Having A ROYAL FAMILY in Minecraft!

today we’re going to be starting a royal family on a one block guys this is really scary oh gosh I don’t want to fall off we’re really high up someone hold me uhoh bye daddy Baldi fell off wait you said that we’re on a royal family one block yes daisy look around look at these little poopy Islands we need to build them up and become the most overpowered family in Minecraft that means I’m going to be a princess wait I want to be a king I’m going to be the best King here and I’m going to rule all of Minecraft yeah what do I get to be um you could be like my little pet dog how about that Gooby no I’m not a dog I’ll be you’re more of a Jester yeah funny guy that everyone makes fun of be like pooping on the floor and be like look at me what the heck that’s that disgusting guys guys guys look underneath us do you see this block right here yeah yeah look what happens when I break it oh yeah we get more blocks from it wao it’s spawning so many blocks it’s like an infinite block that’s actually so cool wait there was a chest there with stuff in it guys be careful if you see a chest you need to open it it just has seeds that could be good ooh the first phe is ples wait there’s different phases a pig wait this is so cool I want you all to refer to me as king Mar hey Daddy how do you get that Crown I bought it Daddy what you don’t Des deserve that Crown yet you didn’t do anything to deserve it hey Daisy you broke 17 blocks yeah I’m just trying to build up our Island wait I want to break some blocks I need to be the person that broke the most blocks I than it cuz I’m the king of breaking blocks no I’m the king of breaking blocks everyone stop breaking my blocks hey I’m the one with the crown really daddy let me have this oh my God a piggy kill it kill it we got to eat his food oh oh oops oops you s him off the edge oops ah ah well great now you send Johnny off the edge good he deserves to go off the edge daddy why would you do something like this to me can you get off the block try to mine it wait does anyone have any wood um I turned it on to slabs you should make some tools so we can break these blocks faster ooh that’s smart yeah I know I’m kind of a genius um here’s a water bucket wait what the heck guys um what is going on that’s bed rock I have no clue it’s going to explode watch out rare block spawn too wait what just happened o we probably got to the next level what kind of tools do you want um we need a shovel and we need an axe to get through this wood well here’s an axe yeah Gooby use that axe that’s really good I’m King so fast right now here’s a shovel thank you nice a shovel and a pickaxe thank you thank you thank you I’ll just take all that wa piggy spawned we killed him for it’s meat it’s a cow wait don’t hit it off hey can you stop it oops I don’t like any animals on our one block okay can’t do this anymore I’m leaving where are you going Daddy go to this island far far away no you’re not Daddy you’re not allowed to go somewhere I am allowed to go somewhere a daddy all right fine more blocks for us then yeah you can to get more blocks over there guys I’m going to have these chickens love each other look they’re going to make a baby wait that’s smart we have like infinite food they just made a baby that was so sick that’s so cute it’s a little baby chicken right there okay who has that shovel me Daddy give me the shovel I need it to break blocks give it to me thank you dude take it all don’t use that axe that’s poop only use it on wood okay oh yeah oh yeah we going fast now ooh what is this oak sapling leather poop break it break it break it break it break it break it so many animals over here we need wheat rby you’re collecting all the blocks back up a little bit okay yes now I get some blocks whoa JY where are you going over there I’m going to make an area for our animals that’s a good idea oh we just spawned another one in oh yeah I’m going crazy over here I’m going to try to push them all over there don’t push them off Gooby animals go over there here you go piggy piggy come over there piggy um guys since I’m the king of all these islands there’s going to be some new rules what do you mean new rules like what uhoh uh-oh every time you break one of these blocks you can get an item but then the other item has to go to me you get every other item all right daddy try it out okay so I’m going to get this piece of wood oh looks like that next piece of wood’s mine daddy break it for me hey I’m getting taxed thank you give me that thank you very much I’ll take that I don’t want to get taxed well that’s the rule what so if I break this whatever block that is yep you can get the first one and then I get this one that one’s mine that piece of dirt’s mine goo you have to give it to me e thank you I need to become the most overpowered King here okay and daddy also see this island right here this is mine now hey that’s supposed to be my Island well Daddy you can live with me if you want no I can’t I can’t do that you’re very annoying come on Daddy live with me let’s become super overpowered together we’re going to take over the entire world no I’m moving to a different Island hey Daddy don’t butt daddy me you said butt Daddy can you can you can you shush it try to move this cow to the for over here but I think he’s going to fall off the map uh-oh we’re only getting wood now we need wood how else are we supposed to build no I think it’s going to upgrade the stone suit guys I’m the first person here to collect Stone let’s go no we have a counter right now 15 seconds till the block gets upgraded again ooh