I Played Minecraft ONE BLOCK for 24 Hours Straight

Minecraft is filled with millions of blocks but today I have just one and I’m going to survive on this single block for 24 hours straight going from this to all of this yeah this was also very very tiring 24 hours is a long time to play Minecraft and the block even spawns wardens which was not a fun thing to deal with at 500 a.m. I also did this on my Minecraft server so that all of you guys can join my Island and if you want play this exact one block for yourself I have added it to my Minecraft server as a brand new update just join using the IP penguin. and click this little fell right here in fact so much has been updated and changed on my server recently we’re now on season 8 and you should definitely check out all of the new changes especially if you haven’t played since season 1 or two and you can use slwb to come and see me on my Island 2 and with the 24-hour timer started I spawned on the one block ready for the challenge so it’s just me the one block and 24 hours so let’s get mining this is okay well we got the first piece of dirt off to a great start I guess we’ll keep mining this until we get quite a bit more in fact okay we’ve got wood Good Start what I’m going to do I extend this platform I really don’t want to fall off so let’s continue adding it down let’s grab our first piece of wood as well perfect and then we’ll grab grab the next piece and it’s the first chest inside an apple and a sapling actually the sapling is kind of useful I I H how am I going to do this best that’s see what I’m going to do I’m going to make a crafting table there we go very smart indeed do I make the crafting table part of the floor feel like a disaster waiting to happen but we must we must use the space with the best we can and then I can place out slabs and in theory if I get another piece of dirt from this I can plant down the sapling then okay let’s mine up the chest no oh no wait we got the chest I thought we lost it we got it and then I can mine up more wood and look at this we can make even more slabs and we can place them down okay so yeah as we extend this platform you know I think that’s always a good thing I’m looking forward to getting a bucket of what wait would do you think this grass would spread if I left it a little bit cuz that could be useful it might do you know if that spreads we’ll have unlimited grass okay good thinking SB I don’t know what I’m going to do I put the chest here I feel like I’m already starting to run out of space I I don’t know can be bothered to wait for grass to spr no I can’t there’ll be more grass blocks won’t there ladies and Gentlemen let’s just do more of this hey look at this we go 1 2 three anyway nice one I want to get to a point where I get like a water bucket then I can place blocks underneath so we’ve got another piece of another couple of pieces of wood this is good I got to get some saplings down haven’t I really so let’s mine this up a pig yes okay this is fantastic don’t you dare walk off my new Focus now is to make a safe place for a pig so I’m going to attempt H where are we going to put you this is a disaster waiting to happen isn’t it I’m going to I’m going to bridge out this way and create a little safety area for this pig now let’s carefully push him along I mean he’s he stood still at the moment which is good let’s break another block try and get some more wood I need to maybe make some fencing or something I I mean I tell you what here’s the idea here you must stay I don’t have enough blocks to fully trap him go with wood all right your name is Cedric and you live in there now I don’t know what I’m going to do with other animals but oh another chest more apples well at least I’ve um I’ve got food if nothing else that’s always a a positive so let’s continue I thought we’d lost the chest again oh wait we can double up here right so here’s the plan we’re going to place this down make some more slabs extend the platform like this fantastic okay and then I’m going to go and continue mining away get a little bit more dirt then what we can do is we can change this to be dirt also and Cedric’s home is complete there we go we’ve we’ve done it right let’s continue mining away at this this is just like the first phase this isn’t even like the first iome phase I don’t this is literally phase zero I believe and tell you what we’ve got a lot of wood which is definitely a good thing I think I’m going to no gravel oh who cares about gravel anyway I don’t know why I did so much but we lost it anyway let’s go ahead and no okay yeah okay this is why I want to place a block under we got a water bucket okay it’s like the game knows right time to do the first sort of risky thing we’re going to place water we’re going to go slowly down there we go that’s all we have to do now we can remove that and we can kind of place a dirt platform underneath this platform and now the one block is going to be slightly raised up which I think is a good idea I also want to make it so that this platform around the one block is a lot bigger and a lot safer just in case just in case anything could go wrong so I don’t know I I should definitely be using this dirt a little bit better for saplings shouldn’t I so I’m going to start growing some trees I think let’s extend this bit of the platform out look at him his head’s just poking through he don’t like it there we’ll get you a proper home soon mate don’t you worry I reckon I can remove this little slab here and what I’ll do is I’ll put a piece of dirt there sapling on top that’ll eventually grow the Sun is setting would be nice to have some torches or something but we haven’t even got Cobblestone yet let’s mine up this chest and now we can get the gravel happy days I don’t know what I’m going to do with the gravel I don’t know what I’m going to do with oh we got Flint as well we can set the whole island on fire if we want to I don’t know what to do with this oh no this is so sad stop it Blaze you’re ruining me life no the roof’s are fire my house is burning down no this is it not that we’re going to so we’ll continue mining away at this dirt more wood as well always always useful and more apples well if we ever get hungry we don’t have to worry about food do we I think one of the things I want to do because something you spend so much time doing is just having junk in your inventory so I want to make a good storage I think a good storage is going to be kind of key isn’t it we can’t be far away now from the first phase starting oh we could do some farming here okay we can make food we can make another tree okay let’s do that so let’s go ahead and just expand this first by getting more slabs down yeah so this block right here could be dirt which We’ll add right there then a sapling on top then we can expand around it quite a bit more you think you have loads of slabs they soon disappear don’t they look how quickly they’ve gone down why are you constantly watching me just do whatever you’re going to do in your little dirt prison it is more like a prison it should be a home it’s kind of a prison isn’t it I would like to make some tools pretty soon as well I don’t know what I’m going to do with this chest I guess I could just place it here and we’ve we’ve got an entire row of chests now so we are going to continue breaking the dirt I think this means I can expand this platform that’s probably what I should do cuz I just feel constantly worried that I’m going to fall off and that’s not what anybody wants also what are we going to do with the gravel if we put it with dirt we get twice the dirt and then if I can make a hole which I can’t but if we do we can we can actually do something kind of cool I’m going to wait until I have Cobblestone though for that I think that’s probably going to be a smart thing which means I should make a pickaxe now for ready for when we get some Cobblestone com through or stone or whatever it might be we’ve got another Pig all right let’s let’s try and do the same with you okay I’m going to trap you with coer stay there all right yep you have a friend now but you’re not allowed to see each other at the moment sorry about that guys but it’s just rules of rules I should make a shovel I could speed up this entire process with with tools but I’m not going to worry about it too much I really don’t know what I’m going to do with all these chests I’m just going to keep placing them down I think come on saplings grow do something don’t just be like this let’s continue mine away it anyway might as well plenty more dirt I actually got enough dirt now 12 yeah we can we can expand this quite a bit I’ll expand it a little bit further but I’m thinking maybe I could use the dirt here to begin making a little bit of a farm I need a hoe for that though of course so we will do that very soon and we got a pumpkin okay we can make pumpkin crops yes we can make a pumpkin patch that’s great I would to be able to make all the kind of Farms I can and melons oh fantastic and dirt okay well brilliant dirt is very very useful isn’t it I should really be letting the dirt spread at some point so I’ve got grass because I have no grass on oh podel oh that could be useful as well if I let that spread onto the dirt get loads of uh cool new blocks could we anyway let’s let’s just use this little bit of extra dirt we’ve got make this platform a little bit bigger I do feel safer on here now which is good and I’m going to take all of this wood make a load of SL oh yes and now we can really expand out this platform around the one block I I I definitely will make like a proper place for the one block to live at the moment it’s a little bit weird this the position it has but yeah I’ll I’ll make it a lot better soon I really just want Cobblestone come on game give me some Stone now a sheep I didn’t ask for it but you know what I’ll take it sheep welcome to the team you are also going to go into this little place I apparently don’t have the blocks to trap you in either there we go now we have a pig a pig and a sheep we’re building an empire oh we’ve got more St a carrot we can grow carrots okay I hereby make this which one this one the crop chest okay melons pumpkins apples and the saplings chest there we go we’re going to have to double up on a few things I mean we’re making good progress that’s all I can say a cow okay I don’t know why I get so excited every single time I get a new mob but I do all righty I don’t know where I’m going to put you I well you’re not meant to go there welcome I’m creting like like a a crisscross of animals but trust me on one block anytime you get a mob you keep keep him all right you don’t let him die because you never know when you’re going to get that mob again you may never get another mob so always keep your mobs that’s my that’s my advice for one block always keep your mobs oh I can make I’ve got an idea ladies and gentlemen I have an idea I’m going to take these slabs make a composter the composter can go here for now then I’m going to take the melons we’ve got melon seeds so we don’t need to worry about this I’m going to compost the melons with that I’m going to get bone meal with that bone meal I can grow a tree yes and then we can get even more wood and we can get saplings a lot faster which I think is the the biggest thing before I actually mine this tree up I want to extend the platform more so that any saplings we get do not fall into the void that would not be good stop watching me pig it’s really creepy everything I do every move I make every breath I take is being watched by that pig there’s no way that it doesn’t drop me a single sapl come on get don’t no don’t you dare what is the meaning of this okay well you know what back to the block the block has never let me down the trees let me down all the time but the blocks not so much although it’s not giving me the Cobblestone I want either has it I should make wooden tools I should crumble and make some some wooden tools shouldn’t I I can’t bring myself to do it I just know that Cobblestone can’t be far away another sheep fantastic this is this is great stuff let’s go ahead put you there I’m running out of space here aren’t I you know what I’m going to have to do guys you’re not all alone you’re where’s my pig gun what what was here what did you do to him no way I could have bred the pigs as well oh it’s annoying right we’re just going to go like that there we go you’re kind of all in in together now well that’s that’s good the cow doesn’t get to see anyone but the sheep and the pigs do okay let’s continue mining away another sheep fantastic okay let’s try and right if you all Escape I will not be happy all right stay in your pen are you kidding me where are you go right I tell you if you die I will not be happy okay I need sheep how do you think I’m supposed to get wool if I had wheat I could lead them along couldn’t I but I don’t all right I need I I need to make a proper pen for you guys cuz this is this is just not not right is it Pig stop pushing him out what’s going on I’m having a tug of war with a pig what is my life three I have three sheep anyway all right not not not such a big a worry then I don’t know what I’m waiting for now to build them an actual pen I’ve got all the wood I’ve got all the slabs I should do that next really shouldn’t I a cow okay we can get two cows now fantastic right this this is like unlimited food I will not have to eat unlimited apples anymore we can eat meat the vegan life is over for me okay let’s see how are we going to how we going I need to make a pen all right cow where are you going oh no let’s just put you here for now all right just stay there I’m pretty sure cow’s hit boxes mean they couldn’t get in a one block Gap anyway like they couldn’t get out of there he thinks he can escape but he can’t so we definitely need to extend well we need to do something about this this is no life for any any animal so what I’m going to do is I’m going to get more more Birchwood first craft these into planks we’ll make some sticks as well I suppose loads of fences 12 is not going to be enough but we we have the facilities to make plenty more 33 is actually probably too many we could make a pen for each animal oh this is brilliant oh a tree’s grown finally you’ve done something useful in the in the world fantastic let’s hope that this one actually gives me a sapling unlike the last one which completely let me down you better drop a sapling did it drop a no it’s just it’s just an actual place down sapling all righty let’s go ahead and yeah expand this out what could be a good idea is if I make the floor dirt for them so they have grass to eat so I I need to First make sure that it’s all based around the one block so it’s symmetrical oh we got a sapling yes fantastic let’s place that down we got two saplings okay even better and this is this is where the sheep can go okay so something like this yeah they’re going to love it at least they’ve got grass to eat event well they’ve got dirt to we for now we’ll uh we’ll go like that and we’re actually going to make it not as wide I’ve changed my mind we’re going to we’re going to make they’re going to have a much smaller home now sorry guys you’ve already having having a downgrade I like this a lot more like that yeah all righty let’s try and get get some tools maybe all the mobs are still safe which is good it’s easy to oh the grass is spreading now oh brilliant SP see that was why we took a break it meant the grass could spread right that’s it I’m crumbling let’s just make some some wooden tools I’ve had enough of this all right I’ve actually had enough of just mining away at this with with my fist all right there we go it’s marginally faster but you know what it’s going to probably save me time long term isn’t it a chicken yes and you know what I’ve got seeds this is going to make life easier follow me chicken this is actually going to be like the VIP experience for you you’re going to be the first animal to get in a pen welcome to your home little fella welcome to your home for now you know what the island is coming together we’ve got another sheep I don’t really know what to do that’s the forc sheep and they’re all just kind of living in weird places I tell you what we got to do we’ve got to make a little farm haven’t we yeah this is the spot isn’t it we just do a little thing around it like this this middle block can be we can go slab water log it okay we need to make a hole I could probably move this a little bit around so that it’s a little bit bigger as well because this platform doesn’t really need to be this size so we could actually make a little farming area here I reckon that is the play isn’t it so here’s what we’re going to do move this along like so and then put that there up and then flood the entire place there we go and that’s perfect all right so now we can actually till all of the ground if I go and make myself a where are you going sheep I do not trust sheep not to just walk off okay I do have spare sheep so it’s not the end of the world but still don’t trust you one little bit okay let’s till the ground all the way I don’t know I mean okay we can actually plant more than just the seeds cuz obviously