Busting Scary Minecraft Legends to Prove Them Fake

these are the scariest Minecraft Legends you should never test starting with a terrifying myth sent by Uranium on Discord who says this seed has a super rare spawn but is it just me or is there something else going on here something creepy he gives us the seed and the evidence as well all right uranium let’s see what’s going on in the DMS buddy munching on steak world’s best food wait is he wait witch hut in a dark oak forest wait this is okay this is already abnormal these are not supposed to spawn here and there’s not even a wit wait then goes back outside and sees a nether fortress wait so this thing magically spawned only once he entered the Hut and then came back out yo this guy’s on to something we love when the evidence starts off spicy at the beginning oh wow this guy’s like really like pondering yeah dude okay okay what’s going on uranium now is it just me or hold on wait a second wait a second that is a Gojo skin sorry not a part of the evidence but still relevant oh wait they still have chests inside of them too oh wow and normal items whoa wait dude his render distance just changed or is it just me no he can’t even see in front of him in the Fortress now okay so that chest basically triggered his render distance to be lowered and there’s still Blaze Spawners in the Overworld that’s so wild man wait wait wait wait did you guys see the spawner wait so look like look right here hold on it starts off it’s a blaze spawner right yeah definitely a blaze inside the spawner you can see the little yellow but then like when when he looks back around I don’t think he notices it cuz it’s in the corner of his screen that looks like okay either that’s a skeleton or that’s his Gojo skin but I think that’s his skin which is crazy cuz that means like the spawner like somehow captured his soul oh and he doesn’t even notice it he doesn’t notice it what are these tunnels that are just going up and down man oh no he’s panicking dude he’d be panicking so much harder if he saw that the spawner mob inside is now literally him or a skeleton wait does he not wait wait wait wait wait wait was the hallway was not this long no don’t tell me you ended there uranium come on guy ran out of hard drive space all right now D I’m pumped to test this one H this might be the most acable evidence we’ve ever gotten on the channel I’m on the the the Fortress seed that he sent us but it’s super normal right now obviously to though but he goes to a dark oh wait is this the dark oak forest already oh it is oh I thought we were going to have to locate it oh yeah also he was in survival mode I’m going to grab a few items then we’re going to go explore and see if we can find that witch hut okay so the witch hut now we’re okay we’ve got our items we’re in the dark oak forest this is the same one that he was in now there should be a witch hut somewhere wait oh baby wait we didn’t just find the witch hut we found the man wait the Mansion wait that wasn’t in the evidence wait why is there a mansion here but I will say this there is no witch in The Hut remember he goes inside the hut then he like goes out and then it’s supposed to spawn right here but we still just have this freaking Mansion I do something [Music] wrong no okay it’s still there is the cow sacrifice no you died for nothing all right let me at least investigate the Mansion to see if there’s anything weird going on even though this wasn’t in his video but I this is a weird Mansion it’s like on water oh okay okay okay little Mansion I see what you oh God oh my favorite people in the planet oh wow politicians okay stop it you know what creative mode yeah can’t do anything to me now okay what’s up with this Mansion all right this is a normal room second room Yep this is normal the uh this is normally in mansions yeah okay come on come on tell me there’s whoa whoa whoa uh-uh nah nah n you know the drill you rewind that in 025 and tell me what you saw here it was not Oak planks I think there was some kind of like fire or water like right over here wait can we confirm it by breaking the wall no way dude it’s empty I know I saw something I freaking know it dude okay that was really creepy are these normally trap chests and I think they’re normally regular oak wood but this is all dark oak and the chests are trapped and empty now we’re finally cooking dude now we’re cooking here wait a pumpkin farm and It’s Made of Stone oh no oh heck no man yeah something’s cursed with this Mansion I don’t know what it is but there’s something up with this Mansion man oh wait the prison cell okay this is normal this is where they trap the LA’s why is there wood in here okay that’s not supposed to be here yeah we’re not supposed to have wood inside of our prison cell let me tell you that could have been a weird generation I don’t know all right I need to keep investigating this bad boy we got to find the big jail cells that’s where I feel like we’re going to find the best clue to help us out here oh whoo whoo whoo wait they’re missing their walls what is this was this like some kind of map n this is weird dude also we have had no other vindicators than the two we saw at the beginning so we’re missing the vindicators we’re missing the prisons let me just let me confirm that by killing the I’m going to confirm this by killing any vindicators come on wait not even the two were found what okay what difficulty are we in what’s our okay our difficulty is easy okay now this doesn’t make any sense they would still spawn in Easy Mode man nothing’s making sense in here it’s like I’m so close but so far away at the same time oh I’m closer now I’m what dude wait isn’t this the room no this is the statue room we saw the freaking weird thing I saw like freaking Blaze particles like right over here next to this guy what what oh no heck no man the tunnel to the nether fortress the same one in the evidence oh you know we’re going to explore that yeah you know we’re investigating this all right now remember in the evidence like at the very end it goes on forever so I’m going to mark my path every now and again with like a couple of cobblestone blocks all right and one more perfect okay oh empty chest but it does have SP uh some Lo inside of it okay we got a chest here oh wow a that chest is bad dude okay nothing good about that oh oh wait wait wait if we open up this chest will it turn down our render [Music] distance no it won’t okay throughout this one no same render distance dude there’s so much hor armor qu oring around wait this is the blaze spawner the one that he didn’t notice that like took oh wait wow the blaze spawned for me right away okay so this is the thing that literally was changed but it