is that noise so intense okay what is this going to be what is the black box for oh well not snacks not music but it records data in case the worst happens congratulations hey okay uh now it’s time for the flight test this is where it gets interesting oh wait they’re already leaving oh gosh okay go outside for flight test okay don’t mind me these guys get so many customers let’s just make our way outside here oh my gosh wait the planes are already in line we got the cow plane we got the engines plane and of course the normal plane where’s the instructor oh they’re waiting over here on my way hold on let me get a nice seat right here uh Mr instructor I’m here how’s it going for your flight test your students will be racing get in your ples oh wait I’m racing oh sick okay did we get the normal one so real quick let’s just do this again let me get to the door real quick training plane number three oh and here we go ready 3 2 1 here we go oh my gosh wait oh that guy’s so fast he’s so fast he’s so fast oh wait where’d he go uh did he just fly to the stratosphere that was a loud noise what about the cow guy oh the cow guy’s right on me okay here we go here we go oh gosh okay I’m going through the Hoops are all nice and good and oh wait did he disappear where’d he go I think I’m the only one left I guess we are flying the plane Up Until the End not really a race anymore oh wait that’s where one of them crashed no don’t worry I’ll send someone to help okay couple more rings and then we’re good we can see my hanger from all the way over here and let’s land I think we got it we’re good and I’m literally the only one that made it all right Mr instructor how’s it going no cheating allowed you fail wait what new plan tie instructor to plane use rope to leash flight instructor to plane oh my goodness hold on so we get the Rope let’s tie to the plane oh no work oh there he goes bye buddy have a great flight and they’re gone I think that’s the job all done and before anything it looks like we can actually get to the instructure safe now let’s go up to this bad boy oh if we can get a real pilot’s license oh we did it and the school’s now for sale okay clearly we can’t buy that yet but now let’s go real quick replace our old license like that we have our name already on there let’s break you and there we go the new pilot license all right how much money have we made in the meantime the flight attendants have been doing amazing cuz we got enough money and now without further Ado let’s right click this bad boy and there it is now it’s owned by us and we can change real quick not the Pillager the exoro house of flights and with this flight upgrade we can go up to our departures and add flight school this is a lot better and we have $300 to spare now to actually take over the rest of the airports these get a bit more intense for example iron shipping they already have flying planes it’s like a shipping center so we need to get the following a shipping uniform and conveyor belts all right we are back out’s going my favorite villager Steve Kai don’t know what you are but it’s all good and it looks like we have conveyor bolts right here let’s grab those $100 for a stack of them pretty good deal and a shipping uniform all right let’s put this bad boy on hey all right looks like we’re ready for iron shipping oh my gosh there’s so many customers but we are getting steady flow of customers now time for our shipping all right I think this is the entrance right here and I guess uh what what are they doing here oh it’s just a warehouse worker oh they got boxes here oh and those are conveyor belts so I got to redirect the conveyor belts to my building oh cuz they’re going all the way to the plane so the packages come from that way and we want to get it back to our building I got a few ideas okay this will be the open area and because it’s coming from over there we can just break these right here and what we’ll do instead is actually redirect things to go here so it’s never going to go into the processing center but instead it’s going to taken straight this way all the way towards my hanger so let’s just make a straight line right here and now we can just go walk backwards and get all these guys going oh gosh I’m running out okay we’re almost there and no I missed the door all right it’s going to work out no worries we’re just going to put this right here and then it should drop all the packages here and I’ll make a little hole for me to pick them up later and a better plan might be just actually putting that there okay this part should work let me break this part right here too let’s put this properly right here oh this works and I think I need to claim all these computer belts here so one sec oh this is the plane okay so let’s just real quick put these here there we go and now we just put these right here all the way down there we go one packages are coming now yes I think that’s the job all done and now we got to collect garbage from this dumpster okay uh what’s in here oh what is this a bunch of trash maybe we can use this to sabotage let’s real quick grab these guys oh and now we got to open packages steal the contents and replace with garbage and I’m going to guess these are the packages right here can I just do this oh we can just open these so low key I can just put one of these in each one one of them and someone should be getting a very poor gift which I would not allow it to happen if it was my company let’s just put these here put I’ll put two there five there why not one here one here don’t worry guys I’m just a worker here doing my job just uh for some reason everyone to order trash just just straight trash it’s kind a little yucky let’s get these guys here and that should get the job done now I got to defeat the crazy Delivery Man uh oh what the heck is