yeah we can plant the seeds we can plant carrots as well so let’s have a look oh oh pumpkins yeah we can let’s get let’s get planting some real stuff all right the apples obviously not let’s uh let’s just top up the apple bit but yeah we can get potatoes this is good for breeding the pigs oh wait one of my pigs just disappeared all the other animals are fine lost the pig for some reason yeah let’s go carrots and then the melons we’ll just do something like this and the pumpkins oh we can get loads of pumpkins if we want to I don’t know what I’m going to do with all those pumpkin I’ll compost them yeah no I don’t know what I’m going to I’ve not got space for him I’ll have to make a proper pumpkin patch at some point Stone we got Stone let’s go okay we can mine three stone we can make let’s do it a stone pickaxe see you later why is it snowing what what is going on here I’ve Seen It All I’ve actually seen it all it’s snow I’m not going to come actually what we can do is we can make ourselves a stone shovel we can mine up the snow yeah we could just be like all right snow yeah we’ve got snow now we can expand the platform using it fantastic oh brilliant iron oh yes nice okay two iron or can we get a third piece of iron doesn’t look like it’s going to happen oh no a mob oh I wouldn’t expect that get him okay my health went down quite a bit there let’s let’s eat The Spoils of War there but yeah we’re down down half Health from that what food have we got I think we’ve got apples yes right we’re going to use apples to regen okay now we’re starting to get hostile mobs we’ve got to be a little bit more careful haven’t we let’s continue mining away at the wood I mean we we’ve definitely got a lot of no okay I I guess the one block absorbed his explosion because it didn’t it didn’t actually destroy anything okay well that’s good to know creepers will not break anything and and I didn’t take any damage I guess it can’t break the one block can it cuz then it would just be a disaster another piece of iron fantastic two pieces of iron so let’s go and smelt these little bits of iron as well and now we have an iron pickaxe things are starting to get serious aren’t they trees are growing the animals are happy the snow is everywhere the snow is actually slightly annoying me now I wonder if it’s cuz the biome changes when you’re block upgrade so maybe sometimes we get cuz we didn’t get snow for a bit when it rained then it suddenly started so maybe we reached the next phase and it’s like a the biome is now a snowy biome a rabbit oh how exciting oh he’s got straight in as well brilliant we’ve trapped him okay well that’s very handy indeed cuz getting him in would have been a nightmare I thought it would just jump in the void got another rabbit now don’t do anything stupid no no don’t no I knew this was going to happen why I should have I should have just trapped him in when I when he was Stood Still to it’s a miracle that we’ve got one rabbit to have two yeah it would have been too much to ask wouldn’t it a mushroom oh that’s good because new food source ladies and gentlemen we can now eat mushrooms toew you can go in with the rest of the Riff Raff there we go yeah the Rabbit doesn’t seem too happy about that but it it’ll have to do also got a netherite Ingot as a reward I guess for a mission or something oh well that’s good okay cuz there are missions you can do on this one block as well I’m guessing that was the mining Mission something like that so yeah NE are got nice a spider okay oh string did I get string we got two string and a spider nice I don’t know why I’m excited to see spiders not excited to see any other mob but then spiders like oh yeah spiders I reckon we’re not far no this time survive oh straight in all right you know what we’ve got two rabbits that’s brilliant cuz we can breed them now another rabbit okay you know what you need to do little little rabbit in you go come on oh he’s he’s dead he’s yeah see you L he missed the hole and he ended up going into the void I tell I’ve got actually a decent amount of iron oh what’s in here why would I need an amethyst Shard somebody tell me that tinted glass no how did that happen what was that voice Break by the way but how did that happen I mean seriously it like flung itself over there another rabbit go on then where you going to go I push you off okay that was evil I didn’t think he could fit under a slab guys all right I thought he was too tall for that I am sorry that was very evil I just murdered a rabbit oh well oh the wheat has grown by the way guys okay this is huge let’s go and mine up the rest of this snow and harvest the wheat okay we’ve got two more seeds which is nice no I’m not feeding you the seeds chicken why have we not got a second chicken have you been laying eggs by the way you should be I think I could pretty easily get some animals in now let’s let’s give it a go I don’t know which animals we going to go for maybe sheep and cows pigs you’re staying here okay right we’ll start with the Sheep hopefully can you even fit or you too no I let the rabbit out oh I’m an idiot oh dear oh no rabbit I need to make a boat if I’m get him in a boat he’ll maybe be okay but I need to be quick I’m being so slow this is the slowest crafting ever get in the boat get in the boat yes okay we’re safe I should make another boat as well whilst I’m at it just for safety purposes shouldn’t I another no no stay don’t don’t do it quick quick sp sp yes okay well we’re okay we can renewably keep our rabbits that’s that’s good to know he’s not going to get a gate but you know what nobody’s going to go into see him anyway so it doesn’t don’t walk out you were Stood Still for so long why okay you want to go in a different pen okay I get it all right you know what allow it you can have a different pet if that’s what you really wanted who am I to say no so sheep in there mushroom stop it what are you doing so I think the mushroom I’m going to put in this one in the end this is not going to work well is it don’t come in first sheep all right I’m going to punch him away get lost that’s it run away be scared all right now come this way follow me into here little sheep yep in you come I’ll put the cows next to the mushroom as soon as these this we oh we got a pumpkin as well fantastic oh we can make a snow golem I feel like I’m starting to realize Maybe I didn’t give him enough room cow don’t take this personally but we need we need you to get out of there thank you all right three cows I mean this is brilliant we have we have got a lot of mobs okay that’s it and in fantastic okay oh I could go to sleep I could sleep the rain away is it that is it going to be night time oh we could make a yeah let’s do that let’s make a bed so what we’ll do is we’ll grab two iron we will craft shears with said Iron and then we can Shear all of the sheep oh no they can’t grow it back though cuz there’s no grass oh I didn’t think about that did I perfect the rain has stopped sorry guys you’re all you’re all going to be very cold it’s in the snowy B and you’ve got no wool on now that’s yeah it’s not not my best move not my smartest moment ever okay I hope I get a second mushroom cuz I’d love to breed them oh the pumpkins have grown as well fantastic I’m going to go back to mining this let’s see if we can get to the next phase let’s go mining away see what we get another mushroom fantastic right where’s my wheat where’s my wheat that leads them I don’t really need two mushrooms but it’s just great to to have two of everything isn’t it why’ you stop following me and welcome to your new home where you’ll be trapped forever I I think now is probably a good time to make the snow golem Farm I don’t know where it’s going to go it doesn’t have to be anywhere too specific but I think I’m going to make it now do somewhat like that place a few blocks oh no we can’t get him on the server that’s sad oh well the snow Farm is it goes out the window so I take it all back chest you we’ve got the world’s rarest block in Minecraft the snowy grass block with no snow on top shame we’re going to have to mine it oh we got it again okay maybe it’s not that rare we can get it loads and loads of times we must be on a new biome then we’re on the snowy biome now gold oh nice that’s useful a wolf no why is he angry at me no oh no he’s angry at the rabbit but he can’t attack the rabbit because they’re in they’re in a boat together I thought he was angry at me hello Little Wolf you look so evil this rabbit has no idea you are going to die rabbit I’m sorry you are survival is not very likely for you I’m afraid the wolf is thankfully no longer angry I think him and the the rabbit have made peace with each other which is good I I need to get bones now that’s all I care about we have to get bones no matter what imagine if I can get a pet wool what a happy day that’ll be a goat oh wow okay um I don’t know where I’m going to put you should we put a goat in a boat yes okay there we go in the boat you go mate whatever floats your goat I think that’s the the advancement isn’t it and in this chest bone meal and Ice oh nice because we can now get infinite water that’s huge okay it’s about time we got infinite water isn’t it so what I’m going to do is where am I going to put it the place the infinite water source can go take the ice break it get water temporarily remove this water and I’m going to do this without water logging something we’re going to go like that we’re going to go like that there we go infinite water source stick that back oh no SP what have you’re done you destroyed everything okay um do that don’t be an idiot about it replant the crops you ruined then yes we’ve got infinite water now fantastic isn’t that great guys oh the grass is really spreading by the way look at the speed of that oh guys this is actually amazing we have got the suspicious gravel oh I like this are you ready okay now I see why the feathers are useful I like this a lot so I’m going to grab eight copper and put that in the furnace is actually so huge isn’t it I can now use these to craft a brush and then come on give me something really cool what are you going to give me wait it’s suspicious gravel with nothing in oh I’ve been scammed well at least we get gravel from it no way oh that’s a let down got my hops up there for no reason oh well never mind eh never mind another wolf that’s it go in the boat no not the rabbit not the rabbit not the rabbit not the rabbit get in the boat with the goat the boat with the goat there we go are you still angry no you you’re just a nice wolf now you will become like this one day as well you will become a friendly wolf I know you will plenty of amethyst don’t know when we do it more gold I’m happy with more gold as well another wolf oh no we don’t have any boats for him rabbit’s going to die what am I doing here oh the Wolves we can get three wolves we get three pets this is so exciting entree you will soon become like the other wolves this rabbit how are you still alive we’ll never know more bone meal okay and and Bones Bones oh how exciting okay come on come on come on come on one two don’t let me down no come on oh what kind of a joke is this can’t even tame a wolf a polar bear wow um okay I don’t think I can put you in a boat can I oh I don’t know how I’m going to lead you across all right can you put polar bears in boats I don’t know I need to make it I need to expand the home for these guys okay it’s it’s all getting a little bit congested isn’t it currently I’m using slabs as the pathways everywhere but I feel like soon it won’t be long until I start using something else just to make everything look nicer cuz at the moment it doesn’t really look good it’s functional which is fantastic but as far as Aesthetics go there’s definitely room for improvement perfect the polar bear is going to be right at home isn’t it right polar bear how are we going to do this I think we’re going to have to manually push you oh no that’s it walk walk over you’re not angry at me are you nope he just happened to walk where I needed him to okay that’s brilliant don’t go in with the Sheep no no no no no no no no no that is not happening not today not tomorrow or any day there we go welcome to your new home polar bear that’s where you live oh a fox nice I don’t attack my rabbits I need a boat he’s going to attack my rabbits as well everything wants to kill my rabbits I don’t like it at all oh he’s going to try and kill the chicken okay it’s a good job you’re in there actually I don’t know how I’m going to get you out of there the fox is kind of safely in the pen for now so I’m going to expand the pens a bit more I’m going to eat some mushrooms stew the issue is yeah it’s just going to look stupid oh he can jump out he’s not no don’t get me rabbit on me chicken no okay right and the foxes and wolves hate each other don’t eat all the no right you’re not having my chickens you know what I’m going to have to put you down tell you what right um I’m not too worried about the goat get in the boat you stupid don’t do this he’s going to kill my chicken stay still right let’s just mine that get in the boat you stupid f box I don’t know murdered my rabbits I might skip those rabbits alive for so long and then yeah they they still died so yeah the rabbits now because I didn’t make them safe they are now dead that’s good to know I may never get rabbits again I suppose it’s it’s not the end of the world they not like the most important thing in the world are they I don’t know I don’t know stupid Fox why am I even keeping you you have zero use I can make a Sweet Berry Farm using you I suppose I think if I put a roof on they won’t be able to get out will they it’s just going to look strange but it’s going to have to be done isn’t it something like this yeah I reckon if we like this on this one and we could probably do the same for the Fox as well could we and then and then he can’t get out yeah okay I think that is the best option do that no way no no no no no no no don’t get the chicken what happened oh he’s in there okay oh my goodness stay all right that is your home don’t know how I’m going to get a second fox in there hopefully I don’t ever have to it’s just annoying more than anything isn’t it I’m trying to think if I can easily get some more bone meal I mean maybe with saplings but I I don’t want to risk it I do I’ll put throw some melon slices through it and okay well that didn’t work we could get more carrot we could we could compost the carrots could we potato oh hiccups yeah the potatoes could also be composted more melons yeah we’ll just we’ll just throw everything through perfect and nope still didn’t work I could get some leaves great idea recipe put the leaves to good use cuz I don’t really need them for saplings I might as just use these shears up all the way cuz don’t really have any other use for them at this moment in time and then it going all be composted okay now I’m definitely going to be able to grow the tree I’ll do all of this and then I won’t get a sapling from it or something stupid and I’ll I’ll just have nothing left this is brilliant I tell what I should do I’ll go ahead and grab five iron you can probably guess what’s going to happen I’ve got loads of chest in here cuz I’ll be mining them from the one block and then what we’ll do is we’ll make a not we’ll not make shears we’ll make a hopper put it above fill it with leaves brilliant we can put a chest on top of that as well oh fantastic okay so that’s going to be getting me bone meal although I don’t know where it actually goes to when it’s finished does it look like pop off it just gets full and then I have to go manually do that okay cool right this has to grow yes it has fantastic please now game give me more than one sapling that’s all I ask that’s all I do desire two Birch saplings please I think what I’ll do is I’ll put like a a chest and another Hopper underneath maybe so let’s go and uh craft so we’ got a chest there we got five more iron oh you bet we have so let’s go and put that like that put a chest here add a hopper next to it and we have a bone meal Farm kind of mind we just got random thing it’s like Herobrine has been here I always say that when I M all the leaves it’s like Herobrine has been on my Island I think what I’m going to do now I’m going to release the goats the Wolves obviously will get out as well that’s it no what did you he just charged into me what was that for actually he made me jump just follow me just follow the weight all right you follow that now come with me stupid goat smacking into me like that no need is okay what are you doing can you not get underneath what are you what are you doing seriously are you too tall you’re not too tall just just go in was it that hard no it wasn’t I don’t know just didn’t want to go in there did it and again if I was him I wouldn’t want to go in there either what you going to do on the roof I I reckon on the roof is actually the strp in you go it was there in front of me the whole time okay well it would be if you just go down perfect the goats are in the fox is in the polar bear’s in okay we’ve got three more fantastic would be good to change that to Glass eventually maybe