the Block’s getting upgraded again Johnny we might get stoned well I was already first you could even enter other dimensions what what does that mean we’re getting Stone like the nether hey I want some Stone over there hold on oh you got to give half of yours to the king no I am the king so you guys give me half of everything well I’m the princess so I’m not doing that dang it my rule is not working anymore guess Daisy has to make a new rule so she’s a princess and my rule is that everyone has help me build an amazing Castle no terrible rule ooh thank you I’ll take this hey wao wo Intruder iner you stole that I a steal nothing I steal nothing my block get off my blocks yeah I’m the king I got a sword I got a sword yes yes yes the iron’s mine iron is mine get off Daddy get off oh God guys can I get some of that iron no we don’t have any you took your all no my daddy took a piece I need it wa a mushroom cow ow Daddy get away from a mushroom I’m just going to put him in the fall Place why do you keep knocking me off hey hey every man for themselves I need to become the best King we’re going to have to fight come on come on oh I’m going to kill all your animals I’m going to kill all of them no no bye mushroom unlimited food from that mushroom we got a new one that’s good I’m going to go claim an island well don’t claim this one cuz this one’s already mine and I’m going to start a royal family all right I’m going to start by building some walls there we go JY I’m going to help you with your Castle right here okay do you have any more Cobblestone yeah will you like make a line right here okay we’re going to have the best castle and then we’ll be the royal families be right hey wao wao wo I’m going to be the I’m going to be the best King ever I already have a crown no you won’t Oh Daddy I don’t think so I have the biggest crown now what the heck where’d you get that yeah let me just compare make sure mine’s bigger all right yep oh yep it’s like double the size of yours perfect get away from me I can’t even look at you just want to make sure that I have a bigger Crown than you thank you so ugly looking there’s a zombie here you got to kill it Gooby kill it ouch ouch it’s holding me hey I got more blocks over here got a bat of wall um guys what what is this block what the heck is that thing it’s like a king baby baby oh my goodness is a baby wearing a crown should we break it and see what happens yeah let me hit it I want to punch a baby hey Daddy I mean I want to see what happens with the block yeah all right break it break it break it oh what was that fireworks wow look in the sky what the heck is happening they’re going to my they’re going to My Island it’s a bunch of flying ponies waa is that cool we got flying ponies wait they dropping a baby it’s dropping a baby it’s dropping a royal baby oh my gosh what the heck I just got a little baby no he’s dying daddy your baby’s dying already he died oh my goodness daddy you’re terrible no I must avenge my baby you’re a bad terrible father oh let me go see your babies real quick let me just say hi to them real quick let me just see if they’re chill daddy chill oh let’s see hey Gooby and Daisy what’s up no you’re not L you hey let me say hi ow okay fine gosh I guess I’m not saying hi that baby yay we protected our royal family so far that’s it hi there Johnny I just want to say hi to your little baby over here Daddy if you even look at my baby I’ll kill you looking Daddy stop looking keep my baby nice and safe from all the harm in the world H why are you hitting me I want the blocks Mar’s being a meanie wey today okay fine fine I get it no one wants me I just want resources Marty well now I got to build up the best castle ever Daddy I can’t believe you you killed your baby you suck it spawned in the wall ooh I made a little house for my baby whoo buddies we got to get those buddies in our base I don’t know if you can pick him up I’m just going to try to move him a little bit punch him get over there guys you are hogging the block my baby needs resources so everyone back up we have to share Johnny I know but you guys been hogging it hey Daddy know there’s my block get away i r see what’s inside wao the wa there’s a book wait there’s a book there’s a book this chest is the king’s chest inside you will find the materials to make a cool castle yes all these materials are mine thank you guys hey hey all right thank you I stole blocks all right fine here Gooby look you could have a stack and uh I get the rest what yes I got the king’s chest babyy I sold the gold I took some gold too and they took some of the stone bricks yeah we’re going to have the best Castle let’s go work on it you guys think you’re really going to have have the best Castle wait until you see what I do to my castle it’s going to look so much better than yours no I’m going to have the best castle ever made I’m making a sick Tower right now mine’s going to be insane all right there we go this is looking pretty good and now I just got to make a way into my castle there we go nice guys how do you make ladders sticks you have to have sticks oh I knew that feel like you did it yes I got ladders nice there we go okay now let’s just do the same thing to this side we’re going to have to change my base up a little bit guys I think we should have a challenge and see who can make the best castle for their baby I’m already winning well Daddy I’m not done yet wait Gooby what are you doing I’m just checking out the competition a little bit okay well that’s really weird just don’t break anything of my castle your baby’s really cute out there well don’t