didn’t change until he turned back around and he saw it in the corner of his screen so I’m going to like back up a little bit oh no wait it still the blazes yeah Okay it definitely still the blazes cuz they’re just spawning I’m going to kill those guys get out of here blazes come on man is it really not going to take me yeah still The Blaze inside the spawner all right the last thing we have to test is see if our tunnel where we entered goes on forever like in the evidence we’re going in three 2 1 make sure you watch until the end to see what happens we’ve un covered hundreds of misss on the channel but this rumor might be the most terrifying yet this is the myth of the living Diamond all right tip number one would not be the same if we didn’t try to at least craft it with a bunch of these crazy items to see if we can make it somehow oh we got a bunch of creepy items in here huh breaking news I just made four brand new shirts and they’re available only for limited time at firem merch.com all right creepy Diamond now if I were you what would your recipe look like maybe some spider eyes apples oh wait can’t forget about the classic Redstone maybe redstone block instead come on redstone blocks I feel like it got to be Redstone no maybe it’s torches okay nothing the crafting never usually works except it did one time huh one time it did it only worked with the blood Blaze that’s the only time crafting worked which is why I’m still trying it but I don’t think it’s the way to get the living Diamond work I do not think this is the way to get to spawn but I do have a banger idea that actually could work let me cook all right so obviously diamond or spawns in caves so maybe we need to find this one naturally to turn it into living no fabricated little diamond ores all right oh M shaft okay this thing is chalked with diamonds baby show me the diamonds show me oh wait a second wait a second maybe in a chest maybe ah dude the blue stuff huh we need the blue stuff but a different kind of blue stuff oh wait oh more blue stuff oh diamond sword okay oh W mending well that’s lucky Redstone gold emerald literally everything except for freaking diamond ore man like what is freaking happening hold up you better rewind that 025 and tell me what you just saw down here cuz I know I saw something oh yeah there were dude there were no that there was something down here don’t jump scare me oh no no no Noe this is also not normal to see by the way in a m shaft no wood one piece of cobweb I’m hot tailing it out of there okay let’s check the final chest is at the end of this m shaft I think it was in this hallway to our right NADA come on man what the diamond the one time I need to find a diamond and I can’t find a diamond stop it I am not looking for this blue how many lapices am I going to see man come oh thank you ask and you shall receive Praise Jesus okay now we got to mine it though oh okay so instead of mining this normally I want to see if we can place like Redstone around it to make it come alive come on Mr Redstone o wait actually a skull sensor is not a bad shout let’s get some Redstone little dusties oh come on man really is this not creepy enough how creepy do I need to make this in order to get the freaking living diamond spawn no freaking way man and it’s only a vein of one this would be perfect on the back side no all right unfortunately this didn’t work but I do have another idea of my sleeve I still really believe that we need to find the diamond naturally spawning so I’m at a village right now low chance but there is a chance of finding diamonds okay in a village you just got to be really lucky uh maybe this house hey yo yeah would you like to explain this yeah like why there’s just items on the ground oh don’t even be acting innocent cartographer these guys are the most sus villagers by the way we should check some of the other houses to see if there’s items on the ground uh you got me fenced in brother anything here this one have item on wait this one has items on the ground oh it doesn’t have items on the ground no items on the ground oh surely this one’s going to have it wa wait no items on the ground but we’re missing we’re missing blocks buddy no don’t be grinding like you’re innocent where are the chest though oh here we go oh wow tall grass my favorite okay um now that’s weird that is not normally in villages oh dude we’re we’re on to something here oh buddy what going on here hey why you standing on that chest are you trying to guard the diamond oh he was yo buddy boy I got your diamond okay but it doesn’t say it’s living throw it on the ground genuinely a regular Diamond okay maybe this Diamond’s just a dud maybe okay maybe there’s another diamond in another chest this could be dted we don’t know Dead on Arrival it happens to the best of us sir are you guarding a diamond no you’re guarding electr yuck oh oh yes yes wait why can’t I open the chest what the heck like spamming I’m spamming right click uh okay so I can right click the bed but I can’t right click the chest what is this like a weird glitch what the freak is happening dude that’s such a weird glitch like that’s so weird I’ve never seen that happen before a but s man I think this myth is busted nothing living about these diamonds wait wait wait this is where we started wait how did I end up back here wait a second wait a oh no no no no that diamond block was not there I remember specifically I will use this dead Bush I put that thing like right there how did you get freaking over here yeah I mean like the fact that this moved is weird but it’s not enough for us to say this is real and it doesn’t have legs like it didn’t live or anything like that so unfortunately we’re going to be busting this one but maybe one day we’ll find the living Diamond a terrifying seed with a creepy glitch structure the nether Village unfortunately there are no coordinates so we’re going to have to find this the oldfashioned way by going into The Nether and flying until we find it oh dude literally wish me luck man this could take ages for all we know okay upon first inspection we’re looking pretty good yeah okay this is looking oh wo wo now that is strange yeah little weird terrain glitches but nothing concrete so far remember we’re looking for a village that is inside of the nether oh wait no this is just a nether fortress but why is it built partially out of Oak planks now I have never seen that before man that is freaking bizarre oh wait how did wood get into The Nether Fortress like somebody or something had to have brought it here wait this reminds me we can check inside the chest are the chests normal yeah this is 100% normal what about the next one why am I getting scared to open these chests