but for now that’s that’s absolutely fine the wheat has grown a little bit more all the crops are growing it really is Flowing out now nicely I should really just invest in a proper crop Farm shouldn’t I a smithing template armor trim oh my goodness that is cool I like that a lot that we need like a precious loot chest I guess we can go in with all of this cuz that is very cool I didn’t think I’d be able to get one of them we’re about to get armor oh lovely okay I I guess I’m going to continue keeping things as organized as possible rabbit hide I mean we can’t get rabbits up for now so I guess the rabbit hide will be a nice reminder of my inability to play this game well to keep rabbits alive in this game should I say I don’t know another goat well you know what this means you sir are going to come across with me I think he’s actually going to be smart yet to get him in the roof again I do think that was the the greatest play ever okay you know what the goats are kind of smart with their path finding so you have to just carefully I just smacked him I’m sorry what are you doing goat what what are you doing just go in go where are you going why did you go in the Sheep these are going to jump out aren’t they a this is all going wrong I’m sorry guys I’m very sorry for the inconvenience caused honestly I only need one goat anyway so well Two Goats I don’t need I don’t need the hustle of that it’s begun sb’s already murdering the mobs more bones guys I’ll release you from the boat all right come on please please why why are you like this I don’t know all right get back in the boat you stupid dog got dark oak saplings on a positive note so that’s another new tree that we can get and I can make a clay pot you know what after you rejected me you’ve actually caused heartbreak yeah the heartbreaker clay pot and I’m now about to reach the 2hour mark okay hold on a second my bones come on come on did we get again he didn’t drop any what is this I’ve just been scammed for the second time as I was saying we have now reached the 2hour Mark I’m I’m I’m feeling I I’m not feeling as tired as when I started to be honest now I’m you know kind of waking up a little bit more things are going well the Island’s going well I just want a pet wolf I don’t want to feel heartbreak so it’s going decently it is going decently indeed another one come on come on again why are you not Dr this come on game I know the chances of getting bones and stuff are slim but drop them please another armor trim very nice another goat right you know what I’ve had enough of goats just get out of here we don’t want you on in in these parts two is sorry guys I’m sorry you had to say that the only goats that we shall have on this island will be The Offspring of these two where are you a little baby goat there we go how cute I like how I use my wheat to breed the most useless mob of all could have got more sheep could have got more cows no I’m just going to get a third goat cuz I keep murdering in them all yeah great idea RB wish I had silk touch the blue ice would be great but obviously I’m not going to get silk touch at this stage am I I could build an ice Farm though that is an option an ice Farm is a possibility okay right bro drop me a bone what is going on why am I not getting getting loot from all the other mobs why is he not dropping it for me the Strays are driving me crazy don’t worry guys I will eventually tame you if it takes me 24 hours in fact I will end the 24 hours until I successfully tame you another wolf great I don’t know what you’re angry at why are you always angry when you come out of the block who are you going for there’s nothing for you to eat or no one for you to eat should I say I need to get him in the boat really but I suppose he’s all right in the corner there I can have four dogs if I play my cards right come on come on six but I seriously why I am flabbergasted this game hates me all the wolves hate me I need like a million bones to tame you guys what is going on just take my anger out on the goats poor things yeah there’s no use to doing that I just get angry at for no reason no get away from my sheep I’m going to have to put you down if you kill one sheep that’s it don’t hurt them just be angry at them no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no right that’s it I got to put you down we cannot have these sheep dying all right these the only sheep I’ve got it’s just too risky I feel evil I feel bad but it was just far too risky and three wolves in If he if he tamed when he had the chance he could have been my pet instead yeah I had to get rid of him another one no right that’s it well that’s all right you know what we’ve got four wolves again Happy Days any more I’m I’m getting rid of all right oh raw gold nice two raw gold brilliant might as well get busy smelting it’s actually being very generous with the go another polar bear brilliant more bones I’m not even going to try them on the mob cuz on the on the dogs for now going to wait till I get about 70 of them we have an unorthodox way to do this but he’s he’s on the roof no what are you doing why would you go into the cows I’m bit I’ve just smacked him I’m going to die I’m going to die I am sorry mate all right it was an accident I tell you what now you’ll actually chase me and go where you meant you know I’m not risking that he just shredded half of my health meant to break a fence just made him angry dripstone a brand new block very nice another wolf right let me try and get him in a boat in good time this time you’re not going anywhere near my ship I have got so many wol why have I got wolves more than any other mob that’s the real question I guess we’ll never know I guess we’ll never know I also need to make a new pickaxe thankfully plenty of iron means I can easily craft one still waiting for the diamonds you never know eventually we we might find at least one another polar bear okay here we go are you ready we punch him we run this if this works it be a miracle all right that’s it come and get whoa he came on the roof I didn’t see that coming okay I I thought he would come around oh no oh no SP what are you doing what are you doing okay here we go up up up up up that’s it right follow me in here that’s it in the pen no no what are you doing you’re stupid polar bear are you in okay well actually somehow everything works as intended I’m a genius apparently not really I’m crazy oh step back SP they do some serious damage are you still angry at me I only need two polar bears you know oh they’re all angry at me oh and he has some health we get fish from him actually did he did we get any fish sadly did not but he is safely in there I’d say the blocks of raw copper are kind of cool but I don’t know what I’m going to use copper for another one wait he got something in your mouth what have you got no keep away from my chicken I I really want to okay he’s kind of close to where he needs to be this could work do that keep him in yes brilliant and if I can get some meat now which I’m guessing rotten flesh counts as I think he’ll probably pick that up instead maybe not maybe you’re happy with your feather no way no way no way I just let him out ah no okay yeah my fox has got out and now they’ve killed my chicken what are you doing now this is driving me crazy I want mine but I don’t even need the foxes I just want it for the Aesthetics well at least they are both back in and I should bam myself from going into their pen cuz otherwise they just always Escape all I have left of the chickens is three eggs it’s not great is it hopefully maybe it’ll spawn a chicken later on and I can get him back otherwise it’s just a little bit sad isn’t it that’s my sixth wolf and do I really want six dogs yes yes I do another three bones and a bucket of water nice and out of nine bones I if surely one of them right you are the chosen one okay you’re tilting your head please one 2 3 4 5 six why why why won’t you T is it because you’re in a boat maybe they they can’t be in a boat I’m using up so many bones and I’m not getting any reward for it wolf number seven you know what do we do we go with seven wolves go on then you could be the final wolf all right no more now well assuming you get in a boat honestly I’m just overrun I really am overrun oh in other news the sheep have got grass now I think is is it all grass even under the snow yes oh brilliant we might as well expand it to all of them now yeah let’s let’s expand the dirt we can worry about making it look nice later but for now let’s just let that grass spread to I mean it’s sad the chickens are not going to have any any use for it but I could always put another mob there you know I’m sure there’s going to be lots of other ones that are going to come in the pipe oh there goes mble at least the mighty one block gives you loads of iron like running out of tools is probably never going to happen four more bones well we know where they’re going to go you know I’m going to take you out of the boat this time all right see if that makes a difference no it doesn’t I’m this close to just spleeping you all into the void guys you’re driving me crazy at this point I’m getting nothing but dark oak wood I’m pretty sure from my past experiences of playing one block that there is a thousand dark oak wood to be Min and then ites takes you to the next phase so I’m going to get busy mining away oh but mobs will spawn in the meantime okay so I’ve got to keep my witch about me it’s like some rotten flesh without sweeten the deal for you there you go you you love me they just don’t love me enough to Be Tamed though do they come on give me a bone we got a bone that’s great it’s about time yes there is a lot of mining oak logs but at least if we can be getting mobs in there I’ll be happy another one and another bone and as I mind this if you like the t-shirt that I’m wearing you’d like to get one for yourself sorry mate you you you cannot have one but yeah they’re available on sp737 do store in four different colors and you can even customize it with your name I’ve I’ve customized mine with Daniel you know you’ve mind a lot of wood when you’ve just gone through an entire iron axe and it looks like there’s still plenty more to go I seem to got past all of the wood and we’re now back to normal blocks and Lapis nice that’s something new it’s a bit of a risky maneuver but this chest is full I need to make it into a double one both of these are full either side so here’s the plan going to I’m going to regret it we’re going to open it up turn it into two chests and then just stick everything in here that’s 10 times more space efficient and now mining can resume another smithing template very very nice a diamond we’ve got the first diamond finally okay that’s brilliant let’s safely put you into this chest I don’t know when we’ll get the next Diamond but you know it’ll be it’ll be a great day when it comes so we can get a diamond pick cuz that’ll then really speed things up also I said it was a th000 dark oak logs yeah I don’t think it was actually quite that many more like 400 which is is a bit more manageable oh I got a buding Amethyst from a chest that means I can technically make an amethyst Farm but once I place these down I can never really move them which feels like too much pressure I have to Choose Wisely I’m going to put them in a chest for now and then decide you know once I’ve kind of established my Island a little bit better and then I’ll be able to work out where the best place for things to go is oh there’s another Diamond hang going a minute okay I think we can make a diamond pick here we’ve got a diamond de we’ve got four five oh this is brilliant okay a diamond pickaxe is going to be Absolut get out of here you don’t ruin this for me but yes a diamond pickaxe is going to be huge oh we got a spy glass and all hello sheep what are you guys looking at I have the zoom what if you zoom and do that is it like even crazy more zoomed in kind of is yeah so let’s grab two sticks and then make ourselves the first diamond pickaxe now I don’t know if I want to actually spend the entire time using the diamond pickaxe it’s definitely going to be the fastest way to mine which is which is a bonus you know we’re going to get through the new item quicker and get new stuff but Diamonds Are a bit of a finite resource so once I use these up and this pickaxe breaks I won’t have any way to to get more really you know I mean i’ I know I’ve got a couple of spare diamonds here but running out still wouldn’t be ideal six Bones come on right which is the chosen wolf you you’re on your own at the back okay are you ready don’t yes finally oh I love you heartbreak no more come on little fella I don’t even know what we’re going to call you but you can live right here here oh I’m so so happy about that and I’ll tame all the other ones when I have more bones cuz I really don’t trust just just three bones to get more although now I I I just feel like I’m constantly being watched whilst I’m mind the block can I can I a bit of privacy please pay attention and guard the sheep or something like that yeah that’s that’s better can’t believe it’s taking me 3 hours to get a diamond pickaxe and to guard a wolf I mean that is some serious going isn’t it oh more bones nice brilliant he did indeed drop as well that gets us to four I’m sure I’ll have more pet wolves before you know it why are you all so shadowed out now after the rain now we’re almost at the 3-hour Mark I reckon this is a perfect dime for me another Diamond very very nice indeed what does that bring me up to now okay we could actually make a second diamond pickaxe if we need to then that’s good to know and as always we’re getting millions and millions of iron how much iron is here oh my God I mean I’m not complaining but this is pretty insane you had to ruin it didn’t you you had to interrupt it and ruin it but yes 31 iron that’s great we’ve also got a candle I do not know what I’m going to do with a candle I feel like I should throw a candle in the void but it could be rare I’m also now 3 hours in two the challenge still feeling fairly decent I’ve kind of woken up I’ve come around nicely and I’m enjoying it I’m actually really enjoying playing the one block as well it’s it’s pretty nice it’s pretty fresh isn’t it like it’s different from normal Sky Block it’s okay well it’s not great when you get chests that are just pointless like that suppose at the very least I can light up the block oh yeah it’s it’s different from like normal survival as well it’s it’s just a fresh experience I could make a diamond axe but I don’t really trust myself to do that at this point I feel like it’ll just end up breaking and then there’ll be down a few diamonds I want to have a lot more diamonds in the kitty before I start making diamond tools and stuff like diamond armor is kind of important well speaking of diamond armor yeah could have could have done with some for that battle we’ve just got Moss which is huge cuz in theory we could use that to make a moss farm and then get loads of bone meal so yeah that’ll be handy for a nice little side quest it’s raining again it’s good you I can sleep to get rid of the rain isn’t it a fish a fish oh we got it oh yes we can make an aquarium once we get sand we can make glass oh this is brilliant okay I I guess I’ll just put you in here for now tomato clownish what do you think Benson that’s great in it yes we’ll call him Benson Benson the dog and I’ll take it a step further Benson the blue dog yeah that’s brilliant now to get back to mining the mighty one block I’m quite liking this phase an acelot I can make all sorts of water features on my Island I’m going to need more buckets I guess although thankfully I have so so much iron I should really smelt some more of it as well I think yeah CH a load of that in there perfect and then if I mine up the ice oh sorry sorry Benson you were s sitting there weren’t you just put you there there you go that’s it get it all off but yeah if I get any more mobs spawn that I can pick up with a bucket I’ll have the bucket ready and waiting you know I feel bad killing a spider every time they spawn because they’re just friendly to me but hey I need the string so I will get it thanks for your help Benson you just sat and watched and it looks like we’ve reached yet another new phase the Savannah one it’s getting me plenty of items I already had before but then it’s also getting me new stuff like well an a lle not exactly new but I need to get another bucket put you in it and then you can be the third one that I’ve got I was going to say like ACAA logs yeah ACAA lugs are the good new item that I’ve managed to get and I reckon once I get the sapling for that I should make a proper tree farm for every single type of wood as it’s the only one that I haven’t got in my collection well apart from jungle wood and I should also try and get a few more saplings whilst I’m here but the pressure of knowing whether it’ll fall or not is is kind of awful yeah we got a stick but that’s not what we want also has all of this now grown it looks like more or less every single one which is very nice in why would you do this to me melon just as I’m planting stuff