even think about touching it back up Gooby all right all right I don’t trust you Dy da what happened joh making base and it looks really bad I was just going to be so much better than his yeah um guys how long do you think it’s going to take for our babies to grow um 5 years you think we need to feed them something uh probably they’re going to start crying really soon D maybe some swimp juice no they don’t eat that Gooby don’t no choke on it h i don’t know we need to get some milk or something for our baby dang it I got no more Cobblestone I got to go mine the middle little square thing again hold on everybody there’s a new Block in the middle what new block again hold on there’s a new com Daddy and it looks like there’s a bunch of babies on it so I don’t know if we’re going to get like a million babies or I don’t know babies I think that just means supp of babies is going up oh I think you’re right I think our baby’s just going to grow up let’s see what happens W I got milk I got milk I also got milk so what am I supposed to do with this we give it to our baby I’m just going to go over here there we go all right here we go time to feed my baby some milk wo I got a little baby Johnny baby bab oh no don’t fall off the edge no he died uh how did your baby die he ran up the stairs and jumped off the cliff you’re a horrible father it wasn’t baby proof oh my baby still alive oh heck no you have a nice WB for hole dang it guys now the only baby that’s left alive is daisies and goobies and it’s so cute it’s the best one can I come over and see it no oh yeah me and my daddy’s want to come over and see your guys’ baby you’re not allowed over here hey where is it where is it kill it kill it you no did we get it yeah you guys are murderers you killed Old baby oh no come here we got it we got it get out of there keep running mon e you are a monster if our Babies Can’t Be Alive then all of our babies can’t be alive that’s I’m going to break your base no Gooby that’s actually not allowed there’s nothing in there so you can steal whatever you want this I’ll steal that there’s nothing in there Gooby guys I think I have an idea to make us feel better um what is it I said we talk to the Royal gods and we ask for our babies back ooh yeah that’s a good idea daddy we should do that but Johnny’s got to be the one that prays I got to pray you got to be like oh God I need my baby back something like that I guess I could do that all right I want to hear it you have to ask the gods oh Royal gods of Minecraft me and my friends suck at being parents and we want our babies back please if you don’t do it then I’m going to take the chocolate away from you and you’re not going to be able to be happy why would you say that to them they might not give us babies now they love chocolate please give us another chance to be good Fathers and moms and and a single mom oh dang it guys I don’t think it worked oh my God oh my God I have so many kids oh oh do you think you can take care of all these little guys oh my God oh my God oh my God they’re jumping off the edge you need to make a room for quick I need more Cobblestone does anyone have Cobblestone oh no you have no resources uh-oh more on jumping off the edge more on jumping off the edge oh no oh no going have to fill it in with this block I’m going to have to fill it in with this it doesn’t look that nice but I don’t care there we go hey babies get in your little pen they’re running so fast making it too easy for them to escape oh no I fell off ooby I’m like one of your babies I think I lost like half my babies already as long as you have one how do they die so easily they’re so stupid I don’t know I feel like you need to make a smaller room for them oh my God why are you running so fast chill out oh no you went on top how’ you do that oh no I’m trying to make the wall bigger but I don’t have any more blocks I have one more baby left I had like 10 of them guys I have like 25 over here oh guys we have a big problem like a huge monster no problem where is it Daddy there’s a bunch of baby Becky on my Island what and they have swords wait what baby Becky yes maybe they friend I want to go say hey Becky what’s going on oh my goodness they’re walking really slow o That’s CU they nights you’re right but I don’t want to take care of baby Becky they’re Royal nights of the Becky table I think Gooby you take this island what I don’t know if I’m waiting to be a daddy well I’m not taking care of baby Becky so you could take this island and I’m going to go I think help Johnny out yeah he kind of needs all to help his yet I guess all right I’m just going to take some of my resources and I’ll leave you some stuff whoa whoa waa I need all this for the babies all right you have fun with this think of the children I don’t care about those kids Johnny I’m here to join your cause wait what you’re joining my royal family Daddy yeah cuz if you look at my Island it’s overrun by little Becky oh yeah no one likes Becky exactly I brought a bunch of blocks ooh nice daddy well I still only have one kid I killed all of them it’s okay I don’t know why he’s he’s so excited I think he’s happy I’m here he’s got so much energy he’s so cute and adorable I love him a lot he really ugly hey it looks just like me Daddy don’t say that that’s why I said it’s really ugly okay where am I putting my resources in here yeah Daddy that’s the resource chest I think so far we have the best looking Island this is looking amazing yeah it needs a lot of work yeah probably cuz I helped you P all those block sale no Gooby you didn’t help me do anything I did all this y