this guy hey yo oh oh my goodness oh my goodness okay okay okay I’ve been caught oh gosh okay he does crazy damage what is this do I have my boots do I have my boots I have my boots okay what I do what I do emergency cows no emergency cows don’t work oh gosh okay okay we are going to fall back right here this would be a great time to make armor oh gosh top of Warehouse is this oh no oh no oh no okay okay Circle attack there guys the lunch attack is difficult wait why are they keeping dogs here what is going on with all the dogs okay he’s right there I’m going to go in oh no no no he got me again let’s get the helmet on we’re full armor now let’s go in here we got it we got it we got it 1 2 3 4 ow ow ow ow ow does anyone see anything wrong with this okay we’re going to go ahead and go around oh he’s chasing me there and let’s real quick make an iron sword oh gosh okay got the iron sword now they should get the job done nope nope NOP it doesn’t it doesn’t why is the second boss so hard okay wait we almost got him yes we got him and from him we get the box cutter oh wow I guess I get rid of the iron sword real quick and look at this thing nice now to release the dogs this should CA him and it’s good for the dogs can I use a box cutter on this how do I do this oh wait no I got the animal cell key how do I open this oh there we go oh he’s crazy yes oh no wait wait wait don’t don’t don’t attack me don’t attack me oh gosh okay okay okay let’s open up for each one come on guys I’m saving you please don’t attack me oh my goodness okay okay okay okay oh and now iron shipping is ruined all right that’s the job well done don’t worry guys I will get rid of all the issues once I buy this place oh the air is still after me oh gosh okay what is the price holy customers are they going to the gold place anyways 10,000 emeralds let’s save key for a little bit and wait till our cash register is ready okay it’s been a good bit please tell me yes 12,000 this should be our third airport in good addition and we got it that makes three airports but it still looks like a majority of the competitions going into gold and diamond and even netherite well let’s celebrate real quick by quickly adding a new thing and that shipments for 9 a.m. that gives us three type of planes now but next up is gold and they have golden planes what is this and now we got to buy a bag of fake money fake memo USB virus and fake coupons all right we are back and we have a $2,000 so real quick where is the stuff we need um oh here’s a bag of fake money and oh my gosh it’s 15K oh I can’t buy any of this um maybe we should wait for all those customers not that many are coming this way please tell me we made some good money oh my gosh having this many business is amazing well now we’re definitely ready so real quick let’s buy the bag of P money the Free Flight coupon love that there sendy them a fake memo which what does it say bathroom braks are now allowed huh all right whatever and the virus now let’s see what we can do at Gold Chargers with these items oh here we are guys oh and they have some guards wait are these guys normal or what’s going on here hey oh I’m supposed to use the money to lure them away hold on can I just do this then come straight this way guys uh follow follow the money this way okay let me loop around this way oh oh and they’re going for the money they’re going for the money here we go here we go here we go we are making a run for it and we’re in what are these ticket prices 16,000 9,000 4,000 oh gosh okay we got to get past the receptionist maybe this is what the fake memo is about bathroom brakes are now allowed here you go take this all right let’s real quick give this one oh wait what what what is going on what what what is this this is disgusting what I think it’s uh I think we’re going to go okay let’s real quick go through here then and now that they’re gone over there they’re still going we can plug this guy in here oh we’re bling the virus oh gosh come on change the prizes change the prizes I don’t even know what’s going to happen yes it’s all free and we have the free flight coupons all right you get one you get one all of you you all Fly for Free you over there you over there all the new customers all free Flyers that should be a good hit to their economy oh oh and electri flights owners coming straight this way oh gosh cause get by pulling the fire alarm oh gosh okay where is it where is it oh my gosh so many people are piling in let me just walk in real quick where can I find it oh here it is all right let’s pull that oh and there we go the sprinklers the chaos is happening and now with all the rage let’s sneak into The Pilot lounge why is there a Boss Bar though oh gosh wait rage customers are in here here’s a Pilot lounge oh gosh wait why why is there a giant gold pilot here okay yeah this guy is going to get rehired luckily we have the box cutter from the business we own now and let’s just get these combats in couple more hits and we got them sorry buddy and now let’s just exit out the back I think we did a good dent to them and oh gosh I hear explosions right now is this the back oh wo wait what happened here they rided so hard oh my goodness well there’s only one thing left to do and let’s get our own golden jet we started off with wood this is going to be a lot better let’s go in here oh and we’re in and now let’s just real quick fly it all the way back to our very own hanger okay let’s just land right here don’t worry guys you can find this beautiful plane if you guys Supply with those aoral planes and we’ll park here this should be a good spot there we go and gold CHS are now bankrupt before anything let’s see how much money we made oh my gosh we are actually doing crazy the plane does not match the building but it’s all good cuz now after all that