in its position you decide you’re going to grow but yeah this this does allow me to kind of do the crops in the line a little bit easier oh we’ll just break them whatever don’t know why I’ve gone for two rows of carrots and and not two rows of the rest but that’ll do for me because I have so many chests in here it’s great the chests keep popping up we could actually place a chest down somewhere I’m trying to think where we’ll look best I think this is this is fine oh the grass is nearly all spread by the way just the pig that’s waiting to get some now isn’t it the pig’s probably going to get mud soon though cuz it makes more sense for a pig to be in a muddy air than a I could do grass path for him actually I could do grass path anyway actually can I yeah I could already do that oh well there you go I think I’m just going to do that for you just gives you that little bit more of a pigy kind of a feel for him does look at him he’s looking at the grass like why haven’t I got that no you you get grass pth mate not normal grass P me really wants to risk these eggs and see if we get a chicken the chances are slim very very slim indeed but can you imagine if we somehow pulled it out of the bag and got a chicken back come on one two three okay well now now I have no eggs and and and no chickens surely the one block will give me chickens again in the future or eggs some point I’m sure they will no instead it’s just going to give me spiders another chicken I’m eating crisps where are you going don’t walk off it’s like the block why why you walking out it’s like the block is listening to me come on give me another chicken and I can breed him that would be amazing now I have another chicken which is perfect I really did think what are you don’t both walk out I really did think you guys were going to be extinct on the one block and and now we’ve not only got you two but we’ve got a baby chicken as well absolutely fantastic I basically realized now why I got so much iron just so I get loads of fish and axel that is that is the main reason it’s brilliant go on little fellow you can be chicken number four I really hope I get another Pig I’ll be so sad if I only have one Pig for the whole thing and it’s just cuz it it disappeared randomly on me I need to stop doing this fish keep spawning and I don’t have a bucket ready for them and I have to like quickly craft it get the water somehow pick them up and save their life it really is just way too stressful also noticed the chest I think they’re going to be cool they just give you completely Pointless Stuff like why would I need two spy glasses oh we’re onto a new phase we are in the ocean one that means we’re going to end up with stuff like Guardians and Elder Guardians I’m pretty sure we’ll get sand as well now and I reckon this is a pretty good time for me to improve the island like like some things are pretty good but other things are just a a complete mess so what I’m going to do to start with is I’m going to put the tree farm in a better place I’m starting off by making some modifications to the tree farm and making use of all of the dark oak slabs that I’ve got why is there a big dirt patch here you may be wondering well all will be revealed in a moment So the plan is on these big bits in the corners we have loads of spruce saplings then dark oak ones on these 2x two areas and your standard Oak and Birch for the rest of the spot yeah I think it I think it’ll definitely work and I can also compost a bunch of crops to get plenty of bone meal and actually grow some of these trees upwards I’m going to cave in and make a diamond axe I might as well it’s not like I was short on diamonds so I say why not and unless I build a ladder or something I don’t think there’s any easy way to get to the top of these trees so I’m just casually mining a staircase that will take me upwards if we were ever short of wood we’re definitely not anymore and I’ve got a pretty good collection of spruce saplings as well now I’ve built a platform over here that’s just going to be a little storage area cuz I hate just having all these chest randomly lying around they don’t look good I think this is a solid little build it’s not meant to be anything crazy and then what I can do is add loads and loads of chests and I can put the leather to good use cuz I can craft item frames and then I’ll know exactly what is in every single one of the chests but you know I I could do with a little bit more leather don’t look at me like that yes cows it is breeding time which will eventually get me plenty more leather I have to say everything’s looking 10 times more organized I absolutely love it I’m also going to take a bunch of the gold out of here and make some gold blocks so that instead of just dirt around the famous one block we’ve got something a bit more special dark oak stairs around it like this could be a nice touch and one of the things that needs changing next is probably the farm area but I reckon it’s time to mine up the one block a little bit more and move into the ocean phase actually on a side point since I do have so much iron it might be a good idea to craft a full set of armor so that I’m ready for when some mobs spawn sand oh fantastic we can finally make glass and a turtle oh look at this okay well looks like we need to get a home for you I don’t really know where the best place for you so we’re just going to slot you in here for now and if I have some birch wood I can craft a gate so that he may never Escape he really wants to live in water doesn’t he should I give him some water maybe some other time for now he’s just going to live like that another turtle go on then little fell now you both actually got a friend don’t know how many more Turtles I could actually fit in there without it becoming a bit cramped but if another one spawns you guys will just have to deal with it because you will be getting a third friend a squid can we keep him alive here’s some water I guess well you went out B what you doing to H all I see is your in your future is death so I’m I’m just going to to get the ink sacks from it cuz honestly trying to look after that guy was way more trouble than it was worth cow how have you got out is it a baby cow grew up and then and then you ended up here well funny enough I actually need some leather cuz then I can make a chest that is going to be full of the ocean items and we’ve got a couple more bones now hang on a minute there’s eight in here we we might be able to get a second one Benson you might be getting a friend come on which which dog wants it both of you guys there we go that’s one that’s two oh we’re on a streak now that’s three come on let’s make it four yes we just got four dogs Benson you’re no longer the only tamed dog around here you’ve actually got a family if you think I’m going to name them all right now you’re absolutely wrong for now they are dog one 2 3 4 Benson and to be confirmed when I’m actually able to tame the final two dogs also I know I could use my black ink sack for a lot of different things Dy something cool but you know what I’m going to do going to be really boring and just dye my bed black yeah I think it looks kind of cool and no I certainly wasn’t going to waste one dying one of yours colors no we we’ve got free stuff like that that’s that’s more renewable for example I can take some bone maal use it on the grass get a couple of flowers and then we’ve got orange dye orange dye which is for you dog number one I’m sorry I know you really wanted it but you just not I’m just kidding you can have it as well all right SP stop getting distracted get back to mining the mighty one block a glow squid okay this is cool well I was going to say it’s cool if I got a glow ink sack it didn’t drop one what’s that all about I think I may have been scammed okay okay finally we have got a mob well not finally you know what I mean we got a hostile mob we don’t want to be getting many more of them instead fish oh brilliant I can add it to my NeverEnding collection of buckets tell what since I made that storage room time is flying I’ve just realized that I’ve now done over 5 hours and an elder G oh Panic SB right run run run dogs do so don’t just all stand and look at me oh he Lally just fell in the void oh well that was that was easy enough glad to know that all of you guys have got my back by the way you just all sat there and watched me run for my life kind of annoying cuz the Elder Guardian would drop sponge which is kind of useful oh now that’s a pretty cool chest there’s a lot of little goodies inside of it oh a normal Guardian right I can take you come on bring it bring it out well see you later man these Guardians are just too erratic they jump straight off don’t they although not to worry I suppose I don’t think they’re going to give me any useful drops anyway oh fish well I i’ I’m never opposed to a free bit of food and you got to remember Penguins love fish a puff of fish oh that’s that’s something good most people would have killed it but hey you don’t know when you’re going to see another one of them again a diamond in the chest that is very nice indeed normally the chest a kind of rubbish a trident please drop your Trident come on it’s got to I I’m going to die to him actually if I’m not careful sadly didn’t get a trident but he did leave a load of him hanging around on the island makes me glad that I crafted iron armor doesn’t make me glad that I tame five dogs that are literally no use to me another Elder Guardian okay let’s take him actually if he hits me I’m going to yet take qu well oh well he went off again I don’t know what I’m worrying about all I have to do is just slightly run away from him and he just Bobs off the edge another turtle I knew this day would come there you go you can now live with your friends I told you there’d be three of you eventually and we’ve got plenty of chickens too oh there goes my shovel and you know what I’m going to Splash out I’m going to take a diamond and then make a diamond shovel I know Diamonds Are a finite resource but I’m sure the mighty one block will give me plenty more or it it it could just keep giving me Turtles you know what I’m not going to complain feel like we are getting to the point where you guys don’t have much more space we could probably put one more in and then and then we’re about out of it another Diamond you see I I never had any doubt that the one block would treat me well another squid that’s great I’ll get an ink sack or three ink sacks should I say and you know what dog number three since you wanted it so much you can now have a black color yeah slowly but surely I am getting more and are attached to these guys I think all my giant spruce trees have actually grown and plus the dark o I reckon I should spend a bit of time mining these up cuz if I can get a few more saplings then I can make sure that the entire thing is fully planted and it just means I’ll have plenty of wood for all the various projects that I’ve got coming up well it has to be said I’ve now mined up all the wood and it’s a pretty healthy haul of logs a trident oh how cool is that we got a trident from the chest of a Lu block I’m definitely going to have to get loyalty on this for it to be safe to use otherwise I I’ll probably just lose it in the void but yeah that is very very cool indeed a dolphin can can we keep you alive I I wasn’t really prepared for this I feel like he’s going to fall in the void quick s SP build something don’t go over there go this way that’s it keep bouncing that’s it in there that’s it don’t come back out no he just came straight back out no no please please stay away from the edge uh uh why are you doing this to me no oh oh well we tried this is now the new temporary dolphin enclosure if we get another one I wonder if Dolphins can go in boats I never really thought to test it if I could get a lead that would probably solve my problems I could have I could have led him into there that would have yeah that would have been a lot better but oh well I’m I’m happy with my five Turtles anyway or should I say my six Turtles cuz yes we have got another one I’ve nearly used up all of my iron on buckets I need to start smelting the rest of this don’t I so I reckon I some furnaces like this on both sides would work quite nicely for getting all of the needed items we’ve now reached the desert biome we’re in a new phase which is great we’re going to get loads and loads of sand and a fox what no no no no my chickens oh dear oh dear um SP where’s your boat that’s it go in the spruce Forest that’s where you know where there’s no way I catch him in here is there if I create a row of boats surely one of them will catch him yes it worked wow I didn’t actually think it would I have no idea why we just hit the desert biome and we’ve got a fox but you know what I’m I’m not going to question it a donkey oh well I I feel like I haven’t got enough pens for all these animals now but I guess the pig is kind of lonely so um yeah you can you can live with him and there goes my pickaxe it was a good pickaxe to me that but all good things come to an end I knew it was pretty close at hand so let’s grab a new one and I’m guessing the sad news is that now we’re in the desert we’re probably not going to get a chance to get another dolphin yeah it’s a shame but we we blew our only hope oh a villager a villager oh well this is wonderful hop on in a boat good sir I haven’t seen another human in ages well I guess I’m technically a penguin but yeah it’s going to be great having you around on the island also I have six bones what do you reckon six bones two dogs can it be done can you even tame them in a boat I think you can oh we’ve got one come on four bones oh yes welcome little doggies what are you doing what why are you going up there okay there was no need for that but I you can sit there forever now that sounds like a very looks very uncomfortable let me tell you that but yeah that was also very very unnecessary this area will need improving now there’s not any dogs in the way I I could probably build a house there or something and look at that for a chest wow but yeah I’m hoping to get loads and loads more sand and then I can build an aquarium or at the very least I could build an army of donkeys I hadn’t even noticed guys but we have just passed the 6 hour mark what an achievement that is a quarter of the way down can you believe I’ve only done all of this in 6 hours I’m not sure whether to laugh or cry cuz I feel like I could have achieved more but hey we’ve still got another 18 hours left so I’m sure I could do a lot of amazing stuff my main focus right now is to make a desert chest and to keep mining away at the one block red stone that’s the first time that we have got Redstone today so in theory that means I could actually enhance my builds quite a bit now with some cool little Redstone components a wondering Trader oh nice don’t know how long we’ve got you for but you can go into this boat here okay uh Pillager uh good to sir you are not welcome just got the heart of the sea which is pretty cool maybe down the line I’ll be able to make a conduit although I I would need a lots of Nautilus shells guys we’ve got a camel we have made it in life we have got a C I can’t move him but we we’ve got a camel if only I had a saddle I could ride him around instead i’ I just have to kind of yeah push him over there somewhere and continue mining yeah that’s it you rest your legs you’ve got nowhere to be I’m hoping that I get given some PR by the block at some point then I can actually breed him well that’s assuming I get another one cuz I can’t breed a donkey and a camel guys I’m just eating chicken I’m just taking out a Pillager Captain cuz it’s a villager it’s starting a raid what on Earth going on I am really not prepared for this in any way shape or form I’m I’m nearly dead thankfully I’m kind of good at Minecraft but I’m not ready for the next wave right first things first let’s get this guy safe we need to build him a shelter they’re all spawning in a really awkward I don’t know how I’m going to get out of this this is possibly the biggest disaster that could have happened all right we we made it across it oh yeah that’s it go in the point spli them yes that’s right spli them and split them up now is my villager okay somehow it does seem to be I don’t know how long that’s going to last I need to get some more wood I feel like they’re going to spawn over here again though if I start getting aokas I’m in big big trouble I was just relaxing mining away I did not expect this to happen one bit all righty we need food desperately all right mushroom stew is not a great food either but it’s all I’ve got oh there’s a ravager of course there’s a r AER is he stuck how am I going to deal with this I right okay no need to panic I’m sure I can fashion something together it looks like he is kind of stuck I must be able to make some arrows yep combine that with a bow all these feathers that I’ve been getting are actually coming in handy let’s get rid of him I feel like spling is an option but I don’t really want to risk it and if I block this off I’m pretty sure assuming they spawn in the same place again they