we’ve got wheat this is not naturally spawning in chests does that mean that we’re close to the nether Village or is this just by coincidence no dude a freaking hay bale we got to be on the right track I feel like something’s up here okay we got to keep going whoa whoa whoa hold up hold up bro I swear I caught something out of the corner of my eye right here was there not something that was like right freaking here can you please rewind this and tell me I’m not crazy let me know in the comments if you saw anything and what it looked like but I swear there was like an entity standing right where these Netherrack blocks were this could be a good sign now this is a good sign pop which is conveniently also found inside of villages do we got to be getting close and we’re getting an emerald you can’t tell me this isn’t close everything’s pointing towards a village being nearby but there’s literally nothing [Music] inside God the nether sounds are getting scary these days where the heck is this Village and there’s lecn okay dude I’m convinced I was skeptical about this when we came into it but now there’s too many Clues pointing towards this actually being real okay but we’re at the end of The Fortress we got to keep flying until we can find another one I feel so close to this now this wo look at these giant lava curtains is it coming from the top it literally looks like somebody just took a lava bucket and placed it on the top who would do this or rather what would do this okay where do we go from here oh we found another one is there anything inside the chests here oh this one is even dude this one doesn’t even have chests buddy have you seen anything I don’t know why I’m talking to a creature okay they appreciate I appreciate the Insight my guy I hate the be like this but like I think we give up like we had so much good evidence but we’re not finding anything now hold on hold on wait is that wheat how the heck did I miss this what are you doing here in the Fortress what dog it’s it’s unbreakable I was literally just ready to quit and now we’re getting these Insane Terrain glitches no freaking way no way wait is this also unbreakable it is oh dude wo okay what I feel like I’m opening up a can of worms man where are we going I’m either being led to the Village or to my impending death I really hope it’s the freaking Village no wait so it’s real it’s actually not a myth this is insane it’s like buried beneath the nether but there’s no villagers in here are they in the houses hello anybody home okay probably not a good time for a knock knock joke wa okay now this is sus wait were these like the villagers that were turn into wither skeletons that is a deadly house my friends this is freaking scaring me man dog could not be playing bell sound effects right now there is only two bells in this nether Village one right here and one right here what wait is this the void well I’m not going down there okay just a peek just a peek there’s nothing down here it’s literally just the void who would build ladders going into the freaking void dude I know something’s up here man I know something’s up we have a villager finally we freaking have a villager dog I thought this place was empty okay no no no no he was right here wait he’s back I’m losing it I’m freaking losing it man he’s there and then whenever I go in he’s not there where the freak are I can literally see you now he’s normal is is it the door this is freaking me out man this is freaking me out he’s useless he’s just shaking his head no what if this is more than just like a messed up seed and it’s like a corrupted dimension in the nether I’m telling you man I I think we open up a can of wors we should not have opened up now like as weird as this is I don’t think we can fully confirm this because we didn’t find corrupt villagers corrupt Iron Golems we just found this random Village but there was no entities inside of it which means we got AB busted recently M from our Discord posted a terrifying new entity you’ve probably never heard of I found this entity roaming the server and punishing players error 44 will find you server mc. anarchy4 for.com and there’s even an Evidence video attached that I want to watch all right notice oh this player is stacked dude what are they wait are they kill are they about to kill this person bro this person’s in leather and chain mail what what is the evidence here the fact that you have Nether and Diamond gear and you just killed this poor guy who’s got literally leather on wait wait where did the turtle come from what was that sound and why is there a turtle the player’s items are gone and there’s just a turtle like I know his name is Turtle Master but something ain’t adding up here what hold up hold up what is this is this an entity you can barely see it but it’s on the left side of the screen oh dude they didn’t fall out of the world they were killed which kind of and wait do you hear that I think I hear footsteps wait play the clip again I heard one foot step after they died and here we are ladies and gentlemen welcome to MC Anarchy 4 4.com you know it looks um I mean what do you expect Anarchy servers are just crazy unfortunately just like in the evidence the rumor is that you need to kill another player to get entity 44 to spawn so I got to find some poor fortunate soul and kill them on the server if we want to have any chance of the entity spawning which also reminds me we probably don’t even need getting blocks we can just take them from another player now the question is where is another player’s house oh wait we oh oh oh hold up is that a house oh oh there’s a play what is that guy wearing it looks ridiculous okay well I’m definely I’m just going to sit here and wait like we need them to leave because I’m I’m naked yeah go ahead and leave buddy yeah there we go there we go all right I don’t think that they noticed us which is perfect hey okay wait are they gun yeah no name tag coast is clear perfect okay what did this person have a lot of cocoa beans for some reason uh okay we got a little bit of building blocks at least they got chain mail but it it’s not much but it’s better than nothing now all we got to do is find a player so we can trap them and kill them to see if we can get the entity to spawn no not you you’re safe for now or are you that was mean but to be fair we don’t have any food so we did need this oh wait speak of the devil oh we got a player in the distance this is a beautiful house by the way like that house is sick oh what what in the dog what are these banners these are freaking Sinister looking who is designing This and like are they part of like some kind of faction oh and the plot thickens ladies and gentlemen you know it does all right