I really like the wall design though no you did really good with that I just don’t like this wood well Daddy it looks really good I thought well no fix it up with the blocks I have I’m going to go in the middle I’m going to mine okay um I don’t even know what to do to fix it up but I’ll try just replace it okay we need to do something about this kid hey little Johnny come here hey do not yell at my kid like that Daddy knock it off really I just don’t want to leave and have him run out the gate just go really quick it’s like a dog oh my gosh he almost just ran out he’s not going to run out Daddy he almost just ran out he’s a good boy guys a creeper spawns in the middle oh God dadd it’s going to eat you oh God you’re going to make a blow up daddy knock it off the edge I killed it nice good job Daddy this is not good though the center block is getting a lot more difficult and scary you just need to get armor and swords wait daddy do you have that iron from before Oh I got an iron just now give it to me I have one piece of iron we can make a sword with it n what do you mean nah nah you know what Daddy don’t make me come in the middle and steal your iron from you don’t wor I just got another piece for myself oh my God hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey go what are you doing uh I need more blocks to protect my Becky wa D’s covered in armor it’s cuz of my princess hey that’s my mushroom cow guys so hogy all the blocks how am I supposed to protect my Becky they’re not even your babies Scooby no one likes your Becky they’re my fil kids Daddy just died what do you mean he just jumped off the top of the tower how how is that possible I think he I think he climbed up the ladder Daddy no he did not I was just watching him I just saw him die what happened to my child your children all die cuz you’re a horrible father come ONN Daddy I think it was you once I turned around to place these fences you came over here and you picked them up and you threw them off the edge I was walking down here and I was like oh hey Johnny I I just have all this iron and then boom he died oh my goodness you know I’m just going to have to wait to get more kids the God will give me a lot more kids trust me Daddy oh gosh all right I got more blocks ooh Daddy I got a new kid you got a new kid right here Daddy what is his name it’s a chicken I’m going to call him crispy no do not kill him daddy he’s not for eating he’s my kid if I kill him and I I put him in the oven I get some crispy chicken no don’t do that Daddy please all right fine I won’t do that o Daddy I think we’re going to add something to our Castle we’re going to add a farm ooh all great castles have good Farms exactly here I have a sword for you wait what oh iron sword yeah I’m that guy yes Daddy good job we needed that all right perfect now we just got to wait for these to grow and then get all these to be seeds we have the best best farm ever guys has anyone tried digging in their Islands yet maybe there’s some ore underneath us no I haven’t tried it I’ve been too busy I have too many babies okay well I’m going to go right now what the heck I hear something what is that sound oh my gosh guys there’s there’s creatures underneath my Island what do you mean we have an infestation I hear creatures Daddy what kind of creatures no like a lot of creatures oh my God more Johnny babies oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no come back over here oh God oh God God they’re going to die they’re going to die they’re going to die what do you do do I need to run over there daddy I need help oh gosh all right I’m running oh my gosh they’re everywhere I didn’t know they spawned underneath my Island yay I got more babies come on Johnny’s come upstairs no this is not good this is not good at all you’re so smart there’s too many guys we need to figure out how to grow our babies into adults oh I don’t want them to become adults yes they need to become adults if they become teenagers they’re just going to be sassy no or they’re going to help me build my empire into the maximum it could be why is there a block with a crown and an up Arrow what is that where I see it I see it I want it what does it mean lazy break it for us okay uh wao I got a crown I got a crown too wait no I don’t think this is a crown we wear I think it’s a crown that our babies wear oh it’s so big oh my God my baby’s as big as I am wo my Becky KN is all grown up wo oh there’s Big King Johnnies now they’re making all the other babies get raised let’s go wa they’re just popping out of nowhere this is actually awesome oh my gosh our kingdom is growing this is so awesome wait uh Gooby did you do that to your Becky uh did to one of them she’s like the king Knight wow that’s really cool yep hopefully she can teach all the other Knights how to be big go down go down now the Johnnies can’t come up here yes perfect do you have dirt um yeah I actually have a lot of dirt here give me dirt right here Daddy 61 boom oh yeah we’re expanding the island making the kingdom bigger ooh I want to go see all your baby beckies Gooby oh my goodness they’re not babies anymore they’re huge yes they’re my gr nights Army wow wait this one’s sleeping over here hey no sleeping on the job why is she sleeping wake up there you go oh they’re sleeping too think can still break guys why is everyone sleeping right now my babies aren’t sleeping what is going on over here Gooby this woke really hard being at kns you got the laziest Knights I’ve ever seen no they’re just being protecting their dreams yeah I don’t think so they’re lazy liar ooh guys in the middle