won’t be able to get across wait victory that was that was the raid it was only three waves oh well guys look at that we did it we didn’t actually get any totems or anything because it was only three waves but yeah I’m going to keep you guys safe here because I would not be surprised if the same thing didn’t happen again and I don’t want any accidents to happen and I would say that I’m now going to peacefully go back to mining but I’m not sure if that’ll even be the case so guys I’m just mining away minding my own business getting over room with camels and someone is sleeping in my bed who’ you think you are get get out of my bed absolutely disgrace for that only SB sleeps in his own bed starting to think I prefer this island when it was just me and the animals oh he’s just giving me some wheat seats I take it back oh you’re giving me good stuff is it cuz I got hero of the village oh well I’ll take it I take it all back what have you got to offer me I think I’m going to go ahead and make a couple of cauldrons then I can get some leather workers and then in theory every now and again they will throw me leather as as you might I guess that’s what they work with and leather is something that’s oh hello another one but yeah leather is something that’s kind of in short supply for me and it means that we’ll have to murder loads of these cows to get it another Trident oh you just gave me oh well thank you so much for the leather good sir but yeah another Trident are you kidding me this guy’s having a bath in it that’s not what the cauldron’s there for oh he gave me leather though come to fill it with water for you there you go now they’ve actually got something to work with I’ve just got cactus in a chest this is fantastic because I can now make a cactus farm it’s not going to be particularly big or spectacular to start off with it that’ll do but it means if you know if five six how many camels have I got six camels yeah if if six camels wasn’t enough I I can also breed more if I want I’ve just reached another phase we’re now in bamboo Jungle which means yeah we’re going to get stuff like the new bamboo blocks and parrots oh we’ve got parrots have I got seeds come on I must have seeds 62 wheat seeds that’ll do it where are you all right here you go little fell I don’t be like this accept me I want to be your friend and then we got him I feel like a true captain now with a a barrot on my shoulder and apparently this is this is now my house so um yeah you can you could just live here it’s not really my house I’m going to build something proper don’t you worry guys it’s it’s going to be a think in that direction and a o that’s cool um don’t fly away because if I can get a jukebox and a music disc I can make him duplicate but I don’t know where he’s going why are you going so far away please don’t just fly away if I give him an item he’ll stay close by to me but I I wasn’t really ready for him to do I didn’t think he’d do this why one or two things could happen he’ll either just disappear go into the void whatever I’ll never see him again or he’ll fly back to me I’m hoping he flies back but I’m prepared for it if if he doesn’t a Vex okay not quite like an laay not a mob I would like to see still don’t know where that La went he is just completely gone an oselot okay that’s both a good thing oh no my chickens oh okay um did he did he just walk off where did where did he go I think he just fell off the island okay it’s probably just as well cuz I do not want my chickens to die and if ocelots are anything like the foxes then yeah they would just be a nightmare a panda oh we’ve made it ladies and gentlemen we have made it we have got ourselves a panda brilliant imagine if I tried to get myself a brown panda like I just bred 70 million of them had had me Island completely full of them yeah I don’t really want to do that so I don’t think that’ll happen but it would kind of be a cool achievement if I did do it a second Panda fantastic we can breed him now I’m going to end up with as many pandas as I have camels aren’t at this right yeah they’re just everywhere I’ve also now just gone past the 7h hour mark 17 hours remain how do I feel I feel like this is going to be a tough challenge to get to 24 hours that’s how I’m feeling at the moment it’s not been easy from the right from the word go this one for some reason I just was more tired going into it but hey if I say I’m going to play one block for 24 hours straight I’m going to do one block for 24 hours straight even if mobs like you are going to spawn to try and thwart me as far as I’m aware I don’t think it’s ever been done before I don’t think anybody has ever played Minecraft one block for 24 hours straight I could be wrong I should probably do my research before making statements like that but I’ve never seen anyone pull it off anyway and within the next hour I think I’m definitely going to build myself a house and I’m going to build a place for the pandas and camels to go another relay um here take a take a log that’s it no what are you doing going under there but yeah whatever it takes I’m going to get this place looking SP and span I’m worried oh he’s over there all right so if I if I throw hold on this is how we’re going to do it we’re going to throw another log down right here here and in theory the LA that’s it going collect it up there we go we got him in a boat all right he he’s now safe for forever I can also I believe take maybe I can’t take it off him yes I can take it off him well at least I didn’t lose both the LA I don’t know where the other one’s gone he’s probably somewhere in the void now but yeah I feel like the island is really coming to life with all of the mobs that I’ve got so to build a house in this direction the first thing I’ve got to do is clear out all of these blocks it’s a little bit annoying that I did let all of this scat okay hold on don’t sple the panda SB don’t mind spling that guy yeah see you later but the panda the panda must be protected whoa camel don’t push him off you know what I got loads of camels get out of here I need to stop murdering creatures anyway yeah it’s a shame cuz I let the grass spread everywhere for to then just be mined up for no reason well other than the reason being that we we do just need more space all right Panda you will be safe up here all of this can be mined and then from this chest I’m going to grab loads of the slabs and build a bit of a pathway outwards a pathway that will will lead to my house yeah I think this is going to be great since I have so many dark oak logs I I think it makes sense to use them I’m going to use some regular Oak as well yeah I’m sure it all should look great I’m just going to first build the entire platform that the house is going to sit on and then that’ll make it much easier for me to build there’s going to be a bit of an entrance way right here looking something like that yes I I know it looks a little strange but give me time give me time I’m sure I can make it look a bit better for example iron bars along there like that right here I’m going to do strip Spruce logs then along this bit we can have fences and also lanterns and so the question is does the front look any better I mean it’s it’s getting there okay getting there but there is still plenty of room for improvement I’ve now done both of the sides and this is what it’s starting to look like pretty good but it needs a roof and it also needs some windows too which means smelting some sand all of my Cactus has grown nicely meaning I can expand the farm to grow even more I’m going to make the glass to be white then I’m going to make them into pains these gaps going to all be nicely filled in 8 hours have just passed we’re a third of the way through I tell you what building the house does take quite a bit of time there we go the windows are finished honestly this camel thinks the house is for him it’s not and now he is stuck in here the windows are also too high which basically makes it impossible to see out of it which is why the floor is going to be raised up a little creating something that kind of looks like this and if I make some new shears to get more wool then I can decorate this wall using painting what’s that can’t reach the top to add the roof oh just sit on your camel then you’ve got a bit more height actually if anything it was just slightly more annoying I’m also going to take my bed and put that in my house I I I think that makes quite a bit of sense and then above these beams there’s going to be deep slate dials I’m really liking how the inside of this is looking but I’m not really liking how the outside is I mean okay the outside’s looking good but 100% it needs a new roof well I suppose it just needs any roof full stop to be honest with you so I’m going to smelt some cobblestone into stone so that can make a stone cutter and then the stone cutter can more efficiently make a deep slate brick stairs The Roof Is Now fully complete which means my house is now completely done doesn’t it look great and I’m also busy collecting orange wool so I can make orange carpet to make the inside look a little bit better I also have no idea how I’m going to get this camble out of my house I think for the time being I’m probably just why is there a pandon here but yeah I think I’m just going to have to live with it for the time being and with my house pretty much complete other than trying to get more orange wool which they are Reg growing at a very Speedy rate I’m now going to focus on Breaking the one block a load more times I have successfully tamed another parrot let’s put him in my house as well I should name all these pets but I would actually run out of names parrot one parrot 2 Gamel one La one yeah the LA’s I’ve got another La by the way dog number 76 Oh no you’re bensing AR you honestly I don’t know what the point of these siid I will TIY things up don’t worry guys I’ve got 15 hours to tidy up don’t you worry it’s just a miracle that I have built a house with within the first 12 hours okay be proud of me guys that I’ve done that and you know what I’ve just thought of a little Improvement for my house as well if I take some Oak fences I’ll just add these along the beams for a little bit of extra decoration and if I take five Cobblestone and smelt it I can add some extra decorational buttons to the front of the build and now I’m really done with touching it okay my house is fully finished let’s see what else we can get from the mighty one block I’ve got a few diamonds recently oh well a horse as well and I’m just wondering how many diamonds I’ve got in total the priority oh we’ve got 33 yeah the priority is that I have enough to make new diamond tools whenever I need them but I’ve still got iron armor and it would be great if I could turn it into Diamond if I did it now I’d still have nine Diamond spare so it it wouldn’t be too bad but just to be safe I’m going to wait until I get a few more diamonds from this block okay you know we keep getting the alls which is great I mean I must have four alls in total floating about now well three are in the air one is stuck in a boat with a fox is that a slab has the one block dropped me a slab I’ve never seen it give me a slab before but the priority of course is to get diamonds we’ve just got another couple from it right there also breaking the suspicious sunand is very very satisfying oh we’ve reached the next phase we’re in the mangrove swamp phase and that means we’re getting mud mud which I reckon is something the pig would be very happy about yes that I’m talking to you I reckon sooner rather than later we make him a pen and we actually make it out of mud I think he’ll love it I do also think there’s a place for mud in this chest here I don’t know how many muddy Mangrove Roots there are going to be so I’m going to make a few slots for that as well and also whilst I’m here I’m might as well clear out my inventory my axe has just about died so I reckon it is worth making a new one ready for it it wasn’t camels all around me now it’s stupid horses where have all my camels gone by the way I used to have way more didn’t I okay they’re just far flung around my Island and in my house too no why why did you just walk off like that the panda literally for no reason there just decide to walk you better not do the same thankfully we we have got loads more over here but it’s still an unnecessary casualty I’m just going to keep my head down and keep mining this is why I need to make them pens where they’ll be safe cuz otherwise they will just fall off good to finally get some more dirt by the way since my reserves for that are kind of looking a little bit low a frog okay that is cool I love to see that very cool indeed I wonder if we’ll get slimes on the swamp Mangrove swamp slimes that adds up doesn’t it hopefully we do but yeah it’s cool we’ve got a little froggy men just got to block him in like that keep him safe cuz I know what frogs are like they they’ll just jump all over the place and he will it will jump in the void there’s no doubt about it we’ve got another one right here that can live right next to him Mangrove wood it’s a brand new type of tree yes we got slimes fantastic okay right don’t mess this upb my axent are going to break this guy does some serious damage dogs why are you doing anything okay we got got him we got a slime ball don’t know why I didn’t become smaller slimes but we have got our first slime ball that’s huge because I can now grab four string go to a crafting table and make two leads oh this is going to make moving mobs so much easier of course Panda’s you know leads don’t work but camels follow me you see oh that’s 10 times better that is literally the main reason of white slime I know that the Redstone is also quite useful but yeah considering how many mobs I’m collecting leads are going to be a lifesaver also the last time there was a panda near there he walked in the void be careful little fell I should say big fell he’s quite a big Panda isn’t he anyway let’s just get back oh the satisfaction of this sun but yeah let’s just get back to mining away oh a tadpole we got him in a bucket that’s great it could be another addition to my little aquarium chest also might be wise of me to quickly make another bucket just in case any more little Tad balls show up kind of unexpected but I’ve just had a sheep spawn and this is why I’m glad that I have the lead having a lead also means I can much more easily move the allays around yes oh brilliant I’ve got yet another Diamond another two diamonds should I say and my pickaxe has just broke so I’m going to take all of the diamonds that I have available and first craft a new pickaxe that’s got to be the priority and then it is time it is time to say goodbye to my iron armor see you later and instead we’re going to say hello to some brand new diamond armor since I now have a brand new pickaxe and a brand new axe available I feel like I can justify it I just hope that the mighty oh this is actually growing little amethyst shards nice I’m going to break it anyway but I just hope that the mighty one block keeps giving me more diamonds in return the game is giving me so many diamonds in a row this is the dream ladies and gentlemen oh I’ve just got 13 in a row how many is it going to be you want to throw one of these fellas in that’s not going to stop me I’m just going to continue collecting up my diamond well this the there are loads here man if I had known this I would have crafted diamond armor ages ago 34 in a row that is insane I’m going to safely put these into this chest it’s also always nice to get another Trident cuz apparently four is not enough yeah I thought the idea of trident is that they were quite rare but obviously I was completely wrong oh we’ve just reached the the next phase the nether phase that’s good cuz we can get a lot of cool new blocks but it’s bad because we’re going to get a lot of mobs that I don’t want to plus Blaze which could burn down my house that’s what happened the last time in a one block video anyway so hopefully that doesn’t happen again and I have also noticed from this block I’ve been getting lots and lots of extra saplings so what I want to do is mine up all of the trees that I’ve currently got and then hopefully I’ll have enough to fill in these gaps over here and yeah maning up every single one of these spruce might end up taking a little bit of time that is mission accomplished and I should be able to get quite a few more supps from the remaining leaves I’m also now 10 hours into the challenge 10 hours I’m going to be honest this is a lot harder than previous times have been like don’t get me wrong I’m having a great time playing one block I’m really enjoying it but for some reason I’m just feeling really tired on a side note I’m going to very quickly make a diamond hoe but yeah I don’t know if it’s because I got started a little bit later in the day than would have liked to I mean at the moment it’s qu to 8 and yeah I’ve got 14 hours to go that’s kind of crazy that I’m going to be at this till qu to 10: a.m. tomorrow but hey it’s got to be done right now I’ve used my gravel to get more dirt because of course dirt kind of doubles the amount