this player is still just vibing over that person has a netherite axe and are in full netherite gear I cannot One V one this person all right we get a little closer okay making sure that they stay in the house dude again what is up with these banners like these are kind of scary and this one’s just freaking Derpy it’s like it’s shra out a baby with a villager what is the server man dude why is the first person that I see got to have full netherite I’m going to have to have the best trap ever to kill this person by the way away oh you got to be kidding me what is this freaking timing dude that is too close for comfort okay gut is far away I mean they’re going towards those weird banners they could have made them all right coast is clear what is this there’s a back door but then there’s no front door it’s just completely open oh wait is that a dog I know I heard a dog hey yo Pho y’all I hate to say this but you know I got to do it you know what we have to do this dog could squeak and spoil to his owner ladies and gentlemen I’m not actually going to kill the freaking dog in fact I would give this guy a bone if I had one my boy was looted oh wait enchanted bow this might be the same bow in the evidence and there’s freaking diamonds and a pickaxe okay dude now we’re cooking D I will say this you are the worst guard dog ever you’re literally letting me just steal from your master all right now that the owner is gone this is when we can actually make a trap and hopefully get them to come inside ladies and gentlemen now if you played factions you know what this is we used to call them derps back in the day they fall down here and they can’t hit you and then you go back to the top one of these days and boom if I pull the lever boom blocks fall out they fall straight inside and they can’t attack us back now we just got to wait now we must be patient where is our netherite mans oh there he is oh yeah here we go here we go z44 Z what a sweaty name man feel like this is the kind of person I run into in fortnite ranked lobbies close getting close getting position position is he going upstairs bro I’m hearing chest open but they’re not downstairs oh shoot bro he going to realize that somebody just raided him maybe I shouldn’t have taken the Diamonds oh there they are oh the positioning is got to be perfect 3 2 1 get it you have to watch until the end of the video to see what happens next is a creepy seed we found posted on Reddit corrupted ender pearl sightings hey look at the seed please ender pearls on this world are really messed up welcome to the myth of the corrupted ender pearl hey wao wao buddy I just loaded in oh my gosh can you dude please you need to calm down okay for those who didn’t know you can survive by hiding under a tree like this anyways while this guy is trying to kill me and I’m on a heart and a half let me tell you about why the rumor of this is so creepy because regular in pearls when you throw them they teleport you but the corrupted ender pearl is supposed to tell you where you’re going to die in the future can you let me find the Pearl I’m going to start by seeing if this guy drops it cuz he’s freaking triggering me oh now oh yeah now he’s triggered oh hey a little oh I got so excited for a second I look at that I even see the Pearl but unfortunately this is I think this is a regular PE that is a regular Pearl let’s go look elsewhere now I have developed this contraption to see if we could get the corrupted Pearl to be for spawned by literally spawning Enderman into their death on dripstone I think that is enough well we killed so many Endermen we have a one of the pearls somehow got out of the gate can I freaking let me open this uh and literally just a bunch of regular ender pearls and I’ll test them yep can throw it can throw it come on how are we going to get this croped ender pearl to spawn I have an idea maybe we go inside of a cave and try to find a natural spawning Enderman oh baby I’m enderman hunting oh wait a second wa look at this amethyst out in the cave this is a little abnormal to be honest amethyst so useless but it makes a nice sound when you break it that is the best part about amethyst well I think you can use it for armor pering too no stay focused the corrup Pearl Preston we’re looking for the AHA the corrupt what where did Blood teleport to I looked down for literally 2 seconds and this guy vanished out of thin air where’s this guy Houdini he’s actually just disappeared actually I’ve lost him entirely is this the same one n this has got to be a different one look at this guy he’s like walking like a dweeb come here you little dweeb oh yeah oh yeah wait do you smell that what is Preston cooking oh my double what the freak is happening man this guy dropped two pearls I don’t even have looting on my netherite Axe and then also was it like a creeper cuz like I think I would have heard one or am I just that unlucky finally I just want to kill this Enderman it’s hard to do it in F5 mode I’m making sure that no creeper spawns freaking behind me like last time two pearls again this is freaking weird dog but they’re not corrupted am I going to have to bust this myth like I feel like I got to freaking bust this I know we just started but they’re just not I stand Inc corrected is this the corrupt Pearl it just says ender pearl and I didn’t do anything like I literally threw this on the ground then this happened wao look at it in your hand it’s like alive oh dude okay wait I want to throw this thing but I want to go do it on the surface not down here in the cave oh this is a moment ladies and gentlemen are you freaking ready for this this is supposed to lead us to where our freaking future death is 3 2 1 nothing’s happening I am spamming my right click button and nothing’s happening now I feel like I actually have to bust this myth because we might have found it but it doesn’t work remember it was supposed to lead us to okay every time I’m about to bust this myth something weird happens what will you throw now what I didn’t do that bro it left my inventory homie if the rumors are true this is supposedly going to lead us to our future death where’s it going all right legitimately uh like this video because we’re going to let this Pearl cook for a while for spring we have released the largest fire merch collection ever with over seven new designs only available at fire merch.com Link in the description this is where it landed a cave what the heck there’s a trip wire okay at least it doesn’t do anything this is this is not vanilla this kind of reminds me of like a jungle temple but it’s not in the jungle it’s in the cave yeah oh D okay now now Something’s Happened yeah what the freak is this huh look at The Scrambled