chaos it looks like a lot of angry customers but we can go ahead and buy this bad boy and it’s arel nice now let’s add it to our departure board all right that’s a job buet done and we got Jets now that leads to Diamond and netherite good old Diamond International they have gigantic planes oh and a big line so this time we needed a TSA uniform posters and an advertisement plane luckily we got a lot of money and the TSA uniform is right here which we can afford let’s get that real quick oh and now we look official some posters looks good to me and finally the advertisement plane oh wait we need more money let’s buy this oh and look at this guy I think he has the posters on the back of it now let’s get to the airport holy that’s a big line okay so do I just just walk in here oh get hired by TAA manager okay these are the agents wait time 13 hours they have so many departures it it’s a cobblewood all right where is the manager uh these are just agents maybe I could sneak through there but I can’t find the manager is he back here I guess I look he can just walk back here cuz I got to have the uniform so we’re good don’t want to mess with these guys though maybe he’s in the office uh no not in here oh this is the guy he was at the front all right how’s it going buddy I’d like to get ired oh I think he’s leading me somewhere uh let me just go straight this way oh oh W he’s attacked me oh he scammed me okay am I supposed to scam people oh x-ray wand oh got it now to uh real quick take a bathroom break uh before I start don’t mind me Mr TSA agent but we had the bathroom up here so what do I do here oh clock the toilets with trash is trash here yes it is okay so what we can do then real quick is go up to each toilet right click it with this oh it’s G oh gosh okay that that’s disgusting let’s just get each one done okay that’s another one done sorry about this guys got one more to go right here and that’s job Bo done that’s just my first move to sabotages place next up we got to go to my post okay let me get the X-ray wand real quick ready and uh do I just wait for someone use x-ray wand to find threats okay and doesn’t seem like anything’s coming maybe it’ll beep louder oh well this post kind of sucks no one’s coming through we’re just chilling no one’s so far I guess I could just oh wait here comes someone how’s it going uh come straight this way let me real quick detect if you have anything on you huh okay he looks good I guess he can pass by oh another guy okay let’s see this guy that looks pretty good you may pass her go on with the piglin oh he’s going on and I guess he’ll put his luggage somewhere oh no he went this way okay oh wait and is that who I think it is here ran oh and he’s coming with the luggage all right straight this way buddy let’s see what’s going on here hey oh uh-uh uh-uh pressing the button yep get him boys oh lock down initiated oh what is he doing oh my goodness okay okay uh it looks like our goal now is to sneak into the flight office let’s real quick act like we’re helping out in actuality we ended up in here with the computer and I think all we got to do is uh right click it oh yep all flights canceled I did that now let’s just walk away like nothing happened oh and the customers were angry all right don’t worry let me put down this poster there we go go to my airport and now some of the advertisement plane let’s put this guy down right here and there it is come on guys go to my airport oh this guy does not look happy sorry buddy but there’s a new business in town and it looks like that worked cuz we need $2 million my goodness let’s save ke for a little bit okay we have so many customers stacked on top of each other please be enough yes and now this place is ours and we can add it to the board and now we have five departures including the luxury airport we have come so far but there’s still one more to go the netherite military with state-of-the-art planes and uh a lot of guards which are bigin brutes so it’s time maybe we buy the chicken cannon luckily we have $10 million but now we can buy the chicken cannon Loki let me try it right now oh um I think I just wasted it well we can buy another one now let’s get to the netherite base and not use it yet all right here we are and I just got to talk to a recruiter which one is the recruiter is he on the other side oh my goodness what’s going on in here they got lasers they have whatever booby trubs are over there and which one of you is a recruiter are you the recruiter oh here’s your uniform oh gosh do I put this on uh okay I guess I’m with them now who is about to begin get in position soldier Okay let me get in position boot camp beginning oh gosh do I have to actually do this parkour oh here we go here we go oh gosh okay wait these guys are going with me oh well they he’s falling um is that jump even possible okay let me just do that okay we made it and now it’s just a matter of getting a lot of momentum oh there we go okay let’s just do the right jumps okay nice nice nice it doesn’t look like any of my subordinates are getting in through here and there’s lasers oh gosh okay let’s go there there we go okay making good moves we’re making good moves nice and now for the slime block spot oh we did yes and we made it to the first flag okay first checkpoint now what do I do here let’s just keep doing this boot camp we got this we got this we’re going to Rebrand this place is could be the ultimate airport let’s just get these jumps in that’s easy enough another flag okay what’s this is this the laser parkour Port oh gosh wait they got mines here okay okay looks like we got to climb the wall we got this up we go up we go up we go oh my goodness that’s a giant explosions is that supposed to be from the plane okay another check point and how am I supposed to get through this