I think that’s just smart a smart way to you know keep things nice and renewable well I suppose renewable is a strong word it just means I have plenty more dirt available at my disposal cuz right now I do think it’s a bit of a problem how tiny this Farm is I want to make some much much bigger crop farms probably somewhere over there and yeah having plenty more dirt is going to be one of the keys to accomplishing that and after that I’ll return to the mighty one block and take on whatever nether monstrosities it throws at me who knows if I play my cards right I might end up with netherite that’s all the dirt done the grass over here is spreading nicely and so now I can build a pathway going in this direction and up here is where the crop Farm is going to go but something else that does need to happen is this needs improving this pathway is not not nice like all the other ones it’s too narrow and it’s made out of the wrong material so I’m going to start off by removing this and replacing it with the slabs and then I can remove the grass blocks in the middle these were necessary once upon a time when I needed the grass to spread but nowadays they’re not quite as important to fully get it right I am going to need to remove this row of crops for now I’ll keep it there though since they they’re still growing they’re not doing any harm and I think I will change this edging to be dark oak planks just so it kind of fits more in line with these side bits You’ have thought this would be quite easy wouldn’t you but there is literally way too many mobs in some of I it’s cuz they for the pandas and the villagers also after placing all that wood I do feel like I might need to top up my supplies so I’ll just do a little bit more tree chopping I’m starting to think the storages here are just getting a little bit small I think I should now move everything to chests in the actual storage room yeah that would that would make sense wouldn’t it like when it comes to Oak and Birch I haven’t got that much because they only produce little trees and it’s the same with the acia and jungle well I don’t even have the saplings for those to be honest but dark oak is another one as you can see does very big trees gets me a lot of wood but that needs a lot of extra space it’ also be great if I got fortune on this ho cuz I get so many more saplings so much faster anyway I now feel like I have all the wood that I could possibly need to build anything so I shall now start on this brand new crop Farm also because the one block itself changes the biome everything has gone nethery like the grass has even the the sky is a little bit nethery kind of a cool feature that the block itself changes your biome you just have to relog to actually see the effect sometimes which is why I’m only just now seeing it if I had more dirt available I’d make this even bigger but I’ve only got 12 pieces left now so for now I’m going to gather leaves with my shears and then use these to hydrate the ground because the water doesn’t flow away but you can walk over it no problem well I thought that was a pretty smart idea anyway normally I use slabs but yeah you kind of sometimes do walk down in them so yeah I just had the idea why not use leaves now I’m going to till every single bit of the ground and get busy planting I’d say that’s a good amount down eventually when I have more dirt I’ll make a layer for carrots a layer for potatoes and a layer for wheat but for now this right here we have to do most going to set up my little composting station here again and the bow meal will just end up in this hopper in theory I do probably need to add some proper homes for the rest of these mobs but I’m just going to start mining I’m just going to start mining see what happens see what the game gives us straight away we are getting a lot of cool nether blocks I’m going to have to make a chest dedicated to a mana and we got a piglin a piglin that wants to attack me bro we can talk this out can we barter have we got any gold apparently a little bit let’s see he it might change or I might not I don’t know if he’ll actually changed can you B come on give me something cool oh well it was too late but I will bear that in mind oh ancient debris nice but I was going to say I’ll bear that in mind the next time a piglin spawns I’ll try and barter with him and we can get obsidian this is where it takes forever to do the mining of the one block isn’t it when you get stuff like obsidian and ancient debris but that is good cuz it means we are now beginning the journey to getting netherite I mean when I have full netherite armor I’m going to be very very happy indeed yep ancient debris piece number two obtained and okay oh I tell you what if I had looting three get his head but I guess it’s unlikely that we’ll get that isn’t it he has so much health I don’t know it took forever to take out just got a bit coal dly noted why is the loot in the chest so un neish by the way like I don’t mind it but it’s just got nothing to do with the nether like seriously seagrass Pottery shirs really not interested crying obsidian okay I have no idea what I’m really going to use it for but I guess it’s just another block to Slow Me Down in mining the one block oh a Magma Cube nice we didn’t pick anything up from him though a Strider bro it’s good to see you you don’t look too healthy but welcome to the island we’ll we’ll try and get you some lava to stand on at some point all right you just hang in there for now better than something like a blaze or gas spawning that’ll probably happen down there again what’s this got to do with the nether this chest I have no idea but yeah we probably are you a gas spawn or or something like that aren’t we what are you doing why are you walking through the water don’t do that you will die also speaking of gas just to be safe I think I’m going to take a bow and some arrows cuz otherwise they’re going to be a little bit annoying to take out why so many spy glasses by the way somebody tell me that a hoglin nice okay they yeah they do a little bit of damage but it’s some good food from them it is okay let’s just make sure we don’t do anything crazy yep hoglins very very handy to have indeed a blaze nice we can get blaze rods now which we’ve got we’ve got our first one that does really open the door to a lot of things cuz if I now go into here grab three Cobblestone we can do some Brewing I don’t know where I’m going to put it let’s let’s put it on here there we go we have a brewing stand very very handy indeed another Strider I’ll send him over there it’s kind of a bad thing that they’re just all going into the Sheep actually where did the striding how did you get over there yeah I should make it so that they can’t just walk into the pens by like going on top of chests and stuff that’s probably where the issues are but oh well it’ll be all right don’t know what mud has got to do with the nether but I’ll Mine It Anyway another one and I accidentally put the gold in the chest again I completely forgot about baring with him here you go sir let’s see if he can do it in time nope he could not that me for putting the gold back on though I I take full responsibility no get out of there get out of there stop it why are you walking into the water you will die man I’ve got to Corner this off you are not allowed to go near that stop going in near near it please I should really just move the frogs I didn’t have to cover everything up but yeah I don’t know why you’re determined to walk into water another Blaze nice and another Blaze Rod a g we knew this day would come okay don’t let him destroy everything please oh what a shot didn’t actually get anything from that but I tell you what I dealt with him very nicely a diamond nice that’s more like it in a chest oh but another gas uhoh wait do we hit him back that easy well I guess all I can say is don’t mess with sp737 especially if you’re a mob in Minecraft because no it will not end well I think I’ve actually mined up enough ancient debris now to start making some netherite ingots yeah we’ve got eight pieces so bit of coal bit of ancient debris I’ll mine away as it smelts oh we got another chest of stuff that’s nothing to do with the nether stuff that I really don’t need as well then I can craft a smithing table some netherite ingots and whilst in one block you do need a netherite upgrade to turn it to netherite you can just use the crafting interface to do it as well you can’t normally do that but you can on this one block so yeah that makes my life easier cuz we can now get the chest plate the leggings and with this other netherite Ingot that I got earlier also the boots feeling pretty safe and tough now looking forward to getting more ancient debris also I’m now past the 12-hour Mark which means means I’m past halfway I’m feeling a lot better than I was maybe 2 or 3 hours ago I actually feel like I’ve got my second wind I think going through the nether section has actually been quite fun it’s got me a lot of new items such as the ancient debris and the obsidian two very useful things so I’ve really likes that my crop Farm is growing nicely as well I’d love to get back to being able to get dirt but that’s probably going to be after the nether maybe then we’ll be on one that can give dirt again at the moment we’re kind of just stuck with stuff like Netherrack and I don’t know gilded black Stone I did it I got some gravel off him just in the nick of time as well finally some bartering the B off guys we have just reached a brand new biome we’re now in the Cherry Grove one which is fantastic we’re going to get another brand new wood type and we’re getting more dirt and Hoodie ooh nice and yes I’m standing up now when you’re doing these 24-hour challenges youve got to remember to stretch your legs and a b oh can we put him on a lead has he just flown into the void yes he has okay you going to come back little fell or you know’s he’s off see you later so here the protocol when you get a new phase you go up to a cow you murder him didn’t say it was a nice plan make a new item frame and you place it down now I would argue that Cherry Grove well the Cherry logs should just go into this chest really but stuff like honey doesn’t really have a home like the pink terra cotta you know there’ll be a space for it you know you can just slot it at the bottom down here C you so we’ll have to see what kind of blocks they end up getting long term but you see we’re still like in this nethery biome you know like bit ready Sky Lo is suns setting the grass doesn’t look great you know it doesn’t look particularly amazing but if I go ahead and reload the world it goes from that to this much more vibrant and much much nicer look at the color of the water how nice is that it’s absolutely lovely also in other news as you can see all of my crops have more or less grown emphasis on the more I don’t think any of them have not grown that’s fantastic so it is Operation Farm loads of them and then plant them all back down as well another big and I can put him on a lead fantastic so we just tie him up there like a hot air balloon and I don’t really have any way to collect okay well it just despawned it wait it’s despawned okay it’s come back I about to say I don’t have any way to collect it up and the block just disappeared I was like what it it decayed on me I thought that was it I thought that was that was it the block was gone thankfully yeah you can just place it back down and it’s it’s picked up where it’s left off honeycom blocks are kind of annoying cuz there is no good tool to mine them with oh wa we got a llama hello that’s it fell you come this way and I’ll I’ll get you home eventually that’s what I just tell everyone apparently and then they end up living on my front lawn or something or in my house even even worse a nest oh can I pick this up do I need silk touch apparently I must need silk touch I’m sorry guys don’t be angry okay you’re going to die now why I’m going to put you down though cuz yeah you would have died anyway and it was it was a merciful thing to do how am I supposed to get out of that one in in one piece though without so touch I can’t do much just realize with those Cherry bossom leaves as well I should just be mining them with shears I don’t know why I’m not I I didn’t think of that that’s that’s just me having no brain apparently a sniffer oh my goodness this is the best thing ever unbelievable absolutely unbelievable go and sniff me some seeds go on sniffy you know what to do tell you what this block is just the gift that keeps on giving and W we got the Cherry sapling quick make room for it i’ I’ve not going enough space place a chest down SP and then put a load of stuff in didn’t want anything going to waste there but yeah that’s awesome cuz now I can actually grow cherry trees I’m going to put that there for now and yeah a lot of things haven’t very fast there and almost all at once we got two new things very quickly I wonder yeah if he will get me torch flower seeds and picture pods that’ be pretty cool I might even put him in a moss block field so then it’ll be even easier for him to do the splooting thing and therefore even easier to get me the seeds let’s actually use the shears on these and then we can pick them up even though with the Cherry sapling I can technically now grow my own also yes I’m sat down again all right I’ve I’ve I’ve stood long enough so I’m now back in the gamer position oh he’s doing it oh yes come on come on get me the seed dig no are you kidding me you had one job and you dug it into the void I knew I should have penned him off I can’t believe that of all the places it could have gone it went into the void oh well I suppose there always next time finally something cool from a chest we got a sniffer egg that go well with a sniffer that just randomly Chucks the seeds into the bo won it why why have I got bees just flying everywhere as well little bit of a mess isn’t it anyway for now I’m just going to keep this in here what I will do is build an actual enclosure for the sniffer before I hatch the egg probably a lot safer isn’t it another sniffer fantastic so I’ve got two sniffers and an egg I really should start building some enclosure shouldn’t I I’m just kind of addicted to Breaking this block though it’s so satisfying to see what the next phase is going to be and what else is it going to give me tell you what I’ve just got like a 100 dirt from that by the way that is going to be so useful for expanding this Farm I think I’m going to make it a little bit wider and longer as well then every single bit of ground can be tilled and extra water can be added down too I’ve reached yet another phase we’re now in the savannah Plateau one which for some reason is is giving me quartz I don’t know why but hey I’m not going to question it I think are these mushroom blocks I don’t know why there’s mushroom either one thing I do know is it’s giving me a lad more donkeys and beehives too oh finally somewhere for my bees to live you you want a homem mate there you go I’ve just had a cat spa don’t you dare push my sniffer into the void whoa so it’s a murderous cat what are you going to do murder a donkey I kind of want to take yet but I haven’t got any fish I I think I’m going to go fishing don’t kill the Llama I’m going to put you on a lead you are going to just wait there all right you’re not killing anybody and then I’m going to grab a couple of pieces of string craft a fishing rod and build a nice little fishing dock right here that’s going to be the shape of it but the important thing is the depth because it all okay this is not going to go well if I mess this up let me put the water right here but yeah it needs to be a bit deeper doesn’t it good job I’ve got plenty of the dark oak logs to make it deeper from there I simply have to fill it with water and I Can Begin catching fish probably caught enough fish at this point I I reckon these if they don’t tame the cat then I don’t want him although the real question is where is the cat I see the lead but I don’t see the cat oh well I’m sure we’ll get another one from the Block also ni to catch a couple of saddles whilst fishing which is pretty cool cuz if I can tame this horse then I can ride him look at this we’re up and we’ve got a horse that is pretty epic I’m going to leave him here for now then I shall Harvest all my crops and attempt to get another cat oh we got a rare mob these are not even normally possible to obtain that’s cool should really be put him in a safer Place Than Just Around by my house anyway I’m getting a cat that’s my goal the cat has spawned come on there we go we got a pet cat as well fantastic and did I just knock something in the vo did did my my my horse just drop in the void I think you might done but there is one there so we’re okay where’s my other horse that I put a saddle on honestly I need to start Penning these mobs up it’s becoming a problem that they’re all just wandering off so I tell you what I’ll complete this phase and then we make homes for all these different mobs that are dotted around assuming they haven’t walked off by then cuz I’m pretty sure I’ve lost a sniffer as well yeah but I’ve got two sniff eggs