name this is weird this is Mega weird homie but I’m still alive I like thought for sure that this trapo was going to do something to me you freaking God I could have survived that I had blocks I could have covered my head ladies and gentlemen this myth is actually true truly freaking terrifying but you know what might not be true this seed which is rumored to have a deserted desert temple which I know that’s kind of a tongue twister but yeah a deserted desert temple okay yeah dude this is this does not look deserted to me this is oh wao Pillager Outpost but why I say the deserted desert temple like aren’t desert temples technically already deserted so they’re called like I know they’re not called a deserted Temple but still where are the pillagers we have no pillagers my friends um are we in peaceful mode like what is going on we didn’t make the seat on Peaceful but there’s literally like we got a freaking goat horn okay good it does dude okay like no pillagers wa wait are those La why are the LA still here boys don’t worry I’m going to set you free be free okay I mean or not you know it’s a choice I suppose but why are there still LS here how did the LA get here if there’s no pillagers pillagers are literally the ones that trap the LA and like even iron golems and other things like that oh wait desert temple hello well well well this is what the rumor is all about the deserted desert temple what ew wait somebody’s already been here what okay somebody or something or even a mob by chance set this off already like this is a lot of damage though I mean usually you guys know like there’s chests there’s a pressure plate with TNT but whoever did this obviously set the TNT off because it’s destroyed well that’s a freaking bust [Music] I heard a chest open I know the sound of a chest opening ladies and gentlemen and that was the sound of a chest but there is nothing down here what the heck dude this is wait wait the back side of this pyramid had different blocks on it too I swear you can rewind the video and tell me I’m not crazy or tell me I’m crazy and there was nothing here okay something’s definitely up with this Temple what is going on with you buddy you’ve got some kind of dark secret in here okay I’m going to head back to the village and see if there’s anything strange going on I don’t know if they’re connected but there might a clue oh speak of the devil wait we’re missing all the villagers oh shoot wait the villagers are gone wait not even just the villagers are gone we’re missing literally the roof of this house dude somebody came in and like robbed them they like stole the villagers look at this either they stole them or they killed them there’s just items in the house on the ground probably look at this they left the doors but then took everything else around them but then they they left some of the valuables like emeralds why wouldn’t they take these now I’m getting confused bro they ransack the well too I mean what do we say I mean like I guess the Smith true but it’s just not that freaking scary now you spawn huh now you spawn bro we went to The Outpost and you were not here right like it was freaking empty can you put your bow down I’m in creative mode and now what happened to the myth of entity 44 do we get him oh we freaking got him hold up hold up dog I feel bad doing this but we got to do it we got to freaking do it hold let me get my sword back oh homie just freaking trapped just Absolut okay did I hello okay I know I’m not missing like I know I’m not missing okay I’m going to go down with my sword I guess this is literally just like in the video too except for the fact that my person is not dying which is bad because I need to kill somebody to summon the entity don’t tell me this isn’t going to work don’t freaking tell what is this person unkillable huh I can’t even freaking damage them like this is actually wait this is nd44 is this why we couldn’t damage them this is freaking crazy wait but it said in the rumors that you have to oh uh okay uh well maybe I’ll go this way okay no I’m not but it said in the rumors that you had to kill another player and we didn’t even kill another player bro this is freaking crazy you got to be kidding me a terrifying place you’ve probably never heard of but somehow it’s even creepier this is the farlands in the nether oh wow literally a polar opposite spawn what are we going on ice biome these are the exact rumor coordinates of where the nether farlands are but do they actually exist well maybe if I could build a correct portal we would find out okay deep breath oh dog okay we have a oh genuinely this is pretty normal looking yeah nothing out of the ordinary so far from the portal spawn area all right okay now we got bones yep the terrifying nether sounds this is why nobody likes to come here wo oh wait okay now this is a little bit unusual if I’m going to be honest what are these terrain glitches man like this looks like an upside down mushroom tree I don’t know if it’s me or I’m just hungry but it does look like a chicken like I’m probably just hungry oh but look at these like balls covered in like covered in lava like literally we got like lava meatballs floating in the sky too I must be hungry I can’t think of anything else theyd look like right now but this isn’t what the Firelands look like this is what they are supposed to look like and that’s what we’re searching for okay so wait we’re at the coordinates this is not the Firelands this is just a we’re just at a Bastion okay maybe there’s something inside the Bastion that we need to investigate oh we got a chest wait a second okay we have red candles so these are only supposed to be found in trail room ruins not inside of Bastion maybe we are closer than we think fortune 3 diamond shovel that’s been partially used what are these piglins holding in here oh we got another one okay this is the most normal this has golden stuff this is what I would expect to see from all the other Bastion chests not what we just found oh hello there yes piglins yes I’m investigating your item oh these are not regular piglins these are brutes too okay these guys are dangerous oh double chest down below What freaking there’s netherite scraps in here spectral arrows and D what about this one curse of Vanishing again wait and this one actually has two diamonds with gold blocks inside of it dog and an entire netherite Ingot this is crazy why are these coordinates the rumor because none of this is the farlands this is just a regular Bastion where did the bruts go dog we had so many piglins above us now they’re all freaking gone wait did I hear one what okay what are you doing n now this is freaking crazy I’m feel like I’m being led to my death right now by