wait if I go around it maybe we should be good oh gosh okay it didn’t set off and oh no no no no no no no where do we go where do we go okay it’s just a Minefield oh gosh we got to do a slime block oh gosh ow ow ow ow ow we’re going to go the way that has no landmines and now let’s get to the top this is the final flag please tell me it’s it is this it yes we did it and am I the only one that made it oh well time to report to the general which that guy looks like a general right there he has the medals hello sir I’ve made it through all the boot camp very good soldier I have no idea what he says but I think I’m supposed to mop oh gosh who left all this trash here all right let’s just mop this away okay let’s get rid of the Trap oh and that should be good and now I got to attend target practice where is that oh is this target practice okay I can do this let’s eat a little bit of steak real quick and I got to hit 20 targets oh just a little bit of a shot a moment all right should be easy enough let’s just real quick get a bunch of shots in oh wait these are the targets oh this is a lot more fun okay I like like a little balloon pop moment I miss a shot we’re insane I’m crazy with it guys I still got the bow in me couple more hits and we did it time for a break which means sabotage time all right I got to replace the Jet’s weapons with chicken cannon where’s the jet though okay the jet isn’t here oh these are the Jets okay so do I just like right click it with the chicken launcher oh okay maybe it’s sabotaged now and now we can challenge the general for a quick battle very well I will show you why I the general and you are the meat oh gosh okay well let’s real quick get on one of her Jets I guess we get the smaller one but this should work and now we got to shoot him down in a dog fight wait is this like a bow fight oh wo he’s going straight this way okay oh wait I think I have a shooting button oh I do oh he’s shooting chickens do them over here buddy this is sick oh I think I’m hitting him come on come on we will end the military base let’s real quick get more hits in oh this is awesome Come On Let’s Get Closer oh gosh the chicken do nothing oh he’s dodging it’s dodging he’s crazy and we got him yes and now let’s just real quick land in style all the way over here and the air base has been decommissioned which means we can now buy it for way too much money you know what that means time to wait I love how it’s still on dirt but please have enough oh my gosh wait we have doubl in what we need well then real quick let’s buy you and is this place now ours it is all right sir we’re no longer Army and we can put the flight upgrade in and oh my goodness it’s incredible that might be all of them now then wait giant dragon plane disappeared wait what do you mean giant dragon plane Dragon plane is abducting customers huh oh my goodness what is that thing yo take down Dragon minions wait how am I supposed to take down Dragon minions this is insane are you a dragon minion no oh those are the dragon minions oh my goodness okay okay we got to take these guys down come over here oh gosh oh gosh okay that’s one down we might need to get back on the figh plane oh gosh okay yep yep these guys do damage yep let’s put on the armor again we literally only have a bow come back down oh gosh okay that’s another one down where the other one go oh right there this is so bad for business we must save the customers okay that’s another one down too many planes if only I didn’t decommission the military dang it come on let’s take this guy down almost there okay that’s another one now we just go and hide right here oh and these Enderman are the worse oh we got them okay one more oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh got to Dodge I I’m surprised there’s still so many customers okay that’s one shot couple more and we got him now for the main boss this guy right here is going to be taken down with our final plane which is the sketchy plane oh gosh let’s get inside and without further Ado let’s go go up and take this guy down where’ he go oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh there he is okay do I just like board it how do I board it do I go behind wait that might be it oh come on stand still I’m going after it oh this is so cool oh wait there’s a little area right there oh and we’re in so who’s running this thing oh no it’s all the previous bosses and Captain dragon all right we brought the box cutters let’s do this maybe I should take this guy down first okay pilot instructor’s on his way to me oh there there we go that’s one down pilot instructor let’s get this guy out there we go oh here comes the next ones oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh that’s a lot of them at once sorry for what I did but it B to happen Okay we’re doing pretty good there let’s take down the General yet again literally just happened and now all that’s left it’s Captain dragon all right well we saw our box cutter and we can’t forget the fake pilot license all right we’re going in with all we got here he comes okay let’s just push him back all the way oh he is actually not that good at fighting maybe he good at flying a plane but now that we’re inside with our handy dandy plane and our fake pilot license this should be it couple more hits and we did it now let’s get out of this place and now that we’re back with all that being done guys hope you guys all enjoyed of a great one and this video just like this one bye guys [Music]

Minecraft but I Open an Airport!
👉 Sub Goal: 79

🎬 2nd Channel: @Nestor2
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🎉 What was your favorite Airport moment in todays Minecraft, But Tycoon?

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#Minecraft #But


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