so I’m I’m not worried about that and in other news we have just 9 and 1 half hours left the last couple of hours have gone fairly quickly I spent a lot of time doing some fishing and I feel okay I feel a little bit achy but my tiredness is gone which is always a good thing the current time is 5 minutes past midnight so yeah long way to go I’ve got to go for another like well 9 hours and 34 minutes to be precise but yeah so far so good here are the picture pods that the sniffers couldn’t give me or well at least I’ve got him one way or another and it is now operation get busy mining another cat spawn so I’m of course going to try and tame the little fell there you go here is do you eat you don’t eat that okay well you you you have not been tamed sadly I really hope you just walk off into the void for that to say that this has been sat in a bag for I can’t remember how many hours it’s been sat in a bag for a long time on it must be 10 hours or 8 hours it’s pretty good like it’s not in bad don’t it’s not that it’s not that bad that chewy actually like I thought it going to be a new phase has been reached the deep dark one and all I can say is that if this spawns wardens I I am not going to be happy all right I have been playing Minecraft for too long in a row to want to deal with wardens that would not be fun at all anyway I must keep my word I said I would make homes for all these animals so they actually have somewhere to stay and so that is what I I’ll now do I’m going to begin by extending this pathway out quite a bit more also just past the 15 hour mark how awesome is that less than 9 hours to go crazy when you’ve been going for this long 9 hours does not feel like a long time at all if you said to me at the start of the day you’ve got to go and play Minecraft for 9 hours straight I feel like that was a long session I suppose really it is all just about perspective I actually can’t believe that I lost one of my pigs and I never got a second one all video but that doesn’t mean I’m going to forget about him I said that I would get some mud for him and that is exactly L what has happened so I’m just going to kind of put it down in a bit of a random pattern something like that yep that that’s good enough then we had the fences and I feel like we can probably just push him out since he’s just one guy on his own he okay well it wasn’t easy enough let’s just send you straight next door well that was easy enough wasn’t it still sad there’s only one of you we sorted the pigs out yeah I mean there’s not meant to be llamas in with the turtles or Striders this is going to be a little bit hairy getting them out I feel like okay never mind it was actually pretty easy only one Escape Turtle well that’s what happens to you I think I’m going to start using moss blocks as the floor as well because they look like grass blocks but obviously they’re not and I’m able to get them without silk touch otherwise I just have to make the grass spread and that just takes forever definitely much easier just to place down the Moss and the mobs can live on top I feel like four llas is enough but there’s a brown llama in here I kind of want to get him out every man in his dog is going to leave yep there goes the chicken but I got the Llama I’m going to make the Strider stand on magma I have no idea if that makes them feel more at home but I’m I’m just trying to be nice the Moment of Truth do they like magma no no I I think they only like lava but oh well you know what it’s better than nothing yeah I totally didn’t just punch them seven times to make sure they went in you saw nothing I’m sorry what are you doing in my house get get out of my bed I he went into my house and into my bed it’s one thing when it’s outside but not when it stop it I tell you there’s no respect from these villagers is there I’m giving the sniffers a double siiz pen mainly because they’re very cool and I feel like a normal size one is it’s just too small for them can also play place down an egg I don’t think it’ll take too long to hatch the only thing I have got to be careful of is that this sniffer doesn’t use it to escape so for now I’m going to have to keep him over there almost everything now has a home the only missing ones are the villagers the horses the dogs you know what this is your home actually this is where you live and the LA’s now that fox does have a home and I’ve just got to get him in here only problem is I I remember that kind of thing being a little bit of a nightmare even with the lead he will not probably listen to me okay I’ve got him in yes okay somehow that has worked we’ll never know how but that it doesn’t really matter the LA has pretty much the exact same home as the frogs only difference is it took me forever to get him in there and there’s still two more to try and trap somehow I’ve got them all in this is the little stable area I’ve made one horse is already in and there’s about four or five to go all horses are in I’ve got two spare slots in case I’ve get any extra from the one block and realistically now other than a few villagers and wandering traders that are sking about skulling about see what I did that anyway apart from those guys there isn’t any other mobs left that need a hope I mean I know my dogs and my cat kind of do but my cat can live in the house and I have almost 8 hours to make a kennel for my dogs so yeah we won’t worry about that I instead want to finish this little pathway tidy up the area harvest my crops and then I’ll see what Secrets lie within the wait will this spawn a warden I was just going to say I want to know what Secrets lie within the deep dark phase of the one block it is shrieking but can it summon a warden call to the F3 menu it can’t all right that’s good to know that they can’t summon wardens that doesn’t mean that some scary deep dark stuff is not going to spawn though I mean if it does spawn a warden I’m going to have to try and get him in the void which I I don’t like the sound of this is also just a great way to get loads and loads of XP I’m kind of enjoying this oh look at this hey you oh this is fantastic you come with me I have absolutely the perfect spot for you in my Stables if I get another one of them I’ll put him in there I’m going to build around that and out of roof and stuff but I wanted to get all the horses in before I did all that but I’m I’m sure I’m going to end up getting the final one in this phase look at that we got another one pretty quickly and he is in any more that we get from here on out I’m just going to get rid of and and Chu in the vo cuz I have not got space for them yeah like you sorry mate but you were just too late to the party and the same goes for you too you know what I’m thinking I’m thinking that I probably at this point have enough diamonds to make some diamond blocks and also put those around the one block like I I think the one block deserves diamond and gold around it just a spice it up a little bit yeah I really really like that makes me feel kind of Rich also we’ve just got some skull which is like a skull vein which is the first time we’ve actually picked up anything skull related I would say does it deserve its own chest but I feel like if that’s all I’m going to be getting probably not since I need silk touch to pick up all the skull blocks which isn’t going to happen at the moment just m a chest which gave me some actual skull blocks which is nice means I can actually put them in a chest oh my goodness a warden did spawn I didn’t think it actually would what the heck no way oh my goodness I have no idea what to do he is in my Forest no way I can’t kill him if I’m quick though I can get some wo and maybe block him in is he angry at me or something else I have no idea it’s angry at someone it looks like it might be me oh no be run for your life what’s going on how do I even survive this come on he’s oh this is this is actually terrifying where is he did I get away way did I outmaneuver him I’m not hanging around to find out he must be over there somewhere of all the things that I thought could happen this is not one of them and the worst thing is I have no idea where he is now he must be stuck behind that tree dealing with a warden is not something you want to be doing at half 2 in the morning after having played Minecraft for nearly 17 hours in a row there he is okay he’s stuck in the cactus by the looks of things I do have a plan I have a plan to set a trap we only going to get one shot at this I have to get it right but if I place trap doors like this I think the warden is going to think he can follow me but he won’t get across here we go all right Warden be released and come and get me if you dare I don’t even know if he’s coming through the darkness he is he still stuck feel like the Villager is holding him in that’s it stand steady villager I think if I sleep the Villager might look you relaxing away do you know what’s going on outside there well I’m going to sleep the Villager will probably move no oh oh maybe not that villager refuses to do it anything else okay I got too close he just absolutely sent me miles away I Lally got flung across the void I don’t get why he won’t move it’s so confusing but maybe I can use that to my advantage cuz I can grab a bow I can get arrows I can probably start to hurt him right yes and there’s nothing he can do about it ISP 737 might be able to defeat the Wen on one block Minecraft okay I’ve run out of arrows but his health must be kind of low apparently I don’t have any Flint left either okay that’s a bit awkward I don’t even think okay I’ve got a little bit of gravel got to get him out of there is that does that release him oh he’s going to shoot me okay we’re we’re good I just stepped back and he like disappeared everything’s okay everything is not okay okay we got him out I got him out oh okay please please yes who he L him into the void see you later wherever you are so that is how we deal with the warden we we have to trick him to fall into the void well until this phase is over I am keeping that trap there oh man another one has spawned feel like he’s going to get angry so we just do that well this time I was ready for you and that is how you deal with wardens in one block honestly defeating the warden now really is a piece of cake it’s just like clockwork and it is done we’ve reached the next phase the mushroom Fields phase which means I can get rid of this trap for the warden which is nice I genuinely did not expect them to actually spawn wardens in the map I thought there’s no way to’d be that evil and put some of that difficult in well I was well I stand corrected put it that way and I’m just thankful that I had a way to deal with them by by using trap doors now I did say I’d make this into a proper stable for the horses and to do that I’m going to use Birch fence and I’m going to push the boat out a little bit and use a different kind of wood I’m thinking I’m thinking Cherry logs why not I have no idea how this is going to look but I’m thinking this all the way along it it might look terrible but at this point I’m not even sure I care because it is 3:00 a.m. and anything will do in my opinion well I placed it all down I’m scared to look but you know what actually it’s not that bad I don’t mind it at all I’ve certainly seen worse I think I’m not sure but hey you don’t get the most amazing build you know what the house is better than that but there’s a there’s a difference between playing 18 hours in a row and playing like 5 hours in a row mining the block and defeating Warden is more the kind of thing that I’m good at also all three of my tools are pretty much about to break so I have the diamonds ready here to craft three new ones interesting that this is the mushroom Fields phase I know there’s 15 phase in total but it’s also a very stronghold kind of one isn’t it so I wonder if this is just before the end phase that could be very interesting couldn’t it I do want to go and check I don’t think oh what we’ve got in this chest okay we’re starting to get a B XP more bones which is always nice but yeah I don’t think I really got much more ancient debris than what I had ear do it no just one extra piece so you’d think there’s a way for me to get more netherite from that one block because so far it has been a little bit of a poor showing I can’t remember what I actually just said before that but that’s the words that I remember needing to say are you kidding me my pickaxe my axe just broke at the worst time Midway through battling a creeper that’s lovely but hey we got a little bit of gunpowder and I can quickly craft a new one cave spiders that’s the first time we’ve seen any of them which I guess makes sense you know we are in a new phase so what did you expect I’m past three quarters of the way through now that there’s oh watch out creeper as I was saying there’s literally less than 6 hours to go which is definitely good news now before that 6 hours is up we have to make a home for the villagers and for the dogs I’ve also slowly been getting more and more dirt back as you can see so there’s a chance we could expand the farm maybe to another layer it’s also all completely grown which is nice yeah the amount of wandering Traders around is kind of annoying but I i’ I don’t want just have in a pen I think having them in a little house would be great for them maybe like an offshoot here next to the Stables or something and there is still a lot left that this one block has to offer it’s kind of giving all sorts of different blocks in this phase which is the mushroom Fields one like well spiders as well I still really want more ancient debris that’s the thing I’m kind of looking for the most so I can get a netherite helmet I’m so impressed with the level of organization of all of the items that I’ve got it is quite good isn’t it and I’ve saved pretty much every single block that this one single one block has produced cuz you never know any we’ve got a new phase we’re in the end phase that is the last phase ladies and gentlemen after that the block will just give out random blocks indefinitely and I’ll be able to get all sorts of cool stuff but I’m about to get loads of end blocks I’m guessing that means it’s going to spawn a lot of Enderman as well I’m going to take a single endstone and then breed a couple more cows get an extra bit of leather and combine it with sticks to make an item frame giving me the end chest not the Ender Chest but just the end chest where we can have all sorts of end items in there I do also have this capat trapped in my house I I feel bad that it’s just trapped there and not tamed look it’s just running around kind of scared so I think I should try and catch more fish and then I can tame him and then he’ll be a lot more relaxed just like this little fell here yeah this guy is nice and chilled the other one is just running around non-stop in constant Panic AR you the poor little fell so yeah I’ll spend a little bit of time fishing in fact before I do that I might as well do a big crop Harvest as well cuz I’m sure having all of the these will come in handy further down the line all righty and now let’s begin operation do some fishing at this point I think I’ve caught enough fish it’s a little bit slow going but if six isn’t enough I’m not sure I want this cat and where are you that’s it don’t be shy free fish and there we go in two okay so we now have not one cat but two cats come on you you can go inside where it’s nice and safe perfect got all these extra fish for nothing now I do feel like it’s a bit of a waste having all of this moss in here since troopy told it’s actually really really easy to turn into dirt and if I successfully do that then I can massively expand that farm over there the strategy is pretty simple I just grab some Spruce saplings plant four of them down bow meal them so that they grow and voila we’ve got podel which when mined up gives me dirt I don’t technically have to mine that up I can just place down more moss and grow some saplings underneath the trees however saplings are kind of in short supply so I should probably make the most of this opportunity and mine up the leaves as well as the wood and then I can easily just rinse and repeat the whole process and now with all of this dirt I’m going to add a second layer of crops to this Farm I was hoping I’d have enough dirt for a third layer but only got a stack and six left so I’m going to till this one and plant plenty more crops down well operation expander Farm has been a huge success and that means that the final remaining quests are of course to get through the end phase that’s got to be done isn’t it and I also need to do something about these wandering Traders and villagers yeah they that they need a proper home and on a side note of how I’m doing I’m starting to find it tricky now there’s over 4 hours left and 4 hours whilst you know it’s only a quarter left of what I’ve got to do in total I am sort of finding it a little bit tricky I think I think this is going to be the hardest stint which would make sense it is the final 4 hours and yes whilst in theory I shouldn’t have too much trouble getting through it I’ve done this before I’m I’m not going to find this easy