this piglet you know what I’m saying like where the did you see what I just saw wait a second somebody rewind and tell me what they saw in the comments I caught something out of the corner of my eye just before I turned this corner and it was not a piglin brute also why am I hearing so many freaking piglins now what okay I found the brutes what are you guys doing in this hallway what is this freaking room doc pigin Broods don’t normally do this in case you were curious like they’re congregating in here first of all this room is not vanilla you do not find this EMB Bastion second of all why are they all in here congregating cuz I know it’s not the worst of Jesus this is the nether but this is dude this is not the nether farlands we came here to find the nether farlands and why is my render distance so slow dude can we crank this up please thank you that is so much better I could literally see anything now where are the farlands am I just have to fly just going have to fly for millions of blocks that’s how you reach the farlands in the Overworld all right I’m literally going to use my phone to place on my w key since we have to fly for millions of blocks and I will be right back you have to watch until the end to see what happens up next is a seed who was sent by hails on Discord am I going crazy there is definitely something wrong with the spawner here seed 03 blood spawn and they linked a video with evidence what have you got for us today oh torching up the spawner okay this person’s got some moves ooh wait a second wait were those lava particles hold on rewind oh okay I think that orange is lava particles Bleeding Through the Cobblestone music disc oh wow this is a terrible chest block of redstone ah there there was lava back there I knew [Music] it now wa wait what the wait the spawner wait did it just break wait what wait so she just turns around oh wait I can hear it wait listen listen listen listen yeah you can hear the spawner break as she’s mining the [Music] blocks and then what happens okay yeah torch is going to get gobbled up by the lava but it just looks say oh oh wait it’s got like a pink name [Music] wait did you see that wait they throw it on the ground look at it you can’t ever get spawners in regular Minecraft even with silk touch look at this throws the spawner on the ground normal as they walk away it turns red it turns into the blood spawner did they not realize this wait where are these okay where are the zombies coming from there’s okay Haley you got to all right I’m going to have a conversation with Haley later about not getting second Cobbs and dying to zombies that’s insane how did she not notice the blood spawner totally just misses the blood Spawner in the corner it’s like they almost like are the zombies like attracted are they angered by this Blood spawner being summoned I mean cuz this Zombie’s got a freaking sword like this is abnormal man we got to investigate this wa the world’s on fire how is it burning hey oh wait okay this makes sense never mind there is a lava pit nearby but still like that’s crazy bro this is this is a cursed spawn this is not good the hope it’s burning down Smoky the Bear where you at I have to stay in survival for this myth because they were in it in the evidence they were in survival so I got to stay in survival which is really unfortunate right now so I need to gather some materials that hopefully don’t burn okay we’re suited up ladies and gentlemen we got a m shaft I’m looking for and by the way beautiful staircase where are the spawners come on I’m looking for that Mossy cow diamonds well don’t mind if I do my friend you can say no to Diamonds oh you monster what are you doing back there wait was that poisonous why didn’t I get poison okay rewind let me know in the comments was that a regular Spider or a cave spider cuz I did not get mossy cobblestone dude this is just one roller coaster of emotions speaking of roller coaster of emotions it’s one freaking Mossy block tell me when you have ever seen that in a m shaft I’ll tell you never is there no like Spawner in the distance yeah literally Okay cool so it literally is just nothing below Me Maybe above no literally freaking okay great that was awesome okay Preston stay positive all right you talked about this D like coach what the heck am I doing here dude oh oh tell me it’s in here tell me it’s freaking in here absolutely nothing literally the worst chest we could possibly find I am literally going to have like have a a petition to moang about buffing the chests inside of M shafts they’re so bad okay now there’s just like an obsurd amount of red stone and what is this there’s never you you don’t find Redstone torches in M shafts I’m just going to say that right now unless this is like is the Redstone related to the blood spawner somehow and the chest notice this this is weird the chest is facing backwards all right this is just just freaking sus dude and they’re nothing but Redstone with a little bit of wheat huh at this point in time Lally nothing nothing catches me off guard you don’t deserve to be alive anymore there has to be a spawner here somewhere for my name is not Jeffrey and it’s not Hello really we we hitting a dead end we’re hitting a dead end already hitting a dead end oh Bingo oh dude I was like freaking I about I was devastated I was literally so freaking devastated I was like we never going to find a spawner weit a dead end and then we get to a freaking beautiful spawner right on the other side of this wall and then we just get to this beautiful spawn I hate this game sorry correction I hate this seat you rewind that right now and you tell me there wasn’t a spawner literally right freaking here or here it one of these two blocks and it just freaking gone like my dad when he went for milk sorry we’re getting too personal here spawners don’t have legs this is not the myth of the living spawner this is the myth of the blood spawner not the vanishing spawner the dog can you not I’m I’m having a moment here huh I’m okay y’all are just rude yeah how do you like that you want me to farm you good cuz I will I would take so much pleasure in this you have no idea how angry I am right now zombies yeah yeah that’s right you got a higher weaky feed rating than me I don’t think so I can do this all day baby I know you’re on the other side of this block fine I’ll come to you then oh no you’ll come to me well do something with your lives that’s right I got you and I got you you too yeah How You Like Me Now baby and I’ll take these diamonds like money might not be there’s another one dog you don’t take that diamond and that’s freaking mine but is this a freaking what is this more of the M shaft on the other side of the stone wall