My sturgeon have better manners than 100% of the villagers.

by strawberryoblivion


  1. I often can’t help but wonder what they’re gonna do with the things they requested tho

  2. They respect you for giving them such a cozy home ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51481)

  3. They are super polite when they get whatever it is too, whether it’s a piece of coral or a precious dragons tooth (looking at you stingrays)

  4. pedanticPandaPoo on

    Dear sir or madam,

    One would be most grateful if you could kindly attend to the matter at hand of our exquisite party momentos. Your prompt assistance in this regard would be deeply appreciated.

    Bring 3 🍆

    With kindest regards,

    Lava eels

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