I’m going to be very very glad when this one comes to an end and if you’re wondering what I’m doing right here I’m building a little place where we can have a villager home I’m going to make it so that both the villagers and those invisible wandering Traders both have a home that can share I I think that makes the most sense maybe one half of the house could be like villager themed and then the other half could be wandering Trader themed maybe that’s that’s just an idea and I think to make sure I’ve got plenty of resources to build this I’m going to spend a bit of time mining up more wood I know I’ve got loads of dark oak wood and Spruce but Birch and Oak is something I have a little bit less off that was a pretty good top up of wood and now to build something nice and simple for the villagers are this point I don’t really know what I’m building I’m I’m getting pretty tired so my builds are like mediocre I think what is this the villagers can also have a roof made of deep slate brick stairs kind of like mine mine is definitely better but I was never going to give the villagers a better one than me was I I can use some of the white stained glass from earlier as well don’t think it’s quite going to be enough for the whole build but we might get close yeah I I just need two pieces more there we go up here kind of needs improving as well so I’m just going to fill in with slabs and add a few there too this really has seen better days hasn’t it what in Earth am I doing anyway next on the agenda I actually have to get the villagers into there and I reckon the best beds is to take these shears and get some wool craft a few beds and in theory the villagers should head in there goes the first one he knows where he’s heading and look at that the second one is following suit now to properly fence them in so that they’re going to stay here for good oh you both sleeping on that Saturday and when it comes to wandering Traders I think I could just push them there to oh chickens what are you doing why did you just jump in the are you crazy well you know what that chicken is just gone I don’t even care I think to get the wandering trades in I’m going to have to wait until daytime I’ll be honest manually pushing him might even be the way yes it’s slow and steady but it’s it’s not like he’s really offering any resistance so it might just work now these villagers aren’t too happy about being trapped in so we’re going to have to be quite smart about getting this fell through hopefully a slab a block and a push over the fence is enough hopefully this guy is just as Cooperative oh he’s more Cooperative look at him walking exact where he needs to go that is what I like to see especially when it is 6:00 a.m. and I’m still playing Minecraft perfect mission are you going to do it come on don’t don’t do it now mission accomplished there we go villagers and wandering Traders are all here I’m thinking at some point for my dogs I’ll build a kennel maybe to the side of my house here that would that could look quite nice couldn’t it and in the meantime I think I should begin mining the endstone blocks and seeing what we get out of this phase I’m hoping it mixes some ancient debris in there cuz obviously I do want full netherite armor and who knows what else we might get we just got some purple oh we might be able to get shulkers and shulker shells that’s a thought isn’t it yes the end may have some very very useful stuff the first end mob that the blocker spawned was an endite yeah that was a little wait it dropped me a bubble Coral I was about to say it’s a little lackluster but I’ll take that cuz that is the first live Coral that I’ve actually ever got I never built the aquarium there may be time there may be time to build an aquarium I have all those fish I mean I built a bit of a a Pondo over here where the axotal and fish could go but a proper aquarium would be cool I think in anticipation for that I should start smelting a load of sand because a decent aquarium is going to take quite a bit of glass Enderman nice we can get some ender pearls from you if you die yeah we got we got one feel like that’s the first Pearl I’ve got as well yeah it is the blocker summoned the shulka I’m I’m trying to battle it but apparently it’s a little bit annoying maybe I’ll be safer on the roof there we go defeated no Sher shell unfortunately but at least we got rid of it I broke the block loads more times it seems to be a never ending stream of skull at the moment which is is going through very very fast and it would seem that I can Harvest these crops up here so I’m going to get busy doing that and the grass is completely spread over there too so I think it might be build a dog kenel time and then these guys will have to spend their entire time outside yeah that’ll be better for them won’t it on a side note guys it has just gone 700 a.m. I’m pretty tired now I will keep going and I will keep powering through but it certainly will not be easy wonder how much more of this skull is left by the way it’s just going to destroy my hoe isn’t it bit by bit yep it’s just broken all right well I’ll make a new one in a bit The Dog House itself is going to be fairly simple the only issue is it it it really only kind of fits one dog so I don’t know what I’m going to do with the other ones like this is it and and I have no problem with it there’s not really much room for anything bigger than that and it can have a nice little grass pathway linking around but yeah I I don’t know where every single other dog is going to go I mean come on Benson I I forgot your name I I actually had to check the sign to remember what his name it’s been that long and I’m that tired but anyway Benson you can come and live here and I’ll even push the boat out for him and D sheet blue Shear it and give him a nice bit of blue carpet to sit on and I’ll even light it up with a lantern too and you know what to solve that little dog problem first of all what I can do is add some more dirt to expand this well that is assuming I’ve got more dirt not really but I can change all this to be Moss since trees can still be grown on it and I’m thinking in an Ideal World I’d build all the other dog houses around the back but yeah that would take quite a lot of dirt unless the one block is being kind to me I don’t think that is likely to happen but what I can confidently do is build another one exactly the same on this side perfect that is done the lantern could go here I’m not going to put another blue carpet in tell what I am going to do we just got an invisible guy chilling I’m going to put a lantern there and a couple either Edge as well orange carpet is the way to go for this one and the dog with the orange color there’s actually two of you but I I can’t remember which number you are what are you dog dog three that’s what the sign says what you thought I was going to give you a real name cuz I built your house no dog three is going to live in this gal and I do think it’s wise for me to put quite a bit of focus now into getting more dirt so I’m going to set a bunch of cobblestone off smelting which will eventually become stone stone that I can turn to Moss that I can turn to dirt once that’s successfully done I can extend this grass around the back of my house and then have some sort of shelter for the remaining five dogs yeah dogs deserve a home too don’t they I’m going to grab two diamonds and craft another hoe since it seems to be needed and we’re just going to see what is at the end of all of this deep dark is it just more blocks or is it the end of the end phase we shall see whatever it is it’s a great way to get loads of XP isn’t it I’ll be honest it’s still going how many of them is there there must be like a thousand at least I mean I’ve mined 700 times with this new hoe and I used up loads of the old ho as well so maybe there’s more than a thousand but why is it giving me all the XP what is it prepar in me for hopefully preparing me to go to bed anyway I can’t go to bed in real life but I can go to bed in Minecraft so it’s best to take those opportunities when I can and drink plenty of water as well I’ve literally just gone through an entire other Diamond hoe seriously do you think diamonds grow on trees no they they literally come from that fancy Block in the middle but there is some serious skull there if I’ve now gone through another diamondo mining it all away another news lots of this stone is smelted I’ll come back when all of it is done I guess whilst I wait I might as well just keep mining away at the skull well there goes another hoe don’t know how many of these I’ve got in mine but it seems never ending I’m just glad that it’s something I can instam mine it’s not something that takes forever much if it was obsidian it was this many I’d be here till next Christmas I’d need another 24 hours to get through it at least with this I can insta mine it so it’s probably going to be okay even if I do end up going through about 17 hose by the end of it at some point I also M up these bone blocks 31 of them these are going to be so so useful in getting more moss and therefore getting more dirt so this trick is pretty simple just just bow maal the Moss and as you can see it replaces it all well it replaces all the stone anyway I reckon composting anything I get from that will be useful cuz I have no other need for it then it’s operation grab the spruce saplings which I have a ridiculous amount of 64 bone meal the tree as you saw before and we have turned Stone into dirt very very easily and since I have such an abundance of spruce saplings at the moment rather than do it the efficient way and destroy the tree get all the saplings go again I’m going to do it the slightly quicker way where I just Place back down all of the stone turn it to Moss and then the saplings can go underneath the original tree to get the podzol it’s a little bit slow and steady but it is definitely the best method I’ve got to get all the dirt that I need for the back of my house so yeah rather than just mining the skull over and over again this is now going to be my focus collecting up plenty of dirt perfect mission accomplished and right here is where I’m going to build a nice little shelter for the rest of the dogs I’ll be honest it’s not as fancy and cozy as the ones that they’re getting for themselves it’s just much more a communial one but hey it’s better than being s out here isn’t it so in all of you go and I’ll even add a nice little roof on top for you I have no idea if they like it but hey it’s practical the grass is slowly spreading clearly Benson and dog three are my favorites but hey we don’t need to talk about that how what what has go oh okay some reason I let Moss spread into here that is a grave mistake because then every single one of my mushrooms decided they wanted to be in a different pen thankfully they can quickly be led back in now to get back to mining skull let’s see just how many times I’ve actually got to mine it well you had another one bites the dust I’m going to have to get my act together if I want to complete all the phases before the time runs out because now we’ve got around an hour and a half left I feel like I’m on the home straight I feel like there’s not long to go at all I can feel the success this is when the challenge starts to get a bit better because the light at the end of the tunnel is very very strong although it’s going to feel like forever if I just spend the entire time mining skull over and over seriously how many of them is there that’s another two hoes that I’ve just gone through seriously I’m just going to grab all of my diamonds and all of my sticks cuz I’m probably going to have to craft quite a few more you never know I might even get to level 100 from this I’m still mining the skull but we are at less than 1 hour now absolutely amazing and I’ve now broke so many of these skull blocks I’ve just made made it to level 100 that is kind of cool I hope I don’t run out of diamond hose before I get through this phase I have never seen so many of them but I’m sure that I now can’t be far off so I’ve just messaged the dev to see why it is non-stop skull turns out I completed the end phase ages ago and this should actually be loads and loads of random blocks but instead it’s setting them all to be skull so that was a waste of a load of diamonds but hey we gain loads of XP from it I suppose every cloud has a silver Lon so I’ll leave that block alone and and now I can do a bit of crop harvesting also because the Final Phase was the end that’s why we’ve got a very purpley Sky it’s kind of cool isn’t it also the block should be fixed in the next 5 minutes the dev is on the job live ladies and gentlemen I mean it’s not like I can take a cut and be like Oh I’ll just come back in half an hour no this is a 24-hour Challenge and I am going to bed when the 24 hours finishes it’s nice to be bug testing this live before you guys get to play it I suppose I’m no longer a penguin I am now a guinea pig a very tired guinea pig for that matter I cannot wait for bed and there are 30 minutes now 29 to go come on all I can say guys is do I look tired I watched my footage back a little bit just like 5 minutes ago I think I look very very tired but hey if I wasn’t tired then where would the challenge be I’ve made these into double chests just so I have enough space there’s also a quick reboot happening to fix the book well I’m still playing one block I guess he he is on one pink block what are you doing on there BG 54611 this is usually the point where I go for a walk and have a quick 5minute break but honestly with less than 30 minutes to go this is usually the point where I’d have a quick 5minute break and a but hey with only 23 minutes to go I do not need any more breakes I just need to keep playing so let’s see does this work okay it looks like it might it might have done I’m breaking it I’m not getting skull all the time we got a firework we’ve completed all the phases perfect so now look at this it now just does random blocks all the way through for me for time indefinite any random block that we have seen so we can get ancient debris from this for netherite we can get more diamonds we can get so much stuff I’ll tell you what I can also do I can get myself some more space if I just uh chug some stuff in here and as I’ve already said one of the biggest things I’d love to do is to try and get more netherite there’s a chance that I could get that from the random blocks now cuz anything can pop out including ancient debris but I will have to mine a lot of blocks for that chance to happen okay cuz it literally any block could show up so it’s literally I don’t know how many blocks are all together but one in a a few hundred chance at the very least and because I’m pretty much only getting one block of something at a time it is really filling up my inventory very very fast there goes my diamond pickaxe as well hey we got a fresh diamond back though we’re also getting a few new blocks that we didn’t get before so that’s cool there’s like some brand new ones to be had from this as well hopefully that includes a block of netherite wouldn’t that be cool less than 10 minutes to go I’m probably not going to spend the last 10 minutes just mining at that because I don’t know I I feel like I’ve mined a lot and I could get any block but these are little things that need doing here and there for example the crops need harvesting the animals need breeding and my te needs drinking and at this point there is just 3 minutes and 50 seconds left I I failed to get a netherite helmet that is one thing I’m a little bit disappointed about the mighty block has let me down this time we we’re getting everything but to get three more pieces of ancient debris is very very unlikely I’m I’m not even going to try it but I don’t think I’ve ever had a video where I’ve built so many different things I’m loving it home of the villagers and the wandering Tri what are you guys all meeting down here for homes for my dogs animal pens a massive house yeah it it is absolutely great if you want to come and visit my Island just jump on the server and then type in /warp SB and I will be continuing this series on the SP sp737 plus Channel and now just 2 minutes remain before I can go to bed I can’t wait honestly I cannot wait this has been a tough one this has been a long one but I’ve really enjoyed it I have really enjoyed playing one block it is very fun indeed less than a minute to go 59 seconds and that ladies and gentlemen is it we are done oh man thank goodness for that yeah jump on the server check out my t-shirt on sp77 store and I can now go to bed in Minecraft and also in real life

► Play One Block on my Server!
JAVA IP: play.penguin.gg
BEDROCK IP: bedrock.penguin.gg Port: 19132

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In this Minecraft video I play Minecraft One Block for 24 Hours Straight. This was a super difficult challenge, hopefully I can be successful!

Full Uncut 24 Hour Version: https://youtube.com/watch?v=J1bxo6WpOA4&feature=youtu.be

100 Days Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWJikipm2MTa_zCPAj5TKJ9ocpDNNpNqN


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