wait this is like the opposite of blood lapis would be like what would that be like that like alien blood I’m having Deja Vu right now does this not look like the other dead end that we literally were just at but there’s no spawner oh no now I’m confused and angry you know Haley it would have been really nice if you just left the coordinates that would have been really nice I hate oh I see zombie oh oh oh tell me that zombie was spawned by a spawner come on dude come on tell me you have a spawner on that side where are you yes now you don’t vanish on me I want you right here right where I want you oh dog wait wait wait wait wait wait back to the evidence video hold up tell me this is not the same exact freaking cave yo this is the same like there’s two mossy cobblestone right here yep literally the same items like when I minimize can you even tell like I’m in the I’m in the video right now like you can barely tell the difference like this is this is perfect okay now I’m in the game so there should be Lava behind this one and then they break this come up here like this and then when I turn around the mob spawner should be broke nope it’s not broken did I do something wrong what did I do okay they also had a sound play in theirs oh oh Haley grabbed the block of redstone oh we really going to think that’s going to do a difference we really going to think that’s going to do anything different I mean I’ll sure for the culture huh for the culture for spring we’ve released the largest fire merch collection ever with over seven new designs only available at fire merch.com Link in the description mean I know Redstone looked like blood but is this really going to make that big of a difference this block of redone Stone let me block it all back up let’s make it exactly how it was I’m grab the block of redstone and do the same exact thing expect different results doing the same thing every time and Bam I’m so disappointed with my life choices Haley did you clickbait me I freaking I trusted you Haley and then you lie to me about the blood spawner like I’m I’m just going to say this Smith is busted I think the blood spawner is fake the chance of you spawning is so low now this is not normal anymore now this is abnormal now why are they red wa wait wait wait w wo wo oh hold on hold on hold on the zombies are freaking bloody Haley I’m so sorry I doubted you I I was wrong I was wrong you were right these freaking zombies are bloody dude wait is a spawner righted the spawner is freaking red wait can we scoop it up now oh I’m Coming For You spawner oh I’m what what what you can break the blocks blood zombies can break blocks since wait dog this is freaking confirmed heyy I’m sorry I doubted you Minecraft has a lot of creepy myths but we’ve been missing a terrifying one that’s been under our nose this entire time the dark secret of Soul campfires everybody’s so focused on Soul Sand which obviously is terrifying but then they Overlook the soul campfire you can’t find it naturally in the Overworld but look at this it almost does the exact same things as just a regular campfire but it’s blue instead because the cool thing about Soul Sand like again Soul Sand has some unique properties like we all know when you break it it’s sounds like almost souls are being released but the soul campfire is pretty much identical to a regular campfire I mean it’s literally like the same like the same thing I thought maybe like the soul campfire would have like these like Souls cuz like look at the Soul Sand okay on the Soul Sand you can see these tiny faces but the Smoke on the soul campfire is just normal it matches identically to a regular campfire or so they want you to think so why did Mojang create the soul campfire and what does it really do so like piglin next to a regular campfire normal he’s not terrified of it but but if we put the soul campfire down with a piglin next to it look at him look he’s literally like he’s shivering like he’s terrified but the moment we break this he’s fine but that can’t be the only reason that they added this block was it just so that way piglins could be afraid that’s okay okay um was that coming from this direction oh wait it might have been coming from this cave over here but what was making that noise oh freaking weird okay back to Buon anyways as I was saying before I was interrupted I really think Mojang created this block for a more Sinister reason again dude okay now fool me once shame on you but fool me twice you owe me a shoe or something like that like what what is happening in this cave again as I was saying again um did you hold on did it move no dude wait this thing definitely moved a couple of blocks now this myth is getting interesting it’s like it knows I’m freaking talking about it or something now I know I have no proof of this but what if there’s a way to see what the piglin are seeing when they’re looking at the campfire that makes them so terrified of it wait a minute dude wait we can spectate oh so now we’re inside the piglin no no no don’t walk away from the fire I need you to look at the campfire yes okay is there anything different okay other than the [Music] squealing it’s normal wao whoo whoo whoo What did you just see that are they seeing the future or something I saw a blue flame on this jungle tree the soul campfire is literally over there there’s no way that it spread to this tree how did it freaking get here dude this is this is very strange let me know what you think about this in the comments I feel like this one has to be true even though I don’t have evidence but I’m going to keep investigating next we have a seed on Reddit that was sent in and it says I know the ice biome isn’t a really scary place but trust me this place was generated really weird especially the large Tower is this true we’ve got to see for ourselves ooh okay pretty normal so far but if we do locate biome ice spikes the nearest ice spikes okay so it’s only 400 blocks away I am in what am I in blocks I’m in freaking blocks what the heck oh we’re in the ice bike biome oh okay this is uh I mean this this is what an ice bike biome looks like especially the large Tower is he talking about this one like this one’s large to okay there’s a couple of large ones but this one’s really like skinny this looks like a cell phone tower what is this thing hello uh other than the bears that look like a snowflake this is very normal oh wait what if there’s something in the tower okay this was this was very wishful thinking okay no there is literally nothing inside the tower is this going to be the fastest myth we’ve ever busted because there’s just hello was he under wait how would he wait how did a creeper just go off cuz I’m in creative mode unless