there’s now snow blocks ooh I like snow ooh and there’s coal yes we need this finally we’re getting some good blocks from the middle again I think it’s cuz I’m here ooh I got a chest let’s see what’s inside oh yes a book and golden apples oo I’m just going to take all those for now here we go I want gold apples hold on let me read the book it is time to fight the winner will become the true king and get King Arthur’s sword guys we need to fight each other wait we need to fight each other Daddy get out of my base this is my base now you mean I’m on your team no you’re not on my team anymore we need a fight to the death hey W I just helped you build that whole extension oo this is cool daddy that means I’m a part of the team right no but look I’ll give you one Golden Apple everyone gets a golden apple each thank you wait shall we have to fight each other yes we need to fight each other and we need to see who wins and gets the the sword I don’t have any armor weapons I need to make a sword wait guys before we fight I just need to have a talk with my Army all right Johnny Army it is time this is what I’ve been training you for we need to fight to the death and if we do we’ll become the true Kings is everyone ready to fight yeah yeah we’re ready to fight yeah all right guys my Army’s ready to fight wo wo wo I’m not ready um Gooby Army is sleeping why is your Becky still sleeping they taking a rest I just made all my awesome new armor and weapons and now I’m going to put them on all right Gooby we get ready to lose cuz it is time to fight guys yeah but you guys are going down all right here we go I’m going to do a countdown and then everyone can kill each other everyone start fighting in three two one go go go hey Daddy you made a shield no that is not fair daddy I’m going to come kill you first how about this we get him no come here Daddy you like that really Daddy get him from behind come over here going back to my castle come here m o I want to fight with you guys hey Daddy no got te up on your daddy oh God hey everyone’s over here this is not fair this is not fair hey hey hey hey oh yeah I’m coming after you you better run did you kill Gooby goo’s Dead all right Gooby you’re out you got to just jump no look I’m back alive Gooby you just got to jump no you know Gooby die hey no bye Gooby it was nice snow you all right who wants to die next good Daisy come here Daddy I’ll throw some eggs at you I think we need to team up on your daddy because he’s a shield and we don’t I don’t have armor that’s a good idea come here Daddy ow ow get him Daisy get him no oh let’s go ow chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill I want to be a princess yes yes yes I’m alive I’m alive yeah but you’re hiding on my Island no I’m not you are come on yes yes yes good luck at me now Daisy you had me on one and half heart so are you just going to stay up there um maybe I don’t know I’m actually going to just stay up here and throw snowballs at you take that that doesn’t hurt me this is what a king would do this is not what a king would do ooh it hurts your army though you like that d hey stop breaking everything down I’ll just go higher then okay I have an iron axe we can do this all day all right can you chill no I want to win oh oh you just fell off yeah I am the winner let’s go guys you all lost to me let’s go this is fair you guys all double team me I accidentally fell off you just fell off made it way easier all right H let’s go see what was waiting for me on my Island you just handed him the win what is this it’s a little sword in obsidian yeah I got a diamond sword guys what you know what that means I’m the true king no that means you’re you got lucky I am the true warrior well your kingdom probably needs some Becky Knights right oh yeah Becky Knights they’re sleeping Gooby I don’t want your Becky KN they sleeping on the job they protecting the dream world why do they sleep so much oh man they passed out let me just kill this one real quick daddy chill don’t do that don’t kill my baby kns don’t test me yeah I’m I have to kill you hey I the true warrior and I’ll kill all of you I’ll kill you all I think we have bigger problems on our hands what happened there’s an egg but like a dragon egg that’s already open ooh a dragon egg well guys you do know that every good King has a dragon is that true yeah it’s true it looks like Johnny might be the king all right guys guys since I’m the king I will be the one to break the Block open oh wait did we all get dragon eggs no oh looks like it’s just me then hey hey whoa whoa whoo W check it out I’m flying on a dragon wait a second does that mean that you win this is actually so sick yeah he wins you must be the one true king woo I am the only true king guys because I have a dragon and you don’t wait can I can I go for a spin on him no a take that hey oh take that you can’t hurt a princess well guys it looks like I became the best royal family here that’s not fair I got beckies hey Daddy did you hit my dragon you just killed him oh no AC you too Daisy here Gooby you want some you want some smoke too want some smoke to you take the smoke take the smoke no no no no bye well if you made it to the end of this video then make sure leave a like and everyone hit subscribe right now bye

Today, Johnny has a ROYAL FAMILY in Minecraft! Will His friends be able to help Johnny build his kingdom or will they want to make their own and CHALLENGE Johnny? Watch to find out!

#johnny #minecraft #minecraftmod


  1. 🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰

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