it was the polar bears like the creeper could have active wait are they hostile to polar bears hold on no they’re wait they’re not so he just exploded on his own free will nah very interesting literally as I was about to bust this too okay wait other than that though this is totally normal am I at the wrong I could be wait I could be at the wrong Ice Bike biome let’s see if there’s another one nearby wo wao wo okay right there is another one oh dude this one’s like a wao giant frozen lake this is crazy wait what wait is that a freaking are those redstone blocks what is this a drowned temple with ice inside of it okay so they’re supposed to have Granite on top not Redstone but what’s inside the chest let’s go to the loot section coal wheat nothing about ice blocks like I’m lit going to contrl f yeah nothing about ice blocks oh that’s strange do they have gold nuggets oh dude we might have found the right biome for this myth that is freaking crazy but I don’t see this glitch like nothing’s glitched literally every single Tower looks normal okay these are like kind of sussy cuz there’s four of them back to back and lava uh yeah okay there’s nothing inside the towers though so I think this one’s a bust but I want to go back to the first biome just in case yeah I think this is like wishful thinking so I’m going to say not a freaking again again what is with this okay I’m going down I’m investigating huh what’s down here again wishful thinking I keep thinking like something’s going to happen and then nothing freaking h no I’m freaking okay I’m going all the way what what is this what is this place wait is this under the world talk are these Phantoms with blocks just FL floating in the sky homie I’m sorry for doubting you these are the glitched ice bikes he was talking about this one’s literally upside down dude this is crazy wait is there still like what’s underneath this though could there be another ice Spike biome but no okay so this is like the void wao this is interesting this is freaking nuts dude this is the same ocean ruin that we found in the other biome okay it’s it’s got the Redstone and it’s got the ice blocks dude I’m sorry for doubting you I I like I literally was just so close to busting this nothing was happening this Smith is confirmed it’s not the craziest but I got to admit this is freaking sick we got to go on however to the next myth and finally did we find the nether farlands okay we are nearly a million blocks 100 away to go to get to the supposed farlands and it’s a freaking wall are you kidding me man we flew a million blocks to get to a giant Netherrack wall dog I mean look I didn’t have a lot of Hope in this but I didn’t think it had freaking Netherrack everywhere you know what I just changed so fast no freaking way the far lands is right behind this wall why was this wall in here in the first place I was this close to busting this mith and we busted into the farlands wait this is crazy why are there carved pumpkins oh they’re not even carved they’re just regular pumpkins you never find these in the nether this is near identical to the far lands I’ve been to in the Overworld but look at the blocks like you have trees made of the salt and warped stem we even have what soul soil Soul Sand oh this is be Beyond corrupt man this is nuts I’m getting the freaking chills this smth is true like there’s nothing I need hello fire you were interrupting my confirming of the myth did it extinguish because it’s on the Crimson nym wait but then how did it get on fire in the first place is that is that water how do we have water in the nether it sounded like it was coming through here oh no freaking way what how is there water in the nether this is like a discovery I feel like one of those scientists that just discovered you know how to solve world hunger is it go wait it’s like literally going somewhere what the what is this where am I is that a freaking house why is there a house in the nether I mean first of all why is there water in the nether but then secondly why is there this really well constructed house in the Nether and the doors open wait is it cooking bro these furnaces are on why are these there’s nothing in the furnaces but they’re cooking dog somebody’s cooking in here and who let them cook who’s the house could this be so last time we were in the farlands in the Overworld farlands there was a terrifying entity that was literally haunting me that could mean that there’s another one in the nether but would it be the same a one or it would be a different one oh please I just oh my did you just see what I just saw no you know what they say hear no evil see no evil speak no evil I’m freaking ready oh I can use this bed I will literally use this bed as a freaking defense I will who how did he get in the house and finally what happened to the Overworld Fortress 3 2 1 totally normal not infinite didn’t have my render distance changed spawner was normal so it’s just going to bring me back to the mansion oh man only time is going to tell huh oh yeah we got the Mansion down here okay nothing Wait nothing changed in here yeah the Mansion still looks totally normal yeah I know I think uh I hate to say it but I think we’re busting this one cuz it’s fake there’s nothing to okay well well I’m going to eat my ORS here okay this is only busted if this leads to the same Fortress this is weird but if it doesn’t lead to the if it leads to the same one it’s wait wait when did my render dis change wait it’s finally like uranium’s in the evidence wait is this tunnel wait is the tunnel infinite no oh thank God okay not infinite but the render distance is low like these are the blocks I put down but I not in this Hall oh dude what’s happening left or right man I’m I’m going left hang a left for Larry wait this is the same chest wait this is the one that he opened when the render distance changed wait but why is my render distance but mine was then how did mine lower before wait so if this is the same chest that means that Blaze spawner will be here too yes dude yes dude this is the exact same layout as The Fortress in his evidence and the blazes are not spawning just like in his evidence okay he came over here goes back around wait that’s my skin wait that’s my what the heck what what is this oh no oh heck no man no no no no no no no no what what was that that was so much worse than what I expected dog if you don’t want this to happen to you click this next video cuz that was wicked

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  1. uwuwuwuwwuwuwuwu😂😂😂😂😂😂🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😢😢😢😢😢😢😮😮😮😮😮😅😅😅😅😅😊😊😊😊😊😊❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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